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1912 J. BEAN “STANDARD DIARY” copied March 18-29, 1999
by Tom M. King of San Jose, CA. Quaker Meeting (College Park).
Joel Bean (1825-1914) moved to San Jose, California, in 1882 and kept 36 “Engagement Calendars” from 1883 to 1913, 30 years. A few years have “extra” diaries and 1886 is missing.
This 1912 diary is not typical of Joel’s diaries, with soft brown leather bound volume in excellent condition, about 6 X 4 inches cover, about an inch thick, with one date pre-printed on each lined page . The title of the volume is “The Standard Diary, 1912”, for sale by all stationers, Published by the Standard Diary Company. The first about 20 pages are the “useful references”
========================== 1912 =======================
Joel Bean’s 1912 Standard Diary was copied into the Mackintosh Computer on Microsoft Word 5.1 March 18-29, 1999 at Swarthmore College Friends Historical Library by:
Tom M. King
393 Rutland Ave,
San Jose, CA 95128.
PHONE (408) 286-7157
or E-Mail
Only dates with hand written or pasted in entries are listed.
======================== 1912 ===========================
(First words) signature of “Joel Bean” on the 1912 front flysheet.
Also, pasted inside front cover is circle of silver that says “MILLARD BROS. SAN JOSE, CAL.” Pasted on front inside cover is a 3 paragraph news article titled, 1912: “CELEBRATION OF JAS. BEAN’S BIRTHDAY” AT 90 yrs. No date or name of paper.
Mon. Jan. 1, 1912: (Pasted on page, Joel Bean’s 87Th. birthday article)
Wed. Jan. 3, 1912: Charles & Lily & Anna went to the Mountain to call at Arthur Briggs’, above Alma, and were persuaded to stay over night.
Thurs. Jan. 4, 1912: 22 & clear. Snow on the Mountains. Catharine went to S. F. to visit –Mary E. Reeve. Chas. & L. & A. returned in the Afternoon from Authur Briggs’s where they were delightfully Entertained. I attended the funeral of Martha Hiatt at the Stockton Av. Friends Mtg. House at 2 p. m.
Fri. Jan. 5, 1912: 24 .
Sowed onion and Beet seed between Clothes line and fence.
Yellow Danvers Onion 2 rows by fence, Red Weathersfield in 2 rows next, Early Blood Turnip Beet near Clothes lines.
“Mr.” & “Mrs.” Hambleton called--
Sat. Jan. 6, 1912: Lily, Anna & I called on Bella Mabury at the Vendome at 10 a. m. I called afterward on Eloise Dawson, and the (James) Beans at the Alameda & Asbury Sts.
Sun. Jan. 7, 1912: Rainy in the morning. Monthly Assn. Day-- Prof. Murray & Nella & daughters and Phebe Ann Murray & daughters Ruth, Sarah & Roberta, were at Mtg. A. T. Murray Spoke from the prayer of Jesus---“not that his followers should be taken out of the world but that they should be kept from the Evil.”
Hambleton? Spoke on the goodness of God. E. H. Shelley prayed. G.N. Jones sung feelingly the hymn “Jesus Cover of my soul.” The Afternoon program was for & by the Children, conducted by Annie Bean. Joel’s (Cox) Birthday (at 20) was noticed in The Evening.
Mon. Jan. 8, 1912: Catharine came home from S. F. & Berkeley. Carrie M. Means of Santa Rosa & her Sister, Emily Brown, were here to dinner & thro the Evening.
Wed. Jan. 10, 1912: Dr. Stevenson, Prof. Of Greek in College of Pacific, Just returned from 6 mo. absence in Greece, was here to dinner, with hundreds of Postal Card pictures which he showed in the evening.
Thurs. Jan. 11, 1912: Charles left on an 8 a. m. train for Los Angeles – for a two weeks excursion.
Fri. Jan. 12, 1912: Lily DeNervaud came for a visit.
Sat. Jan. 13, 1912: Had calls from Mary McCall and Mary Norton.
Sun. Jan. 14, 1912: Lily DeNervaud here.
Mon. Jan. 15, 1912: Lily DeNervaud left for home.
Fri. Jan. 19, 1912: Ruth Beard spent the night here.
Tues. Jan. 23, 1912: Mrs. Adams was here to dinner & in the evening.
Wed. Jan. 24, 1912: Wm. C. Allen & wife called from the Vendome.
Fri. Jan. 26, 1912: Left home for Southern California by 9, 1912:05 a. m. Pullman train for Los Angeles. A comfortable Journey arriving at L. A. on time at 9.30 p. . Staid at the Hotel Huntington.
Sat. Jan. 27, 1912: Called in the forenoon on Gertrude (Smith) Spalding and on Cousin Joel Bassett who is near 95 -- In the Afternoon went by Electric Car to Whittier. Took a Room at the Hotel Greenleaf & called on Wm. O. Thompson --- At the Greenleaf Frd. William Lambourn of Ohio & some other Friends are staying.
Sun. Jan. 28, 1912: At Whittier, 1912: Went to F. D. School at 10 and was taken to Pres. Thos. Newlin’s Class, a large Class probably some 50 present. The Lesson on the presentation of Jesus at the Temple & the story of Simeon was made instructive and helpful by T N’s admirable exposition. Met the cordial greeting of many Friends. Edwin McGrew’s Sermon on the passage relating the washing of the disciples feet, was among the great Sermons I have heard in the past year. Edwin would have me dine with them. Had delightful calls afterwards at Azuhel Hussey’s & Edwd. Chase’s. In the evening attended an address by Cora Wildman on the Guatemala Mission with Lantern Views.
Mon. Jan. 29, 1912: At Whittier College. At 10 a. m. I read my paper on Whittier & his Frds to a pretty large audience., 1912: it having been announced at Mtg. Yesterday. My paper & T. Nicholson’s addition were most warmly appreciated. I was engaged to dine at Dr. Coffin’s with T. N. a lovely visit, and a delightful hour afterward at Clifford Johnson’s with Jay & her daughter Anna.
Returned to Los Angeles to the Hotel Huntington, and went in the evening to hear Gypsy Smith at the Shriner Auditorium, a vast building filled. The Sermon on Repentance was powerful, moving many to yield to the call.
Tues. Jan. 30, 1912: At Los Angeles. After a Call in the forenoon at the Training School at Huntington Park, where I saw Wm. Pinkam & L. Maria Deam in their Classes, & Jesse Hoover, I attended the noonday Mtg. Of Gypsy Smith at the Temple Auditorium (Robt. Burnette’s Church Bldg.) filled to the upper Galleries. Another great Sermon of the great decision.
Went in the Afternoon to Pasadena and took a Room of Margaret Eastman at 460 Ashtabula St. Supper at Hannah Williams’ on Galina near Villa St. Thos. Evans & wife etc. called in the Evening.
Wed. Jan. 31, 1912: At Pasadena--. Attended Friends’ Meeting at Villa & Galena Sts. At 10:30. Went with Wm. Penrose to dinner. Called at Jesse Townsend’s. In the Evening Levi Benson called to take me to his house (for a call) and to the Friends Church where Adelbert Wood is holding Evening Conferences this week.
This Solemn Anniversary is not forgotten. (death of wife, 1909)
Thurs. Feb. 1, 1912: At Pasadena Called on David Pearson & his daughter Bessie. Dined at John Chawners with Ladd and Laura Winston of North Carolina. Then with Levi Benson called at Wm. Coffin’s and on Judith Crenshaw (for 3 years in Bed). Called on Nancy Gardiner who has lost her hearing entirely. I had to write my part of the conversation. Her niece Elanor Brown lives with her.
Fri. Feb. 2, 1912: At Pasadena At Charles Thompsons for dinner, and part of the day with Lillie and Anna Hooper. A happy visit.
In the Evening went with Margaret Eastburn & Company, the Buntings and Evans’s, to the Young Friends Asso. Of their Mtg. At the three Hunt sisters who read a Journal of their visit to China some years ago, giving a vivid picture of life there as they saw it. A company of 60 or more probably, present of Friends and others.
Sat. Feb. 3, 1912: At Pasadena A most pleasant call on Rebecca G. Lewis and her two daughters, Alice & Mary, in the forenoon Took Lunch in town, & met Deborah Vail at the Restaurant. In the afternoon Calvin Abbott called for me so I went with him to their home Afterwards call on Ed. Harris.
Sun, Feb. 4, 1912: At Pasadena Attended Conservative Frds. Mtg. At Villa & Galina Sts. Walter Vail, Enoch Langstaff, Tilman Patterson, and Elisha Steer were among the Speakers, & Wm. Penrose. Dined with Hannah P. Rudolph & her sister Sarah Baker, with Mary Hopkins. Attended their Reading Circle at 2 p. m. where several Selections were read. In the eveng. called at John Green’s & went with him to Frds. Church. Sylvarus? Newlin Pastor.
Mon. Feb. 5, 1912: At Pasadena Pliny Gregory's wife came in her little Auto & took me to call on their Mother. Her daughter Martha Bailey is visiting her from E. Oakland. A sweet call. Then called on Mrs. Giddings dau. Of Lawson Holingsworth. Met their son’s wife Ada Barnes Hollingsworth. ‘Mr’ Giddings brot. Me in his Auto back to my Room calling on the way on Griffith Barnes & wife.
Tues. Feb. 6, 1912: At Pasadena and Los Angeles. Called in the morning on Mary Taber. Dr. & Ellen Michener took me with them in their Auto to Los Angeles and to call on the Maburys. I stayed in the Afternoon to attend the Funeral of Cousin Joel Bassett at 2 o’clock; Conducted first by the Unitarian Minister and at the Cemetery by the Masonic Fraternity. Joel Bassett’s son Wm. And his son Jay, Gertrude Spalding & husband and myself were the only Relatives present. Called in the Evening on Ann Titus, Nathan Pinson & Eunice Thomasson & daughter. Ann Titus is a Long Island Friend, mother of Wm. Titus a Providence pupil. Eunice Thomasson was a daughter of Jas. Edgerton & sister of Mary Lee. N.P. is from Millbank?, Indiana.
Wed. Feb. 7, 1912: At Pasadena. Called a few moments on Joseph King, Uncle of Rebecca Naylor, who was once at our house with A. & R. Naylor. Attended midweek Mtg. (Conservative) Met Danl. Mott, Walter Vail, etc. Dined at Ann Titus’s with Nathan Pinson. Bessie Gelette, Housekeeper. An interesting call on Chas. Lewis (of the Orange Grove Frds.) with Wm. Penrose. A brief call at Dr. Benson’s. Attended Mo. Mtg. Of Frds. Church in the Evening, conducted by Benja. Coppock, Clerk. Met many old Frds.
Thurs. Feb. 8, 1912: At Pasadena Called in the morning at Eddie Coggeshall’s & was shown over his well planned house by his wife. Then called on Semira Comfort. Went to Rizin Thompson’s to dinner, with Wm. Clarke & wife, Jas. Doudney & wife, Elisha Steere & wife, Lydia Vail, and Wm. Penrose. A very interesting company.
About 3 p. m. by invitation I went to the Womens’ Missionary Mtg. At Frds. Church, a large gathering, addressed by Cora Wildman & Alice Lewis etc. Met many old frds. & was in ? greetings. Afterwards called at Dr. Fordice Grinnell’s, “Mrs.” Edwin Slades & Eunice Thomasson’s.
Fri. Feb. 9, 1912: At Pasadena Dr. Michener took me with Elisha Steere & wife a 38 mile Auto ride via Altadena & along the Foothills & thro. The Baldwin Ranch, then round by Orange Grove Ave.
In the afternoon from 2 to 5 there was a Reception at Smith James’s of old Scholars and friends of Iowa. Some 26 attended. A very pleasant Re Union SEE FEB 21 (For names of attendees)
After supper at Hannah Williams’s had a little visit with Elisha Steere & wife in their room and a pleasant Eveng. at my temporary home at Margaret Eastburn’s.
Sat. Feb. 10, 1912: From Pasadena to Ontario. Called in the morning on Jane Grinnell. Dined at Levi Benson’s. Saw Lida Romick: & Miss. Way & Mary Hopkins in their Cottage. Recd. Call from Sibbie (Miles) Smith. Left Pasadena for Ontario at 3:10 p. m. Arrived about 4.50 . was met by Cousins Frank & Ella Huckins, & their daughter Daisy Findlay of Los Angeles.
Sun. Feb. 11, 1912: At Ontario, Cala. Attended Congregational Church, where Jean F. Lobey? Pastor, preached an Excellent Sermon on Heroes and Heroism of the present day, Extolling Christian Courage and Endurance above soldiers in War. A large audience listened with earnest attention. Frank Huckins took us a drive towards Evening, and met Andrew Findlay at 5, 1912:30 train. A pleasant Evening together.
Mon. Feb. 12, 1912: Ontario, Los Angeles & Long Beach. Left Ontario by 8, 1912:30 train for Los Angeles, with Andrew & Daisy Findlay. At Chino, Fred Smiley came aboard & we visited together. He lives in L. A. but preaches at Chino on first days to the Holiness Church.
After lunch in Los Angeles and two or three hours there I went to Long Beach & took a room at the Butte Rooming house.
Went to a Mtg. Of Illinois people at the Pavilion. Took a warm Salt Bath, saw the Auditorium & hippodrome & the fine beach. Saw a Biplane Airship in the air.
Tues. Feb. 13, 1912: At Long Beach. Called at J. K. Trueblood’s. Dined with James & Mary Eliza Harris. A sweet visit.
At 2:30 went to a meeting at Friends’ Church appointed by Adelbert Wood, who preached on Witnessing to what we Know of Christ and His word to us. Ella Veeder and others spoke.
In the Evening I heard Sam Small, at the Auditorium on “His Majesty the Devil.”
Wed. Feb. 14, 1912: At Long Beach. Called in the forenoon on Martha Mott, in East Long Beach, 411 Dawson Ave. Danl. Mott is absent at Pasadena. Dined at J. K. Trueblood’s, 636 E. 5Th. St. with Adelbert Wood. In the Eveng. I went into the Christian Science Midweek Mtg. Over 500 attendance (at 7:45) A Hymn was sung, a Psalm read, the Lord’s prayer repeated, a passage from Science & Health read. 7 or 8 testimonies given, a Hymn, & the Mtg. Closed before 9.
Thurs. Feb. 15, 1912: At Long Beach. At the chamber of Commerce saw the Skeleton of the great whale 63+ ft. long. In a walk on the Beach, saw Sculpture in Sand, Statuary of heads of distinguished men; a cave & lion within it, etc. A girl was throwing crumbs of Bread into the air to the Gulls that flocked around in great numbers to catch the crumbs, close overhead.
In the Library I read a fine Article of Prof. Edwn. C. Moore of Harvard, on Liberalism and Orthodoxy, in “American Theology” of Chicago for January.
Fri. Feb. 16, 1912: From Long Beach to Los Angeles. Called at J. K. Trueblood’s and received letters from home. Left Long Beach at 1:30 for Los Angeles & Stopped at Hotel Huntington, 8th & Main Sts. Went to Andrew Findlay’s and stayed to dinner in the Evening.
Sat. Feb. 17, 1912: At Whittier Q. Meeting. Went over to Whittier in the morning and attended Q. Mtg. A large Meeting and many Ministers present. S. Adelbert wood preached a lengthy Sermon. Returned at 3:40 to Los Angeles.
Sun. Feb. 18, 1912: At Los Angeles. Attended Meeting at Friends’ Church, 3rd St. and Fremont Ave. Wallace E. Gill Pastor. Nearly all Strangers to me. Spoke with Laura Winston whom I had met in Pasadena with Robt. Root, and the Pastor.
Went from the Meeting to Orlando Jacobs, 273 Belmont Ave. and dined with him and Abbie. A delightful visit.
Mon. Feb. 19, 1912: From Los Angeles to San Jose. Left Los Angeles at 8 a. m. in Parlor Car. Reached San Jose at 8:20 p. m. A gentleman & his wife named Cockburn of Vancouver were agreeable fellow Passengers. They were Scotch people, he a cousin of Dr. Beattie.
Tues. Feb. 20, 1912: When at Long Beach I read an Article (at the Library) in the American Journal of Theology for January (1912). By Edwn. Caldwell Moore of Harvard on the Liberalism of today as compared with that of a hundred years ago. I took these extracts from it.
“That men should fail to realize that the living of a life of reverence and faithfulness under conditions of absolute freedom, is more difficult than under conditions of restraint, seems to be one of the commonest, as it is one of the most disastrous of Errors.”
The true course if one would liberalize the Church is Earnestly and responsibly to identify oneself with the Church. The true course is apparently to leave religion and ______?_ to liberalize it.”
Wed. Feb. 21, 1912: LIST of those present at Reception on the 9Th. inst.
(18 lines of name and address fill this page)
Thurs. Feb. 22, 1912: Charles & I attended the Old Settlers’ Mtg. At Campbell, and took lunch at the Cousin’s Smith’s table. Heard an Excellent Address. Lily went to Berkeley to visit Mrs. T. Ellard Beans.
(Pasted to top half of this page is)
Washington’s Birthday, 1912
VOCAL SOLO . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. T. L. Blanchard
Invocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. G. E. Atkinson
Address . . . . . . Rev. J. F. Wilson, Chairman of the Day
“The Old Settler and the New Settler”
Piano Solo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Dwight V. Ross
Orator of the Day . . . . . . . . . . Rev. William Rader
“Our Country”
Vocal Solo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Bernhardt
Basket Lunch in the cannery. Coffee, tea, milk and sugar
Will be furnished free by the committee in charge.
Fri. Feb. 23, 1912: Reading the life of John H. Dillingham.
“When a road passes by my door why should I go to its beginning to enter it? J. H. D. Apropos of making a study of the sources of Christianity a condition of accepting it.
Sat. Feb. 24, 1912: Confined by an attack of Grippe. Lily returned from Berkeley.
Mon. Feb. 26, 1912: Prof. Hemple of Stanford and wife came to spend the night. He gave an address in the Eveng. to the Classical Club of the College of the Pacific, at Pres. Guth’s . A large Mtg. Of the Club and invited friends.
Tues. Feb. 27, 1912: Dr. Hemple & wife left, after a pleasant morning together.
Thurs. Feb. 29, 1912:
“If words are failing us, it is surely because Light is spreading and prayer is no longer to be confined within the banks of language, but is suffusing all life, where it is allowed free course at all. Caroline E. Stephen
In Letters, p. CXXI ---
“Let me not think with Sadness
Of what I am bereft:
But rather Serve with gladness
With what of life is left. J. B.
Fri. March 1, 1912: On Prayer
Is there not need of much forethought in order that a person may not unconsciously pray for great Evils to himself, while he thinks he is praying for good. PLATO.
Prayer is the ardent turning of the Soul toward God; not to ask any particular good; but good itself, --the Universal, Supreme good. PLATO.
The deepest prayer is not that which is most freely and frequently uttered, but that prayer which springs from the depths of silence, not mere silence of the lips, but silence of the very heart before God. It deepens from petition to communion, from the use of forms of words to the upward striving of the Spirit. CAROLINE E. STEPHEN from The Vision of Faith, p. 26.
Sat. Mar. 2, 1912: Wm. C. Allen called. I attended Q. M. at Stockton Ave. James & M. A. & S. Kelley attended. Adelber Wood was present and preached. Laura Townsend, Levi Gregory (Clerk), Rebecca Naylor, Alijah? Weaver etc. were present.
Sun. Mar. 3, 1912: Mo. Association. 30 or more in attendance. Augustus Murray
Spoke. Wm. C. Allen prayed in first Meeting. After lunch A. Murray reviewed the Introduction to “Quakers in Am. Colonies”
Mon. Mar. 4, 1912: The Sea
Every wave that Kneels & whispers
To our Ears, before our Eyes,
Moves obedient to a Mandate
From a Throne above the Skies. J. B.
Boundless Sea, that parts Asunder
Kindred Nations, foreign lands.
By its Ships and by its Cables
Joins them by unnumbered Strands. J. B.
Had we but the inner Vision,
Had we the Attuned Ear,
From the open book of nature
We might learn that heaven is here. J.B.
Tues. Mar. 5, 1912: Mrs. Elliott, wife of Dr. Elliott of Stanford University, was here to show her Embroidery work to a company of ladies in the afternoon. As rain came in she staid overnight.
Wed. Mar. 6, 1912: Laura Townsend who is holding services at the Stockton Ave. Friends Church this week and staying at Wm. Ward’s, was here to Lunch. She is the widow of Walter Townsend and daughter of Peter Thomas, formerly of Springdale, Iowa.
Thurs. Mar. 7, 1912: Helen Horton, a Stanford student from Pasadena, came home with Catharine and spent the night here.
Fri. Mar. 8, 1912: Wm. & Elizabeth Allen were here to Lunch from the Vendome. E. Allen went with Lily to the Sewing Circle at Mrs. Towers ---
Sat. Mar. 9, 1912: Phebe Ann (Cock) Murray was here to Lunch. She is widow of Robt. (I.) Murray (Augustus' oldest brother) who’s home is at Chappaqua, N. Y. After spending the winter at Palo Alto, she is soon to return with her daughters, Ruth, Sarah & ________.
I attended the funeral of Elliott Reed at 2 p. m.
Sun. Mar. 10, 1912: An interesting Bible Lesson. At Mtg., L.S.B.C., Annie Bean, Lena Start, Mrs. Chase, E. H. Shelley & Susan Kelley were speakers.
Chas. & Lily and I took Lunch with Wm. & E. Allen at the Vendome.
Mon. Mar. 11, 1912: Sanitary District Election and voting for Street Lighting.
I attended a Lecture on Socialism at Chamber of Commerce Rooms – at 3:30 p. m. by Prof. Gross.-- A large audience.
Sun. Mar. 17, 1912: Geo. N. Jones was here to dinner. I heard Robt. Whitaker of Los Gatos speak at the S. J. Temple at 3 p. m.
Wed. Mar. 20, 1912: Wm. & Elizabeth Allen called in the Afternoon with Charles Perry and wife and two daughters from Westerly R. I.
Fri. Mar. 22, 1912: We pause before we Eat, to raise
A thought of gratitude and praise
To Him whose gifts are here outspread,
The Giver of our daily bread. J. B.
Sat. Mar. 23, 1912: Charles, Anna and I attended the Blossom Festival at Saratoga. Had Picnic Lunch at E. S. Williams’s at “3 Oaks” where we met Dr. Wm. Huntington of Boston, Dr. Fuller of Los Gatos, a returned Missionary from Turkey, Prof. Pickard of Cupertino, formerly Prof. & Pres. Of Iowa State University at Iowa City, Dr. McLane of Berkeley, Mrs. Forgrave, Cousins Fred & Ellen Smith, Milton and Belle Lawrence, L. L. Loofbourow & wife of College Park, M. D. Gage & daughter of San Jose, Dr. Gardiner & others.
(inserted sideways here, 1912: See 4/15/)
Heard addresses in the Afternoon by Wm. G. Alexander, J. T. Brooks, Dr. Jussup of Oakland & Reading & Prayer by Dr. Gardner of Stanford. A pageant showing Indians, Miners, Immigrants, an Ox wagon etc. was part of the Program.
Sun. Mar. 24, 1912: At Mtg. Alfred Bastin, G. N. Jones, Walter Vail, Lisbeth & Anna Bean were speakers.
At 5 p. m there was a Meeting at our house of the Special Friends of Blanche Carson, invited together by Lily for a Funeral Service. Chas. Read a few verses of Scripture. Lily read a Selection from Meyers Poem. And spoke appropriately and feelingly. I read a brief paper. Belle Lawrence read a tribute of friendship. Mary Norton & Mary Carey spoke a few words. G. N. Jones sang a hymn.
Among those present were Jas. B., Mary Carey, Eloise Dawson, Mary Norton, Mrs. Beal & Florence Beal, Mrs. Corey & daughter Sarah, Alfred Bean, Will K. Beans & wife, Milton & Belle Lawrence & Rosamond Hannah Wakefield, Mrs. Huggins, Mrs. Bradford of Palo Alto, Geo. N. Jones (SEE NEXT PAGE)
Mrs. Nelson, Evangeline & Annie Porter, Miss. Clayton, Emily Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Hunkins, Mr. Kaufman, Dr. Miller & wife, Mrs. Eustace, Mr. Fairchild, Mrs. Campbell, Florence Campbell, Stephen A. Jones, Miss. Allen, Miss. Tennant
Smith of Los Gatos, Mary Post, Mrs. Alfred Post, Mrs. Giles, Miss Giles, Mrs. Fred Moore, Mrs. Harry Pierce, Mrs. George.
Mon. Mar. 25, 1912: I went to Los Gatos this afternoon to a Mtg. At the Baptist Church & heard Dr. Wm. Huntington’s paper on “The Signs of The Times”. It was the beginning of a Series of Mtgs. Called by Robt. Whittaker.
Tues. Mar. 26, 1912: Arthur Washburn & wife & Lucy Washbrun and their Aunt Mrs. Reed called in the afternoon.
Wed. Mar. 27, 1912: Lily and I went to Los Gatos in The Afternoon to the Meetings at the Baptist House, (Robt. Whittaker’s Church). Wm. Allen spoke on Peace at 2 p. m. James went to this Mtg. Lily & I called at Milton Lawrences. In the Evening we heard Thomas P. Boyd, Episcopal Minister, head of the Immanuel Health Institute in Berkeley, on “The fine Art of Being Well.” A helpful address
Lily staid at M. Lawrence’s. I lodged at the Hotel Lyndon.
Thurs. Mar. 28, 1912: At Los Gatos. After Breakfast at the Park Restaurant, and a Stroll by the river & PicNic grounds, I called at Wm. Moore’s on Glen Ridge.
Then called on Justine Brun at 77 Tait St. where I was Kept to Lunch. Attended the Mtg. At 3 p. m. which was addressed by Ina Moore Getsinger of Washington D. C. on the Bahai Movement. She spoke of Seven Master Minds or Great Teachers.
Zoroaster who taught Purity
Confucius Reverence
Buddha Renunciation
Moses Righteousness
Jesus Love
Mohammed Submission
Bahu Unity
Fri. Mar. 29, 1912: Life’s upward, and its downward slopes are rich with Memories and hopes J. B.
Sewing Circle here in the Afternoon. Present Mrs. Chase, Adams, Hayden, Tower, Clark, Weible, Schack-Schou, Mary Cooper, Elizabeth Allen, Annie Bean, Mrs. Giles & daughter Mrs. Post, Mrs. Owen, Miss. Cooke, etc. L. D. Loofbourow called.
Sat. Mar. 30, 1912: Anna & I attended a Mtg. of the Monday Clubs and other Clubs, and heard a charming Lecture on the Stellar System by Prof. Campbell of Lick Observatory. Tea was served. The group with us included E. S. Williams & sister-in-law, Dr. Huntington & wife, Mrs. Thompson, Prof. Campbell, & Mrs. Guth.
Sun. Mar. 31, 1912: An interesting Bible Class. At meeting Wm. Allen & others spoke. Thos. Edwards & wife, Mrs. Start and others were present. Wm. & Elizabeth Allen & James were here to dinner.
Mon. April 1, 1912: I attended the Ministers’ Mtg. In the morning. A paper was read by O. P. Bell on present conditions in San Jose. D. M. Gandier was a speaker.
In the afternoon attended the Lecture by Prof. Ira Cross of Stanford on Public Health.
Tues. April 2, 1912: Lily and I went to Centerville in the afternoon to Dr. Abbott Satterthwaite’s.
Wed. April 3, 1912: At Centerville. I called on Herbert N. Bevier, Minister of the Presbyterian Church at Centerville.
Abbott Satterthwaite took us towards Evening in his Automobile (with Mary & her Mother Emma Way, & their daughter Gertrude) to the old Mission San Jose & Irvington and after supper to New Ark, where we took train for Santa Clara. Arrived home about 7:30 p. m.
Thurs. April 4, 1912: Anna went to Berkeley for a few days of her Easter vacation.
From The Vicar of Wakefield
“I was never much displeased
with those harmless delusions
that tend to make us more happy.”
“What the conversation wanted in wit was made up in laughter.”
“That virtue which requires ever to be guarded, is scarce worth the sentinel.”
“Feasts acquire a double relish from hospitality.”
Fri. April 5, 1912:
No flocks that range the valley free
To slaughter I condemn;
Taught by the Power that pities me.
I learn to pity them.
But from the mountains grassy side
A guiltless guest I bring,---
A Scrip with herbs and fruits supplied.
And water from the Spring.
From Vicar of Wakefield, read 4/4/12 at A. Satterthwaite's
Cora Bacon staid here. Elum? Heald of Palo Alto stopped for the night on his way to Mt. Hamilton.
Sat. April 6, 1912: Mary Alice & Susan Kelley left for Los Angeles.
Sun. April 7, 1912: Monthly Conference. Mary Wetherell was at Mtg. Charles Fox from S. F. lately from Plymouth, Eng., whose Mother was a Cousin of W. B. Jones; and Chas. Roberts of Los Gatos, son of John Roberts, were present.
After Lunch, Mrs. Chase gave a resume of Early Chapters in The History of Quakers in the Am. Colonies.
Part of the Hymn sung by George Jones in Mtg. This morning:
“There are depths of love I man not know,
Till I near the narrow Sea.
There are heights of Joy I cannot reach,
Till I rest, O’Lord, in Thee.
Mon. April 8, 1912: QUOTATIONS.
“Resist the Devil and he will flee from thee, both as a Tempter, and a Tormentor.” Repeated to us by Samuel Robson.
“It is Easy to talk without thinking. It is an Art to think without talking.” From Mrs. Chase.
“A wise old Owl sat on an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke.
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can’t we be like that bird?”
Anna came home from Berkeley in the Evening.
Tues. April 9, 1912: rainy. At a Reception of Neighbor Women at Mrs. Chases in the afternoon, Mrs. Owen explained Primary Election proceedings.
Chas. & Lily & Anna attended a Reception in the Evening at Dr. Guth’s to meet Dr. Wm. Huntington & wife, E. S. Williams & wife and Miss. Fallows. There were present Judge Richards & wife, several Methodist Ministers and the College Faculty.
Thurs. April 11, 1912: showery Snow on the Mountains.
Lily had a Reception in the afternoon of neighboring women to meet Mrs. Ocomota, who with her husband has lately moved into the Sheppard Cottage. Mrs. Post, Beasly, Owen, Applegarth, R. Satterthwaite, L. & A. Bean, Martha Chase, Louise Yocum were present.
Fri. April 12, 1912: fair Lily & I & Madge heard Dr. Huntington address the students at The College of the Pacific at 11-- on “The Vocation of the Students": He spoke of it as Divine—and urged four things---”Thoroughness, Conscientiousness, Intensity and Good Taste in all work”. Finally he spoke of the supreme importance of Earnestness in the religious life. A beautiful address. Prof. Morris brot us home in his Auto.
Sun. April 14, 1909: An interesting Bible Lesson. At Meeting. Mrs. Chase, L.S.B.C. & Geo. Jones spoke. A blessed Meeting. Sarah Street, Emma Way, Alice Haines & Mary Post were present.
Mon. April 15, 1912: I attended the Funeral of Moses D. Gage, at the Baptist House at 2:30 p. m.
Company here to dinner and in the Evening: ---- E. S. Williams & wife and sister-- Miss. Fellows of Chicago, Dr. Wm. Huntington & wife of Boston, Dr. Guth & wife and Mother, Mrs. Fishbeck.
James came in the Evening. A very interesting and pleasant company.
Sat. April 20, 1912: I went to Mt. Hermon for the week end. Stopped at The Zayante Inn
Mrs. M. Lillie, Book Keeper and caretaker. Walked over the grounds in the afternoon. Met Hugh W. Gilchrist, Manager & Frank W. Dean, Assistant. & others in the Evening.
Sun. April 21, 1912: At Mt. Hermon. I attended The little Pres. Church at Fenton. ------? Taylor, Pastor. Mrs. Taylor, Supt. Of S. School, mother of Prof. Addicott.
Meeting here. Alfred Bastin attended and spoke.
Mon. April 22, 1912: I returned home from Mt. Hermon. We attended Pres. Guth’s Reception to the Seniors, and friends of the College in the Evening. The spacious rooms were crowded with Guests.
Tues. April 23, 1912: We attended the Graduation of the Senior Class at the College of the Pacific. A masterly address by Bishop Nichols, of the Episcopal Church. The degree of D. D. was conferred on Edwin Sydney Williams.
Pres. Guth concluded his address to him in conferring it with these fitting words.---“A minister of The Gospel, a Missionary, a lover of nature, a lover of Truth, a lover of men, and beloved of men.”
Wed. April 24, 1912: I attended the Funeral of Forest Ward, at 10 a. m. at Woodrow Undertaking Parlors, Conducted by Rebecca Naylor.
Fri. April 26, 1912: Wm. Berry, Author of a life of John Henry Newman, Speaks of Keble as a “present Antiquity.”
A certain Skeptic is spoken of as “doubting his very doubts.”
Sat. April 27, 1912: Berge Clark, (son of Prof. Clark of Stanford) came with Joel to stay over the week end.
Wed. May 1, 1912: (pasted on the page, folds out 3 times page size)
ABDUL BAHA; The Prophet Tells of the Spiritual Growth of the Movement Which Calls Upon Humanity to Put Aside Differences and to Achieve Unity.
Thurs. May 2, 1912: (News article pasted to top part of page)
RELIGIOUS REFORMER SPEAKS IN SAN JOSE Thornton Chase Gives Address on the Far-Reaching Bahai Movement.
(at bottom of page, in Joel Bean’s ink handwriting)
The Bahai movement began, The Speaker said, May 23, 1844, the very night that the Adventists (The Millerites) in New England were expecting The End of The World; and they very day that the first telegram was flashed upon the wires from Baltimore to Washington. “What hath God wrought?” That night was born the present Prophet of the movement now visiting the country from Persia.
Fri. May 3, 1912: I heard an address in the p. m. by Thornton Chase, on the Bahai movement. (See May 2.)
Lily & Anna Hoopes arrived from Pasadena on 8:36 p. m. train.
Louisa Roberts of Modesto came to James’s.
(Pasted to top of May 3 page is a familiar program of)
College Park Association of Friends
The forty-sixth Semi-Annual meeting will be held on Seventh Day, Fifth month, 4Th. 1912,---etc.
Program for The Afternoon:
1. Repetition in Concert, -------------------- Selection from Amos
2. The London Epistle of 1911 ------------- Augustus T. Murray
3. Christianity in Business --------------------------Walter E. Vail
4. Recitation from Matthew Arnold, -------------------- Joel Bean
5. Evening prayer at the Taj Mahal, India ---Elizabeth M. Sherman
Deborah H. Vail Recording Secretary
Sat. May 4, 1912: Semi Annual Meeting – largely attended.
Augustus Murray, L.S.B.C., E. H. Shelley, E. S. Williams, J. B., had service in Mtg. for worship.
Among the attendees were our guests L. & A. Hoopes, Louisa Roberts from Modesto, E. S. Williams & sister-in-law Alice Fallows, Elena Bean, Devan ? Loofburrow, Mrs. Thompson of Palo Alto, Lillian Smith from Berkeley with a Baltimore Friend, Mrs. Todd who was born in Swarthmore Hall, Eng. a descendant of the Fells: Mrs. Edwards who reported on Indian Assn. Mrs. Thompson of San Jose, Milton & Belle Lawrence, and other strangers.
Sun. May 5, 1912: Bible Class -- At meeting Louisa Roberts & J. B. prayed. Geo. Jones, Jas. B. L.S.B.C. Lily Hoopes spoke, E. H. S. prayed. Emma Way, & G. N. Jones were here to dinner, with Lily and Anna Hoopes, and James & Louisa Roberts & Chas. Roberts of Los Gatos, after dinner Louisa Roberts went home with Chas. Roberts.
Mon. May 6, 1912: James and Lily & Anna Hoopes & I went to Los Gatos, took lunch at Chas. Roberts where we were joined by Louisa Roberts & their boy Edwin for a car ride to Congress Springs. Louisa Roberts returned to James’s for the night.
Tues. May 7, 1912: James and Louisa Roberts, the Hoopes Sisters, Lily & I went to Stanford University for the day. Heard lectures by Prof. Krehbeil, Prof. Murray & Prof. Fairclough. The last on Rome, with views of St. Peters, The Vatican and other parts of the City.
We took our lunch by the lake. While I rested in the Library the rest of the party visited the Museum. We returned by The Interurban Car via Los Altos. L. Roberts transferred at Meridian Corners for Los Gatos. L. & A. Hoopes dined at James’s.
Wed. May 8, 1912: Lily & Anna Hoopes left this morning for S. F. & Berkeley, intending to go on tomorrow night to Salem Oregon.
Fri. May 10, 1912: Chas. Barnett & wife of Santa Rosa, and Dr. Savage & wife of Berkeley were here to dinner. The men are attending the Mtg. Of the Cala. Bldg. And Loan Assn.
Sun. May 12, 1912: At Meeting, E. H. Shelley spoke on “Mothers’ Day”. Walter Vail & Mrs. Chase spoke briefly.
I attended the True Life Church in the Eveng. & heard J. B. Hayes & wife. A Sermon for “Mothers’ Day.”
Mon. May 13, 1912: By invitation I attended the Monday Club where Mrs. E. S. Williams showed Lantern views of Italian Cities to a full Club room.
Tues., May 14, 1912: Primary Election day -- to vote for Presidential Nominees . for Taft, Roosevelt, or La Follette, Republican –Champ Clark, Woodrow Wilson, Democratic.
Helen Horton of Pasadena a Stanford girl, came home with Catharine for the night.
Wed. May 15, 1912: Quotations So let my will be Swallowed up in Thine,
That I may do Thy will in doing mine
Reproof need the touch of a feather, as from an Eagles wing. Charlotte Fox.
Fri. May 17, 1912: Closing Day (of the School Year) of the College of the Pacific.
Sat. May 18, 1912: this below should be on next page.
AT Meeting. Thomas Powell & wife from near Sunnyvale, lately from Saskatchawan (sic) , Canada, were present & Mary Post—Edwd. Winslow came
Charles & the children were at Stanford, at the Baccallaureate Service--
“Be kindly affectioned to one another with brotherly love, forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ’s sake, hath forgiven you.” Such Forgiveness, defined as the blotting out of remembrance of wrongs or injuries received). L.S.B.C. (in communication)
Sun. May 19, 1912: See preceding page.
Mon. May 20, 1912: We all attended the Commencement at Stanford University.
Catharine Graduated with 276 others. Address by Prof. Barrow of the U. C. on “The Possible influence of The Panama Canal on
Election Day in San Jose. T. Monahan elected Mayor. A majority for “wet” over “dry”. “Billy” Sanford came home with Catharine and Joel.
Tues. May 21, 1912: Prof. Morris & wife, Dr. Stevenson, Miss. Booth & Miss. Rogers of the College of the Pacific were here to dinner & in the Evening.
Lindley Murray came for the night with Joel.
Wed. May 22, 1912: Lindley Murray went home. Madge Farr left to prepare for her marriage after 8 or 9 months pleasant service in our family.
Thurs. May 23, 1912: Clarence Sermy was here to dinner and for the Evening.
Sat. May 25, 1912: Rainy. Joel and I went to Milpitas, to see the Pea Cannery. We were shown over the Mill by Alfred Wilson. The peas are raised by Japanese on some 800 acres in patches within a few miles along by the Eastern Foothills. About 115 wagon loads of the vines are brot. In daily. They are first run into a threshing Cylinder perforated to let out the peas, & the vines are run off in wagons for cow feed. The peas are carried thro a fanning machine, Floating tubs, a grading cylinder, into automatic fillers & sealers & oven, to this finishing room for wrapping & boxing. About 115,000 cans a day. Some 200 persons employed for one month or so. Then the mill rests thru the year.
A party of girls here to lunch.
Sun. May 26, 1912: At Meeting G. A. Pierce prayed and spoke & Edwd. Winslow spoke. L. S. B. C. spoke on the text (very instructively) He is Merciful and Gracious slow to anger etc.
Mon. May 27, 1912: Fair. Georgina Maud Mills-Sandford, “Billy” Sandford went home.
Chas., Lily & I went to San Francisco to the Funeral of Hannah S. Neall at 3 p. m. conducted by Dr. Worcester. Lily read, by request, H. L. Neall’s Poem, “Cardifhonia”? Extracts from H. L. Neall’s letters – writing James Neall’s prolonged illness.
“Long, long it seems when one lives simply to endure and not to enjoy” Applicable to her own weary years of dealing.
Again—“The Everlasting Why perplexes me.”
From Cardifhonia
It may be the spirit strengthens and the soul grows pale? And white.
When the clouds of sorrow darken, and all starless is the night.
That within their gloom is gathered gentle and refreshing rain.
Every little germ of patience quickening into life again.
Wed. May 29, 1912: Joel Cox left for Honolulu by S. S. Lurline to sail at noon.
Hannah Wakefield called.
Fri. May 31, 1912: Near 90.
Sat. June 1, 1912: Very Warm. Lily, Anna, Catharine and I went to Milpitas to see the Pea Cannery. Eleanor Cox came with Charles in the Evening for a week’s visit.
Sun. June 2, 1912: Very Warm 98. Monthly Association. Stephen Jones led the Program, and gave a Sketch of Early Chapters in Quakers Colonial History.
R. Satterthwaite read “The Quaker of the Olden Time” Keast spoke of Frds in Cornwall, England.
In the Evening, Chas. & Lily & I went to College Park Church where Mr. Hichborn spoke.
Mon. June 3, 1912: Very warm. We all attended the Marriage at noon of Charles Overton and Madge Farr, by an Episcopal Minister at the Chapel on 4Th. St.
Tues. June 4, 1912: Cooler.
From Annual Monitor 1882. Account of Mary B. Browne.
A mother extorted her dying son to think of the Savior. Dear Mother, replied he was think of the absent, my Savior is always with me.
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil.
Wed., June 5, 1912: Pleasant. The Out Door Art League met here in the afternoon.
Sat. June 8, 1912: Ill in Bed.
As prostrate on my bed I lay,
Too weak to plead, to weak to pray,
With only strength enough to say ----
Thy Will be done.
I almost longed to slip away;
But if My Lord would have me stay
More of His cleansing work to know,
More of His Conquering Power to show.
His Will be done J. B.
Mon. June 10, 1912: Under Dr. Hines’s care.
Tues. June 11, 1912: James Bean’s Birthday, 1912: For James Bean at 90.
Thy years beyond three score and ten
Have reached an added score.
To serve yet more they fellow men.
To praise Thy God yet more.
Long is the Journey looking back,
Of time and space passed o’er.
The Inn for laying down the pack,
Is but few steps before.
The Lord, thy Keeper day and night,
Thy leader all along,
He who has been Thy Morning Light,
Will be Thy Evening Song. Thy Bro. J. B.
Aug. Murray called on me.
Wed. June 12, 1912: My window opens to the West
The Setting Sun:
And here I wait – till night shall fall
To hear the welcome Homeward Call
The Day’s work done. J. B.
Thurs. June 13, 1912: Breakfast in Bed.
Grapefruit, luscious, comes at first
Moistening Mouth, and quenching thirst
Follows soon a Bowl that’s fine,
Cream of Wheat and Cream of Kine.
With a Steaming Cup of Tea,
“Bill of Fare” enough for me.
By our Anna’s hand prepared,
Or by sister Catharine shared.
These are now our sole Housekeepers,
Kitchen Maids and Chamber Sweepers,
Nurses without tip or fee,
Giving service glad and free.
Lily sick in her chamber.
Sun. June 16, 1912: Augustus Murray was at Mtg. & here to dinner.
Great Parade at Santa Clara & Commencement of the Santa Clara University, in the afternoon. (note brown area on parts of both pages where a “clipping” or some paper sheet is now missing—as noted in penciled note. T. K.)
Mon. June 17, 1912: Catharine went to P. Grove.
Wed. June 19, 1912: I went to Pacific Grove.
Sat. June 22, 1912: Charley J. Yamamoto helped clean lower Cottage.
Sun. June 23, 1912: Catharine & I attended Episcopal Church at P. G.
Tues. June 25, 1912: Charley J. Yamamoto cleaned floors & windows in upper Cottage. Catharine attended a School Exhibition in the Evening; with Albert Bean’s family.
Wed. June 26, 1912: Had new matting put down in upper Cottage and painted floors.
Fri. June 28, 1912: Catharine gave tea to several Stanford girls, Hilda Hemple, Mabil Newcomer, Eva and Ruby Durgin & one other. The Durgin girls are daughters of Dr. Durgin of Cupertino. High School Commencement in the Eveng. Catharine went with Albert’s family and Edith’s Father & sister Alice. Elizabeth is one of the Graduates.
Sun. June 30, 1912: C. & I. Attended Methodist Church. Sermon by __________ Phillips on the need of Ireland for Misssionaries.
Mon. July 1, 1912: Augustus Murray & family came to The Grove, to Miss. Thayer’s Cottage.
Tues. July 2, 1912: Catharine & I moved into the Upper Cottage. Morris Cox & family came to our Lower Cottage.
Sat. July 6, 1912: Lily came to The Grove.
Sun. July 7, 1912: At Bible Reading and Meeting here this morning, Prof. Murray’s family & Prof. Morris Cox;s attended & Lily DeNervand, 13 in all.
Charles & David Satterthwaite arrived in just afternoon from their camping trip in the mountains south of Salinas.
Mon. July 8, 1912: David Satterthwaite & Charles started homeward.
Tues. July 9, 1912: Chautauqua begins today.
Wed. & Thurs. July 10 & 11, 1912: (Obituary of J. Fred Smith of Campbell is pasted to both pages.)
Fri. July 12, 1912: I attended a Lecture by Mrs. Greenleaf in the Chautauqua Course. Mrs. Adams & Mrs. Owen called over from Carmel. Charles came in the Evening.
Sat. July 13, 1912: Charles, Lily, Catharine & I and Morris’s family went to the Chautauqua PicNic & Round Table at Moss Beach.
I finished reading John Sherwood, Iron Master, by Weir Mitchell.
Sun. July 14, 1912 A sweet meeting at 9:30
Mon. July 15, 1912: We finished reading together the “Beginnings of Quakerism” by Wm. C. Braithwaite.
Wed. July 17, 1912: At Pacific Grove. Chas. Is attending Chautauqua daily.
Thurs. July 18, 1912: At Pacific Grove. Morris & Chas. Went early to Organ? Rock beach for Muscles. James came to the Grove. I went to Del Monte Bath house in the afternoon for a warm Salt bath. Finished reading “The Shuttle”.
Morris Cox’s family & ours had a Muscle bake on the Rocks for Supper.
Lily DeNervand & Miss. Teal came to the Grove.
Thurs. July 18, 1912: Lily & Mary went to Del Monte in the Afternoon to see Paintings.
Edwd. Berwick & wife & Morris & Mary were with us in the Evening.
Sat. July 20, 1912: fine. Chas. & Morris & Morris Jr. went Huckleberring in the forenoon.
Lily was called home on account of the death of Byron Chase: to attend a Memorial Service at his Mother’s tomorrow. (Obituary pasted to mid-page)
CHASE—At Lane Hospital in San Francisco, July 19, 1912, Byron S. Chase, beloved son of Mrs. Henrietta S. Chase of San Jose and brother of Miss. Martha Chase of San Jose, Dr. W. S. Chase of Akron, Ohio and Charles Chase of Crawford, Nebraska, a native of Ohio, aged 34 years.
(Location of funeral at Cypress Lawn Cemetery)
Chautauqua closed with the Feast of Lanterns this Evening. About 75 Automobiles were in a procession decorated with Lanterns & many more near the Beach.
Sun. July 21, 1912: Sunny & fine. At Pacific Grove. Morning Reading & Meeting attended by A. T. Murray & Morris’s families, and James Bean and L. DeNervand.
Mon. July 22, 1912: Anna came to The Grove.
Tues. July 23, 1912: Belle Lawrence took me a drive to The Village. Anna & Catharine took their Cousin to Del Monte (Morris, Eleanor, Millicent & Anna) Morris & Mary were in the Eveng.
Wed. July 24, 1912: (Article pasted in two pieces to cover page)
TOUCHING TRIBUTE PAID LATE MRS. MARY H. FIELD. Literary Woman Who Was Well Known (moved away 20 years ago) Locally, Died Saturday, July 20. (article follows)
Thurs. July 25, 1912: Bell Lawrence took me a drive to New Monterey, where I called on Mrs. Pascoe from Honolulu, who is Staying a few days at Miss. Kingsley’s. We went also to the Mineral Well.
Called on Morris & Mary in the Evening.
Fri. July 26, 1912: Morris’s Family left for home, by 8:00 a. m. train.
Sun. July 28, 1912: A precious Meeting -- I read French’s Sonnet on Prayer, and Heb. 1st Chap.-- James and A. T. Murray spoke. Present A. T. & Nella Murray, Elizabeth Gifford, Milton and Belle Lawrence, L. DeNervand and James Bean, with ourselves. I attended The Christian Church. Nesbit----Pastor.
Mon. July 29, 1912: Belle Lawrence took me a drive to Lighthouse & round by The Bay on the Ocean Drive – a beautiful ride –
Wed. July 31, 1912: Anna went home. James went home.
Fri. Aug. 2, 1912: I finished reading “John Winterbournes? Family” –
Sun. Aug. 4, 1912: At Pacific Grove. Augustus & Nella & Minerva Murray, and his nephew Effingham Murray, the Lawrence family and Lily DeNervand came to the Morning Reading & Meeting. A. T. Murray read Eph. IV.
I went to Monterey to the Presbyterian Church were Dr. McQuilkin of San Jose Preached.
Mon. Aug. 5, 1912: At Pacific Grove. Grace & Priscilla here in the Eveng.--
Wed. Aug. 7, 1912: I attended the Bible Sesson at the “Congress of Reform” in Session here this week. Teaching on The Holy Spirit by ‘Rev.’ Edwd. C. Philleo?.
Finished reading “Queed” by _________ Harrison.
Fri. Aug. 9, 1912: Began reading “Last days of Pompeia ” by Lord Lytton.
Sat. Aug. 10, 1912: At Pacific Grove. Clark & Anna Miles and their children, Lyra, Ross, Eva & Bruce arrived here in their Automobile, having spent a few days in San Jose. They came in 7 days from their home in Salem, Oregon, to San Jose – without any mishaps; and from S. J. here today. The lower Cottage was ready to receive them.
Agnes Shipley, Susan, Mary & Dorothy, and Carrie Brown arrived at San Jose in the Evening from Phila.
Sun. Aug. 11, 1912: At Pacific Grove. The Murrays, Miles’s, Lawrences’ & L. DeNervand were at Meeting.
In the Afternoon Clark & family took me round the 17 mile drive, taking in Carmel by The Sea.
Mon. Aug. 12, 1912: We all went to Moss Beach for a PicNic Lunch. Clark’s family, L. DeNervand, A. & Nella Murray & Minerva, Edith & Alice Bean, Mrs. Whitney & Grace, Priscilla Cavagnora, Mrs. Klotz & her 3 children.
Hannah Moore & her children Janice & Robt. Called. They are in The Grove for a week at Gibson’s Rooming house on 15Th. St.
Tues. Aug. 13, 1912: Catharine had a party to Breakfast on The Rocks. Lyra & Ross Miles, Ruth Bacon, Grace Whitney & Sarah Doncona; Priscilla Cavagnara, Minerva Murray & her frd. Margaret Robertson
Wed. Aug. 14, 1912: warm & fair. Clark Miles’s AutoMobile took their family and Bert Bean’s family and Catharine & me to Pebble Beach to Lunch. – going two trips each way.
Clark’s Auto has run over 1100 miles since they left home, and consumed over 100 gallons of Gasoline.
One tree of their forest lumber (over 300 ft. high) turned out 28,000 feet.
Thurs. Aug. 15, 1912: Clark Miles’s family left The Grove at 8 a. m. for Whittier, hoping to reach Paso Robles tonight, Santa Barbara tomorrow, and Whittier Seventh day.
Catharine went—to drive with Grace, Priscilla and Sarah Doncona, in the afternoon. ---The 17 mile drive.
Lindley Murray came from his Summer’s work. Priscilla Cavaguera? Here in the Evening.
Sat. Aug. 17, 1912: At Pacific Grove. The Philadelphia Party came to The Grove, to the Pacific Hotel. Chas. & Lily & Anna came to The Cottage.
Sun. Aug. 18, 1912: At Pacific Grove. Our morning Reading & Meeting were held in The lower Cottage. There present, Augustus Murray family and ours; Agnes, Susan, Mary & & Dorothy Shipley, Carrie Brown, Milton & Belle Lawrence; Mrs. Buchan of Palo Alto, Effingham Murray, Edith Bean, Lily DeNervand.
Our friends and The Murrays, L. De Nervand, Mrs. Klotz & children, Grace Whitney etc. went on The Beach at 4 p. m. for tea and Reading from Tennyson by Aug. Murray.
Mon. Aug. 19, 1912: The Philadelphia party with Chas., Lily, Anna and Cathie went to Pt. Lobos for the day. Chas. Went home by the 6 p. m. train. Agnes, Mary, and Dorothy called here in the Eveng.
Tues. Aug. 20, 1912: A Pic-Nic at Del Monte Bath House Beach. Present---
Augustus and Nella Murray, Elizabeth Gifford, Lindley & Frederie Henry Washburne, Lily DeNervand, Grace Whitney, Milton & Belle Lawrence, Mrs. Klotz & children, Mrs. Van Fleet & sister Mrs. Stone of New York. Our Phila. Party & our family. (22 people) Dr. Murray recited from Tennyson, Lily read. Dorothy & Susan recited. Milton & Mary sang. A number visited the hot?? Room at Del Monte afterward.
Wed. Aug. 21, 1912: The Phila. Party, with Lily, Anna & Catharine took the 17 mile drive & over The Ridge. All took afternoon tea at Lily DeNervand’s Cottage, 147 8th St. And all were here with us in The Eveng. By the open fire in the lower Cottage.
Thurs. Aug. 22, 1912: The Philadelphians & Lily left on the 3 o’clock train, 1912: ---Lily for home, the others for San Francisco, where Susan and Carrie Brown are to Sail tomorrow for Japan.
Fri. Aug. 23, 1912: Anna went with Ella Plattia to walk to Moss Beach, and dined with her & her Mother on 6Th. St.
Sat. Aug. 24, 1912: Afternoon tea at L. DeNervand with Mrs. Whitney & Grace and Miss. Polhemus.
Sun. Aug. 25, 1912: A. T. Murray & children went home on the 8 o’clock train.
L. DeNervand came to our morning Reading. A. & C. went to St. Mary’s Church. I went to The Meth. Ch. & heard a good Sermon by Leslie Burwell, the Pastor to a large Congregation. Elizabeth Gifford & Frederick went on the 3 p. m. train.
We attended Vesper Service at St. Mary's’. Heard F. Church of S. F.
Edith (Coolidge) Bean here to visit Cathie in the afternoon.
Mon. Aug. 26, 1912: Anna, Catharine and I came home from P. Grove by morning train. S. Tomiyama arrived from Tokio. Japan. K. Matsuoka --- The Japanese Minister called with him.
Wed. Aug. 28, 1912: Cathie & Joel landed Early in San Francisco. They were met by Chas. & Lily who went to S. F. by Early Train, and by Clark Miles & family, returning by Steamer to Oregon from Southern Cala.: and Agnes G. Shipley & daughters, Just returned the Yosemite, and Staying for two or three days at The Bellevue Hotel.
Cathie came on home in the afternoon, after lunch at the Bellevue with the Shipleys. Joel came to Stanford. Lily remained in S. F. with the Shipley party.
S Tomiyama left to board elsewhere. Aoki came to help in the Kitchen.
Thurs. Aug. 29, 1912: Anna & Catharine entering upon their work at Stanford.
Edith (Coolidge) Bean here to visit Cathie in the afternoon.
Fri. Aug. 30, 1912: Mag Ledyard? Called in the Morning. She is going next month to China to organize Kindergarten Schools. Miss. Blan?? Took her to Santa Clara, & Cathie with them.
Lily returned home in the Evening from S. F. and sister Agnes & daughters came to Vendome: After Entertainment and Auto rides in S. F. & Berkeley, by Mrs. T. Ellard? Beans? & Frances & Rowina; and Mrs. Williams & Margaret; and Cousin Annette Clarke & Cora May.
Joel came in the Evening.
Sat. Aug. 31, 1912: Charles’ family, Cathie & Joel, and the Shipley party attended a large Reception at _______Kirkwood’s – for two married couples, Young Mr. Kirkwood & wife, and Marshall Williams & wife.
All were here to dinner with James, in the Evening.
Sun. Sept. 1, 1912: Monthly Association Meeting. Present----Wm. & Elizabeth Allen, Augustus & Nella Murray, Prof. Wildman & wife (a new Prof. At Stanford) Agnes Shipley & daughters, S. Tomiyama and Aoki, W. Vail’s family, Mrs. Bingham, Wm. Moore & boys from Los Gatos, etc.
L.S.B.C. spoke from two prayers: “Keep back Thy Servant from presumptuous Sins,” and “Our Father, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” Dr. Murray prayed & spoke, and Jas. B. prayed.
After Lunch, Cathie summarized the Quaker Beginnings in New York Y. M. from the new history. Lizbeth Bean spoke of Friends mode of worship as realized by one who has come to it from outside The Society. Mary Shipley read from Chas. Lamb, C. M. C. from Browning, & J.B.C. An Extract on waiting worship.
Mon. Sept. 2, 1912: Agnes Shipley took Chas. & Lily & Cathie with her party to Mt. Hamilton by Automobile.
Tues. Sept. 3, 1912: Primary Election Day.
Lily & Cathie made some calls with Agnes in the afternoon.
Cathie & I took dinner with Sister Agnes at The Vendome in the Evening. Mary & Dorothy, Leda Yocum, Louise & Arthur, Helen Horton and Simone Brongress were here to dinner & in the Eveng.
Wed. Sept. 4, 1912: Lily & Cathie & Chas. Went to Palo Alto & Stanford with the Shipleys. Cathie furnished an outdoor lunch.
They took afternoon tea at Prof. Murray’s. Lindley had Agnes, Mary & Dorothy to dinner at his Club house (Fraternity ) Cathie staid to visit at Harold Heath’s.
Thurs. Sept. 5, 1912: The Shipleys left San Jose (The Vendome) this morning for S. F. to go homeward. Lily went to see them off, & Chas. Went by same train to S. F.
Sun. Sept. 8, 1912: A vast Assembly at Monterey to witness a Historical Pageant of the Landing of Junipero Serra on June 3. 1770.(3 parts of program in diary-loose)
Tues., 1912: Sept. 10 1912: Lily came to The Grove.
Wed. Sept. 11, 1912: A PicNic lunch at Sea Side, with Lily DeNervand, Hannah Cavagniero, Florence Beale and her Mother and Edith Mason Galbreath.
Thurs. Sept. 12, 1912: At Pacific Grove. An afternoon treat of ice cream & cake given by Hannah Cavagniero, on Miss. Polhemus’s Porch.
Sat. Sept. 14, 1912: At Pacific Grove. Heard Dr. Schwarrtz of Japanese Mission at The Ituurants Club: & a lecture on Browning by Prof. Buckham of Pacific theological Seminary.
Took lunch on The Rocks at invitation of H. C. & Lily DeNervand with Grace Whitney and friend Miss. Baker, and Mrs. Klotz & her children.
Sun. Sept. 15, 1912: At Pacific Grove. Cathie & I attended the Methodist Church and heard a good Sermon by H. K. Hamilton of S. F.
At 4 p. m. we took tea on The Beach by invitation of Grace Whitney with a small party & had reading----from Q. Ex. & Phillips Brooks etc.
Mon. Sept. 16, 1912: We moved from Cottage 119 to 117 - Rebecca Satterthwaite, Emma Way & Matilda Eggers came in Cottage 119.
We called at Edwd. Berwicks in The Evening.
Tues. Sept. 17, 1912: We took PicNic Lunch at Del Monte Bath House Beach with Lily DeNervand & Grace Whitney.
Wed. Sept. 18, 1912: Methodist Conference opened at Pacific Grove. Bishop Wm. O. Shepard presiding. I attended the Forenoon Session & heard the Memorials of deceased Ministers & Ministers’ wives who have died during the past year.
Edwd. Berwick & wife called the Eveng.
Thurs. Sept. 19, 1912: At conference. We heard Wm. H. Head of Chicago give dramatic Reading of the Book of Job.
Lily, Cathie, & I took afternoon tea with Hannah Wakefield at her Cottage by invitation on 4Th. day the 19Th..
I attended Mtg. Of Retired Ministers, John Coyle, Presiding. Hanson & J. N. N. Williams Speakers.
Fri. Sept. 20, 1912: At Conference. Heard Dramatic Reading of The Pilgrims Progress, at Vanity Fair & Crossing the River. By Wm. H. Head.
I attended the Lay Assn. Of the Conference.
We went in the Afternoon with Mrs. Beale to Del Monte to see The Paintings etc.
Sun. Sept. 22, 1912: Cathie attended the Methodist Church and heard a notable Sermon on Life by Bishop Shepard. The Assembly Hall was packed, many Standing.
In the Afternoon Lily DeNervand and Hannah Wakefield called & had tea.
Mon. Sept. 23, 1912: Cathie & I took Lunch with Lily DeNervand and went to the “Ladies Aid Society” of Methodist Conference. Heard an address by John M. Jackson. Emma Way, Rebecca Satterthwaite & Matilda Eggers were in the Evening.
Tues. Sept. 24, 1912: The Methodist Annual Conference closed.
Finished reading “Isidor”, a Monterey Story of the old Mission days by Mary Austin. Other books read in last 3 weeks “Far from The Madding Crowd” by Thos. Hardy and Balzais “A Commission in Lunacy,” and “The Atheist’s Mass.” Met on the Hill Mrs. Wyman of Los Angeles, who is here with a daughter, Staying in the Woodrow Cottage. Mrs. Hagg called & had tea.
Wed. Sept. 25, 1912: On The Hill in the Forenoon met Mrs. Wyman. Cathie took tea in the Afternoon at Mrs. Whitney’s on the Porch, with the Berwicks & L. DeNervand. The latter took Supper & spent The Evening with us.
Thurs. Sept. 26, 1912: Isaac Hibberd called in the morning. Had calls from Mrs. Beale, Mrs. Flagg & others.
Fri. Sept. 27, 1912: Cathie called on Mary Norton, and Miss. McBain 311 Fountain Ave.
Emma Way, r. Satterthwaite & Matilda Eggers spent the Evening with us. Mrs. Whitney, Grace & L. DeN. Called.
Sat. Sept. 28, 1912: Cathie & I took Breakfast with R. Satterthwaite & Co. and returned to San Jose by 8 a. m. train.
Sun. Sept. 29, 1912: At Meeting. W. C. Allen & Jas. B. spoke. Thomas Powell & wife & her sister from Wyoming and their children were here to dinner.
Mon. Sept. 30, 1912: Lily, Cathie & I went to the Normal School Hall in the afternoon to hear Mrs. Humphrey speak on The Philippine Islands & the people. Nineteen young people were dressed in Philippine costumes to represent the different classes.
Thurs. Oct. 3, 1912: We attended a Reception at Trinity Parish House in honor of Clarence Army? As a Poet. Selections from his Poems were read by Mrs. Richards, L.S.B.Cox and Rector Werlein. A large company filled the Room ---
Sat. Oct. 5, 1912: Lizbeth & Annie Bean and Ethel Clayton were here to dinner and thro’ the Eveng.
Sun. Oct. 6, 1912: At Monthly Meeting & Conference. Augustus Murray, Walter Vail & Annie Bean spoke & A. Murray & Wm. Allen prayed. Dr. Johnson from the Hanchett Tract, Elsie Heath from Palo Alto, and Wm. & Hannah Moore from Los Gatos & Debora Otis were present. Louise Jones spoke after Lunch, on her late visit to Japan, where she & Augustine spent a month this Summer. She had many beautiful pictures to show.
Mon. Oct. 7, 1912: (article on THE PERSIAN PROPHET pasted over page-Bahai)
Tues. Oct. 8, 1912: Lily, Cathie & I went to Stanford University to hear the Persian Prophet Abdul Bahai, on Universal Brotherhood. A fine Address, interpreted admirable by a Persian Scholar (SEE PAGE BEFORE)
Cathie, Anna & I took lunch at Harold Heath’s at Palo Alto—Made a Short call at Walter Vails’.
(article of Oct. 10 pasted to bottom of page, 1912: USELESSNESS OF WAR DISCUSSED BY ORIENTAL, Venerable Persian Delivers Interesting Address at Stanford University.)
Wed. Oct. 9, 1912: Cathie & I went to Lunch at Katharine Binghams at Rose Lawn. Horace & Floyd showed us their Patent & Plans for an improved Motor Cycle & Motor Mobile. In the Evening Ed Bean took Lily & Cathie with his wife & Edwin & Mary.--and Edwin Coolidge a round of 70 miles to Niles etc. in his AutoMobile.
Thurs. Oct. 10, 1912: Lily & Cathie went to Los Gatos to Lunch with Belle Lawrence, 1912: and in the Evening to dinner at Eliza Yocum’s in The Willows where Charles & I joined them. Met there in the Eveng. Mr. & Mrs. Cutler, the latter a Scotch lady of the McBeth Clan. I called at Wm. Wards.
Fri. Oct. 11, 1912: Sewing Circle here in the Afternoon. A large number present. Wm. N. Greer called in the afternoon. Cathie went to Palo Alto in The Evening to stay at Harold Heath’s.
Sat. Oct. 12, 1912: Anna went to San Francisco to an Archeological Exhibition and called on Annette Clark & Cora May. Lily called on Mary Carey.
Sun. Oct. 13, 1912: I went to meeting at Prof. Murray’s in Palo Alto, 27 present. Met Cathie there & we returned home by 11:50 train.
Edward Wright from Oakland was at College Park Mtg. & here to dinner
In the Evening Ed. Bean & wife & Edwin Coolidge came in AutoMobile & took Chas. & Lily & Cathie & me a ride of 50 miles or more to Saratoga, Los Gatos, & round thro’ San Jose & outskirts. They stopped here to tea.
Tues. Oct. 15, 1912: Lily and Cathie went to San Francisco, & took Lunch with Carlotta Mabury. Lily staid with Cora May. Cathie spent the night with Laura Wells Fowler.
The Telfer Family moved into our old House (875) (next door).
Wed. Oct. 16, 1912: Lily called on Annette Clark and Donald Erskine, and returned home in the afternoon. Cathie stayed to visit in Oakland & Berkeley, at Morris Cox’s, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Beans, etc.
Fri. Oct. 18, 1912: Cathie returned from S. F. & Berkeley.
Sat. Oct. 19, 1912: A large company (over 30) ladies here to meet Cathie in the afternoon. Poems of some San Jose authors were read.
Annie Bean’s read by herself.
Judge Richard’s read by his wife.
Edwin Coolidge’s by May Coolidge.
May Coolidge’s by L. S. B. C.
Miss. Merrick’s by her sister
J. B.’s by Cathie (Bean Cox)
Mary Carey, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Beale, Emma Way, Lucy Washburn, Anna Mayne, Mrs. Beasley, E. H. Shelley, Mrs. Post & sisters, R. Satterthwaite, Louise Jones, Emily & F. Browner, Porter sisters, Stella Zumwalt etc. were of the company. Mary Cox & little Anna came from Fruitvale to stay over 1st day. Anna’s Birthday (25).
Sun. Oct. 20, 1912: Joel Cox accompanied Wm. C. Allen to Berkeley. Mary Cox & little Anna returned home.
Tues. Oct. 22, 1912: Mrs. Dawson dined & spent the Evening here.
Wed. Oct. 23, 1912: Lily and Cathie took Lunch with The Porter Sisters. Cathie called on Ethel Clayton & sister. And She & I went to Saratoga at 4, 1912:10 p. m. and had a delightful call on Cornelia Taber & her Cousin Sadie Taber.
Thurs. Oct. 24, 1912: Lily & I attended the Funeral of Mrs. Wibel. (small obituary pasted mid-page, Oct. 22, 1912, Louise Wibel—aged 70+)
I afterward called with Cathie at Mrs. & Misses Bean’s on The Alameda where we met Mrs. Edwd. Parsons & Sadie Taber.
We then went to Palo Alto to dine at Walter Vail’s with Aug. & Nella Murray returning home by 9:12 train in the Evening.
Tues. Oct. 29, 1912: I went to the Hahnemann Hospital in San Francisco accompanied by Lily & Cathie.
Wed. Oct. 30, 1912: Hahneman Hospital. An Abscess was removed from my throat by Dr. James Ward. Susan G. Shipley and Carrie Brown, returning from Japan, were in the City and called on me.
Thurs. Oct. 31, 1912: In Hospital in S. F. Charles and Joel were among early callers.
Fri. Nov. 1, 1912: Susan Shipley and Carrie Brown left S. F. for Philadelphia.
Tues. Nov. 5, 1912: At the hospital. Lily returned home in time to vote for Woodrow Wilson for Pres.
Wed. Nov. 6, 1912: Hahnemann Hospital Beautiful Flowers were received during the week from Carlotta Mabury, Mrs. Williams, Susan Shipley, Elizabeth Allen, Eliza Yocum, Margaret Weibel, Aug. & Nella Murray, Mary Smyth. Calls were received from Levi Gregory, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Heapy, Lily DeNervand.
Sun. Nov. 10, 1912: Hahneman Hospital. Caller to day were John G. Clark, Edwd. Wright, Mary Smythe, Carlotta Mabury, Catharine Morris Cox and “Billy” Sanford. Mr. Sanford called some day later.
Mon. Nov. 11, 1912: Leaning on The Savior’s breast
Let me rest.
Under treatment at the Hospital.
Thurs. Nov. 14, 1912: At the Hospital. Lily came again to be with us. Mrs. Williams sent her Auto- and Lily, Miss. Olmstead and I were taken a drive thro” the Golden Gate Park.
Fri. Nov. 15, 1912: At the Hospital. Of the Patients met from day to day in The Library are Mrs. Hobart, who came to S. F. a little Girl in 1851- Mrs. Lambkin, once a Teacher in San Jose, Mr. Dory a young Lawyer, Mr. Craig of Santa Fe, New Mexico, etc. and their friends who have called on them.
Sat. Nov. 16, 1912: Hahneman Hospital. My Nurses are, 1912: Sara Almstead, Head Nurse
Margaret Gowan, Day Nurse, Miss. Norris, Night Nurse.
Mabel Norris & Edith Norris, sisters
Nellie Hanrahan
Miss. Fielding, a former San Jose Girl is a Nurse on another floor.
Sun. Nov. 17, 1912: At the Hospital. Lily and Cathie attended Dr. Aked’s Church where $75,000 were subscribed for a new Building & Lot. They met Frances Morse who claimed them as Guests during the rest of their stay at their beautiful place, No. 11 Presideo Terrace. Cathie took lunch with Carlotta Mabury. Callers today were Edwd. Wright & Mrs. Joseph Bean, sister of Mrs. Perkins, one of the Patients.
Mon. Nov. 18, 1912: At the Hospital in S. F. Frances Morse took us in her Auto to the Twin Peaks & Japanese Garden in The park. A wonderful drive with grand views of the City.
Tues. Nov. 19, 1912: Hahnemann Hospital. Rainy in the forenoon. Ed. Bean called in the morning. Afternoon Clear. Frances Morse took us three an Auto ride over the Presideo and Exhibition Grounds. After a call at her house & a lesson in Knitting for her Charles.
Wed. Nov. 20, 1912: At the Hospital. Had a pleasant call in the afternoon from Lillian Abbott Smith. Charles and Dr. Murray called in the morning.
Thurs. Nov. 21, 1912: At the Hospital. Chas. Called in the morning.
Frances Morse sent their Auto, to take us for calls on Annette Clark etc., and to The Cliff House, and along the shore road, where we saw two Aeroplanes ascend. We rode about 40 miles.
(News article pasted to bottom of page,: ROBERT G. FOWLER FLIES TO HIS HOME IN GILROY Well-Known California Aviator Soars Over San Jose Yesterday Afternoon.—Nov. 21, Gilroy.
Fri. Nov. 22, 1912: Hahnemann Hospital. Lily & Cathie were at a Reception for Lunch at Lester Morse’s after which Lily returned home. I was taken in Auto with Miss. Gowan to the Beach and thro- Golden Gate Park.
Sat. Nov. 23, 1912: Cathie and I returned home. We were taken from the Hospital to the Station by Lester Morse’s Auto and met at San Jose by Paul Brun with his auto to take us home.
Thurs. Nov. 28, 1912: Wm. & Elizabeth Allen, James Bean & Arthur Yocum were here to dinner.
Fri. Nov. 29, 1912: Anna went to San Francisco.
Sat. Nov. 30, 1912: Cathie left this morning to Sail at 1 p. m. for Honolulu. Ed Bean took her & Joel and Chas. & Lily to S. F. in his Automobile.
Mrs. Heapy was her room mate in the Mongolia. The Wells, L. DeNervand, Frances Morse, and our folks were at the wharf to see them off.
(plain paper pasted upside down on bottom of page—says, To fulfill all thy heart’s longing for me—All God’s will.)
Sun. Dec. 1, 1912: Monthly Conference Day. Augustus Murray & Wm. Allen spoke on Thanksgiving. Elizabeth Allen had the afternoon Exercise on Friends in the Early Southern Colonies.
Mon. Dec. 2, 1912: champion of peace (news article pasted to page)
Redlands, Cal. Dec. 2, 1912: Albert K. Smiley, peace advocate, patron of the Indian and the Negro and founder of the Lake Mohonk mountain retreat, where the annual peace conclaves are held, died early today. He was 84.
Born Vassalboro, Maine, Quaker , taught in Friends’ College in N. E., trustee of Brown Univ. 20 years.
Tues. Dec. 3, 1912: Laura Townsend called and Mrs. Shepard etc.
Thurs. Dec. 12, 1912: Wm. & I Elizabeth Allen called and in the afternoon he took me in his auto to call on Cousin Ellen Smith.
Sun. Dec. 15, 1912: Showery. Chas. & Lily dined with Wm. & E. Allen at the Vendome.
Mon. Dec. 16, 1912: I attended Ministers Mtg. Wm. C. Allen spoke on Peace.
On the table at supper with flowers—
This wreath of Blossoms fresh & gay
Both count Thy years in bright array
And all our wishes gladly say. L.
This brilliant blossoms drenched & tossed
By wind & rain, have ‘scaped the frost.
With Summer glow in Winter chills
They gratefully gladden the garden Still. C.
The Crown of buds atop
Are buds of promise & of hope;
And buds of Youth if wisely told,
For not in Spirit art thou old. A.S.C.
These symbols bright re of courage & cheer
Endurance & strength of spirit most-dear
That blesses us here. C. M. C.
Tues. Dec. 17, 1912: From Cathie for the 16Th..
For the sense of the sweetness of living.
For the glad days delight.
For Each strand of love’s Entwining.
That yearly glows more bright.
Our thanks we say
On this Birth day.
Thurs. Dec. 19, 1912: Marion & Helen Horton of Pasadena were here to dinner, & took Evening train for home, with other Stanford students, for Vacation.
Fri. Dec. 20, 1912: Joel came for Vacation.
Sun. Dec. 22, 1912: The Vails with their Bro. And sister Sidwell from Iowa City were at meeting
Wed. Dec. 25, 1912: Eliza Yokum, and Arthur—Louisa & Morris were here to dinner and thro’ The Afternoon. Mrs. Margurite Brown, a Stanford Student from Indiana _______?
Fri. Dec. 27, 1912: from Cathie
Dear Father
As we draw near to the holiday time
Our Everyday prosiness turns to rhyme.
We deck table & house for friends that are near
To a tuneful jingle of love & cheer.
Our hearts glow warm for those afar
Feeling the blessing their friendships are.
All the past with its memories dear
Striking so close thro’ many a year.
And wishes for all the future too,
That strength may come daily refreshing as new.
And all the good things of the Xmas tide
Enter your hearts & there abide.
12/20/12 Lovingly Cathie.
Sat. Dec. 28, 1912: Lily and Catharine went to Saratoga to a picNic lunch at E. Parsons’s & C. Taber’s. Grace Whitney came for a visit.
Sun. Dec. 29, 1912: At Meeting, Galen A. Pierce spoke, L. S. B. C. followed, and a Stranger spoke. Wm. C. Allen prayed.
Dec. 29, 1912 Sunday page—(original Joel Bean poem written here)
Every river flowing Seaward
Leaves the scenes behind
Which its Surface once has mirrored
And its shores have lined.
But its onward current widens
And it calmer grows
Deepened by each tributary
That into it flows.
There are lives like such a river
Thro’ all loss and gain,
Widening, Deepening as they lengthen,
Towards the boundless Main
J. B.
Mon. Dec. 30, 1912: Anna & Catharine went to the wedding of Alice Chalfant & Pof. Allen at Stanford. Grace Whitney left for home.
Tues. Dec. 31, 1912: Rosamond Lawrence was here to dinner in the Eveng.
======= LAST DAILY ENTRY IN 1912 JOEL BEAN DIARY ===============
Set out Fig tree Cuttings front of Manao Hale 12 mo. 1911.
Set out Salway Peach 1/9/12 near N. W. corner of Manao Hale.
1/18 Planted 2 rows onion sets in orchard.
And Sun Flower Seeds by fence from wide gate to Sheppards gate.
JANUARY, 1912:
PD. L ----- 20.00
February 1912
Expenses of Journey to Southern Cala. 52.04
Gave for China 5.00 to E.H. 5.00 10.00
Pd L.S.B.C. 20.00
MARCH 1912
Pd. Plumber 1.50
Gave for I.M.C. Birthday 5.00
Pd. For Hat 5.00
Exp. To Los Gatos etc. 2.70
APRIL 1912
Exp. To Centerville 1.75
Semi Annual lunch 1.00
Pd. L. 20.00
Bath & fare .35
Medicine 1.25
Exp. To Mt. Hermon 4.10
MAY 1912
Gave for Good Cheer Club 1.00
Gave for Indians 1.00
Exp. To Los Gatos & Saratoga 1.00
Exp. To Stanford University 3.90
Gave C.M.C. for birthday 5.00
Medicine 2.50
For Cleaning Suit 1.50
Exp. To S. F. 1.85
RECD. From C. M. Cox
Collection for Ind. Assn. 21.75
Pd same to A.S.Bacon 21.75
JUNE 1912
Exp. To Milpitas 2.15 ?
Pd for Yarn .75
Due on 6Th. day on hat 1.25
Pd for cleaning Coat & Pants 1.50
Pd. Pluming bill 1.35
Medicine .75
JULY 1912
13 DUE FROM C.E.B. Cox 67.37
Pd on her Insurance to Vail & Eldredge
Returned 1.51
Bal. due 65.86 Settled written across acct.
Paid 65.86
26 Spent at P. Grove 145.00
Pd L. 10.00
Spent at Pacific Grove 145.00
Which included money given L. & A. for fares 9.00
Sent to Dover M. Mtg. 5.00
Sent A. M. Gove 5.00
Sent Mrs. Spencer 5.00
Gave L. for Entertainment of visitors 50.00
PD. A. L. Shaw for wood 56.00
5 cords oak’
Sent Sarah V. Lewis for College 5.00
Sawing Wood 4.50
Yarn & Socks 1.25
Expenses at P. Grove 38.65
Pd. L.S.B.C. 10.00
Pd L.S.B.C. 20.00
Gave Asso Charities 2.00
Pd Tax 11.64
Gave Anna (Birthday 5.00
Gave for Mtg. Lunch 1.00
GAVE for silver knife for I. M. C. 3.00
Whittier’s Poems for C.E.B.C. 2.00
Expenses at Hospital
Bills 20.00
Bills 98.30
Dr Wright 5.00
Dr. Jas. N.? Ward 170.00
Pd Dr. Ward 2.50
Exp. going to S. F. 4.10
December 1912
Blankets 2 prs? 4.00
6 chickens 6.00
Pd L. 20 + 5 25.00
Cleaning suit 1.50
In last pages of 1912 Diary, two Memorandum pages full of names, with titles:
SHAWLS with 18 names listed and colors beside names
SHAWLS KNIT with 23 names of friends and family members and colors.
(every month Joel list expenditures for yarn and stamps)
2 address found in back of diary: Thompson Hollingsworth (in Santa Cruz) and Susan Tomlinson Hallowell.
Rear fly leaf of diary has Index to Quotations with 14 places listed
===========================End of 1912 ===========================
END OF JOEL BEAN'S 1912 DIARY as edited by Tom M. King of San Jose, CA
Bean diary 1912
Joel Bean (1835-1914) and his wife, Hannah Elliott Bean (1830-1909), were prominent Quaker ministers in Iowa Yearly Meeting in the mid-nineteenth century when Quaker settlements were expanding in Iowa. Friends Historical Library holds a collection of Joel and Hannah Bean Papers (SFHL-RG5-012). Select materials were transcribed by Tom M. King of San Jose, CA, in 1998.
Bean, Joel, 1825-1914 (author)
King, Tom M. (transcriber)
born digital
Joel and Hannah Bean Papers--
Additional source material on the Beans may be found at the Quaker Collection, Haverford College Library. See especially the Papers of the Rufus M. Jones Collection, and the Papers of the College Park Association.