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New York 5 mo 26th 1847
My dear sister - The blow [underlined] stunned [/underlined] me - I
cannot yet realize the mournful fact that our
angel boy our, life’s sunlight is no more round
about us - I listen for his sweet voice by day
and hear him breathe through all the night
I believe I appear as usual, for I have desired
that [ourselves?] alone should put the weight of
this terrible calamity - sometimes I am overwhelmed
as is the case to night - Such an utter
desolateness comes over us - The sweetest life
that mortal could enjoy, and beautiful in death -
An account written by his Father shall be forth
coming when I can write it - it will tell of
his remarkable patience in suffering & that he
talked with us until within 15 minutes
of his death - he was not like a dying child,
so natural so like himself to the latest
moment - The morning [struck through: that he] of the last day
he kissed us all, and when he saw that we
were afflicted, in the sweetest tone and the
most heavenly expression, he said. “I think
it dont’ hurt me to breathe quite so much”
It was strange that he should have said to his
Father three weeks previous. “Father I believe I am going to die”
We are quiet and perhaps cheerful under
this affliction - to feel resignation, can never
be our experience -
7th day Brother John and his “Rosa Bride” came in
the midst - their arrival was a surprise
but it was well - for I could make no preparation
The spare room was ready for their reception
- the few Spring flowers that ornamented
our garden were lavishly bestowed by the children
they were bright and happy, and pleased with [underlined] every
thing [/underlined] - they had the beautiful river view from their
Chamber window, and could look down upon the
garden too, [underlined] we [/underlined] stifled our grief that their
new life might be joyous, and I believe they
would say that the time passed pleasantly -
she is a gay and pretty “Rose” and will make
John a charming wife - of pleasing manner
and [calen?] to administer to his [underlined] spiritual
necessities [/underlined] - Father is proud of her and I
think she will contribute much to his comfort
and the cheerfulness of home -
Last evening they left us, and have taken
up their abode at fathers - occupying Maria’s
rooms, which I think they will continue to do
with some different arrangement of the furniture
[top margin]
I was thankful
for Jones’
sake for
Uncle Mott
and company
- they
did [live?]
good - and
made the
very happy
they have
been enjoying
this day
the [?]
having made
Lucy brought
a Doll’s head
and a nice
little bench
which she
calls Uncle
Motts present
a letter from
says she is
well, and
very happy
&c Maria has no settled prospect but is at
present passing a few weeks at J. Carpenters, when
she will receive David with hope that her
good musing may restore him to health, having
before leaving, exacted a promise from father to allow her
to [underlined] come in [/underlined] and [underlined] go out [/underlined] at pleasure - she will
reserve the chamber formerly occupied by John
which is a very desirable winter Room - My
opinion is that she will Summer at Josy’s
and winter at Father’s - Coming every two or three
weeks to [arrange?] business matters - she is [?]
publishing the most beautiful child’s book that [ever?]
appeared in this or any other country - the [pictures?]
are superb, and of quite a new character -
Sister Anna will tell thee of her beautiful [gift?]
[struck through: to me] - my hearts dear treasure - a breast [?]
oval shape - with a lock of the darling’s hair -
on the back, neatly engraved, “Little Isaac” - March
9th 1847.”
The visit from Uncle Mott, Aunt Lucretia &
sister Anna was very grateful, it was cheering, and
we felt better for it The pleasure was unexpected
and very gratifying - then visit to fathers too
was animating and they all enjoyed it
We are looking for David certainly - he must be
[top margin]
Sister Rachel
is very
important to
receive her
trunk - she
is working
and will be
with you
ere long
she thought
some one
might be
coming - if
not - it
might be
sent by the
Line, directed
Fathers Care
no 15 Center
st -
My love
to all - if
James knew
of my writing
would add
a word
Has sister
Susan written
to Aunt Lizzie
she must
and direct
to the Care of
Brewster [?]
Long Island
E - has my
on his way, because letters postmarked Northampton
have arrived, address’d to James’ care - I will
see him very soon and you shall hear the result
We received a letter from him full of love and sympathy
- indeed we have received [underlined] many [/underlined] for kind friends
and from [struck through: and] our hearts we thank them for their kind
words - would that he could be restored to us -
[sideways in middle]
Jonathan Palmer Jr
no L J North 5th st
AH Palmer
AH Gibbons
5 mo 26 1847
Emily Dunn shall be transported as soon as
a caretaker is found for her - Aunt [?] is good
to be a Mother to her - pray beg somebody to take
poor Tom - he is a good industrious faithful little
fellow, and will serve a family or excellent time
he is still at fathers waiting for a home, and [underlined] they [/underlined] do not
need him - a farmer is the life for him -
Write soon to thy affectionate sister Abby
Abby Hopper Gibbons letter to Sarah Hopper Palmer
Discusses the recent death of Gibbons's son Isaac Hopper Gibbons (1841-1847), as well as her brother John Hopper and his new wife Rosa De Wolf Hopper. Briefly mentions a visit from "Aunt" Lucretia Mott. Also discusses a Maria and David, possibly Lydia Maria Child and David Lee Child.
Gibbons, Abby Hopper, 1801-1893
4 pages
reformatted digital
Abby Hopper Gibbons Papers, SFHL-RG5-174
Abby Hopper Gibbons Papers, SFHL-RG5-174 --