Quaker Broadsides and Pamphlets

Facets: 1785-01-01 TO 1795-01-01

The Quaker Broadsides and Pamphlets collection consists of over 800 titles from the collections of Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College and Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections. It includes works from 1657 to the present. Some of the items in the collection are composed of a single, unfolded sheet with printing on only one side. Many others, however, are multiple pages and smaller sizes. Topics of the broadsides include: exhortations by Quakers against the slave trade; testimonials regarding deceased Friends; petitions to government authorities for recognition of various Quaker testimonies, including conscientious objection to war and refusal to take oaths; advice and caution to Quakers regarding their conduct of life; and theological arguments both within the Society of Friends and regarding other religions.

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23 items [showing 1 - 20]


At a yearly meeting held in Philadelphia, for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and the eastern parts of Maryland and Virginia, in the ninth and tenth months, 1794
Advice of the Yearly Meeting, 1791, to be read at least once in the year, in each of the Men's and Women's Quarterly and Monthly Meetings.
Philadelphia 18th 12th mo. 1790: Yesterday a deputation of the religious society called Quakers, attended the House of Representatives of the United States with the following address and memorial asserting the rights of conscience and the reasons of their
State of the case of several of the people called Quakers, imprisoned in York Castle for non-payment of tithes
Some observations relating to the establishment of schools: agreed to by the committee, to be laid for consideration before the Yearly-Meeting
Address to the king from Friends, 1st month 1793 : To George the IIId, king of Great Britain and the dominions thereunto belonging
An affectionate caution, addressed to the members of our religious Society in this city
A meeting of Friends was held at York the 28th of 6th month, 1792, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of providing a retired habitation... for the members of our Society... who may be in a state of lunacy
At a meeting for sufferings in New-York, the 12th of the 6th month, 1792 ... : To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and America.
State of the case of several of the people called Quakers, imprisoned in York Castle for non-payment of tithes
At a sub-committee for managing the donation fund for relief of Friends in America
To Friends at their Quarterly Meeting in London, and to the Monthly Meetings in and near that city, as way may open
Advices to ministers and elders
Leighton Buzzard : 12th of the 2d month, 1786
At a general meeting held this day at the Exchange Tavern [Manchester] Thomas Walker in the chair, Resolved [etc.]
At a committee of the Society instituted for the purpose of effecting the abolition of the slave trade, we acknowledge with regret.
