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Emily Howland letter draft to Isabel Howland
Draft of a letter written, possibly to Howland's niece Isabel, while Howland traveled around the Southern U.S. visiting African American schools with reformer Mary F. Eastman; for the finished letter, see A00186172. Discusses a spontaneous detour to Beaufort, South Carolina, where they saw a funeral led by the Vanderbilt Benevolent Association. Relates a conversation with the mayor of Beaufort about state politics and the local African American population. Mentions a friendly interaction between a Union and Confederate veteran and the fading of the "hating spirit" of sectional tensions. Discusses visiting Elizabeth Botume, head of an African American school, and her plans to retire. Mentions meeting Robert Smalls (mistakenly called Samuel Smalls). Relates the life-story of their carriage driver, whose wife had died of cancer. Mentions Miss Eastman's suffrage proselytization. Describes their time in Savannah, Georgia, where they visited the Chatham Academy and a school for African Americans. Asks the recipient to publish extracts of the letter.
Howland, Emily, 1827-1929
16 pages
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Emily Howland Family Papers, SFHL-RG5-066
Emily Howland Family Papers, SFHL-RG5-066 --
Page 15
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Emily Howland Family Papers, SFHL-RG5-066 --