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College news, October 8, 1964
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
4 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 51, No. 03
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Vol. L. No. 3.
Detoher 8,2 1964
© Trustees of Bryn Mawr College, 1964 :
25 Cents
- Self- Gov Questionnaire Explains,”
' Studies Academic H onor. System
The questionnaires sent bySelf-
Gov to heads of departments on the
academic honor system showed
no serious problems or need for
revision in the present system.
The study was prompted by a
-- shift- of:-emphasis: from~ the aca=*~
demic to the social honor system.
Recent rule changes absorbed
campus interest, and the mechan-
ics of the academic regulations
fromthe replies.
were left unclarified.
Through this investigation Self-
Gov hopes to answer questions that
may be puzzling students.
Surveys to department heads
asked about such problems as
footnoting ,bibliographies., and help...
with foreign language grammar in
A consistent: pattern emerged
Pinckney Hears LBJ Announce
White House Fellowship Plans
Addressing 230 college students
including Betsey Pinckney, who
represented Bryn Mawr, Presi-
dent Lyndon Johnson announced
the initiation of a government fel-
lows program ‘‘to give-the Fellows
first-hand, high-level experience
with the workings. of the federal
‘government and to increase their
‘sense of participation in nationa
+ His address was part ofa ‘*‘State
of the Nation’? report presented to
campus leaders prior to a buffet
dinner and_ entertainment at a
White House gathering Oct... 3.
The 15-month fellowships; for
men-and-women-aged- 23-35, will
involve work with the Vice Presi-
dent; the Cabinet officers and‘four
other White House staff members.
They will be selected from busi-
ness, law, journalism, the univ-
.ergities, architecture or other
Deadline for application is Dec.
15, and accepting applications and -
inquiries is the Commission on
‘White House: Fellows, the White
House, Washington, D.C. Sponsor-
ing the program is the Carnegie
~-Foundation.. — * }
Betsey, who is president of the
Undergraduate Associatioh, also
pointed to” Johnson’s discussion
of the ‘‘Volunteer Generation’? as
a noteworthy section of his speech.
‘“*You -seem ready and eager to
take on tasks which call for real
personal sacrifice, he told the
Also speaking were - eeatat
“if you haven't seen this, by all_means do’’
publicans for Johnson: ‘
Of Us apeatrengeroe® ‘Off. as
‘Nominee Genevieve Blatt
‘luncheon given Tuesday - in the
of State Rusk, whose topic was
.S. responsibility in the world;
Defense Secretary McNamara, who
highlighted the ‘‘least cost’’ pro-
tection policy; and Secretary of
Labor Wirtz, who stressed the
relation between unemployment
and specialized education.
During the course of the evening
Betsey met~Mrs. Johnson and
Lynda, and the evening concluded
with a program featuring the Chad
Mitchell’ Trio, Bob Newhart and
saxophonist Stan Getz.
Senate Candidate Blatt Visits BMC;
Campus Politicking Picks Up Steam
“The overriding issue in this
campaign is between a foreign
policy which is founded on diplo-
» macy and one which’would abandon
the, bargaining table for the battle-
fiéld,’” said Democratic Senatorial
at a
Deanery by the Campus Volunteers
* for Johnson.
Miss Blatt, a Pittsburgh attorney
and former: State Secretary of In-
ternal Affairs who is running
against incumbent Republican Hugh
Scott, pledged her support to the
Johnson campaign and -added ‘‘I
make no bones. about it. I favor
. the traditional routes of diplomacy
over any reckless resort to force.”
Students. and faculty representa-
“tives from -Bryn Mawr, Haver-
ford, Villanova, Immaculata and
Rosemont heard Miss Blatt at
“says Genevieve
Blatt, Democratic Senatorial Nominee. She is holding ai reprint
, + of an advertisement placed in the WASHINGTON POST by Re-
are: Senstor, This. is ‘Where. A Lot
as ae
agreed that ideas should be foot-
noted as’ well as specific refer-
ences, that bibliographies should
be complete but’ not padded, that
outside help should be acknowl-
edged, and exams completed at the:
“bell, whether~ theprofessor™ is’
present or absent. ~
No serious trouble with the sys-
tem was reported by any depart-
ment, but the English department
has found some plagiarism.
This fall members of Executive
Board will visit the halls after
dinner to acquaint freshmen and
interested upperclassmen with the ~
essentials of-the honor system. .
foundation of rules for basic aca-
demic integrity that should follow
students after they leave Bryn
She hopes the study will both
answer the questions that students
may wish to ask professors and
correct the careless attitude to-
ward the academic honor system.
that incomplete understanding of ..
its rules has caused.
the luncheon. The _ sponsoring
group, the Campus volunteers for
Johnson is organized. and led by
faculty members from the,: Main
Line Colleges.
This group plans to offer its
services to interested groups and
gatherings. .and to. provide
speakers, panel members and dis-
cussants. Chairman sof the group
is Arthur Dudden.
The four. student political organ-
izations on campus, the Young
Republicans , Young Conservatives,
Social Action Club, and Young”
Democrats, all platr-{o work for
the upcoming national election.
The unusual aspects of this year’s
election, however, cause over-
lapping in campaigns.
Most versatile of these political |
clubs, is the Young Republicans
which is offering something for
. everyone. Their main effort. is
being directed towards calling Re-
_publicans back to their party.
' President Sally Harris wants.all --
Republicans to work for the party,
no matter whom they support for
the Presidency, either in Republi-
cans for«Johnson or. Republicans
for Goldwater. The club will put
students to work for eithér candi-
_ date.
To advance party unity republi-
cans will work: for such local»
politicians as ‘ Senate candidate
Hugh Scott and House hopeful Larry
Among projects brewing is an -
attefnpt to facilitate door-to-door
fund-raising by .learning names
of all past contributors in the
“Any ‘Republican interested _ ty
working for either presidential
candidate ‘should contact Sally.
_ Harris in Rhoads North,
The Young Conservatives_are
‘quires a large number of people —
officially campaigning, al- ”
Sh wees interested’ in Goldwater's
Junior Weekend Promises
Comedy, ‘Real Frug Band’
Cabbs Denton and Lynn Scholz, Assistant and Principal Stage
Managers for Jr. Show throw light on the nascent ‘‘Tutti Frutti.”’
Juniors plumbed the depths of weekend, October 16 and 17, swing
imagination’ to come up with a _ into agtion.
‘‘new and different?’ Junior Show, Casting for the thirty-one speak-
according to Assistant Director ing parts in TUTTI-FRUTTI was
Liz Roueche. completed last week. Although re-
‘‘Other shows were fantasy hearsals' are reportedly often
spotted with humor,’ says Liz, interrupted by peals of laughter at
‘“‘TUTTI-FRUTTI, however, is the jokes in the script, the first .
pure comedy.”’ act has already been blocked by
The plot, though, remains veiled ~ Director Vicki May.
in dark secrecy, as plans. and Plagued by casting problems,
production schedules for Junior Vicki was forced to double-cast
several roles. Just recuperating
from a knee ‘operation, Mary Dau-
time to take on one of the. main
roles, (Mary’s performance asthe
plumber in Freshman. Show , has
long since become legend on the
BMC campus.)
alpaiacns Their first aim is educa- : me
ting people in the conservative TUTTI-FRUTTI’s _ intriguing
philosophy. cast includes: _
Their education program, which “ ao Feldman, ... Penelope
includes bringing speakers to cam- caine PCAN aaieia
pus, distributing literature, and peated ee
arranging seminars, is being ef-
fected through close affiliation with
the Intercollegiate . Society of In-
dividualists and Villanova’s Con-
REESE eh : Florence Castelle ... Lady
Although the Social Action Com- _Pilar Richardson ... Mitchell
mittee is not affiliated with any Joanna Lewis ... Sunny Juarez
party, its major goal for the fall Caroline Willis ... Bachrach Bad-
is the election of Johnson.'In the — roc,
hope of reaching wavering Republi- Carly Wade «.. Wine Waiter
cans as staunch Democrats, — Jane Walton... Ursa Major
they are. working with Recublicens Harriet Thompson ... Morris
for J ohnson, Citizens for Johnson, winor
and the Young Democrats. Karen Durbin ... Torch singer
Besides manning Philadelphia~ pyar Richardson ... Gypsy singer
Johnson headquarters , telephoning, Charlotte Huntley ...Garbageman
and handing ‘out campaign litera-- &
ture, S.A.C. members are con- eather Stillwell ... Garbage man
centrating a specialeffortondoor- fF -:
to-door campaigning in low- Joanna Lewis .«. Garbage man I
income areas of Philadelphia. Jane Walton... Latty Bunda
Young Demacrats began cam- | LaFlora
paigning Saturday, October 3, with Caroline Willis eee Flora LaBunda
a literature distributing drive Cabbs Denton ...- Mora LaBunda
along the Main Line. Carly Wade... Mrs. Guilda Stern
Further plans include sign paint- Edna Perkins ..« Hobo 1
Liz Roueche ... Adolf Goldwasser
Diane Samps®h ... Miss Cridge
Kit Howard ...Daisy
Sue Burkhardt ... Miss Byington
will work with Haverford College Carol Cane ... Nudist 1
Young Democrats when the Main Frankie Ciarochi eeeg, Nudist 2
bine Demdératic Committee re- Celia Rumsey ... Editor
Lynne lkackenbach... Lawyer
heading ‘the
for party-gatherings. 4 Caroline Willis,
Anyone inter sted in helping in weekend’s social events, reports
tentative arrangements for open-
the Democratic’ campaign should
get in touch«with her Dorm Co-
ordinator and tell her when and day night performance, as well as
how she can help. the traditional dance following the
Dorm Co-ordinators for Young second showing of
and last
Democrats are the following: Jody. TUTTI- FRUTTI: Saturday even-
Strom, Pem East and West; Alice
-Beadle; Rockefeller; Alice Schade,
ing. ©
Radnor; Jackie Barillet, Merion; ‘‘genyine frug band’’ called: the .
Edria Perkins, Denbigh; Pat Klein, Rhythm Rockers to play in the
Wyndham;: Joyce. Laverty,-Grad. gym from 2 asm..on October
Center;” Sn cue Appleton; eneent a eae nee seen
“benspeck returned to school justin ~~
houses in the dorms after theFri+ ~
Caroline has engaged a Scilest eo
‘ing and voter*education. The group JUNC BOC 566 TORO 2 2 soe