Thank Our Vets: A Music Video
(italics= sung; regular typeface= spoken plainly and smug in that country singer=way)
Verse 1
I love america, the country you defend
Lady liberty’s a man’s best friend
Brave and true, you fight for our great land
You bring me freedom, and this I understand.
Well this ain’t just any old country song,
An’ I’ve waited far too long;
To take a stand-o, for our land-o
This’s a song bout’ Amer-’can heroes
So join in with me now: (pre-chorus beat for the chord shift)
fuck the troops but thank our vets
guns and bombs won’t protect our pets
dogs and cats deserve freedom too
veterinarians are the red white and blue
Verse 2
That’s right, this is my passion
Well this is my dog, and his name is boo,
And one tiiiime, he aint my shoe;
But you didn’t panic, yeah you helped him through,
And doctor susie, for that I love you true.
But it’s time to speak, share an oink or squeek,
Cuz’ when it comes to the military industrial complex, I’ve got a critique
Defense budget set at 700 billion dollars
Would the world be better off if that went to doggy collars?
I thank dog for my life, I fight for wildlife
Money can’t stop al qaede-o, but it can help a vet save fido
No more offshore drones, give the dogs more bones
Of the vets thinks not Uncle Sam, he only cares if you served in vietnam
Chorus (2x?)
Stop these wars in foreign lands, instead express more anal glands?
Ewan’s rough em-pha-sis guide:
I love america, the country you defe-end
Lady liberty’s a man’s best friend
Brave and true, you fight for our great land
You bring me freedom, and this I underst-aaand.
Well this ain’t just any-ol country so-ong,
An’ I’ve waited far too long---T’take a stand-oooo, for-our land-o
This is a song-about’ Amer-’can heros
So join in with me now: (pre-chorus beat for the chord shift)
fuck the troops but thank our vets
guns and bombs won’t protect our pets
dogs and cats deserve freedom too
veterinarians are the red white and blue
Verse 2
That’s right, this is my passion
Well this is my dog, and his name is boo,
And one tiiiime, he aint my shoe;
B’you didn’t panic, yeah you helped him through,
And doctor susie, for that I love you true.
But it’s time to speak, share an oink or squeek,
Cuz’ when it comes to
the military industrial complex, I’ve got a critique
-fense budget set ah’seven hunred billion dollars (pause)
Would the world be better off if that went to doggy collars?
I thank dog for my life, I fight for wildlife
Money can’t stop al qaede-o, but it can help-uh vet-save fido
No more offshore drones, give the dogs more bones
Of-the vets thinks-not Uncle Sam, he’only cares if you served in vietnam
Chorus (2x?)
Stop these wars in foreign lands, instead express more anal glands?