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Point Lookout 8/25/62
My dear L
Sitting at our front
door at this moment 8 vessels
are passing before us, [crossed out: and] just
out of the Potomac & entering Chesapeake
Bay are 5 vessels towed
by a steamer, we have quite an
excitement now at the Point and
rumors are afloat that Washington
is in danger, we have seen shelling
in the distance, and every night [crossed out: they
say] boats are seen crossing into
Virginia. Everything indicates a
desperate movement of some kind
[Peer?] Commissary (Capt. Lucas)
an excellent man of sound judgment,
and much experience, tells
[left side]
us this afternoon that every
thing looks dark, for myself
I do not [?] [crossed out: ? feel it], and shall
wait for the end.
We are trying
hard to get a Boat to men
between the Point & Washington
unless we succeed, 1350 men
cannot be sustained on this
barren soil. It is a miserable
place for a hospital excepting
during the warm months
To have it here in winter will
be an insane idea. It is out
of the way of everything, and the
climate will really kill a great
many of our men. A [somnolescent?]
every grain, but to a
a consumption, or in any
[right side]
affection of the lungs, it is very
depressing. I should not be
surprised if it should be moved
after thousands of dollars are
expended, for they talk of
Putting up a new building
The Government are very
successful in outlays.
I shall write to my dear
children Julia & Susy very
soon. Now I am in a great
hurry, as it is the time for
closing the mail.
With my
dearest love to all,
Uncle John & Aunt Rose
and blessed Willie
Abby Hopper Gibbons letter to James Sloan Gibbons
Discusses the many boats passing by and the rumors that Washington is in danger. Discusses the logistics of moving the hospital, and says that the current location will be unsustainable during winter.
Gibbons, Abby Hopper, 1801-1893
3 pages
reformatted digital
Abby Hopper Gibbons Papers, SFHL-RG5-174
Abby Hopper Gibbons Papers, SFHL-RG5-174 --
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Abby Hopper Gibbons letter to James Sloan Gibbons
Discusses the many boats passing by and the rumors that Washington is in danger. Discusses the logistics of moving the hospital, and says that the current location will be unsustainable during winter.
Gibbons, Abby Hopper, 1801-1893
3 pages
reformatted digital
Abby Hopper Gibbons Papers, SFHL-RG5-174
Abby Hopper Gibbons Papers, SFHL-RG5-174 --