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College news, March 18, 1931
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
4 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 17, No. 16
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Page 4
MaRcH 18, 1931
“Swarthmore Defeated :
‘it’ Swimming Meet
Continued ‘from Page One
Frothingham~ and Daniels with Ogte,
of Swarthmore, third. Both the Bryn
Mawr divers were best at their option-
als. Daniels’ Gaynor was particularly
pretty, and Frothingham’s front flip
was well executed. Ogte, placing
-third, did particularly well considering
the handicap of a strange board and
4 low ceiling..
» After the meet Bronson, '33, high
Scorer in last ‘year’s meet, was elected
¢aptain. . The. chances look particularty
good for her return’ next. year and an-
éther victorious season for the team.
The only loss will be Frothingham,
he will be’ greatly missed, not gnly
lor her scoring ability but for the fight-
Diving: Frothingham (B.M.), Dan- |
ing spirit she has put into the team,
which accounts for the closenéss of
last y€ar’s meet and. the victory this
Forty-yard free style: E. Jackson
(S.), Daniels (B.M.), P. Torey
(B.M.). Time 26 2-5 seconds.
‘Forty-yard breast stroke: Bern-
heimer (B.M.), Torrance (B.M.),
C. Jackson (S.). Time 35 seconds.
Forty-yard back stroke: Walton
(S.), Mitchell (B.M.), Jarrett (B.M.).
Time 33 2-5 seconds.
Eighty-yard . free:; style: Daniels
(B.M.), Pennybacker (S.),; P. Totten
Time. 1 minute 4. seconds.
iels: (B.M.), Ogte (S.).
Relay: Swarthmore, Bryn. Mawr.
Total: Bryn Mawr, 34; Swarthmore,
Haverford Pharmacy
Prescriptions, Drugs, Gifts
__ Phones Ardmore 122°”
Haverford, Pa. . F
FRENCH Summer School
Residential — only French
spoken—Old Country French
staff. Elementary, , Inter-
mediate, - Advanced. Fee,
- $140, inclusive. Write for
circular to Secretary, French
Summer School
Montreal - - Canada
Bevn Mawr 840
’ Radiola, Majestic, Atwater Kent, Victor
841% Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Auto Supp.igs
OMPAREa package of Camels with
51 W. Lancaster Av, Ardmore |! SPECIAL WINTER RATES--January, February, March
Smart Milli ; i ibe,
: a eh g a College Inn : Low Buildings
eady to Wear a
For Aliannae and Guests of Students: For Alumnae and Guests of Faculty, : Si .
Made to Order $2.00 per night including use of bathroom and Students on
Breakfast: 60c and 75c $2.00 per night including tiée of bathroom
Luncheon: 75c and $1.00 : Breakfast: 60, d 7 é
LUNCHEON, TEA, DINNER Dianer: $1.00, $1.25, $1.40 aril ag 7
Open Sundays 8:00 A.M. to 7:30 P. M. Dinner: $1.00
CHATTER-ON, TEA HOUSE All Meals Served in the Tea Room Supper (Sunday): 75¢ :
918 Old Lancaster Road Mary F. McGroarty, Manager Edith Eyre, Manager
Telephone: Bryn Mawr 1185 - u ee ee sora ri mad
— ees ——_—_=
A uit
The Humidor Pack imsures that.
means to Camel Smokers*
ME wale
Camels and.other ordinary dry cigarettes.
“Lake City can
the choicest Turk-
_ it is highly impor-_
Su ‘any other:cigarette and note the
difference in the technique of packing.
Note that Camels are completely en-
closed in an outer transparent ccyer of
moisture-proof cellophane and sealed
air-tight at every point.
We call this outer shell the Humidor
Pack. It differs from the ordinary cello-
phane pack: and while it is egg-shell
thin, it means a lot in terms of cigarette
enjoyment. ;
It means, for instance, that evapora-
tion is checkmated and that” Salt
now have as good
Camels as Winston-
~ While Camels are
made of a blend of
ish and mellowest
domestic tobaccos,
a _ tant, if you are to
“get fll benefit of
comteerh still intact.
i oe ge 8
this quality, that. these cigarettes conté
‘to you with their natural moisture
grepileeliy: shorts. you. that only the, Camel Humidor
reek ca cigarettes to iar in yecime condition
prevents the fine tobaccos of Camels
from drying out and losing any of their
_ delightful flavor.
Aside from cheap tobacco, two fac-
tors in a cigarette can mar the smoker’s
pleasure: :
Fine particles of peppery dust if left
_in the tobacco by inefficient cleaning
methods sting and irritate delicate
, throat membrane.
- Dry tobacco, robbed of its natural
moisture by scorching or by evapora-
tiom gives off a hot smoke that burns.
_thé throat with
every inhalation.
We take every
Unwrapped Package
Glassine Wrapped Package
Regular Cellophane
Wrapped Package
precaution against
these factors here
at Winston-Salem.
Cini Henider Fake
~ Aspecial vacuum
Moisture proof Cello- ‘
Dbane—Sealed Air Tight
cleaning apparatus
removes dust and
ry eae omen
dor Pack prevents
dryness, _ .
the difference yourself
Itis ‘a very simple matter to check the
ere om e between ged Packed
'resh ci
, tomorrow if youcan. © © oie.
First of all you can feel the difference
as you roll the cigarettes between your
fingers. Camels are full-bodied and
pliable. A dry cigarette crumbles under
pressure and sheds tobacco.
If you will hold a cigarette to each ear
and roll thém with your fingers you can
actually hear the difference.
The real test of course is to smoke them.
_And here’s where the new Humidor Pack
proves a real blessing to the smoker.
As you inhale the cool, fragrant smoke
from a Camel you get all the mildness
and magic of the fine tobaccos of which
it is blended. :
But when you draw in the hot smoke
from a dried cigarette see how flat and
brackish it is by comparison and how
harsh it is to your throat.
- If you are a regular Camel smoker
you have already noticed what proper
condition of the cigarétte means.
Bu in
" She nae Humidar Pack you have.a new
_ adventure with Lady Nicotine in store.
Switch your affections for just one
day, then go back to your, la
ee Sites Deneve
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