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Written on "American Woman's Republic" stationery. Lella Crum Gardner (1873-1956) was the wife of Belva Lockwood's nephew Frank Gardner. Shares news about family/friends. Discusses her upcoming attendance at multiple events in Philadelphia, including the National Convention of Women as first delegate of the District Woman Suffrage Association and a Universal Peace Union meeting where Bertha von Suttner will be making an address. Also mentions an upcoming Suffrage Jubilee Meeting concerning the four states that have ratified women's suffrage. Will be staying with Harriet S. Hayden Finck (1868-1955) while in Philadelphia. Mentions presiding at a meeting to receive the election results. Mrs. Johnson is painting a bust portrait of her at her own expense. Offers an engraved plate portrait of herself from around 1845-1850 for use in the biography that Gardner is writing about her.