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Vol. L. No. 3.
Detoher 8,2 1964
© Trustees of Bryn Mawr College, 1964 :
25 Cents
- Self- Gov Questionnaire Explains,”
' Studies Academic H onor. System
The questionnaires sent bySelf-
Gov to heads of departments on the
academic honor system showed
no serious problems or need for
revision in the present system.
The study was prompted by a
-- shift- of:-emphasis: from~ the aca=*~
demic to the social honor system.
Recent rule changes absorbed
campus interest, and the mechan-
ics of the academic regulations
fromthe replies.
were left unclarified.
Through this investigation Self-
Gov hopes to answer questions that
may be puzzling students.
Surveys to department heads
asked about such problems as
footnoting ,bibliographies., and help...
with foreign language grammar in
A consistent: pattern emerged
Pinckney Hears LBJ Announce
White House Fellowship Plans
Addressing 230 college students
including Betsey Pinckney, who
represented Bryn Mawr, Presi-
dent Lyndon Johnson announced
the initiation of a government fel-
lows program ‘‘to give-the Fellows
first-hand, high-level experience
with the workings. of the federal
‘government and to increase their
‘sense of participation in nationa
+ His address was part ofa ‘*‘State
of the Nation’? report presented to
campus leaders prior to a buffet
dinner and_ entertainment at a
White House gathering Oct... 3.
The 15-month fellowships; for
men-and-women-aged- 23-35, will
involve work with the Vice Presi-
dent; the Cabinet officers and‘four
other White House staff members.
They will be selected from busi-
ness, law, journalism, the univ-
.ergities, architecture or other
Deadline for application is Dec.
15, and accepting applications and -
inquiries is the Commission on
‘White House: Fellows, the White
House, Washington, D.C. Sponsor-
ing the program is the Carnegie
~-Foundation.. — * }
Betsey, who is president of the
Undergraduate Associatioh, also
pointed to” Johnson’s discussion
of the ‘‘Volunteer Generation’? as
a noteworthy section of his speech.
‘“*You -seem ready and eager to
take on tasks which call for real
personal sacrifice, he told the
Also speaking were - eeatat
“if you haven't seen this, by all_means do’’
publicans for Johnson: ‘
Of Us apeatrengeroe® ‘Off. as
‘Nominee Genevieve Blatt
‘luncheon given Tuesday - in the
of State Rusk, whose topic was
.S. responsibility in the world;
Defense Secretary McNamara, who
highlighted the ‘‘least cost’’ pro-
tection policy; and Secretary of
Labor Wirtz, who stressed the
relation between unemployment
and specialized education.
During the course of the evening
Betsey met~Mrs. Johnson and
Lynda, and the evening concluded
with a program featuring the Chad
Mitchell’ Trio, Bob Newhart and
saxophonist Stan Getz.
Senate Candidate Blatt Visits BMC;
Campus Politicking Picks Up Steam
“The overriding issue in this
campaign is between a foreign
policy which is founded on diplo-
» macy and one which’would abandon
the, bargaining table for the battle-
fiéld,’” said Democratic Senatorial
at a
Deanery by the Campus Volunteers
* for Johnson.
Miss Blatt, a Pittsburgh attorney
and former: State Secretary of In-
ternal Affairs who is running
against incumbent Republican Hugh
Scott, pledged her support to the
Johnson campaign and -added ‘‘I
make no bones. about it. I favor
. the traditional routes of diplomacy
over any reckless resort to force.”
Students. and faculty representa-
“tives from -Bryn Mawr, Haver-
ford, Villanova, Immaculata and
Rosemont heard Miss Blatt at
“says Genevieve
Blatt, Democratic Senatorial Nominee. She is holding ai reprint
, + of an advertisement placed in the WASHINGTON POST by Re-
are: Senstor, This. is ‘Where. A Lot
as ae
agreed that ideas should be foot-
noted as’ well as specific refer-
ences, that bibliographies should
be complete but’ not padded, that
outside help should be acknowl-
edged, and exams completed at the:
“bell, whether~ theprofessor™ is’
present or absent. ~
No serious trouble with the sys-
tem was reported by any depart-
ment, but the English department
has found some plagiarism.
This fall members of Executive
Board will visit the halls after
dinner to acquaint freshmen and
interested upperclassmen with the ~
essentials of-the honor system. .
foundation of rules for basic aca-
demic integrity that should follow
students after they leave Bryn
She hopes the study will both
answer the questions that students
may wish to ask professors and
correct the careless attitude to-
ward the academic honor system.
that incomplete understanding of ..
its rules has caused.
the luncheon. The _ sponsoring
group, the Campus volunteers for
Johnson is organized. and led by
faculty members from the,: Main
Line Colleges.
This group plans to offer its
services to interested groups and
gatherings. .and to. provide
speakers, panel members and dis-
cussants. Chairman sof the group
is Arthur Dudden.
The four. student political organ-
izations on campus, the Young
Republicans , Young Conservatives,
Social Action Club, and Young”
Democrats, all platr-{o work for
the upcoming national election.
The unusual aspects of this year’s
election, however, cause over-
lapping in campaigns.
Most versatile of these political |
clubs, is the Young Republicans
which is offering something for
. everyone. Their main effort. is
being directed towards calling Re-
_publicans back to their party.
' President Sally Harris wants.all --
Republicans to work for the party,
no matter whom they support for
the Presidency, either in Republi-
cans for«Johnson or. Republicans
for Goldwater. The club will put
students to work for eithér candi-
_ date.
To advance party unity republi-
cans will work: for such local»
politicians as ‘ Senate candidate
Hugh Scott and House hopeful Larry
Among projects brewing is an -
attefnpt to facilitate door-to-door
fund-raising by .learning names
of all past contributors in the
“Any ‘Republican interested _ ty
working for either presidential
candidate ‘should contact Sally.
_ Harris in Rhoads North,
The Young Conservatives_are
‘quires a large number of people —
officially campaigning, al- ”
Sh wees interested’ in Goldwater's
Junior Weekend Promises
Comedy, ‘Real Frug Band’
Cabbs Denton and Lynn Scholz, Assistant and Principal Stage
Managers for Jr. Show throw light on the nascent ‘‘Tutti Frutti.”’
Juniors plumbed the depths of weekend, October 16 and 17, swing
imagination’ to come up with a _ into agtion.
‘‘new and different?’ Junior Show, Casting for the thirty-one speak-
according to Assistant Director ing parts in TUTTI-FRUTTI was
Liz Roueche. completed last week. Although re-
‘‘Other shows were fantasy hearsals' are reportedly often
spotted with humor,’ says Liz, interrupted by peals of laughter at
‘“‘TUTTI-FRUTTI, however, is the jokes in the script, the first .
pure comedy.”’ act has already been blocked by
The plot, though, remains veiled ~ Director Vicki May.
in dark secrecy, as plans. and Plagued by casting problems,
production schedules for Junior Vicki was forced to double-cast
several roles. Just recuperating
from a knee ‘operation, Mary Dau-
time to take on one of the. main
roles, (Mary’s performance asthe
plumber in Freshman. Show , has
long since become legend on the
BMC campus.)
alpaiacns Their first aim is educa- : me
ting people in the conservative TUTTI-FRUTTI’s _ intriguing
philosophy. cast includes: _
Their education program, which “ ao Feldman, ... Penelope
includes bringing speakers to cam- caine PCAN aaieia
pus, distributing literature, and peated ee
arranging seminars, is being ef-
fected through close affiliation with
the Intercollegiate . Society of In-
dividualists and Villanova’s Con-
REESE eh : Florence Castelle ... Lady
Although the Social Action Com- _Pilar Richardson ... Mitchell
mittee is not affiliated with any Joanna Lewis ... Sunny Juarez
party, its major goal for the fall Caroline Willis ... Bachrach Bad-
is the election of Johnson.'In the — roc,
hope of reaching wavering Republi- Carly Wade «.. Wine Waiter
cans as staunch Democrats, — Jane Walton... Ursa Major
they are. working with Recublicens Harriet Thompson ... Morris
for J ohnson, Citizens for Johnson, winor
and the Young Democrats. Karen Durbin ... Torch singer
Besides manning Philadelphia~ pyar Richardson ... Gypsy singer
Johnson headquarters , telephoning, Charlotte Huntley ...Garbageman
and handing ‘out campaign litera-- &
ture, S.A.C. members are con- eather Stillwell ... Garbage man
centrating a specialeffortondoor- fF -:
to-door campaigning in low- Joanna Lewis .«. Garbage man I
income areas of Philadelphia. Jane Walton... Latty Bunda
Young Demacrats began cam- | LaFlora
paigning Saturday, October 3, with Caroline Willis eee Flora LaBunda
a literature distributing drive Cabbs Denton ...- Mora LaBunda
along the Main Line. Carly Wade... Mrs. Guilda Stern
Further plans include sign paint- Edna Perkins ..« Hobo 1
Liz Roueche ... Adolf Goldwasser
Diane Samps®h ... Miss Cridge
Kit Howard ...Daisy
Sue Burkhardt ... Miss Byington
will work with Haverford College Carol Cane ... Nudist 1
Young Democrats when the Main Frankie Ciarochi eeeg, Nudist 2
bine Demdératic Committee re- Celia Rumsey ... Editor
Lynne lkackenbach... Lawyer
heading ‘the
for party-gatherings. 4 Caroline Willis,
Anyone inter sted in helping in weekend’s social events, reports
tentative arrangements for open-
the Democratic’ campaign should
get in touch«with her Dorm Co-
ordinator and tell her when and day night performance, as well as
how she can help. the traditional dance following the
Dorm Co-ordinators for Young second showing of
and last
Democrats are the following: Jody. TUTTI- FRUTTI: Saturday even-
Strom, Pem East and West; Alice
-Beadle; Rockefeller; Alice Schade,
ing. ©
Radnor; Jackie Barillet, Merion; ‘‘genyine frug band’’ called: the .
Edria Perkins, Denbigh; Pat Klein, Rhythm Rockers to play in the
Wyndham;: Joyce. Laverty,-Grad. gym from 2 asm..on October
Center;” Sn cue Appleton; eneent a eae nee seen
“benspeck returned to school justin ~~
houses in the dorms after theFri+ ~
Caroline has engaged a Scilest eo
‘ing and voter*education. The group JUNC BOC 566 TORO 2 2 soe
x ? :
Page Two
olsen a ng pag oo of Mawr
—— pany. toe. | awr. Pa., and Bryn Mawr. College.
: The Col is fully protected by copyright. Nothing that appears in
‘it may be reprinted 2 whelly or in part without per -nission of the Editor-in-Chief.
Editor-in-Chief Anne Lovgren, "66
Managing ee er Constance Rosenblum, °65
Lynne Lackenbach, °66
Bety G 65
: eee es ‘bias a a) “4P “wie ee
opps cneeseneceeedven Secceedes argery Aronson, an er,
piginnnibbinecsindainic? Jean Howarth, 65 and Sener "65
Subscription. Circulation Manager ae Wolfe, 66
2 c, 67
Charlotte Huntley, °66, Edna Perkins, .’66, Pilar Richardson, °66, Jane
“thwarted by “aii inadequate and archaic administration poficy. As it~
October 8, 1964
‘Subscription $3.75 — Malling price $5.00—Subscriptions may begin at any time,
class matter at the Bryn Mawr, Pa. Post Office under
tion for re-entry at the Bryn Mawr, Pa Post
‘Second Class Postage paid at Bryn Mawr, Pa.
p \ FOUNDED IN 1914
‘Published weckly during the College reat Jenvopt during Thanks
Christmas and Easter ho d during e lon weeks) |
giving,. and du § exam
- Entered
the Act of Mares 1879. A,
Office. filed October
Walton, °66,; Sally Carson, °67, Suzanne Fedunok, °67, Karen Kobler, °67,
Susan Klaus,’ °67, Laura Krugman, °67, Marilyn Williams, °67, Jane Wolman,
Kit Bakke, °68, Laurie Deutsch, '68, Ginny Gerhart, '68, Erica Hahn, °68,
_ Nanette Holben, °68, Robin Johnson, '68, Jeanne La Sala, °68, Mary Little, °68,
Andrea Lurie, °68, Barbara Mann, ’68, Darl ene Preissler, ’68, Marion Scoon, '68,
Roberta Smith, '68, Peggy Thomas, °68, Jacqueline Williams, °68, Sheryl
Winsby, - Gora Garten, ’68. :
‘Things MAY Be Looking Up
The social scene MAY be a little brighter. this year. Caroline Willis
has published a schedule of all campus mixers and coffee hours,
to which everyone is invited, available from the hall social chairmen,
and A.A. President Anne Godfrey has organized various co-ed athletic
activities, such as mixed doubles tennis and volleyball.
*Thanks to efforts such as these, the social scene MAY be'slightly
better ; however, many efforts to improve the social climate are
stands now, the College agrees to pay for one coffee hour per dorm
per *year. It ALLOWS each dorm to hold (and finance) one additional
coffee hour and one evening mixer in the hall. In the same generous
spirit, the College permits each dorm to hold another mixer, pro-
Yeates we
vided they can find a place for it outside the hall.
Is it unreasonable to ask that a hali be permitted to have as many.
mixers as it wishes to finance and organize? And since individual
hall mixers are open to the entire college, this would involve no.
inter-hall discrimination. Would it also be unreasonable to ask that
the hall ,might choose. whether or not to allocate the covers monies
for either a coffee hour or mixer?
With this consideration from the administration, our social
Mawrterdom might cease.
“The proposal brought before Undergrad to organize teas for seniors
with company representatives is one of the most constructive to
emerge in recent years. These teas are being conducted in cooperation
with the Bureau —of- Recommendations. They offer the Bryn Mawr
graduate who does not plan to continue her studies immediately an
Opportunity to gain information abotit positions ‘available to liberal
arts graduates.
This may help alleviate the graduate’s dilemma of going-to graduate
school because she does not know how to locate or secure an interesting,
reasonably well-paying ‘position. The teas might also check the June
rush toward secretarial schools preparatory to even applying for jobs.
Lists have been posted in the halls, asking seniors to suggest
various fields in which they might be interested in finding employment.
If response is enthusiastic. to this proposal, there should be a wide
variety of interviews on campus. This seems quite worth while for
anyone considering immediate employment after graduation. Such a
promising idea deserves campus support. _ re
Nightmare Alley
The dulcet tones of the College fire bells are a prelude to a short
nightmare of unnecessary chaos. The myriad regulations to be fol-
lowed in preparation for saving one’s skin are exasperatingly com-
plicated, confusing, and, what is more, neither logical nor standard.
One dorm is instructed to.close the doors, open the windows, and
leave the lights on, while another is just as painfully tutored to shut
the windows arid open the doors (They havel’t told us what to do with
‘the lights).
The gear for the individual fire fighter‘ seems fairly cradand
If one is not in one’s room, however, one is assured that one does
not really need a towel, flashlight, et al. As a matter of fact, the
smoker dweller may even. have a better chance for self- -preservation,
since she does not need to hunt for the postulated paraphernalia
while flames consume her room, and, of course, the fire staircase.
Perhaps a review of the present system might ‘be in order. Stand-
~grdization and/or revision might make these rules more -effective—
and possibly even a little more logical. After all, the purpose of the
proveene is to expedite evacuation in a real emergency.
| Seniert |
. Seniors!
Synthesize your life in 100
--words or less!
‘Yearbook write-ups (100
_ words long, approximately) are ~
‘due no later than Oct. _
“When you have unearthed the
quote that expresses the inner,
essential you, send it to Elea-
nor Midkiff, Rhoads North. .
And, while mulling over your
epitomizing quotation, do not
forget: to sign up to have your
“yearpook’ picture taken. A list
is posted in Taylor, and pic- .
tures are taken at the Photo
‘Center in the ville, Lancaster
Pike, beyond the Peasant Shop.
‘ common’ practice-of, scrounging
‘food from each camp. Visitors to
Rain No Obstacle
To Outing Club’s
Lake George Trip
Members of Bryn-Mawr’s Outing.
Club. bravely ledger te Snir;
Nekes last weekend for an island
& campout with over 500 members
of outing clubs from Eastern U.S.
colleges and Canada in the midst
of very inauspicious weather.
Two girls went up Friday‘night,
“and in downpour and gusty winds
they enjoyed . warm, dry. comfort
_ thanks _ toa’ well-equipped Yalie..
who provided them with a tarp
for a shelter. The others were
stranded on -the mainland due to
high waves, but paddled over early
in the morning in time to join in
the day’s excursions. Some canoed
_ to waterfalispthers climbed nearby
more ©
mountains, .‘and ‘some,
socialite than athlete, visited with
the many groups on the island.
The best ‘‘mixer’’ ever was the
Syracuse U. hit the jackpot, shar-
ing their feast of steak, ice cream,
and cake, but everybody fared well
in the food department.
One mishap added to the excite-
ment of Saturday night festivities
_as four canoers. enteredtheir craft
simultaneously, eapsizing it intwo
feet of water. Square dancing, how-
ever, rapidly dried the wet feet.
Sunday night, already. antici-
pating the next trip (hiking, caving,
and sailing with men’s colleges
are planned this month), the Bryn
Mawrtyrs washed off their well-
earned dirt andreturned refreshed
to their academic duties.
Cornelia Skinner Satirizes
Letters To the Editor
Ruffled Republican
‘To the Editor:
‘‘yYou have dirty -feet.’? This.
Sood uty uttered by titi
ing Main Liners is only one of the
many statements muttered or
rather: yelled the sup-
porters of Barry Goldwater, and
the American Way. Distraught by
the communist conspiracy of the
‘Haverford and Bryn Mawr stu-
dents, the pillars of the community.
ardently protested against the
silent protest movement against
the grandson of the immigrant.
peddler. They. hurled epithets of
Communist, Pinko, Ignoramus,
Left Winger, Comm Symp and
Slut at every opportunity. They
yelled ‘‘go back to Cuba where
you belong’? and accused Bryn
Mawr students of being warped
by the Communistic New York
Times. They ~ relished ripping
»: Republicans “for Johnson’’ leaf-'
lets in people’s faces and offering
John Birch Bluebooks as sub-
stitutes. However, the little old
ladies in tennis shoes did not limit
themselves to these harmless
demonstrations of extremism
‘which in defense of freedom is no
_vice. ‘They also demonstrated that
within their mink coats and tweed
four inches thick beat violent
hearts of 24 karat gold. A Haver-
ford student was attacked by a
woman with a cane. Another was
beaten .on the head by a Gold-
water placard. A Bryn Mawr girl
was spat on while another dis-
covered a refined, diamonded hand
over her mouth to block the yell
Typical American Fi igures
By Pam Barald and
_ Suzanne Fedunok
“*] laugned so hard, I hadto keep
stopping to wipe my eyes.’ This
was one of the comments over-
_ heard after Tuesday night’s ‘‘Even-
ing With Cornelia Otis Skinner.’’
It was a hugely enjoyable evening . «
which convinced Main Liners that
Bryn Mawr graduates can be artful,
satirical wits as well as classical
After secieinitnk from Bryn
Mawr (and Baldwin) Miss Skinner
studied classical acting at the
Comedie Francaise with Dehelly
_-and. Jean Hevre.
. Besides her dramatic. ability,
Miss Skinner is also known for
her many books and articles,
among which are ‘The Lives, of
} applebee |
tomorrow evening blue Go green)
rows of. lanterns will be seen
gliding through the cloister arch
as sophomores run and freshmen
march .
and Sing pallas and sophias
and pray there’s been no coup de
(that haverford, gowned gleefully,
snatched thirty lanterns “‘legally’’)
turquoise sparks bob in the dark,
". the senior -- NO, - the freshman
mark. ‘
receivers of the light blue star,
another welcome to bryn mawr.
: happy lantern night,
applebee kw
tent wey
Buckingham Palace, _
Henry VII”? and the monodrama
. Mansion on the Hudson.’’ In OUR
GAY, which she co-authored with
Emily Kimbrough, Miss Skinner
“includes a description of the clas-
sic Bryn Mawr swim test.
Miss Skinner gave ample proof
of her creative ‘‘An
Evening With Cornelia Otis Skin-
ner’? which was presented in Good-
hart to a near-capacity audience.
The evening was divided-into a
series of the short original
sketches for which she is famous --
and which satirized almost every
aspect of the American National
Character” from ‘ancestor wor-
ship’”’ to the love of a good ‘‘cuppa-
.-One of the most amusing groups
of sketches was called‘‘Genealogy
--A Study in American Ancestor
Worship’? which satirized ‘‘the
sort of persons in the east, west,
north and south who assumes great
‘credit for his ancestors.’’ In the
east, the ‘*Cradle. of American
Ancestor worship’? a BoStonian’s
pride in her ancestors’ .‘‘good
taste’’ in teapots is contrasted
with the colonial forebearer’s
comment to Paul Revere, ‘‘Three
pounds five shillings -- by Be-
, elzebub -- that’s a bloody awful
price to pay for a teapot -- but
I can always melt it down.’?
. And in the south -- the ‘‘itty
bitty’? voiced . gentlewoman who
shuddered at the. thought of her
**noble’? ancestors’ gracious home
“being overrun by northern tour-
ists is contrasted with the
bawdy Qa la Tom Jones) pair
who really inhabited it -- who
found solace in drinking and, card
playing from the ‘stinking trees”’
(magnolias) and ‘‘cannibalistic
“monsters” (mosquitoes).
.The other monodramas in the
program included, ‘‘A Box of Pow-,
der”? a spoof on salesmanship;
‘Hotel Porch” a satire on an
‘elderly New. England busy body;
~The Yearly American Invasion’’
a study of the American ‘types’?
in Paris, and ‘Presentation at
Court”? a Nebraskan’s debut at
- €anization. —
of “‘LBJ’’ from reaching the in-
nocent ears of babies wearing
Goldwater buttons. These poor for-
gotten Americans withtwo Jaguars
_>ut. no Bentley, two -'T.V.seaigubs.--
none color, and two mihks but no
sables deserve certainly to be re-
membered. They deserve - toy be
remembered along with the Ku.
Klux Klan in Mississippi.
Yes let us continue as Johnson
~has .said-and Goldwater.-has paro~-
died: Let: us continue~to worry
about these poor people forgotten
by our government, but who have
not forgotten that everyone hates
a rich man and loves the poor
minorities, Let us continue to
support a sane non-violent policy
of fighting the communist Repub-
licans for Johnson with canes.
Let us continue to sling mud and
not debate the issues. Let us
continue in this. sane method of
political choice.
- A Republican for. Johnson, —»
. Andrea Saltzman
League Discusses
Duties of Students
In Community Life
On. October 5, the Bryn Mawr
League held its first conference
of the 1964-65 academic year.
Nancy Bradeen, League president,
Mr. Donald Archer of the YMCA,
Mrs. Walter Foster of the Bryn
Mawr School Board, Rev. Burton
of Bethel AME Church, Dr. Ber-
nard Ross, professor of social
work and social research, and
.. Ginny Kerr of the Social Action
Club co-operated in a panel dis-
cussion to explore areas of com-
mon interest and concern between
the students .of the college and
the residents of Bryn Mawr.
Members of the panel spoke of,
several current community activi-!
ties and many possible future pro-
jects in which Bryn Mawr students
could participate.
stressed were tutoring of pre-
“school and elementary school chil-
Among those
dren, lending services to Girl~
Scout troops, and working with the
YMCA on physical edygation and
camping programs. In addition to
these, they urged students to con-
tribute their time and energy to
election activities this fall.
In her introduction to the dis-
cussion, Nancy outlined the gov-
ernmental, social, and economic
aspects of the town of Bryn Mawr.
She cited the difficulties involved
in governing the town which is
located in two counties and three
- townships.
After an opening statement for
the panel by Dr. Ross, Mrs. Foster
emphasized the need for programs
including pre-school children. Ac-
cording to recent reports of the
local school board, such things
as reading to these younger chil-
dren and taking them’ on: field
trips greatly adds to their chances
of adjusting well in. elementary’
school. A recent proposal to be-
‘gin a great books discussion grou:
for high schoolers would open
Qne more field in which BMC
students could communicate with
the children of Bryn Mawr.
Commendation for many at BMC
who have been helping Negro stu-_
dents in their studies was the
opening statement of Rev. Burton’s
remarks. He spoke of our respon-
sibility .to impart the knowledge
we have gained to others: What
inteilectual needs we may fulfill
for.another person are as essen-
ceives at church or the physical
attention he finds in a hospital,
Rev. Burton stated.
Mr. Archer also. stressed the
"importaiice of ‘seeking to promote
development of spirit, mind, and -
body. He expressed disappointment
ethat the young adult group of the
YMCA is the smallest in the or-
‘tial as the spiritual gain he re- — -
tm te
bari 8, 1964
Page Three:
Throng Greets Gxddwates-
With Moderate Enthusiasm
By Karen Durbin
- A. moderately enthus
" greeted Senator Barry M. Gold-
water at Surburban Shopping Cen-
ter in Ardmore when he spoke
there Tuesday morning.
The parking lot and surrounding
streets were filled with people of
_. all. ages, many.bearing .placards -
whose messages ranged from ‘*Ar- —
menians for Goldwater’’ to ‘‘Bread
Not Bombs,’’
Haverford and Bryn Mavr stu-
_ dents, on both sides of the politi-
cal fence, were a noticeable part
-of the estimated-5,000 who turned
out to hear the deeply tanned,
silver-haired senator.
In general, the crowd was well-
behaved. Except for occasional
squabbles “between anti-Goldwa-
terites (one of whom shouted *‘ Heil
Hitler’) and ‘surrounding irate
Main Line matrons,- there were
no hecklers or *‘incidents.”’
The anti-Goldwater contingent
from Haverford and Bryn Mawr,
estimated at about 150, for the
most part limited their activities
to passing out Republicans for
Johnson literature and displaying
signs saying, among other things,
**No Hope Here for Negroes or
Poor,’’ ‘*Help Stop Barrie’ (sic),
and, with a touch of Haverfordian
humor, ‘*What Are You Going To
Be When You Grow Up, Barry??’:
Looming six feet high and twen-
ty feet wide behind the crowd was
a large cloth sign bearing the
surprising message, ‘‘Haverford
Talks to Students
The six Negro members of the
Freshman class were given a
,lunch, Tuesday, Oct. 6, by Mrs.
Hotten, a representative of the
National Scholarship Service and —
Fund for Negro Students. Mrs.
Hotten was interested in: hearing
about their reactions to their pro-
fessors, classes, students, and
social life at Bryn-Mawr,.
The NSSAFFNS is an organi-
zation trying to get qualified Negro
students into inter-racial or pre-
“dominantly white colleges. Among
its activities, it keeps voluminous
files on which colleges want or
don’t want Negro students, ~—
Mrs. -Hotten of the New York
branch is on a tour of colleges,
bringing the file up to date. Since
the six, Valerie Fisher of Georgia,
Jacqueline Williams of. Florida,
and Wonza Williamson, Barbara
Webb, Marsha Young, and Jessica
Harris of New York State, agreed
that Bryn Mawr was comfortable,
the topic turned to dating.
The twoSoutherners were rather
surprised by inter-racial dating
and found it quite different, but
the four New. Yorkers are rather
used to it.
The students agreed that the
majority of high school guidance
counselors are not aware of ed-
ucational opportunities for Ne-
groes. The NSSAFFNS has been
filling the gap by advising Negro
students on the basis of their
records® and recruiting qualified
Negroes for schools who want
them. .
anoqud, we
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WANTED: Responsible party to
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on a Spinet piano. Can be seen
locally. Write Credit. Manager,
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10% reduction to students on
the next week. —-
anything in our store during}:
Conservatives for Goldwater J
In “his speech, which was clear-
ly delivered but hardly dynamic,
Senator Goldwater described the
campaign as one of fundamental
issues, i.e., fan all-powerful cen-"
tral goverment versus the federal
' System’?,and-“‘a socialized econ-.—
omy versus~ a free economy.’ ~
The senator remained general
throughout most of his speech,
never mentioning his opponent by
Political saws were occasiaqnally
peppered, however, with such re-
marks as direct criticism of the
Democratic senator from Arkan-
sas, J, William Fulbright, and the
comment that ‘‘So much dirt has
been swept under the White House
~rug, it can “qualify for the soil
bank, 9?
Warmly received by. the ‘Gtowd
was Senator Goldwater’s comment
on ‘‘the forgotten American,’* the
steady .worker who pays his taxes
and is neglected by ‘‘the powers
in Washington, who cater only to
minority eon: s
Sheila Burke (Vallaria), Jeanne Harvey (Zonula), and Marjorie Westerman (Mela) vie for atten-
tions of the Bridegroom in ‘‘The Most Foolish Virgin,’’ Rock’s winning Hall Play. On the right:
~ Touche! MacStuff (Wendy Chambers) smites Mac Truck (Julie Patton) in te Inn-Infirmary
version of ‘‘MacTruck.’’
immorality Triumphs: Rock’s ‘Foolish Virgin’ ;
Rhoads’ ‘Rape’ Win Freshman Play Honors
The Rockefeller freshmen won
top honors in the hall- plays last
Friday and Saturday. nights with
their hysterical interpretation of
“The Most Foolish Virgin,’ di-
rected by Carolyn Meadow and
stage-managed by Priscilla Rob-
bins, Stars of the play. were Mar-
‘This building here I think I know
Built -for the Bryn Mawr overflow
The workmen razz me stopping
To watch their progress, one year
Aesthetic mind begins to fret--
It looks like an erector set,
Within a wall, as if a moat,
To ward ‘off Haverford, I bet.
I give my head a puzzled shake
To ask’ if there is some mistake.
Perhaps the. boxes on the roof
Are tower suites in modern make.
The building’s dusty, stark and
The architecture: makes we weep.
Thank God I’ve Rhoads in which
to sleep,
Thank God I’ve Rhoads in- which
. to sleep.
plus an excerpt from
The Figure Erdman Makes
Abstraction is an old story with
_ the philosophers, but it has been
_like a new toy in the hands of the
Cold Eye Cast at fedaee
architects of our day...
More than once I should have
signed the dorm to radicalism,
if it had been the originality it
was mistaken for by young stu-
dents... Its most precious quality
will be its having crumbled up
and carried away the skylights with
it. Look at it a hundred times;
the showcase will forever look
like the Long Island Railroad Sta=
tion. It can never lose its sense
of a building that once unfolded
by surprise as it went.
N. H.
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- LATEST Open ves.
POPS ne PHONE 527.0163 (Except Mon.)
pot ,
Golden Discs of the Past
é in
jorie Westerman (Daughter of the
King), and Jeanne Harvey (The
Slave Girl),
Judging the plays were Mr, and
Mrs. Peter Leach of the English
Department, College Theater
President Jane Robbins and Ha-
verford Drama Club President
Terry Van Brunt.
.. Honorable... mention. went. toa
"Rhoads Hall for their anti-Papist
version of Alexander Pope’s “The
Rape of the Lock.’’ Marsha Ringel’s.
Brooklynese Belinda *‘left the au-
dience exhausted and left Pope
crying in his bier,’’ according to
one upperclassman,.
Highlighting the Friday. night
plays were two parodies, ‘‘Mac-
Truck’? and ‘‘Death to a Sales-
man.’’ ‘*MacTruck,’’ done by the
College Inn and Infirmary _fresh-
men, chose the improbable tech-
nique of producing a five scene
one act play. Mrs. MacTruck’s’
(Linda Emrock) delivery of her
lines was similar to those of
Belinda. Said Lady MacT after the
ghost of “‘Bingo’’ crashed the ban-
quet, ‘*Well, there goes our reputa-
tion for giving sparkling dinner
Radnor Hall presented their
“Death to a Salesman’? in ‘‘living
stereo,’? They chose the difficult
method -of having two casts syn-
chronizing lines and gestures,
Pembroke West’s ‘The Last
Flower’’ exhibited very fine direc-
tion, but unfortunately the audience
was not particularly receptive to
its whimsically serious tone,
_ Pembroke East’s offering
pointed out that one should never |
trust the attendants in ladies’
rooms, Much of.the dialogue. par-
odied television slogans, which was
often quite amusing,
Milne’s ‘‘Expedition tothe’North
Pole’? from ‘Winnie the Pooh,’?
“was the basis for Merion’s play:
It_was. lightly .done..and directed...
well, but it is difficult to stage
such a story when everyone in the
audience has his own conception
of each character,
Denbigh presented a topical sa-
tire, “The Reluctant Mawrter,”’
on the escapades of a Freshman
from Muckra Junior College find-
ing herself misplaced among Bryn
Mawr freshmen,
_ The hall plays demonstrated
originality, fine comic talent, and
imaginative direction. If last week-
end’s plays. are any indication,
.Freshman Show will be something
_well worth waiting for.
K.M. A.L.
Unique Office Supply Co.
Office & School Supplies
Greeting Cards
BRYN MAWR, PA. LA 5.9845
Kitty McLean
Bryn Mawr, Pa.
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Too busy to write home?
Then telephone. It’s quick, ‘inexpensive, and, for
both you and your folks, the most satisfying way
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Page Four:
’ October 8, 1964
Robert Alexander To-Discuss
Present S. American Turmoil
Robert J. Alexander, author of
THE PERON ERA, and innum-
erable other books and articles
on. Latin American politics and
economics will address the col-
lege Monday, October 12, ‘at 7:30
in the Common Room. His lecture .
. ds_entitled “The Current Revolu-..
-- tion in: Latin-America’’s~----~~ >
- Mr. Alexander, eminent in Latin
American studies,
with the economics department
of Rutgers University. In addition
to his writing and professional
duties he has worked for the Board
of .Economic Warfare, (Brazilian
desk), the Office of Inter-American
Affairs, the Economic Coopera-
tion Administration and the In-
ternational Cooperative Adminis -
Mr. Alexander is one of many
‘Speakers the Latin American Club
WHRC Broadcasts
Varied ‘Spectrum’
Of Musical Styles
The daily ‘broadcasts of Haver-
ford’s radio station, WHRC, have
been scheduled to offer almost
‘every kind of music or enter-
tainment throughout the day. While
the schedule has not yet been
completely worked out, these are
the shows planned so far:
7:30-9:00 a.m. - SPECTRUM: a
morning variety show of the Break-
fast-Club.. type,. featuring. news,
music, and probably hall announce-
ments :
6:00-8:30 p.m. (tentative-eve-
ning shows will. not be fully sched-
uled until Monday)-Musical vari-
'8:30-11:00-Newscast, including
hall announcements; classical mu-
11:00-1:00-Newscast; ‘‘easy-
chair’? music, both sweet and po-
10:00-1:00.a,m, - “Date music’?
(times not scheduled) Soap Op-
era, Classical music
While the new Bryn Mawr trans-
mitters should enable nearly ev-
eryone to listen to WHRC, the
Station’s staff offers a few sug-
gestions for improved reception:
try turning the radio’s electric
plug the other way in the socket,
. and be sure no other appliances
are plugged into that socket when
you play the radio,
is curréntly,
will be inviting to the campus.
The club plans two types of speak-
ers: formal lectures of college-_
wide -interest to be held monthly
in the Common Room and informal
discussions in. more ‘specialized
fields to be held every Thursday
10:30 -- 11:30 in the Deanery.
The. tentative program for the -
fall includes Tad Szulc-of the NEW -
YORK TIMES speaking on Cuba
in. November, and James «Rowe
of the American Universities
Field Staff giving a lecture ‘en-
titled ‘“Peronismo and Neo-Peron-
ismo in Argentino’’ in December.
Other speakers will include repre-:
sentatives from the Inter.-Ameri-
> can Bank, the State. Department
and the Ford Foundation.
The Thursday morning discus-
sions began last Thursday when
David .Spencer,.. Latin-American
Assistant of the National. Student.
Association :described the func-
tions and activities of that or-
Other topics of discussion will
be ‘‘DeGaullism’’ in Latin Ameri-
ca, Latin American integration,
and subjects of the special pro-
jects and“honors papers now being °
investigated by club. members, :
The third project. of the Club
will be exposing educational and
occupational. opportunities. These.
will include talks by representa-
tives from AIESEC and the State
Department, and former Bryn
Mawr students.
The membership in the Club is
open to any and all who have an
undying ‘love’ of Latin Americal
Newly elected officers are:
Genie Ladner, president; Helen
Gray, Vice President and Alli-
ance representative; Alice Chary,
Secretary and Jo Frodin, Treas-
_LAwrence 5-5802
825 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Tonight i Monday
Michael Cooney :
1902 SANSOM STREET; LO 7-9640
WIGHTLY: 9:15, 11; PRI. & SAT. 6:30, 10, 12
LAwrence 5-0894 - LAwrence 5-7350
We carry a complete line of
Household Articles
Hand Made Jewelry
Gold. Silver . Brase
“De La Verriere
Anne Berg |
1602 Spruce-St. Philadelphia ©
~--etry;-fact-or fiction;~*|
845 bannoater Ave. are Wows. or
_.. Get a copy-today.
‘“‘Why Suppress Pay-TV? The Fight in
California” by Sylvester L. ‘‘Pat’’
Weaver: The president of Subscription”
Television discusses thé case for pay-
TV, a hot subject coming before
California voters in November.
“‘Nelson Algren at Fifty-Five”’ by H.-
E. F. Donohue: Good talk about writers
and life based on interviews with prize
novelist, Nelson Algren.
Poetry by: Peter Davison, Thomas
Hornsby Férril, W. S. Merwin, and Anna
Akhmatova, as translated by Robert
Writer in Search of Himself’ by Sean
O'Faolain: Excerpts from the author's —
_ autobiography, Vive Moi!, tells
of his three years at Harvard
and his decision to return
to Ireland.
Montt in, month out
The Atlantic’ s editors
seek out exciting ex-
pressions of new and
provocative ideas. 4
And whether these
expressions take the
. form of prose or po-
they always attain a
remarkably high level
of academic value
. and literary:interest.
Make room in your
Jife for The Attantic:
Ink, Pastel inl: Paper Modern Men
On Display in Pederson
Douglas Pederson, whose paint-
ings and drawings comprise the
October arf’ show in the. Rodst,
comes to the Art Gallery~on the
recommendation of Jerome A cker-
man, a former member of. the
History of Art Department.
Mr. Pederson. seems, .to this
reviewer, to be absorbed in por-
--trayiag.modern man. Most of his
work has as its central figure
.a Single faceless man, withsquare
head and body and spindly arms
and legs, vestigial organs in the
present age of car and push-button.
The arms ‘and legs come to a
squared-off end well before they
have a chance to — into hands
and feet.
Mr. Pederson does several of
Bookstore Blooms
“With Discs, Prints
After, a peaceful summer in its
cocoon, the-Bryn Mawr Bookstore
burst forth this fall as a brightly-
lit, artistically inclined butterfly.
Shelves of records at discount.
-prices. have been added, filledwith. ..
a “selection from Schubert to Bru- .
‘beck. Also of interest to those
with artistic interests is the col-
lection of inexpensive prints.
these eroded men in soft, almost
spring-like colors, using a daub -
technique. Each figure is made
up of many blending daubs | of
paint, standing out distinctly from
a pale, even background, which is
blue, yellow, gray, pale green or -
white, in different pictures. __.
Others are formed from papier-
maché on.a white background and
from magazine clippings, with such
relevant words as “How.” #*Won-
drous ,’? ‘*Modern,’’ ‘‘Art.”® In an-
other the words are more
universal: ‘‘Look,’? ‘‘EE,”
“World, ” “View. 9
The effect of two or three of
these pictures is frightening, the
blunted clumsiness of Mr. Peder-
son’s modern man emphasized by
‘the ironically lovely colors and
by the words which compose, but
do not characterize the man.
tures are almost identical and
their quality is lost in their quan-
° tity.
More interesting is. a series of
‘LA cand LA 5-6664
James P. Kerchner Pharmacist
Unfortunately-many-of-the- pic=- —}-
_ 30 Bryn Mawr Ave. Bryn Mawr. Po.
Art Exhibit
five skeletal 4k. irowines. pro-
gressing . from a distorted torso
of a body to a section of the trunk,
with special] emphasis on the ribs.
Mr. Pederson narrows his focus
until, in the fourth drawing, he
shows only ribs, curling upward
vaguely in. the pattern. of.a Chris-.
-tmas tree.
The. drawings have afineness
of line and a beauty of pattern
lacking in the other pictures and
are the best work in a good, if
. Somewhat redundant, show.
Art: Gallery Chairman Grace
Seiberling hopes that future ex-
hibits will include student paint-
ings and photographs, and hopes
that would-be exhibitors will con-
tact her in Rhoads. B. G.
Smart Eating Place®’
24 N. Bryn Mawr Avenue
LA 5-6623-4
Closest to the Campus
Same Day Shirts & Cleaning *"
24 Hour Drop Box
22 N. Bryn Mawr Ave,, Bryn Mawr
i ine
A Final Reminder
, Liberal Arts Majors
You must apply by Oct. 14th
to be eligible to take NSA’s
Professional Qualification Test.
The PQT itself won’t be given until Saturday, October 24th, but, in
order to take the test and qualify for a career position with the
National Security Agency, you must stop by the College Placement
Office, pick up your PQT brochure, and mail in the enclosed applica-
_ You are not.under any obligation to.NSA if you take this test, but all
Liberal Arts majors (Mathematicians excepted) must pass the PQT
before tney can be considered.
Remember—whatever your specialty—finance & accounting,
political science, history, languages or linguistic research .
business administration, data systems. programming,
. you can
make immediate use of your college-acquired capabilities with the
Natianal Security Agency, headquarters for secure communications | >
research and’ development .
puter and edp systems...
Remember, too, these special NSA advantages:
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and cryptologic techniques.
1. ‘Widely-diversified research programs not available anywhere else
2. Advancement geared to either technical or wicitciacuaiuates capa-
3: Unique training in new disciplines and methods:
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and near the Chesapeake Bay resort region.
Starting salaries of $6,050 (for B.A. degrees) plu€tegular increases, :
excellent. promotion possibilities .
. and all the benefits of Federal
Apply now and be sure. You must be a
U.S. citizen, subject to a character and loyalty check. Engineers;
scientists, and mathematicians should also consult their College
Placement Officer for information on NSA and interview dates.
: sos * National Security Agency “ess
ee age __Fort George G. Meade, Maryland
An Equal peer Employer rae 5
College news, October 8, 1964
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
4 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 51, No. 03
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.