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College news, November 10, 1967
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
8 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 54, No. 08
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Page Eight
Friday, November 10, 1967
No down for the Bryn Mawr Callens Bow! Team as it holds its line against Notre
Dame. The score was 225 - 185 in Bryn Mawr’s second consecutive victory. Team
BMC Feminine Foursome
Blocks “Fighting” Irish
The following is part of an
article which appeared in the
‘Bulletin’ Friday,
November 3, before Bryn Mawr’s
victory. over Notre Dame on
College. Bowl.
Ara. Parseghian’s troubles have
just begun. First he ran into Le-
roy Keyes at Purdue. Then it was
Orange Juice Simpson and South-
ern Cal. And now it’s Diane and
Ruth and Ashley and Robin. Poor
Notre Dame.
And it’s on the tube, for the
world to see. The GE College
Bowl, with $3000 in the pot. Pow-
erhouse Bryn Mawr, unbeaten,
untied, barely scored upon, with
massive I,Q,’s from end to end,
Even Rockne would blanch.
Deep, versatile, swift on the
buzzer, that’s Bryn Mawr, There’s
Diane, nifty on reverses in Euro-
pean history. There’s Ruth, a
triple-threat in Latin, Greek, and
archeology. There’s Ashley,
crushing on off-tackle plays into
politics and poetry. There’s Rob-
in, elusive on runbacks through
Verdi, Van Gough and Virgil. What
can Notre Dame do but punt on
first down and pray?
A telephone call found South
Bend Eddie, a bookie who will
take any bet, so long as it is
against Notre Dame.
**How many points are you of-
fering on Bryn Maw? against Notre”
“You mean chicks? Against the
Irish? Listen, we'll play ’em in
hopscotch. Who did Bryn Mawr
on the hook, ‘‘that we are in
Exactly the feelings of Dr. Rob-
ert Patten, who is the Ara Par-
seghian of the Mainline (distaff
~division). A young English prof-
fessor, Dr. Patten has whipped
his Bryn Mawr club together since
September. He started with 149
candidates, then drove his Four
Fillies through 2,000 practice
questions. Before waxing Cal on
TV, his assassins ripped Haver-
ford three times in scrimmages.
‘*And these aren’t pros but pure
amateurs,’’ said Dr. Pattendarkly.
“Some schools -- I will not men-
tion names -- keep their players
in special dorms with daily train-
ing sessions, no outside class-
work. And they have specialists
on science, music, et cetera. Ours
play every position.
‘‘Notre Dame had a spy invade
our campus,’’ said Dr. Patten.
“A boy infiltrated the dorms here,
took notes on our training methods,
scouted our personnel. I’m ser-
ious. We considered retaliating
by sending a girl with a bad
cold to Notre Dame, but I am
against germ warfare. We respect
Notre Dame, but remember --
we’re Number One.”’
Ta! Ia! Ia!
Undergrad Dues
(Continued from page 5)
gram is thwarting participation
by being based on a principle of
minimum expense for the mini-
mum of activities?
There was an opinion ex-
pressed that ‘‘if I don’t partici-
pate in an activity, I don’t want
to pay for it.’? Personally, I find
this rather egocentric. Undergrad
only supports those organizations
and clubs which are open to the
whole campus. Most of these can-
not be supported by membership
dues alone, and they resort to
selling. food or VISA cards or
charging admissions; efforts are
directed towards making money
thereby detracting from the time
spent on the production. It is quite
true that no one participates in all
the clubs and that some people
participate in none, but the ma-
jority of us participate in some-
thing, and I like to think we can
even benefit from: the existence
of some activities in which we
do not participate. Besides, we all
get Freshman Handbooks as well
as the NEWS, have the convenience
of Pay Day and hall announcing
(now posting), and appreciate self-
scheduled exams. Undergrad funds
all these.
Only the mechanics of the dues
raise remain to be straightened
out. There are three problems:
1) Overwhelmingly (90%), the
campus wanted to be billed over
the summer. This would be sep-
arate from tuition, and an item-
ized list of where the money would
be spent would be included. Among
other things this would enable us
to have the Undergrad funds «at
the beginning of each year (the
time of heaviest expenses) and
avoid perennial Pay Day crises
(eg. Alliance has only $38.00 un-
til next Pay Day).
2) Also, what about scholarship
students? . Compared to other
schools, a $25.00 activities fee
is small, but compared to this
year’s fee, it is almost doubled.
For the administration this means
finding $11.00 more per scholar-
ship student, and 1/3 of us are
on scholarship.
3) What should Undergrad pay
for and-what is the responsibility
of the administration? We pay
$1300.00 to Pay Day mistresses
and hall announcers, but the ad-
ministration paysfire captains. We
pay only part of the Orchestra-
Chorus-Chamber Music costs; the
administration pays the rest and
yet they are under Arts Council.
(When the ‘‘administration’’ pays,
the money comes from~tuition as
well as other funds.)
Lola Atwood.
President, Undergrad
: Why carry around a whole
, photo by Conrad Waldinger
spirit was bolstered by Greek yells from Bryn Mawr’s cheering section in the
ever beat?’”’
“The U. of California at Riv-
erside last week. Score was 230-
70. Bryn Mawr wasn’t even breath-
ing hard.’’
.,&motional as always, South Bend
Eddie broke into a hoarse, off-
key version of, ‘‘Cheer, cheer for
old Notre Dame ... wake up the
s that cheer her name...’’
at, he snarled, did Bryn Mawr
have that compared?
‘‘Well, they have this chant that
chemistry set full of potions
for. wetting, cleaning and
soaking contact lenses?
: Lensine is here! It's:an all-
- purpose solution for complete
‘lens care, made by the
Easy-to-sew products (both with and without a sewing machine) con earn
you extra money just in time for Christmas (and in the followfiig nonths,
too!). You can accomplish this in a few hours a week, even while you're
ba by-sitting.-There is no personal selling needed. Our booklet gives you
» all the easy steps to follow so that you can have fun sewing those items
which you already know, plus new ideas which you can learn, while every
stitch earns you more money. Our extra Directory’ of “Where To Send
For Sewing Bargains"’ will be included FREE, (fabrics, threads, yarns,
buttons, ribbons, remnants, and even sewing machines at low, low
: Murine Company:
So what else is new?
Well, the removable
lens carrying case
on the bottom of
every bottle, that's .
new, too. And it’s
exclusive with
goes, ‘Anassa kata, kalo kale, prices!) if your order is received within a week. Rush two dollars today, Revert he
ia! ia! ial_nikel’” |
ies tia ak dbith Chae te (only $2.00) for your copy of ‘GIRLS SEW AND EARN,”’ to Amethyst “salution for
all your contact
___lens problems.
that?” :
‘*Well, it means, ‘Goddess de-
os sean, we invoke you O beautiful
oe hail hail, ‘hail, victory."""
(#4 think,’ said South Bend Ed-
die before the phone crashed down
Enterprises, 5 Jamaica Avenue, Greenlawn, New York, 11740. Your
money will be refunded if you. are not completely satisfied: and you
may. —_ the e Directory with our compliments!
Ra of Abia Salen eR AE ae weare a on. Hwee
~O% 3?
2 Shh web ceSs s
dan hs ake aes Se iaeneeigee he os
SCALE ANS I by Matibasas (ED Gack BOE Te Whe)
sl isan ee a pie eat wp Sth ee eshicerveesavttaamaniateatlinacvenin sabe’ ME ERTS.