a si 2 - : ie aoe sash =< wi ‘ ‘ . ag =e —— ae ee « e i ’ . ie I ee ‘ % : r’ -@ es usp : 7 ' : * 5 : “ if ¥ é e : . - . — e « = + ter ¢ i . F = 4 ‘ Paes nay a . y Pa f S ie . $ es - Seanad ? r £5 a . ‘ sei and Floral Baskets Old-Fashioned Bouquets « Speelalty “Potted Plinta ee m0 96 « ‘ 4 oe 6 oe 6 oe ee oe ess Oe ese ee eee “ cssctink hudiikik te ta edie eemeneeenmemnneinnnnnmninaninnemstbessaieneeememeeneentaiiriabiianmammenmmncainiice’ that this ‘was the deciding motive any-| “Dutch Dates” has been chosen as the ae tel ; where, despite the fact that the recipient | official slogan of the campaign, and that Phone::Brun Mawr 870 4 << Ben ’ oi twenty-eight honorary. degrees emerged | means, literally, “Dutch Dates,” accord- i : = chs - Ready with. Everything Smart to Wear victorious. The sttrlent. East and the | ing to the group.—University of Toronto 823 Lancaster: Avenue 2 ; student West gave their wotes to Mr.) “Varsity.” ° \ } 2 : : Hoover, while ten States in the South ee Gorgeous Fur Coats for the Game: _ gave their votes to Mr. Smith. The de- | THE pear ' ; : cs ee termining “factor seems to have been’ the BRYN MAWR TRUST CO j q Stunning Shoes—from the active sportswear types to prejudices and. beliefs acquired at home} ° : AN s shimmering satins for function wear. , yer and never dislodged by education.”—Uni- CAPITAL, +$250,000.00 EXHIBITION : : _wersity..of Toronto “Varsity,” .: ~ : i : = — "| Does General Banking Business OF = Coats and Dresses for every need. : ~ saseaencs on Deposit | -- PHOTOGRAPHY : - Millinery, Sheer Hosiery and Gloves. \ . College Inn and ee eee )| wittram suewew ELLIS || 64 r ; ges ak ‘ThePét rm P = Market LIT BROTHER Filbert : reter ran =i a - ro 2 Eighth Seventh rae fae te * pa iladelp ah oremost Ar ist 2 ee TeaRoom =f Tea Room -_ ||. ee . Philadelphia : . 7 f cal thus 833 Lancaster Avenue ‘ a Caters es: ‘ecially “for you, 1 to ‘ee : - TO BE HELD'IN ip cst eae AIS Ty CS ed | 7.30 wee’: days and Sun'ay*, 4 to 7 . : : HENRY B. WALLACE oe Saturday Open at 12 for ssi Caterer..and__ Confectioner THE COLLEGE INN All ready for the whistle : ; z2 Bryn Mawr Ave.’ Bryn Maw! : é _ Breakfast Served Daily _. Thursdav. November 15 : _— h d. ae : Business Lunch, 60:—11 to 2.30 ‘ : Y . be or t e win ad ‘ Dinner, $2.00 ba ‘ i a Wa . Phi te B. M. 758 Open Sunday+| _- WD Sige Bryn Mawr e 3 | ’ _|APPOINTMENTS FOR ft) osiidctandiaeaiaie mamiat cieamammmance eee ; eRe RE so SE kG ogee eT A), cf You know the big sil 7 1 > “ " ane é: oe cenein ‘i\F | x): just before the whistle _, (Co-operative Society , Gifts : FOR AT THAT TIME a” iy) i) town Be beopared joan . oe 3 Wane joy all th mesthis sama Tavl Hall : : hat a : : N .Y wor ina + os aylor Ha (Baye: tor. y of Distinction Photographs a rete the lets witas . a ; for gw peels ome : : ; 2 tion, no matter how hard it rains. Eve } MAKE THE IDEAL =: : Christmas Gifts All ry BOOKS! CHRISTMAS GIFT Diamond and precious stone / ‘ : ssest eovnand ve Lat a Allee jewelry. Watches and clocks. we fabrics are a revelation in softness, > Imported and domestic nov- i: _ William ag the tool os pad see’ hae - You Can Safely Order by elties. China and glassware. a : Shewell ciate the big difference. Alligators are , ’ Fine stationer Elli sold only at the best stores and retail Telephone. . ‘ y- : 1s from $7. 50 to $25.00. See the new ‘For Fruit from Hallowell 18 always of | —~ ee : | 1 a : 2 ey ttt EoD ote oe Ee big finest moteoted quality—or you can Class rin gs an d pins Trophies | 1425 CHESTNUT STREET : J e Alligator Company, St. Louis, Mo. 4 Oo as many ot on tandi . “ % order for a weekly welection a oar weult , : PHILADELPHIA, PA. for -delivery. to your home or to those : ee and ane a j I GA away at school. :. A WIDE SELECTION WILMINGTON, . DEL. oe a ‘a ARK REG. U. PAT. . Free Delivery to Your Home am en : a ; ‘Anywhere in City or Suburbs -— ’ : a TELEPHONE PENNYPACKER 1761 - J. E. CALDWELL & CO. HALLOWEL L Chestnut Street at Juniper ' 4 : . 'Brond Street maken, Sneveet PHILADELPHIA ae - ___. PHILADELPHIA snk a _ - ——— a D rin A SuOF —— FOR DISTINCTIVE SHOES \ ~ a . 2 { a { | i n= Delicious and Refreshing e High Leather Heels eo : : : ‘‘Ever precise in A striking effect has been promise keeping”’ paces a ” Par ae by The point of Lucio’s remark. is bree eT f he nai not what he said it about, but’ _- 5 \ wece i an sr f SaerOres: ‘what he said. It surely describes } nary pattern. eature ‘Is ‘Coca-Cola, for consider these \ the 2)4-inch-high all-leather factst heel. i : oe Pure as Sunlight . $16 And the proof of its purity is in ne om _the testing. Twenty-two scientific 2 pans ae : ; tests, covering every step in its Black suede combined with dull kid prepa aration, = ag pure srow mode: combined with brown kid : ie , rig sue Drink of watever og . oe _— es eo MEASURE - : : r 506 | hestnut, 7. ee [8 million a day ~ 1 HAD TO BE GOOD TO GET. WHERE IT TS | a i on py 5 ae 2 ~ aa. mr . - es ag } ee ee A