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1893 J. BEAN CALENDAR/DIARY, by Tom King, San Jose, CA .
Source: Bean Papers, Friends Historical Library, Swarthmore College, PA. June 1996
SELECTED DATES FROM JOEL BEAN'S 1893 DIARY, copied by Tom M. King June 1996, from Swarthmore College Library, Pa., Friends Historical Collection.
Selected Addresses in Back of 1893 calendar:
--Daniel Williams, 625 Delmas Ave., S.J.
--Mary G. Cooper, 62 Sunol, S.J.
--Augustus Taber, 259 So. 2nd, S.J. (Murray, Stanford U. Greek Professor)
--Carl Nerell, 238 Clay St, S.J.
--Emily Gerow, 3rd & Hensley Ave, S.J.
--Harry Harwood, Stanford U., boy who was sick at sanitorium
--Lowis Cowgill, 644 Wallace, S.F. Sather Banking Co, Cor. Sanson & Pine
Jan. 1, 1893, day at Isaac Cox “Cabin” in Tulare.
Jan. 2, 1893, Mon.---left Tulare to Oakland, H.E.(lliott) B. (Joel’s wife) Went to Santa Cruz for John Elliott Jr Funeral. I returned home--Bert Bean was married.
Jan. 8, 1893, Sun----Augustus Taber & wife & daughter were at Meeting. They have taken Dr Mernato?? House to live in awhile
March 14, 1893, Tues.---Augustus & Anna & Nellie Taber sailed from S.F. for Japan.
Mar 22, 1893, Wed----Isaac Sharp arrived in S.F. from China. (J.B.Davy)
Apr. 12, 1893, Wed--------Isaac Sharp & Sivert Shelley were at meeting, & here to dinner.
Apr. 16, 1893, Sun--------Isaac Sharp at meeting and Ruth Murray
April 18, 1893, Tues.------We attended the Mtg. of the (County) Supervisors with others, on the hearing of petitions for Sunday closing of Saloons in county.
April 19, 1893, Wed---At Meeting Isaac Sharp spoke on the text, “Have Faith in God” & Ruth Murray “Let the Peace of God dwell in your Hearts”
J. E. Bean (oldest son of Joel's brother, James Bean) & Edith Coolidge were married at her mother’s. Mother (James's and Joel's) was invited and attended.
The Sunday Ordinance was passed by the Supervisors.
April 22, 1893, Sat-------Samel Brun died 3 am. Sunday: funeral at 1: p. m.
April 26, 1893, Wed--I. Sharp & R. Murray spoke-
April 29, 1893, Sat-----I. Sharp staid here
April 30, 1893, Sun-----I. S. & R. M. At meeting, at 3: p.m.. Full Mtg. house, I. S. Account of visit to China, R.M. Account of her visit to Palestine.
May 14, 1893, Sunday, ---I. Sharp at Mtg., came home to stay.
May 15, 1893, Mon.-------I. Sharp went to S.F. & returned at 5:20--tea at CE Cox.
May 22, 1893, Mon.-------Cathie & little Joel arrived from Tulare by train.
May 28, 1893. Sun--Isaac Sharp at Mtg. (for last time at present)
May 3l, 1893, Wed-I went with Chas. & Lily to Commencement at Stanford University. Prof. Howard & Pres. Jordan made addresses. Jas. went P. Grove.
June 6, 1893, Tues.---Augustus & Anna Taber & Nellie returned from Japan.
JULY 3, 1893 -at Pacific Grove, Chautauqua Assembly start.
Aug. 7, 1893, Mon.----Isaac M. Cox returned to S.J. To work with Saml Haines awhile
Aug. 17, 1893, Sun- JOHN BELL & FAMILY AT MEETING (RESIGNED Mtg. 1885)
Oct. 18, Wed------Samuel Morris came here on his return from Australia
Oct. 20, 1893, Fri.-------H.E.B. & E. B. Miles went with Samuel Morris to Stanford U.
Oct. 21, 1893, Sat.------H.E.B. & I CALLED WITH S. MORRIS AT JOHN BELL’S
OCT 22, 1893, SUN-----Samuel Morris at Meeting. Dined at Geo. Jones’s --Tea at Saml Brun’s
Oct. 23, 1893, Mon.------Samuel Morris attended the Minister’s Meeting at l0:30 and took 12:40 train for SF. To go on evening train toward Phila. I read a paper in Minister’s Mtg. on “The Hope of The world”
Oct. 28, 1893, SAT.--I. M. Cox went to Tulare.
Nov. 4, 1893, Sat----------Annual Mtg. at Mtg. House of College Park Association of Friends. A picnic Dinner afterwards. (Lists participants)
Nov. 13, 1893, Mon.------C.E.B. Cox & Joel & Mary & Estella Rice went to Tulare.
Nov. 14, 1893, Tues.-----L. S. B. Cox read a paper at her Seminar in Stanford U.
Dec. 24, 1893 Sun--Morris Cox came to C.E.C.
Dec. 25, 1893, Mon.--------We all dined at C..E.Cox with Morris Cox.
The children had their Christmas Tree
Dec. 24, 1893, Tues.-------Morris Cox left for Teachers’ Institute at Stockton & for Tulare afterwards.
================== End 1893 Diary =====================
Bean diary 1893
Joel Bean (1835-1914) and his wife, Hannah Elliott Bean (1830-1909), were prominent Quaker ministers in Iowa Yearly Meeting in the mid-nineteenth century when Quaker settlements were expanding in Iowa. Friends Historical Library holds a collection of Joel and Hannah Bean Papers (SFHL-RG5-012). Select materials were transcribed by Tom M. King of San Jose, CA, in 1998.
Bean, Joel, 1825-1914 (author)
King, Tom M. (transcriber)
born digital
Joel and Hannah Bean Papers--
Additional source material on the Beans may be found at the Quaker Collection, Haverford College Library. See especially the Papers of the Rufus M. Jones Collection, and the Papers of the College Park Association.