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222 items [showing 81 - 100]


Deed from John Keehmle to Thomas Pim Cope, 1796 February 25
Land grant
Legal document
Charter for a dowry
Lot surveyed for Thomas Pim Cope by Samuel S. Cains, 1833 June 14
Deed between Charles Harlen and Henry Cope, 1852 April 9
Lot surveyed for Thomas Pim Cope by Samuel S. Cains, 1832 May 26
Agreement between Henry Cope and Alfred Cope, 1857 July 29
Legal document
Legal document
Legal document
Court documents regarding Charles Harlan and Mary Roberts, 1859 March 12
Legal document
Court certification regarding Thomas Mellon, 1852 October 28
Court documents regarding John H. Oberteuffer and Sylvester Bonnaffon, 1859 May 12
