Seventh Day the 11th of the 5th Month, 1805 Commenced a journey to Pennsylvania in company with Uncle William M[remainder cut off]. We met at Glouster at 11 o'clock, crossed the river from there to the point, Ho[illegible letter(s)]se from there we rode up to Philadelphia which is about two miles through very pretty meadows. Come in the city of the Cowe[cut off]-es end of Front Street a few [illegible starts "sq"] then turned up to 2nd Street to Walnut Street, wh Walnut Street to 3rd street, along sd to M Street to the sign of the spread Eagle kept by John Tomlinson on the north side where we had our horses put to hay and took dinner with Jacob Trasel's next door above said tavern. After dinner we walked up M: Street to Evan's steam engine for sawing stone, grinding plaster and said engines are made here mill stones stone cutting etc. carried on in the best manner I presume. Being satisfied with seeing returned back to Trasels' had our horses up and proceeded up said street and went to the water Wo[remainder illegible] on Schuylkill then crossed over the bridge and up the hill [crossed out "were 3 roads that come together"] then took the West Chester road leaving how I shall take name all the taverns we passed by the first from Schuylkill is the sign of William Penn kept by Lewis Lewis next is Joseph Baldin sign of the King of Prussia 3 M. next is Phillip Williams sign of the Red Lion 2 next James Pilt no sign next Wm Bittos spread Eag[cut off] next [nothing more visible on the page and torn off an inch further down]
[written upide down at the top "Started from [crossed out] first day evening in company with Poli Lewis"] This morning we arose as usual and having spent the morning in looking at his building & apparatus
[cut off] we [cut off] long [cut off] [illegible] then take the [illegible] [cut off] to the Institution [cut off] mill about 1 1/2 m[ile] [cut off] small village called [cut off] [illegible] tavern sign [cut off] wheat sheaf kept by James Jeff[illegible] mill on state road in Goshen Township cher [?] to creek crossed below [illegible] 21 miels from Schuylkill [Map drawn below] [Written on map, left to right: Barren, 3, stone school house, institution, farm house, mill, Marlborough]