Laura W. Stebbins letter to Emily Howland
Regrets that caring for her elderly aunts prevents her from joining Howland in working with the freedmen. Discusses her distrust of white Southerners at length, saying she suspects even professed Unionists among them are Secessionists at heart. Comments on the speeches given at a recent event in England honoring William Lloyd Garrison. Relates an encounter with Howland's friend Mrs. Mary K. Brosius, another Quaker teacher of freedmen. Discusses finding funds for Howland's schools. Writes of her reading and recent news. Offers advice on insect repellents.
Stebbins, Laura W., 1821-1870
8 pages
reformatted digital
Emily Howland Family Papers, SFHL-RG5-066
Emily Howland Family Papers, SFHL-RG5-066 --
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Laura W. Stebbins letter to Emily Howland
Regrets that caring for her elderly aunts prevents her from joining Howland in working with the freedmen. Discusses her distrust of white Southerners at length, saying she suspects even professed Unionists among them are Secessionists at heart. Comments on the speeches given at a recent event in England honoring William Lloyd Garrison. Relates an encounter with Howland's friend Mrs. Mary K. Brosius, another Quaker teacher of freedmen. Discusses finding funds for Howland's schools. Writes of her reading and recent news. Offers advice on insect repellents.
Stebbins, Laura W., 1821-1870
8 pages
reformatted digital
Emily Howland Family Papers, SFHL-RG5-066
Emily Howland Family Papers, SFHL-RG5-066 --