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College news, October 26, 1960
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 47, No. 04
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
, Human Relations. Panelists were:
zB Open Seven Days
Next Door To Bryn Mawr P.O.
Page Four
eee NANO th tect centenntittneibee teat
Wednesday, October 26, 1960
Civil Righters Plan New Program
Continued from Page™2, Col. 3
the. retirement of Professor Nelson
and eleven other faculty members
last May. Professor Nelson gave}
the history and decisive character-
—{stics of non-violent action as out-|
lined by the Rev. Martin Luther
King in his book Strides Toward
The conference re-convened Sat-
urday at 10:00 A. M. with a panel
discussion on community problems.
The chairman was Mr. Larry
of the Commission on
Mr. Judge Allen, of the Urban
‘League on Employment, Mr. James
Baker, of the N. A. A. C. P. on
Open Market Housing, Mr. Irving
Pankin, of the Jewish Labor Com-
mittee on Labor and Integration
in the North, and Mr. Anthony
Vega, of the Puerto Rican Migra-
tion Division. The panelists spoke
on their particular fields, and an-
swered questions relating to pos-
sibilities for solution of the prob-
lems they had presented.
At 11:30 A. M., the conference
split up into small ‘discussion
groups. Each group discussed one
aspect of campus problems, such
as fraternities and sororities, cam-
pus housing, and college employ-
ment and placement services.
After lunch, there was another
panel discussion of the Southern
portents of Civil Right. The Rev.
Gilbert Doan, ofthe Lutheran stu-
dents’ Association, cited examples
from the Old and New Testaments
applicable to Civil Rights action.
Mr, Edward Hollander explained
the differences in the Southern and
‘Northern students’ use of non-vio-
lent action. He said that the South-
ern students tend to view non-vio-
lence as more than a technique for
achieving freedom, but that this
ideological difference does in no
way divide the groups. Both Mr.
Oppenheimer and Mr. Walters,
(who had just returned from an
N.S. A. discussion with chain-store
executives), stated and document-
ed the belief that integration of
Southern. schools and chain-store
lunch counters has just begun, and
that continued efforts are needed
to achieve a-full integration.
After the panel discussion, a
plenary session of the conference
voted to accept a pledge dedicating
it to non-violence as a means of
affecting Civil Rights.
The conference adjourned, after
which a meeting of the Philadel-
phia Coordinating Committee for
Civil Rights, sponsor of the con-
ference, elected its new chairman,
Mr. Edward Hollander. The group
also discussed plans for an elec-
tion day demonstration, involving
stuents from. local colleges.
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In and Around Philadelphia
The Unsinkable Molly Brown is in its final week at the Shubert,
Period of Adjustment, Tennessee Williams’ comedy, continues at the
Ice Capades. continues at the Arena every night, — Saturdays and
Sundays when there are afternoon_shows,———_—
Little Moon of Alban, by James Costigan, seaniitun Julie Harris and
John Justin, opens at the Forrest Friday evening. This play was
presented with Miss Harris on television two years ago.
Wildcat, a new musical starring Lucille Ball, opens Saturday at the
Six Characters in Search of an Author, Luigi Pirandello’s comedy with
tragic overtones, will open October 27 at the Neighborhood Play-
ers, 22nd St. below Walnut St. Playhouse in Philadelphia, to run
for. five -weékends.
Luboshutz and Nemenoff, duo pianists im recital, will be at the Academy
Thursday evening.
Philadelphia Orchestra will play its weekend series with Camilla Will-
iams as soprano soloist.
Ray Coniff with his orchestra and chorus will be at the Academy Octo-
ber 30.
The Alamo, new spectacular in Todd-AO, begins tonight at the. Mid-
town. - The show stars John Wayne. All seats are reserved,
Hiroshima, My Love, the French-Japanese drama, is now at the Trans-
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