Quaker Broadsides and Pamphlets

Facets: 1775-01-01 TO 1785-01-01

The Quaker Broadsides and Pamphlets collection consists of over 800 titles from the collections of Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College and Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections. It includes works from 1657 to the present. Some of the items in the collection are composed of a single, unfolded sheet with printing on only one side. Many others, however, are multiple pages and smaller sizes. Topics of the broadsides include: exhortations by Quakers against the slave trade; testimonials regarding deceased Friends; petitions to government authorities for recognition of various Quaker testimonies, including conscientious objection to war and refusal to take oaths; advice and caution to Quakers regarding their conduct of life; and theological arguments both within the Society of Friends and regarding other religions.

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35 items [showing 1 - 20]


Now in the press and speedily to be published, by Joseph Crukshank, printer, Market-Street, Philadelphia, well bound in one volume (price four Shillings and six Pence): Some account of the life and gospel labours, of William Reckitt, late of Lincolnshire
The epistle from the Yearly-Meeting in London, held by adjournments, from the 19th of the Fifth Month 1777, to the 24th of the same, inclusive : To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere
At the Yearly-meeting held in London, the 19th of the 5th month, 1780 : David Barclay brought in the following Report from an adjournment of the General-Meeting for Ackworth School
Some observations relating to the establishment of schools, agreed to by the committee, to be laid for consideration before the yearly-meeting
The testimony of the people called Quakers, given forth ... at Philadelphia the twenty-fourth day of the first Month, 1775
An epistle from our Yearly-Meeting, held in Philadelphia, for Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, and the western parts of Maryland and Virginia, by adjournments, from the 21st Day of the Ninth Month, to the 28th of the same, inclusive, 1776 : To our Friends and br
The ancient testimony and principles of the people called Quakers, renewed, with respect to the King and Government; and touching the commotions now prevailing in these and other parts of America : addressed to the people in general
An epistle from the National Half-Year's Meeting, held in Dublin, by adjournments, from the third day of the fifth month 1778, to the seventh of the same, inclusive : to the Monthly and Quarterly Meetings, and other Meetings of Discipline of Friends in Ir
Extract of a letter from several Friends in Philadelphia, to John Fothergill, David Barclay ... [and others] (requesting assistance in a time of scarcity) Philadelphia, 16th, 12 Month 1777
The testimony of the people called Quakers, given forth by a Meeting of the representatives of said people, in Pennsylvania and New-Jersey, held at Philadelphia, the 24th Day of the First Month 1775
Philadelphia, 27th tenth month, 1775. A committee of ten Friends, from the Meeting for Sufferings, waited on the House of Representatives of the province of Pennsylvania, and being admitted, presented an address on behalf of our religious Society ... as f
On the 3d of the second month, 1784, a number of the people called Quakers, resident in Philadelphia, attended the General Assembly and presented the following, signed by many members of that society. : To the General Assembly of Pennsylvania. The represe
To our friends and brethren in religious profession, in these and the adjacent provinces
An epistle from our National Half-Years Meeting, held by adjournments in Dublin, from the third day of the eleventh month 1776, to the sixth of the same, inclusive : To the Monthly and Quarterly Meetings of Friends, in Ireland
An epistle from the National Half-Year's Meeting, held in Dublin ... from the 3d Day of the Fifth Month, 1778, to the 7th of the same, inclusive ... : To the Monthly and Quarterly Meetings, and other Meetings of discipline of Friends in Ireland
An epistle from the Quarterly-Meeting of Women Friends for the County of York : to the Monthly and Preparative Meetings constituting the same
