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College news, December 19, 1928
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
4 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 15, No. 10
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
® ~» y . . : js cS ey g " ; ; * “
? < : e i f er .
m cope a coe » ‘ ‘ : aoe ; = sae 4 : ayer
| ae ~ pee hs a & 5, see r : sca bi wi ‘ ‘ s aie s m8 a bs . ‘
tne Se ae . ae THECOLLEGENEWS ee : ea ike
ae a ater ape Tcl a] Wintiie NUn he nie SSECEEEECCerna—-—
a perhapssan. interpretation which made ~ 2 : i. ee . i yhat of the Night? oh, Sean Calendar ULUNCHEON, TEA, _DINNER [
him somewhat more mellow and at his ng ei ecket, a anning,* A.| Dcn ‘Cooper,’ stat halfback on the Uni- Thursday evening, December 21, ri Open Sundays L
Lo: eee would have given him a little of the Vas ee. rome C Hand ‘versity, of Kansas football team, studies| Christmas Parties. : . 1 | CHATTER-ON TEA Hat JSE
jy ‘charm’ he. was apparently supposed tol | ae te Wickes, ’ by da y ax d is : policeman, at night; ac- FOS nese at 1.00, Christmas vacation 1 ‘885 Morton Re i as |
have. : J erman-~S. FitzGerald.* ' | cording to Associatéd, Press despatches. | °°8 U relephone: Bryn Mawr.. 1185 i :
ob ihe cls we » ss a Poe ; Monday, January 7, at 9 A. M., te eae ba em et el es
Phyllis Weigand. seemed more relaxed “ History—E. Boyd,* R: Cross,* F.. E.| He is in charge of the Lawrence police letistiies vacation eda: eR (os (sm om oe
Nite i othen eoers and had. 4 part ein sa Ss * Lambert,* E. Linn, | headquarters every night and earns more |' Tuesday evening, Jafluary 8, at 8.15 M. Meth Pastry Shop :
; meee | E..Poe,* B. Shipley* | - than enough to pay his school expenses..
_ which ne more eye : oes Philosophy—E. Schottland.* Aa lactis 4 senate ain, Coapes eerie Proms po Brench nr . 1008 LANCASTER AVENUE
ae few, but she “said Bee all-with | ~ “Psychology—V. Fain.* - has a few hours very: night for study will ISM LN a4 tian R HR si a ICE CREAM and FANCY cakes“ :
; Yo natn ee . sa eg: Chemistry—D. Blumenthal.** + ‘J and ,slegp, the .despatches state—Haver- S y di ; French and Danish Pastry.
. é Biolo f.
terior of Bellairs’ studio—a very pleas- *Seniors( . SL = fires 262 ;
_ /* — amtly arranged room, with a ceiling which f , i
/ . *eas.a triumph even. if. it was cracked. Miami Mermaids
' | The audience filled more than half the} . At the, University, of Miami,.a “new ene “|
hall, which is a pretty good. showing. type of classroom:has been instituted Wh t Sh ke: pe — eee f
: But the pumber of undergraduates was | for, the: zoology classes. Students in a a speare ‘s : i : :
“wery si, Spee. amlileelyys adaae toes Sk) _ itl bathing suitsiand divers’) 0 ay Drin as centage |; ee Weare oe
gome radical changes. are made in the Ihe! Imets and descend to the -bottom’ of “says bout Coca-Cola vat |
gear future, that it will be any bigger | the Atlantic to carry on their. study df
giext time. Plays are’ extremely hard to| the fauna and flora of the ocean—| ~
- 2
find, but good ones do exist, and we | Amherst Student. e ats é
would rather have an old friend than aj _ eee i ae Jicious and Refreshing
hitherto unpublished failure. aera THE : a
Romantic drama is easier for stiaa
: put, ‘across than the “slice of life,” and | BRYN MAWR TRUST CO. c
our scene painters and costume designers : CAPITAL, $250;000.00
are talented. Perhaps we can stage a : :
_dramatic renaissance with “Peter Pan,” | Does a General Banking Business
cr “A Quoi_Revent Les Jeunes Filles 5 Allows: Interest.on Deposit»
oye Students Added ° tem eT A
_to Revised Honors List|} The Peter Pan
k: few weeks ago we published a’ list |
of ‘students who were taking honors. We Tea Room
must now heap ashes on our head and|§- | 833 Limsastes ee i
cofifess: that the list was not official, al-
made you good” ~
Obviously, the Duke meant the ©
lady—not Coca-Cola. But why
- bring that up? Translate it into
plain United States, and you get:
though we thought'it reliable. It:will be| .
~ noted the revised list, approved by the HENRY B. WALLACE TO GET WHERE IT IS
Cijrriculum Committee of the Faculty, Caterer and Confectioner | é 77” Nee
indludés work the Science Departments| 22 Bryn Mawr Ave. Bryn Mawr 2 LG MTEASURE 8 million a day
which was. not mentioned in the earlier | | ‘Breakfast: Served Dally tt =. Act III, Soene 1 :
one. The field of science is-one in. which Business ae to 2.80; Vis Cicsiblld Commpaks, Adlneta, Od, }
special work is especially valuable. : ; ; ere
The list is as follows: _ Phy he B. M. sho : Open Sundays ! - — 7
F ‘Latin=F,~ Frenaye, Ac: Lakes -N- | --eemnneniipiaiiin = —_———
ne i i
Address envelopes at home. Spare
~ time. $15-$25 weekly easy. Expefi-
ence unnecessary. Dignified work
Send 2c stamp for particulars.
1 ea
Mazeile, Dept. CS 395
New York, London, Paris .\. . sym- ‘
bols of everythin amusing, bigurre,
hysteric |! Moths by the thousand are
soe to them from afar, to be singed
their-bank-rolls and peace of mind.
t hen at last they stumble away, what
have they really done? Seen half a
doscen shows at $5 a ticket. Spent sev-
eral dull dawns at the better-known
and more stupid night clubs, Lived
Gary, Ind,
Bryn Mawr
too expensively at a middle-class ho-
tel, Eaten 30 mediocre dinners, With
luck, met a.few minor celebrities.
Spent perhaps $2,500 for one month’s
incomplete entrée into only one of -
the gay capitals of the world. They go
home woydering how they have m‘ssed
so much of the advertised glamour.
How .pathetic! How extravagant !
How much petter to spend $1 “for
five months’ intimacy with every-
thing really amusing in all three
capitals . ... under the expert guidance .
of Vanity "Fair! ‘
Co-Operative Society
| For Christmas . -
| | Books aa | R e a d
You Can Safely Order by
. Telephone
For Fruit from Hallowell is always of
the finest selected quality—or you can
< @o as many others, leave a standing
order for a weekly selection of our Fruit
haat nee | - _ meet the wits of the world in its pages
away at school.
* psa Pad ne O you like to meet. clever, people Hungary ... Covarrubias, in Mexico...anda |
Bc TELEPHONE PENNYPACKER 1761 mounted on-a brisk Pegasus? To host of contemporary Americans who are in- as
| H ALL OWFL L know what, they are doing, saying, ternational figures in the world of the arts.
; a ee 3 thinking? To be acquainted with their latest Citizens of the-world know their Vanity
Broad PHILADELPHIA achievements in literature, art, music, drama? Fair as the mést convenient and amusing ré-"
: Tosee their latest photographs? Toheartheir sumé of intellectual and artistic news pub-
. | : latest bon mots? In short, to be au couramtof — lished. Its photographs and illustrations are
Gifts all the delightful gossip of the studios, clubs, famous for their artistry. Its articles on golf
er eee ‘ dinner tables in New York, London, Paris? and bridge for their authority. Its reviews and
of Dis tinction That is what you get in Vanity Pair. criticism for their sparkling satire. John Rid- ©
4 3 In its pages you meet the brilliant minds of dell alone is. worth twice the money to te
| Diamord and precious stone a dozen countries . .. Chesterton, Huxley, | ™an majoring in English. 3
| | aioe Peta oo Mackenzie, Golding, in England .',, Morand, Just sign your name to the coupon . + scrib-
\ phy Chink ad glassware - Gide, Benito, Lepape, in France. . :Schnitzler, . ble off acheck for $1... and a *re all set for
Fine stationery. Meier-Graefe, in Germany ... Molnar, in _ the college year.
© “Clas rings and'pine: Trophies | CONTRIBUTORS ieee THESE HERSEGEEAG URE tet tttrniane COMMON MAcHENAEY DRAKS
oe ae | Save: 25 cipes seleh shis Coupes zi spines og ee mic ond ow FIVE pet bo
a J. E. CALDWELL & CO. Bouglit single Sigeipics at 35c-each cost Ci Enclosed find $3.50 for ONE YEAR (12 Jisues) of Vanity Fatr.
: ee Set ot eee a ‘thie Special Offer you pts ie ae eer ;
sia. ~~ PHILADELPHIA ni them. for Ls ere -of Te. mee = é ee State es