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1901 J. BEAN DIARY, copied Nov 11,1998
Ed. Tom M. King of San Jose, CA. Quaker Meeting (College Park).
Bean Papers, Friends Historical Library, Swarthmore College, Pa.
Joel Bean (1825-1914) moved to San Jose, California, in 1882 and kept 36 “Engagement Calendars” from 1883 to 1913, 30 years. A few years have “extra” diaries and 1886 is missing.
This 1901 diary is typical of Joel’s diaries, a black leather bound volume about 5 X 3 inches cover, about an inch thick, with three dates pre-printed on each page . The title of the volume is THE EXCELSIOR DIARY 1901, from Cambridgeport Diary Co. The first about 30 pages are useful references, charts, and a 1901 calendar, but no mention of place of publication..
Only dates with hand written entries are listed.
========================== 1901 =============================
front flyleaf has: “Joel Bean from Anna & Catharine 12-16-1900”
Jan 1, 1901 Tues: Charles & the children sat up here ( & we with them) until after midnight, to see the New Century come in. I sowed some Beet & Carrot seeds.
Jan 8, 1901 Tues: We went to G. N. Jones’s in the p.m. to meet young Mr. Chu of Shanghai, China, now at school in S. F. He is a cousin of Sing’s wife & of a Mandarine family. Very interesting.
: We went to G. N. Jones’s in the p.m. to meet young Mr. Chu of Shanghai, China, now at school in S. F. He is a cousin of Sing’s wife & of a Mandarine family. Very interesting.
: We went to G. N. Jones’s in the p.m. to meet young Mr. Chu of Shanghai, China, now at school in S. F. He is a cousin of Sing’s wife & of a Mandarine family. Very interesting.
Jan 11, 1901 Fri: We went to call on Hugh & Miriam Maxwell, taking Ellen Davis & W. B. Jones with us. Hugh Maxwell was 80 on 11 mo 8. Miriam was 80 two days ago. E. Davis was 80 in 12th mo. Christy Davis is past 86
Jan 12, 1901 Sat: Pres Edwin McGrew came here.
Jan 13, 1901 Sun: Edwin McGrew at Mtg. And spoke. Harry Bean took him to Edwin Robert’s in the p. m. Eille Green ? went to Stockton Ave Mtg. In the Evening.
Jan 14, 1901 Mon: Edwin McGrew attended the Ministers’ Mtg. & dined at Stephen Jones’s and started on East.
Jan 19, 1901 Sat: Alvin Cox here tonight.
Jan 20, 1901 Sun: Andrew Erskine and Hannah Rachel Clack from S. F. were at Meeting and here to dinner.
Jan 26, 1901 Sat: Mrs Fablinger of Saratoga, a daughter of John Brown & her daughter called here.
Jan 29, 1901 Tues: Andrew Erskine & Hannah R. Clack came here from S.F.
Jan 30, 1901 Wed: Andrew Erskine & Hannah Rachel Clack (age of both 33) were Married at our Meeting. Present from S. F. his Parents Donald & Janet Erskine: his brothers Robert, Geo., & Donald, Esther Smith, Mary Wood & Maud Moses. A pretty full mtg. 52 signed the Certificate. A Wedding Lunch at the Mtg house for all. A. & H. E. went. To -------------???
Feb 6, 1901 Wed: Wm. & Elizabeth Hobson from Willsden Mtg. London were at Mtg. They dined & took tea with us. Andrew & Hannah R. Erskine here to dinner, and the Sewing circle here in the Afternoon.
Feb 12, 1901 Tues: Frank Wise here putting new sills under the house.
Feb 17, 1901 Sun: Sarah W. Cloud here to dinner.
Feb 27, 1901 Wed: Chas went to Bakersfield & Tulare.
Mar 1, 1901 Fri: At Garden work. Had John Canish spading, Planted sweet corn & onion buds etc.
Mar 2, 1901 Sat: Had the Eucalyptus tree cut down. Fred & Ellen Smith called. Chas returned from Tulare.
Mar 5, 1901 Tues: Abby Weeks here sewing.
Mar 9, 1901 Sat: Jean Brun died this morning.
Mar 10, 1901 Sun: We attended the funeral of Jean Brun at 1:30 p.m.
Mar 11, 1901 Mon: Abby Weeks finished Sewing for H. E. B. here.
Mar 23, 1901 Sat: Chas took Lily by carriage to Chemeketa Farm above Alma in the Santa Cruz Mts. Kept by W. E. Edwards & his sister.
Mar 24, 1901 Sun: Charles returned from the mountains.
Mar 28, 1901 Thurs: House Cleaning this week. Mrs. Hummeltonburg helping today: & Lloyd Bingham, to beat carpets etc.
Mar 29, 1901 Fri: Stephen Griffin died at the age of 74 yrs & 6 mos.
Mar 31, 1901 Sun: Our Mtg. Today was the Funeral of Stephen Griffin at 11 O’clock at their house. 801 Third St., S. J.
April 4, 1901 Thurs: Housecleaning ---
April 9, 1901 Tues: I attended the Funeral of Mr. Farley at Santa Clara.
April 14, 1901 Sun: Chas & Anna went to Chemketa Ranch to visit Lily. Alvin with them. Chas & Alvin returned in the Evening. John Winston & wife & niece from Phila were at Mtg. & here to dinner.
April 17, 1901 Wed: Anna came from the Mts. & Catharine M. went there. Cathie & Joel C. arrived from the Sandwich Islands by the Steamer Santa Ana from Kaleelui.
April 19, 1901 Fri: Cathie went to the Mts & staid a night with Lily.
April 20, 1901 Sat Cathie & Catharine M. returned from the Mts.
April 21, 1901 Sun: Mrs Mayne was at Mtg & spoke. Anna & C. Taber, Abby Roberts, G. & L. Jones called on Cathie in the p. m.
April 22, 1901 Mon: Cathie left this morning for Philadelphia to accompany Laura? Mills??
April 28, 1901 Sun: I went to the Presbyterian Churh in Monterey. Sam’l Conn. Pastor
I called on Miss Tennant—Neighbor F---? And Dr. & Hannah Wakefield in the Eveng.
April 29, 1901 Mon: I returned from P. Grove.
May 3, 1901 Friday: Pliny E. Goddard came here from Berkeley.
May 4, 1901 Sat: Semi Annual Meeting. A good Company present. Pliny Goddard & J. Burtt Davy here.
May 5, 1901 Sun: Chas Potts & David & Rachel Scott from Penn a were at Mtg. & here to dinner. Pliny Goddard & J. B. Davy at Mtg. The former spoke in Ministry.
May 6, 1901 Mon: J. B. Davy & Pliny Goddard left.
May 7, 1901 Tues: Lydia returned home from Chemeketa Farm Kept by Wilson Edwards & his Sister Jessie, above Alma
May 13, 1901 Mon: We went to San Jose to hear Pres. MacKinley speak in the Park. A great multitude present.
May 14, 1901 Tues: Went to San Jose to see the Rose Carnival Floats etc. Some 20 or more Floats prepared by the Schools etc.
May 16, 1901 Thur: Chas E. Cox left for the North.
May 26, 1901 Sun: Dr. Martin from Fresno read a paper at our Mtg house in the p. m. on Divine Healing.
May 27, 1901 Mon: Cousin Edwin Bean from Benicia here to dinner on his way toSalinas by wheel.
May 29, 1901 Tues: Anna & I attended Commencement at Stanford. Address of Prof. Richardson read by Prof. Murray. Alvin Cox graduated. Pres. Jordan addressed Graduates, etc.
June 3, 1901 Mon: I attended Ministers Mtg Jas Bean read a Paper on Higher Criticism.
June 4, 1901 Tues: Alex Dabelow & Albert E. Mills finished painting house & ----
June 11, 1901 Tues: Chas E. Cox returned from his Northern tour to Seattle,Victoria, Tacoma, Whatcom, Olympia, Portland, Newberg, Saline, Santa Rosa, etc.
June 12, 1901 Wed: Miss Brown, a missionary among the Indians at Manchester, Cal, was at Mtg with W. Mayne.
June 14, 1901 Fri: H. E. B. went to Anna Taber’s to a reception for the Missionary Miss Brown in the interest of the Manchester Indians.
June 18, 1901 Tues: H. E. Bean went to her Club Picnic at Alum Rock.
June 22, 1901 Sat: J. Burtt Davy Staid here. Alvin Cox at Chas’
June 23, 1901 Sun: J. Burtt Davy at Meeting and spoke. Sarah Sevirance spoke in the Mtg.
June 24, 1901 Mon: H. E. B. & I went to Berkeley to J. B. Davy’s
June 25, 1901 Tues: I called at Richard Anthony’s in Oakland, with J. B. D. In the afternoon J. B. D. took us a drive about Berkeley to the Blind & Deaf Asylum, the University Grounds & called on the Snells.
June 26, 1901 Wed: We went from Berkeley to San Francisco & after some time at the Emporium etc went to Andrew Erskine’s, 1192 Treaf Ave.
June 27, 1901 Thurs: I called at Smith’s Cash Store & on Lewis Cowgill. In the Afternoon we called on Alice Bunting, 603 1/2 Haight St., & dined at 6 1/2 at Davidl ?? Erskine’s.
June 28, 1901 Fri: We went with Andrew & Hannah Erskine to the Cliff House. Took lunch together at Smith’s Cash Store. Called on Mary Wood. Returned home by 2:45 train.
July 2, 1901 Tues: E. B. Lewis & Augustine Jones helped put in the hay.
July 3, 1901 Wed: Alice Randall finished working here.
July 5, 1901 Fri: Katie Allison came to work for a day or two.
July 8, 1901 Mon: SEE OVER (words crossed out)
July 9, 1901 Tues: Charles and Anna & Catharine went to Santa Rosa to Morris’s wedding. Bertie McGuire came to work here.
July 10, 1901 Wed: E. Morris Cox & Mary Anderson were married at Santa Rosa.
July 11, 1901 Thurs: Chas & the children returned home.
July 14, 1901 Sun: Alvin Cox here.
July 15, 1901 Mon: Alvin went to Tulare.
July 17, 1901 Wed: Isaac M. Cox arrived from the Sandwich Islands. Richard Rickes ?? & wife from Richmond, Va, & G. & W. Jones & young Mr. Chu of Shanghai here in the Evening.
July 22, 1901 Mon: I. M. Cox went to Tulare.
July 28, 1901 Sun: Chas Cox went to P. Grove.
Aug 1, 1901 Thur: H. E. B. & I with Anna & Joel went to Pacific Grove.
Aug 2, 1901, Fri: Chas & Imelda Tebbetts & their four children arrived in The Grove returning from Yosemite, and camped on our Lot with wagon & Tent. Cathie Townsend, Mrs Waterhouse & son & Rinaldo Bufkin & wife accompanying the Tebbetts family, camped in the camp Ground by Lighthouse Road. The Tebbett’s cooked their meals in our Cottage & slept in tent. (this entry covers top fo next day’s space on diary page)
Aug 3, 1901 Sat: In the evening C. (for Catharine) E. B. Cox arrived
In the Grove from Philadelphia bring little Catharine with her from S. J.
Aug 4, 1901 Sun: We attended Meeting at Assembly Hall, & heard Dr. Wilson from Chicago.
Aug 5, 1901 Mon: Charles Tebbetts & family with Herbert Waterhouse, & the Company in the other wagon went for their way homeward.
Aug 6, 1901 Tues: In the Evening attended the last Lecture of the Chautauqua by Wilson of Chicago, on the Relation of socialism to Christianity.
Aug 8, 1901 Thur: Isaac M. Cox arrived in the Grove from Tulare & San Jose.
Aug 11, 1901 Sun: We attended Methodist Mtg in Assembly Hall & heard Biship Warren (raise a Subscription of $2000. To pay a debt for improvement of Hall (bad) preach.
Aug 16, 1901 Fri: Isaac & Cathie & Joel went to San Jose. I accompanied them.
Aug 17, 1901 Sat: I returned to the Grove from San Jose.
Aug 18, 1901 Sun: At Mtg at “St Marys’ by the Sea” In afternoon at 2 we attended the funeral of our neighbor Fish at the Grove & went with Edwn Berwick’s family to the Burying ground.
Aug 20, 1901 Tues: The Girls & we dined with Mrs Rogers & daughter Lizie and Step daughter Mary L. Rogers, & her Sister-in-law Susan Stovir at P. Grove. I. & C. & Joel Cox left S. J. for Santa Rosa.
Aug 21, 1901 Wed: Anna went Huckle berrying with Lizzie Rogers & others at P. Grove. Isaac & Catharine & Joel returned from Santa Rosa to San Francisco.
Aug 22, 1901 Thurs: Isaac & Catharine & Joel sailed from Honolulu (sic) on the S. S. Sonoma, for Honoulu.
Aug 29, 1901 Thur: Chas E. Cox went to Tulare.
Aug 31, 1901 Sat: H. E. B. & I with Anna & Catharine returned home from Pacific Grove.
Sept 3, 1901 Tues: Had wood sawed by G. Estralla 455 Washington St, Santa Clara.
Sept 5, 1901 Thurs: H. E. B. attended a large reception at Lester Morse’s Chas E. Cox returned home from Tulare.
Sept 6, 1901 Friday: Chas commenced teaching at Washburn School (half the day)
Sept 7, 1901 Sat: Alvin Cox here.
Sept 19, 1901 Thurs: Pres McKinley’s Funeral. I attended the Memorial Service at St James Park, at 2:30 E. A. Hayes, R. Kenna, & Pres McClish speakers A great concourse of people.
Sept 20, 1901 Sun: Chas took Lily to Chemekita Ranch at Alma for a week or two.
Sept 24, 1901 Tues: H.E.B. & I called on Jennie & Lizzie Pogue, Santa Clara
Sept 25, 1901 Wed: H. & I called -----W. Mayne & wife.
Sept 28, 1901 Sat: Chas & Anna & Catharine went to Chemekita to see Lily.
Sept 29, 1901 Sun: Eliza H. Shelley here to dinner.
Sept30, 1901 Mon: Eddie Coggshall & wife from West Branch, Iowa, called here.
Oct 26, 1901 Sat: Alvin Cox here.
Oct 31, 1901 Thurs: L. S. B. C. went to Chemekita for a few days.
Nov 1, 1901 Fri: Hannah L. Neall & J. B. & Alice Davy here.
Nov 2, 1901 Sat: Semi Annual Meeting. Ruth Murray present with a number from Palo Alto & San Jose. Wm. Walton from N. J. here. H. L. Neall & Andrew & Hannah Erskine staid here.
Nov 3, 1901 Sun: J. B. Davy & wife at Mtg. Wm Walton & his son Charles & wife Jane were present.
Nov 4, 1901 Mon: H. L. Neall returned home.
Nov 12, 1901 Tues: Sewing Circle began here, Mrs Scinger, & Mrs Whittlecon, Sarah Severance & her aunt. D. Otis Mrs Bingham & W. B. Jones here.
Nov 24, 1901 Sun: Bro Bland of College Park was at Mtg and spoke.
Nov 28, Thurs: Thanksgiving Day Alvin Cox here.
Dec 7, 1901 Sat: H. E. B. & I attended the Q. M. at Stockton Ave. John Holley of Berkeley preached. Ida Curtis, Robt root, Mary Bodith & a good many other Speakers. Tilman Hobson from Pasadena was present.
Dec 11, 1901 Wed: Prof. Ruliff Holway & wife and Mother were here to tea. Maria Holway is in her 90th year.
Dec 26, 1901 Thurs: Chas went to Tulare.
Rezin & Anna Thompson from West Branch Iowa, & their Bro & sister Wm. & Margaret Clark from Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, were here to dinner & supper. Came from S. F. & took 8:30 evening train for Pasadina. Jas took them ---------? A drive.
Dec 27, 1901 Fri: Cathies Lot was plowed for wheet sowing.
Dec 28, 1901 Sat: We dined at Sarah M. Severance’s with her Aunt Mary from N Y. (Cazenovia) and Mrs. Gates & sister Mrs Lewis. Christy Davis died at Lakehouse Ave., S. J. at 10 p.m. aged 87 yrs & 4 mo.
Dec 30, 1901, Mon: Attended the funeral of Christy Davis at our Meetinghouse at 2 p.m. Ruth Murray & Augustus Murray attended. R. M. prayed. The body was taken to the Crimatory. A. Murray called here after the funeral.
========== LAST DAILY ENTRY OF 1901 JOEL BEAN DIARY =========
MEMORANDA: SUBSCRIPTIONS, Hearld, Phila Friend, Australian Friend, Am Friend and Western Work,
Sent Memorial of Mary H. Hammond, 1-4-1901 7 people list
1901 LETTER REGISTER two pages, 54 names with dates answered
16 ADDRESS LISTED: most distant.
12 months OF 1901 CASH ACCOUNTS
—APRIL $128 repairs to residence in San Jose on Chapman St.,
$10 improvements at P. Grove.
August: 1901 total Family Exp at P. Grove for this Month about $60.
Pd by C.E.C $25.
Pd by J. & H.B. $35.
Sept: Tulare Acct 1901—rents and expenses, full page.
Oct: Paid Tax in S. J. $52.87
In Salinas $ 7.55
P. Grove $ 3.75
Tulare $ 1.64
============================ End 1901 ==========================
Bean diary 1901
Joel Bean (1835-1914) and his wife, Hannah Elliott Bean (1830-1909), were prominent Quaker ministers in Iowa Yearly Meeting in the mid-nineteenth century when Quaker settlements were expanding in Iowa. Friends Historical Library holds a collection of Joel and Hannah Bean Papers (SFHL-RG5-012). Select materials were transcribed by Tom M. King of San Jose, CA, in 1998.
Bean, Joel, 1825-1914 (author)
King, Tom M. (transcriber)
born digital
Joel and Hannah Bean Papers--
Additional source material on the Beans may be found at the Quaker Collection, Haverford College Library. See especially the Papers of the Rufus M. Jones Collection, and the Papers of the College Park Association.