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[Letterhead of the Universal Peace Union not transcribed]
Phiadelphia 12/15 1910
My dear friend Martha Schofield
Today I send thy wonderful School a
Canvas Salesman's Bag filled with a vanity of things. Some
clothing, some samples, some odds & ends of curtains that are
I fear too much now here in the store, but will do for rags
Also some oil cloth samples that will do to put on desks under
slates or anything thee pleases, then carts of goods to mend up
clothing or to make moccasins or just what thee cares to do.
Some will make gloves, or leggins. Thee said send anything so
I take thee at thy word. I put in a [bill?] of [?] & the [?]
given by Clyde Line. I mail with this my [photo] taken at
[YuliRunts?] request on my 80th birthday. Please accept it
with my dearest love and most grateful thanks for all thee
has done for me & the cause of peace so near our hearts.
I have seen the Phillips Studio, & they will make the portrait
of our endeared Lydia [Ann] Schofield that it may hang in our
Peace Rooms along with Lucretia Mott, [?], John Bright,
[Page Break]
& a hundred of our darling [wished?] men & women. The picture
enclosed represents 7 of them who are our Vice Presidents. They
thought [crossed out:it] [inserted: by our picture] would cost $25, but I shall try to get them to do it
for less so as to leave something for our Treasury as it will be
exhausted by [January] 1. and then we will have to go begging as
there 50 years almost have used up our assets. How we would
rejoice to have something from the $10,000,000 given by Andrew
Carnegie, I have [?] for two years laying our work before
him. As several of the Trustees are Vice Presidents of our
Universal Peace Union we might, if someone would write then
who is acquainted with our work & our publications
We dont want to have to close up our long work of nearly
half a century [doing?] exactly what the munificent donation
is given by Andrew Carnegie, etc. We have no word to
say for self, but for the course. I don't want to give up
our publication of the "Peacemaker and Court of Arbitration"
for it has [?] upon all this giving by Alfred Nobel and
Andrew Carnegie. Why cannot we have [underlined:thy] picture in our Peace Rooms?
I am wondering if thee is at Aiken or at Swarthmore
or where? If at the School give my heartist [heartiest] love
to all thy pupils and all the teachers and keep the fullest
share for thyself. Thee is indeed a wonderful woman
and I want thee & all of you to enjoy the coming Christmas
day and feel so nearer to Him whose company we all
[renew?] with gratitude.
I am very anxious to get out to Swarthmore & see thy
dear brother and sister. I have been [?] the State normal
School at West Chester a few days ago. [Doctor] Philips gave us
two sermons & his great army of pupils attended & they were
greatly gratified & we were inspired. Thee & thy work as our
inspiration to me daily. May thee continue in the best of
health & hold me, as I do thee in closest friendship & affection
Thy friend Alfred H. Love
Alfred H. Love letter to Martha Schofield
Alfred H. Love was a political activist and founder of the Universal Peace Union. He tells Schofield he has enclosed donations for her school. Discusses the poor financial situation of the Universal Peace Union and his hopes that they will receive a donation from Andrew Carnegie.
Love, Alfred H. (Alfred Harry), 1830-1913
2 pages
reformatted digital
Martha Schofield Papers, SFHL-RG5-134
Martha Schofield Papers, SFHL-RG5-134 --