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College news, November 14, 1928
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
4 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 15, No. 06
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
a si 2 - : ie aoe sash =< wi ‘ ‘
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A Dirge Was Heard - — _ Let te Woman Pay Bi a)
wet ry eee Pecueneey gs Definite organization toward the aes aie BAN KSc Bi MM hor Lae J pee , ve
of autumn and the balm of Indian velopment and propagation of an idea | ieneter Storm Stagg y fat sata —— : ot, :
‘summer. A clear sky looks down on ; “a :
@ spot opposite Pembroke Hall, Bryn that has long been fostered by isolated | oe S tabliashe uh i a John Hancock i is a oe name; ; oa ;
Ten aap ete paenai'e bright Biase, groups of the student body at- Minne- PHILADELPHIA Life i insurance is practical y indispensable, ” .*
“ Foo ge ggg sr Bn felt be sota ‘was completed recenfly with the _ School Rings .:. Emblems . That time, at least, he was. right. © : a °
-the fire are three faces, young faces, | ‘ormation of the “Dutch Dates” Club, Charms and Trophies : . .
eS made even more so by+/ The success that the suggestion of |[* ‘ of the better kind
As the passerby stops he hears a * dividing the expenses of entertainment ‘ THE GIFT SUGGESTION Aé hath
song in the soft harmony of a girls’ BOOK. Fs '
trio. Noweand sgain a new sheet of | Was met in colleges in various parts of seis TES aioe ee LiFe INSURANCE COMPANY
seam is eth ly Foe ancy nt the country caused the members of the : malled upon Prices * AA OF CONOR: ARETE RET TS, 5
gage is “The Sidewalks of New. | newly formed group in deciding to band Jewels .:. Watches .:. Clocks 4
No longer 4s it the boisterous cam- together, ‘ Silver .:. China .:. Glass ea +
. Paign song. It is sung softly, in a | Clainiing that women have usurped . Leather .:. Novelties feist. &
ao ‘minor key. The fwel.which sends | Re ty 1 d eh : :
*.% Qhe tongues of flames” afc is re- | the majer no. tos held by -me=, 3Sgom which may he_selecte ¥-+-Christmas Vacation ~~ ~ Yat a
_.* Wealed to be circulars —‘circulars |running the gamut from social activi- sosapssrdel ss
7 a ee Alfred E. | ties ‘to the industrial world, the’ organi- Wedding, Birthday, Graduation } << he-off-t0--Cainden,-for-the
; : zation declares, they should at least have |}. and Other Gifts fo ‘gay -holiday season: at: this -
“Tike Father...” .. |? share in some of the unfortunate parts ~ - phe great; hospitable Southern Ho-
of companionship. tel. Indoors—big, open fires,. .
: bridge, dancing, fine orches--
tra. ‘Outdoors—all sports in
the pine-laden air of Camden.
Join your famil yhere or vaca-:
tion with your friends.
“As father is accustomed to. vote, so
vote his son and daughter in college,”
is-the conclusion of the New Student in
discussing the straw. votes taken in Amer-
ican colleges during the election cam-.
‘ paign which ended recently. The com-
ment follows: “How the students would
vote this year was one of the puzzles of
a many-sided campaign. Withone major Urging men and wo:nen of the school
candidate a college prodtict and the other-| f° think the question over seriously, the
* on atumnus of the ‘sidewalks of New organization * states * that equalization
York there was gorne speculation as to| Should not end in the division of the
whether golleze men and women would | ™0re pleasant details. of life, but should_|
b: swayed by loyalty to higher education. include some of the acts considered be-
But there is not the slightest indication longing to men.
The matter is entirely. up to the indi-
viduals, in the opinion of Anne Dudley
Blitz, dean of women. “The project is
commendable,” she declared, “but: I be-
lieve the decision will rest with the couple,
depending upon the circumstances of the
Cut Flowers and
Plants Fresh Daily
Operated by — oa
» haa
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a ee a ee ee Tee
— = ~3
' 3 ; + ie
Q / B 17 23
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Paes nay a
. y Pa f
S ie
$ es
? r £5 a
sei and Floral Baskets
Old-Fashioned Bouquets « Speelalty
“Potted Plinta
m0 96
‘ 4
oe 6 oe 6 oe ee oe ess Oe ese ee eee “
cssctink hudiikik te ta edie eemeneeenmemnneinnnnnmninaninnemstbessaieneeememeeneentaiiriabiianmammenmmncainiice’
that this ‘was the deciding motive any-| “Dutch Dates” has been chosen as the ae tel ;
where, despite the fact that the recipient | official slogan of the campaign, and that Phone::Brun Mawr 870 4 << Ben ’
oi twenty-eight honorary. degrees emerged | means, literally, “Dutch Dates,” accord- i : = chs - Ready with. Everything Smart to Wear
victorious. The sttrlent. East and the | ing to the group.—University of Toronto 823 Lancaster: Avenue 2 ;
student West gave their wotes to Mr.) “Varsity.” ° \ } 2 : :
Hoover, while ten States in the South ee Gorgeous Fur Coats for the Game:
_ gave their votes to Mr. Smith. The de- | THE pear ' ; : cs ee
termining “factor seems to have been’ the BRYN MAWR TRUST CO j q Stunning Shoes—from the active sportswear types to
prejudices and. beliefs acquired at home} ° : AN s shimmering satins for function wear. , yer
and never dislodged by education.”—Uni- CAPITAL, +$250,000.00 EXHIBITION :
: _wersity..of Toronto “Varsity,” .: ~ : i : =
— "| Does General Banking Business OF = Coats and Dresses for every need.
: ~ saseaencs on Deposit | -- PHOTOGRAPHY : - Millinery, Sheer Hosiery and Gloves.
\ . College Inn and ee eee )| wittram suewew ELLIS ||
64 r ; ges ak ‘ThePét rm P = Market LIT BROTHER Filbert
: reter ran =i a - ro 2 Eighth Seventh
rae fae te * pa iladelp ah oremost Ar ist 2 ee
TeaRoom =f Tea Room -_ ||. ee . Philadelphia : .
7 f cal thus 833 Lancaster Avenue ‘ a
Caters es: ‘ecially “for you, 1 to ‘ee : - TO BE HELD'IN ip cst eae AIS Ty CS
ed |
7.30 wee’: days and Sun'ay*, 4 to 7 . : :
Saturday Open at 12 for ssi Caterer..and__ Confectioner THE COLLEGE INN All ready for the whistle
: ; z2 Bryn Mawr Ave.’ Bryn Maw! : é _
Breakfast Served Daily _. Thursdav. November 15 : _— h d.
ae : Business Lunch, 60:—11 to 2.30 ‘ : Y . be or t e win
ad ‘ Dinner, $2.00 ba ‘ i a Wa .
Phi te B. M. 758 Open Sunday+| _- WD Sige
Bryn Mawr e 3 | ’ _|APPOINTMENTS FOR ft)
osiidctandiaeaiaie mamiat cieamammmance eee ; eRe RE so SE kG ogee eT A), cf You know the big sil
7 1 > “ " ane é: oe cenein ‘i\F | x): just before the whistle
_, (Co-operative Society , Gifts : FOR AT THAT TIME a” iy) i) town Be beopared joan .
oe 3 Wane joy all th mesthis sama
Tavl Hall : : hat a : : N .Y wor ina + os
aylor Ha (Baye: tor.
y of Distinction Photographs a rete the lets witas .
a ; for gw peels ome :
: ; 2 tion, no matter how hard it rains. Eve
} MAKE THE IDEAL =: : Christmas Gifts All ry
BOOKS! CHRISTMAS GIFT Diamond and precious stone / ‘ : ssest eovnand ve Lat a Allee
jewelry. Watches and clocks. we fabrics are a revelation in softness,
> Imported and domestic nov- i: _ William ag the tool os pad see’ hae
- You Can Safely Order by elties. China and glassware. a : Shewell ciate the big difference. Alligators are
, ’ Fine stationer Elli sold only at the best stores and retail
Telephone. . ‘ y- : 1s from $7. 50 to $25.00. See the new
‘For Fruit from Hallowell 18 always of | —~ ee : | 1 a : 2 ey ttt EoD ote oe Ee
big finest moteoted quality—or you can Class rin gs an d pins Trophies | 1425 CHESTNUT STREET : J e Alligator Company, St. Louis, Mo. 4
Oo as many ot on tandi . “ %
order for a weekly welection a oar weult , : PHILADELPHIA, PA.
for -delivery. to your home or to those : ee and ane a j I GA
away at school. :. A WIDE SELECTION WILMINGTON, . DEL. oe
a ‘a ARK REG. U. PAT.
. Free Delivery to Your Home am en : a ;
‘Anywhere in City or Suburbs -— ’ : a
HALLOWEL L Chestnut Street at Juniper ' 4
: .
'Brond Street maken, Sneveet PHILADELPHIA ae
- ___. PHILADELPHIA snk a
_ - ——— a D rin
a . 2 { a { | i n= Delicious and Refreshing
High Leather Heels eo
: : : ‘‘Ever precise in
A striking effect has been promise keeping”’
paces a ” Par ae by The point of Lucio’s remark. is
bree eT f he nai not what he said it about, but’ _-
5 \ wece i an sr f SaerOres: ‘what he said. It surely describes }
nary pattern. eature ‘Is ‘Coca-Cola, for consider these \
the 2)4-inch-high all-leather factst
i : oe Pure as Sunlight .
$16 And the proof of its purity is in
ne om _the testing. Twenty-two scientific
2 pans ae : ; tests, covering every step in its
Black suede combined with dull kid prepa aration, = ag pure
srow mode: combined with brown kid : ie , rig sue Drink of watever og .
oe _— es eo MEASURE - : :
r 506 | hestnut, 7. ee [8 million a day ~ 1 HAD TO BE GOOD TO GET. WHERE IT TS | a
i on py 5 ae 2 ~ aa. mr . - es
ee ee A