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Equal Rights Party poll pamphlet
A pamphlet by the National Equal Rights Party concerning their nomination for Vice-President in the election of 1888; the Party has nominated Belva Lockwood for president, and invites write-in opinions about whether the vice-presidential nomination should go to a woman (Marietta L. Stow) or a man (Alfred H. Love). Lists N. S. Chapin as the Chairman General Committee and Kate Dunning Clarke as Secretary. There are crossed-out notes on the back of the pamphlet (third page).
National Equal Rights Party (U.S.)
3 pages
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Belva Ann Lockwood Papers, SCPC-DG-098
Belva Ann Lockwood Papers, SCPC-DG-098 --
The National tqual Kights ¥arty,
At San Francisco, Cal., August 23d, 1884, nominated
BELVA A. LOCKWOOD, of Washington, D. C., for President ;
MARIETTA IL. STOW, of San Francisco, Cal., for Vice-President,
Of the United States.
At the date of that nomination it was not expected that, in the
then formative state of the public mind on the Woman Question, an
election could be had, and it was distinctly stated, in the letter trans-
mitting the nomination to the first-named party, that the nomination
was to hold over until 1888.
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The success of that movement was a marked and memorable
one, and it has been determined by the Party to continue the race in
1888. But as we are an -gual Rights Party, it has been claimed
that we should have a man on the ticket; and the following names
are suggested :
BELVA A. LOGK WOOD, of Washington, D. C.,
ALFRED H. LOVE, of Philadelphia, Penn.,
In order to arrive at a fair expression of opinion, it is desired
that you write your preference on the opposite page of this sheet,
and return at once in enclosed envelope.
Chairman General Committee,
Marshalltown, Lowa.
Lexington, Kentucky.
reformatted digital
Belva Ann Lockwood Papers, SCPC-DG-098 --