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Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Mott Lord; Thomas W. Davis letter to Lucretia Mott; Benson J. Lossing letter to Lucretia Mott
Written from Roadside. Lucretia Mott talks about having "the Jeffersons," Clark Davis, Mr. Ford, and others over for dinner. She writes that she told the Jeffersons that she recalled seeing their grandfather speak in 1810. She also shares recent news of family and friends and mentions having Belva Lockwood over for tea, referring to her as "our new lawyer." Partially written over a letter dated March 29, 1879, from Thomas W. Davis to Lucretia Mott, notifying her of the death of his wife, Phebe S. Davis. Also partially written over a letter dated March 20, 1879, from Benson J. Lossing to Lucretia Mott, thanking her for sending him her photograph and praising her work and wisdom.