Quaker Broadsides and Pamphlets

Facets: 1905-01-01 TO 1915-01-01

The Quaker Broadsides and Pamphlets collection consists of over 800 titles from the collections of Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College and Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections. It includes works from 1657 to the present. Some of the items in the collection are composed of a single, unfolded sheet with printing on only one side. Many others, however, are multiple pages and smaller sizes. Topics of the broadsides include: exhortations by Quakers against the slave trade; testimonials regarding deceased Friends; petitions to government authorities for recognition of various Quaker testimonies, including conscientious objection to war and refusal to take oaths; advice and caution to Quakers regarding their conduct of life; and theological arguments both within the Society of Friends and regarding other religions.

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11 items [showing 1 - 11]
Report, &c. Tract Association
Report of the Friends' Tract Association 1915-1916
Program of Friends' Summer School of Religious History, 1907
Why we should not increase our armaments
Vision, in 1803, of Joseph Hoag, a recorded minister in the Society of Friends
List of books selected for circulation by the committee in charge of the Henry H. Mosher fund, 1913-1914
To the House of representatives of the United States
To the president of the United States and lovers of peace everywhere
Lesson of the war in Europe