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Martha Schofield letter to her sisters
Martha Schofield writes that she is staying to look after the Schofield School for awhile and is allowing her principal William Rodenbach and his family to travel for the summer. Rodenbach's trip will include a visit with Schofield's sisters. She mourns the death of Marietta Ridgeway Kirk, a distant cousin that Schofield was close to. She also reminisces about her deceased best friend Sadie Bartram and discusses the school's finances.
Schofield, Martha
8 pages
reformatted digital
Martha Schofield Papers, SFHL-RG5-134
Martha Schofield Papers, SFHL-RG5-134 --
Page 8
reformatted digital
Martha Schofield Papers, SFHL-RG5-134 --