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\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 July and August, 1888\
Vol. VII., No. II.\
Author - BAL\
That is to meet in Washington, October next, and to continue perhaps for a\
month, not only shows the growth of peace sentiments on the American Continent,\
but the progress of civilization as well. The more intimate the relations\
between the peoples of different countries, the more extensive their commercial\
relations; and when bonds of friendship by frequent intercourse are formed,\
the probabilities of war are greatly lessened.\
Wars are usually the outcome of a want of knowledge, of undue haste, of\
inflamed passion, and not of cool reasoning and of sound judgment, which in\
every instance perhaps could be settled by a peaceful conference. The settlement\
of the Haytian difficulty and of the Samoan affair without bloodshed, shows\
a tolerant spirit in all of the parties to the contest, or at least a wholesome fear, if\
not of each other, of the decent opinions of mankind, which are growing daily\
more and more pacific.\
Even in Europe, with her almost universal armament, the war clouds seem to\
contain more bluster than war, because the common sentiment of the people is\
against war. They are beginning to understand what it means-death and\
oblivion to the common soldier, and hero-worship to the commanding general\
when victorious. Besides, the army furnishes positions for the sons of noblemen\
without place or fortune, by, which positions in the army and navy are largely\
filled. When we can do away with the hero-worship we shall have done much\
towards the abolition of war.\
The Commercial Congress is a stepping-stone to other and more important\
peace conferences soon to be called in this country, involving as it will, an\
interchange of thought with the best minds of all or he American States; and\
following after the International Peace Congress that is to assemble in Paris in\
connection with the Exposition June i, to be followed by the International\
Parliamentary Conference which is to assemble in Paris, June 29 and 30, and which\
it is supposed will be largely represented by members of the British and French\
Parliaments, and also by Members and Senators of the United States Congress.\
This Congress is for a peaceful interchange of thought upon everything pertaining\
to intercommercial relations, and the fact that it is expected that all of\
the States and the Kingdoms of Brazil will be represented, except perhaps Hayti,\
shows the growth of peace sentiments since a similar call was made for September,\
1885. Then there was reticence and distrust among many of the South\
American States, and a fear that it was the intention of our government to draw\
them into some undesirable alliance; and while a number of them accepted the\
invitation at that time, many of them did not. There was also so much jealousy\
and distrust among our own statesmen at that time, that after the death of\
President Garfield the invitations were recalled.\
Now there seems to be a unanimity of feeling with all parties with reference\
to the Congress, that goes far to argue its ultimate success.\
Belva A. Lockwood.\
Belva Lockwood article
The Peacemaker, volume 7, number 2. Talks about an upcoming "Commercial Congress" in Washington. Discusses the relationship of commerce and peace.
Lockwood, Belva Ann, 1830-1917
1 page
reformatted digital
Belva Ann Lockwood Papers, SCPC-DG-098
Belva Ann Lockwood Papers, SCPC-DG-098 --