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College news, November 4, 1966
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
8 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 53, No. 08
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Page Eight
Friday, November 4, 1966
(Continued from page 4)
to write an honors paper may do
The committee especially would
like. to see course choices made
on a basis of rationality and not
wild guessing. This impells stu-
dents’ knowing what each course
entails more accurately and ex-
plicitly than the catalog’s details
now provide. They would like for
each professor to write briefly
what his course consists of -- a
tentative reading list if possible,
the number of exams and papers,
etc. Then they want the entire
catalog to be rewritten.
The committee on advising first
brought up the role of the wardens.
They found the wardens to be
Weekend Features
College Theatre's
Shakespeare Play
(continued from page 1)
and- peasants, at ease, lick
lollipops, Al Brown, who plays
a bear, confides, still wearing
his furry hide: ‘‘I’m a method actor
myself, so every night before I
come to rehearsal I just sort of
roll around on my bed and tear
up my roommate,’’
Mr, Butman clarifies his views
on the production, ‘tWe’re cer-
tainly not interpreting Shak-
speare by Chagall. It’s simply
that the idea of Chagall, which came
up quite by chance, gave us a
clue to costume and color, which
is always useful in holding a pro-
duction together, The most
interesting problem, intellectually
and emotionally, is the excitement
of discovering what is going on
in late Shakespeare. This is a
work of his most mature years
and in talking to the students
about it I liken it to the late
Beethoven quartets, late Rem-
brandt sketches, and the last
work of El Greco, Here we have a
chance to discover subtleties so
subtle that even at third reading
they pass unobserved, But after
working with them on the stage
we find suddenly that a line of
utter simplicity, completely with-
out poetic adornment, comes
through with a power and an hon-
esty beyond Shakespeare’s ear-
lier, more poetic lines,
‘*] talk about many of the
speeches as being ‘slabs of emo-
tion’; it is not really necessary
for the audience to hear the words
or understand the thoughts of the
particular speech--as it is in,
say, ‘‘Hamlet’’ or ‘‘Othello,”’ In
‘‘The Winter’s Tale,’’ emotion is
a color played off against other
colors, rather than an analysis
of. the characters’ feelings, This
is one reason why we wanted to
set the play mainly with color
rather than three-dimensional
Mr, Butman once piled together
on atable all the costume materials
for ‘‘The Winter’s Tale,’”’ then
opened a book of Chagall prints
to the middle and laid it over
them, ‘‘Everything flowed to-
gether,’”’ he beamed,
868 A Ave. 1602 Spruce St.
Bryn Mowr
Philadelphia] ’
Student Union, Parking
Recommended for BMC
largely wouuithe ht handling the
personal and academic problems
some students would like to bring
to them. This ‘is partly because
they are graduate students who
don’t really have time to dis-
pense crying towels and partly
because they are not chosen for
their motherly or gregarious
qualities. They suggested that the
big sister-little sister system
could be reinstated to supplement
the wardens. They also asked that
the School of Social Work be look-
ed into as a possible source of
qualified counseling personnel.
The physical facilities commit-
tee recommended the building of
a real student union building, a
multi-level parking lotacross from
Rock and Shipley, and a lounge
and coffee room in the library.
The fifth subcommittee pri-
marily recommended that relations
between the Graduate School and
the undergraduate school be in-
creased, and that programs at
nearby colleges be taken advantage
of more than they are now.
A.A. Events | T
Sunday - BMC-H’ford Frisbee
game, Merion Green, 2:30.
Dr. Judson Brown will deliver
a Class of 1902 lecture, ‘The
Self-Punitive Behavior of the Rat,”’
Wednesday, November 9, at 8p.m.
in the Physics Lecture Room.
Mademoiselle Film vr. Brown, wo witt be speak-
To Boost Campus
Coffee House Idea
Tuesday, November 8 is the date
for a film on the coffee informa-
tion service presently under the
auspices of MADEMOISELLE
Refreshments will also be :'
served in the Common Room of
Goodhart Hall where the movie
will be shown at 4:30 p.m. The
purpose of the project is to en-
courage students to initiate or
frequent a campus ‘coffee house
for socializing as well as coffee
imbibing. :
The actual idea is that the cam-
pus coffee house can be the site
for the reunion of students and the
airing of collegiate problems in
a friendly atmosphere. The cof-
fee industry as well as the aca-
demic body are to be beneficiaries
in the interchange,
ing for the first time at Bryn
Mawr College, obtained his Ph.D,
from Yale University and is pres-
ently chairman of the Depart-
ment of Psychology at the Uni-
versity of Iowa,
The lecture will deal essentially
with recent experiments Dr. Brown
has been engaged in which under-
line the hypothesis that certain
factors operating at the level of
the rat can produce in it behavior
resembling masochism in the hu-
Get out from under this weekend. Fly some-
place—for half fare on Eastern.
_ Visit a friend in another town. See an
“away” game. Change the scene. Leave late,
come back late, enjoy a long weekend —
without cutting classes.
Use your Eastern Youth ID Card, or an-
other airline’s version. If you don’t have one
—and you’re under 22—you really ought to.
To get your Youth Fare Card, send a $3
check or money order, proof of age (copy
of driver's license, birth certificate or pass-
port) to Eastern Airlines, Department 350,
— 10 Rockefeller Plaza, N.Y.,N.Y. 10020
With your Youth ID Card, you can get
an Eastern ticket for half fare. No advance
reservations are permitted. But if there’s a
seat free at departure time, after passen-
gers holding reservations and military per-
sonnel have been seated, you can fly to
any Eastern city in the United States. And
look down on all the drivers.
6B EASTERN areceonero mens
alk to Cover Self-Punitive Rat :