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1910 J. BEAN DIARY copied June 1996, recopied March 29, 1999
by Tom M. King of San Jose, CA. Quaker Meeting (College Park).
Joel Bean (1825-1914) moved to San Jose, California, in 1882 and kept 36 “Engagement Calendars” from 1883 to 1913, 30 years. A few years have “extra” diaries and 1886 is missing.
This 1910 diary is not typical of Joel’s diaries, a very small narrow booklet, size 2 3/4 by 5 1/4 inches, with seven dates pre-printed on each lined page . The title of the volume on the cover is 1910 LAIRD & LEE’S DIARY AND TIME-SAVER, Registered U.S. Pat. Off.. Inside the front cover are listed the 25 U.S. Presidents with facts about them, and the first sheet says “IDENTIFICATION” which is only written upon in Name and Address: “Joel Bean, San Jose, California”, and My Weight: “128”. Three pages of “useful information”, a map, charts, calendars, precede the first date, SEPTEMBER, 1909, Sun., 5. The end of this diary after Dec. 30 are three more “useful information” pages.
============================= 1910 ======================
Joel Bean’s 1910 Diary was copied into the Mackintosh Computer on Microsoft Word 5.1 at Swarthmore College Friends Historical Library by:
Tom M. King
393 Rutland Ave,
San Jose, CA 95128.
PHONE (408) 286-7157
or E-Mail
JOEL BEAN DIARY/CALENDAR--1910—(note Sept.---Dec. 1909 dates first)
Only dates with hand written or pasted in entries listed.
=========================1909 ==================
Sun. Sept. 5, 1909: I. M. Cox’s telephone. 718 at office (in S. F.).
Fri. Dec. 3, 1909: Left home for Honolulu. Sailed from S. F. on S. S. Lurline. Lily saw me off.
Sun. Dec. 5, 1909: Service on the Lurline by J. W. Wadman, Methodist minister.
Sat. Dec. 11, 1909: arrived in Honolulu. Met Isaac & Cathie and Joel on the Wharf.
Sun. Dec. 12, 1909: Attended Union Church. Heard Doremus Scudder.
Thurs. Dec. 16, 1909: A Birthday Reception in the p. m.(Joel Bean’s birth date)
Sun. Dec. 19, 1909: We attended Union Church. Heard W. B. Olson.
Sun. Dec. 26, 1909: C. & I attended National S. School & Christian Ch. & Service at 2 p. m. at the Hospital by J. W. Wadman.
Tues. Dec. 28, 1909: C. & I attended the Tuesday morning Class. Augustus Cantison spoke on the ascending scale of life.
Fri. Dec. 31, 1909: Cathie & I took Lunch at Mrs. Heapey’s (with Mrs. Pasco who boards there.)
===================== 1910 =======================
Mon. Jan. 3, 1910: Called at Mrs. Clark’s at Punahou & attended Gov. Frear’s Reception p. m. A great crowd present.
Tues. Jan. 4, 1910: Attended (with C.) The Tuesday Morning Class, & read Paper.
Wed. Jan. 5, 1910: Sewing Circle at C.E.B.C’s 18 or 20 women present. Read A Parable from Nature.
Fri. Jan. 7, 1910: Heard Canon Simpson in the a. m. Attended Reception at Agnes Mavin’s p. m.
Sat. Jan. 8, 1910: Mrs. Heapey & Mrs. Pascoe took Lunch here.
Sun. Jan. 9, 1910: Attend Bible Class & Mtg. At Union Church. At Leahi Hospital p. m. Met Mrs. Ed. Damon.
Mon. Jan. 10, 1910: We called on Mrs. Bishop & Shaw at Oromel Gulick’s and Alfred Gurrey’s in the p. m.
Tues. Jan. 11, 1910: attended Tuesday Morning Class—Subject “Overcoming fear”.
Thur. Jan. 13, 1910: Went to Anti Tuberculosis Mtg. P. m. in the Throne Room.
Fri. Jan. 14, 1910: Attended Canon? Simpson’s Class.
Sat. Jan. 15, 1910: Went to the Aquarium in the p. m.
Sun. Jan. 16, 1910: I Attended Bible class & Episcopal Ch. Heard Bishop Restarick. We al took supper at Frank Cooke’s.
Tues. Jan. 18, 1910: Attended Tues. Morn. Class. Went to see Mrs. Cooke & Miss. Zumwalt off, on the Lurline at 5 p. m.
Wed. Jan. 19, 1910: We Attended Agnes Weaver’s Lecture on The Greek religion & Literature.
Thur. Jan. 20, 1910: Agnes Weaver here to Lunch.
Fri. Jan. 21, 1910: Attended Canon Simpson’s class.
Sat. Jan. 22, 1910: Cathie, Joel & I went to Wahiawa, to H. C. Brown’s.
Sun. Jan. 23, 1910: We returned from Wahiawa in the p. m. and C. & I stopped to a great Mtg. In the Eveng. At The Kawaiahau.
Mon. Jan. 24, 1910: Went to see the S. S. Cleveland off with 650 passengers. The Manchuria Sailed near the same time, 5 p. m.
Tues. Jan. 25, 1910: We attended the Tuesday Morning Class. Subject Peace. At Reception at E. A. Weaver’s in the afternoon.
Wed. Jan. 26, 1910: Sewing Circle at Robt. Anderson’s. About 20 present.
Fri. Jan. 28, 1910: Attended Canon Simpson’s Class, and took Lunch at Agnes Weaver’s with Mrs. Galt & Van Holt & Love?.
Sat. Jan. 29, 1910: Margaret Clark here for the day. Other callers.
Sun. Jan. 30, 1910: At Bible Class & Union Church. Prof. Scott here to Lunch.
Mon. Jan. 31, 1910: Isaac took me to The Men’s League of the Union Ch. In the Evening. About 170 present at super & to hear Robt. Burdetts.
Tues., Feb. 1, 1910: At this morning class Subject Concentration. About 8 war vessels are in the harbor.
Wed. Feb. 2, 1910: Mrs. Theodore Richards called.
Fri. Feb. 4, 1910: We attended Canon Simpson’s Class.
Tues. Feb. 8, 1910: Miss. Newcomb led the T. Morn. Class. Callers afternoon & Eveng.: Mrs. Gurney, Heapey, Sweezy, Miss. .Hoppir, Mr. & Mrs. Bryan?.
Wed. Feb. 9, 1910: Sewing Circle at Mrs. Bernalt’s in the morning. We went to Chinese New Year’s Reception at Consul’s & Clubs.
Thur. Feb. 10, 1910: Mrs. Goodale here to Lunch. Miss. Whilford in the Eveng.
Fri. Feb. 11, 1910: Attended Canon Simpson’s Class. We all took dinner at the Mead’s in the Eveng.
Sat. Feb. 12: S. S. Cleveland with some 700 passengers in port. We met Prof. Thos. Trueblood & wife at Punahou & heard her recital of Silas Marner.
Sun. Feb. 13, 1910: I attended A. Ebersole’s Bible Class, & went with I. & C. to the Cathedral Ch. Heard Bishop Restarick.
Mon. Feb. 14, 1910: C. M. Shipley, E. C. Winnet?, Susan G. Shipley arrived on The Manchuria. Took Rooms at The Hawaiian Hotel. Came out here to dinner in Eveng.
Tues. Feb. 15, 1910: We attended morning Class together & lunched at the G. W. C. A. Rooms.
Wed. Feb. 16, 1910: We took Lunch with the party at Young Hotel.
Lily & James arrived at 5 p. m. on the S. S. Wilhelmina.
Thur. Feb. 17, 1910: Cathie had a large Reception for her Guests in the afternoon.
Fri. Feb. 18, 1910: We all attended Canon Simpson’s Lecture.
Sat. Feb. 19, 1910: We went to the Aquarium at Waikiki in the p. m. Susan G. Shipley here for the Eveng.
Sun. Feb. 20, 1910: At the Cathedral at 10 Service for the Hawaiians by Canon Simpson At the Union Ch. At 11. Dr. Scudder.
Mon. Feb. 21, 1910: We went up the Pololo Valley.
Tues. Feb. 22, 1910: The Floral Parade. A wonderful Pageant. Canon Simpson & wife & two boys here to dinner in the Eveng.
Wed. Feb. 23, 1910: At The Tuesday Class held this morning.
Thur. Feb. 24, 1910: A large Reception to hear my Recollections of Whittier & his Friends.
Fri. Feb. 25, 1910: Canon Simpson’s lecture was on Forgiving. We all took lunch at Mrs. Atherton’s, met Miss. Tapborn??
Sat. Feb. 26, 1910: We went to The Pali in Lewis’s AutoMobile.
Sun. Feb. 27, 1910: At Central Union Ch. Heard Robt. Burdette on The Overhanging Bough.
Tues. Mar. 1, 1910: Lily spoke at T. M. Class. On Emmanuil Movemt. C. M. S. came to stay a few days.
Wed. Mar. 2, 1910: C. M. S. called on Judge Hartwell. Miss. Pope & her sister from Chicago, Mrs. Prosser, here in the Evening.
Thur. Mar. 3, 1910: C. M. S. & Cathie & I drove to Alfred Gurrey’s.
Fri. Mar. 4, 1910: At Canon Simpson’s Class. Jas. & I attend the Mo. Mtg. Of The Hawaiian Evangelical Association at 2 p. m.
Sat. Mar. 5, 1910: Took lunch at Prof. Thompsen’s. Visited Museum & went to Frank Damon’s & Moanalua. F. D. took us thro. Japanese Gardens. Took tea at Tea House.
Sun. Mar. 6, 1910: Jas. & I attended Bible Class & went with Cathie to Native Church –Henry Parker’s. We went to Alfred Gurreys to supper.
Mon. Mar. 7, 1910: Attended Gov. Frear’s Reception. Met Robt. Buradette & wife. Mr. Newcomb, etc.
Tues. Mar. 8, 1910: I attended T. M. Class. C. M. S., S. G. S., Jas. B., L.S.B.C. & I went to Castle Home to Lunch with Mother Bishop etc.
Wed. Mar. 9, 1910: L. & C. & I called at F. Cooks’s & Mother Lydgates.
Thur. Mar. 10, 1910: L. & C. & I were at Mrs. Gurrey’s Studio in the forenoon. We all went to Waikiki to tea with Miss. Whitford & visited Gov. Cleghorn’s place.
Fri. Mar. 11, 1910: At Canon Simpson’s Class -- L. & C. went to Mrs. Scudder’s Reception in p. m.
Sat. Mar. 12, 1910: L. & C. heard Agnes Weaver at Art Club on New Thought in old Athens. Read Recollections of Whittier at College Club, at Prof. Alexander’s.
Sun. Mar. 13, 1910: At Bible Class and Central Union Church.
Mon. Mar. 14, 1910: Lydia B. Coan & Neice Mrs. Brown called in the a. m. We went to Lunalilo Home. Mrs. Weaver 8 had tea under the Banyan tree.
Tues. Mar. 15, 1910: L. & I attended T. M. Class. Catten’s in the p. m. a dozen or more.
Small piece of paper Inserted in Diary: Callers: 3/15/10
Mrs. Uldrick Thompson, Miss. Julia Gulick, Mrs. O. H. Gulick, Johy Gulick, Mrs. Wm. G. Wester, Mrs. F. Dodge, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Birndt, Mrs. Dimond, Mrs. Elizabeth Heindrick.
Wed. Mar. 16, 1910: Saw Moving pictures in the eveng. The Surf Swimmers, The Leper Isld. & The Volcano.
Fri. Mar. 18, 1910: At Canon Simpson’s class. Lizzie Winn staid here.
Sat. Mar. 19, 1910: L. W. & L. S. B. C. took Hinnwah T. Cookes. L. Winn here.
Sun. Mar. 20, 1910: Meeting at home. We took Supper at Canon Simpson’s.
Mon. Mar. 21, 1910: Round The Isld. In Automobile in 8 hours with two for lunch at Wailua. 7 in party.
Tues., Mar. 22, 1910: L. & I at T. M. Class. Subject—“Attainment” Mrs. ________? & Miss. Reed called. Phili – party here to dinner & S. G. S. for the night.
Wed. Mar. 23, 1910: Our party took Lunch at Outrigger’s Club, with Agnes Weaver. Afternoon tea at Mrs. Sweezey’s.
Thurs. Mar. 24, 1910: C. & I called on L. B. Coran?, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Dodge, Mrs. Kindrick, Dr. Scudder & Mrs. Thos. Richards. I went with Phila. Party & L. B. Coen & Mrs. Thompson to Pacific Heights to afternoon tea at Mrs. Coleman’s.
Fri. Mar. 25, 1910: Prepared all for Voyage.
Sat. Mar. 26, 1910: L. & Jas. & I sailed on S. S. Wilhelmina at 10 a. m. for S. F. C. M. S., S. G. S., & E. G. W. sailed on S. S. Siberia at 10:30 a. m. Many came to see us off.
Sun. Mar. 27, 1910: C. N. Pond of Oberlin conducted Service on the ship. (sidewise over Mar. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, written: On the Wilhelmina
At table the Wittington family, Mrs. Brown, Mr. White of Pecos, J. B. Castle were near us with Chief Engineer at the head.
Fri. April 1, 1910: We arrived in S. F. about 6 p. m. Met Chas. & Catharine at the Wharf. Arrived home about 8 p. m.
Sat. April 2, 1910: C.M.S.—S.G.S. & E.C.W. came from S. F.
Sun. April 3, 1910: Mo. Mtg. Largely attended. A. T. Murray, C. M. S., S. G. S. etc. spoke. The Phila. Party left at 4 p. m. for S. F. & home journey.
Tues. April 5, 1910: Mr. Brown & wife Elizabeth of Chicago here to lunch.
Wed. April 6, 1910: Lily & I took supper at Anna Taber’s at Saratoga: & called on Madam Brun & Justine.
Sun. Apr. 10, 1910: Anna Hogg from Dublin, Ireland, was at Mtg. & dined here with Chas. Pike from Los Gatos.
Wed. Apr. 13, 1910: Elizabeth Shelley called.
Thurs. April 14, 1910: Mrs. Chace & Byron & Martha and Grance Chase from Ohio were here to dinner & Lizbeth & Anna Bean other Frd. Miss. Smith? Here in the Eveng.
Sun. April 17, 1910: Attended Mtg. At Norman School Hall at 3 p. m. & heard addresses on Juvenile Court by Prin. Avry? Of High School. Father Uasng? Of Palo alto, Gordon Gosberg?& -------? Hatch of S. F.
Tues. April 19, 1910: Lily went to San Francisco.
Fri. April 22, 1910 I attended the Funeral of Elizabeth Pogue at Santa Clara. Lily returned home.
(sidewise across April 26 & 27:, 1910 Mrs. Atherton of Honolulu Kate & Miss. Flaxman & Frank called on 6th Day p. m. the 28th.
Apr. 28, 1910 Thurs.--We called at the Cousin Bean’s home on The Alameda in the Eve. Catharine’s friend Georgie Hardy here for the night.
Sat. April 30, 1910: The children went for a picnic with the Bacon Sisters & others.
Sun. May 1, 1910: Lucle ? Pierce was at Mtg. & Mrs. Chase’s company & others----Over 30. The Chase’s called in the Evening.
Mon. May 2, 1910: Eight young theological Students of Anna’s Class at U. P. came to hear my paper (at 5 p. m.) on “Spiritual Approach to God.”
Tues. May 3, 1910, Lily went to S.F. With Mrs. Williams in her Automobile.
May 4, 1910, Wed, Lily returned from S. F..
May 7, 1910, Sat--Semi Annual Mtg. Elizabeth M. Sherman staid here. Prof. Keyes here to dinner & Eveng.
Sun. May 8, 1910: E. M. Sherman, Prof. Keyes, James Bean, Geo. N. Jones, and Mrs. Bingham here to dinner.
Wed, May 11, 1910: Rose Carnival in S. J. The School Children's’ Parade. 6000 in procession.
Thur. May 12, 1910: The great parade of Floats in The Rose Carnival. Francis Morse took us in Automobile to S. J.
Fri. May 13, 1910: Had a short call from Mrs. Frank Cooke of Honolulu & Miss. Shore? Of Cupertino.
Mon. May 16, 1910: We all took supper at David Satterthwaite’s.
Tues. May 17, 1910: I went to P. Grove.
Thurs. May 19, 1910: I returned home from P. G.
Fri. May 20, 1910: Florence Cadman came here. Paul Cadman here to dinner.
Sat. May 21, 1910: Attended Academy Commencement at U. P. Heard Dr. McQuilkin’s address.
Sun. May 22, 1910: Paul Cadman here to dinner with his sister. We heard Pres. Guth’s Baccalaureate Sermon at U. P.
Mon. May 23, 1910: Lily & the rest went to Stanford Commencement.
Tues. May 24, 1910: We attended Commencement at U. P. Heard a fine address from Prof. Jenkins.
Wed. May 25, 1910: Florence Cadman left.
Fri. May 27, 1910: Attended Q. Mtg. Of Indian Asso-- Harry Doan? Had a paper on Santa Clara Indians before the Missions.
Wed. June 1, 1910: L. & A. & I attended wedding of Gertrude M. South in the Eveng. Edith Parsons came & staid here after wedding.
Thurs. June 2: I went to P. Grove.
Sat. June 4, 1910 I returned from P. Grove.
Sun. June 5, 1910: Mo. Conference, over 30 present. Lily & Chas. Went with Mrs. Williams in her Auto Mobile to S. F.
Mon. June 6, 1910: Anna went to Berkeley. Alvin Cox & family Sailed for Manila. Lily returned from S. F. I attended Minister’s Mtg.
Fri. June 10, 1910: Lily & I went to Cupertino to call on the Maxwells.
Sun. June 12, 1910: C.M.C. & I called on Jennie Pogue.
Tues. June 14, 1910: Catharine & I went P. Grove. Anna returned home from Berkeley.
Thurs. June 16, 1910: I went home to attend the Funeral of Madame Brun at 2 p. m.
Fri. June 17, 1910: I returned to The Grove.
Sun. June 19, 1910: I attended at Ch. Church. C. & I called on Mrs. Kershaw at Ralph Gregoreys.
Tues. June 21, 1910: Lily & Anna came to The Grove.
Sun, June 26, 1910: We attended Presbyterian Mtg. Pastor -------- Snyder preached.
Wed. June 29, 1910: Nella Murray & family came to Cottage 117----
Thur. June 30, 1910: Wm. Moore & family came to the Cottage opposite ours for a month or two.
Sun. July 3, 1910: 17 at our Morning Reading & Meeting. Charles Cox came to stay over the 4th.
Mon. July 4, 1910: A Beach pic Nic supper with Murrays, Moores, Bert Bean’s family, Whitneys, L. DeNervand etc.
Tues. July 5, 1910: Chas. left on 8:10 train for S. F.
Thur. July 7, 1910: Wm. Moore’s family took lunch with us on the Beach. Mrs. Whitney & Grace had us with Lily DeN. & Miss. Murray etc. to afternoon tea on their porch.
Sat. July 9, 1910: Lily and Anna went home.
Sun, July 10, 1910: We heard Bishop Nichols at Epis. Church.
Tues. July 12, 1910: I went home. Chautauqua begins.
Wed. July 13, 1910: I returned to The Grove. Heard Col. Bain in the p. m. & Bishop Hughes in the Evening on “The Autobiography of a Boy”.
Thur. July 14, 1910: Heard Dr. Adams Bible Lesson on Romans. And Col. -----------? & Dr. R. on Boy Scouts. And F. F. Stubbings on Trial of Christ from legal standpoint.
Fri. July 15, 1910: Heard Dr. Adams on Preachers Guyler,? Bishop Simpson, Talmadge Beecher, and Gov. Folk of Missouri in the Evening.
Sat. July 16, 1910: We went to the PicNic & Annual Round Table at Moss Beach
Sun. July 17, 1910: 15 at our morning reading & Mtg.
Mon. July 18, 1910: Brush the Magician at Chautauqua in the Eveng.
Wed. July 20, 1910: Heard Maurice Connell on Artic Expeditions. Heard Prof. Banningardt on Fjords & Fjecbvds of Norway with magic lantern views.
Thurs. July 21, 1910: Heard Elizabeth Lowe Watson on Peace in a. m. and on the “New Woman” p. m.
Fri. July 22, 1910: Catharine went to picnic at Carmel. Esther Macumber gave recitations at Chautauqua.
Sun, July 24, 1910: I attended Cong. Church. 16 at our Morning Mtg.
Wed. July 27, 1910: Cathie & I went with Wm. Morris’s horse & carriage & got 3 sacks of cones. Leslie & Frances Morse called.
Thur. July 28, 1910: C. & I & L. DeN. Went a round with Lester & Frances Morse in their Automobile to Pebble Beach & over the Mountains.
Fri. July 29, 1910: Made Scrapple.
Sat. July 30, 1910: I went with L. DeN. & Mrs. Theodore Smith to picnic at Pebble Beach with Lester & Frances Morse & for Auto ride over the mountain.
Sun. July 31, 1910: I went to C. S. Church.
Mon. Aug. 1, 1910: Lily DeNervand went home. C. & I called on the Shippards.
Tues. Aug.. 2, 1910: Augustus Murray arrived from the East. C. & I went for Cones.
Wed. Aug. 3, 1910: We went to Sea Side to PicNic under “The Tree” with Miss. Murray, the Moores & Whitneys and Archdeacon Swan & family & sister Mrs. Nelson.
Sun. Aug. 7, 1910: We attended Cong. Ch. After our Mtg. Here in the Cottage. 17 present.
Tues. Aug. 9, 1910: C. & I. Went for Cones.
Sat. Aug. 13, 1910: Lily came to The Grove.
Sun. Aug. 14, 1910: 18 at Mtg. I went to Colored Church.
Mon. Aug. 15, 1910: I went to San Jose.
Tues., Aug. 16, 1910: Voted at Primary Election. Recd. A call from Mary Pike of Dublin. B. & W. Jones with Anna & me to supper.
Wed. Aug. 17, 1910: I returned to the Grove. Catharine went home.
Sun. Aug. 21, 1910: 12 at mtg. A. & Nella Murray unable to attend. I attended Baptist Mtg. in the Rink.
Thurs. Aug. 25, 1910: Wm. Moore’s family left for home.
Fri. Aug. 26, 1910: Augustus & Nella Murray returned home.
Sat. Aug. 27, 1910: F. & E. Gifford left for home. Joel B. Cox came to the Grove.
Sun. Aug. 28, 1910: Went to Ch. Church.
Mon. Aug. 29, 1910: Joel returned to S. Jose. Lindley Murray went home.
Wed. Aug. 31, 1910: Lily & I returned home from Pacific Grove.
Sat. Sept. 3, 1910: Joel came from Palo Alto.
Sun. Sept. 4, 1910: Monthly Meeting. Vails, Moores, Pikes etc. present. L. & I called at G. N. Jones’s.
Sun. Sept. 11, 1910: Frd. Pierce was at Mtg. And spoke.
Wed. Sept. 14, 1910: Cathie Townsend of Pasadena & Abby Roberts called in the Eveng.
Fri. Sept. 16, 1910: M. A. Buchan & wife (nee Winslow) of Palo Alto called. Lucy Washburn took supper here.
Tues. Sept. 20, 1910: I attended marriage of T. C. Edwards’s daughter Sara Ruth, by invitation at Cong. Ch. In the Evening.
Wed. Sept. 21, 1910: the Sewing Circle re-commenced here. Near 20 present.
Thur. Sept. 22, 1910: I went to Pacific Grove.
G. & W. B. Jones went Pacific Grove to our Cottage.
Fri. Sept. 23, 1910: Anna went to The Grove for the week end.
Sat. Sept. 24, 1910: Methodist Conference at P. Grove.
Sun. Sept. 25, 1910: We heard Bishop Hughes at Assembly Hall which was filled, standing room & all.
Mon. Sept. 26, 1910: Anna & I returned from The Grove
Fri. Sept. 30, 1910: Lily went Chemeketa with Lisbeth & Anna Bean. Wm. Morse & wife called in the Eveng.
Oct. 2, 1910, Sun--Monthly (Social) Mtg., about 26 present. G. & W. Jones gave account of their journey to Indiana & New England.
Sat. Oct. 8, 1910 Went to an afternoon Tea at Mrs. Judge Archers for the Needle Work Guild. Probably 70 to 90 present.
Sun. Oct. 9, 1910: Hannah Gover & son Harold, dined here. We all took supper at Eliza Yocum’s.
Fri. Oct. 14, 1910: Anna went to Walter Vail’s.
Sat. Oct. 15, 1910: Louise Yocum staid here.
Sun. Oct. 16, 1910: Anna returned. We all took dinner at Geo. Jones’s, with Paul Brun.
Mon. Oct. 17, 1910: Attended the National Purity League Mtg., addressed by speakers from the East.
Tues. Oct. 18, 1910: Attended the Funeral of Wm. T. Mayare?.
Fri. Oct. 21, 1910: Cousin Ellen R. Smith here to lunch. Paul Brun & Saml. Haines here to dinner in the Evening. Chas. Came home from S. F.
Sun. Oct. 23, 1910: Wm. C. Allen & wife were at Mtg. And dined here.
Tues. Oct. 25, 1910: Chas. & David Satterthwaite went camping in Santa Cruz Mts. Mary Field called on us.
Fri. Oct. 28, 1910: Lily & went to Los Gatos. Called at C. Pikes & on Belle Lawrence & took lunch with Wm. Allen & wife at the Hotel.
Sat. Oct. 29, 1910: Chas. & David Satterthwaite returned from camping trip.
Mon. Oct. 30, 1910: Wm. & Elizabeth Allen called.
Thur. Nov. 3, 1910 Belle & Eloise Mabury called. Just returned from Honolulu.
Sat. Nov. 5, 1910: Semi Annual Mtg. Wm. C. Allen & wife present.
Sun. Nov. 6, 1910: Wm. & Elizabeth Allen at Mtg. And called here in the p. m. Chas. Pike & Ed. Hyde & wife dined here
Mon. Nov. 7, 1910: I went to Palo Alto. Read Essay on Peace at Cong. Men’s Club in the Eveng. Staid at Walter E. Vail’.
Tues. Nov. 8, 1910: Lily went to Palo Alto, & we called on the Buchans, Miss. Hardy & Mrs. Osborne & took lunch at Ann Heralds.
Wed. Nov. 9, 1910: Attended the Annual Mtg. Of The Indian Assn.
Sat. Nov. 26, 1910: Mary Alice & Susan Kelley arrived tonight from Los Angeles.
Sun. Nov. 27, 1910: Mary Wetherall here to dinner.—Kelley Sisters here.
Mon. Nov. 28, 1910: The Cousins Kelleys went to James’s.
Wed. Nov. 30, 1910: Mary Cope & her daughter Grace here from Salem, Oregon.
Thur. Dec. 1, 1910: M. Cope & daughter left.
Sun. Dec. 4, 1910: Mo. Mtg. Chas. Pike read interesting Papers on Friends in Ireland.
Mon. Dec. 5, 1910: Attended Ministers’ Mtg.
Tues. Dec. 6, 1910: Attended the Funeral of Mrs. Patchell, at Cong. Ch.
Wed. Dec. 7, 1910: Lily went to S. F. to Frances Morse’s.
Fri. Dec. 9, 1910: Lily returned from S. F.
Mon. Dec. 26, 1910: Jas. B., M. A. & S. Kelley, Eliza Yokum & Arthur, Louise & Morris here to dinner.
Sat, Dec. 31, 1910--An earthquake early in the morning, quite heavy.
=========LAST ENTRY FOR 1910 ============================
Bean diary 1910
Joel Bean (1835-1914) and his wife, Hannah Elliott Bean (1830-1909), were prominent Quaker ministers in Iowa Yearly Meeting in the mid-nineteenth century when Quaker settlements were expanding in Iowa. Friends Historical Library holds a collection of Joel and Hannah Bean Papers (SFHL-RG5-012). Select materials were transcribed by Tom M. King of San Jose, CA, in 1998.
Bean, Joel, 1825-1914 (author)
King, Tom M. (transcriber)
born digital
Joel and Hannah Bean Papers--
Additional source material on the Beans may be found at the Quaker Collection, Haverford College Library. See especially the Papers of the Rufus M. Jones Collection, and the Papers of the College Park Association.