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College news, October 25, 1933
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
4 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 20, No. 03
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Page Three
Varsity Scores Over
Phila. Cricket Club
Victory of 3 to 1 Obtained in
Spite of Poor Teamwork
‘ and Passing
On Saturday morning, Varsity won
their game with» the Philadelphia
Cricket Club by a score of 3-1.
' In spite of the ‘fact that this was
Varsity’s second victory, we are sorry
to say that it did not measure up to
our last week’s expectations. Except
for a few spasmodic plunges, which
resulted in quick and efficient goals,
the forwards spent their time rush-
ing aimlessly about the field, out of
position half of the time, and letting
the Yellows take the ball out from
under their noses. the other half. Al-
though the Cricket Club team lacked
both wing players, its stickwork, pass-
ing, and general offense was far su-
perior to that of the Bryn Mawr
team, and but for the splendid work
of Smith at goal, Varsity might have |-
been left far behind. .We realize,
however, that the absence of Taggart
and Faeth on the forward line might
have been the partial cause of the
general confusion and the lack of any
definite plan of attack.
The line-up was as follows:
ae Book Shop
-—Nine~— Remington portable
typewriters are being sold by
the College Book Shop at cost,
less the rental that has been
taken in on them. The Book
Shop ‘must sell them in college
because the Remington Com-
pany will not allow them to be
sold outside in view of ‘the
great reduction.
DAPUNE nis sss Rit ee Bishop
Punter... i408 | Oe Paaeere yr Rothermel
Freeman ,...... | Seer: E. Smith
Goals—Phila. C.: C., Pierson, 1.
Bryn Mawr, Kent, 2; Bennett,’ 1.
On Monday afternoon, the second
Varsity hockey team won a soggy
victory over a Germantown Friends’
Alumnae Team, 6-1.
The line-up was as follows:
Germantown Bryn Mawr
JONES Gas ToOWs es Taggart
acess a tae Gimbel
WEGIOS cect Ore sca Ballard
1 EO ire gS areas Stevenson
OT SRR rep | FE Seneca erence Simons |
WHE ices Rees as Gribbel
Randall. ....... HS: Venice Daniels
Hitschler ..:.:. WW eta Hemphill
MAIDIOY® Soi ecus r. f. ..Van Vechten
Goodman ...... ae Saree ae Jackson
ORTOY isc ene: Colbron
Goals — Germantown: Miller, 1;
Bryn Mawr: Taggart, 3; Gimbel, 2;
Dr. Broughton Surveys ~
Asia Minor Landscape
"Continued from Page One
tion. It has stamped out banditry
and established a new system of pri-
mary education to replace the old re-
ligious instruction. Tourists are
welcomed, but the people are still too
Oriental to understand what the
tourist demands. .A_ friendly local
mayor is quite willing to provide a
meal of eggs and curdled milk fpr
a traveler, and will even himself eat
out of the same bowl’ in accordance
with the. best ancient rules of hospi-
‘tality, but only in one or two places
did the/use of Flit show any genu-
ine infiltration of Western ideas.”
“The number of antiquities in
Asia Minor,” Dr. Broughton declar-
ed, “ruins, inscriptions, ‘old .coins —
Ts siesiniinsataiiseeniieinsiita cia
The Country Bookshop
30 Bryn Mawr Avenue
is tiuly amazing.” In the course of
his survey he saw the Temple of Au-
gustus at Ankora, which bears the
mcst important Latin inscription in
existence;. the quarries of Synnadic
marble, used for buildings in Rome;
and the new excavations of the Ro-
man market-place at Smyrna, besides
many others. Hitherto the Turks
ward ruins.”
have been utterly unaware of the sig-
nificance of their antiquities, but now
the famous Roman theatre at Aspen-
dus, shown in older pictures as over-
grown in trees, has been cleared of
vegetation and forbidden to the use
of animala—which “constitutes a rev-
olution in the Turkish attitude to-
—— -
From the. way you turned,out to our
exhibit, and the nice things you said, we
know you were pleased with the clothes
we'd brought. We’re fond of them, too—
wemakeaspecialty of hand-knit sweaters,
~man-tailored hats, clean-cut tweeds. And
like you, we’re all for bigger and better
Glamour in the evening. The next time
you're in the neighborhood of our Fifth é
Avenue or suburban stores we hope
Philadelphia C..C. Bryn Mawr Harrington, 1. Substitutes — Bryn|| Lending Library— Bryn Mawr, you'll pay us a Visit. We’re sure to have
ae pane oe ee eS Simons — Harrington for Stevenson. First Editions Pa. something excitingly new to show oa.
ae ae ef Carey | Time of halves—20 minutes.
PONOON vce eee G. f. < IC. CLOTHES
CON a ja eee ee B tt
sey ooey yew COLLEGE INN AND. TEA ROOM ra
iis a Evans SERVICE. 8 A. M. TO 7.30 P. M. | a habit on the campus —a hobby at Best’s
OW. Ga ee anne Bridgman Daily and Sunday
| ee ern Lo a ei cet Bright |.
: Luncheon, Afternoon Tea and Dinner Pest Se Co
CECELIA’S YARN | , , ss heaps .
SHOP a ie Carte ang ante ae er Fifth Avenue at 35th Street