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1906 J. BEAN DIARY, copied Nov 16, 1998 and March 1999
by Tom M. King of San Jose, CA. Quaker Meeting (College Park).
from the Joel Bean Papers, Friends Historical Library, Swarthmore College, Pa.
Joel Bean (1825-1914) moved to San Jose, California, in 1882 and kept 36 “Engagement Calendars” from 1883 to 1913, 30 years. A few years have “extra” diaries and 1886 is missing.
This 1906 diary is typical of Joel’s diaries, a black leather bound but smaller volume about 2 X 4 inches cover, which has been lost leaving only the fringe of leather on the thick paper cover, about an inch thick, with only one date pre-printed on each page . The title of the volume is The Excelsior Diary 1906, from unknown publisher. The first about 20 pages are useful references, charts, and a 1906 calendar, but no mention of place of publication..
Only dates with hand written entries are listed.
============================= 1906 ============================
ON FRONT FLYLEAF: Joel Bean, from his Granddaughters, Xmas 1905.
Jan 1, 1906 Mon: James & Elizabeth & H. E. B. & I went to Cousin Fred Smith’s to dinner, with Geo & H. B. Jones.
Jan 6, 1906 Fri: H. E. B. & Anna Cox & I went to Saratoga on the Interurban Car & dined with Anna & Cornelia Tabor & Edith Parsons. Prof Anderson & Robert dined with Lily. Alvin Cox came in the Evening.
Jan 8, 1906 Mon: James & Elizabeth & Elma here in the Evening.
Jan 9,1906 Tues: We attended the funeral of Dr. Clement E. Babb at the Second Presbyterian Ch. at 10.30.
Jan 23, 1906 Tues: James & Elizabeth and Elma here to dinner. A new Comfort was tacked.??
Oliver Kenworthy & wife & daughter-in-law & her Mother called in the afternoon Also Wm. P. & Caroline Hunnicutt.
Jan 24, 1906 Wed: Lily went to Palo Alto for 2 or 3 days visit with Eliza Yocum. Elizabeth Shelley was here to Evening dinner and in the Evening.
Jan 25, 1906 Thur: “Mr” Withrow Sowed on my lots on Equal Shares, of hay to be put in barn.
Jan 28, 1906 Sun: We attended the Funeral of Jane Griffin at 2 p. m. Called on E. Davis & S. M. Severance.
Jan 29, 1906 Mon: We attended Minister’s Mtg with Jas & Elizabeth. Heard Dr. Kochue?? Address the Mtg.
Feb 2, 1906 Fri: Sewing Circle here in the p. m. Present: E. B. Miles, Elma Bean, Abbie Roberts, “Mrs” Sheppard, Mrs. Nelson, “Mrs” Holm, “Mrs” Hobson, Clara Townsend.
Feb 4, 1906 Sun: Walter & Deborah Vail were at Mtg. & dined at Jas B’s We called with Jas in the p. m. on Benj-a- J. Leeds. & Sarah Packard 1339 First St., S. J.
Feb 5, 1906 Mon: James & Elizabeth & Elma here in the Evening
Feb 9, 1906 Fri: I went to Pacific Grove. Pliny Goddard & family came to our Cottage 117 at P. Grove.
Feb 11, 1906 Sun: Eli Jepson from Lynn, Mass., was at Meeting. I returned home from P. Grove.
Feb 12, 1906 Mon: Eli Jepson of Lynn, Mass.was here to dinner & in the Eve ng---
Feb 13, 1906 Tues: We called on B. F. Leeds.
Feb 20, 1906 Tues: Albert & Mary Tebbetts came to James’s. I met them in the Evening.
Feb 25, 1906 Sun: Our Meeting was made the occasion of the Funeral of Benj-a—Franklin Leeds-----Sarah Leeds came here to dinner and stay for a few days.
Feb 28, 1906 Wed: Sarah B. Leeds left on her return to Phila.
Mar 1, 1906, Thur: (Charles) Albert & Mary (Hill Bean) Tebbetts, E. B. Miles (Elizabeth R. Bean Miles, Mary's twin sister and Joel and James Bean's sisters), & James. And Cousin Elma Bean spent the day here. A sweet Re-Union.
Mar 7, 1906 Wed: I went to Stanford University and heard Lecture by Prof. Wm. James, and Dean Hodges. The latter on Life of Paul {Paul in Achaia?}
Mar 11, 1906 Sun: Sam-l Bucknell from St. Louis staid here.
Mar 13, 1906 Tues: Sam-l Bucknell here to supper.
May 20, 1906 Tues: Charles and Anna and Catharine went to Santa Rosa to attend Alvin’s marriage. H. E. B. with Jas. & Elizabeth attended Indian Asso. Mtg in the afternoon.
Mar 21, 1906 Wed: Alvin Cox and Amelia Barnett were married at Santa Rosa. Chas & Anna returned from Santa Rosa in the Evening.
Mar 22, 1906 Thur: I went with Charles, to San Francisco to See Alvin & Amelia off on the S. S. Korea for Manila via Honolulu. Chas & Morris & Catharine & Amelia’s Brothers and Sister & Walter Vail & I were at the Dock when the vessel sailed at 1 o’clock a pleasant day-- Albert & Elizabeth & Jas here in The Evening.
Mar 30, 1906 Fri: Allen Jay here in the Afternoon & Evening I called with him at Wm. P. Hunicutts, & Stephen Jones’s etc He went to Jas B’s to stay.
April 5, 1906 Thur: H. E. B. went with Jas & Albert & Elizabeth to call on Elizabeth Shelley and at Oliver Kenworthy’s.
Apr 6, 1906 Fri: James & Albert & Mary & Elizabeth & Elma Bean here to dinner.
Apr 8, 1906 Sun: Hannah L. Bailey of Maine was at Mtg. With Emily Gerowect ??? E. H. Shelley & H. S. Bailey prayed. Jas. & H. E. B. & W B. Jones & Walter Vail spoke. Also C. A. Tebbetts. E. H. Shelley dined with us.
Apr. 18, 1906 Wed: The great Earthquake between 5 & 6 in the morning. Followed by shocks & trembles thro the day. Two of our chimneys broken off. Terrible wrecks near & in San Jose & S. F. etc. Albert & Mary here thro the day, & Elizabeth part of the day. We all slept out tonight. H. & I on our South Porch.
Apr 27, 1906 Fri: Albert & Mary left here for James’s after several days here.
Apr 28, 1906 Sat: Semi Annual Mtg.
Apr 29, 1906 Sun: E. B. Miles here to dinner.
Apr 30, 1906 Mon: Albert & Mary Tebbetts left in the Evening for home---- E. B. Miles with them.
May 1, 1906 Tues: Asa Staples arrived from Iowa------ Went to James’s for lodging
May 3, 1906 Thur: Asa Staples here to Lunch & dinner.
May 4, 1906 Fri: Asa Staples here.
May 5, 1906 Sat: Asa Staples left for San Luis Obispo & Southern California
May 6, 1906 Sun: We called on Ellenor Davis in the afternoon. Geo. & W. B. Jones here in the Evening.
May 22, 1906 Tues: We attended the Pastors’ Annual Pic-Nic at Congress Springs, Saratoga. James & Elma attended. Went by InterUrban Railway. Dined at E. S. Williams table with “Mrs” Dr Davy of S. J. & “Mrs” Ellis sister from Oberlin & others. Some hundreds present. Addresses by Dr. Kelley, T. H. Lawson??—Travis?? & others.
May 30, 1906 Wed: H. E. B. went with Anna & Catharine to Los Gatos & dined at Milton Lawrence’s
June 12, 1906 Tues: H. E. B. & I left home for Honolulu. T. H. having secured passage on the S. S. Korea. We went on board, & were detained 8 days before sailing on account of a Dock laborers Strike in San Francisco.
June 17, 1906 Sun: I went from the S. S. Korea to the Friends Mtg. At Berkeley. Met there Gurney and Elizabeth Binford of Ait’s?? Japan and with them dined at Addison Naylor’s
June 20, 1906 Wed: We sailed on the Korea from San Francisco—for Honolulu. Gurney & Elizabeth Binford bound for Japan were our agreeable fellow passengers. {with many other.} Several Friends came over with them from Berkeley to see them & us off.
June 26, 1906 Tues: We arrived in Honolulu, in the morning. Were met at the wharf by Isaac & Cathie & Joel & Mrs. Heapy?? & others. “Miss” Haven called on us. ”Mr” Clark, a graduate of Stanford took dinner at Isaac’s. His wife was a Morse of Santa Clara.
June 27, Wed, 1906: Frank Cooke called in the morning and Prof. Sweazey (Entomologist) and his wife, and her Mother Mrs. Walsh in the Evening. Mrs. Walsh is from Cleveland, Ohio. Her home is next to? John D. Rockefeller’s.
June 28, 1906 Thurs: Callers were Dr. Rogers & wife. Teacher Eskew & wife, and Nar? Lous? Under Secretary of Chinese Consul. The last was a Student in the College in Catharine’s class.
June 29, 1906 Fri: We had calls from Mary Fleming of Maui (Sister of Agnes) & Laura Green. Also from Mrs. Lydgate, Mother-in-law of Frank Cooke; and Mrs. Pettis & Miss. Hasforth of the College, and Mrs. Frank Dodge.
June 30, 1906 Sat: Agnes Weaver came in her carriage and took H.E.B.a drive to Waikiki and Diamond Head.
July 1, 1906 Sun: Cathie and I attended Union Church and heard a helpful Sermonby Dr. J. Walter Sylvester.
July 2, 1906 Mon: Mrs. Serno Bishop and her daugher Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Thwing, wife of Chinese Missionary, Mrs. Overind, a teacher, and Mrs. Rogers and Agnes Weaver called.
July 3, 1906 Tues: Mrs. Walsh brot. us a Night Blooming Ceres in full bloom, a gorgeous flower from the wall of the College Ground, where the vines cover the stone wall for a long distance. It blooms two or three times a year.
We called with Cathie on Martha Chamberlain. Philip & Agnes Weaver dined with us; and the Ewarts & Josepine C. Locke called in the Evening.
July 4, 1906 Wed: Otto Sweezey with his wife & mother came in the Evng. And he helped Joel with fireworks.
July 5, 1906 Thurs: Commenced History Reading with Cathie. Mrs. Gurrey and Little Gwendolin called. We went withCathie to Mrs. F. Dodge’s at 3 p. m. to the Meeting on ______?? Thought.” It was addressed by Mr. Camteson of Kani.
July 6, Fri. 1906: Mrs. Susan D. Heapey came to Lunch and left for Maui, to spend part of her vacation at Wailuku at C. B. Wells’s. Letters Recd. From Homeland.
Cathie read in the Eveng. from Scribner (last Dec. & Jan. numbers) the Story on “The Dawn of a Tomorrow.”
July 7, 1906 Sat.: We called at Dr. Rogers’. Miss. Robinson of the Kamihaha School called, at teacher from Palo Alto.
July 8, 1906 Sun.: H.E.B. and Cathie & I went to Union Church. The Gurneys’ called in the Evening. Cathie read the story of Lincoln in last Scribner.
July 10, 1906 Tues: Mrs. Ellen Armstrong Weaver called with a basket of Isld. Fruit – a Sister of Gen. Armstrong.
July 12, 1906 Thurs: We went to Mount Tantalus to spend two weeks, in Judge Greer’s Cottages, which was offered freely to Cathie for our use. H. E. B. & I went by carriage 8 miles, with supplies. Cathie & Jol & their maid, Nakagami, went by St. Car up Manoa Valley, and then up the mountain on foot. Isaac followed in the Eveng.
July 13, 1906 Fri: At Nahelehau, Judge Freer’s Cot. A charming spot. A grand view looking down into Manoa Valley and out over the Bay.
July 14, 1906 Sat: Isaac came up to stay over First day. We called at the Waterhouse place.
July 16, 1906 Mon: Cathie went down the mountain and spent the night at home.
July 17, 1906 Tues: Cathie came back and Isaac came up for a day or two.
July 18, 1906 Wed.: Alfred Gurney & wife & baby Gwendolan ______ came to join our party in the Cottage. Nakagami left us.
July 19 1906 Thurs: Alfred Gurney returned to Business. Isaac returned home We took a walk around Waterhouse place & the summit near it commanding splendid views.
July 20, 1906 Fri: Sumy, a Japanese neighbor, came to help in cooking, etc. We walked to Mr. Dickey’s place & Summer house.
July 21, 1906 Sat: The Dickey’s came up to their Cottage near our camp. Isaac & Alfred Gurrey came up. I walked down by trail & took St. Car for home after Supper.
July 22, 1906 Sun: I attended the Natives Hawaiian Church, Henry Parker, Pastor.
July 23, 1906 Mon: I returned to the Mountain, by St. Car & trail. Isaac & Cathie & Joel went down home.
July 24, 1906 Tues.: Cathie came up the Mountain this morning.
July 25, 1906 Wed: Francis Lawrence and Nellie B. Baker came up the trail to spend the day at our camp. Francis Lawrence is a Principal Kindergartner in Honolulu. Nellie Baker is a Teacher. Joel came up in the morning & Isaac in the Evening.
July 26, 1906 Thurs: We had calls from Mrs. Dickey, and from Miss. Knapp of the Kamchameha School, & from Misses Reid and Grove from Pamona, Cala. Isaac and Cathie & Joel returned home from the Mountain sorjourn.
July 27, 1906 Fri.: Alfred Gurney came up in the Evening.
July 28, 1906 Sat.: H.E.B. & I returned from our outing on Tantalus. We came down with a Portuguese neighbor, Esada, in his comfortable wagon. Mr. Gear, bro. of Judge Gear, was our fellow passinger, from his mountain Cottage.
Sun. July 29, 1906: We all attended Union Church. Dr. J. W. Sylvester preached an Excellent Sermon, from Phil 1 v.-8.
Thurs, July 31, 1906: We went shopping in the morning with Cathie. In the Evening we call at Otto Sweezey’s.
Fri. Aug. 1, 1906: We called with Cathie on Hiram Bingham and his sister Lydia B. Coan, and at Dr. Serino-E. Bishop’s.
Mrs. Sweezey & her Mother were with us in the Evening.
Aug. 2, 1906 Thurs: We went to Waikiki. Visited the Aquarium stocked with fishes of all varieties of brilliant colors. Called on Miss. Jane Johnson & her children of the “Castle Home” and afterwards, on Mr. & Mrs. Twing—Chinese Missionaries.
Aug. 3. 1906 Fri: We took Lunch at the Kamehawika? Girl’s School with Francis, Mary and Julia Lawrence and Nellie Baker. Teachers in the Institution, Except F. L. It is now vacation. We visied the Museum there full of a rare collection of Native Art and Skill. Saw Princess Ruth’s Bed 5 1/2 ft. wide, etc Otto Sweezey & Alfred Gurney called in the Eveng.
Sat. Aug. 4, 1906: Miss Teflan? From San Jose just arrived by the SS. Ventura, called Laura Wells called. We called with C. on Mrs. Lydgate in the Eveng.
Sun. Aug. 5, 1906: H.E.B. & I spent an hour with U A Chamberlain & her Sister, Maria Forbes. Then attended Union Church.
H.E.B. spoke to the Y. M. C. A. at 4.30 p. m. and we (with I & C.) took tea with them.
Mon. Aug. 6, 1906: Cathie had Mrs. Wells & Laura to Lunch. Mrs. Heapey called. Joel went to the Mountain for the night, for company to C. Gurney.
Tues. Aug. 7, 1906: Joel returned from Tantalus. Isaac & Cathie took Lunch at Moana Hotel at Waikiki with Laura Wells who took the Ventura at night for California. Mrs. Overend called & Miss. Belle Johnson.
Thurs. Aug. 9, 1906: I called on John Townsend from Oregon, who is in the Undertaking business here. We took lunch with Janet Belle Johnson & their flock of the “Childrens Home” at Waikiki where they are spending vatation time. Jane Johnson took us a beautiful drive around “Diamond Head”. We afterwards called at Oramel Gulick’s, but found only Mrs. John T. Gulick at home.
Fri. Aug.10, 1906: Mrs. McKay and Mr. Austin from Wailuku called. We all took a corn & vegetable Supper at Otto Sweezey’s.
Sat. Aug. 11, 1906: We went with C. to Frank Damon’s in the Afternoon on their Summer Island. He took us a drive around his bro. Saml’s. estate’s Moanaloa, & we took Afternoon tea in his Teahouse. Met Saml. Damon & wife & daughter-in-law there.
Sun. Aug. 12, 1906: We attended the Chinese S. School at 10 & Union Church at 11 a. m.
Mon. Aug 13, 1906: Mrs. Judge DeBolt called this morning. Had Dr. Serino Bishop & wife and daughter Mrs. Shaw to Lunch.
Tues. Aug 14, 1906: Thukona on her return voyage from China & Japan was in port today. I went on Board & saw the Barnes’s (our fellow passengers out) returning home. Saw Bishop Harris from Japan on board.
Wed. Aug. 15, 1906: We all went by Stage over the “Pli” to Kaneohi to Philip Weaver’s summer Retreat, “Waiakali”, for two or three days. Waiakale = Rippling Water.
Thurs. Aug. 16, 1906: Bathed in the sea. Cathie & I walked to the old Parker Mission and stone Mtg. House.
Fri. Aug. 17, 1906: We all bathed in the Sea. Philip Weaver took his wife & Cathie a sail in his boat.
Sat. Aug. 18, 1906: We returned from Kaneohi by Stage with Bertha Boot for a fellow passenger. Joel remained by invitation for a longer stay.
Sun. Aug 19, 1906: Cathie & I attended Church at St. Andrews’ Cathedral. Bishop Resarick preached on “Numbering the people” and its lesson.
Mon. Aug. 20, 1906: A sick day for me. The SS. Manchuria stranded at 4.30 in the mornng, on the Reef off Waimanulo not far from Kanioha.
Tues. Aug. 21, 1906: Miss. Creighton a Teacher called. Keanu from Wailuku & his daughter Hannah & son-in-law Moses _________ spent the Evening with us.
Wed. Aug. 22, 1906: Mrs. Mead called. Miss. Barnes was here to Lunch & diner. She returned on the Manchuria from her vacation in Cala. To teach again in the Islds.
Thurs. Aug. 23, 1906: Dr. J. W. Sylvester was with us to Lunch.
Fri. Aug. 24, 1906: We called with C. on the Ewarts in Musause? Valley, and afterwards on Mrs. Nichols at the Trighoan? Place. She is here from Pacific Grove to be with her daughter, a Teacher.
Sat. Aug. 25, 1906: H, & I went to Waikiki and took a Sea Bath.
Sun. Aug. 26, 1906: We all attended Union Church. Dined at Ellen A. Weaver’s at the “Lunalilo Home”. Rested under the Banyan tree. E. A. W’s daughter Clarence Bodefild, took me & Isaac & Catharine a drive over the Punch Bowl etc. After tea we we attended a Union Service with 25 or more Missionaries from the Orient who were passengers on the stranded Manchuria.
Mon. Aug. 27, 1906: We called on G. F. Fitch & wife of Shanghai and others at Mrs. Thwing’s and received calls from Gertrude Damon, & Mrs. F. Dodge. H.E.B. & Isaac & Catharine attended a wedding at Mrs. Hesping’s “Home”.
Tues. Aug. 28, 1906: Prof. Harold Heath, a passenger from the Orient on the “American Maru” which stopped for the day, came up to Lunch & again in the Eveng. Dr. Doremus Scudder & wife, & Mrs. S. Heapey were with us to dinner & in the Evening.
Wed. Aug. 29, 1906: Mrs. Nichols was at Isaac’s to Lunch. H. & C. attended Mrs. Dodge’s Meeting. We called at Prof. Alexander’s.
Thurs. Aug. 30, 1906: Mrs. Havin & Miss. Walker from San Jose who came by the Manchuria called on us. The former goes to teach on another Isle. Miss. York, a Teacher from Palo Alto, just returned from a tour to Japan was here at dinner& in the Eveng. with many pictures to show.
Fri. Aug. 31, 1906: Cathie & I went to see the Hong Kong Maru’s passengers off for Japan & China. Mrs. Wood, a Bryn Maur Graduate, and the Fitches’ & other Missionaries were among them. We were at Alfred Gurrey’s in the p. m.
Sat. Sept 1, 1906: We were at Alfred Gurrey’s in the afternoon. Miss Topham from S. Jose, by the S.S. Ventura, called. She is staying at her Uncle ____________Shane’s who live near here. Joel returned home from Kaneohe.
Sun. Sept. 2, 1906: Miss. Topham from S. J. by the S.S. Ventura called on us. She is staying with her Uncle Shaw who lives near. Joel returned home from Keneohe. We all attended Union Church. Sermon by J. W. Sylvester on “Man The Worshipper”
Mon. Sept. 3, 1906: We all attended Union Church. Sermon by J. W. Sylvester on “Man The Worshipper”. Labor day. A holiday. Isaac & Joel went with Prof. Sweezey up the Mountains. Miss. Parke, Ellen Weaver & daughter & Philip Weaver & family called in the Afternoon.
Tues. Sept. 4, 1906: Labor day. A holiday. Isaac & Joel went with Prof. Sweezey up the Mountains. Miss. Parke, Ellen Weaver & daughter & Philip Weaver & family called in the Afternoon.
H.E.B. & I attended The Womans’ Board of Missions at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Lydgate, Pres. Griffith & wife, Miss. Hadley & Miss. Ewart called in the Eveng.
Wed. Sept. 5, 1906: Jas. Emerson & wife called. All went to Waikiki in the afternoon to A. Gurrey’s who are there for a month. I returned home to supper & called on Miss. Topham at her Uncle J. Shaw’s. She is going to Kanai to teach. We missed a call from Dr. Scudder & wife.
Thur. Sept 6, 1906: We called on M. A. Chamberlain & her Sister Forbes.
Met Mary Waterhouse Rice of Kanai, on our way.
Cathie & I went to Waialua by RR. To the Haleiwa Hotel. Met there W. W. Hall & wife and a party from Minneapolis.
Fri. Sept 7, 1906: Cathie & I walked about the old mission at Waialua, the Mtg. House & Burying Ground & the ruins of the Emerson house etc. and returned home in the afternoon. H. E. B. was at a Reception at Mrs. Meades.
Sat. Sept. 8, 1906: H. & I called at Philip Dodge’s & did shopping. Miss. Hillebrand (Librarian) called here.
Sun. Sept. 9, 1906: At Church heard Dr. Day of Los Angeles. Mr. Van Volkenburg here to dinner. We went this C. & Joel to Philip Weaver’s to afternoon tea.
Mon. Sept. 10, 1906: A pleasant call from Mrs. Frank Dodge.
We called at Frank Cooke’s & on Mrs. Mead. Cathie & her Mother called at Judge DeBolt’s. In the Evening Cathie finished reading the “Awakening of Helen Richie”
Tues. Sept. 11, 1906: Calls from Promel Gulick’s wife, & from Josepine C. Locke: and in the Eveng from Mr. & Mrs. Patter? (from San Jose some years ago).
Wed. Sept. 12, 1906: Sister Bonaventura with another “Sister of The Sacred Heart” called with Mrs. Heapey. H. & I took lunch at Jas. Emerson’s with Jane Armstrong. Cathie Joined us afterward & we called on Miss. Walker from S. J. at the Susanna Wesley Home. Saw the 40 children & their caretakers at their Evening devotions.
Thurs. Sept 13, 1906: Took Lunch at Mrs. Winne’s, a Granddaughter of Father Thurston & daughter of _________ Taylor. Her daughter, Mary, a Teacher at Punahou , was at home.
Cathie & I called on Isaac’s Office in the State House.
We four dined in the Evening at the Kamehameha? Boys School as Guests of The Teachers, - The Misses Knapp, Post, Thomas, Huntington & met Ellen Bicknell, dau. Of James & granddaughter of Elias Bond.
Fri. Sept. 14, 1906: Miss. Jane Johnson took us in her Carriage up the Nuciami?? Valley to Spend the day at Mrs. Athertoris, at her Summer Retreat. A delight (sic) day with her & her daughter Kate, & Miss. Haxman.
Called at the Waterhouse place, where F. W. Damons’ are staying, and at Mrs. Heapeys “Home” where Cathie met us.
Sat. Sept. 15, 1906: “Regata Day” Miss. Robinson here to Lunch, and Ottis Sweezey & wife & Mother at dinner in the Eveng.
Sun. Sept. 16, 1906: All the Family Except me attended Union Church. J. S. Donagher here in the afternoon, and Josephine Locke in the Evening.
Mon. Sept. 17, 1906: Callers - Agnes Weaver, Mrs. Mead, Mrs. Rogers, Laura Green. College opened today, and Cathie’s work commenced there.
Tues. Sept. 18, 1906: Alfred Gurrey’s family here in the Eveng.
Wed. Sept. 19, 1906: Mrs. Judge DeBolt called. Mrs. Heapey here in the Evening. Cathie attended a Reception at W. W. Hall’s.
(following written sideways at bottom of Sept. 19 page) I was Taken down with a Serious Illness. Dr. Baldwin & Waterhouse attended upon me.
Thurs. Sept. 20, 1906: (written sideways across entire page)
Partial list of Callers between 9 mo 20 & 10 mo 23.
(25 women’s and one man’s names fill the page, all of them visitors on previous pages of this 1906 diary.)
Sat. Sept. 22, 1906: (written sideways across entire page)
Books Read this Summer.
(Page filled with 15 or more classic and “modern” book titles and their well know authors)
(Gap of a month--no entries)
Tues. Oct. 23, 1906: Mrs. Dr. Scudder called.
Wed. Oct 24 1906: Callers, Mrs. DeBolt, Mrs. Porter Green and daughter, and Mary Alexander.
Thurs. Oct. 25 1906: H. E. B. made farewell calls on Mrs. Heapey, The Johnson Sisters, & Mrs. Atherton. Mrs. Heapey & Belle Johnson called on us in the Eveng.
Fri. Oct. 26, 1906: H. & C. Called at Frank Cooke’s & on Mrs. Mead. Recd. Calls from Promel Gulick & wife & her Sister, Mrs. Austin? And John T. Gulick & wife. Miss. Locke called in the Eveng.
Sat. Oct. 27, 1906: H. & C. & I called on Dr. Waterhouse and at Mrs. Minne’s. Canon Mackintosh & his Step daughter Miss. Von Holt?, made a delightful Call. Other callers were Miss. Hart, & Mary & Jane Winne, all Teachers (The first two, of The College.)
Sun. Oct. 28, 1906: H.E.B. & Isaac & Cathie attended Church & heard Dr. Scudder.
Mon. Oct. 28, 1906: Callers -- Agnes Weaver, Ellen A. Weaver, Clarice Bodefeld & her little boy Sherman.
Tues. Oct. 30, 1906: H.E.B. Attended the Womans’ Prayer Mtg. At Union Church at 2:30. Callers: Jennie Parke, Mrs. Rogers, Agnes E. Judd, Mrs. Grace.
Wed. Oct. 31, 1906: We called at Dr. Rogers’. Went with C. In the afternoon to call on Mother Parker (aged 100 on the 9th of last Mo.) and her daughters Mary Parker and H. Green. Called at F. W. Damon’s.
Thur. Nov 1, 1906: Callers: Dr. D. Scudder & wife, Seremo? Bishop & wife & Mrs. Shaw. Dr. Rogers & wife. Mrs. Sweezey.
Fri. Nov. 2, 1906: H.E.B. & I sailed from Honolulu at 5 p. m. on the S.S. Korea for San Francisco. Isaac & Cathie & Joel and some others saw us off. Kate Atherton & her attendants, Miss. Flaxman & Dr. Burnham, Mrs. Geo. Castle & two daughters, Mrs. Judge Gear with Florence McLean were among our fellow passengers.
Sun. Nov. 4, 1906: On Board the Korea---The Episcopal Service was conducted by Warren, assisted by Missionary Chapin from China.
Mon. Nov. 5, 1906: Among our fellow Passengers are Mrs. Gear, nee Durfie?. & Florence McLean whose State room is opposite ours. Kate Atherton attended by Missss. Flaxman & Dr. Burnham. Mary Brooke of Maryland.
Thurs. Nov. 8, 1906: We arrived safely in San Francisco—have met by Charles. Took 3:30 train, were Joined by Anna at Palo Alto, and reached home about 5:30. Were met at Santa Clara by Lily & Catharine. A Joyful and thankful reunion.
Sat. Nov. 10, 1906: H. & Lily drove to call on Ellen Davis & Anna & Cornelia Taber. Abbie Roberts and Rebecca Satterthwaite called.
Sun. Nov. 11, 1906: Callers---Wm. & Sarah Walton, Geo. & W. B. Jones, Paul & Lydia Brun.
Thur. Nov. 15, 1906: (Sideways on bottom of page) Our House Repairing is going on, by Mr. Spahn & Sonnie from Jarman’s.
Sun. Nov. 25, 1906: Prof. Murray was at Mtg. & dined with us.
Wed. Nov. 28: We came home from Charles’ (next door) to stay.
Thur. Nov. 29, 1906: Thanksgiving Day. Wm. & Sarah Walton & Prof. _______ Mendenhall dined with us.
(Note: Nov. 30 to Dec. 23, 1906, ALL BLANK PAGES!!)
MON. DEC. 24, 1906: Morris Cox & family came to Charles.
Tues. Dec. 25, 1906: H.E.B. & I dined at Walter E. Vails at Palo Alto, with several Stanford Students. Wilson Sidwell, Luther & Ralph Dubois from Carthage, Ind. Etc. Called at Prof. Murray’s.
Abby & Edwin Roberts & Morris Yocum & Morris Cox’s family were at dinner here. Morris Cox went to Fresno to Teachers’ Assn.
Sat. Dec. 29, 1906: Morris Cox returned from the State Teachers’ Association at Fresno.
==================End of 1906 daily entries. ============
Assessment as last Year + $50 in bank -5 for watch?
(Lists 6 subscriptions & costs)
Phila Frd. $2
Aus. Friend $.75
B. Frd $3.71
Youths Companion $1.75
Amer. Frd. & ___? $3
Intelligencer $1.50
(NEXT) PD for Repairs(1906 Earthquake – SEE APRIL 18 ABOVE)
For Shingles .60
Work .25
5/2 fix chimneys 5.00
11 mo. 9. Gave for repair of little dining
room and kitchen 19.00
11/14 Pd for work .90
1 - on Chimney 6.00
77. for work .40
20 for paint 1.50
23 for molding .50
24 for work .45
12/4 pd Lucland 2.50
12/5 & 6Pd J. D. Jarman 100.00
Pd for carpet 33.75
1/5 Pd Balance to Jarman 24.39
TOTAL 197.24
(Two pages of 10 brief addresses, and Jan to July 1906 “Cash Accts” Pages. Sept sidewise on page)
Etta Piever’s wages due on the 24th of each month $45.00
Rent of P. Grove Cottage paid to 21 mo. 3. $10 a month in advance Pd to 1st mo. 3.
Expense of 1906 Summer in Honolulu Fares (Roundtrip) $270.60
Exps. 80.60
Doctors’ Bill 22.00
(Example of Nov. & Dec. 1906 Cash Account.)
11 GAVE Anna for Birthday $1.00
12 Hay cost $40.84
car tickets $1.00
Pd. Tax $68.61
Pd for wood $4.50
16 Pd. Tax at P. G. City $8.25 and $13.86
Pd for sawing wook $2.25
20 Pd for Gas fixture $1.50
22 Pd for cleaning watch $1.50
5 watch crystal etc $ .55
6 Car tickets $1.00
etc, etc.----
==================== END 1906 DIARY ==============
Bean diary 1906
Joel Bean (1835-1914) and his wife, Hannah Elliott Bean (1830-1909), were prominent Quaker ministers in Iowa Yearly Meeting in the mid-nineteenth century when Quaker settlements were expanding in Iowa. Friends Historical Library holds a collection of Joel and Hannah Bean Papers (SFHL-RG5-012). Select materials were transcribed by Tom M. King of San Jose, CA, in 1998.
Bean, Joel, 1825-1914 (author)
King, Tom M. (transcriber)
born digital
Joel and Hannah Bean Papers--
Additional source material on the Beans may be found at the Quaker Collection, Haverford College Library. See especially the Papers of the Rufus M. Jones Collection, and the Papers of the College Park Association.