Page 4 ~~. THE COLLEGE NEWS MaRcH 18, 1931 a —enetcoensn “Swarthmore Defeated : ‘it’ Swimming Meet Continued ‘from Page One Frothingham~ and Daniels with Ogte, of Swarthmore, third. Both the Bryn Mawr divers were best at their option- als. Daniels’ Gaynor was particularly pretty, and Frothingham’s front flip was well executed. Ogte, placing -third, did particularly well considering the handicap of a strange board and 4 low ceiling.. » After the meet Bronson, '33, high Scorer in last ‘year’s meet, was elected ¢aptain. . The. chances look particularty good for her return’ next. year and an- éther victorious season for the team. The only loss will be Frothingham, he will be’ greatly missed, not gnly lor her scoring ability but for the fight- (BM). Diving: Frothingham (B.M.), Dan- | oo. ing spirit she has put into the team, which accounts for the closenéss of last y€ar’s meet and. the victory this year, Results: Forty-yard free style: E. Jackson (S.), Daniels (B.M.), P. Torey (B.M.). Time 26 2-5 seconds. ‘Forty-yard breast stroke: Bern- heimer (B.M.), Torrance (B.M.), C. Jackson (S.). Time 35 seconds. Forty-yard back stroke: Walton (S.), Mitchell (B.M.), Jarrett (B.M.). Time 33 2-5 seconds. Eighty-yard . free:; style: Daniels (B.M.), Pennybacker (S.),; P. Totten Time. 1 minute 4. seconds. iels: (B.M.), Ogte (S.). Relay: Swarthmore, Bryn. Mawr. Total: Bryn Mawr, 34; Swarthmore, Haverford Pharmacy HENRY W. PRESS, P. D. Prescriptions, Drugs, Gifts __ Phones Ardmore 122°” PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE’. Haverford, Pa. . F FRENCH Summer School Residential — only French spoken—Old Country French staff. Elementary, , Inter- mediate, - Advanced. Fee, - $140, inclusive. Write for circular to Secretary, French Summer School McGILL UNIVERSITY -LeCHAPEAU, Inc. Montreal - - Canada Bevn Mawr 840 BRYN MAWR SUPPLIES co.» ’ Radiola, Majestic, Atwater Kent, Victor Victrolas 841% Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Auto Supp.igs ne —_———— ¢ OMPAREa package of Camels with va | 51 W. Lancaster Av, Ardmore |! SPECIAL WINTER RATES--January, February, March Smart Milli ; i ibe, : a eh g a College Inn : Low Buildings eady to Wear a For Aliannae and Guests of Students: For Alumnae and Guests of Faculty, : Si . Made to Order $2.00 per night including use of bathroom and Students on Breakfast: 60c and 75c $2.00 per night including tiée of bathroom Luncheon: 75c and $1.00 : Breakfast: 60, d 7 é LUNCHEON, TEA, DINNER Dianer: $1.00, $1.25, $1.40 aril ag 7 Open Sundays 8:00 A.M. to 7:30 P. M. Dinner: $1.00 CHATTER-ON, TEA HOUSE All Meals Served in the Tea Room Supper (Sunday): 75¢ : 918 Old Lancaster Road Mary F. McGroarty, Manager Edith Eyre, Manager Telephone: Bryn Mawr 1185 - u ee ee sora ri mad — ees ——_—_= AAAAAAAAAAAAACA AA) A uit AW The Humidor Pack imsures that. It. HUMIDOR PACK means to Camel Smokers* ME wale ~ Camels and.other ordinary dry cigarettes. “Lake City can the choicest Turk- _ it is highly impor-_ Su ‘any other:cigarette and note the difference in the technique of packing. Note that Camels are completely en- closed in an outer transparent ccyer of moisture-proof cellophane and sealed air-tight at every point. We call this outer shell the Humidor Pack. It differs from the ordinary cello- phane pack: and while it is egg-shell thin, it means a lot in terms of cigarette enjoyment. ; It means, for instance, that evapora- tion is checkmated and that” Salt now have as good Camels as Winston- Salem. ~ While Camels are made of a blend of ish and mellowest domestic tobaccos, a _ tant, if you are to “get fll benefit of comteerh still intact. i oe ge 8 EN this quality, that. these cigarettes conté ‘to you with their natural moisture grepileeliy: shorts. you. that only the, Camel Humidor reek ca cigarettes to iar in yecime condition prevents the fine tobaccos of Camels from drying out and losing any of their _ delightful flavor. Aside from cheap tobacco, two fac- tors in a cigarette can mar the smoker’s pleasure: : Fine particles of peppery dust if left _in the tobacco by inefficient cleaning methods sting and irritate delicate , throat membrane. - Dry tobacco, robbed of its natural moisture by scorching or by evapora- tiom gives off a hot smoke that burns. _thé throat with every inhalation. We take every Unwrapped Package Glassine Wrapped Package Regular Cellophane Wrapped Package precaution against these factors here at Winston-Salem. Cini Henider Fake ~ Aspecial vacuum Moisture proof Cello- ‘ Dbane—Sealed Air Tight cleaning apparatus removes dust and ry eae omen dor Pack prevents dryness, _ . the difference yourself Itis ‘a very simple matter to check the ere om e between ged Packed Check 'resh ci , tomorrow if youcan. © © oie. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, i Sen First of all you can feel the difference as you roll the cigarettes between your fingers. Camels are full-bodied and pliable. A dry cigarette crumbles under pressure and sheds tobacco. If you will hold a cigarette to each ear and roll thém with your fingers you can actually hear the difference. The real test of course is to smoke them. _And here’s where the new Humidor Pack proves a real blessing to the smoker. As you inhale the cool, fragrant smoke from a Camel you get all the mildness and magic of the fine tobaccos of which it is blended. : But when you draw in the hot smoke from a dried cigarette see how flat and brackish it is by comparison and how harsh it is to your throat. - If you are a regular Camel smoker you have already noticed what proper condition of the cigarétte means. Bu in " She nae Humidar Pack you have.a new _ adventure with Lady Nicotine in store. Switch your affections for just one day, then go back to your, la eespteey ee Sites Deneve thay | MEER LE yt ; - Fes ere | ” dag Aen ae eee — Ss se old ae ; + 3 no ia es Mbit at a 3 u: bib a | ae el panes yg 2. bey Ge oo