Haverford Student Organizations Collection


This collection contains materials from Haverford College student organizations, groups, and committees.

Browsing as Anonymous (not verified)
130 items [showing 61 - 80]


Individual Volunteering Opportunities Infographic Part 2
Bethesda Project Infographic
Organizations to Support Infographic
COVID-19 and Homelessness Infographic
"How COVID has disproportionately affected the homeless population" Infographic
Individual Volunteering Opportunities Infographic
History of Counterpoint
"Congratulations! You've been accepted to the 2016 International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella!" email
Counterpoint Hell Schedule
Counterpoint strike response/racial justice commitments
Constitution of Counterpoint at Bryn Mawr College (Created September 2007 As Amended September 2013)
Former Congressman Bob Dold Speaks on Zoom
Habitats: The Classroom Script
Flayed Script
Zodiac Serial Monogamist Script
Birds that Chirp Fuck Script
Alabaster Heights Script
The Lighted Fools: Adult Daycare flyer
Gus Pearson Simmons Script
Oracle Gets Sponsored Script
