© Trustees of Bryn Mawr College, 1959
Leighton Speaks
On Psychiatric
Study In Canada
Speaking on “A Study in the
Prevalence of Psychiatric Disor-
ders,” Dr. Alexander H, Leighton,
Professor of Sociology and Anth-
ropology at Cornell, delivered the
Class of 1902 Lecture in the biol-
ogy building Friday evening.
Dr. Leighton began by describ-
ing the rural country in Nova Sco-
tia chosen for the study. Most of
the 20,000 inhabitants of this
wooded wilderness live within three
miles of the shore. Fishing is the
major occupation with lumbering
a close second. There is also a
certain amount of subsistence
farming. The largest town has a
population of 3,000.
Lead Simple Lives
About half the people are of
Scotch-Irish ancestry, and the rest
are French-speaking Acadians, the
people of Longfellow’s “Evange-
line.” The hardy men and wom-
en of this northeast Canadian coun-
try live in “direct, stark contact
with nature”: Their lives are ruled
by the vicissitudes of weather and
Psychiatric Survey
To estimate the percentage of
the population suffering from
psychiatric conditions, over one
thousand probability samples of
heads of households, both malg
and female, were drawn. Each of
the thousand was given a two hour
interview during which he was
asked to answer a set of questions
—none of which wern probing or
embarrassing—designed to reveal
the state of the individual’s men-
tal health. Informatiom about the
subjects was also obtained from
general practitioners, hospitals,
welfare agencies, and county
homes for psychiatric disorders. .
The rating of this information
was carefully controlled and the
estimates as conservative as poss-
ible. It was found that at least
26% of the population was suffer-
ing from psychiatric disorders that
(Continued on Page 4, Col. 3)
Mr. Lattimore is Paul Shorey Pro-
fessor of Greek, translator of the
Illiad, the Odes of Pindar and a
number of Greek plays; not least,
he is— as the phrase goes—a poet in
his own right. Mr. Lattimore’s met-
rical rendition of the Oresteia is
used in the present production.
by Mr. Richmond Lattimore
On March 20 and 21 the Bryn
Mawr and Haverford theatre
groups will present the Oresteia of
Aeschylus, under the direction of
Mr. Robert Butman. The Oresteia,
first given in Athens in 458 B.C.,
igs a trilogy or “threesome of
stories”. It does not matter very
much whether you think of it as
a tragedy in three parts (they are
a least more than acts) or three
consecutive tragedies; but the sec-
ond way is perhaps the better, Om
this view, each of the three plays
(Agamemnon, The Libation Bear-
ers, and the Eumenides) has its
own unity and plot, but all three
together form a unified whole. This
is the only such trilogy from Greek
drama which has survived intact.
Material From Legends
The Athenian tragic poets took
their material from . traditional
legend, by which we mean a mass
of interconnected sagas and stories
which. are placed in the “heroic
age” (very roughly, about 1300-
1000 B.C.). Of these stories, some
of the best known, and popular,
were the career of Oedipus and
the Theban Wars, the expedition
of the Argonauts, the adventures
of Heracles and of Theseus, and
the story of Troy. Of this last,
a part had long ago been told, in
finished form, by Homer (Iliad)
with a full scale sequel about the
return of one of the chief heroes
of the Trojan War (Odyssey). The
dramatists of Athens made many
playsout_of. the actions of the
Trojan War, but mostly did not
care to trespass on parts fully cov-
ered by Homer; they preferred to
use episodes which preceded or fol-
lowed the action of the Iliad. One
such episode was the return of
Lectures In Prospect
Mr. Maurice B. Fagan, Executive Director of the Philadelphia Fellow-
ship Commission, will speak on Tuesday, March 24, at 8:30 im the
Common Room, The talk is being sponsored by the Alliance for Politi-
cal Affairs. Mr. Fagan is the Executive Director and Co-Founder of.
the Philadelphia Fellowship Commission, co-author of the community
relations textbook “Counterattack,” Secretary of the Philadelphia
Commission on Higher Education, and a member of the Governor’s
Commission on Housing. He is a graduate of the University of Penn-
VISTAS.”—Professor H. Bentley
Glass, of the Johns Hopkins University biology department, will deliver
the class of 1902 lecture in the biology lecture room on Thursday,
March 26 at 5:30. Professor Glass has done extensive research in the
field of genetics, the social study of evolution, and Rh blood types. He
has written numerous articles for publishing companies and for science
magazines and has served as consultant to the U. S. Department of
State in Germany.
Miss Kathleen Raine, internationally known poet, will read some of her
poetry with commentaries on Thursday, March 19, at 5 p.m. in the Ely
Room, Wyndham. Miss Raine holds the Eugenie Strong Memorial Fel-
lowship at Girton College in Cambridge University. She has been
working for seven years on the neo-Platonic origins of Blake’s pro-
petislad; ‘Aahcti bak olliay Sockie ‘are TUe Prekcmecs and The Year
One, and a book of Collected Poems. She has délivered broadcasts. in
England, contributed to literary. journals, and has held a lectureship in
the college.’ Miss Raine will be here on March 19 and 20, and it is
— after the fall of Troy,
an episode often referred to. by
Homer in the Odyssey, but never
fully elaborated in the Homeric
poems. This is the material Aes-
chylus used for his Oresteia, He
regarded it, I think, more as his-
tory than as legend, Agamemnon,
Clytaemestra, Aegisthus, and Ores-
tes were not fictitious characters,
events in their careers fixed by
tradition and history and not to
ibe changed, though there was a
good deal of latitude for invention
of detail, and full latitude for in-
Plot Summary
I should not wish to spoil the
story of this trilogy by telling it
in advance, but it might be help-
ful to give a summary of what the
story is up to the beginning of
Agamemnon—as Aeschylus as-
sumed it and as his Athenian au-
dence understood it.
Atreus and Thyestes, the sons
of Pelops, disputed the throne of
Argos. Attreus had the better of
it. He pretended to offer reconcil-
iation, and at a feast served the
flesh of the children of Thyestes
to their father. He ate it, and
when told what he had done curs-
Poetry Competitions
Urged With Prizes
April 8 is the deadline for sub-
mission of manuscripts in compe-
tition for three separate creative
writing prizes, the Katharine Ful-
lertom Gerould Prize for creative
writing, and the Bain-Swiggett
and Academy of American Poets
prizes for poetry.
For the $50.00 Gerould Prize,
any undergraduate may submit
one or more entries in the categor-
ies of long or short narrative; in-
formal essay; or verse (a group of
poems is suggested). Clean copy,
ittyped, double-spaced, published or
since June 1958, may be left at the
Alumnae Office, 2nd floor front of
the Deanery, not later than 4:30
pm. Wednesday, April 8. These
rules in. detail will be posted in
Taylor, the Library and Pembroke
East Basement,
The rules for the Bain-Swiggett
Prize and the Academy of Amer-
ican Poets Prize are similar. Man-
uscripts submitted in these two
contests must be in the President’s
Office before 5:00 p.m. on the 8th.
(Continued on Page 4, Col. 5)
Big-Six Presidents-Elect
Self-Gov.: Sue Harri
Undergrad: Marey Tency
Alliance: Eunice Strong |
Interfaith: Cathy Lucas
League: Julie O’Neil
A.A.: Helen Cohen
New Hall Presidents
Rhoads: Marilyn McKinney
Rockefeller: Cynthia Secor
Pem East: Arlene Lesberg
Pem West: Fritzi Lincoln
Bsc ve Joan King
” madhots Sue Schapiro —
Sec. of Self-Gov.: Liz Lynes
First Sophomore to Self-Gov.:
Alison Baker
V. P. of Self-Gov.:
Sally Davis
but, to him, people, with certain:
The Oresteta,” ta er g Greek Trilogy,
Wilsons Granted
ed the entire house and fled with
his surviving son Aegisthus.
Agamemnon and Menelaus, sons
of Atreus and kings of Angos, mar-
ried the sisters Clytaemestra and
Helen. When Helen went to Troy
with Paris (Alexander), Agamem-
non gathered an army from all
Greece to win her back. The fleet
was held at Aulis by contrary
winds and could not sail until Aga-
memnon, constrained by portents
and by Calchas the prophet, sacri-
ficed his eldest daughter, Iphige-
neia, to Artemis. Then the fleet
Motives Stem From Past
From such acts of bloodshed in
the past come the motives of Cly-
taemestra and Aegisthus, or a part
of the motive—the spectator can
decide how much—as Agamemnon
opens in Angos where they are
waiting for news about the out-
come of the Trojan War,
The Athenians of 458 B.C. saw
their Oresteia by daylight, starting
at dawn and running for several
hours, in the open-air theatre (not
ampitheatre) of Dionysus. It was
performed by twelve choristers;
three actors, masked, who by
changing masks and costumes man-
aged to take all the speaking parts
in the play; and a number of stu-
pernumerary non-speaking play-
ers (such as Clytaemestra’s hand-
maids or Aegisthus’ bodyguard).
All these players were men. The
‘play was done in verse, with music
(and in Greek). This perform-
ance wil] have music and verse
(English), and women playing the
women’s parts, lights, and (for
time’s desperate sake) some cuts.
But, the Oresteia will still be
o Eight Seniors
For Further Study
Among the 1,200 recipients of
Woodrow Wilson Fellowships for
graduate study in the year 1959-
60 are eight Bryn Mawr seniors:
Renata Adler, Miriam S. Beames,
Nancy: J. Gaylord, Susan Linda
Gold, Katherine Kolhas Knight,
Mary Ann Robbins, Diane E. Tay-
lor, and Eleanor J. Winsor.
The awards, which cover full
tuition and fees plus a $1,500 liv-
ing allowance, are part of a na-
tionwide attempt to encourage col-
lege graduates to prepare them-
selves for a teaching career. This
year’s Wilson fellows, 325 women
and 875 men, both American and
Canadian, were chosen from 7000
candidates nominated by commit-
tees of faculty members and ap-
plying from over 700 colleges.
Four of the eight Bryn Mawr
recipients have chosen Yale for
graduate study: Nancy Gaylord in
French literature, Mary Ann Rob-
bins in Latin literature, and Susan
Gold and Eleanor Winsor in Eng-
lish literature.
Renata Adler will take her Wil-
son to Radcliffe, where she intends
to study the philosophy of lan-
guages. Katherine Knight wants
to remain at Bryn Mawr to work
om English literature. Both Miriam
Beames (Classics) and Diane Tay-
lor (Archaeology) are going to the
University of Chicago.
The Woodrow Wilson National
fact_that these awards can only
partly aid the great teacher short-
age in America, In fact, the thirty
to forty thousand college teachers
who will be needed in the 1960’s
can only be provided if for every
Woodrow Wilson fellow - thirty
other members of the class of 1959
also become teachers.
T. Webster Lectures
Menander’s “Dyskolos,” a New
Comedy in two senses (not only
does it belong to the later school
of Attic Comedy, but also it was
only recently discovered), was the
subject of the third of the Horace
White Memorial Lectures, given
by Professor T.B.L. Webster of
the University of London on Mon-
day night.
Since it was formerly known only
in fragments (of which three have
been found to contain false read-
ings), scholars (among them Pro-
fessor Webster) who had for years
attemptedto-reconstruct the play
were delighted at the discovery of
a papyrus with the complete text
of the “Dyskolos” a year or so ago.
Since it has not yet been published,
Professor Webster has obtained a
proof of the papyrus, from which
he made translations for the audi-
ence’s amusement.
Produced In 316 B.C.
The play was probably produced
in 316 B.C., when Menander was
twenty-five; signs of the author’s
youth may be found in an outsize
cast, rather weak composition, and
a reduction of what could have been
an elaborately complicated intrigue
to a few lines. :
|_.Nonetheless,; judging from Pro-|
fessor Webster’s summary of the
action, the “Dyskolos” must have
been highly entertaining. The plot
centers around Knemon, the
On “’Dyskolos’’;
Third White Memorial Lecture Given
figure in Attic Comedy may con-
ceivably be traced. back to Heph-
aistos (in the “Dyskolos” he is
treated, contrary to the tradition,
the many complications of plot and
characters are a young (and
(Continued on Page 6, Col. 5)
Freshman Cops
Reviewing Prize
Alison Baker ’62, frequently
music critic for the News, is the
recent winner of a reviewing con-
test sponsored by friends of the
Tri-County Concert Association.
Alison was awarded a first. prize
of $100.00. Jeanette Haines ’60 re-
ceived honorable mention.
The contest, open to college, high
school and music school students,
involved a five-hundred word re-
view of a concert by a Brazilian
pianist, Isabel Mourao, given at
the Radnor Junior High School on
March 6th.
Alison’s chief or only problem in
writing the review, she says, was
projixity. Not given to the cut-and-
‘dried, she had written 3000 words
limit; cutting then became neces-
sary. Her finished review appeared
in a number of suburban news-
papers, including the Main Line
“grumpy old) man” who, as a stock
Fellowship Foundation stresses the ©
as a sympathetic character). Among °
when she discovered the 500-word
‘the more important event of slide-showing at home.
- most entirely from the vacation vocabulary.
Wednesday, March 18, 1959
Publisned weekiy during the College Year (except during
Thanksgiving, Cnristmas and Easter noliasys, and during examina-
tion weeks) in tne interest of Bryn Mawr Coliege at the Ardmore
Printing Company, Aramore, Pa., and Bryn Mawr College.
The College News is fully protected by copyright. Nothing that appears
in it may be reprinteo wholly or in part witnout permission of the Editor-in-Chief. “
ee SE ore EE CPO OO Ce One Betsy Levering, ‘61
NE ia voce ccc sepcensretsccndpebeseecesecesceeecs Lois Potter, ‘61
Managing Editor .....c..csscecccccccvccccccsevccee’s Barbar Broome, “60
Maké-tip Bdltot . 00... cece cece c cece res eesoencisers Frederica Koller, ‘61
Members-at-Large ..........seeeeeeees E. Anne Eberle, 61; Alison Baker, ‘62
Gail Lasdon, ‘61; Lynne Levick, ‘60; Gloria Cummings, ‘61; Sue Sinatra; ‘60;
Yvonne Chan, ‘62; Marion Coen, ‘62; Linda Davis, ‘62; Sandi Goldberg, | *62}
‘Judy Stuart, ‘62.
Frontiers Of Knowledge Dept.:
In Park: Mysterious Experiments
In a large university, it is often
all too obvious that the first duty
of a professor is research. Here the
important work that is being done
on the fringes of what is. known
receives little undergraduate notice.
The article below attempts to sug-
gest the areas in which members of
_| the chemistry department are pur-
suing resarch projects.
light and observing both the quan-
titative absorption of the light
and the qualitative changes in the
matter. The field, “not to be con-
picture-taking,” bridges the hiatus
between physics and chemistry,
and for this reason, “because it em-
braces both test tubes and cosmic
waves, it is,” says Dr. Zimmerman,
“especially exciting!” ==
~~ Sybil Cohen, “61; Jane Levy, ‘59; Nency Porter, ‘60; Irene Kwitter, “61; Sue
Freiman, ‘61; Melinda Aijkins, ‘61; Matina Souretis, ‘61.
Business Manager .....,......... o8
Associate Business Manager ............cccsecccceene Elizabeth Cooper, ‘60
Seay PRelgraplier fo. lice cc ccc cccccccceccscscccese Holly Miller, ‘59
ioc cies eiecdeserdoeeesecccesece Margaret Williams, ‘61
Subscription Manager .............scceececeessceese Elise Cummings, ‘59
Subscription Board: Loretta Stern, ‘60; Karen Black, ‘61; Gail Lasdon, ‘61; Lois
Potter, ‘61; Danna Pearson, ‘60; Lisa Dobbin, ‘61; Sue Szelkey, ‘61; Elise
Cummings, ‘59; Sasha Siemel, ‘62; Daris ‘Dickler, ‘60; Kate Jordan, “60;
Jackie Goad, ‘61.
Subscription, $3.50. Mailing price, $4.00. Subscription may begin at any time.
Entered as second class ma/ter at the Ardmore, Pa., Post Office, under the Act
of March 3. 1879
The Six-Minute Louvre
. The age of prosperity is upon us, and travel horizons
have broadened accordingly, until now Europe is practically
the norm of a summer agenda. American tourists flock there
by scores, herded into steamboats, dashed across by airplane,
and finally converging in foot-weary,; camera-laden masses
on the countries of their heritage. Every summer there are
more of these wanderers—but the main trouble is that they
don’t wander; they collect and rush. The original impetus
of the ocean crossing, particularly when by jet or other
speedy device, generates in them a momentum, which drives
without slackening through the whole travel period, until,
without any consciousness of experience, they find them-
selves unloading souvenirs at the New York customs.
In seven-day tours, these tourists skim the capitals,
panting to keep up with their groups. Occasionally, one or
two fall behind for a moment to snap a picture. The camera
man of the family may not see the Houses of Parliament at
all, except through his viewer, until they flash upon a home
movie screen in all the magnificence of Kodachrome.
When allowed a brief hour of recess, on one of the more
liberal tours, a rather adventurous and misunderstood mem-
ber of the group may set off alone, head bent. This means
he is out to know the people. He begins with the common
people—they’re so basic, so genuine! Our last glimpse
shows him strolling with nervous nonchalance towards a cab.
driver off duty. He starts the friendship with an ingratiat-
ing smile and bad French—this in Italy. At the end of the
hour, our adventurer will return to expound’upon the Italian
mentality—rather complex, but by no means anti-American,
although naturally scornful of the usual tourist. At this,
he looks meaningfully at the group around him, and turns
away to immerse himself in the nearest Baedeker.
_ Another contingent may use their recess to absorb a
little local color. They head for the student and artist sec-
tion of the city, or, on those tours which take in whole coun-
tries rather than just their capitals—allowing an extra week,
they dash to the nearest craftsman’s cottage. In the city,
local color is usually below grourid level; the deeper you
delve, the more local and colorful it becomes. Thus, the search
for European atmosphere develops into a more refined form
-of the common:American sport—spelunking. Of course this
doesn’t always hold true—Montmartre is on a hill, and as
everyone knows, there is nothing more local than the Folies
Bergeres—why even the name is French!
For many, a trip to Europe is largely preparation a
neighbors are invited in to see flash on the screen in rapid
succession: Sally astride a gargoyle of Notre Dame, Sally
and Mike looking rather awkward in front of Rodin’s “The
Kiss”, the whole family dangling on assorted cross-bars of
the Eiffel Tower, and even, if the flash bulb worked, which is
- highly unlikely, a picture of Mike looking soulfully at the)
_ crowd of people in front of the Mona Lisa.
The question—Why a trip to Europe ?—has faded al-
The summer,
at its best, is a period of flexibility and free will, to balance
out the enforced patterning of the winter months. Why is
it then, thatthe American clings to group activity, anxious
to make a s s of his trip to Europe, not so much in his
own eyes, but in those of the U.S., as mirrored in its firm
tradition of European tours? The travel group merely pro-
this Pot easier way of enforeing the discipline necessary to
soit nigel ee Se find a ings 2 sx loving
. e arguments poin
mommer at home, reading on the porch or putter-
Pino wed don’t Sw cin us, if the oppor-
Europe! “ergy
e_diverted feat se betty,
by Marion Coen
-Though each may be neatly
labeled with the generic title of
Chemical Research, the individual
projects of the Park contingent
differ so markedly in their nature
and scope as to astound the novice
.| with the complexity and specializa-
tion of modern chemistry.
From general physical chemistry
rand broad sub-divisions like the
studies of. organic compounds and
photochemical reactions, have been
carved smaller, more specialized
spheres of interest; from these are
generated infinitely extending tan-
gents of study and research.
- Dr. Berliner, head of the depart-
ment, has from the more compre-
hensive field of physical organic
aspects of aromatic chemistry,
branched into the detailed study of
reactivity rates of polynuclear aro-
matic systems and the kinetics and
mechanism of aromatic substitu-
Although many of the poly-
nuclear compounds which Dr. Ber-
liner is currently studying have
been known for over one hundred
years, little has been discovered
about the relative ease with which
they react in aromatic substitu-
tions. Theoretical parameters, or
numerical rates of reaction, have
been predicted but there is, as yet,
very little exact experimental data
with which they can be tested.
By. carrying. through. nitration,
bromination, and other typical aro-:
matic substitutions with poly-
nuclear hydrocarbons such as naph-
thalene, anthracene, and phenan-
thirene, Dr. Berliner hopes to pro-
vide the necessary data to test, and
perhaps confirm, the recently elab-
orated hypotheses.
Photochemistry, the study of the
effects of light upon matter, is the
realm of experimentation of both
Dr. Zimmerman and Dr. Mallory.
Basically, photochemical research
consists of exposing matter to
Dr. Zimmerman is currently con-
cerned with two rather different
fused,” warns Dr. Mallory, “with|’
aspects of this same transition sci-
ence —the isomerization of azo-
benzene and the underwater re-
action of a photoelectric:cell.
The first of these, ‘the: study ‘ef:
the change effected in the geometry
of the azobenzene moleculé upon
exposure to light may have, feels
Dr. Zimmerman, in addition to its
great theoretical interest, some
senshiontaaetionbloid sth-it
absorption and consequent change .
(Continued on Page 6, Col. 1)
Fresh From The Wastebasket Cale Minewauin
Old Letters (2!) To
by Lois Potter
‘We finally got around to clean-
ing out the wastebasket in the
newsroom the other day. To our
horror, we discovered—buried un-
der orange peels, envelopes, one of
a pair of rubbers, seventy-two ad-
vertisements, and five complimen-
tary tickets to an eighth grade all-
star performance of Elsie in Book-
land—a number of letters to the
editor which had somehow been
overlooked. ‘We wish to apologize
for this unaccountable negligence
on our part, and hope, by printing
all the letters at this time, to ap-
pease those who were thougettal
enough to write us.
Dear Editor: I hope the campus
will be pleased to know that T
have. found a way of solving the
(Reserve Room problem. All that
is needed is a large supply of
slow-acting poison, fatal only
when inhaled over a.long period of
time. Thus, people who return a
book after two hours will suffer no
ill effects, and those who take
books out overnight will notice
only mild discomfort, Bult the
chronic book thieves in our midst
will wither away and perish, just.
victims of their own guilt, and will
thereby rid us of an undesirable
segment of the population.
“A Public Benefactor”
Dear Editor: I want to point out
a type of snobbery which has long
gone unrecognized on the Bryn
Mawr campus, and is slowly eat-
ing away at our democratic ideals.
I refer to the patronizing attitude
which those who squeeze their
toothpaste from the bottom adopt
, bo those who squeeze from the top
VE MreancQ 1G S gq
Editor Discovered.
or the middle of the tube. Itt seems
to me that this is a matter of
purely personal conviction and
should not be subject to social’
pressure of any kind. My sugges-
tion for ameliorating the situa-
tion is as follows: invent a new
kind of tube, with a cap-on each
end. This would enable students
to squeeze from either end, or
from the middle. (Class distinc-.
tions will disappear, and Bryn
Mawr will become the truly demo-
cratic institution that it ought to :
“Believer in Freedom of Thought”
Dear Editor: I wonder if the
girls at. Bryn Mawr appreciate the
excellenit opportunities they have
for getting acquainted with our
little furred, feathered and feeler-
ed friends. When I was a student
there I Temember spending many
pleasant mornings lying in- bed
and identifying the various species -
of local fauna which I heard ‘wan-
dering through ~the ‘woodwork.
Each tiny creature makes its ‘own’
kind of noise and with practice
one can become very adept at rec-
ognizing them. The squirrels trade-
mark is a chattering sound, follow-
ed by bump, bang, bump as-they hap’
through the rafters; Rats rustle
as they move, while the teeny-
weeny’ cockroaches givé:a light
click-click.: The birds outside: ‘al- -
‘ways seemed to be saying “Get up
and: do your English “paper”, - but -
perhaps this was my imagination, -
for I haven’t heard that particular -
call-since I graduated. -I may add:
that I feel itis largely through my
four years at Bryn Mawr that I.
gained the expeience which has
Letters To The Editor
Continued on Page wi Col. 3)
‘Joe’ Review, Faculty Show, Re-Organizations
To the ‘Editor:
‘First of all we mant to thank
your Haverford Class Night re-
viewers for giving our little show
a critical pat on the back. Their
kind charity has gone a long way
towards restoring ‘our flagging
faith and wariing hope.
But with regard to the paren-
thetical note that we “seemed to
forget that God eventually did re-
store everything to Job,” we have
to take mild issue. The Book of
Job presents a question, i.e., does
a good God permit a good man to
‘suffer? Obviously, the queption, |
while valid, is unanswerable, for
the mysteries of God’ cannot be
‘fathomed by man, and the reso-
lution of the: situation comes -in
Job’s unquestioning acceptance of
his undeserved suffering, not = in
the anticlimactic removal of that
suffering. This anticlimax, in fact,
represents a later (and extraneous)
addition to the Book, apparently
designed to.make the work palat-
able to a later generation which
couldn’t take the stringent demands
of the earlier Judaism. When our
Joe signifies that he has accepted|
his disaster, without bitterness, we
his. Biblical prototype has been
‘drawn, and without. bitterness on
| (Continued on Page 4, Col. 5) _
To The Editor:
The Seniors asked the Wives
And the Wives asked the Faculty,
“Could there be a Show please
’Cause we’ve waited rather long?”
The Faculty cried “Lacakaday,
Oh woe, alas,” and straightaway
Reluctantly sent word that they
Were feeling Not Too Strong.
The Seniors said “Naturally,
We understand it perfectly
And all of us hope heartily
You didn’t take us wrong.”
The Seniors had a Thought
And they THOUGHT at the Fac-
“Would they give the Dragon Play
On May Day. Morn, instead?”
“No one, said the Seniors
: (and pleaded with the Faculty)
“No one, said the Seniors _—
_ (as they humbly apologized)
“No one, we hope, would call us a
-- Fussy Lot, ;
But we WOULD like
to think that there
is still
some hope,
Benita Bendon 59
: (For Arts Council, the Senior}.
- Class, ete., with saddest regrets
toA.A.Milne) ==
without Self Gov
., To The Editor:
It seems increasingly apparent
that there is a need not only for
re-evaluation of our student organi-
‘zations, but also for drastic reform.
| Every » student © organization. on
.|campus ig finding it difficult to.
_| arouse interest and to find support, .
and we choose to quibble about the ,
meaning of the term ipso . facto.
More definite action is needed.
It seems to me, and to many
others with whom I have discussed
this problem, that the. only- student
organizations which reach all the
..|.student body, and which therefore,
must have the support of all the
student body, are Self-Gov and
Undergrad. “There. will arise. loud {
cries from followers of League, -
Alliance, AA, and Interfaith. How- :
ever, these organizations do. not, j
cannot, and will not = # stu-...
All. studies mene ave _—
made so. far involve an’ attempt to
find some way to make: alt our ‘stu: ..
dent organizations - function well..:
‘| Yearly, candidates for’: presidents.
of these organizations campaign en.
.|methods. which - they. believe. will-.
catch even. the most apathetic stu- .
this is the wrong approach. .,
_The campus :. cannot. Satin
age Underareds>
ACenthaaed. on Page & Cate.
“Wednesday, March 18, 1959
Page Three
Bus Tours Evaded
Mrs. Jessen
As a pleasant place to spend a
weekend, Mrs. Jessen recommends
the Hotel Alois Lang,. situated
above, rather than in Oberammer-
gau, and thus.out of the way of
moat “od -the- bus. tours which stop
at ‘this -famous town. The: hotel
is quiet, serves good food, is “mod-
ern, compared to most out of the
way. -places,” and.costs only about
$40..a day, meals included, The
Miss Maples
“For scenery the west coast of
Seotland; for general oddities,
Chelsea” (London). When press-
ed for a definition, Miss Maples
said that these oddities included’
both objects and people,
She also recalled a very enjoy-
able Christmas spent at Ansbach,
a smal] town outside of Munich
(Germany), which is known chief-
ly for its monastery and its beer.
Amsterdam, she found quite “un-
expectedly fascinating,” and had
there, as a cyclist, most harrow-
ing experiences.
old man who runs it has. played
Christ ini the Pesmion Play for
_ The Kurhaus Rigi-Blick _over-
looking Zurich is a good place to
rest travel
Jessen advises writing for reser-
vations (the address is Zurich VI),
as the only rooms available are
those of year-round residents who
g0 on vacation in the summer. The
hotel’s restaurant, while not strict-
ly vegetarian, will cater to those
on special diets, “A friend of
mine who didn’t know much Ger-
man saw the sign saying ‘Alkohol
—Freies Restaurant’ ”—literally,
aleghol—ffree restaurant — “and
said, ‘oh, good, free drinks!’ ”
Miss Marti
Bologna; Miss Marti’s “newest:
discovery” in Italy, is really a
university: town, and. retains its
medieval: distinction, full of mag-
nificent areades and beautiful pal-
aces. A Spanish college, founded
in 1365 especially for” Spanish stu-
dents in Bologna, is still function-
ing. It was interesting to Miss
‘Marti primarily for its library ar-
chives, but» also for the buildings,
courtyard, and’a huge encircling
wall. .<
The ‘city. hab a “piazza” (public
square), which is one of its main
glories, and a marvelous market—
also two leaning towers, “in some
ways: more disturbing than Pisa,
since they’re leaning. toward each
Bologna was, with Paris, the
greatest city of the. Middle® Ages,
and the leading city of Burope for
Law. There ‘are all sorts of me-
dieval treasures, such as musical
manuseripts, which Miss Marti
could barely begin to enumerate.
The medieval quality is particu-
larly noticeable in the narrow
streéts, where if an omnibus ap-
proaches. you have somehow to
get off the road, but at the same
time the city is most modern and
In a country famous for its cook-
ing, Bologna stands out as one of
the highest culinary points. “The
smallest pub has superior. food”,
she said, and a visit to the city is
“fatal for the line”.
tyet it is a cosmopolitan city.
Miss Robbins
“I can’t even besin to think
about. cities,” declared Miss Rob-
bins,.who described her main travel
interests as landscapes and flow-
ers. For scenic beauty, she first
recommended Crete and Egypt—
especially the region around the
‘Nile—which also offer fascinat-
ing old ruins.
Filled with flowers and their
scent, the Spanish town of Ron-
ders stands on top of a hill, “look-
ing down on seven threshing
floors”, The main attractions of
Tarragona, also in Spain, are its
cathedral and its. langoustines, a
small variety of lobster.
Mr. Goodale i
“My favorite place is Aberfeldy,
Scotland. It’s where my folks are
from. It’s really out of the way,
in Perthshire, and the most beauti-
ful place in the world.”
; . Mr. Alwyne
(Mr. Alwyne spread his recom-
mendations through England, Sic-
ily, and Germany, and even these
were merely high points in a list
of further suggestions. In Bavaria
(Germany) he recommended Roth-
enburg, an old walled city along
Mr. Wallace
Mr. Wallace recommends a day’s
excursion to the Aran Islands, “one
of the few really wonderfully back-
ward places left today.” These
three islands, littlemore than
“clumps of rock,” lie about’ thirty
miles off the west coast of Ireland
and may be reached‘ by steamer
from Galway. There is a dock and
a small- hotel on the main island
of Aranmor.
- The, people of the Aran Islands
speak Gaelic,Mr. Wallace said.
Their main occupations are grow-
ing potatoes and fishing. ‘The lat-
ter-they-do in “curaughs,” unique, |
ithe Romantic Road in which al-
most nothing has been built since
the 16th century. “It may have
been bombed in the war”, Mr, Al-
wyne said, “but probably not”.
‘Toarmina, in Sicily, is a_ hill
town—“one of the views in Eur-
poe.” You look “through the arch-
es of a ruined Graeco-Roman thea-
tre” to a mass of peach: blossoms,
with “Mt Aetna in the distance,
and the brilliant blue Mediterran-
ean at your f
In England, Mr. Alwyne chose a
spot almost unknown to tourists:
Selworthy Green in Somerset. It
is a little valley, in which are clus-
tered several Alms houses. These
are thatched cottages, overrun with
fuchsia and other creeping plants.
high-bowed boats which they make
themselves of “tar paper on a
light wood frame.”
John M.. Synge, the Irish play-
wright (1871-1909), lived for a time
on these islands and has written
a book, The Aran Islands, which
is in the library and will provide
further information for anyone in-
Mrs. MacCaffrey
For those touring the English
countryside Mrs. MacCaffrey sug-
guests a visit to Compton Wyngates
in Warwickshire, This manor
house of red brick, stone, and
half-timber work, “one of the fin-
est of Tudor mansions,” is open to
the public.
“iEsoterica For Everywoman Sights and Haunts
In The Old Countries Near and Dear To Profs
Or, Thirty-Odd Hints On Supplementing Your Nine-Countries-
In-Nine-Days Whirlwind Tour; Plus Six Routes, All Bypassing
The Eiffel Tower And No Floor Plan For The Uffizi
Mr. Lattimore
“If I’m not supposed to be orig-
inal, Delphi. But what about
Sparta—it’s beautiful and has one
very good hotel and isn’t overrun
with tourists. It takes just enough
effort to get there—you have to
ibe willing to take the bus. .The
railroad doesn’t go through there
and never will, There’s none more
beautiful, but it’s difficult to choose
in Greece—pretty much whatever
you think of first,”
Miss Stearns
“I think my favorite place in
Europe is Zurich although it is
hard to decide. It combines the
mediaeval and the modern—there
are still aspects of guild life, and
has a marvelous library, two uni-
versities, and the Schauspielhaus.
Zurich University was the first in
Europe to admit women, and there
is a feeling of intellectual freedom
in the very air of the city.”
Poets, Limestone, And Ruins Selected
‘Miss Woodworth
“Provence, for its general ter-
rain, its quantities of ancient re-
mains, and above all as the “land
of the. painters”. In a circular
drive around the area, you could
trace Van Gogh, or any number
of other French Impressionists or
Post-impressionists, visiting many
fascinating chapels, museums, and
. ”
In Ireland, Miss Woodworth sug-
gested tracing the life and writ-
. ings. of Yeats,. Joyce, Swift or
England, she again thought of
first as the land of the poets, but
as other attractions suggested the
Roman excavations in the south-
east.and the many festivals of mu-
sic and. drama: “Everything comes
to London in the summer.”
Besides visiting the usual ca-
thedrals, . tourists in England
should. “explore the great country
houses of the eighteenth century”.
These are interesting from the
point of view of architecture,
lafectory and inexpensive means of
travel. Miss Woodworth, however,
was also very enthusiastic about
the government tourist agencies,
which are in all big cities of Eur-
ope, and provide “well-organized
trips,” priced for the student trav-
Mr. Dryden
“The Dordogne Valley in France,
in the southwestern part of the
central plateau. It’s where the
caves are, for one thing; actually
it’s very nice country geologically
—limestone area, you know, And
nice scenery, people, food.”
Miss Lang
“The place I always said I was|.-
going to retire to and live out my
latter days. It’s the remains of a
little village in Crete, on the East-
ern end, on a most heavenly bay
called Mira Bellum. Really beauti-
ful, the flowered Cretan hillsides
looking down om it and all. The,
“filled with art treasures”, and sur-
=e by beautiful gardening
and landscaping.
“On all these trips, bicycling or
motoring seems to be the most sat-
walls stand to at least five feet—
I plan to put a roof on them. But} Let’
then, I haven’t been there in about
ten years—there may be a
et rs ee
Mr. Herben
“First vote, Chartres. You can
get there and back to Paris in a
day, and still have lunch there if
you want. If you have one day to
spend, the cathedral will probably
take up most of your time. Then,
if you want something off the
beaten track; try the churches in
Chartres that aren’t the cathedral.
“Second vote, Mont Saint Michel,
or Avignon—but don’t go looking
for the bridge. It was knocked
down by the River Rhone back in
the 13th century. And nobody ever
danced on it anyway. Mistransla-
tion. The- bridge ran over some
islands, and the French danced
‘sous le pont d’Avignon.’
.“The Loire’s a good place for
castles, but if you really want
castles, try Ireland. That’s an an-
tiquarian’s madhouse. Over 1900
castles, and ruins—you may think
Carnac has ruins, and Stonehenge
isn’t contemptible, but wait’ll you
see Ireland. And churches—how old
do you want them? Sixth century?
Unrestored? Try Ireland.”
Mr. Koch
“I would say Ravenna; it is in
the area of Venice. One thing that
strikes you particularly is the
quiet; there are few cars and rare
trucks. The silence is conducive to
study or reflection. It would be a
nice place to go when you are tired
of all the rest; it would be a happy
change of pace from the busy life
you find in the cities,
“There are many beautiful
churches of the Byzantine type if
one is interested in sightseeing, and
it is located on the sea which makes
it convenient for swimmers.”
Mr. Gutwirth
“My favorite city is Antwerp,
Belgium, my native town. It is a
great port, on the river, and com-
bines a certain patrician quiet with
a bustle which happens to be what
I fancy”,
Miss de Graaff
| “To say some place in Holland!
would be a little silly, wouldn’t it?
s give a city in Yugoslavia.
Heft a modern concert hall and be-.
buy the best ice cream in Rome.”
Mr. Ferrater-Mora
Mr. Ferrater-Mora made what he
called an “arbitrary choice,” in con-
fining his comments to Vance, a
small town not far from the Medi-
terranean coast. Vance has a mod-
ern chapel by Matisse. Students of
French literature would find Vance
interesting, since its landscape is
more or less the same as in a
Valéry poem.
One Craves Caves
- Mr. Nahm
A visitor to'the cave of Lascaux
near the Dordogne River in Cen-
tral France is assured of “one of
the most extraordinary experienc-
es.” Although executed over thirty
thousand years ago in the Quater-
mary period, the carvings and
paintings of bison, deer, and hors-
es on the walls and ceiling of this
cave “look ag if they were painted
The paintings are thought: to
have been done by a school of itin-
erant, professional artists, obvi-
ously “craftsmen of the first order.”
They must have been priests of a
sort as well, for this art was def-
initely used as “a kind of sympa-
thetic magic” to give men power
over the beasts portrayed,
Lascaux is a relatively recent
discovery. Discovered by accident
-|in 1940, it has since been opened
up, and this extraordinary and
skillful Paleolithic art made ac-
cessible to the public.
The attraction of Lascaux is
further enhanced by its location.
Only about a day’s drive from
Paris, it is situated near the Dor-
dogne River for those who enjoy
of the pleasant little town of Bey-
nec, where prices are reasonable
and “the cusine magnificent.”
For those who have time to ven-
‘ture farther south, Mr. Nahm
recommends a visit to that “quite
simple but extremely pleasant”
Gls of the country on the Medi-
teranean where the French cow-
boys ride herd on the bulls raised
to confront the toreadors in the
bullfighting arenas of southern
Mr: Bitterman
“Of Europe I like Paris best. I
like the people and the character
of the Left Bank—they are warm
and civilized. All the Europeans
I know differ from the Americans
in this respect, but the students of
ithe Left Bank differ most favor-
ably, They don’t have the objec-
tional bourgeois characteristics of
Faculty Find ‘Sedentary Joys’ Alluring
M. Maurin
M. Maurin, after hesitating in a
choice among many favorite spots,
finally hit on La Molina, a Spanish
town close to the French border.
It is actually a winter resort, with
a wonderful view, and many oppor-
tunities for walks. It is distin-
guished among Spanish towns by
its coolness and greenness, both
qualities hard to come by in a
Spanish summer.
“T spent three weeks there, and
I'll probably go back,” said M.
Maurin. The ski lifts operate in
the summer too, so La Molina of-
fers its joys even to the relatively
sedentary. Although it is a resort,
there are “not so many that one
keeps bumping into people”, and
“you can lose yourself” as much
as desired, “It is much more prim-
itive than any resort in Switzer-
land,” M. Maurin pointed out, “not
really a village at all, just a rail-
road stop, with a few hotels on the
Mr. Broughton
“I like London, if the British will
allow me to call that Europe, and
Paris is lovely too, often in its
tucked-away squares and corners,
not just the Place de la Concorde
and the Grandes Allees. But Rome
is my favorite. It is a combina-
tion of variegated lovely sites, hills
and valleys and river. But even
more: the chance to see something
of every age at every level from
800 B.C. to the present. At one
corner on the right are the remains
of a temple from 200 B.C., on the
side it the place where you can
Fu aey Botva, «ag i Yate
city. way in the south of the Adri-
. Mr. Sprague
This cathedral town has an excel-
lent outdoor market and good
country all about, but its chief at-
traction, for Mr. Sprague, is the
(Madder Market Theatre, which has
done all of Shakespeare’s plays.
“In June, choosing with admirable
taste, they are doing Shakespeare’s
King John.”
Even less frequented by tourists
is Richmond, Yorkshire, “on the
River Swale, with the remains of
a fascinating 18th century theatre
where Edmund Kean and Mrs. Sid-
dons once appeared, and a castle
town of strongly distinctive local
character, interesting to readers of
Miss Prescott’s book The Man on a
Miss Lehr
“Favorite spots ... well ..
there’s the small town of Chabris
in France, and another—called An-
sbach in the hills of the Odenwald
Forest near Darmstaft and. . .
oh yes ... a village called Wilder
swil, a very small village, above
7 Interlocken. All of them because
of the mountains, the hills, the for-
ests, and the lovely, lovely walks.”
Miss Hoyt
“Favorite spots? ... I don’t
know..... Perhaps the West coast
of Ireland—the whole of it. Beauti-
ful country—pleasant people!”
Miss Boldrini
“I love the Egyptian desert—
there each moment is different from
the one that came before. The
are lovely. And the sky—there is
nothing like the sunset or sunrise
on the desert or the moon playing
on the dunes. The desert is living,
“Well, how about Norwich?”
exciting, beautiful .
weather changes are abrupt and ~
striking-and—eyen the sand storms- se
swimming, and within easy reachks
- %
ee INO POPP GTC A eee =
Page Four: ™
Wedriesday;- March 18; 1959
Bryn Mawr's Baedaker
Suggestions Range from Sweden to Turkey”
Mrs. Tymieniecka
_ Mrs. Tymieniecka said that not
being foreign to Europe she didn’t
“look for specialties,” but recom-
mended Faulensee, in the: Berner
Oberland of Switzerland; : for. its’
beautiful scenery. It is:a lake"
town, not far from Interlocken, and
an ideal spot for painters,:as Mrs.
___T., herself one, testifies. Lake-Thun}
is_a_beautiful color, and the’ sur-
rounding country mountainous.
Bruges, Fribourg, and Florence
she described as the three most
beautiful. cities of Europe. Bruges
is a secluded town in Belgium, to
which many old Belgian families
retire. It was built early in the
Medieval period, and has a very
famous museum, the Memling
museum, as well as “L’Hopital St.
Jean” which houses many art. treas-
ures. The town itself is romantic
and beautiful, with canals arched
by bridges and a lake called the
Lac, d’Amour which is populated
by swans. Private gardens are also
in the medieval style, and look “like
a Rembrandt picture.”
Fribourg is also a small medieval
town, set on a river. The old part
of the town lies in the valley, sur-
rounded by its original medieval
ramparts, and the more modern
city is up on the hills around. There
is a very beautiful late medieval
cathedral with modern stained-
glass windows, as well as a new
university. What is most delightful
about the tewn is its medieval land-
Mr. Dudden
“A town called Bandul—it’s west
of Toulouse and east of Marseilles,
on the Riviera. It’s beautiful. I
spent some time there in 1945; it
was a peaceful little haven—the
war had moved on by then. Of
course, it depends what grounds
you’re basing this on—I miean I
don’t pretend I could get anything
done there.”
Mr. Herlihy
“Bologna, of course, because it’s
the culinary center of Italy, be-
sides being a university town.
“A nice place is San Gemignano,
in Tuscany, about three hours
from Florence over mountainous
roads. It’s a marvelously preserv-
ed 18th century town—still has its
medieval square towers, There’s
lovely country all around.
“Monte Cattini’s in Tuscany too,
and it’s of historical interest as a
remnant of the 19th century; it
was a resort town with lots of
" splendid hotels and famous baths.
People still use them, apparently.
“Then, there’s Porto Venere, on
bis southern tip of Liguria, just
yond the Italian Riviera. It’s a
fishing town set on a rock. There
are plaques all over saying Byron
swam there—for English majors.
“Another place you really should
see if you have time is Assissi.
And Orvietto, in Umbria—the cen-
tral part of Italy—has a very fam-
ous cathedral and a good white
wine that’s hard to come by in the
“By the way, always drink the
Vino da Pese (local wine). When
you get as far south as Rome, you
should switch from red to white,
| --Mme; Jambor .
' “My. favorite place, besides Bryn’
Mawr, of course, is’ Goteborg;
Sweden, which was. the first place}
we received human’ treatment: after
the war. eA
“Ajtistieally, it is. highly: cule,
tured. ‘The’ orchestra: is. ‘paid er)
months @ year and doesn’t have to.
-supplement~its income “by ‘teach:
ing. There are associations for
contemporary music and music for
children. The concert hall is the
only one in Europe with the same
acoustics full as empty.
“T also like Norway and the town
of Bergen with Peer Gynt’s house.”
Mr. Seyppel
“The most interesting spot for
the politically-minded is Berlin.
You can get there, easily, and it
is not difficult to cross into the
Russian sector, an experience to be
found nowhere else in Europe.
Berlin also has a rich cultural life,
with outstanding theatre, opera,
and orchestra, In short, whether
before or after May 27, the city
will be well worth a visit.”
Mr. Berthoff
‘Mr. Berthoff recommends Sicily
as an island of many attractions.
“There is more of ancient Greece
in Sicily than anywhere else.” If
there in June, one should not miss
the presentations of Greek drama
at the theatre in Syracuse. Also
of interest are “the Princeton dig,”
tthe excavation of a Greek city at
Morgantina; the puppet theatre at
Acireale; and the town of Noto,
where one finds “the most beauti-
ful Baroque creations in Europe.”
Miss Wyckoff
Goslar, an: old Medieval and
Renaissance Imperial City in the
Harz Mountains, is Dr. Dorothy
Wyckoff’s favorite spot. Goslar is|
encircled by the original city walls
and retains the old fortifications,
several inns, and the charm of a
Medieval City. But of far greater
interest to Dr. Wyckoff, a geology
professor, is the Goslar mine, which
began operations in ‘the tenth or
eleventh century. It first mined
silver, then copper and zinc and to-
day supplies pyrite (for the manu-
facture of sulphuric acid).
_. Miss Mellinck
Miss Mellinck recommended
“sailing along the Turkish coast—
it’s very scenic and undisturbed.”
“To beat the crowds, places like
Turkey are good for traveling.”
However, she pointed out that re-
cently Turkey has been more publi-
cized and soon “they will have the
crowds that are in Europe.” For
this reason, she urged all desiring
“It is a bit primitive but not
terribly —” and, “it is not so slick
as Europe.”
Dr, Wells
“There’s a small walled town or
commune not far from Lyons in
‘the south of France, Perouges by
name. Over the gate of this wall-
ed town there is, or was—I was
there in 1919 when I had some.
leave after the war—an inscrip-
tion: ‘This is Perouges which
withstood the memorable siege. of
1069’. Perhaps that should be the
1} mobbo for this western culture of
Off Campus. Lectures
Haverford Arts Council presents C. L. Barber, Professor English at
Amberst, at 4:15 pm., Friday, March 20, in the Haverford Common
Room.. eS ee eee a
the plan for the New College. He is author of
Comedies and co-author with F. baleen ca cn eninegte
prem peocenntvgraaner aren tbeneeat at? oh
to see Turkey not to wait too long. |
Miss Leighton
Miss Leighton-telis of a trip on
a freighter out-of. Montreal, down
the St. Lawrence, nine days across
the: ‘Atlantic, and’ ‘then ‘around the
| northmost tip of Scotland to Ab-
erdeen” on the east, ‘coast. ‘The
Pentland Firth, a narow stormy
channel; divides Scotland and’ the
Orkaneys; islands that flank the
mainland to the north as do the
Hebrides in the West (the Shet-
lands are still farther north); Cliffs
face the firth on both sides; those
on the Olkaney side are named the
Old Man of Hoy. The outlying
country is wild, old pirate country,
and bare of trees, though the
islands are farmed.
The ship passed close. to two
heads of.land, one of them Dun-
cansby Head, the point of land in
Scotland fartherest to the north.
Nearby is “John O’Groats,” the
proverbial extremity which, with
Land’s End, describes for English-
men the length of the isle. The spot
was named for a mythical figure
who supposedly lived there, on a
300-foot cliff.
From Aberdeen, Miss Leighton
went inland, into the center of
Scotland, to Aberfeldy in Perth-
shire. In the highlands, it is a
“wonderful country for painting,”
on the edge of the Campbell and
MacGreggor country. In Aberfeldy,
Miss Leighton stayed in a curious
hotel with a Victorian facade called
“The Palace.” The English subdued
the Scotch arount the time of the
American Revolution, and Aber-
feldy has a.“General Wade’s Road.”
“Tt seems odd,” Miss Leighton said,
“the Scotch think of him as a
Wicked Britisher as the Americans
Agi Jambor Plays —
For Phil..Orchestra
Mme. Agi Jambor will play six
Bach Concerti at a public concert
at the Academy of Music March
20 and 21.
She will be accompanied by 22
members of the Philadelphia Or-
chestra under the direction of
| Nicholas: Harsanyi for: this first
American performance of these
| Concerti.
The concert is sponsored by the
Musical Fund Society of Philadel-
phia; both concerts are to be pre-
sented without charge, but reserv-
ed seats will be available at the
Academy boxoffice. Ribas
The: Public Relations Office has
a few tickets which have already
been ordered; however anyone who
is interested should contact some-
one in the office.
Psychiatries Study
(Continued from Page 1, Col. 1)
impaired their work to a signifi-
cant degree. It is interesting to
note that this is the same figure| i
obtained in a study of mid-town
Manhattan. Men and women, it]:
was discovered, were equally prone
to disorders, but they tended to be
afflicted by different ahi of —
The prevalence of disorders was
found to depend less on the cultur-
—| a] background of an area—wheth-
‘er it was French Acadian or Prot-
estant English—than on the de-
‘| gree of integration of the com-
munity. In. the rural slums, the
disintegrated neighborhoods, .BQ-
60% of; the population. suffered
from disorders. —
Dr Leighton. sid in conclusion
that the : had shown that the
prevale oye exeagialai
Hen | accourited for the opponents’ high
Mr, J. Bouroughs ‘Stokes, a mem-
ber of the Christian Science. Com-
mittee on Publications in Philadel-
phia, spoke on Christian Science
Tuesday, March 11; ‘in the Roost.
just healing; itis a ‘religion. More-
but is an actual way of life which
regards God, man and the universe
as eternally perfect.
This religion was founded in 1866
by Mary Baker Eddy, who recorded
the principles of healing she had
gathered from the scriptures in the
book Science and Health, still a
guide for all Christian Scientists,
and founded its four present-day
publications: the Christian Science
Journal, the Christian Science Sen-
tinel, the Herald of Christian Sci-
ence (which is printed in nine
languages), and the Christian Sci-
ence Monitor,
The object of Christian Science
is to injure no man and to bless
every man. There is a belief in the
allness of God as a spirit; conse-
quently, matter is unimportant.
God is worshipped as the only true
spirit, mind, life, law, soul and
love. As each person is a-different
and individual manifestation of
God, God ‘has to be found on an
individual basis.
This God, unlike the’ vengeful
God worshipped in somé religions,
is a divine good who never created
evil and does not know evil. Man,
as an image of God, is also basic-
ally pure. The evil in today’s world
results only from misunderstanding
and lack of information.
A question which often arises is
what is the reason for existence?
According to Christian Science,
man exists to bear witness to God’s
‘|goodness and to express God’s
mind. God would not be God with-
out his manifestations in man.
The Christian Scientists have no
religious creed if by the word creed
we mean doctrinal beliefs. However,
Mrs. Eddy’s book lists six basic
principles of this religion:
1. The word of the Bible is taken
as a guide to life.
2. One God, One Christ, the Holy
Ghost and man in God’s image and
likeness are acknowledged and
8. God’s forgiveness of sin is
Christian, Scierics “ig more ‘than’
over, it is not limited to Sundays
(Christian Science View of God
Described by Interfaith Speaker fi
asked, and. evil is. cast. out as un-
real, oe
“4, Jesus’ ‘atonement: as evidence
of: divine Tove and ‘man’s ‘salvation
throtigh “fruth,.-life- and- love’ are.
5. The purinion of Jesus ‘and
his resurrection Serve to “uplift
faith to understand eternal life.
6. A promise is made to watch
and pray so as to gain the same
mind in us that was in Christ Jesus
and to do unto others as we would
have them do unto us.
Poetry Competition
(Continued from Page 1, Col. 3)
Manugeripts for all_three contests
must be unsigned; carbon copies
‘should not be submitted. Announce-
ment of the winners of the vari-
ous prizes will be made at May
‘Day Assembly.
Bryn Mawr is one of a small
group of colleges allowed to pre-
sent one Academy of American
Poets Prize of $100.00 each year
over a period of five years. The
prize to be awarded this year is
the third in the series; the winner
in 1957 was Paula Dunaway. ’58,
and in 1958 Gretchen Jessup ’58 re-
ceived the award. Mr. Richmond
‘Lattimore, Mir. Robert . Wallace
and Miss Mary Woodworth are the
The Bain-Swiggett Prize for
poetry is new this year. This
iprize of $40.00 is permanently en-
dowed by Dr. Glen Levin Swig-
gett, a former professor of Mod-
ern Languages and a writer of
verse. Dr. Swigget endowed a
similar prize at Johns Hopkins
| University. Miss Stapleton, Chair-
man of the Department of English,
has. asked Mr, Warner: Berthoff,
Mrs. Ramona Livingston, and Miss
Bettina Linn to judge this contest.
Letter to the Editor
Continued from Page 2,.Col. 3
our parts. Wistfulness, perhaps; but’
not bitterness. —
Greg Alexander, ’60
Browny Speer, 760
Dud Summers, ’60 '
(Haverford) —
The varsity basketball team fin-
ished its games for the year last
Thursday on a less joyous note
than that on which the season in
general had developed. Taking a
61-35 defeat from undefeated Rose-
mont, the varsity rounded out a
6-8 record for the year and a 4-3
mark for the season proper, The
j.v.’s chose a. very suitable time to
abandon their policy of emulating
the varsitys’ loss or win and man-
aged to edge past Rosemont 37-35
in what was probably their best
game of the season.
For the varsity, Moira Mac-
Veagh led the forwards by drop-
ping in 14 points in her closing
bid of four varsity’ years, The
game itself was not so lopsided as
the score might indicate, since
BMC led through much of the first
half and was only down 28-19 at
the half. A major factor in this
game was the guarding, which was
seriously restricted when ‘the
‘guards acquired a number of fouls
early in the ‘first quarter and thus
they would have liked im order not
to foul out by the end of the game.
This forced caution plus some very
accurate shooting on ‘the part of
|Rosemont’s three TALL forwards
had to play less aggressively than|
Baskethall Team Finishes Season;
Varsity Lose 61-35;
J.V. Win 37-35
points while Bryn Mawr :made
none, in the face of which our -I6
points in the final rs, were:
rather ineffective. :
The j.v. game was the bright
spot of the evening. Debbie Smith
and Ruth Krastins shared scoring
honors wtih 15 ‘and 11 points re-
spectively, and Liz Lynes played
an inspired game at guard, snatch-
ing balls, blocking shots, grabbing
rebounds, and generally making
herself detested by the opponents.
This game was a see-saw affair all
the way, standing at* 19-20 in fa-.
‘|wor of the visitors at hafl-time, -
with the margin between the two
teams never enoneding a few
‘ Bven with the closing: defeat, the:
varsity rolled up: the best record
‘in years. Its total scoring punch
and defensive effectiveness is noth-
ing to be ashamed of: for the year
Bryn Mawr amassed a total of 389
points while allowing the oppon-
ents only 301. (It’s worth noting’
that Barb Reid contributed 126 of
Bryn Mawr’s figure.)
‘BMC’s over-all success was due
to a generally experienced team
which had worked together before, .
and four of whom had been on the _
Binney White, and Moira Mac-
“| Veagh on the scoring end. ‘There
will be considerable work to be -
done ‘next © . to fill’ the: holes
Wednesday, :March 18,1959 :
Page Five
Dr. Walsh, Noted English Professor
= Be This Week's Chapel Speaker
' “by Helen Ullrich
“AG the Edge of Nothing” is the
topie’ for the chapel: service this
Sunday ‘evening. Dr: Walsh, ‘visit-
ing professor in English at Welles-
ley-College, will. give the sermon,
Professor - Walsh - is’ an English
professor at Beloit College in Wis-:
consin. In addition to his teaching,
he isa priest of the Episcopal
Church. Dr. Walsh received his
training at the University of Vir-
ginia where he was elected to Phi
Beta Kappa and at the University
of Michigan.
Last year Dr. Walsh was a Ful-
bright professor, teaching Ameri-
can_ literature in Turku, Finland.
He has recently published an ac-
*count of> his’ life in’ Finland in
Harper’s Magazine under the title,
“Such Nice Finns,”
‘Looking and Listen.
Dr. Walsh is the author of sev-
eral books. Several of these are
‘C. S. Lewis: Apostle to the Skep-
tics, Early Christians of the 20th
Century (a study of the. relation
betwen religion and society),
Campus Gods on Trial, and Stop
(The book
store has several of the books of
Professor Walsh.) Dr. Walsh has
also published. book reviews and
poems recently in The New York
Times, The New York Herald-Trib-
une, and The Saturday Review. He
is currently working on a textbook
for college “introduction to poetry”
Professor Walsh will have Sun-
day supper in Rhoads. All those
interested in eating with him are
requested to sign the list on the
Interfaith Bulletin Board in Taylor.
“Old Letters”
(Continued from Page 2, Col. 5) .
enabled me to be a member in good
standing of the Bird Watchers of
America for the last twenty-five
years. Pech oe rss
_ Evangeline Lauderdale, °19
.Dear Editor: Why do. yott -think.
people subscribe to the. }
Well, I'll tell you.why, They sub-
seribe to know what movies are}
playing, And you haven’t even
printed the movies for the last
three issues. Furthermore, I’ve
been engaged for almost a week
now, and nobody has noticed it.
Is this what you call serving your
readers ?
“Angry Subscriber”
Dear Editor: I just want to, be
one of the first to tell how thrilled
I was at the passage of the Wom-
en’s Rights Amendment last aa
day .
Oh done, We really should haa
done. something about that waste-
basket before.
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Varsity And Undefeated J.V. Finish
Most Successful Swimming Season
.The .varsity swimming team fin-
jished its outstanding season this
year with a total of 4 victories
and 2 defeats. The J.V. remained
undefeated throughout the entire
‘The Nindibiniie meet, on March
12 at Swarthmore, although lost,
marked a high point of the season.
The score of 20 to 45 represents
an improvement over last year’s
and does. not indicate how much
closer the events were. Swarth-
more, moreover, broke four of its
| pool’s, records at this meet, a defi-
nite tribute to this year’s Bryn
Mawr team.
The only Varsity ‘first was taken
by Sally Davis in diving. The J.V.
‘Long Flowing Locks
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Short Crisp Curls
let us help you keep them
Vanity Shoppe LA 5-1208
‘emerged victorious with a final
score of 40-26.
At the home: Temple meet on
March 5, Bryn Mawr Varsity won
46-20 and the J.V., 37-20.
Bryn Mawr tied for fifth place
at. the Intercollegiate Swimming
Meet, Saturday, March 14. The
freestyle relay team of Fran Kraus-
kopf, Edith McKeon, Alice Todd
and Sandy Colt took a second place,
while Sally Davis was third in the
diving, and Anne Rassiga placed
(Continued on Page 6, Col. 2)
Anything Fine In The
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Fine Musica! Instruments
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New York 36, N. Y.
Dr Livingstone? —
What a happy man he would have been if
his man Stanley could have brought along
a carton of Coke! That cold crisp taste,
that lively lift would certainly hit the spot
with any tired explorer. In fact, after your
next safari to class—wouldn’t Coca-Cola
taste good to you?
ze ay tT Covel Conny by
Wednesday, March 18, 1959
Mysterious Experiments
Continued from Page 2, Col..5
of structure the molecule achieves
a higher energy level, it may be of
value in trapping solar energy and
storing it, much as the leaf does
in the process of photosynthesis;
moreover, since azobenzene reverts
completely to its original low en-
ergy level upon withdrawal from
light, it might conceivably be of
service as am easily erasable mem-
ory in an electronic “brain.”
_ The purpose of the second study,
observation of the underwater re-
actions of the photoelectric cell,
popularly termed the “electric
eye” is to gain increased under-
standing of one of the most funda-
mental reactions of all chemistry:
the process by which electrons are
Dr. Mallory’s work, termed pho-
tochemical synthesis and concerned
basically with reactions which pro-
ceed because of the absorption of
light, includes the study of both
the mechanics of previously dis-
covered reactions and the nature
of some others discovered “entirely
accidentally” by himself.
Although the previously discov-
ered reactions have already been
considered by scientists, they have
never before been examined on a
scale large enough for direct in-
ferences to be drawn about the
{tainty about the mechanics of the
reactions which Dr. Mallory hopes
to attain. In those reactions which
he himself uncovered it is simply
the nature of the reactions them-
selves and their possible practical
value which is of present interest.
The reasons behind the anomo-
lous behavior of certain salts in
liquid solvents are the current con-
cern of Dr. Varimbi. Most salts
when dissolved in water cause the|
water to become more viscous. Sev-
eral, notably potassium iodide and
bromide result in an inexplicable
decrease of viscosity; to discover
the cause of this abnormal behav-
ior is the object of Dr. Varimbi’s
Swimming Recap
(Continued from Page 5, Col. 4)
fifth in the 100-yard freestyle.
Sandy Colt and Jackie Mars, re-
spectively, received the Varsity and
the J.V. awards for the most points
accumulated throughout the sea-
‘son. At the same time, Sandy was
Sold — Rented — Repaired
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motions and configuration of every
participating atom; it is this cer-
Look lovely inside and out in '
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Have you always wanted to
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tractive, well-located, unfur-
available in May or June. Two
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(Continued from Page 2, Col. 5)
(Unless we choose to take the
course which Vassar has followed.)
Therefore, these organizations must
get the support: and interest of as
much of the student body as possi-
ble. Under the present system, stu-
dents are hit from all sides by a
mass of organizations until they
are sick of organizations, and Self
| Gov and Undergrad become just_a
piece of the mass.
I have said that I believe that
drastic reform is necessary. If Self
Gov and Undergrad are to stand in
the center of focus, as they. must,
we cannot continue to throw out
ideas about how we are going to
get all student organizations on the
same plain. I propose that a sur-
vey be taken of every student. Un-
less more active support can be
found on campus for the other stu-
dent organizations, than seems at
re-elected captain and Anne Ras-
siga was elected manager with
Fran Krauskopf as assistant man-
Late Snacks
Open Seven Days
Next door to sl Mawr P.O.
Re-organization Letter
present existent, and it must be a
plurality who are willing to sup-
port these organizations with inter-
est, action, and funds. I propose
that these organizations be abol-
We have developed a multiplicity
of student organizations, and the
multiplicity is weakening the neces-
sary and the unnecessary alike. If
these organizations do not have
‘the support, why should they be
artificially kept alive? By doing
this we are endangering the stu-
dent independence which we enjoy
here. We will not avoid the course
taken by Vassar by continuing in
our present manner. Action must
be taken and drastic action. I
strongly urge and plead that this
be done.
Come To
For Your Spring
Call LA 5-8777
853 Lancaser Ave.
Bryn Mawr
Greek Lecture
(Continued from Page 1, Col. 5)
wealthy) man who falls in love
with Knemon’s daughter and in the
process disguises himself as a
laborer; an arrogant cook, all sorts
of friends and relations, and numer-
ous disasters connected with drop-
ping things (including Knemon)
down a well. Ultimately, of course,
the right people get married,-and-_
Menander, through Knemon, gets
a chance to state his philosophy of
life and the correct use’ of wealth.
Junior Year
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An unusual one-year
college program
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brochure to:
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