Quaker Broadsides and Pamphlets

Facets: Fox, George, 1624-1691

The Quaker Broadsides and Pamphlets collection consists of over 800 titles from the collections of Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College and Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections. It includes works from 1657 to the present. Some of the items in the collection are composed of a single, unfolded sheet with printing on only one side. Many others, however, are multiple pages and smaller sizes. Topics of the broadsides include: exhortations by Quakers against the slave trade; testimonials regarding deceased Friends; petitions to government authorities for recognition of various Quaker testimonies, including conscientious objection to war and refusal to take oaths; advice and caution to Quakers regarding their conduct of life; and theological arguments both within the Society of Friends and regarding other religions.

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22 items [showing 1 - 20]


An epistle concerning the government of Christ and His peace, of whose kingdome, there shall be no end
From the Meeting for suffering, held in Philadelphia, for Pennsylvania and New-Jersey, the 20th Day of the Second Month, 1766 : To Friends of the several meetings, belonging to the Yearly Meeting, for said Provinces .
Extract from a letter.
From the Meeting for suffering, held in Philadelphia, for Pennsylvania and New-Jersey, the 20th Day of the Second Month, 1766 : To Friends of the several meetings, belonging to the Yearly Meeting, for said Provinces .
Epistle by way of caution, to shopkeepers, merchants, and factors
Our covenant with God and with all men is peace, and life, and light, and salvation to the ends of the earth...
An epistle to all Christians to keep to yea, yea and nay, nay, and to fulfil their words and promises / By G. F
Something concerning silent meetings
How God's people are not to take the names of the heathen gods in their mouths, nor follow their customs, nor learn their waies, &c
The ground of desperation is out of the light.
Thirty of the priests errours published.
This is to all people who stumble at Gods commands
To the chief magistrate, rulers, ministers, justices of the peace, and other officers; who profess Christ and Christianity, and are called by that worthy name and great title of Christians.
To both houses of Parliament : Friends, here is a few things to take into consideration
Concerning such as have forbidden preaching or teaching in the Name of Jesus, and such as are ashamed to confess Him before men, and call not on the Name of the Lord, &c. .
Dear friends, keep your meetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
Iets tot verantwoordinge van het Volk Gods, Quakers genaemdt : dat sy hare Vryheid in de Declaratie niet verbeurt hebben ... Getrouwel├┐k vergeset, uit de engelsche, in de nederlandsche Tale
Letter from George Fox to Lady Claypool, who was sick, and much troubled in mind
