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Caroline F. Putnam letter to Emily Howland
Written by educator Caroline F. Putnam from the Holley School in Lottsburg, Virginia, likely in response to Howland's letter of 1899-07-30 (A00186234) discussing a visit with English abolitionist Rebecca Moore. Responds to a review Moore had written about Putnam's recent book "A Life for Liberty" and praises Howland's letter describing the visit, saying Putnam would send it to Samuel May. Discusses sightseeing in England. Describes Putnam's presentation to a potential donor to the Holley School. Remarks on how schools in the South were teaching the history of the Confederacy. Discusses Northumberland County and the prosperity of the African American community there. Discusses her habit of displaying various busts and medallions to local visitors.
Putnam, Caroline F., 1826-1917
16 pages
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Emily Howland Family Papers, SFHL-RG5-066
Emily Howland Family Papers, SFHL-RG5-066 --
Page 16
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Emily Howland Family Papers, SFHL-RG5-066 --