et Vol. L. No. 3. BRYN MAWR, PA. Detoher 8,2 1964 © Trustees of Bryn Mawr College, 1964 : 25 Cents ’ - Self- Gov Questionnaire Explains,” ' Studies Academic H onor. System The questionnaires sent bySelf- Gov to heads of departments on the academic honor system showed no serious problems or need for revision in the present system. The study was prompted by a -- shift- of:-emphasis: from~ the aca=*~ demic to the social honor system. Recent rule changes absorbed campus interest, and the mechan- ics of the academic regulations fromthe replies. were left unclarified. Through this investigation Self- Gov hopes to answer questions that may be puzzling students. Surveys to department heads asked about such problems as footnoting ,bibliographies., and help... with foreign language grammar in papers, A consistent: pattern emerged Professors Pinckney Hears LBJ Announce White House Fellowship Plans Addressing 230 college students including Betsey Pinckney, who represented Bryn Mawr, Presi- dent Lyndon Johnson announced the initiation of a government fel- lows program ‘‘to give-the Fellows first-hand, high-level experience with the workings. of the federal ‘government and to increase their ‘sense of participation in nationa affairs.” + His address was part ofa ‘*‘State of the Nation’? report presented to campus leaders prior to a buffet dinner and_ entertainment at a White House gathering Oct... 3. The 15-month fellowships; for men-and-women-aged- 23-35, will involve work with the Vice Presi- dent; the Cabinet officers and‘four other White House staff members. They will be selected from busi- ness, law, journalism, the univ- .ergities, architecture or other occupations. Deadline for application is Dec. 15, and accepting applications and - inquiries is the Commission on ‘White House: Fellows, the White House, Washington, D.C. Sponsor- ing the program is the Carnegie ~-Foundation.. — * } Betsey, who is president of the Undergraduate Associatioh, also pointed to” Johnson’s discussion of the ‘‘Volunteer Generation’? as a noteworthy section of his speech. ‘“*You -seem ready and eager to take on tasks which call for real personal sacrifice, he told the group. Also speaking were - eeatat “if you haven't seen this, by all_means do’’ publicans for Johnson: ‘ Of Us apeatrengeroe® ‘Off. as ‘Nominee Genevieve Blatt ‘luncheon given Tuesday - in the of State Rusk, whose topic was .S. responsibility in the world; Defense Secretary McNamara, who highlighted the ‘‘least cost’’ pro- tection policy; and Secretary of Labor Wirtz, who stressed the relation between unemployment and specialized education. During the course of the evening Betsey met~Mrs. Johnson and Lynda, and the evening concluded with a program featuring the Chad Mitchell’ Trio, Bob Newhart and saxophonist Stan Getz. Senate Candidate Blatt Visits BMC; Campus Politicking Picks Up Steam “The overriding issue in this campaign is between a foreign policy which is founded on diplo- » macy and one which’would abandon the, bargaining table for the battle- fiéld,’” said Democratic Senatorial at a Deanery by the Campus Volunteers * for Johnson. Miss Blatt, a Pittsburgh attorney and former: State Secretary of In- ternal Affairs who is running against incumbent Republican Hugh Scott, pledged her support to the Johnson campaign and -added ‘‘I make no bones. about it. I favor . the traditional routes of diplomacy over any reckless resort to force.” Students. and faculty representa- “tives from -Bryn Mawr, Haver- ford, Villanova, Immaculata and Rosemont heard Miss Blatt at “says Genevieve Blatt, Democratic Senatorial Nominee. She is holding ai reprint , + of an advertisement placed in the WASHINGTON POST by Re- are: Senstor, This. is ‘Where. A Lot as ae SPO I agreed that ideas should be foot- noted as’ well as specific refer- ences, that bibliographies should be complete but’ not padded, that outside help should be acknowl- edged, and exams completed at the: “bell, whether~ theprofessor™ is’ present or absent. ~ No serious trouble with the sys- tem was reported by any depart- ment, but the English department has found some plagiarism. This fall members of Executive Board will visit the halls after dinner to acquaint freshmen and interested upperclassmen with the ~ essentials of-the honor system. . Self