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Copyright, Trustees of
Bryn Mawr College,1945
James T. Cleland
To Lead Chapel;
Hold Conferences
Dr. James T. Cleland, Professor
‘of Homiletics and Preacher to the
University at Duke University will
speak in chapel Sunday night,
December 5. Born in Scotland, Dr.
‘Cleland was formerly a Professor
of Religion at Amherst College.
Besides the regular discussion
period after chapel Sunday night,
Dr. Cleland will be available for
appointments Monday afternoon in
the Blue Room of the Deanery.
Those wishing appointments should
sign the list on the Chapel bulletin
board in Taylor.
Dr. Cleland will speak Monday
evening at 8 o’clock in the Common
Room. His subject is not yet known.
Panel Describes
Positions Abroad
At Vocational Tea
The first Vocational Committee
‘Tea, on Jobs -Abroad, was held
‘Thursday, November 18, in the
Common Room. Mr. Joseph Hender-
son, former civilian personnel offi-
cer in Berlin, spoke first, discus-
sing possibilities for civilian jobs
abroad in military government.
Though approximately 15,000 peo-
ple have held such jobs since the
end of the war, when the War De-
partment started recruiting U.S.
civilians, and a training program
was set up for a time in Germany,
it is almost impossible to plan a
long range career since the length
of time that military occupation
will continue is uncertain. Mr.
Henderson said that experienced
people are needed; however, jobs
as typists and stenographers are
always available and may lead to
more interesting jobs, such as ad-
ministrative assistants.
State Dept. Jobs
The next speaker, Miss Margaret
Hine, talked about the different
federal agencies, such as the State
Department and the Central Intel-
ligence Agency, which may pro-
vide jobs abroad. She explained that
most embassy jobs are clerical and
Stressed the disadvantage that the
applicant for most of these posi-
tions is not told ahead of time
where the job will be, and in some
cases what it will be. Chances for
overseas jobs with the UN are
limited, since the staff abroad is
small and must have technical
training. This is also true of most
other international organizations.
Miss Hine’s advice was to take any
kind of job if one’s main interest
is in getting abroad, but if your
interest is in one field, to get ex-
perience in. that.-field- and-look for
overseas opportunities later.
Agency Posts
Miss Eda Jean Bolton, of the
American Friends Service Com-
mittee, sugges that a person
looking for a jo} with an agency
first ask herself what that agency
stands for and how it fits in with
her interests. The A.F.S.C. was
started by a pacifist group at the
time of the first World War and
has been working on war problems
and the administration of relief
programs here and abroad ever
since. It has divisions for relief
distribution, Community Center
programs (such as the ones which
are now operating in the Ameri-
' n-
ternational Work Camp Movement.
Donation Made
To Jones Chair
Miss: McBride announced Mon-
day that the college had received a
gift of $10,000 for the Rufus Jones
Chair from Mr. John D. Rockefel-
ler, Jr. Mr. Rockefeller, who was
a friend of Rufus Jones, has prom-
ised to add another $10,000-to this
sum, if the college has raised
$150,000 for the Chair before De-
cember 31, 1949.
World Problems,
Plans Discussed
In UWF Assembly
Specially contributed by
Margie Shaw, ’50 and
Priscilla Johnson, ’50
On .November 12th-14th, two
Bryn Mawr Federalists took their
lives in their hands and flew to
Minneapolis for the United World
Federalists’ Second Annual Gen-
eral Assembly. The Convention got
under way on Friday, November
12th with welcoming addresses by
Governor Luther Youngdahl and
Senator-elect Hubert Humphrey of
Minnesota, and was greeted by
letters from President Truman and
from Supreme Court Justice Wil-
liam O. Douglas. In the opening
Plenary Session UWF President
Cord Meyer, Jr. gave a progress
report in which he stated that there
had been a three-fold increase in
membership in the last year, as
well as the election of four state
governors, thirteen U.S. Senators,
and forty-five representatives who
are informed as to UWF’s pro-
gram, and promise to take action
upon it in the 81st Congress. He
also announced a favorable vote
of 11-1 in the Connecticut refer-
endum on World Government. All
in all, Mr. Meyer stated, UWF’s
political influence as a result of
the elections was far greater than
had been hoped a year':ago. UWF
has a dual approach to the achieve-
ment of its goal of a _ limited
World Government. The first part
of this approach is to influence
Continued on page 3
Speakers Explain
“College Cenevol”
This evening the French Club
gathered at Wyndham to hear four
speakers: Professor J. Van den
Heuvel of the French Department;
Mlle. Jeanne Theis, Warden of
Wyndham; Mr. Carl Sangree,
American Representative to the
College Cevenol; and Richard M.
Cameron, Jr., a Haverford student
who spent last summer at the Col-
lege Cevenol. Their subject..was
Le College Cevenol, an internation-
al and progressive French second-
ary school, and the work camp
which takes over the school in the
summer. (Le Chambon differs from
most French schools because it is
international, it offers scholarships
for French and foreign students,
and it tempers the conservative
preparation. for the baccalaureate
offered by most schools with a
more liberal and progressive pro-
Mr. Van den Heuvel described
the school during the war when it
sheltered Spanish, German and
Jewish refugee children. Jeanne
Theis and Dick Cameron discussed
Cones, Confusion, Secrecy Mark
Rehearsal of ‘An Inspector Calls’
by Jacqueline Esmerian ’51
“Ready ... Curtain... 1, 2, 3:”
At Mr. Thon’s signal, the actors,
as though touched by some magic
wand, suddenly come to life. The
opening scene is at dinner with the
conservative, seemingly ordinary
Birling family, whose respectabil-
ity is soon revealed by their insipid
conversation. There is Mr. Birling,
the Victorianish, bond-holding tax-
paying father, Mrs. Birling, who is
the chairman of a “respectable”
committee for assistance to “stray
girls”, and Eric, the inebriated-
looking son who is always reach-
ing for “another glass of port” on
the little side table. Right now they
are marvelling over the engage-
ment ring which Gerald has just
given Sheila, the daughter. At this
point, there is a convulsion in the
scenery walls, a door opens and
lets in a tall lanky guy who deliv-
ers the maid’s lines. A few sec-
onds later he reappears as the
phlegmatic, enigmatic (Inspector
who is to change the lives of all
those present.
Meanwhile, all sorts of. things
are going on around the stage. In
one corner, Costume Director Jac-
kie Gawan is measuring the act-
ors, seizing them the minute they
come off scene for a brief respite.
Right at the front of the stage, in
the middle of a stack of papers
which he flips feverishly back and
forth, is the prompter. Director
Frederick Thon is pacing spasmod-
ically up and down the main aisle,
commending one actor’s “stage
walk”, advising another: “Don’t
sound quite so much like a radio”;
altogether, very busy directing.
People come and go incessantly in
the dim auditorium, bringing ice
cream cones for the actors, whis-
pering hurried words to Mr. Thon,
all apparently on missions of
prime importance. There is always
an aura of secrecy surorunding the
coming-bto-life of a play, which is
probably the delight of those in-
volved in it; it is very mystifying
but fascinating for the casual on-
The plot on the stage was un-
folding itself, meanwhile, with
Continued on page 2
Food for
Seven weeks of the first semester have now passed.
this short period of time an average of $25 worth of goods
per week has disappeared from the hall bookshops. Only two
hall shops have shown no losses to date; no shop has lost
money both months.
These are the facts.
What do they
Carelessness in signing for articles taken does not break
cut suddenly and cease just as
account for disproportionate losses.
quickly, nor does forgetfulness
Furthermore it seems
impossible for someone outside the college community to ab-
scnd with so great an amount without being noticed at any
time in any of the halls affected. The logical though reluc-
tant conclusion is that there must be stealing within the lim-
its of the college.
Unfortunately, the situation in the reserve room of the
library and in the stacks provides ample warranty for such a
conclusion. It is no surprise to a student to search in vain
for a book and be told “it was taken without signing”.
The fact that the innocent man must suffer with the guilty
—in the case of bookshop losses, by being taxed to make up
the deficit, in the case of the library, by not being able to read
the book—is unfair. More important, however, this practice
demands a review of ethical values.
The answer is simply that
: no student at Bryn Mawr has
any valid excuse for taking what is not hers.
It is time to
stop these “mysterious disappearances” which are not only
disheartening but just plain disgraceful!
Thursday, December 2
8:30 p. m. German Club, Dr.
H. Politzer, Common Room.
Friday, December 3
8:30 p. m. Bryn Mawr Dra-
ma Guild, Haverford Cap and
Bells, “An Inspector Calls”,
Roberts Hall, Haverford. Den-
bigh, Merion, Haverford Dance
in Rumpus Room.
Saturday, December 4
‘8:30 p. m. “An Inspector
Calls”, Roberts Hall, Haver-
Sunday, December 5
7:30 p. m. Chapel, Dr. James
T. Cleland, Music Room.
Monday, December 6
4:30 p. m. History Journal
Club, Dr. R. R. Palmer, “The
Individual in the French Revo-
lution,” Deanery.
7315 p. m. Current Events,
Miss Northrop, “Progress Re-
port on ERP”, Common Room.
8:00 p. m. Religious Discus-
‘gion, Dr. J. T. Cleland, Com-
mon Room.
Concert Series
Set by Haverford
The Haverford College Concert
series for this year has been an-
nounced. On December 5, Dr Karl
Weigl tHe composer will speak,
Robert Karol will play the viola,
and Estelle Harrop will sing. On
January 9, Dimitry Markevitch,
cellist, will. play;..on..February.13
there will be a program by the
Viello Trio and DuBose Robertson,
A demonstration of students’
Catherine Merritt ’51 to Ed-
ward Brooke Stokes.
compositions is scheduled:for March
13 and a program of choral re-
ligious music with a talk by A. J.
Swan, and illustrations by Wil-
liam Reese and a group of Haver-
ford singers on Easter Sunday
(April 17). Dimitry Markevitch and
the Viello Trio will play in the
Common Room in Founders at 8:15!
“atmosphere libre et heureuse”
in the summer work camp and
n on page 2
= be ‘asieae
Piccinte Miner Re
Continued on page 2
8:30 p. m. Undergrad Record
‘Concert, Common Room. |
p.m. All other concerts will take
place in the Music Room of the
Haverford Union at 8:15 p.m.
Thon Announces
Cast for Coming
J. Priestley Play
The Bryn Mawr Drama Guild
and the Haverford Cap and Bells
Club will offer J. B. Priestley’s “An
Inspector Calls”, on Friday and
Saturday nights, December 3 and
4. The cast of the play is as fol-
Arthur Birling, William Bishop;
Gerald Croft, Robert Kunkel;
Sheila Birling, Sheila Tatnall; Sy-
bil Birling, Anne Jane Rock; Edna,
Mary Ausman; Eric Birling, Tho-
mas Graff; Inspector Goole, Rich-
erd McKinley.
The stage manager of the show
is Lee Haring; Dave Thomas is
technical director, Richard McKin-
ley is production manager and also
designed the set; Jackie Gawan is
in charge of costumes, and James
Hastings of lighting. The prompter
is Theodore Lewis, the publicity
manager John Acton ,and the busi-
ness manager Jim Thorpe. Tickets
will be on sale in the Public Rela- |
tions Office in Taylor through Fri-
day, from 1:30 till 2:00.
Quartet Will Play
At Deanery Concert
A string quartet will be heard in
the second Deanery Concert at five
o’clock on Sunday, December 5th.
The members of the quartet are
Joseph Silverstein, Felix Sitjar,
Theodore Israel, and Leslie Parnas.
The program will include Bee-
thoven’s Quartet in C minor, opus
18, No. 4; Brahms’ Quartet in A
minor, Opus 1, No. 2; Andante
Cantabile by Tschaikovsky; and
Allegro by ‘Mozart.
Dr. Besicovitch
Simplifies Curves
At 8:30 p. m. on November 18,
Dr. |A. S. Besicovitch, Professor of
Mathematics at Trinity College,
Cambridge, spoke in Dalton on
“The Measure of the Asymmetry
of Curves.”
A closed convex curve, said Dr.
Besicovitch, trying to simplify the
definition, is one which never bulg-
es inward. (Central symmetry is,
he said, judged in reference to re-
flection in a point, one half of a
symmetrical figure being consid-
ered the reflection of the other half
beyond the axis. Régarding the re-
flection of regular polygons, defined
as figures which are brought to
their original position by rotation
through 120 degrees, Dr. Besico-
vitch noted that 'the reflection of a
whole figure is identical with the
He emphasized that bi - axial
symmetry is of a higher degree
than the central. The degree of
asymmetry is determined by the
relation of the area of an inscribed
symmetrical curve within a closed
convex curve to the area of the
convex curve, Dr. Besicovitch said.
He stated that if the area of the
symmetrical curve is nearly identi-
cal with that of the convex curve,
the convex curve is asymmetrical;
if the areas are widely differing,
the curve is not asymmetrical. *
after the lecture provided enjoy-
able relaxation after a rather tech-
nical evening.
Page. Two oie
Published weekly during the College Year (except during Thanks-
giving, Christmas and Easter holidays, and during examination weeks)
in the interest of Bryn Mawr College at the Ardmore Printing Company,
Ardmore, Pa., and Bryn Mawr College. ;
The College News is fully: protected by copyright. Nothing that
appears in it may be reprinted either wholly or in part without per-
mission of the Editor-in-Chief.
Editorial Board
Betty-BricHT Pace, *49, Editor-in-Chief
Jean E is, 49, Copy EMILY TOWNSEND, 50, News
CATHERINE MERRITT, ’51 MarIAN Epwarops, ’50, Makeup
ANNE GREET, ’50 BLAIKIE ForsytuH, ’51, Makeup
Editorial Staff
Linpa BETTMAN, 752
Betty LEE, ’52
CLAIRE LiacHowl!Tz, ’52
Joan McBripe, ’52
Staff Photographers
LYNN Lewis, ’50, Chief
JosEPHINE RAsKIND, ’50 Laura WINsLow, ’50
‘MELANIE Hewitt, ’50
Betty BEIeERFELD, 751
Business Board
Joan Rossins, ’49, Advertising Manager
MADELEINE BLOUNT, ’51, Business Manager
TAMA SCHENK, 752 Mary Lov Price, ’51
Mary Kay LackritTz, ’51
Subscription Board
Atty Lou Hackney, *49, Manager
Epiz Mason Ham, ’50 Sue Kex.ey, *49
Mary Kay Lackritz, ’51
Subscription, $2.75 Mailing price, $3.50
Subscriptions may begin at any time
Entered as second class matter at the Ardmore, Pa., Poss Office
Under Act of Congress August 24, 1912
Concerted Efforts
Chorus, Music Appreciation classes, radio and record
concerts in the halls, and the Philadelphia Symphony. When
these are so popular with Bryn Mawr students, it seems
strange that the most musical of us have not agitated long
ago for campus concerts such as there-are at many other col-
In this week’s NEWS it is suggested that the student
body guarantee the money for a concert series if we are real-
ly interested in importing outside talent.
One way to raise the money would be to levy a tax on
every student—about $1.50 a head if we financed a series
of concerts, and much less than that if we backed only one
concert. There would probably be no admission charge ex-
cept for outsiders. Naturally, a student vote would be taken
before such a program could go into effect.
An alternative method of raising money would be to add
$.50 to the Common Treasury dues to finance one concert
which students would pay to attend. More concerts could
follow during the year if there were enough profits from the’
|death. Richard McKinley,
first one.
Subscription Series
There is at present a concert series on campus which has
not had much publicity because it was not open to students
~Jast- year. It -consists-of-four~concerts and is supported by
about twenty members of the faculty at $5.00 apiece.
Only one of the four concerts has already taken place;
there are three more —a string concert this Sunday, and
later in the year, a woodwind quartet and a cello and piano
concert. Students are welcome to join this group. If enough
co so, undoubtedly additional concerts can be financed this
year. :
| Attendance and Letters
- Before we can, legitimately, ask for mid-week concerts
or campus during the year we must be able to justify the
trouble and expense by proving the existence of really active
interest i in the project. The best proof would be attendance
Current Events
Common Room, November 22—
“If it is necessary to fight, we
fight’? — this, said Senor Alcala,
speaking. on ‘“Argentina-Govern-
ment under Peron,” is the philoso-
phy of General Juan Peron, Argen-
tinian dictator, and is why he relies
upon the military to back him.
In explanation of the present
Argentinian dictatorship, Senor-Al-
cala traced the development of
Argentinian government from 1890
with the fight against the oligarchy,
through 1916 with the election of
the first radical president, and the
growth of a special caste under
Peron achieved his present power
as a result of a loan to the govern-
ment by the Banco Central Argen-
tino after its nationalization, and
by his control of paper, which en-
ables him to dictate journalistic
Especially concerned with stud-
ents in the six universities, since
they do wield political infltence,
Peron, with the creation of the five-
year plan in October 1946 (Plan
Kincinale), appointed six intervent-
ors, changed retirement age of
professors in order to rid the
schools of those opposing his plans,
and instituted protectors for the
universities. As a result, teachers
left the schools, although financial
conditions forced many to remain.
Senor Alcala brought the prob-
lem into sharper focus, by saying
that Argentina
country in South America with a
totalitarian movement, for in ad-
dition“to Peron and his influential
wife, Evita (sympathetic to the
Germans), there is the tiny country
of Santo Domingo under Trujillo.
Voc. Committee Outlines
Possible Jobs Abroad
Continued from page 1
The expenses of A.F.S.C. em-
ployees are paid but they receive
no salaries since the agency is
supported mainly by private dona-
In conclusion Dr. Wells spoke
briefly, discussing his experience
with job opportunities in military
government. He urged prospective
workers not to refuse a job abroad
because it is not in the requested
place, to get to know the country
where one’s job is and to realize
that an apparently dull job often
leads to a more interesting one.
“The Inspector’’ to Call
Fri.-Sat., in Robert’s Hall
Continued from page 1
deepening pathos, independently of |
these off-stage “plots”. The In-
spector has revealed the suicide,
that same evening, of an unknown
girl in a hospital bed. Taking each
‘one in turn, he points out how ev-
ery member of the Birling family in
some way is responsible for her
plays the Inspector, shows a pic-
ture of the dead girl to each one in
turn, so that they will recognize
her, even if they don’t want to re-
member they have known her. In-
Adentally,.Mac.changes this. photo-
graph of the “dead girl” at each
rehearsal, supposedly to keep the
actors’ interest in it alive and re-
alistic. After the tension of the
climax, the mysterious Inspector
vanishes, leaving the Birling fam-
ily and Gerald in disarray, and the
spectators probably on the edge of
their seats.
As yet, the play is in an embry-
{onic phase; there is still a lot to be
done before Friday, December 3.
The actors sre still in their “civil-
ian costumes”. The stage is al-
most bare, «nd the scenery wal!s
is not the only
Robbins Suggests Fund
To Finance Concerts
On Campus
To the Editor:
I am glad the NEWS is. tak-
ing an interest in music. I have
never thought that the existence of
an intelligent audience is related to
anything ‘but general. level of
taste in the student body and prop-
er catering to it. However, there
are certain considerations that I
think ought to be made quite clear
before we plan, and the first con-
cerns money.
Single concerts, if not guaran-
teed, are a tremendous risk. A ser-
ies, of course, is double, triple, or
quadruple the risk. People do not
buy tickets until they know what
they are getting and if not enough
like what is offered, someone has to
pay the deficit. Stars who’ might
fill Goodhart, if it were possible
to sell cheap seats throughout the
hall, cost too much to be paid by
that means. There are not enough
seats in Goodhart even at $3.50 or
$4.00 apiece to cover that sort of
concert. Incidentally, the acoustics
of the hall are such that many out-
siders who might have $3.50 or
$4.00 do not buy tickets.
Concert Poll Tax
The only possible way, it seems
to me, of financing concerts on the
campus is to have a sum of money
available for concert series raised
by a small poll tax, as an addition
to Alliance or other dues, and a
similar contribution from other
campus inhabitants. The college
can then cut its coat according to
its cloth, and the sale of additional
single tickets provides some gravy
and perhaps some additional con-
certs, but at least no concerts
would then be arranged until the
cost was guaranteed. There is an
objection, I know, to the sale of
series tickets. The small faculty
group, of which I am a member,
continually receives requests from
people who want only a single con-
cert. ‘However, we can’t arrange
concerts until the money is in hand
for at least the first three or four,
and are thus unable to depend on
the sale of single tickets. If we
were stuck by poor weather or by
a program which did not have a
popular appeal we should have no
funds with which to pay our way;
‘'so a basic minimum of fifty or
sixty subscribers is essential to our
existence. If we have that, we sell
single admissions, but not before.
Promising Artists
| My suggestion for college music
is to abandon the idea of. getting
great stars, that is to say, well-
known musicians, to the campus;
to abandon Goodhart concerts until
we have a pretty good audience
educated to it,and to use The Dean-
ery which holds some 200 people
for samll concerts of a sort that
can easily be financed. For exam-
ple, the concerts of the Wayne Tri-
County Association average in cost
about $400, the money for which is
collected in the beginning of the
year. These concerts are given hy
promising artists just out of
schools (like Mr. Goldstein a week
or two back), or by first-chair men
from the Orchestra (Mr. Kincaid,
Miss Phillips and Mr. Mayes gave
a wonderful concert three years
ago), and by quartets and trios,
local people whose fees are not
quite so high as those of national-
ly known organizations. Orches-
tras are obviously too expensive
and only when funds are in hand
can more ambitious projects, like
the Budapest quartet, be undertak-
Guaranteed Sum
I suggest that the student body
decide what money it could pay to-
Thien Relates
Patriotism to God
Goodhart Music Room, November
21. The address at the Thanksgiv-
ing service in Chapel was delivered
by the Reverend Howard Thurman,
Minister for the Church (for the
Fellowship of All Peoples, San
Thurman discussed the demands
of high religion upon the authentic
patriotism of the United States.
Reverend Thurman praised those
who believe that life is not com-
plete but. “fluid and dynamic” and
said that creative purposes are the
goals of the living. He cited three
reasons for the relationship of the:
power and significance of an inte-
grated goal.” The goal inspires the
second reason, the “willingness to.
surrender not only one’s resources
but one’s very life.” If the goal be-
comes evil, however, it causes the
individual to lose his sense of di-
rection and standard of behavior.
This was the cause of the powerful
appeal of fascism, a “socially re-
demptive goal” which caused the
destruction of millions. The third
reason is “a sense of participation
in a collective destiny.” No one
can stand isolation or being ignor-
ed; he must be part of a group of
other persons.
Meaning of Thanksgiving
Reverend Thurman claimed that.
if these ideas are applied to the
history of America and its relig-
ious faith, a new meaning is given
to Thanksgiving. The United
States is an example of different
peoples united by a “creative
ideal.” ;
The atomic bomb heralded an
age in which no isolation exists.
The “whole planet earth” has had
to participate in the experience of
unity which had formerly belonged
only to the United States. Rever-
end Thurman said “Life sent us to
school to learn how people of dif--
ferent cultures may develop a
sense of the whole, so that when
the atomic age appeared we could
teach the whole world, that had nos.
had a chance to go to school.”
Francisco, California.
French Club Discusses
Foreign Schools, Camps
Continued from page 1
what the campers learn while they
are there. Mr. and Mrs. Sangree
showed a film of the school and
told what they have been doing to
arouse American interest in the
school. After the war many peo- |
ple wanted to send their children
to Chambon but there was not suf-
ficient housing to accommodate
them. Classrooms, dormitories,
and all sorts of school, office and
household supplies are still needed.
For the last three years the Con-
gregational Service Committee has.
financed the work camp.
wards a series of concerts of this
kind, interesting for a campus and
as. enjoyable as most of the con-
terts outside of the Orchestra and’
star-series in town. These, in fact,
offer such competition that to try
& rival set out here is quite impos-
sible. If the student body were to
guarantee some sum, a thousand
or fifteen hundred dollars, for ex-
ample, three or four concerts could
be arranged, and the sale of single
tickets to persons outside the stud-
ent body might well provide for an
additional two .or three in the
course of a year. This seems to me
to be the only possible way, short
of a gift or endowment like the
Swarthmore Cowper Foundation,
by which the college can enjoy con-
certs without all the fuss and the
heartbreak of selling tickets for in-
on Sunday afternoons at this and future Deanery concerts,
and the sending of constructive letters of suggestion, criti-
cism, or enthusiasm to the NEWS at once. \
are of a ‘sling pink, left over
from the les: : Jay given in Roberts
| Hall. Howo.._the-play—shows
every symp. of future success,
and the syr - inscription “Had
Enough?” w:\‘en on one of the
pink wal's, .). have been meant
only for the weary actors; no audi-
ence, I think, can ‘have “had
enough” of An Inspector Calls be-
| fore the last curtain.
dividual concerts and covering the
deficit when any one concert proves
Sincerely yours,
Caroline Robbins
Page Three
Positions Open for Next Year:
Seniors and Graduates who are
residents of New York:
The State Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examinations for
Professional and Technical Assist-
ants. Applications must be in by
December 11. The notice is posted
on the bulletin board outside of
Room F.
Seniors and Graduates Interested
in the Y. W.C. A.:
Miss Clara Hardin of the Na-
tional (Staff will be at the college
on December 9 for interviews with
students who would like to see her.
Please leave your name with Mrs.
Vietor or Mrs. Crenshaw so that
we can arrange Miss ‘Hardin’s sche-
dule. Salaries for beginners: $2000
to $2400 depending on experience.
The Friends’ Council on Ednca-
tion has sent its new booklet on in-
terneship in Friends’ schools. Good |
Living Conditions
Seen in 3 Films
On November 7 the Sociology
department presented three films
depicting the living conditions in
some parts of rural America. The
first film And So They Live showed
what Miss Kraus described as
“characteristic conditions” — large
families living in unheated shacks
with no running water or electri-
city... great prevalence of rickets,
dysentery and pellagra due to in-
adequate diet ... poor animals and
worn out land . . . complete ignor-
ance of even the elementary prin-
ciples of conservation. To bring out
its points more strongly, the .pic-
ture focussed attention on the chil-
dren who were growing up in such
an atmosphere; underfed, under-
clothed, and undereducated, they
|looked amazingly like the war or- |
phans of Europe.
The other films showed that such
Between the Leaves
The Family Circle, by Cornelius
Otis Skinner.
by Betty Lee *52
Cornelia Otis Skinner’s latest
contribution to the Best Seller list,
The Family Circle, describes the
happy, somewhat hectic atmos- which she grew up.
Starting in 1876 at Maberly, Mo.,
the author introduces her mother,
Maud Durbin, at the age of two.
Soon her mother is bitten by the
jeska, who becomes one of her best
friends and supporters. Otis Skin-
ner enters the novel when Maud
joins Madame Modjeska’s troop.
The author-daughter relates the
introduction of her future mother
and father as “My future father
looked at her with total distinter-
ed back to his companion. Maud
stage bug and meets Madame Mod- |
est, bowed perfunctorily, and turn- |
she definitely didn’t like |
Federalists Assemble
At Minneapolis Meeting |
Continued from page 1
itiative in calling for a revisional
conference of the UN under article
109 of the UN charter. The second
part of the UWF approach is to
Xarticipate with the peoples of the
world in a convention to write a
world constitution. This constitu-
tion is scheduled to take place in
(to be continued)
tional style of writing, instead of
the book gives a definite picture of
life around the turn of the century.
usual amusing satirical way,
change from the author’s’ recent
novels Excuse It, Please, and Soap
our political leaders to take the in- |
the author adopts a more conven-|
The Family Circle is a complete |
Politzer to Talk
On Kafka’s Work
At 8:30 Thursday, December 2,
iin the Common Room, Dr. Heinz
Politzer will speak on Franz Kaf-
ka. The talk, delivered in Ger-
man, is sponsored by the German
clubs of Bryn Mawr and Haverford.
It will be given in view of the in-
ternational interest exhibited in the
novelist and_ short-story writer,
who died in 1981. There will be a
discussion period after the lecture.
Dr. Politzer, a member of the
German Department at Bryn
| Mawr, came to the United States
this summer from Palestine, where
in collaboration with Max Bod, he
edited Franz Kafka’s posthumous
works. He has also translated
many of the poems of T. S. Eliot
Dr. Politzer has had
-much of his own poetry printed in
| German, Swedish, and Dutch publi-
|into German.
experience: usually no salay him,” | Behind the Ears, and it is a better-|cations and writes criticisms for
P e; us y no ary. |eonditions can be remedied. The Wate, oweses, Aieamroed; and | |written {book. Her well-known,| Derneue Rundschau, a prominent
| re , , ’ . . ~ . .
* * x | River, the story of the T.V.A., dem- Otis proposed to Maud in New| subtle wit appears in this book, but}German magazine. He is now
Campus Job now Open:
Student wanted to conduct Towle
silver survey. If a hundred stud-|
ents see the display and give Op- |
inions, the pay is $75. See Mrs.|
Vietor in Room H for details.
Cashier-hostess for the College |
Inn. Job may be divided among
several students. Hours: Monday
through Saturday, 12:00 to 2:30,
3:30 to 5:00, 6:00 to 7:30; Sunday,
9:00 to 3:00. Fifty cents an hour.
plus meals during working hours. |
See Mrs. Vietor. |
Subscription agent for Mademoi-
selle. Inquire at Room H. |
The Vocational Committee has |
been trying to arrange a meeting
on the Theatre and Television for
next week. On account of the dif-|
ficulties in finding speakers who |
are free now, we may not be able,
to hold the tea.
Joyce. Lewis
| onstrated ways of utilizing the na-
tural resources of a section to make
for a higher standard of living.
School Days in the Country em-
phasized the development of human
resources through education.
This Sunday, Bryn Mawr
students will go from door-to-
door in the village to gather old
toys and clothing for the U. N.
Emergency Children’s Fund.
Baldwin and Shipley will help
in the campaign, held in cooper-
ation with Ursinus College.
Frieda Wagoner ’51 and Bess
Foulke ’52 are in charge.
Orleans’ famous Metaire Cemetery
with a chameleon as a witness.
They were married at. Christ
Church in New York, where Maud
remained while Otis continued his
career as actor-manager of his
Cornelia was born in Chicago
where Frank Buck, then a bell boy,
pushed her baby carriage in the
spring sun.
‘Cornelia Otis Skinner presents
her family, a happy and affection-
ate goup, against the backdrop of
due to her actor father,
then the nation’s idol.
peli al in The remy Circle |
of the
Haverford Pharmacy
The Country Book
Shop has:
“Literary History of the U.S.”
Spiller, Thorp, ae & Canby
“The Nightmare of American
Foreign Policy”
by Mowrer
Bryn Mawr
the stage which was her birthright |
who was}
its primary purpose is to present a
subjective biography, and her own
autobiography as a/child.
writing a book on the contribution
of Jewish authors to German liter-
ature, the chief one of these being
Franz Kafka.
Greet Your Friends
Christmas Cards
Richard Stockton’s
Bryn Mawr
Slips from the
Tres Chie Shop
Those “‘Just Right’’ Christmas Gifts
“Facile Fastener’ Knitting Bags
Imported & Domestic Yarn
Fine Handkerchiefs,
Matches, Napkins, & Stationery
Make the Camel 30-Day Test PROVE
WW your"TFZONE’ we
MOKE Camels for 30 days ... it’s
revealing — and it’s fun to
for yourself.
you the wonderful story of Camel’s
cool, cool mildness. Let YOUR.
OWN TASTE tell you about the
rich, full flavor of Camel’s choice
tobaccos—so carefully aged and
expertly blended.
“Money-Back Guarantee!
_Try Camels and test them. as you smoke them. If, at any time, _
you are mot convinced that Camels are the mildest cigarette
you ever smoked, return the package with the unused Camels
and we will refund its full purchase
price, plus postage.
In a recent national test,
hundreds of men and women
smoked Camels, and only
Camels, for thirty consecutive
days—an average of 1 to 2 packs
a day. Noted throat specialists
examined the throats of these
smokers every week (a total of
2470 examinations) and reported
due to smoking CAMELS!
According to a Nationwide survey:
age Reynolds Tobacco Company, Aeiusas Gakaee,
S ee Canis Doctors smoke for pleasure, too! And when
three leading independent research organiza-
tions asked 113,597 doctors what cigarette they
smoked, the beand named most was Camel!
Page Four
Mademoiselle Onter Board
Four Bryn Mawr Undergradu-
ates have been chosen by Mademoi- |
selle magazine to represent the
campus on its College Board. They
are: Betty Beierfeld, ’51; Betty
Ann Schoen, ’51; Jane Augustine,
52; and Joanna Semel, ’52.
Freshman Elections
The Freshman Class takes plea-
sure in announcing the election of
Bertie representative to
Self-Gov; Julie Boyd to Under-
grad; Bess Foulke to the League;
and Emmy Cadwalader to the Ath-
letic Association.
Debate Club
Bryn ‘Mawr will debate with
Columbia University on Friday,
December 3, 8 o’clock at ‘Columbia.
Debating on the national topic,
“Federal Aid to Education”, Anita
Dittmar and Madeleine Blount,
who are representing the Bryn
Mawr Debate Club, will take the
affirmative side.
1949 Bryn Mawr Calendar
Copies of the new Bryn Mawr
College Engagement Calendar are
en sale in the College and Hall
Bookshops. The calendar, which
contains 52 still pictures from the
Bryn Mawr movie, makes an ideal
Christmas gift, pointed out Mrs.
Milton C. Nahm, manager of the
Book Shops.
Lantern Repair Service
A Lantern Repair Service has
now been formed on campus. Julie
Boyd, ’62, in Denbigh is in charge.
Community Chest Drive
Bryn Mawr’s contribution to the
Community Chest this year will be
$2,637.75,, an increase of $443.75
over last year’s gift. Of this
amount, $800: has been contributed
by the students through the United
Services Fund.
Bryn Mawr
Lancaster Ave.
Bryn Mawr
Foreign Policy Association
On Friday, December 3, the For-
eign Policy Association of Phila-
delphia will hold one of its regular
Iumcheon discussions on “The Mid-
dle East: Crossroads and Cross-
fire.” Speakers will be (Major
George Fielding Eliot and Dr. John
S. Badeau. The discussion will take
place in the Sylvania Hotel at
12:45; student admission to the
discussion is 25 cents.
Civil Service Examinations
Five new examinations have re-
cently been announced by the U. S.
Civil Service Commission which
are of especial interest to college
graduates and senior students.
These examinations offer to per-
sons interested in obtaining Fed-
eral employment the opportunity
to begin a career in the Govern-
ment in any one of a variety of
professions. For information re-
garding these examinations see the
bulletin board or the Bureau of
St. Johns Dance
St. Johns College has invited
Bryn (Mawr College to a dance on
December 11. Anyone who would
like to go should sign the list on
the Undergrad Bulletin Board.
Plans for the day include a tea
dance, a dinner ,a play, and a for-
mal dance; they have been approv-
ed by the Dean’s Office.
Out of a 6-game season the Bryn
Mawr Varsity Hockey team won 3
games and lost 3. The second team
played 6 games, winning 4 and los-
ing 2. The third team played 3
games, lost 2 and tied 1.
The Varsity opened Oct. 20, los-
ing to Beaver 8-8. They played
Ursinus Oct. 25 and lost again 6-0.
Oct. 27 they beat Drexel 5-1, and
Nov. 5 lost to Penn 5-2. Nov. 5 the
Varsity beat Rosemont 4-1 and
Nov. 17 beat Swarthmore by the
same score.
The second team played the same
teams the same dates. They beat
Beaver 7-3, Drexel 4-0, Rosemont
11-0, and Swarthmore 3-1. They
lost to Ursinus 4-3, and Penn 3-0.
The third team lost to Ursinus
and Penn and tied Beaver.
Highest scorers on the Varsity
— — LN Ae ee
Rock-Radnor Team Downs Pem
In Hilarious Championship Game
By Claire Liachowitz, ’52
The clack of hockey sticks and
the thump of many feet upon the
frozen ground resounded through
the frosty air last Sunday, Novem-
ber 21, when the (Rock-Radnor
team defeated the Pembroke con-
squad this season were Edwards
and Boas, each with four goals.
Shaw and Parker each made two.
All this year’s games were home
games except the Nov. 17 game
with Swarthmore played there.
The Nav. 6 Intercollegiate Hockey
Tournament also was held there.
This year has seen much inter-
est in non-varsity hockey, hall
games particularly. A high point
in the season was the match be-
tween the third team and Kilby’s
tingent and hecame campus hockey
champs by a 2-0 score. Patty Ran-
som and Frieda Wagoner made the
only goals for the winners.
The game was exciting, and the
blue-clad Pems and. yellow-clad
Rock-Radnors groaned ‘and grunt-
ed throughout the hilarious affair.
Occasionally slowing down to a
near-halt, due, no doubt, to unac-
customed exercise, the girls were
joined by a whole kennelful of ——
to help them along.
Cheering audiences for both the
teams and ever-chattering goalies
spurred the girls. on through it.-all,
however, and after the game the
shivering and voiceless spectators
joined the warm and winded play-
ers in cheering their opponents,
and shouting a special cheer for
the champions.
Set the Style on Campus
with a matched
of imported woolens
Make your own $50.00 ensemble
for only $12.95 complete!
We supply the “makings.”
Free samples in lovely colors
Box 251, G.P.O., N.Y. 1, N.Y.
Wipe off that frown
Don’t let midterms
Get you down —
at the
in my new picture, WHEN
| always smoke CHESTERFIELDS.
They're MILDER...
It's MY cigarette.”
they’ll always
ee ee BILD
eda. Bizet ABC GIRL-
aaah of Oklahoma says -
ne ke One ie because I know
at ive me the Cooler, 4
smoke I really go for!
College news, December 1, 1948
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
4 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 35, No. 09
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.