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Constitution of Counterpoint
At Bryn Mawr College
Created September 2007
As Amended September 2013
Article I
The name of this organization shall be Counterpoint.
Article II
The purpose of this organization shall be to perform arranged a cappella music in a variety of
genres, with roots being in jazz, soul, R&B, gospel, and rock.
Article III
Section 1: Eligibility: All members of Counterpoint must be students enrolled in either
Bryn Mawr or Haverford colleges. New members must be accepted into the group via an
audition process at the beginning of each semester.
Section 2: Active Membership: All members of Counterpoint are considered active members
with voting rights in regards to solo choices, accepting future members, election of new officers,
and constitutional changes. Continued membership is conditional on attendance.
Article IV
Section 1: Number and Method of Elections: Counterpoint shall elect from the active
membership two Co-Pitches (preferably one from Bryn Mawr, one from Haverford), Assistant
Pitch, two Public Relations Coordinators (one from Bryn Mawr, one from Haverford), and
Mediator at the end of each school year. Votes will be put on paper ballots (by circling the
candidate of the voter’s choice) and counted by one or both of the current Co-Pitches. All
members of Counterpoint will have a vote in the elections, aside from those leaving the group
(e.g. graduating seniors or transfer students).
Section 2: Duties of Officers: (List all duties and obligations of each officer)
Pitch: The Pitch is responsible for ensuring the group’s smooth administration. These
duties include, but are not limited to:
1. Presiding over all meetings of Counterpoint.
2. Delegating duties to other members as wanted or required, on a case by case basis.
3. Organizing meeting and concert schedules.
4. Ensuring that all members arrive and attend meetings and concerts
5. Scheduling semester auditions.
6. Planning concerts in coordination with the Assistant Pitch.
7. Planning for any additional member or guest group needs (within reason).
8. Responsible for ensuring the group’s musical direction. These duties include, but are
not limited to:
a) Overseeing arranging, teaching, and performance of musical pieces
b) Providing musical direction for recording efforts
9. Acting as liaison between Counterpoint and guest groups.
10. Reserve spaces for all concerts.
11. Ensuring that all spaces used are sufficient to the needs of the event or meeting.
12. Planning transportation.
13. Acting liaison to the recording studio.
14. Responsible for all financial matters of the organization.
Assistant Pitch: The Assistant Pitch follows the lead of the Co-Pitches. She is
responsible for assisting the Co-Pitches in her duties to ensure the group’s future direction. These
duties include, but are not limited to:
1. Presiding over all regular meetings of Counterpoint in the absence of both
2. Assisting with arranging.
3. Learning all duties performed by the Co-Pitches including, but not limited to:
a. Budget creation
b. Room reservation
c. Audition protocol and processes
d. Any administrative duties set forth by the Co-Pitches
e. Teaching/directing music (conducting, learning notes, cleaning, etc.)
4. Is privy to most officer meetings, but is not allowed creative control.
5. Assisting the Co-Pitches with any of their duties as needed
Public Relations Coordinator: The two Public Relations Coordinators are responsible
for managing Counterpoint’s press and networking concerns on both campuses and the web.
These duties include, but are not limited to:
1. Publicizing concerts, auditions, and all other Counterpoint events.
2. Maintaining Counterpoint’s web presence, including but not limited to the group
website and various social networking sites.
3. Figuring out ways to reach out to prospective freshmen and current students.
4. Creating or overseeing the creation of all fliers.
5. Printing fliers, distributing fliers to the group, and ensuring that the group puts up said
6. Ensuring that group photos and videos are taken at concerts as necessary, and that
these materials are archived and are, as appropriate, uploaded to the web.
7. Ensuring that group photos and videos are submitted to the Bryn Mawr archives, the
Haverford archives, and the Bryn Mawr yearbook.
8. Any other duties deemed necessary by the President.
Mediator: The Mediator is responsible for providing a safe space for the group to discuss
conflict. These duties include, but are not limited to:
1. Mediating group conflicts.
a. Within 48 hours of becoming aware of a conflict, the mediator must schedule a
meeting between the conflicting parties.
b. Members are encouraged to resolve conflicts themselves as per Bryn Mawr and
Haverford Colleges’ Social Honor Codes.
2. Holding “dorm hours” when she may be visited by other members to discuss group
3. Keeping officers informed about group dynamic and making suggestions as
appropriate on a regular basis and at Officer Meetings.
4. Upon election, the Mediator must schedule peer mediation training with Residential
Section 3: Term of Officers: Each officer serves for a full-year term. Candidates for office may
include those who have previously held the same position or other positions within the group.
New members must wait the span of at least one full semester before running for any office, at
which point they are considered qualified to run for office.
Section 4 Number of Officers: The number of officers shall never be fewer or in excess of five
qualified persons. If the number of positions ever exceeds the number of qualified members,
then, and only then, may unqualified members run for office. If the number of total positions
ever exceeds the number of members, then these positions must wait for election until the
following semester.
Section 5: Impeachment of Officers: Officers may be impeached should they fail to attend
more than three consecutive meetings (not including extenuating circumstances previously
approved by all other officers). Officers may also be impeached if there is clear evidence that an
officer has not been performing her duties. An officer will be considered impeached based on a
3/4ths majority vote of all Counterpoint members.
Section 6: Emergency Elections: Emergency elections will be held in the event that an officer is
impeached or can otherwise no longer hold their office. Emergency elections will be held in the
same manner as normal elections. In the event that the outgoing officer is either the Pitch, or the
Assistant Pitch, the Mediator shall be responsible for collecting and counting ballots.
Section 7: Postponement of Elections: Elections may never be postponed, except by
unanimous vote. The voting procedure is identical to the voting procedure for the election of
Article V
Section 1: Meeting Time: All meetings shall start promptly on time (NOT at Bryn Mawr time,
NOT at Haverford time).
Section 2: Regular Meetings: Meetings will be held two times a week for two hours in the
afternoon to evening hours, as decided on by mutual consensus of active group members.
Additionally, there will be once a week, one hour sectionals as decided upon by mutual
consensus of active group members.
Section 3: Special Meetings/Rehearsals: Special meetings/rehearsals may be called for
emergency elections, extra preparation for concerts, or general discussion about group dynamics.
Special meetings must be approved by both Co-Pitches. General members may request special
meetings/rehearsals through either Co-Pitch. All members are required to attend special
meetings/rehearsals, not including extenuating circumstances previously approved by the
Section 4: Attendance Policy: Attendance at rehearsals and special meetings is
MANDATORY. As stated in Article II, Section II, membership is conditional on attendance.
Any member of the group that knows she will be missing a rehearsal must notify either
Co-Pitches no later than two weeks in advance of said rehearsal. If a member misses one
rehearsal, they are automatically put on a probationary period. If a member misses a second
rehearsal, they shall be dismissed from Counterpoint, on discretion of the Co-Pitches. Absences
may be automatically excused if you are contagiously ill or if you have a personal emergency
(such as a family emergency).
Subsection 4.1: Automatically Excused Absences: Automatically excused absences are
for extreme circumstances only. If you are well enough to go to class, it is assumed you are well
enough to attend rehearsal. No other excuses. Members are expected to adhere to the Honor
Code in this regard – emergency illness is not to be used as a false excuse to get out of rehearsal
for non-emergency purposes (such as homework). Doing so would be against the Honor Code
and disrespectful to the group.
Subsection 4.2: Probationary Period: To rescind the probation, the member must
schedule with either Co-Pitch to make up the missed rehearsal outside of regular rehearsal
periods. More than three scheduled make-up sessions, and the member will be permanently put
on probationary period.
Subsection 4.3: Tardiness and Bringing Music: If a member is late to rehearsal or forgets
their music – or a combination of the both – three times in a semester, that member will be
ineligible to audition for the next solo. They may however audition for solos after that, so long as
they adhere to the tardiness and preparation policy.
Subsection 4.4: One Free Pass Absence: Every semester a member gets ONE free pass to
miss a rehearsal at the last minute for a reason that is not an automatically excused emergency
(such as too much homework, etc.). That member must notify both co-pitches that they are using
their one free pass before rehearsal begins, and the co-pitches will record it.
Article VI:
Section 1: Announcement of Solos: The date for a solo audition must be announced no later
than one week before said date.
Section 2: Qualifying for Auditioning for Solos: Members must be present at the time of the
audition to qualify for consideration. You must be on time to the rehearsal when the audition is
being held. If you are late, you forfeit your ability to audition for that solo.
Subsection 2.1: Postponing or Rescheduling Auditions: If a member has an extenuating
circumstance they may request that an audition date be moved. The Co-Pitches may change the
audition date or time if she sees the request as reasonable and it does not impede club
proceedings. If this is the case, members must put in this request no later than two rehearsals
before said date.
Section 3: Voting for Solos:
Subsection 3.1: Group Voting:
1. Solos will be voted upon anonymously via paper and tallied by one or both of the
Co-Pitches. The Co-Pitches will make all efforts to keep votes confidential. This
includes proper disposing of ballot papers.
2. A 2/3 vote is required for a solo to be issued.
3. Each member that auditions may vote for themselves as long as they believe they
will do the best job with the solo.
4. In the event that a 2/3 vote is not obtained, another vote will be held for the top
contenders only. The membership will continue to hold votes until a 2/3 vote is
4a. If a 2/3 vote is not obtained within two rounds of
voting, the right to vote for yourself will be revoked as a
third round of voting begins.
Subsection 3.2: Pitch Vote:
Under special circumstances, it may be more prudent for the Co-Pitches to decide
who the soloists should be for a song. If such a decision is to be made, the group
must agree by unanimous consent.
Article VII
Section 1: Procedure for Amendment: Any amendments are submitted in writing and are read
at two meetings before a vote is taken. Any amendments must be submitted within the first two
weeks of each semester.
Section 2: Ratification: Ratification is accomplished through a two-thirds vote of the active
membership. Voting on amendments will occur prior to semester auditions.
Constitution of Counterpoint at Bryn Mawr College (Created September 2007 As Amended September 2013)
List of articles which describe the purpose, organization structure, performances, and meetings of the Counterpoint A Cappella group.
Counterpoint A Cappella (author)
5 pages
born digital
04 Counterpoint Constitution Spring 2014