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Northern Assoc. of Phila. for the Relief and Employment of Poor Women Constitution
The Constitution states that the Association was created by single women residents of Pennsylvania who were looking to help "poor and deserving women." Article 2nd states that all members must be single women but married women may assist in "charitable labors." Article 4th explains that the Association will help poor and deserving women in the county and city of Philadelphia by securing them employment with compensation. The justices of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania signed it and certified it as lawful, and A.L. Russell, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth, signed it stating that it was enrolled in Charter Book Vol. No. 7, pages 371 and 372.
Northern Association of the City and County of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of Poor Women
3 pages
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Northern Association of the City and County of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of Poor Women records, SFHL-RG4-053
Northern Association of the City and County of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of Poor Women Records, SFHL-RG4-053 --
Page 2
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Northern Association of the City and County of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of Poor Women Records, SFHL-RG4-053 --