Last will and testament of Finas de Sancto Cirico, daughter of Guillelmus de Sancto Cirico. Gothic bastard hand. Brown ink. Written by a clerk of the diocese of Cahors/Caturcens, one Guillaume d'Aurillac of Figeac. The entire will is contained on the recto. A fine, 10-line initial "I" begins the text. The two bottom lines, which contain the affirmation of the will by the clerk Guillaume d'Aurillac, are separated from the main body of the will by a 1-line space. A penwork notarial seal lies within the final two lines. It is a 5 petal flower contained within a square that is formed by the intersections of two vertical and two stretched horizontal ovals. Centered between the space of the vertical ovals is a stem that comes to a bulbous end. The verso is blank save one element of writing at the top, one element of writing at the bottom, and one element written sideways on the left side. Verso contains writing that says "Testament of Finas...[3 lines] 1288." Metal point ruling. Knife prickings. [Contained in the will: the date and a mention of current pope, Pope Nicholas IV; reasons for writing the will; burial arrangements ("cimiterio Sancte Sperie") and cost; what will be given to the church after her death; heirs and inheritance allotments; witnesses to the will; a note by the scribe confirming that he wrote the will. Names included in the will: Arnaldus Bonafos (son), the brothers of Delscalmelhs, the little brothers of Martellus, the little brothers and "Predictores" of Figiacus, the Figiacian brothers of Carmelita, Raymundus de Sancto Cirico, Deodatus Juorus, Raymundus Brunius, Johannes Valetius (presbyter), Martinus Guilan (clericus), Aymericus de Rupe (domicellus), Galhardus del Causanel, Stephanus and Bernardus Guilan. Other proper nouns (places?, people?): Hidoladilha, Doladilhas.] Transcript available.