Quaker Broadsides and Pamphlets

Facets: Tithes

The Quaker Broadsides and Pamphlets collection consists of over 800 titles from the collections of Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College and Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections. It includes works from 1657 to the present. Some of the items in the collection are composed of a single, unfolded sheet with printing on only one side. Many others, however, are multiple pages and smaller sizes. Topics of the broadsides include: exhortations by Quakers against the slave trade; testimonials regarding deceased Friends; petitions to government authorities for recognition of various Quaker testimonies, including conscientious objection to war and refusal to take oaths; advice and caution to Quakers regarding their conduct of life; and theological arguments both within the Society of Friends and regarding other religions.

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19 items [showing 1 - 19]
The Quakers and tythes
A bill to enlarge, amend and render more effectual the laws now in being, for the more easy recovery of tythes, church-rates and oblations, and other ecclesiastical dues, from the people called Quakers
A bill for the further relief of the people called Quakers, as to the imprisonment of their persons for non-payment of tythes : and for making their solemn affirmation evidence in criminal as well as civil cases
To the commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in parliament assembled.
Petition of Society of Friends for the abolition of tithes, &c. : To the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament assembled .
State of the case of several of the people called Quakers, imprisoned in York Castle for non-payment of tithes
The address of the people called Quakers to both houses of parliament, now sitting in the kingdom of Ireland
Anno primo Georgii regis : An Act for making perpetual an Act of the seventh and eighth years of the reign of His late Majesty King William the Third, intituled, An act that the solemn affirmation ... of the people called Quakers, shall be accepted instea
A brief statement of the reasons why the religious Society of Friends object to the payment of tithes, and other demands of an ecclesiastical nature / Issued by the yearly meeting of the said society, held in London, in the fifth month, 1832
State of the case of several of the people called Quakers, imprisoned in York Castle for non-payment of tithes
The address of the people called Quakers, living in the countrey, relating to a bill intituled, An act for the more easie recovery of tythes, &c., humbly offered to the parliament of Ireland
Memorial on the subject of ecclesiastical claims, presented to Sir Robert Peel in the 2nd month, 1842, and now circulated by desire of the yearly meeting
The dying testimony and exercise of William Fisher, concerning the payment of tythes
A Cry out of the forrest: or, A short relation of the barbarous and cruel actings of Jeremeel Tarrent, minister of Winkfield Parish, in Berk-shire : against John Cotterell, an honest harmless man of the same Parish, who conscientiously refusing to pay him
The countrymen and farmers reasons against the tythe-bill, humbly offered to the consideration of the knights, citizens and burgesses in parliament assembled
Tithe-rent-charge .