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William Stone letter to Martha Schofield
Major William Stone was a Union officer and Freedman's Bureau agent who later served as Attorney General of South Carolina. He married Martha Schofield's friend and co-teacher in Aiken, Mary Taylor Stone. Discusses the visit his wife is currently paying to Schofield. Comments on Schofield's poor health and discusses his views on death and theology. Praises Schofield's educational work and mentions her success getting General Howard's support for a new school house. Mentions her neighbor Aunt Amy's need for a deed to her own house. "We thought that slavery was *the* monster evil of the country—and so it was—but now that it is abolished, we have to fight daily with the evil training it left on peoples, perverting their morals and destroying their sensibility. When this state of things is remedied, other evils hardly thought of now must be met by an equally hard front."
Stone, William, 1842-1897
9 pages
reformatted digital
Martha Schofield Papers, SFHL-RG5-134
Martha Schofield Papers, SFHL-RG5-134 --
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reformatted digital
Martha Schofield Papers, SFHL-RG5-134 --