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Graceanna Lewis letter
Addressed to "Hannah" and likely to Graceanna Lewis' friend and fellow Quaker Hannah Wright Mifflin. Lewis is grateful that Hannah endures illness with such strength and spirit. She writes that she has been painting non-stop to fulfill an order for 50 paintings. She brings up that she has been trying to get 5 of her scientific charts copyrighted. She marvels at the presentation of a "microphone" at a recent meeting and muses about the afterlife. She discusses a sermon which attacked evolutionists and criticizes the writer, Tallmadge, and those who follow him. She then talks about how the temperance movement has faced resistance in Chester, Pennsylvania, where there are many saloons, and how this has made their efforts in Media harder. She also writes in detail about the case of Walter Mintzer, a child whose parents had died in an accident in Philadelphia and whose grandparents were in a bitter battle for custody for him.
Lewis, Graceanna, 1821-1912
10 pages
reformatted digital
Lewis-Fussell Family Papers, SFHL-RG5-087
Lewis-Fussell Family Papers, SFHL-RG5-087 --
Page 6
reformatted digital
Lewis-Fussell Family Papers, SFHL-RG5-087 --