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The Bulletin , of which this publication is Volume
LXV, No. 1, is published monthly except February,
June, August, and November by Swarthmore College,
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081.
Second Class postage paid at Swarthmore, Pennsyl
vania 19081.
Photographs by Walter Holt, James Purring, Leif
Skoogfors, and Robert B. Cohen, ’65.
(Printed in U. S. A.)
CATALOGUE IS S U E ■ 1 9 6 7 -1 9 6 8
Volume LXV
■ Number 1
■ September 1967
For Information About:
Courtney Smith, President
Frederick A. Hargadon, Dean of Admissions
John M. Moore, Registrar
Edward K. Cratsley, Vice-President
G. Caroline Shero, Associate Controller
Virginia Bullitt, Director
Joseph B. Shane, Vice-President
Maralyn Orbison Gillespie, Director of News Office
The Rhodes Scholarship Trust
The Rhodes Scholarship Trust maintains an office in this country for the purpose of
administering the selection of American Rhodes Scholars and conducting the affairs
of the Rhodes Scholarships in the United States. This office was located at Swarthmore College during the presidency of Dr. Frank Aydelotte, who served as the first
American Secretary. On the occasion of the appointment of Courtney Smith to
the American Secretaryship this office was located in Princeton, N. J., and returned
to Swarthmore when Dr. Smith took up his duties, as president of the College in
September 1953.
American Secretary of the Rhodes Scholarships, Courtney Smith
Deputy American Secretary, Gilmore Stott'
Secretary, Elsa ffilmer Jenkins
LD 5 isi
Ca l e n d a r ................................ . . . .................................................. .......... ..
Pe r s o n n e l ...............................................................................................' ...................
The Corporation and The Board of M an ag ers...............................................
Alumni Association Officers and Alumni Council ...........................................
The F a cu lty .................................... ............ ......................................
Divisions and Departments .........................., ................. ..................... ..
Standing C om m ittees...................
Administrative Officers and A ssistants................................
Introduction to Swarthmore College ............................................................
A dm ission...............................................
Expenses .............................................................
Financial Aid and Scholarships ......................................
Educational R esources.............................
College L i f e ............................................
Student Community ........................................................................ ...................
T he Educational P r o g r a m .......................
Program for Freshmen and Sophomores
Program for Juniors and S en io rs...........................................................
Reading for H o n o rs ..........................................
Pre-Medical Program ............................................................................
Faculty Regulations .................
Requirements for G radu atio n ..................................................................
Advanced D eg rees........................................................................ .......................
Awards and P riz e s.......... , .......... ............................................................... ..
F ellow ships......................................................................................................
Courses of I nstruction ................................................................................ ..
A stronom y............. ...............................
Biology ....................................
Chemistry .........................................................................................
Classics .................................................
Economics . . . . ; ...............................................................................
E ngineering.............................. . ........................................................... ..
English L iteratu re...................
Fine A r t s .................................................
H isto ry ......................................................................................................
International R elatio n s.....................
Mathematics ............................................
Modern Languages and Literatures ..................................................................
M u sic.......................................................................................... ...........................
Philosophy and R eligion ......................................................................................
Physical Education for M e n ...............................................................................
Physical Education for W o m e n ...........................
Political S cien ce............. .....................................................................................
Psychology and Education . . . . . . . ........................................ .. ......................
Sociology and A nthropology...................
Reference Se c t io n ...............................................
Visiting E xam iners............................................................................ j ..............
Degrees C o n ferred ........................................................................ .. . .............
Awards and D istin ctio n s....................................................................................
Enrollment S tatistics.....................
Index ........................................
Plan of College G rounds .........................................
P age
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1 2
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3 0 31
1 2
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1 2
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2 9 3 0 31
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2 9 3 0 31
1 2
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s M T
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29 30
Fall Sem ester
September 20-23 .........................Freshman placement days
September 2 2 ...............................Meeting of honors students
September 2 3 ...............................Registration
September 2 5 ...............................Classes and honors seminars begin
October 3 .....................................Meeting of the Board of Managers
November 7 .................................Executive Committee of the Board of Managers
November 23-25 ........................ Thanksgiving recess
December 5 .................................Annual Meeting of the Board of Managers
December 19 ...............................Christmas recess begins, 6:00 p.m.
January 3 ............ ........................Christmas recess ends, 8:00 a.m.
January 3-16.................................Reading period for course students
(at the option of the instructor)
January 1 6 ...................................Classes and seminars end
January 17 ...................................Meeting of honors students
January 19 ...................................Registration for spring semester
January 22 ...................................Honors seminars begin for spring semester
January 22 ...................................Mid-year examinations begin
February 1 ...................................Mid-year examinations end
Spring Sem ester
February 5 ...................................Classes begin
February 6 .................................. Executive Committee of the Board of Managers
March 5 ...................................... Executive Committee of the Board of Managers
March 23 .......... .........................Spring recess begins, 12:00 noon
April 1 .........................................Spring recess ends, 8:00 d.m.
April 2 ...................... , ................Meeting of the Board of Managers
May 4 .......................................... Honors seminars end
May 7 ...........................................Executive Committee of the Board of Managers
May 6-18 ............ ........................Reading period for course students
(at the option of the instructor)
May 1 3 ......................................... Written honors examinations begin
Mky 1 8 ......................................... Classes end
May 2 0 ......................................... Enrollment in classes for fall semester
May 2 2 ........................................ Course examinations begin
May 2 5 ........................................ Written honors examinations end
May 30-June 1 .......................... Oral honors examinations
June 1 .........................................Course examinations end
June 3 - 5 .............. ........................Senior comprehensive examinations
June 7 .........................................Meeting of the Board of Managers
June 8 .........................................Alumni Day
June 9 ......................................... Baccalaureate Day
June 10 .......................................Commencement Day
F all Sem ester
October 1
18 ........................
Freshman placement days
21 ............... ..
2 0 .................................Meeting of honors students
2 3 ................................ Classes and honors seminars begin
...................................... Meeting of the Board of Managers
.......... .......Executive Committee of the Board of Managers
28-30 ..........................Thanksgiving recess
3 ...................................Annual Meeting of the Board of Managers
21 . .............................. Christmas recess begins, 12:00 noon.
January 6 .......................................Christmas recess ends, 8:00 a.m.
January 6-14 . . .........| ............. .Reading period for course students
(at the option of the instructor)
January 14 ........................... Classes and seminars end
January 15 .................................... Meeting of honors students
January 17 I ................................ Registration for spring semester
January 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Honors seminars begin for spring semester
January 20 ............... ................. Mid-year examinations begin
January 31 .................................. . Mid-year examinations end
Spring Sem ester
February 3 ...................................Classes begin
, . ,,
February 4 . . . . . . . ..............
Executive Committee of the Board of Managers
March 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Committee of the Board of Managers
March 22 ........ . , ......... . . . . . . .Spring recess begins, 12:00 noon
March 31 .....................................Spring recess ends, 8:00 a.m.
April 1
' ............ ............... . . Meeting of the Board of Managers
May 3 ...........................................Honors seminars end
May 6 ......................................... Executive Committee of the Board of Managers
May 5-17 .......... . .......................Reading period for course students
(at the option of the instructor)
May 1 2 .............. . .. ...................Written honors examinations begin
May 1 7 .......... . • • .......................Classes end
May 1 9 .........................................Enrollment in classes for fall semester
May 2 1 .......... ................ .............Course examinations begin
May 2 4 ...........................1 ...........Written honors examinations end
May 29-31 .................................. Oral honors examinations
May 31 ............................... ..........Course examinations end
June 2 - 4 .......................................Senior comprehensiveexaminations
j une g .............. .......................... Meeting of the Board of Managers
j une 7 .........................................Alumni Day
j une 8 .........................................Baccalaureate Day
j une 9 .........................................Commencement Day
Robert M. Browning , Chairman
7305 Emlen Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19119.
P hilip T. Sharples , Vice-Chairman
The Fidelity Bank Bldg., Suite 2532, 123 South Broad Street,
Philadelphia, Pa. 19109.
E leanor Stabler Clarke, Secretary
Crumwald Farm, 401 Rogers Lane, Wallingford, Pa. 19086.
J oseph B. Sha ne , Assistant Secretary
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. 19081.
Richard B. W illis, Treasurer
Provident National Bank, 17th and Chestnut Streets,
Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.
Edward K. Cratsley, Assistant Treasurer
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. 19081.
Ex officio
Courtney Sm ith , President of Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. 19081.
E lisabeth H allowell Bartlett , 100 West University Parkway, Baltimore, Md.
Isabel J enkins Booth , Jefferson House, The Strand, New Castle, Del. 19720.
Barclay W h ite , 3337 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104.
A lfred H. W illiams , 216 N. Providence Road, Wallingford, Pa. 19086.
J oseph H. W illits , Box 441A, Bridgetown Pike, R. D. 1, Langhorne, Pa. 19047.
Life Members
Eleanor Stabler C larke, Crumwald Farm, 401 Rogers Lane, Wallingford, Pa.
H adassah M. L. H olcombe, 1025 Westview Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19119.
C laude C. Sm ith , 1617 Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa. 19110.
H elen Gawthrop W orth , 805 Augusta Road, Westover Hills, Wilmington, Del.
Term Expires December, 1967
Clem ent M. Biddle, 230 Oak Ridge Avenue, Summit, N. J. Ö7901.
G eorge B. Clothier , 1418 Packard Building, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102.
Carl K. D ellm uth , The Fidelity Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. 19109.
W illiam P oole , 350 Delaware Trust Bldg., Wilmington, Del. 19801.
E lizabeth Carver P reston , 60 Dogwood Lane, Swarthmore, Pa. 19081.
*T homas M cP. Brow n , 814 26th Place South, Arlington, Va. 22200.
* I sabel Logan Lyon , 70 East 90th St., New York, N. Y. 10028.
* Nominated by the Alumni Association.
Term Expires December, 1968
Boyd T. Barnard, 914 Philadelphia National Bank Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
K ermit G ordon, 2202 Wyoming Ave. N.W., Washington, D. C. 20008.
H. T homas H allowell , J r ., The Benson East, Jenkintown, Pa. 19046.
T homas B. M cCabe, Tinicum Island Rd. and Industrial Highway, Philadelphia,
Pa. 19113.
♦Esther Ridpath D elaplaine , 6402 West Halbert Rd., Bethesda, Md. 20034.
♦W alter O. Sim o n , 15 Granite Road, Alapocas, Wilmington, Del. 19803.
Term Expires December, 1969
W illiam F. Lee , 5 Guernsey Road, Swarthmore, Pa. 19081.
Kathryn Sonneborn Read, 5407 Atlantic Avenue, Ventnor, N. J. 08406.
P hilip T. Sharples , The Fidelity Bank Bldg., Suite 2532, 123 South Broad Street,
Philadelphia, Pa. 19109.
Sue T homas T urner , Cook Road, Alfred Station, New York 14803.
Richard B. W illis, Provident National Bank, 17th and Chestnut Streets, Phila
delphia, Pa. 19103.
♦H elen Shilcock P ost, 312 Whitemarsh Rd., Fort Washington, Pa. 19034.
♦Robert H. W ilson , 403 Cedar Lane, Swarthmore, Pa. 19081.
Term Expires December, 1970
Charles F. Barber, 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 10005.
Carroll G. Bow en , M. I. T. Press, Cambridge, Mass. 02142.
Robert M. Browning , 7305 Emlen Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19119.
Virginia Stratton Cornell , Central Valley, N. Y. 10917.,
D orothy Shoemaker M cD iarmid, 390 Maple Ave., East Vienna, Va. 22180.
Charles C. P rice , III, 118 Hilldale Road, Lansdowne, Pa. /'19050.
♦Edwin M. Bush , J r ., 120 S. La Salle, Chicago, Ilinois 60603
♦Mary B. N ew m an , 5 Willard Street, Cambridge, Mass. 02138.
C o m m it t e e s o f t h e B oa rd
The Chairman of the Board is ex officio a member of every Committee
Boyd T. Barnard
Clement M. Biddle
Eleanor Stabler Clarke
George B. Clothier
Carl K. D ellmuth
H. T homas H allowell , J r .
W illiam F. Lee
T homas B. M cCabe
E lizabeth Carver P reston
K athryn Sonneborn Read
P h ilip T. Sharples
Claude C. Sm ith
Richard B. W illis
H elen G awthrop W orth
Finance and Trusts Administration
H . T homas H allowell , J r .
T homas B. M cCabe
C laude C. Smith
Richard B. W illis
George B. C lothier
Carl K. D ellmuth
Instruction and Libraries
Clem ent M. Biddle
Charles F. Barber
Carroll G. Bowen
T homas M cP. Brown
Kermit G ordon
H adassah M. L. H olcombe
W illiam P oole
Charles C. P rice , III
C laude C. Sm ith
Sue T homas T urner
H elen G awthrop W orth
* Nominated by the Alumni Association.
T homas B. M cCabe
Boyd T. Barnard
Richard C. Bond
H . T homas H allowell , J r .
P h ilip T. Sharples
Richard B. W illis
W illiam F. Lee '
Boyd T. Barnard
V irginia Stratton Cornell
M ary B. N ewman
K athryn Sonneborn Read
W alter O. Simon
Robert H. W ilson
Student Activities
Elizabeth Carver P reston
Carroll G. Bowen
T homas M cP. Brown
Edwin M. Bush , J r .
E leanor Stabler C larke
Esther Ridpath D elaplaine
Isabel Logan Lyon
D orothy Shoemaker M cD iarmid
H elen Shilcock P ost
Charles C. P rice, III
Claude C. Smith
Sue T homas T urner
Charles C. P rice , III
V irginia Stratton Cornell
Carl K. D ellmuth
H elen Shilcock P ost
K athryn Sonneborn Read
Richard B. W illis
Carl K. D ellmuth
G eorge B. C lothier
V irginia Stratton Cornell
H. T homas H allowell , J r .
W illiam F. Lee
I sabel Logan Lyon
W illiam P oole
P h ilip T. Sharples
W alter O. Simon
Robert H. W ilson
President, T homas B. D arlington ’45, Box 156, New Lisbon, N . J. 08046.
Vice-President for Men, J o h n L. D ugan , J r . '43, 5 Hillside Ave., Short Hills, N . J.
Vice-President for Women, Cornelia C larke Schmidt ’46, 147 Brookstone Rd.,
Princeton, N. J. 08540.
Secretary, N ancy Robinson P osel ’51, 1060 Mill Rd. Cr., Jenkintown, Pa. 19046.
I T erm Expires
J une
Zone A
F rederick S. D onnelly , J r . ’41, 615 N. School Lane, Lancaster, Pa. 17603.
Frank H. Erdman ’41, Lawrenceville Road, Princeton, N. J. 08540.
P eter W. K aiser ’43, 921 Winding Lane, Media, Pa. 19Ö63.
J. Lawrence Shane ’56, 201 Harvard Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. 19081,
Lawrence A. Y earsley ’48, R. D. 3, Coatesville, Pa. 19320.
1970 H enry J. Bode ’55, 1004 Bent Road, Media, Pa. 19063.
T homas D. J ones , J r . ’53, 212 Herrontown Rd., Princeton, N. J. 08540.
1968 N ancy Ritschard H all ’51, 1010 Cedar Street, Riverton, N. J. 08077.
Patricia Lum T aylor ’44, 525 Old Middletown Road, Lima, Pa. 19060.
1969 E lizabeth D obson Broomell ’37, Bethlehem Pike, Spring House, Pa.
Bolling Byrd Clarke ’49, 430 Strath Haven Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 19081.
Y vonne M otley M cCabe ’50, 412 Rogers Lane, Wallingford, Pa. 19086.
1970 Esther J ones Bissell ’50, 634 W. Cliveden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19119.
M argery Paxson J ones ’56, 308 Woodbridge Lane, Media, Pa. 19063.
Zone B
A lden S. Ben nett ’40, 139 Lakeview Drive, Media, Pa. 19063.
D onald J. Lloyd-Jones ’52, 230 Villard Ave., Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y.
1969 J ames H. Beardsley '38, Pine Hill Drive, R. F. D. 1 , Katonah, N. Y. 10536.
1970 J erome K ohlberg, J r . ’46 , 4 Quarry Rd., Larchmont, N. Y. 10538.
Charles N. Stabler ’50, Box 306, Rocky Hill, New Jersey 08553.
I 1968 Christine Rosenblatt D owning ’52, Skyline Drive, Martinsville, N. J.
J anet M cCloskey Robbins ’43, 160 E. 89th Street, New York, N. Y. 10028.
1969 M uriel Eckes Z acharias ’37, 433 Ridgefield Rd., Wilton, Conn. 06897.
1970 G loria Evans D illenbeck ’47, 236 Highland Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J.
Barbara M uller O rnstein ’49, 1099 King Street, Greenwich, Conn. 06830.
Zone C
1969 T homas A. K ershaw , II ’60, 25 Chestnut Sreet, Boston, Mass. 02108.
E linor J ones Clapp ’46, 309 Olney Street, Providence, R. I. 02906.
Zone D
1968 D aniel H. W ingerd ’45, 13 Briar Road, Wilmington, Del. 19803.
1970 Charles A. Caldwell ’38, 1118 Basil Road, McLean, Va. 22101.
1968 N ancy E berle V altin ’47, 1319 Woodside Drive, McLean, Va. 22101.
1970 Sally M acLellan Councill ’46, 5604 Newington Rd., Washington, D. C.
Zone E
1969 W. D ean T rautman ’42, 12 Pepperwood Lane, Cleveland, Ohio 44124.
M arianne Leas W olfe '50, 766 Woodland Road, Ben Avon, Pittsburgh,
Pa. 15202.
Zone F
1970 J oseph P. Baker '59, 1311 Edgewater Court, Orlando, Fla. 32804.
Robin C ooley K rivanek , 2802 Gaines Street, Tampa, Fla. 33618.
Zone G
Paul A. D ewald '42, 60 Conway Lane, La Due, Mo. 63.124.
G eoffrey C. H azard, J r . 53, 4808 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111. 60615.
J oan Buesching M cN agny '46, 4621 Crestwood Drive, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Elizabeth D arbishire M cN eill ”33, 5327 S. University Ave., Chicago, 111.
. .
Zone H
1968 G eorge C. Bond '42, 1419 Wellington Avenue, Pasadena, Calif. 91103.
1969 W alter M. D ickey '61, 1749 Valpico Drive, San Jose, Calif. 95124.
1968 Sue D avison Cooley '44, 01734 S.W. Riverdale Road, Portland, Ore.
1969 A lice Rickey J akle '39, 11634 Winding Way, Los Altos, Calif. 94022.
Courtney Sm ith , President............................................................324 Cedar Lane
B.A., M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University; LL.D., L.H.D., and Litt.D.
Edward K. Cratsley, Vice-President (Finance), Controller, and Professor of Eco
nomics ..................................................................................741 Harvard Avenue
B.A., College of Wooster; M.B.A. and D.C.S., Harvard University.
J oseph B. Sha ne , Vice-President (Public Relations and Alumni Affairs) and Pro
fessor of Education................................................................... 550 Elm Avenue
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., University of Pennsylvania.
Gilmore Stott , Administrative Assistant to the President, and Lecturer in Phi
losophy ........................................................................... 318 Dartmouth Avenue
B.A. and M.A., University of Cincinnati; B.A. and M.A., University of Ox
ford; M.A. and Ph.D., Princeton University.
Susan P. Cobbs, Dean and Professor of Classics.......................406 Walnut Lane
B.A,, Randolph-Macon Woman’s College; M.A., New York University;
Ph.D., University of Chicago.
J ohn M. M oore, Associate Dean, Registrar and Professor of Philosophy and Re
ligion ..................................................................................... 512 Ogden Avenue
B.A., Park College; B.D., Union Theological Seminary; M.A., Harvard Uni
versity; Ph.D., Columbia University.
Robert A. Barr, J r ., Dean of M e n .......... ............................109 Columbia Avenue
B.A., Swartbmore College; M.A., University of Pennsylvania.
Barbara P earson Lange, Dean of W o m e n ..................................... 1 Crum Ledge
Margaret L. M acLaren , Associate Dean of Students and Director of Financial
A i d .............. .................................................. ..............317 North Chester Road
B.A., Swarthmore College.
Frederick A. H argadon, Dean of Admissions and Lecturer in Political Science,
Cunningham House
B.A., Haverford College.
James F. G ovan, Librarian........................................................... 730 Yale Avenue
B.A., The University of the South; M.A., Emory University; Ph.D., The
Johns Hopkins University.
Martha A. Connor , Associate Librarian...........................325 Dartmouth Avenue
B.S., M.A., University of Pennsylvania; B.S. in L.S., Drexel Institute.
E m eriti
Mary A lbertson , Isaac H. Clothier Professor Emeritus of History and Interna
tional Relations.......... ...........................................................505 Ogden Avenue
B.A., M.A. and Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College.
Lydia Baer, Associate Professor Emeritus of German . . . . Anna Maria Island, Fla.
B.A., Oberlin College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Edward H. Cox , Edmund Allen Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, 509 Ogden Ave.
B.S., Earlham College; M.A., Harvard University; Docteur ès Science, L’Uni
versité de Genève, Docteur honoris causa, L’Université de Montpellier; D.Sc.,
Earlham College.
Henry J ermain M aude Creighton , Edmund Allen Professor Emeritus of Chem
i s t r y ...............................Tigh-Solas, Glen Margaret, Nova Scotia, Canada
B.A., M.A. and LL.D., Dalhousie University; M.Sc., University of Birming
ham; D.Sc., Das eidgenössische Polytechnikum, Zürich; D.Sc., Swarthmore
Robert H. D u n n , Associate Professor Emeritus of Physical Education for Men,
811 Westdale Avenue
B.S., Temple University.
Duncan G raham F oster, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry . . . . 15 Crest Lane
B.A. and M.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University.
Milan W . G arrett, Professor Emeritus of Physics,
101 Orchard Drive, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
B.A. and M.A. Stanford University; B.A. and D.Phil., University of Oxford,
P hilip M arshall H icks, Alexander Griswold Cummins Professor Emeritus of
English Literature ....................................................................... Avondale, Pa.
B.A. and M.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Everett L. H u n t , Dean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of English,
211 N. Princeton Avenue
B.A., Huron College; M.A., University of Chicago; D.Litt., Huron College.
H oward M alcolm J enkins , Henry C. and J. Archer Turner Professor Emeritus
of Engineering ........................................................... 506 North Chester Road
B.A. and E.E. Swarthmore College.
Fredric K lees , Professor Emeritus of E nglish ............ .. 220 South Chester Road
B.A., Bowdoin College.
H arold M. M arch , Susan W. Lippincott Professor Emeritus of French,
124 South St., Northampton, Mass.
B.A., Princeton University; Ph.D., Yale University.
Edith P hilips , Susan W . Lippincott Professor Emeritus of French,
517 Elm Avenue
B.A., Goucher College; Docteur de l’Université de Paris.
L. R. Shero , Professor Emeritus of G reek.......................651 N orth Chester Road
B.A., Haverford College; B.A., University of Oxford: M.A. and Ph.D., Uni
versity of Wisconsin.
J ames D. Sorber, Professor Emeritus of Spanish.................. .. .404 Walnut Lane
B.A., Lehigh University; M.A., University of Nebraska.
A lfred J. Sw an , Professor Emeritus of Music,
773 College Avenue, Haverford, Pa.
B.A. and M.A., University of Oxford.
E lizabeth Cox W right , Professor Emeritus of English,
Rose Valley Road, Moylan, Pa.
B.A., Wellesley College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
P rofessors
JM o nro e C. B eardsley , Charles and Harriett Cox McDowell Professor of Phi
losophy ...........................................1916 Delancey Place, Philadelphia, Pa.
B.A. and Ph.D., Yale University.
fGEORGE J. B eck er , Alexander Griswold Cummins Professor of English,
401 Walnut Lane
B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., University of Washington.
Paul H. Beik , Professor of H isto ry................ .............................. 4 Whittier Place
B.A., Union College; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University.
G eorges Berthoin , Julien and Virginia Cornell Visiting Professor of Economics
and Political Science (European Coal and Steel Community),
405 Walnut Lane
Licence es Lettres and Licence en droit, University of Grenoble.
H einrich Brinkm ann , Albert L. and Edna Pownall Buffington Professor of
Mathematics.......................................................................... .403 Walnut Lane
B.A., Stanford University; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University.
Samuel T. Carpenter , Isaiah V. Williamson Professor of Civil and Mechanical
612 Ogden Avenue
B.C.E., C.E. and M.S., Ohio State University.
J H ilde D. Co h n , Professor of G erm an.............. ..............302 North Chester Road
Dr. Phil., University of Heidelberg.
W. C. E lm ore , Morris L. Clothier Professor of P hysics.......... 525 Walnut Lane
B.S. Lehigh University; Ph.D., Yale University.
Robert K. Enders, Isaac H. Clothier, Jr. Professor of Biology . . .311 Elm Avenue
B.A. and Ph.D., University of Michigan.
Edward A. F eh n el , Professor of Chem istry............................... 600 Elm Avenue
B.S., M.S., and Ph.D., Lehigh University.
J ames A. Field , J r ., Isaac H. Clothier Professor of History . .612 Hillborn Avenue
B.S., M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University.
f Absent on leave, spring semester, 1967-68.
$ Absent on leave, 1967-68.
Launce J. F lemister, Professor of Zoology,
Rogers Lane and Plush Mill Road, Wallingford, Pa.
B.A., M.A. and Ph.D., Duke University.
Charles E. G ilbert , Professor of Political Science.......... 223 Kenyon Avenue
B.A., Haverford College; Ph.D., Northwestern University.
Samuel H ynes , Professor of E n g lish .................. ..................... 5 W hittier Place
B.A., Haverford College; Ph.D., Northwestern University.
W alter B. K eighton , J r ., Edmund Allen Professor of Chemistry,
311 Cedar Lane
B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Princeton University.
JL aurence D. Lafore , Professor of H isto ry.......................... 506 Ogden Avenue
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., Fletcher School of Law and
Luzern G. Livingston , Professor of B o ta n y...................... 15 Dartmouth Circle
B.S., Lawrence College; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
Franz H. M autner , Professor of G erm an...............................408 W alnut Lane
Dr. Phil., Univ. of Vienna.
J o h n D. M c Crum m , Howard N . and Ada J. Eavenson Professor of Engineering,
506 North Chester Rd.
B.A. and M.S., University of Colorado.
N orman A. M einkoth , Professor of Zoology,
431 West Woodland Avenue, Springfield, Pa.
B. of Ed., Southern Illinois Teachers College; M.S. and Ph.D., University
of Illinois.
Bernard M orrill , Henry C. and J. Archer Turner Professor of Engineering,
21 Oberlin Avenue
B.S. in M.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M.M.E., University of
Delaware; Ph.D., University of Michigan.
JH elen F. N orth , Centennial Profei'sor of Classics.................. 604 Ogden Avenue
B.A., M.A. and Ph.D., Cornell University.
M artin O stwald, Professor of Classics.......... ........................ 2 W hittier Place
B.A., University of Toronto; M.A., University of Chicago; Ph.D., Columbia
*J. Roland P ennock , Richter Professor of Political Science . .. . 3, Whittier Place
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University.
Frank C. P ierson , Centennial Professor of Economics.......... 740 Ogden Avenue
B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Columbia University.
**H edley H. Rhys, Professor of Fine A r t s ............ ..........
512 Elm Avenue
B.A., West Virginia University; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University.
i D avid Rosen, Professor of Mathematics .............. 336 North Princeton Avenue
B.A., New York University; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
D avid G. Sm ith , Professor of Political Science ...................915 Harvard Avenue
B.A. and M.A. University of Oklahoma; Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins Uni
H ans H. Staub, Visiting Professor of Physics, University of Zurich,
Swarthmore College
Sc.D., Technische Hochschule, Zurich.
Francis P. T afoya, Professor of F rench...................... 635 North Chester Road
B.A. and M.A., University of Colorado; Ph.D., Yale University.
Frederick B. T olles, Howard M. and Charles F. Jenkins Professor of Quaker
History and Research and Director of the Friends Historical Library,
606 Elm Avenue
B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., Harvard University; D.Litt., Haverford College.
P eter van de K amp , Edward Hicks Magill Professor of Astronomy and Director
of Sproul Observatory...... ............................................... 15 Wellesley Road
Cand. and Docts., University of Utrecht; Ph.D., University of California;
D. Phil., University of Groningen.
* Absent on leave, fall semester, 1967-68.
$ Absent on leave, 1967-68.
** Absent on leave, 1967-68, supported in part by an Old Dominion Foundation Fellowship.
Robert M. W alker , Professor of Fine A r t s ............................... 212 Elm Avenue
B.A. and M.F.A., Princeton University; Ph.D., Harvard University.
IH ans W allach , Centennial Professor of Psychology .............. 604 Elm Avenue
Dr. Phil., University of Berlin.
N eal A. W eber, Professor of 'Zoology...................................... 1 Whittier Place
B.A., M.S. and D.Sc., University of North Dakota;- M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard
C lair W ilcox, Joseph Wharton Professor of Political Economy,
510 Ogden Avenue
B.S., University of Pennsylvania; M.A., Ohio State University; Ph.D., Uni
versity of Pennsylvania.
A sso c ia te P r o fesso r s
G eorge C. A very, Associate Professor of German ...........230 Haverford Avenue
B.A., M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Carl Barus, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering . . . . 8 Whittier Place
B.A., Brown University; M.S. in E.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
JO lexa-Myron Bilaniuk , Associate Professor of P hysics.............. 4 Crum Ledge
Ingénieur, Université de Louvain; B.S.E., B.S., M.S., M.A., and Ph.D., Uni
versity of Michigan.
D avid L. Bowler , Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering,
505 Yale Avenue
B.S. in E.E., Bucknell University; M.S. in E.E., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology; M.A. and Ph.D., Princeton University.
Leon Bramson , Associate Professor of Sociology ...................333 Vassar Avenue
B.A. and M.A., University of Chicago; Ph.D., Harvard University.
D avid Cowden , Associate Professor of English . . . . . . . . . . 312 Ogden Avenue
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University.
Raymond D oby, Associate Professor of Engineering . ............ 640 Magill Road
B.M.E. and M.S., New York University; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Lewis H. E lverson, Associate Professor of Physical Education for Men,
6 Whittier Place
B.S., University of Pennsylvania.
E. J. Faulkner , Associate Professor of Physical Education for Men,
235 Dickinson Avenue
*A lan F riedman , Associate Professor of E nglish.................... Swarthmore College
B.A., Harvard University; M.A., University of California (Berkeley) ; Ph.D.,
Columbia University.
K e n n eth J. G ergen , Associate Professor of Psychology . . . . 602 Elm Avenue
B.A., Yale University; Ph.D., Duke University.
M ark A. H eald, Associate Professor of Physics .......... . .420 Rutgers Avenue
B.A., Oberlin College; M.S. and Ph.D., Yale University.
Stevens H eckscher, Associate Professor of Mathematics,
Pritchard Lane, Wallingford, Pa.
B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., Harvard University.
E leanor K. H ess, Associate Professor of Physical Education for Women,
302 N. Chester Road
B.S. and M.S., University of Pennsylvania.
O lga Lang, Associate Professor of Russian ..................................410 Cedar Lane
Graduate, University of Moscow; Ph.D., Columbia University.
C lark P. M angelsdorf, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering,
339 Riverview Road
B.S., Swarthmore College; M.S. and D.Sc., Massachusetts Institute of Tech
P aul C. M angelsdorf, J r ., Associate Professor of Physics . . . .110 Cornell Ave.
B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Harvard University.
$ Absent on leave, 1967-68.
* Absent on leave, fall semester, 1967-68.
Irene M oll , Associate Professor of Physical Education for Women,
The Damsite, Wallingford, Pa.
B.S. in Ed., University of Kansas; M.A., Texas University for Women.
H arold P agliaro, Associate Professor of English . 61 Sproul Road, Springfield, Pa.
B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., Columbia University.
D ean P eabody, Associate Professor of Psychology...................... 521 Elm Avenue
B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Harvard University.
J ean A shmead P erkins, Associate Professor of French.......... 414 Drew Avenue
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University.
Frederic L. P ryor, Associate Professor of Economics .................. 3 Crum Ledge
B.A., Oberlin College; M.A. and Ph.D., Yale University.
*K enneth S. Rawson , Associate Professor of Z oology........ ...... 8B Whittier Place
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.S., Cornell University; Ph.D., Harvard Uni
Alburt M. Rosenberg, Associate Professor of Natural Science,
609 Hillborn Avenue
B.A., Harvard University; M.S., University of Florida; Ph.D., University
of Pennsylvania.
Bernard Saffran , Associate Professor of Economics . .. .Benjamin West House
B.A., The City College of New York; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Claudio Spies , Associate Professor of Music and Director of Orchestra,
645 North Chester Road
B.A. and M.A., Harvard University.
W illis J. Stetson , Associate Professor of Physical Education for Men and Director
of Athletics ...............................144 North Highland Road, Springfield, Pa.
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., University of Pennsylvania.
P eter G ram Sw ing , Associate Professor of Music and Director of the Chorus,
61 4 Hillborn Avenue
B.A., and M.A., Harvard University.
Peter T. T hom pson , Associate Profesor of Chemistry . .925 Strath Haven Avenue
B.A., The John Hopkins University; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh.
Percy Linwood U rban , J r ., Associate Professor of Religion,
20 South Princeton Avenue
B.A., Princeton University; S.T.B., S.T.M. and Th.D., General Theological
J ohn W. W illiams , Associate Professor of Fine Arts, ■
302 Avondale Road, Wallingford, Pa.
BA., Yale University; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Michigan.
M. J oseph W illis, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering,
Copples and Calendar Lanes, Wallingford, Pa.
B.C.E., University of Washington; M.S., Cornell University; Ph.D., Johns
Hopkins University.
H arrison M orris W right , Associate Professor of H istory.......... 319 Cedar Lane
B.A., M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University.
A ssist a n t P r o fe ss o r s
Elisa Asensio , Assistant Professor of Spanish . . 500 Oakley Road, Haverford, Pa.
M.A., Middlebury College.
Robert C. Bannister , Assistant Professor of H isto ry.............. 513 Elm Avenue
B.A. and Ph.D., Yale University; B.A. and M.A., University of Oxford.
Thomas H. Blackburn , Assistant Professor of E nglish............ 525 Elm Avenue
B.A., Amherst College; B.A. and M.A., University of Oxford; Ph.D., Stan
ford University.
J ohn R. Boccio, Assistant Profesor of Physics .................... Swarthmore College
B.S., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn.
Thompson Bradley, Assistant Professor of Russian,
240 Ridley Creek Road, Moylan, P~
B.A., Yale University; M.A., Columbia University.
* Absent on leave, fall semester, 1967-68.
519 Walnut Lane
B.A., Harvard University; M.A., Princeton University.
G omer H. D avies, Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men,
225 Cornell Avenue
Cyrus D. Cantrell , III, Assistant Professor of Physics . . .
B.S., East Stroudsburg State College; Ed.M., Temple University.
Roland B. di Franco , Assistant Professor of Mathematics.......... 515 Elm Avenue
B.S., Fordham University; M.S., Rutgers University; Ph.D., Indiana
Lewis R. G aty , II, Assistant Professor of Economics........ 221 Haverford Avenue
B.A., Swarthmore College.
J ames H. H ammons , Assistant Professor of Chemistry . .. .33 6 Haverford Place
B.A., Amherst College; M.A. and Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University.
P atrick H enry , III, Assistant Professor of Religion . .. - 317 North Chester Road
B.A., Harvard University; B.A., University of Oxford; M.A., Yale University.
Robert O. K eohane , Assistant Professor of Political Science,
317 North Chester Road
B.A., Shimer College; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University.
T imothy K. K itao , Assistant Professor of Fine Arts . . .317 North Chester Road
B.A. and M.A., University of California; Ph.D., Harvard University.
Eugene A. K lotz , Assistant Professor of Mathematics . . 317 North Chester Road
B.S., Antioch College; Ph.D., Yale University.
fGERALD R. Levin , Assistant Profesor of Psychology.............. 511 Cornell Avenue
B.A., Antioch College; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University.
JR obert E. Leyon , Assistant Professor of Chemistry.................. 519 Walnut Lane
B.A., Williams College; M.A. and Ph.D., Princeton University.
Richard F. M alacrea, Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men,
307 Rutgers Avenue
B.S.Ed., West Chester State College; R.P.T., University of Pennsylvania.
G eorge E. M cCully , Assistant Professor of H isto ry.......... 915 Harvard Avenue
B.A., Brown University, M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University.
J o h n J. M cLaughlin , Assistant Professor of E nglish.............. .... .7 Crum Ledge
B.A., Temple University; M.A. and Ph.D., University of California (Los
Ronald A. M itchell , Assistant Professor of Chemistry . . . . 915 Harvard Avenue
B.S., Westminster College; Ph.D., Indiana University.
J oh n A. N evin , Assistant Profesor of Psychology.........................311 Yale Avenue
B.E., Yale University; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University.
JC lair W. N ielson , Assistant Professor of Physics........ 615 North Chester Road
B.S. and Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
H ans F. O berdiek, Assistant Professor of Philosophy . . . .533 Riverview Road
B.S. and Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
G. Stuart P atterson , J r ., Assistant Professor of Engineering,
606 North Chester Road
B.S. and M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ph.D., The Johns
Hopkins University.
JS teven I. P iker , Assistant Professor of Anthropology...................... 5 Crum Ledge
B.A., Reed College; Ph.D., University of Washington.
Charles Ra ff , Assistant Professor of Philosophy.......... 302 North Chester Road
B.A., University of Rochester; M.A. and Ph.D., Brown University.
Robert Roza, Assistant Professor of French........ ..........404 Strath Haven Avenue
B.A., University of Toronto; M.A. and Ph.D., Princeton University.
Robert E. Savage, Assistant Professor of Biology
.409 College Avenue
B.A., Oberlin College; M.S. and Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
V ictor K. Schütz , Assistant Professor of Engineering,
1317 Grenox Road, Wynnewood, Pa. 19096
B.E.E. and M.A., University of Detroit; B.E.E., St. Joseph’s College; Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania.
J. Edward Skeath , Assistant Professor of Mathematics,
11 Benjamin West Avenue
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Illinois.
t Absent on leave, spring semester, 1967-68.
$ Absent on leave, 1967-68.
Bernard S. Sm ith , Assistant Professor o f H isto ry ..........318 N orth Chester Road
B.A. and M.A., University of Oxford; Ph.D., Harvard University.
{Susan Brooke Snyder , Assistant Professor of English .............519 W alnut Lane
B.A., Hunter College; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University.
Ailyn T erada, Assistant Professor of Physical Education for W omen,
221 South Bullens Lane, Woodlyn, Pa.
B.S., Russell Sage College; M.S., University of Wisconsin.
N icholas S. T hom pson , Assistant Professor of Psychology .. 307 Vassar Avenue
B.A, and Ph.D., University of California.
Emily M. W allace, Assistant Professor of English,
2038 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
B.A., Southwest Missouri State College; M.A. and Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College
J ohn G. W illiamson , Assistant Professor of H isto ry ...........317 N . Chester Road
B.A., Cornell University; Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University.
T homas Artin , Instructor in English .......! ................ .. 317 North Chester Road
B.A. and M.A., Princeton University.
Edward F. Becker, Instructor in Philosophy . . .................................. 6 Crum Ledge
B.A., Stanford University.
O lga F. Connor , Instructor in Spanish . .. .268 Hathaway Lane, Wynnewod, Pa.
M.A., University of Pennsylvania.
Matthew D ickie , Instructor in Classics . . . ........................... 915 Harvard Avenue
B.A.{University of Oxford, M.A., Edinburgh University.
J ames D. Freeman , Instructor in Music ............................................... 8 Crum Ledge
B.A. and M.A., Harvard University.
T homas W . H awkins , J r ., Instructor in Mathematics . ...............515 Elm Avenue
B.A., Houghton College; M.S., University of Rochester.
Raymond F. H opkins , Instructor in Political Science........................2 Crum Ledge
B.A. and M.A., Ohio Wesleyan University; M.A., Yale University.
J ames R. H utchison , Instructor in C hem istry..................... Benjamin W est House
B.S., W ittenberg University.
Richard W . M ansbach , Instructor in Political Science...........Swarthmore College
B.A., Swarthmore College; D.Phil., University of Oxford.
Victor C. N ovick, Instructor in A nth ro p o lo g y................... .. .735 Yale Avenue
B.A., Reed College.
J ohn D. P atrick, Instructor in Economics .....................................519 W alnut Lane
B.A., Harvard University; B.A., University of Oxford.
Gilbert Rose, Instructor in Classics ....................... ................ .Swarthmore College
B.A., University of California (Berkeley).
Richard Schuldenfrei, Instructor in P hilosophy................... Swarthmore College
B.A. and M.A., University of Pennsylvania.
J ohn S. Shackford , Instructor in E n g lish .............................. 835 Harvard Avenue
B.A., Carleton College; M.A., Indiana University.
Simone V. Sm it h , Instructor in French,
514 East Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood, Pa.
Licence ès Lettres, University of Grenoble.
Marie J osé Southw orth , Instructor in F re n c h ............... ..
146 Park Avenue
Cand. Cours Supérieurs, Luxembourg; M.A., W estern Reserve University.
Richard T erdiman , Instructor in F ren ch................................., .409Vi Elm Avenue
B.A., Amherst College.
J on Van T il , Instructor in Sociology . ............... ....................... Swarthmore College
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., University of N orth Carolina.
J ames T. W ood, Instructor in M athem atics.............................. 915 Harvard Avenue
B.A., Amherst College; M.A., University of Pennsylvania.
L e c t u r e r s a n d A ssista n ts
H arriet Shorr Baguskas, Director of Studio Arts,
214 N . Jackson St., Media, Pa.
B.A., Swarthmore College; B.F.A., Yale School of Art and Architecture.
t Absent
on leave, 1967-68.
A lice Brodhead, Lecturer in Education and Director of Student Teaching,
316 Ogden Avenue
B.S. and M.A., University of Pennsylvania.
Brooke P. Cottman , Assistant in Physical Education for Men . .. .315 Yale Ave.
B.A., Duke University.
G loria Carey Evans, Consultant for Testing and Guidance,
205 Linden Lane, Wallingford, Pa.
B.A., Western Washington College of Education; M.S., University of
Washington; Ph.D., Stanford University.
J oh n J. Fisher , Visiting Lecture in Philosophy (Temple University),
76 Snyder Lane, Springfield, Pa.
B.A., Wheaton College; M.A., Northwestern University; Ph.D., University
of Pennsylvania.
Eileen S. G ersh, Visiting Lecturer in Biology (University of Pennsylvania),
4037 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
B.A., Oxford University; Ph.D., University of London.
H elen H all , Consultant in Beading and Language.............. 407 Hillborn Avenue
B.A., Wellesley College; M.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., University of
D udley H eath , Assistant in Physical Education for Men,
509 Smedley Avenue, Media, Pa.
B.A., Dartmouth College; Ed.M., Temple University.
W ulff D. H eintz , Research Associate and Lecturer in Astronomy .4 Crum Ledge
Dr. rer.nat., Miinchen University.
U w e H enke , Lecturer in Philosophy.......... 3500 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
M.A., University of Pennsylvania.
N annerl H enry , Lecturer in Political Science . . . . . . . . 317 North Chester Road
B.A., Wellesley College; B.A. and M.A., University of Oxford.
G abriele S. H oenigswald, Lecturer in Classics.............. 908 Westdale Avenue
M.A., Bryn Mawr College; D.Litt., University of Florence.
H elen M anning H unter , Lecturer in Economics,
Featherbed Lane, Haverford, Pa.
B.A., Smith College; Ph.D., Radcliffe College.
G ilbert K alish , Visiting Associate in Performance (Music) . Swarthmore College
B.A., Columbia University.
P eggy K. K orn , Lecturer in H istory...........................1446 Rydal Road, Rydal, Pa.
B.A., Beaver College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Asmarom Legesse, Lecturer in Anthropology.................................¡5 Crum Ledge
B.A., University College of Addis Ababa; Ed.M., Harvard University.
Sarah Lee Lippincott , Lecturer and Research Associate in Astronomy,
510 Elm Avenue
B.A., University of Pennsylvania; M.A., Swarthmore College.
J ames W . Lukens , J r ., Assistant in Physical Education for Men,
523 Welsh Street, Chester, Pa.
B.S.E.E., University of Louisville; LL.B., Washington and Lee University.
J ames J. M cAdoo, Assistant in Physical Education for Men,
513 East Bringhurst, Germantown, Pa.
P ierre M orel , Research Assistant in Astronomy .....................Swarthmore College
Diplôme ¿ ’Etudes Supérieures, Nice University.
R obert P. N ew ton , Visiting Lecturer in German (University of Pennsylvania),
13 Park Avenue
B.A. and M.A., Rice University; Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University.
Adrienne Rich , Adviser in Creative W ritin g .........................Swarthmore College
B.A., Radcliffe College.
G eorge T. Rudkin , Visiting Lecturer in Biology (Institute for Cancer Research),
403 Forrest Avenue, Elkins Park, Pa.
B.S. and Ph.D., California Institute of Technology; M.S., Stanford University.
O lga Linares de Sapir , Visiting Lecturer in Anthropology (University of
Pennsylvania) ...................................1021 S. Farragut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
B.A., Vassar College; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University.
H elen P. Shatagin , Visiting Lecturer in Russian.................. 307 Cornell Avenue
Robert M. Smart, College Organist............................................. 18 Oberlin Avenue
BA., Curtis Institute of Music; M.A., Westminster Choir College.
D. Paul Snyder, Visiting Lecturer in Philosophy (Temple University),
5511 Morris Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
B.A., Wagner College; Ph.D., Duke University.
A. D avid Sylvester, Visiting Lecturer in Fine A r ts .................. 405 Walnut Lane
Margaret T. T hom pson , Supervisor of Dramatic Activities,
925 Strath Haven Avenue
B.A., Chatham College.
J ean L. T omezsko , Assistant in B iology.......... 4 Prince Eugene Lane, Media, Pa.
B.A., Pennsylvania State University.
Edith T wombly , Assistant in B iology...................... ..............Swarthmore College
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.Ed., Harvard University.
T sing Y uan , Lecturer in History . . . .842 Windemere Avenue, Drexel Hill, Pa.
B.A. and M.A., George Washington University.
Paul Z ukofsky , Visiting Associate in Performance (Music) .Swarthmore College
B.M. and M.S., Juilliard School of Music.
D iv is io n s a n d D e p a r t m e n t s
I. Division of the Humanities—J ean A. P erkins , Chairman
Classics, M artin O stwald, Acting Chairman.
English Literature, G eorge J. Becker, Chairman.
Fine Arts, R obert M. W alker , Chairman.
History, J ames A. Field, J r ., Chairman.
Mathematics, H einrich Brinkm ann , Chairman.
Modern Languages, Francis P. T afoya, Chairman.
Music, P eter G ram Swing , Chairman.
Philosophy and Religion, P. Linwood U rban , J r ., Acting Chairman.
Psychology and Education, K en n eth J. G ergen , Chairman.
II. Division of the Social Sciences—H arrison M. W right , Chairman
Economics, Frank C. Pierson , Chairman.
History, J ames A. F ield, J r ., Chairman.
Mathematics, H einrich Brinkm ann , Chairman.
Philosophy and Religion, P. Linwood U rban , J r ., Acting Chairman.
Political Science, J. R oland P ennock , Chairman; D avid G. Sm ith , Acting Chairman, first semester.
Psychology and Education, K e n n eth J. G ergen , Chairman.
Sociology and Anthropology, Leon Bramson , Chairman.
Division of the Natural Sciences— P eter T. T hom pson , Chairman
Astronomy, P eter van de K am p , Chairman.
Biology, N orman A. M einkoth , Chairman.
Chemistry, W alter B. K eighton , J r ., Chairman.
Engineering, Samuel T. Carpenter , Chairman.
Mathematics, H einrich Brinkm ann , Chairman.
Philosophy and Religion, P. Linwood U rban , J r ., Acting Chairman.
Physics, W illiam C. E lmore , Chairman.
Psychology and Education, K e n n eth J. G ergen , Chairman.
IY. Division of Engineering—Samuel T. Carpenter , Chairman
Engineering, Samuel T. Carpenter , Chairman.
Chemistry, W alter B. K eighton , J r ., Chairman.
Mathematics, H einrich Brinkm ann , Chairman.
Physics, W illiam C. E lmore , Chairman.
St a n d i n g C o m m
it t e e s
Faculty *
A cademic Requirements : Moore, Chairman.
Barr, Barns, Cobbs, Lange, Livingston, P. Mangelsdorf, Pierson, J. Williams,
A dmissions and Scholarships : Hargadon, Chairman.
Barr, Carpenter, Cobbs, Flemister, Gaty, Hammons, Lange, MacLaren, Moore,
Pagliaro, Perkins, Skeath, Stott, Willis.
Athletics : Stetson, Chairman.
Barr, Robert Bartkus ' 68, Cratsley, Allen Dietrich '69, Faulkner, Donald Fujihira
'69, Hess, Morrill, Shane, Jonathan Summerton ' 68, Walker, Weber, Willis.
Awards and P rizes : Keighton, Chairman.
Avery, Elverson, Keohane, MacLaren, C. Mangelsdorf, Moll, Savage.
Bookstore A dvisory: Pagliaro, Chairman.
Cobbs, Cook, Govan, John M ather' 68, McCully, Diana Wickes '70.
Collection : Shane, Chairman.
Beik, Jacqueline Ellis '69, Duncan Hollomon '70, Lange, Martha Leary 69,
Ray McClain ' 68, Rawson, Lawrence Smith ' 68, Swing, D. Thompson, P.
Thompson, Margaret Updike ’68, Van Til.
Com puter : Patterson, Chairman.
Cook, di Franco, Alan Feldman ’69, Arthur Fink ' 68, Lippincott, Meinkoth,
Pryor, Rosenberg, Schuldenfrei.
Cooper F oundation : Blackburn, Chairman.
Susan Gelletly ' 68, Keohane, Harold Kwalwasser ' 68, Lippincott, Craig Maynard
'70, McCrumm, Chloe O’Gara '70, Trudy Pomerantz '70, Shane, Spies, Donald
Stokes '69, Tafoya.
Curriculum : Nevin, Chairman.
Bramson, Cobbs, Heckscher, Meinkoth, Moore, Morrill, D. Smith, Swing.
Faculty and Staff Ben efits : Cratsley, Chairman.
Bowler, Cook, Davies, Hammons, Livingston, Ostwald, Peabody, C. Shero.
Swarthmore F ellow ships : Flemister, Chairman.
Asensio, Cowden, Hammons, Kitao, C. Mangelsdorf, Williamson.
F ellowships from O ther I nstitutions : Beik, Chairman.
Blackburn, Gillespie (Secretary), Keighton, MacLaren, Malacrea, Morrill,
Urban, Van Til.
I nstruction : Courtney Smith, Chairman.
Carpenter, Cobbs, Moore, Peabody, Perkins, Rawson, P. Thompson, Wright.
Library: Heckscher, Chairman.
Nancy Bekavac '69, Bramson, Govan, Joanne Luoto '69, McCully, Oberdiek,
Ostwald, Jeff Spielberg '70, Tafoya, Tolies, Willis.
M aster of A rts : W alker, Chairman.
di Franco, Elmore, Lippincott, Mautner, N. Thompson, Tolies.
P re -M edical P rogram : Weber, Chairman.
Bowie, Bullitt (Assistant to Chairman), Hutchison, Malacrea, Skeath, Stott,
Twombly, Williamson.
Research : Weber, Chairman.
Bannister, Cratsley, McCrumm, van de Kamp, J. Williams.
Schedule of C lasses: Moore, Chairman,
Avery, Bannister, Doby, Elmore, Fehnel, Hess, Margaret Kohn 69, Rosenberg,
Michael Schudson ’69.
* Undergraduate members of committees are shown with their class numerals.
Student A ffairs : Barr, Chairman.
Cobbs, Gaty, Lange, Pagliaro, Urban.
Student Summer Research : J. Williams, Chairman.
Barus, Beik, Cowden, Enders, Lang, Pryor, Raff.
T eacher Euducation : Cobbs, Chairman.
Brinkmann, Brodhead, Davies, Levin, Moore, Perkins, Shane.
T ravel A llowance : Bowler, Chairman.
Bradley, Brinkmann, Mautner, McLaughlin, Terada.
Use of College Facilities by O utside O rganizations : Cook, Chairman.
Davisson, Hess, Lange, Shane, Stanton, Stetson, P. Thompson.
Secretary to the Faculty : Cowden.
P r esid en t ’s O ffic e
President, Courtney Sm ith , B.A., M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University; LL.D.,
L. H.D., and Litt.D.
Administrative Assistant to the President, G ilmore Stott , B.A. and M.A., University
of Cincinnati; B.A. and M.A., University of Oxford; M.A. and Ph.D., Princeton
Secretary, M artha H. D ecrouez, B.S., University of Minnesota.
V ic e -P resid en ts ’ O ffice
Vice-President—(Finance) and Controller, Edward K. Cratsley,
B.A., College of Wooster; M.B.A. and D.C.S., Harvard University.
Vice-President— Public Relations and Alumni Affairs, J oseph B. Sha ne ,
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., University of Pennsylvania.
Associate Development Officer, Richard M. Schrader, B.A., and M.B.A., Cornell
Secretaries, P auline M. Carroll, A lison Carswell N aylor, B.A., Swarthmore
D e a n s ’ O ffices
Dean, Susan P. Cobbs, B.A., Randolph-Macon Woman’s College; M.A., New
York University; Ph.D., University of Chicago.
Associate Dean and Registrar, J o h n M. M oore, B.A., Park College; B.D., Union
Theological Seminary; M.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., Columbia University.
Dean of Men, Robert A. Barr, J r ., B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., University
of Pennsylvania.
Dean of Women, Barbara P earson Lange .
Associate Dean of Students and Director of Financial Aid, M argaret L. M acLaren ,
B.A., Swarthmore College.
Dean of Admissions, Frederick A. H argadon, B.A., Haverford College.
Assistant Dean of Admissions, D ouglas C. T hom pson , B.S., Swarthmore College.
Assistant Dean of Admissions, Edith T wombly , B.A., Swarthmore College; M.Ed.,
Harvard University.
Administrative Assistant, M argaret W . M oore, B.A., Park College; M.A., Ph.D.,
Columbia University.
Consultant for Testing and Guidance, G loria Carey Evans, B.A., Western Wash
ington College of Education; M.S., University of Washington; Ph.D., Stan
ford University.
Consultant in Reading and Language, H elen H all , B.A., Wellesley College;
M. A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Head Residents in Dormitories:
K aren F lack B onnell , Woolman House; B.A., Bryn Mawr College.
Rhoda M ansbach , Robinson House; B.Litt., University of Oxford.
V irginia E. M yers, Willets Hall.
N ancy P almer , Worth Hall; B.A., Wells College.
V irginia von Frankenberg , Parrish Hall; B.A., University of Nebraska.
Secretaries to the Deans:
Emily Bonsall .
M erry I. F oxworth , B.Mus., Oberlin College.
Rosamond W. G arrett, B.A., Wilson College.
W inifred J. H all .
M ildred I rw in .
M yrtle R. K eeny , B.A., Dickinson College.
R e g i s t r a r ’s O
f f ic e
Registrar J o h n M. M oore, B.A, Park College; B.D., Union Theological Seminary;
M.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., Columbia University.
Secretaries, M arjorie L. W ebb, B.A., University of Delaware.
J ane H. T hom pson , B.A., Swarthmore College.
Edith Bartholomew .
L ib r a r y St a f f
College Library
Librarian: J ames F. G ovan, B.A., University of the South; M.A., Emory Uni
versity; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University.
Secretary to the Librarian: M argery J. H iltz .
Associate Librarian: M artha A. Connor , B.S., M.A., University of Pennsyl
vania; B.S. in L.S., Drexel Institute.
Serials Section: A n n e P erkins ; P auline M arshall, B.S., Simmons
Head, Cataloging Department: D oris Beik , B.A. and B.S. in L.S., State Uni
versity of New York at Albany.
Catalogers: E lizabeth L. H arrar, B.A., University of Delaware' M A
University of Pennsylvania; B.S. in L.S., Drexel Institute.
M ildred H irsch, B.S. in L.S., Columbia University.
Elizabeth Sharpless, B.A., Swarthmore College; B.S. in L S Drexel
Assistants: D oris P itm an M oist ; Charlotte W eiss.
Head, Order Department: M ary C. K erbaugh, B.A., University of Pennsyl
vania; M.S. in L.S., Drexel Institute.
Assistants: M argaret Roeske, B.A.,. Swarthmore College; Blondine
Head, Reference Department: H oward H . W illiams, B.A., TaG> Forest Col
lege; M.A. and B.S. in L.S., Columbia University.
Assistants: E lizabeth H. P hillips , B.A., Swarthmore College; M artha
Scott .
Heed, Circulation Department: Catherine J. Sm ith , B.A., Swarthmore Col
lege; B.S. in L.S., Drexel Institute.
Assistant Circulation Librarian: G eorge K. H uber, B.A., University of
of Pennsylvania; M.S. in L.S., Drexel Institute.
Assistants: H elen D aiuta ; V irginia von Frankenberg B A Uni
versity of Nebraska.
Science Librarian: Eleanor A. M aass, B.A, M.S, University of Illinois,
Ph.D , University of Wisconsin.
Assistant: J osephine Sm ith , B.A, Swarthmore College.
Friends Historical Library
Director: Frederick B. T olles, B.A, M.A. and Ph.D , Harvard University
D. Litt, Haverford College.
Associate Director: D orothy G. H arris, B.A, Wellesley College; B.S in
E. S , Drexel Institute; M .A, University of Pennsylvania.
Secretarial Assistant: E lizabeth S. M acpherson , B.A, Ursinus College.
Assistants: E leanor B. M ayer, B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University; Tane M
T horson , Cornell College.
Swarthmore College Peace Collection:
Curator: A rdith L. E mmons , B.A, William Penn College; M A Mills
Assistant: C laire B. Shetter , Philadelphia Musical Academy.
Honorary Curators of the Friends Historical Library
Anna Pettit Broomell, Frances Williams Browin, Henry J. Cadbury, Anna
Griscom Elkinton, LaVerne Forbush, Lucretia Franklin, James R. Frorer, William
Hubben, Caroline Biddle Malin, Gerald McDonald, Richmond P. Miller, Hadassah
M. L. Holcombe, Edith Williams Way.
Advisory Council of the Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Courtney Smith, Chairmans Irwin Abrams, Anna Cox Brinton, Merle Curti,
Alfred Hassler, Ernst Posner, Joseph B. Shane, Frederick B. Tolies, E. Raymond
Com puter Center
Director, Ronald A n t o n .
B usiness O ffic e
Associate Controller, Accounting and Finance, G. Caroline Shero , B.A., Swarth
more College; M.B.A., University of Pennsylvania.
Accountant, H arold L. F rederick, J r ., B.S., Juniata College.
Assistants, An n a J effries , Freda T homas , M argaret A. T hom pson , Ellen R.
A ugsberger.
Associate Controller, Purchasing and Personnel, Lewis T. Cook , J r., B.A., St.
Lawrence University; M.S., Pennsylvania State College.
Secretary, Ruth B. W alker .
Manager of Bookstore, N ormund L. Bandrevics, B.B.A., University of Latvia;
Assistants, D aisy S. J effery , M argaret W helpley .
Stenographic Staff, M arguerite C lifford , Edith Coh en , O lga A. H ummer ,
Ru t h A n n M offett , Edith W oodland.
Switchboard Operators, J udy G race F eiy , Ayme G osman , D orothy H. O lson . I
Postmistress, Arlene D elozier .
H o u se D irecto r ’s O f fic e
House Director, K athryn A. D avisson.
Assistants to the House Director, Carrie F. A mberg, J une Carnall , Edna B. I
H eale , Lily M ari, V irginia E. M yers, P hyllis W oodcock.
Su p e r in t e n d e n t ’s O f fic e
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, W illiam M. Stanton , J r ., B.A., I
University of Wisconsin.
Planning Engineer, J oseph E. Spafford , B.S., University of Missouri.
Consulting Engineer, A ndrew Simpson , B.A., Swarthmore College; M.S. Cornell
Director of Arthur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foundation, J o h n C. W ister, B.A.,
Harvard University; D.Sc., Swarthmore College.
Assistant Directors, D avid M elrose; G ertrude S. VT stlr, B.S., University of
Assistant to the Director, G eorge J. P agowski.
Secretary, E laine E. I nn es .
Consulting Horticulturist, H arry W ood.
Assistants to the Superintendent, Franklin H. Briggs, B.A., Earlham College,
Richardson F ields, Clifford R enshaw , J r., D avid M elrose.
Secretaries, V eronica Sullivan , F rancis K avanagh, M argaret R. Shaw .
lum ni and
Fund O
f f ic e s
Director, K athryn Bassett.
Alumni Recorder, Esther K elley .
Secretaries, E lizabeth Campbell , E linor B. E leniewski.
N e w s O f f ic e
Director, M aralyn O rbison G illespie , B.A., Swarthmore College.
Assistant Director, V irginia Bullitt .
Secretary, M ildred Strain .
V o c a t io n a l G u id a n c e a n d P l a c e m e n t
Director, V irginia Bullitt .
H e a l t h S er v ice
College Physician, M orris A. Bow ie , B.A., University of Colorado; M.D., Harvard
Associate College Physician:
H arold C. Roxby, B.S., Pennsylvania State University; M.D., Temple
Consulting Orthopedic Surgeon:
Erwin R. Schmidt , J r ., B.S., Yale University, M.D., University of Wisconsin.
Consulting Psychiatrists:
*Leon J. Saul , B.A., and M.A., Columbia University; M.D., Harvard University.
P. Evans Adams, B.A. and M.D., University of Pennsylvania.
J. W. Lyons, B.A., University of Scranton; M.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Silas L. W arner , B.A., Princeton University; M.D., Northwestern University.
Nurses: E lizabeth Cozine , R.N., E lizabeth F. M cConnell , R.N., E. Elizabeth
M cG eary, R.N., H elen R. M artin , R.N., Ida M oore T homas , R.N.
Secretary: J anet B. H azzard, R.N.
D e p a r t m e n t a l S e c r e t a r ie s , A ssista n ts a n d T e c h n ic ia n s
Astronomy: M ary M acD. J ackson , B.A., Swarthmore College, N an J ones , E liza
beth H. K uhlm an , B.A., Mount Holyoke College, Louise H. M itchell ,
B.S., West Chester State College, M ichael D. W orth .
Biology: Lloyd M erritts.
Chemistry: Edward C. K ehle , H olly T. T aylor.
Economics: E leanor G reitzer , M ary E. R enneison .
Engineering Ewald K asten , F rances Shero , B.A., Swarthmore College, Frances
M. W ills .
English Literature: T helma M. M iller .
History: D orothy D. Blythe .
Modern Languages: N atalie K ruczaj .
Music: M ary G. G atens .
* Absent on leave, 1967-68.
Philosophy and Religion: A lta K. Schmidt .
Physical Education for Men: Elizabeth Bassett.
Physical Education for Women: Esther R. G osser.
Physics: J o h n R. A ndrews, A nn a V. D eRose, J oseph P. M cCart.
Political Science: Eleanor G reitzer .
Psychology and Education: V irginia S. G reer, O tto H ebel , K atherine D . H eisler , B.A., Vassar College, E lizabeth J. W ray, B.A., Wellesley College.
Sociology and Anthropology: P auline B. F ederman .
Swarthmore College, founded in 1864 by members of the Religious
Society of Friends, is a co-educational college occupying a campus of about
300 acres of rolling wooded land in and adjacent to the borough of Swarth
more in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. It is a small college by deliberate
policy. Its present enrollment is about 1025 students, of whom 475
are women and 550 are men. The borough of Swarthmore is a residential
suburb within half an hour’s commuting distance of Philadelphia. Because
of its location, Swarthmore College students are able to combine the
advantages of a semi-rural setting with the opportunities offered by Phila
delphia. Especially valuable is the cooperation made possible with three
other nearby institutions, Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges and the
University of Pennsylvania.
O b je c t iv e s a n d P u r p o s e s
In accordance with the traditions of its Quaker background, Swarthmore
students are expected to prepare themselves for full, balanced lives as
individuals and as responsible citizens through exacting intellectual study
supplemented by a varied program of sports and other extra-curricular
The purpose of Swarthmore College is to make its students more valuable human beings and more useful members of society. It shares this
purpose with other educational institutions, for American education is a
direct outgrowth of our democratic principles. While a common purpose
underlies all American education, each school and college and university
seeks to realize that purpose in its own way. Each must select those tasks
it can do best. Only by such selection can it contribute to the diversity and
richness of educational opportunity which is part of the American heritage
and the American strength.
A c a d e m ic C o m p e t e n c e
Democracy demands a broad base of intelligent understanding of issues. I
It also necessitates a high order of excellence in those who are destined
to become its leaders. Swarthmore can best serve society by the main
tenance of high standards. It is peculiarly fitted by tradition and perform- I
ance for this essential role, and it is precisely this readiness to do a particular
job well that gives the College its value in the educational pattern of
American democracy.
Education is largely an individual matter, for no two students are
exactly alike. Some need detailed help, while others profit from con
siderable freedom. The program of Honors study, in which Swarthmore
pioneered, is designed to give recognition to this fact. It is the most
distinctive feature of the College’s educational program. For many stu
dents, it provides an enriching and exciting intellectual experience. It
has as its main ingredients freedom from ordinary classroom routine and
close association with faculty members in small seminars, concentrated
work in broad fields of study, and maximum latitude for the development
of individual responsibility. The Honors program and the Course pro
gram are alternative systems of instruction for students during their last
two years. Both are designed to evoke the maximum effort and develop
ment from each student, the choice of method being determined by
individual need and capacity.
T he R eligious T radition
Swarthmore College was founded by members of the Religious Society
of Friends, and it seeks to illuminate the life of its students with the
spiritual principles of that Society. Although it has been non-sectarian
in control since the beginning of the present century, and although the
children of Friends compose a minority of the student body, the College
seeks to preserve the religious traditions out of which it sprang.
The essence of Quakerism is the individual’s responsibility for seeking
tmth and for applying whatever truth he believes he has found. As a
way of life, it emphasizes hard work, simple living, and generous giving;
personal integrity, social justice, and the peaceful settlement of disputes.
The College does not seek to impose on its students this Quaker view
of life, or any other specific set of convictions about the nature of things
and the duty of man. It does, however, have the two-fold aim of encour
aging conscious concern about such questions and unceasing re-examination
of any view which may be held regarding them. That is the kind of
ethical and religious character which Swarthmore seeks to develop.
A college is never static. Its purposes and policies are always changing
to meet new demands and new conditions. The founders of Swarthmore
would find in it today many features which they never contemplated
when they shaped the College in the middle of the nineteenth century.
Swarthmore, if it is to remain effective, must be forever changing. The
goal is to achieve for each generation, by means appropriate to the times,
that unique contribution and that standard of excellence which have
been the guiding ideals of Swarthmore from its founding.
Inquiries concerning admission and applications should be addressed to
the Dean of Admissions, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.
G eneral Statement
In the selection of students the college seeks those qualities of character,
social responsibility, and intellectual capacity which it is primarily con
cerned to develop. It seeks them, not in isolation, but as essential elements
in the whole personality of candidates for admission.
It is the policy of the college to have the student body represent not
only different parts of the United States but many foreign countries,
both public and private secondary schools, and various economic, social,
religious, and racial groups. The college is also concerned to include in
each class sons and daughters of alumni and of members of the Society
of Friends.
Selection is important and difficult. No simple formula will be effective.
The task is to choose those who give promise of distinction in the quality
of their personal lives, in service to the community, or in leadership in
their chosen fields. Swarthmore College must choose its students on the
basis of their individual future worth to society and of their collective
realization of the purpose of the college.
Admission to the freshman class is normally based upon the satisfactory
completion of a four-year secondary school program preparatory to advanced liberal study. Under exceptional circumstances, students who have
virtually completed the normal four-year program in three years will be
considered for admission, provided they meet the competition of other
candidates in general maturity as well as readiness for a rigorous academic
All applicants are selected on the following evidence:
1. Record in secondary school.
2. Recommendations from the school principal, headmaster, or guidance
counselor and from two teachers.
3. Rating in the Scholastic Aptitude Test and in three Achievement
Tests of the College Entrance Examination Board.
4. Personal interview with one of the Deans or an appointed repre
5. Reading and experience, both in school and out.
Applicants must have satisfactory standing in school, and in aptitude
and achievement tests, and should show strong intellectual interests. They
should also give evidence of sturdiness of character, promise of growth,
initiative, seriousness of purpose, and a sense of social responsibility. As
future members of the college community, they should represent varied
interests and backgrounds.
P r e p a r a t io n
The College does not require a set plan of secondary school courses as
preparation for its program. The election of specific subjects is left to the
student and his school advisers. In general, preparation should include:
1. Skills: The following skills are essential to success in college work
and should be brought to a high level by study and practice through
out the preparatory period.
a. The use of the English language with accuracy and effectiveness
in reading, writing, and speaking.
b. The use of the principles of mathematics.
c. The use of one, or two, foreign languages to the point of reading
prose of average difficulty.
2. Subjects: All, or almost all, of the preparatory course should be
composed of the subjects listed in the following four groups. Varia
tions of choice and emphasis are acceptable although some work
should be taken in each group.
History and Social Studies: American, English, European, and an
cient history; political, social, and economic problems of modern
Literature and Art:
music; art.
American, English, and foreign literature;
Natural Science and Mathematics: chemistry, physics, biology,
astronomy; algebra, geometry, trigonometry. Those planning to
major in engineering should present work in chemistry, physics,
and four years of mathematics including algebra, geometry and
Languages: English, Latin, Greek, German, French, Spanish, Rus
sian, other European or Oriental languages. Applicants who
expect to major in science are strongly advised to include German
and, if possible, French in their school programs.
A pplications
The closing date for applications is February 1. A preliminary applica
tion card will be sent upon request, and this card should be returned
promptly, together with the (non-refundable) application fee of $15.00.
A complete set of application papers is then sent. Applicants are en
couraged to send their completed applications to the College as early in
the fall of their senior year as possible. Although Swarthmore does not
have an "early decision” program, preliminary readings of completed ap
plications are made at an early date to determine regional and national
award winners.
All applicants for admission are required to take the Scholastic Aptitude
Test and three Achievement Tests given by the College Entrance Examina
tion Board. The Scholastic Aptitude Test should normally be taken in
December or January of the senior year. Residents of California, Georgia,
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Oregon and Texas may wish
to take the Scholastic Aptitude Test on November 4, 1967, an additional
testing date in those states.
Achievement Tests must be taken not later than January of the senior
year. English Composition is required and the other two Achievement
Tests should be chosen by the candidate from two different fields. Appli
cants for Engineering must take one achievement test in Mathematics.
The Writing Sample will not be accepted as one of the three examinations.
Candidates who take Achievement Tests in May of the junior year in
subjects completed by that time may submit the results to the Admission
Office, but it is strongly recommended that the English Composition and
at least one other Achievement Test be taken in December or January of
the senior year.
In 1967-68 these tests will be given in various centers throughout this
country and abroad on December 2, January 13, March 2, May 4, and July
13. Application to take these tests should be made directly to the College
Entrance Examination Board, Box 592, Princeton, New Jersey. A bulletin
of information may be obtained without charge from the Board. Students
who wish to be examined in any of the following western states, provinces,
and Pacific areas—Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho,
Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming,
Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Mexico, Australia,
and all Pacific Islands including Formosa and Japan—should address their
inquiries and send their applications to the College Entrance Examination
Board, Box 1025, Berkeley, California. Application should be made to
the Board at least a month before the date on which the test will be taken.
No additional tests are required of candidates for scholarships. All
applicants who would like to be considered for any of our scholarships
should complete their applications at the earliest possible date. Informa
tion concerning financial aid will be found on pages 37-46.
T he I nterview
An admissions interview with a representative of the College is a
requirement in making application to Swarthmore. Applicants are expected
to take the initiative in arranging for this interview. Those who can reach
Swarthmore with no more than a half day’s trip are urged to make an
appointment to visit the College for this purpose.* Other applicants
T o r e a c h t h e C o lle g e f r o m t h e N e w J e rs e y T u r n p i k e , m o to r is ts s h o u l d le a v e b y E x it 4
( C a m d e n - P h ila d e lp h ia I n te r c h a n g e ) .
T u r n r i g h t o n R o u te 7 3 .
I n a b o u t o n e h u n d re d feet
t u r n r i g h t f o r I n te r s t a te R o u te 29 5 S o u th , a n d f o ll o w s ig n s f o r W a l t W h i t m a n B r id g e .
A f te r
c r o s s in g B r id g e f o ll o w s ig n s f o r P h i l a d e l p h i a I n te r n a tio n a l A ir p o r t, R o u te 2 9 1 .
F o llo w R o u te
291 p a s t A ir p o r t to 4 2 0 . T u r n r i g h t o n 4 2 0 t o B a ltim o r e P ik e , t u r n l e f t a n d p ro c e e d to in t e r
s e c tio n w ith R o u te 3 2 0 .
T u r n le f t a n d f o ll o w s ig n s to th e C o lle g e .
F r o m t h e P e n n s y lv a n ia
T u r n p i k e , ta k e E x i t 2 4 (V a U e y F o r g e ) a n d ta k e s e c o n d r i g h t ( s ig n s a y s A r d m o r e , C h e s te r ) off
K o u te 4 3 o n to R o u te 2 3 . T u r n r i g h t o n R o u te 3 2 0 a n d f o ll o w i t to t h e c a m p u s .
should request the Office of Admissions to arrange a meeting with an
alumni representative in their own area. Interviews should be completed
before March 1 of the senior year. Scholarship applicants should make
an effort to have their interviews by January 15. Candidates are not
interviewed until the latter part of the junior year. Candidates will not
be able to have campus interviews from March 15 to May 1 but a tour
of the campus may be arranged during this period. Appointments at
the College can be made by calling or writing the Office of Admissions,
KI 3-0200, Ext. 445.
Admission D ecisions
Notices of the action of the Admissions Committees will be mailed
about April 15.
A dvanced P lacement
Freshmen may apply for advanced standing or placement in particular
courses if they have taken college level courses and the Advanced Place
ment Tests of the College Entrance Examination Board. Decisions are
made by the departments concerned. Every effort is made to place students
in the most advanced courses for which they are qualified.
A pplications
T ransfer
The college accepts a very limited number of transfer students. For
favorable consideration, applicants for transfer must have had a good
scholastic record in the institution attended and must present full creden
tials for both college and preparatory work, including a statement of
honorable dismissal. They must take the Scholastic Aptitude Test given
by the College Entrance Examination Board if this test has not been taken
As a general practice, transfer students are not admitted to advanced
standing later than the beginning of the sophomore year. Four semesters
I of study at Swarthmore College constitute the minimum requirement for
I a degree, two of which must be those of the senior year. Applications
I for transfer must be filed by March 15 of the year in which entrance
I is desired. Decisions on these applications are announced early in June.
I Students admitted by transfer are not eligible for financial assistance
I during their first year at Swarthmore.
Charges for the academic year 1967-68 (two semesters) :
Tuition .....................................................................................
General F e e .................................
Board and R o o m ....................................................................
Total Resident C harges.............................................
While a general charge for board and room is made, this may be divided
into $565 for board and $420 for room. The general fee of $190 covers
the cost of student health services, library and laboratory fees, athletic fees,
attendance at all campus social and cultural events, and the support of most
other extra-curricular activities.
One half of the total sum is due not later than Registration Day at the
beginning of the fall semester. Bills are mailed before the opening of
the current term. Payments should be made by check or draft to the order
of Swarthmore College. A student is not a registered student at Swarthmore College, nor on any class roll, until his bill is paid. Correspondence
about financial matters should be addressed to Miss G. Caroline Shero,
Associate Controller.
Students who wish to charge Book Store purchases, laboratory break
age fees, etc., may do so by maintaining a student deposit account at the
Business Office against which charge checks may be drawn. Cash with
drawals may also be made. Students will be notified when overdrafts
occur and no cash withdrawals may be made unless a cash balance is
maintained. A minimum deposit of $100.00 in September is suggested and
all students are urged to maintain such an account for their convenience.
No reduction or refunding of tuition can be made on account of
absence, illness, voluntary withdrawal, or dismissal from college. No
reduction or refund will be made for failure to occupy the room assigned
for a given term, nor is the general fee refundable. In case of absence
or withdrawal from the college and provided due notice has been given
in advance to the Business Office, there will be a refund of two-thirds
of the board charge for any time in excess of two weeks. Exceptions will
be made for students who are required by the draft to leave during the
course of the academic year. In these cases tuition, general fee, board
and room charges will be refunded on a pro rata basis.
T uition Payment P lans
Many of the parents of students may wish to pay all tuition, fees, and
residence charges on a monthly basis. It is possible to arrange this under
certain alternative plans. The cost is 2% % to 6% greater than when
payments are made in cash in advance. Details of the plans will be
* A n a d v a n c e d e p o s it o f $ 2 5 is r e q u i r e d o f a l l n e w s tu d e n t s in o r d e r t o re s e rv e a p la c e in
c o lle g e f o r t h e c o m in g y e a r. A s im i la r d e p o s it o f $1 5 is r e q u i r e d o f r e t u r n in g s tu d e n ts . T h e se
d e p o s its a r e c r e d ite d a g a in s t t h e b i l l f o r t u i t i o n , b o a r d , a n d r o o m .
furnished by the College prior to issuance of the first semester’s bill in
Sickness Insurance
The college makes available both accident and accident and sickness
insurance to students through John C. Paige & Company of Boston,
Massachusetts. Accident coverage alone costs $12.00 per year (12 months)
for women, and $18.00 for men. The combined accident and sickness
policy is available at an annual cost of $32.50 for women and $36.00 for
men. At least accident coverage is required of all students who participate
in intercollegiate athletic activities and the combined accident and sickness
policy is particularly recommended. Application forms are mailed to all
students during the summer.
The college assigns scholarships to a substantial number of students
each year. These awards are normally made to entering freshman students
and are renewable for four years. About one hundred freshman scholar
ships are awarded carrying stipends varying from $100 to $3,200 annually.
Approximately thirty per cent of the total student body are currently
receiving scholarship aid from the College, with stipends averaging about
$1,200 annually. Another ten to fifteen per cent are being assisted from
sources outside the College.
All grants are based upon school or college record, and upon financial
need as revealed in confidential statements to the Scholarship Committee
through the agency of the College Scholarship Service. Entering students
seeking financial assistance are required to submit a Parents Confidential
Statement to the Service. This form may be obtained from a secondary
school or from the College Scholarship Service, P. O. Box 176, Princeton,
New Jersey 08540, Box 881, Evanston, Illinois 60204, or P. O. Box 1025,
Berkeley, California 94701. The Scholarship Committee reviews the finan
cial situation and academic progress of every scholarship holder at the
end of each academic year before renewing the awards. In computing
stipends the committee takes into account an expected family contribution
from income and assets, the student’s savings and summer earnings.
These are budgeted against a normal total expense of $3,500 for the
college year. This allows $450 for incidental expenses exclusive of
travel and for the total college charge of $3,050, which includes tuition,
board and room, and a very comprehensive college fee which covers not
only the usual student services (health, library, laboratory) but also at
tendance at all campus social, cultural and athletic events, and support
of most club activities. The College reserves the right to adjust college
stipends in the event the student receives scholarship assistance from other
sources. First year transfer students are not eligible for scholarship aid.
Candidates wishing to apply for scholarships should make the usual
application for admission. All applicants for admission are given the
opportunity to apply for scholarship aid. The candidate’s status with
respect to need for scholarship is not considered to be a relevant factor
in the matter of reaching decisions concerning admission to the college.
For the academic year 1967-68 the college has granted approximately
$450,000 in scholarships. About two-thirds of that sum was provided by
special gifts and the endowed scholarships listed below. Funds from the
federal government are administered for needy students who are eligible
for Educational Opportunity Grants and those who wish to take part in the
Work-Study program. Applicants are not required to apply for specific
scholarships but will be considered for all scholarship opportunities either
from endowed scholarships or from general college scholarship funds.
Financial need is a requirement for all scholarships listed below unless
otherwise indicated.
Swarthmore College awards each year a number of four-year National
Scholarships to the men and women entering the freshman class. All
candidates for admission to the College may be considered for these scholar
ships. Based on the general plan of the Rhodes Scholarships, the awards
are made to those candidates who, in the opinion of the Committee of
Award, rank highest in scholarship, character and personality. Whenever
feasible, finalists for National Scholarships will be interviewed by the
Committee of Award.
The amount of the annual award varies from $100 to $3,200 according
to the financial need of the winner. In those cases where there is no
financial need, National Scholarships will be awarded on an honorary
basis and carry an annual stipend of $100.
O ther Scholarships O pen
M en
W omen
T he Frank and M arie Aydelotte Scholarship is awarded biennially
to a new student who shows promise of distinguished intellectual attain
ment based upon sound character and effective personality. The award
is made in honor of Frank Aydelotte, President of the College from 19211940, and originator of the Honors program at Swarthmore, and of Marie
Osgood Aydelotte, his wife.
The Curtis Bok Scholarship was established in the College’s Cen
tennial Year 1964 in honor of the late Philadelphia attorney, author and
jurist, who was a Quaker and honorary alumnus of Swarthmore. The
scholarship is assigned annually to a junior or senior man or woman
whose qualities of mind and character indicate a potential for humani
tarian service such as Curtis Bok himself rendered and would have wished
to develop in young people. Students in any field of study, and from
any part of this country or from abroad, are eligible. The scholarship is
renewable until graduation.
The Edna Pownall Buffington F und was established during the
College’s Centennial Year of 1964. The income from this Fund is used
to provide scholarships for a student or students attending Swarthmore
College who are concentrating their studies in the field of the social sci
ences and who indicate an interest in the objects or purposes of the Amer
ican Friends Service Committee and a desire following their graduation
and post-graduate work to serve in those fields. Awards are made to
students in any of the four classes.
The K atharine Scherman Scholarship, is awarded to a student
with a primary interest in the arts and the humanities, having special
talents in these fields. Students with other special interests, however, will
not be excluded from consideration. Awarded in honor of Katharine
Scherman, of the Class of 1938, it is renewable for the full period of
undergraduate study.
The Scott Award at Swarthmore. A scholarship established by the
Scott Paper Co. of Chester, Pa., in honor of its former president, Arthur
Hoyt Scott of the Class of 1895. Given for the first time in 1953, it is
awarded annually to an outstanding sophomore who plans to enter business
after graduation and who demonstrates the qualities of scholarship, char
acter, personality, leadership, and physical vigor. The award provides the
recipient with $1,500 for each of his last two years in college, regardless
of financial need.
The Francis W . D ’O lier Scholarship, in memory of Francis W.
D’Olier of the Class of 1907, is awarded to a freshman man or woman.
In making selections, the committee will place emphasis on character, per
sonality and ability.
The Stella and Charles G uttman Foundation Scholarships
were established in 1964 by a grant from the Foundation to provide schol
arships to defray all or part of the cost of tuition and fees for students
who require financial assistance. Preference is given to students of recog
nized ability who have completed two academic years of college and who
are contemplating graduate or professional study. The scholarships are
renewable for a second year.
The I da and D aniel Lang Scholarship established by their son,
Eugene M. Lang of the Class of 1938, provides financial assistance for a
man or woman who ranks high in scholarship, character and personality.
The Adele M ills Riley M emorial Scholarship, founded by her
husband, John R. Riley, was awarded for the first time for the academic
year 1964-65. Under the provisions of this scholarship, an annual award
subject to renewal is made to a deserving student, man or woman. Selec
tion stresses the candidate’s capacity for significant development of his or
her interests and talents during the college years. Qualities of intellectual
promise as well as potential for service are sought in making this appoint
The Robert C. Brooks Scholarship was established as a memorial
to Professor Brooks by a number of his former students. It is available
to a major in Political Science in the junior or senior year.
The Louis N. Robinson Scholarship was established during the Col
lege’s Centennial year by the family and friends of Louis N. Robinson.
Mr. Robinson was for many years a member of the Swarthmore College
faculty and founder of the Economics Discussion Group. A member of
the junior or senior class who has demonstrated interest and ability in the
study of Economics is chosen for this award.
The A udrey Friedman T roy Scholarship, established by her hus
band, Melvin B. Troy ’48, is awarded to a freshman man or woman with
preference given to residents of the town of North Hempstead, Nassau
County, New York. The scholarship is renewable for four years at the
discretion of the College. In awarding the scholarship, prime considera
tion is given to the ability of the prospective scholar to profit from a
Swarthmore education, and to be a contributor to the College and ulti
mately to society.
The G eneral M otors Scholarship is awarded by the Scholarship
Committee to an incoming freshman man or woman who is a citizen of the
United States. Selection is made on the basis of the high school academic
record, participation in extracurricular activities, and evidence of leadership
qualities. It is renewable for the full period of undergraduate study.
The M idwest Scholarships are awarded each year to one man and one
woman applicant who resides in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan or Wisconsin.
Winners will be selected on the basis of their potential contribution to the
academic and extracurricular life of the College.
The M arshall P. Sullivan Scholarship F und was established by
Creth and Sullivan, Inc. in memory of Marshall P. Sullivan of the Class of
1897. Preference will be given to graduates of George School, but if no
suitable candidate applies from this school, graduates of other Friends
schools or other persons will be eligible.
The RCA Scholarship, provided by the Radio Corporation of America,
is awarded to a young man or woman who is making a creditable academic
record in the field of science or engineering at the undergraduate level.
The appointment is usually made for the junior or senior year.
The E. H ibberd Lawrence Scholarship provides for a scholarship
to an incoming freshman man or woman who ranks high in scholarship,
character, and personality.
The Edward S. Bower M emorial Scholarship, established by Mr.
and Mrs. Ward T. Bower in memory of their son, Class of ’42, is awarded
annually to a man or woman student who ranks high in scholarship, char
acter, and personality.
The Cornelia Chapman Pittenger Scholarship established by her
family and friends is awarded to an incoming freshman man or woman who
ranks high in scholarship, character and personality and who has need for
financial assistance.
The D aniel U nderhill Scholarship was given by Daniel Underhill
’94, in memory of his grandfather, Daniel Underhill, member of the first
Board of Managers.
The Edward Clarkson W ilson and Elizabeth T. W ilson Schol
provides financial aid for a deserving student.
The Rachel W. H illborn Scholarship was founded by Anne Hillborn Philips of the Class of 1892 in memory of her mother, with the
stipulation that the income shall go to a student in the junior or senior
class who is studying for service in the international field. Preference
will be given to a Friend or to one who intends to contribute to world
understanding through diplomatic service, participation in some inter
national government agency, the American Friends Service Committee, or
similar activities.
The J onathan K. T aylor Scholarship, in accordance with the
donor’s will, is awarded by the Board of Trustees of the Baltimore Monthly
Meeting of Friends. The scholarship is first open to descendants of the
late Jonathan K. Taylor. Then, while preference is to be given to mem
bers of the Baltimore Yearly Meetings of Friends, it is not to be confined
to them when suitable persons in membership cannot be found.
The Phebe A n n a T horne F und provides an income for scholarships
for students whose previous work has demonstrated their earnestness and
their ability. This gift includes a clause of preference to those students
who are members of the New York Monthly Meeting of Friends.
The W estbury Q uarterly M eeting , N. Y., Scholarship, is awarded
annually by a committee of that Quarterly Meeting.
The Sarah A ntrim Cole Scholarship was founded by her parents
in memory of Sarah Antrim Cole of the Class of 1934. It is awarded
to a graduate of the Worthington High School, Worthington, Ohio.
The Lafore Scholarship is awarded in memory of John A. Lafore of
the Class of 1895. The college in granting this scholarship will give
preference to qualified candidates who are descendants of Amand and
Margaret White Lafore.
The James E. M iller Scholarship. Under the will of Arabella M.
Miller funds are available annually for students from Delaware County
(with preference for residents of Nether Providence Township).
The Edward Clarkson W ilson Scholarship has been established
at Swarthmore by friends of Edward Clarkson Wilson, ’91, formerly
Principal of the Baltimore Friends School. It will be awarded each year
to a former student of the Baltimore Friends School, who has been ap-
proved by the faculty of the school, on the basis of high character and
high standing in scholarship.
The Chi O mega Scholarship provides an award annually to a member
of the freshman class. Preference is given to daughters or sons of mem
bers of the fraternity.
The D elta G amma Scholarship is to be awarded to a blind student
at Swarthmore College. In any year in which there is no such candidate
the fund may be awarded to a freshman woman.
The K appa K appa G amma Scholarship provides an award to a mem
ber of the freshman class. Preference is given to relatives of members of
the fraternity.
The Samuel W illets F und . This fund provides an annual income
for scholarships. A portion of the fund is assigned for scholarships in
the name of Mrs. Willets’ children, Frederick Willets, Edward Willets, I
Walter Willets, and Caroline W. Frame.
The I. V. W illiamson Scholarship. Preference is given to graduates
of Friends Central, George School, New York Friends Seminary, Baltimore I
Friends School, Wilmington Friends School, Moorestown Friends School, I
Friends Academy at Locust Valley, Sidwell Friends School and Brooklyn I
Friends School.
The Robert P yle Scholarship was established by his sisters, Margery I
Pyle and Ellen Pyle Groff, in memory of Robert Pyle of the Class of 1897 I
and for many years a member of the Board of Managers. Applicants who
show promise of intellectual attainment based upon sound character and
effective personality and who reside in Chester County are given preference. I
The income from each of the following funds is awarded at the dis- I
cretion of the college.
Barclay G. A tkinson Scholarship F und .
R ebecca M. A tkinson Scholarship Fund .
Class of 1913 Scholarship F und .
Class of 1914 Scholarship F und .
Class of 1915 Scholarship F und .
Class of 1917 Scholarship F und .
W illiam D orsey Scholarship F und .
G eorge Ellsler Scholarship Fund .
J oseph E. Gillingham F und .
T homas L. Leedom Scholarship F und .
Sarah E. Lippincott Scholarship F und . '
R eader' s D igest Fund .
M ark E. Reeves Scholarship F und .
Frank Solomen M emorial Scholarship F und .
M ary Sproul Scholarship F und .
H elen Squier Scholarship F und .
Francis H olmes Strozier M emorial Scholarship Fund .
The J oseph T. Sullivan Scholarship F und .
The D eborah F. W harton Scholarship Fund .
The T homas W oodnutt Scholarship F und .
M en
The T homas B. M cCabe A chievement Awards, established by
Thomas B. McCabe ’15, are awarded to freshman men from the Delmarva
Peninsula and Northern New England (Maine, New Hampshire, or Ver
mont) who give promise of leadership. In making selections, die Com
mittee will place emphasis on ability, character, personality, and service to
school and community. Two awards, providing a minimum annual grant of
$1,875 (tuition) or up to $3,200 depending on need, will be made to
residents of Delaware or the Eastern Shore counties of Maryland or Vir
ginia. One award, providing an annual grant of up to $3,200 depending
on need, will be made to a resident of Maine, New Hampshire or Vermont.
The P hilip T. Sharples Scholarship, a four-year scholarship open
to entering freshmen, is designed to honor and encourage young men
in engineering or physical science. The committee, in making its selec
tions, will have regard for candidates who rank highest in scholarship,
character, personality, leadership, and physical vigor. At least one scholar
ship will be given each year.
The Scott B. Lilly Scholarship, endowed by Jacob T. Schless of
the Class of 1914 at Swarthmore College, was offered for the first timp
in 1950. This scholarship is in honor of a former distinguished Professor
of Engineering and, therefore, students who plan to major in engineering
will be given preference. An award is made annually.
The N ewton E. T arble Award, established by Newton E. Tarble
of the Class of 1913, is granted to a freshman man who gives promise
of leadership, ranks high in scholarship, character and personality, and
resides west of the Mississippi River or south of Springfield in the State
of Illinois.
The Book and K ey Scholarship, established by the Book and Key
men s senior honorary society in 1965 when the Society dissolved itself,
is awarded each year to a senior man who has shown quality of leadership
and has demonstrated through past performance his eagerness to give
service to college and community. He should rank high in scholarship,
character and personality.
The Aaron B. Ivins Scholarship is awarded annually to a young
man of the graduating class of Friends Central School, Overbrook, Phila
delphia. This scholarship is awarded by the faculty of Friends Central
School, and is subject to the approval of Swarthmore College.
The H oward Cooper J ohnson Scholarship, established by Howard
Cooper Johnson ’96, is awarded on the basis of all-around achievement to
a male undergraduate who is a member of the Society of Friends.
The T. H. D udley P erkins M emorial Scholarship is awarded
annually to an entering freshman on the basis of qualities of manhood,
force of character and leadership; literary and scholastic ability; physical
vigor as shown by participation in out-of-doors sports or in other ways.
The Christian R. and M ary F. Lindback Foundation Scholarship
is awarded to deserving students from the States of Pennsylvania, New
Jersey, Delaware or Maryland.
The W illiam G. and M ary N. Serrill H onors Scholarship is a
competitive Scholarship for Men, awarded to a candidate for admission
to the college, based upon the general plan of the Rhodes Scholarships.
Preference will be given to men who are residents of Abington Township,
including Jenkintown and Glenside, Montgomery County, Pa.
The Sarah K aighn Cooper Scholarship, founded by Sallie K.
Johnson in memory of her grandparents, Sarah Kaighn and Sarah Cooper,
is awarded to a man in the Junior Class who is judged by the faculty to
have had, since entering College, the best record for scholarship, character,
and influence.
The D onald R enwick Ferguson Scholarship, established by Mrs.
Amy Baker Ferguson, in memory of her husband, Donald Renwick Fer
guson, M.D., of the Class of 1912, is awarded to a young man who is
looking forward to the study of medicine.
The P eter M ertz Scholarship is awarded to an entering freshman
outstanding in mental and physical vigor, who shows promise of spend
ing these talents for the good of the college community and of the larger
community outside. The award was established in 1955 by Harold,
LuEsther and Joyce Mertz in memory of Peter Mertz, who was a member
of the class of 1957. It is renewable for all four undergraduate years.
The A nthony Beekman Pool Scholarship. This scholarship is
awarded to an incoming freshman man of promise and intellectual curiosity.
It is given in memory of Tony Pool of the Class of 1959.
The W alter W. K rider Scholarship was established by his wife and
daughter for a young man who ranks high in scholarship, character and
The H oward S. Evans 1903 Scholarship provides scholarships for
worthy male students. The awards are made to those who stand high in
scholarship, character, and personality. Preference is given first to ap
plicants preparing for the ministry of the Episcopal Church, second, to that
of other protestant denominations; and third, to those interested in En
gineering or Economics.
W omen
The A lumnae Scholarship, established by the Philadelphia and New
York Alumnae Clubs, is awarded to a young woman who ranks high in
scholarship, character and personality. It is awarded for one year.
The A nnie Shoemaker Scholarship is granted annually to a young
woman of the graduating class of Friends Central School, Overbrook,
Philadelphia. This scholarship is awarded by the faculty .of Friends Central
School, and is subject to the approval of Swarthmore College.
The Clara B. M arshall Scholarship, established by the will of Dr.
Clara B. Marshall, is awarded to a woman at Swarthmore College with
preference given to descendants of her grandfathers, Abram Marshall or
Mahlon Phillips.
The G eorge K. and Sallie K. J ohnson Fund provides financial aid
during the senior year for young women who are fitted to become desirable
The M ary Coates Preston Scholarship F und . A sum of money
has been left by will of Elizabeth Coates, the annual interest of which pro
vides a scholarship to a young woman student in Swarthmore College.
Preference is given to a relative of the donor.
The H arriet W. Paiste Fund provides a scholarship for a young
woman who is a member of the Society of Friends (Philadelphia Yearly
The M ary T. Longstreth Scholarship was founded by Rebecca C.
Longstreth in memory of her mother and is to be awarded annually to
assist a young woman student to pursue her studies in the College.
The Lily T ily Richards Scholarship, established by Peirce L. Rich
ards, Jr., in memory of his wife, Lily Tily Richards ’29, is awarded to a
woman distinguished for high scholarship, character, personality and phys
ical vigor.
The Sarah W. Shreiner Scholarship given in loving memory by her
daughter, Leah S. Leeds of the Class of 1927, is awarded annually to a
woman who ranks high in scholarship, character and personality.
The T itus Scholarships established by the will of Georgiana Titus
of the Class of 1898 are awarded to young women in order that they may
pursue their studies in the College.
The J essie Stevenson K ovalenko Scholarship Fund is the gift of
Michel Kovalenko in memory of his wife. This scholarship is to be
awarded to a student, preferably a woman, who is in her junior or senior
year and who is a major in astronomy, or to a graduate of the college,
preferably a woman, for graduate work in astronomy at Swarthmore or
The income of the K appa A lpha T heta Scholarship Fund , given
by members and friends of the Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity at Swarth
more, is awarded annually to a woman student.
The M ary W ood F und provides a scholarship which may be awarded
to a young woman who is preparing to become a teacher.
Loan F unds
Swarthmore participates in the federal loan program established under
the National Defense Education Act. The College also maintains special
loan funds which are listed below. Repayment of college loans begins
nine months after the student completes his higher education and are re
payable within the next eleven years. The loans bear annual interest
of 3% on the unpaid balance beginning with the date on which repay
ment is to begin. Amounts vary according to need, although the College
believes that students should avoid heavy indebtedness which might
prove detrimental to their own plans. The amount of a loan may not
exceed $1,000 annually. For the year 1967-68 the College has made ap
proximately 150 loans in amounts averaging about $375.
The J oseph W. Conard M emorial F und , established by friends of
the late Professor Conard, is available for loans to worthy students in
financial difficulty.
O ther Special Loan F unds
Class of 1916 Loan F und .
Class of 1920 Loan Fund .
Class of 1936 Loan F und .
J ohn A. M iller Loan F und .
Paul M. P earson Loan F und .
Ellis D. W illiams F und .
Swarthmore College Student Loan F und .
Student Employment affords opportunity to earn money by regular
work at current wage rates in the dining room, offices, laboratories or
libraries. A student may hold a college job in addition to a scholarship or
a grant-in-aid. The distribution of jobs among those authorized to hold
them is made by the Student Employment office. Residents of the bor
ough of Swarthmore often send requests for services to the college, which
cooperates in making these opportunities known to stud'ents. About onethird of the students enrolled in college obtain employment regularly
through the office. Earnings are restricted by the time a student can spend,
though many students earn as much as $200-$300 during the college year,
and some earn up to $500.
The primary educational resources of any college are the quality of its
faculty and the spirit of the institution. Second to these are the physical
facilities, in particular the libraries, laboratories and equipment.
Laboratories, well equipped for undergraduate instruction and in some
cases for research, exist in physics, chemistry, zoology, botany, psychology,
astronomy, and in civil, mechanical and electrical engineering. The Sproul
Observatory, with its 24-inch visual refracting telescope, is the center of
much fundamental research in multiple star systems. The Edward Martin
Biological Laboratory provides facilities for work in psychology, zoology,
botany, and premedical studies. The Pierre S. du Pont Science Building,
completed in I960, provides accommodations for chemistry, mathematics,
and physics. Beardsley and Hicks Halls contain the engineering labora
tories. The Bartol Research Foundation of the Franklin Institute, which
is also located on the campus, enjoys an international reputation for its basic
research activities in physics, particularly in the fields of nuclear physics,
cosmic radiation, and solid state physics.
The T homas B. and J eannette E. L. M cCabe Library contains
reading rooms, offices and a collection of 295,000 volumes. Some 12,000
volumes are added annually. About 1,400 periodicals are received reg
ularly. The general collection, including all but the scientific and technical
books and journals, is housed in the library building, situated on the front
campus. The Du Pont Science Library, new in I960, houses some 21,000
books and journals in chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics.
The library is definitely a collection of books and journals for under
graduate use. The demands of Honors work, however, make necessary
the provision of large quantities of source material not usually found
in collections maintained for undergraduates. It is a point of library
policy to try to supply, either by purchase or through inter-library loan,
the books needed by students or members of the faculty for their individual
In addition, the library contains certain special collections— the British
Americana collection, the Wells Wordsworth and Thomson collections,
and a collection of the issuances of 561 private presses.
A number of special features enrich the academic background of the
college. Among these are the following:
The Friends H istorical Library, founded in 1871 by Anson Lapham,
is one of the outstanding collections in the United States of manuscripts,
books, pamphlets, and pictures relating to the history of the Society of
Friends. The library is a depository for records of Friends Meetings
belonging to Philadelphia and other Yearly Meetings. More than 2,000
Irecord books have been deposited; many of them have been reproduced
jon microfilm, for which four reading machines are available. The William
Wade Hinshaw Index to Quaker Meeting Records indexes the material of
genealogical interest in the records of 307 meetings in various parts of
the United States. Notable among the other holdings are the Whittier
Collection (first editions and manuscripts of John Greenleaf Whittier,
the Quaker poet), the Mott Manuscripts (over 400 autograph letters of
Lucretia Mott, antislavery and women’s rights leader), and the Hicks
Manuscripts (more than 300 letters of Elias Hicks, a famous Quaker
minister). The Library’s collection of books and pamphlets by and about
Friends numbers approximately 30,000 volumes. About 73 Quaker
periodicals are currently received. There is also an extensive collection
of photographs of meetinghouses and pictures of representative Friends,
as well as a number of oil paintings, including two versions of "The
Peaceable Kingdom” by Edward Hicks. It is hoped that Friends and
others will consider the advantages of giving to this Library any books and
family papers which may throw light on the history of the Society of
The Swarthmore College P eace Collection is of special interest
to research students and others seeking the records of the Peace Move
ment. The personal papers of Jane Addams of Hull House, Chicago,
(approximately 10,000 items) formed the original nucleus of the Collec
tion, which now contains documentation on the history of the organized
peace movement from its beginnings circa 1815 to the present time, as
well as correspondence and writings of many workers for international
peace and arbitration. The Collection includes files of some 1,200 peace
periodicals published in the United States and abroad over the past 150
years; approximately 154 such periodicals in eleven languages are currently
received from twenty-one countries. This collection is the official deposi
tory for the archives of leading peace organizations in the United States.
A more nearly complete description of the Collection will be found in the
Guide to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection, published by the College
and available on request.
The W illiam J. Cooper Foundation provides a varied program of
lectures and concerts which enriches the academic work of the college.
The Foundation was established by William J. Cooper, a devoted friend
of the college, whose wife, Emma Mcllvain Cooper, served as a member
of the Board of Managers from 1882 to 1923. Mr. Cooper bequeathed
to the college the sum of $100,000 and provided that the income should
be used "in bringing to the college from time to time eminent citizens
of this and other countries who are leaders in statesmanship, education,
the arts, sciences, learned professions and business, in order that the faculty,
students and the college community may be broadened by a closer
acquaintance with matters of world interest.” Admission to all programs
is without charge.
The Cooper Foundation Committee works with the departments and
with student organizations in arranging single lectures and concerts, and
also in bringing to the college speakers of note who remain in residence
for a long enough period to enter into the life of the community. Some
of these speakers have been invited with the understanding that their
lectures should be published under the auspices of the Foundation. This
arrangement has so far produced sixteen volumes:
Lindsay, Alexander Dunlop. The Essentials of Democracy. Phila
delphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1929.
Lowes, John Livingston. Geoffrey Chaucer and the Development of His
Genius. New York, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1934.
Weyl, Hermann. Mind and Nature. Philadelphia, University of Penn
sylvania Press, 1934.
Americas Recovery Program, by A. A. Berle, Jr., John Dickinson, A.
Heath Onthank . . . and others . . . London, New York, etc., Oxford
University Press, 1934.
Salter, Arthur S. baron. World Trade and Its Future. Philadelphia,
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1936.
Madariaga, Salvador de. Theory and Practice in International Relations.
Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1937.
Streit, Clarence Kirshman. Union N ow ; a Proposal for a Federal
Union of the Democracies of the North Atlantic. New York, Harper,
Krogh, August. The Comparative Physiology of Respiratory Mechan
isms. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1941.
Griffith, Ernest Stacey. The Modern Government in Action. New York,
Columbia University Press, 1942.
Linton, Ralph. The Cultural Background of Personality. New York,
London, D. Appleton-Century Co., 1945.
Wilcox, Clair, Editor. Civil Liberties Under Attack. A series of lectures
given in 1950-51. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1951.
Redlield, Robert. Peasant Society and Culture; an Anthropological
Approach to Civilization. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1956.
Weatherford, Willis D., Jr., Editor. The Goals of Higher Education. A
series of lectures given in the spring of 1958. Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, I960.
Lovejoy, Arthur Oncken. Reflections on Human Nature. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1961.
Rhys, Hedley H., Editor. Seventeenth Century Science and the Arts,
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1962.
Brandt, Richard B., Editor. Social Justice. Englewood Cliffs: PrenticeHall, 1962.
Pennock, James Roland, Editor. Self-government in Modernizing N a
tions. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1965.
The A rthur H oyt Scott H orticultural Foundation . About three
hundred acres are contained in the College property, including a large
tract of woodland and the valley of Crum Creek. Much of this tract has
been developed as an horticultural and botanical collection of trees, shrubs
and herbaceous plants through the provisions of the Arthur Hoyt Scott
Horticultural Foundation, established in 1929 by Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott
and Owen and Margaret Moon as a memorial to Arthur Hoyt Scott of the
Class of 1895. The plant collections are designed both to afford examples
of the better kinds of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants which are
hardy in the climate of Eastern Pennsylvania and suitable for planting by
the average gardener, and to beautify the campus. There are exceptionally
fine displays of Japanese cherries, flowering crab apples, magnolias and
tree peonies, and a great variety of lilacs, rhododendrons, azaleas, daffo
dils, irises, herbaceous peonies, and hemerocallis. Many donors have
contributed generously to the collections. (For full information see
Bulletin of Swarthmore College, Vol. xxxvii, No. 5.)
The A rts Center , opened in 1961, contains the Paul M. Pearson
Experimental Theater, the Florence Wilcox Lobby for art exhibitions, the
Dorothy Hunt Music Room, and studios for various arts and crafts. The
Class of 1910 Room provides suitable quarters for student government,
and other rooms are provided for student publications and other extra
curricular activities.
The Computer Center , located in Beardsley Hall, is equipped with
an I.B.M. 1620 Computer. It is available to the faculty members and
students for research and instruction.
A new Language Laboratory, made possible by a contribution from
the James Foundation of New York, was installed in 1964. It provides
stations for 35 students and has the equipment for effective use in language
The Bronson M. Cutting M emorial Collection of R ecorded
M usic was established at Swarthmore College in 1936 by a gift of approxi
mately four thousand phonograph records, a radio-phonograph, books and
musical scores, from die family of Bronson Murray Cutting, late Senator
from New Mexico. Its object is to make the best recorded music avail
able to the undergraduates, faculty, and friends of Swarthmore College,
in cooperation with the work of die college Department of Music. The
collection is kept up to date with current additions.
The Benjam in W est Lecture, made possible by gifts from members
of the class of 1905 and other friends of the College, is given annually
on some phase of art. It is the outgrowth fo the Benjamin West Society
which built up a collection of paintings, drawings, and prints, which are
exhibited, as space permits, in the college buildings. The lecture owes
its name to the American artist, who was born in a house* which stands
on the campus and who became president of the Royal Academy.
The Potter Collection of Recorded Literature, established in
1950 with accumulated income from the William Plumer Potter Public
Speaking Fund, includes a wide variety of recorded poetry, drama and
prose. Among the 700 titles on disc and tape are contemporary writers
reading from and discussing their works; full length versions of Shake50
spearean plays and other dramatic repertoire; the literature of earlier
periods read both in modern English and in the pronunciation of the
time; British and American ballads; lyrical verse in musical settings;
and recordings of literary programs held at Swarthmore. These materials
are used as adjuncts to the study of literature. The collection is housed
in Beardsley Hall and students are admitted on application to the Secre
tary of the Language Laboratory. The Department of English Literature
is in charge of the collection and selects current additions.
The Betty D ougherty Spock M emorial F und , established through
the generosity of friends of the late member of the Class of 1952, provides
income for the purchase of dramatic recordings. These are kept with the
Potter Collection.
T he Boyd and R uth Barnard Fu n d ' for the Advancement of
Music at Swarthmore was established in 1964 by two graduates of the
College, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd T. Barnard of Rosemont, Pennsylvania. The
income from the fund may be used for any activity that contributes to the
advancement of music at the college. It has been used, for example, for
concerts on the campus, for the purchase of vocal and orchestral scores
and other musical literature, and to provide scholarships for students who
show unusual promise as instrumentalists or vocalists. In the year 1967-68
part of the fund is being used to bring to the campus two visiting Asso
ciates in Performance for weekly concerts of chamber music and for in
struction for instrumentalists in the College Orchestra.
The G ene D. O verstreet M emorial F und , given by friends in
memory of Gene D. Overstreet (1924-1965), a member of the Political
Science Department, 1957-1964, provides income to bring a visiting expert
to the campus to discuss problems of developing or modernizing nations
and cultures.
H ousing
Swarthmore is primarily a residential college, conducted on the assump
tion that an important element in education comes from close association of
students and instructors. Most students live in dormitories. Many mem
bers of the faculty live on or near the campus.
Residence Halls
There are eight dormitories for men: Wharton Hall, named in honor
of its donor, Joseph Wharton, at one time President of the Board of
Managers, Palmer, Pittenger and Roberts Halls on South Chester Road,
two buildings on the former Mary Lyon School property, and two new
dormitories, Hallowell and Dana, which were opened in September of
The women’s dormitories include the upper floors in the wings or
Parrish Hall; Worth Hall, the gift of William P. Worth, 76, and J.
Sharpies Worth, ex-’73, as a memorial to their parents; Robinson House;
Woolman House; Ashton House; and Willets Hall, largely made pos
sible by a bequest from Phebe Seaman, ’19, and named in honor of her
mother and aunts.
All freshmen are assigned to rooms by the Deans. Other students
choose their rooms in an order determined by lot. Special permission must
be obtained to room outside the dormitories.
Students may occupy college rooms during vacations only by special
arrangements with the Deans and payment of the required fee. Freshmen,
sophomores and juniors are asked to leave college immediately after their
last examination in the spring so that their rooms ^may be used by Com
mencement visitors.
The insurance program for the College is designed to provide protection
for College property and does not include the property of students or
others. It is therefore suggested that students and their parents should
review their insurance program in order to be sure that coverage is
extended to include personal effects while at college.
Dining Hall
All students, both men and women, have their meals in the Philip T.
Sharpies Dining Hall. The dining hall is ordinarily closed during
Religious Life
The religious life of the college is founded on the Quaker principle
that the seat of spiritual authority lies in the Inner Light of each individual.
The Society of Friends is committed to the belief that religion is best
expressed in the quality of everyday living. There are accordingly no
compulsory religious exercises, save in so far as the brief devotional
element in Collection may be so considered. Students are encouraged to
attend the churches of their choice. Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist,
and Christian Science churches are located in the borough of Swarthmore;
other churches and synagogues in the nearby towns of Morton, Media,
Chester, and Springfield. The Swarthmore Meeting House is located on
the campus. Students are cordially invited to attend its meeting for worship
on Sunday. Extracurricular groups with faculty cooperation exist for the
study of the Bible and the exploration of common concerns in religion.
An assembly of the college, called Collection, is held at 10: 00 a.m. on
alternate Thursdays in Clothier Memorial; attendance of students is
required. There is regularly a period of silence according to the Friendly
tradition and a reading. Lasting about three-quarters of an hour, Collection
normally includes an address; but this is varied by the occasional intro
duction of musical, dramatic, and other programs.
Student W elfare
The college physicians hold daily office hours at the college, where
students rnay consult them without charge. A student must report any
illness to the college physicians, but is free to go for treatment to another
doctor if he prefers to do so.
At the time of admission each student must present a brief medical
history and health certificate, prepared by the family physician on a form
supplied by the college. Pertinent information about such matters as
physical reserve, unusual medical episodes, severe allergies, or psychiatric
disturbances will be especially valuable to the college Health Service. All
new students must have been successfully vaccinated against smallpox
within five years, in accordance with Pennsylvania State law.
The college physician gives physical examinations to all students at
the beginning of each year. There is close cooperation with the Depart
ments of Physical Education. Recommendations for limited activity are
made for those students with physical handicaps. In some cases a student
may be excused entirely from the requirements of the Physical Education
The Worth Health Center, a gift of the Worth family in memory of
William Penn W orth ’76 and Caroline Hallowell Worth ’79, was opened
in September of 1965. It houses offices for the college physicians and
nurses, out-patient treatment facilities and rooms for men and women
who must remain as in-patients. Registered nurses are on duty under the
direction of the college physicians.
Each student is allowed ten days care in the Health Center per term
without charge unless the services of a special nurse are required. After
ten days, a charge of $5.00 per day is made. Students suffering from a
communicable disease or from illness which makes it necessary for them
to remain in bed must stay in the Health Center for the period of their
illness. Ordinary medicines are furnished without cost, but a charge is
made for special medicines, certain immunization procedures, and trans
The medical facilities of the college are available to students injured
in athletic activities or otherwise, but the college cannot assume addi
tional financial responsibility for medical and surgical expenses arising
from accidents. Accident insurance coverage is, therefore, required for
all students participating in athletics and is recommended for all others.
(For details see page 37.)
The college psychiatric consultants hold office hours by appointment
each week. The purpose of this service is to be of help in all types of
emotional problems and three visits are offered without charge. The
consulting psychiatrists have an office in the Worth Health Center.
Vocational Advising
The college provides vocational information and advice to assist students
in their choice of a career. Conferences and field trips are planned
periodically and interviews are arranged with prospective employers. Help
is offered to students in finding employment. In addition, summer work
opportunities are made known to students.
Alumni Office
The Alumni Office keeps records of the addresses of all living graduates
and alumni of the college. It helps edit the Swarthmore alumni magazine,
and acts as liaison for the college with all alumni and alumni groups,
interpreting to them the present plans and policies of the college.
News Office
The News Office does a two-fold job. It helps prepare the several
publications put out by the college known as Swarthmore College Bulletins.
These include the alumni magazine, the President’s Report, the Catalogue,
the Student Handbook, and other miscellaneous issues. In addition to
this, the News Office, through the largely student operated News Bureau,
works with the press and other communications media in publicizing news
that is o f interest to the general public.
Student Advising
The Deans and their assistants hold the primary responsibility for
advising all students. However, there are many other advisers available.
Each freshman is assigned to a faculty member who acts as his course
adviser until this responsibility falls to the chairman of the student’s
major department at the end of his sophomore year. Faculty members
have also been appointed as advisers for each of the men’s varsity athletic
teams. They work closely with the team, attending practices and many
of the scheduled contests.
Mrs. Helen Hall and Mrs. Gloria Evans are experienced counselors who
are glad to assist students with problems of academic adjustment, study
skills and reading proficiency. They also can give aptitude and interest
tests on request. Appointments may be made at their offices in Parrish Hall.
Each women’s dormitory has a head resident. In Parrish and Willets,
the head resident is assisted by student residents who are members of the
senior class.
A group of upperclass women, under the direction of the Women’s
Student Government Association, serve as counselors for all freshman
women, several counselors being assigned to each hall. There are also
student proctors in each of the men’s dormitory sections. A group of
students assist the Deans with the orientation program conducted during
the freshman week.
T he Student Community
Student Conduct
The Society of Friends has historically been conservative in social
matters, and its influence within the College community is one of the
important factors in making Swarthmore what it is. Students who choose
Swarthmore as their college should recognize that they are selecting a set
of social and academic standards that are intrinsic to the history and
point of view of this institution. In general, the life of students is to be
governed by good taste and accepted practice rather than by elaborate
rules. Certain rules, however, are of sufficient importance to deserve atten
tion here:
The men’s and women’s dormitories are not to be visited by members
of the opposite sex except under the following conditions: Visiting is
permitted in the public parlors between certain specified hours; open
houses on certain afternoons and evenings may be scheduled according
to the rules established by the Student Affairs Committee.
2- The possession and use of alcoholic beverages on the campus is
forbidden, as is disorderly conduct.
3. The use or possession of firearms or other dangerous weapons is
not permitted. Firecrackers or other explosives are prohibited. Tampering
with fire alarm or prevention equipment is a serious offense.
4. No undergraduate may maintain an automobile while enrolled at
the College without the permission of the Dean of Men. This permission
is not extended to freshmen. The administration of this rule is in the
hands of a Student-Faculty committee. Day students may use cars for
commuting to College, but special arrangements for stickers must be made
for campus parking. More detailed information may be had from the
Office of the Deans.
5. At evening concerts, dramatic performances, and public lectures
men will wear coats and ties and women dresses or skirts. At evening
meals in the dining room the same standards will apply except that it is
recommended that the men wear coats and ties but not required so long
as the dress is in other respects consistent with the spirit of these regulations.
It is a college policy to discourage premature marriages. Under
graduates who wish to marry and remain at Swarthmore must request per
mission to do so from the Deans. If two students are married without
this permission, one of them must withdraw from the College.
College rules which affect the entire student community are discussed
and formulated for the approval of the Administration by the Student
Affairs Committee, which is composed of Deans and Faculty members
appointed by the President and students elected by the student body. This
Committee delegates to student government agencies as much authority in
the administration of rules as they responsibly accept.
Student Council
The semi-annually elected Student Council represents the entire under
graduate community and is the chief body of student government. Its
efforts are directed toward coordination of student activities and the
expression of student opinion.
Committees of the Council include the Budget Committee, which reg
ulates distribution of funds to student groups; the Elections Committee,
which supervises procedure in campus elections; and the Social Com
mittee, see below. The Curriculum Committee cooperates with a similar
committee of the faculty in the discussion of matters relating to the
academic program of the college. In addition to these, there are several
joint Faculty-Student Committees, whose student membership is appointed
by the President of the College and the President of Student Council:
Collection, Cooper Foundation, Men’s Athletics, Schedule of Classes, Com
puter, and Library.
]udicial Bodies
Where infractions of college rules have-occurred, decisions about respon
sibility and about penalties are made by elected committees. Four such
committees have different jurisdictions. The Women’s Judiciary Com
mittee is a branch of WSGA and is elected by the women of the student
body. It sits in all cases of violations of WSGA rules or of violations by
women of general campus regulations except as they fall in the sphere of the
Student Judiciary Committee (see below). The Men’s Judiciary Committee
is elected by the male students and sits in all cases of violations of college
rules by male students except in the kinds of cases indicated below as
coming under the jurisdiction of the Student Judiciary Committee. The
Student Judiciary Committee, elected by the entire student body, acts on
cases involving the car rule, dress rule, on cases involving both men and
women, and on others that may require joint action. The College Judiciary
Committee is composed of student and faculty members and the Deans.
It deals with cases referred or appealed from the other Committees or
with any violations that involve penalties of suspension or expulsion.
Women’s Student Government
All women students are members of the Women’s Student Government
Association, headed by an Executive Board elected to promote a great
variety of women’s interests. This board includes the officers of the
Association, the hall presidents and the chairman of the Women’s Judiciary
Committee, which maintains social regulations.
Newton E. Tarble Student Center
Through the generosity of Newton E. Tarble of the Class of 1913, the
building which formerly housed the College Library is being completely
renovated and will serve as the College’s Social Center. It should be
ready for use in 1967-68. The Center includes recreational facilities,
lounges, meeting rooms, and a snack bar.
Social Committee
An extensive program of social activities is managed by the Social
Committee appointed by the Student Council. The program is designed to
appeal to a wide variety of interests, and is open to all students. At no
time is there any charge for college social functions.
Extra-Curricular A ctivities
In addition to the foregoing organizations, Swarthmore students have
an opportunity to participate in a program of extra-curricular activities
wide enough to meet every kind of interest. There are more than thirtyfive organized activities, not including departmental clubs or political
organizations. They vary as greatly as the interests of the students vary»
from the Flying Club to the Chess Club, from the Creative Writing Group
to the Co-ed Dance Group. No credit is given for work in such varied
fields as sculpture, acting, publishing the college newspaper or playing
in the orchestra. The College, however, encourages a student to participate
in whatever activity best fits his personal talents and inclinations, believing
that satisfactory avocations are a necessary part of life.
The Studio Arts Program
The Director of Studio Arts, Harriet Shorr Baguskas, arranges for classes
in applied arts and for exhibits in the.Arts Center and acts as an adviser
to other organizations.
In the academic year 1967-68 instruction will be given on a regular
basis both semesters in drawing, painting, print-making, pottery, and
jewelry, and in the spring semester in photography and film-making.
The Wilcox Gallery provides ten to twelve exhibitions a year, which are
a direct complement to the program. The works of nationally known
painters as well as those of younger artists are exhibited in group and one
man shows.
The Marjorie Heilman Visiting Artist Program
Each year a committee of students and faculty members selects an artist
to be invited to spend a week at the College. The work of the invited
artist is exhibited in the Wilcox Gallery, and he meets and talks with
students on an informal basis. In the past, film maker Rudy Burckhardt,
painter Neil Welliver, and potter Toshiko Takaezu have been the invited
The Department of Music administers and staffs three performing
organizations on an extra-curricular basis. The College Chorus, directed
by Professor Swing, rehearses twice per week for a total of three hours.
(The College Singers, a select small chorus drawn from the membership
of the Chorus, rehearses an additional hour per week.) The College
Orchestra, directed by Professor Spies, rehearses twice per week: a twohour rehearsal for full orchestra and a one-hour rehearsal for strings. Mem
bers of the orchestra, other instrumentalists and solo singers can partici
pate in the chamber music coaching program directed by Mr. Kalish and
Mr. Zukofsky.
The Chorus and Orchestra give several public concerts per year at the
College and at other schools. Selected members of the chamber music
coaching program give a public concert in the spring.
All three organizations require auditions for membership.
The Bond Concert Committee, a student organization working with the
Department of Music, plans a series of informal Sunday afternoon con
certs to accommodate students interested in preparing solo and chamber
music performances. These concerts also provide an opportunity for
student composers to get public performances.
The College Band meets once a week to prepare for a spring concert, and
for playing at fall athletic events.
There are facilities for private practice, and an excellent college record
collection. The Cooper Foundation presents a distinguished group of
concerts each year on the campus, and student tickets are available for
concerts of the Philadelphia Orchestra in the Academy of Music.
A supervisor of dramatic activities coordinates the program, which
consists of student-produced workshop productions, a bill of studentwritten one-act plays, and two major productions directed by a visiting
director from New York City.
Swarthmore’s athletic policy is based on the premise that any inter
collegiate program must be justified by the contribution which it can
make to the educational development of the individual student who chooses
to participate. In keeping with this fundamental policy, Swarthmores
athletic program is varied and extensive, offering every student a chance
to take part in a wide range of sports. The College feels that it is
desirable to have as many students as possible competing on its inter
collegiate teams.
There are five fraternities at Swarthmore; Delta Upsilon and Phi
Sigma Kappa are affiliated with national organizations while Kappa Sigma
Pi, Tau Alpha Omicron and Phi Omicron Psi are local associations. Fra
ternities are adjuncts to the college social program and maintain separate
lodges on the campus. The lodges do not contain dormitory accommoda
tions or eating facilities. New members are pledged during the late fall
of their first year at the college. In recent years about 40% of the fresh
man men have decided to affiliate with one of the five fraternities.
Student Activities Bulletin
A booklet describing more fully all these activities and many others
can be had upon request from the Office of Admissions.
Pierre S. du Pont Science Building
Swarthmore College offers the degree of Bachelor of Arts and the de
gree of Bachelor of Science. The latter is given only in the Division of
Engineering; the former, in the Divisions of the Humanities, the Social
Sciences, and the Natural Sciences.* Eight semesters of resident study,
which are normally completed in four years, lead to a Bachelor’s degree.
The selection of a program will depend upon the student’s interests and
vocational plans. Programs in engineering, pre-medical courses, and chem
istry, for example, are the usual preparation for professional work in these
fields. Students planning a career in law, business, or government service
find majors in the humanities or social sciences of great value.
The purpose of a liberal education, however, is not primarily to provide
vocational instruction, even though it provides the best foundation for
one’s future vocation. Its purpose is to help students fulfill their responsi
bilities as citizens and grow into cultivated and versatile individuals. A
liberal education is concerned with our cultural inheritance, the world
of thought, and the development of aesthetic, moral, and spiritual values.
It is necessary for most students to concern themselves with the problem
of making a living. But this concern should not lead them to a special
ization that is too early and too narrow. They still have need of broad
ening the scope of their experience. Particular skills may afford readier
access to routine employment, but positions of greater responsibility will
be occupied by those who are equipped to think their way through new
problems and to conceive of their functions in a larger context of time
and place. Liberal education and vocational training may be the joint
products of a common process, and the courses here offered should be
selected with this large purpose in view.
All students during the first half of their college program are expected
to complete the general college requirements, to choose their major and
minor subjects, and to prepare for advanced work in these subjects by
taking certain prerequisites. The normal program consists of five courses
each semester during the freshman and sophomore years, chosen by the
student in consultation with his course adviser. A student is permitted
to take four instead of five courses, however, during two of the four
semesters, or to withdraw from one course before the middle of the se
mester (if he is taking five) with the approval of his course adviser. He
will therefore complete from eighteen to twenty half courses (semester
courses) during his first two years.
The program for upper class students affords a choice between two
methods of study: Honors Work, leading to a degree with Honors, and
General Courses. An Honors student concentrates on three related sub
jects which he normally studies by the seminar method. At the end of
his senior year he must take a battery of eight examinations on the work
of his seminars, set by outside examiners. (The system will be explained
more fully below.)
* F o r g r o u p in g s o f d e p a r t m e n t s , se e p a g e 2 1 .
A student in general courses has a somewhat wider freedom of election
and takes four full courses or their equivalent in each of the last two
years. At' the end of his senior year he is required to pass a comprehen
sive examination given by his major department.
The program for engineering students follows a similar basic plan, with
certain variations which are explained on page 99. Courses outside the
technical fields are spread over all four years.
In addition to scholastic requirements for graduation, all students must
meet certain standards of participation in Physical Education as set forth
in the statement of those departments (see pp. 151-153) and must at
tend the Collection exercises of the college (see p. 53).
The course advisers of freshmen and sophomores are members of the
faculty appointed by the Dean. For juniors and seniors the advisers are
the chairmen of their major departments or their representatives.
Program for Freshmen and Sophomores
The curriculum of the first two years introduces a student to the methods
and content of a variety of fields important to a liberal education. To
this end the student chooses a part of his program in each of four groups
of courses and in addition meets a specified standard in a foreign language.
From the four groups listed below, and from Mathematics, the
student chooses work in at least six departments. At least two half-courses
(or one full course) must be taken from each group.
1. Astronomy 1-2; Biology 1-2; Chemistry 1,2; Engineering 7-8; Physics
1,2; Physics 7-8 (Concepts and Theories in Physical Science). See
note below.
2. English Literature 1 which may be followed by another course in English
Literature; all literature courses numbered 11,12 in classical or modern
foreign languages; Fine Arts 1,2; Music 1,15,16.
3. History 1-2; History 5,6; Philosophy 1 which may be followed by
another course in Philosophy or Religion; Psychology 3.
4. Economics 1-2; Political Science 1-2; Sociology-Anthropology 1 -2 .
II. Languages. All students except those majoring in Engineering
must include in their programs sufficient work in a modern or classical
language to complete course 4 or its equivalent. The language require
ment may be met in whole or in part by secondary school preparation as
measured by the appropriate achievement test of the College Entrance
Examination Board, or by a placement examination given at the college
by the appropriate department. The desired standard is normally met on
com tauL d
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the basis of four years work in high school, or of three or two years work
in high school followed by one or two semesters in college.
At the discretion of the department concerned, a student may be per
mitted to substitute an advanced course for the introductory course in
meeting one of the distribution requirements. Students entering college
with special preparation in any of the subjects included in the distribution
requirements may apply to the Committee on Academic Requirements for
exemption from that requirement.
A student who majors in the Natural Sciences, Mathematics, or Engi
neering will take an appropriate mathematics course in the freshman year.
No student may take more than four half-courses (or two year-courses)
in any one department during the first two years. Applications for ex
ceptions in unusual cases may be made to the Committee on Academic
In addition to the requirements listed above, prerequisites must be
completed for the work of the last two years in major and minor sub
jects, and sufficient additional electives must be taken to make up a full
It is expected that, after satisfying the requirements in the general pro
gram of the first two years, the student will devote the remainder of his
sophomore year to preparing himself for more advanced study of those
subjects which have most interested him and to other courses which will
increase the range of his knowledge. He should decide, as early in his
sophomore year as possible, upon two or three subjects in which he might
like to major and should consult the statements of the departments con
cerned as to required and recommended courses and supporting subjects.
Physical education is required of all students (except veterans) in the
first two years. The requirements are stated in full on page 72 and in the
statements of the departments of Physical Education.
Program for Juniors and Seniors
W ork
The work of juniors and seniors in Course includes some intensive,
specialized study within a general area of interest. This comprises enough
work in a single department (designated as a “major” ) to make an equiva
lent of four full courses. Work taken during the first two years may be
counted toward fulfillment of the major requirements but not more than
six full courses or twelve half courses may be taken in the major field.
Before graduation the student must pass a comprehensive examination
in his major subject.
A student must choose his major subject at the end of the sophomore
year, and apply formally through the Registrar to be accepted by the
division concerned. The decision will be based on an estimate of his
ability in his major subject as well as on his record. If a student does not
secure divisional approval, he cannot be admitted to the junior class.
A student’s course adviser during his junior and senior years is the
chairman of his major department (or a member of the department desig
nated by the chairman) whose approval he must secure for his choice
of courses each semester.
In addition to major and recommended supporting subjects, juniors and
seniors usually have room for at least one elective a year.
The faculty may award the bachelor’s degree with Distinction to students
who have done distinguished work in the course program.
R eading
H onors
The Honors Program, initiated in 1922 by President Frank Aydelotte,
is a distinctive part of Swarthmore’s educational life. It seeks to free
from the limitations of classroom routine those students whose maturity,
interest, and capacity suit them for independent work. While the pro
gram is designedly flexible and responsive to new needs, it has been
characterized from the beginning by three basic elements, which taken
together may be said to be the essence of the system.
(1) Honors work involves a concentration of the student’s attention
during his last two years upon a limited and integrated field of studies.
He pursues only two subjects during a semester, thereby avoiding the
fragmentation of interest that may result from a program of four or more
courses with their daily assignments and frequent examinations. The
content of the subject matter field is correspondingly broader, permitting
a wide range of reading and investigation and demanding of the student
correlations of an independent and searching nature.
(2) Honors work frees the student from periodic examinations, since
his thinking is under continual scrutiny by his classmates and instructors.
By this program he undertakes to subject himself at the end of two years
of Honors work to examinations in all of the eight fields studied. In
these he is expected to demonstrate his competence in a field of knowledge
rather than simply his mastery of those facts and interpretations which his
instructor has seen fit to present. These examinations, consisting of a
three-hour paper in each field, are set by examiners from other institutions
who read the papers and then come to the campus to conduct an oral
examination of each student, in order to clarify and enlarge the basis of
their judgment of his command of his material.
(3) Honors work is customarily carried on in seminars of seven students
or less or in independent projects leading to a thesis. Seminars meet
once a week, in many cases in the home of the instructor, for sessions
lasting three hours or more. The exact technique of the seminar varies
with the subject matter, but its essence is a cooperative search for truth,
whether it be by papers, discussion, or laboratory experiment. Each student
has an equal responsibility for the assimilation of the whole of the ma
terial and is correspondingly searching in his scrutiny of ideas presented
by his fellows or by his instructor. The student is expected to devote half
of his working time during a semester to each of his fields of study.
In practice three avenues toward an Honors degree are open:
(1) The standard program consists of eight subjects studied during the
last four semesters leading to examinations by the visiting examiners. In
the Division of the Natural Sciences where there is a heavy burden of
prerequisite courses, the student may offer as few as six fields for exami
nation, subject to the approval of the division. The Divisions of the Hu
manities and of the Social Sciences allow seven examinations instead of
eight only in cases of clear hardship (as in the case of some transfer
students) ; they do not allow such rémission in order to permit the student
to pursue work of elementary or intermediate level in Course or to accom
modate some unrelated subject in his program.
(2) Students who have a special reason to study for one or two semes
ters abroad or in another American institution must take the normal
number of examinations prescribed by their divisions. Such programs
must be worked out in advance, since it may not be possible to provide
visiting examiners for work offered elsewhere and since instruction in
some fields of the student’s choice may not be available in the other
institution. In general the student following this avenue to an Honors
degree must weigh carefully the advantage of working independently or
under tutorial guidance against the loss he incurs by missing both the
stimulus and the criticism provided by his fellows in seminar.
(3) Students who at the end of the sophomore year did not elect or
were not permitted to read for Honors, but whose work has subsequently
shown distinction may be encouraged to take the regular Honors exami
nations so that they may receive the degree of Honors recommended by
the visiting examiners. They shall receive no remission of the number
of examinations by reason of their preparation in Course but shall be sub
ject to the regulations governing Honors programs of the division con
cerned. Such students must before the end of the seventh semester
petition the division for permission to take the Honors examinations
and must submit an acceptable list of examinations which they are pre
pared to take.
The normal pattern in Honors programs is four seminars (or examina
tions) in the major department and two in each of two minor departments.
No student is allowed more than four seminars in his major; in those
cases where he offers three seminars in each of two fields, one must
be designated as his major. While there is a general- belief that two
seminars in a minor field are desirable because of the mutual reinforce
ment they provide, there are by custom certain seminars which are allowed
to stand alone. Thus there is a considerable flexibility in Honors pro
grams, each being subject to the scrutiny of the departments and divisions
in which the work is done.
A candidate for admission to Honors should consult the chairmen of
his prospective major and minor departments during the second semester
of his sophomore year and work out a program for the junior and senior
years. This proposed program must be filed in the office of the Registrar
who will forward it to the divisions concerned. The acceptance of the
candidate by the divisions depends in part upon the quality of his previous
work as indicated by the grades he has received but mainly upon his
apparent capacity for assuming the responsibility of Honors work. The
names of the accepted candidates are announced later in the spring. The
major department is responsible for the original plan of work and for
keeping in touch with the candidate’s progress from semester to semester.
The division is responsible for approval of the original program and of
any later changes in that program.
At the end of the junior year Honors students are required to take the
Honors examinations set at that time for the fields they have studied.
These trial papers, however, are read by their instructors, not by the visit
ing examiners. On the basis of the showing made in these examinations,
the student may be advised or even required to return to Course, or he
may be warned that he continues in Honors at his own risk. Those stu
dents who return to Course under these circumstances or for other reasons
will receive grades for the work they have done while reading for Honors,
but in no case without taking examinations over the field covered.
At the end of the senior year the reading of the examinations and the
decision of the degree of Honors to be awarded the candidates is entirely
in the hands of the visiting examiners. Upon their recommendation, suc
cessful candidates are awarded the Bachelor’s Degree with Honors, with
High Honors, or with Highest Honors. When the work of a candidate
does not in the opinion of the examiners merit Honors of any grade, his
papers are returned to his instructors, who decide, under rules of the
Faculty, whether he shall be given a degree in Course.
P re-M edical P rogram
Students who are considering the possibility of attending medical (or
dental) school after graduation from Swarthmore should plan their aca
demic programs carefully to meet the pre-medical requirements, listed
below, as well as the general College requirements. Specific requirements
of the various medical schools, as well as basic information on other
aspects of pre-medical and medical training, can be found in "Admission
Requirements of American Medical Colleges” published by the Association
of American Medical Colleges. Recent editions of this book are available
in the various libraries on the campus. All students planning a medical
career should be familiar with this book.
Sophomores, juniors, and seniors will be in contact with the Faculty
Committee on the Pre-Medical Program for special advising. It is the
function of this committee to prepare a statement of evaluation and its
recommendation to each medical school to which the student may apply,
basing this statement on all information available to it, including the
student’s record and faculty evaluations.
In conference with the student, the course adviser maps out a program
based on requirements listed below, the college’s general requirements,
and the particular needs and interests of the student. Beyond these con
siderations the need for understanding basic social problems, the cultiva
tion of sensitiveness to cultural values, and the values of intensive work
in at least one field is kept in mind in mapping an individual program.
The following courses are among the minimum requirements of most
medical schools: Biology 1-2, Chemistry 1-2, Chemistry 28-29, Mathe
matics 3-4 or 5-6, Physics 1-2, English (two semester courses; literature
courses in foreign languages do not meet medical school requirements).
The foreign language requirements of medical schools are automatically
met when the student has satisfied the college language requirement, which
includes language course 4 or its equivalent. In addition, some medical
schools require quantitative analysis (Chemistry 26) or vertebrate morphol
ogy (Zoology 14). Advanced work in biology, chemistry and mathematics
is recommended where the student’s program and interests permit. The
student is urged to familiarize himself with the specific requirements of
those medical schools in which he is interested in planning his program.
The work of the junior and senior year may be done either in the honors
program or in course. Intensive work of the major may be carried out
in any department of the student’s choice, or major requirements may be
met by completing three full courses in each of two related departments
in the Division of the Natural Sciences. In the latter case the compre
hensive examination will be jointly arranged by the departments con
Although some students have been admitted to medical schools upon
the completion of three years of college work, most medical schools
strongly advise completion of four years of college, and in practice admit
very few with less.
W riting
Students deficient in the mechanics of composition will be required to
take tutorial work before entering the junior year. Expert assistance is
also available to increase efficiency in reading.
A special course in English for foreign students is provided when
N eighboring I nstitutions
W ith the approval of their course adviser and the Dean, students may
take courses offered by Bryn Mawr or Haverford Colleges or the University
of Pennsylvania without the payment of extra tuition. This arrangement
does not apply to the summer session of the University of Pennsylvania.
Education A broad
The College recognizes the general educational value of travel and
study abroad and cooperates as far as possible in enabling interested stu-
dents to take advantage of such opportunities. It distinguishes, however,
between those foreign study plans which may be taken for credit as part
of a Swarthmore educational program, and those which must be regarded
as supplementary. To be acceptable for credit, foreign study must meet
Swarthmore academic standards, and must form a coherent part of the
student’s four-year plan of study. The Honors Program in particular
demands a concentration of study which is not easily adapted to the very
different educational systems of foreign universities. Therefore, while
some of the approved programs listed below may normally be taken as
substitutes for a semester or a year of work at Swarthmore, each case is
judged individually, and the college may withhold its approval of a par
ticular program, or may insist that the program be carried out as an extra
college year.
Plans for study abroad must be approved in advance by the Dean and
by the Chairmen of departments concerned, if credit is to be given for
courses taken, and students may be asked to take examinations upon their
return to the College.
1. Established Programs. Students who wish to study abroad under
formal academic conditions may apply to one of the programs administered
by other American colleges and universities; for example, those of Hamil
ton College, Smith College, or Sweet Briar College, These are full-year
programs of study at foreign universities, under the supervision of Amer
ican college personnel. Interested students should consult the Dean for
2. Direct Enrollment. Application may also be made directly to foreign
institutions for admission as a special student. This should be done only
after consultation with the Dean and the appropriate department head,
and care must be taken to assure in advance that courses taken abroad will
be acceptable for Swarthmore credit. Most foreign universities severely
limit the number of students they accept for short periods, however, and
anyone who applies for admission directly must be prepared to be refused.
3. University of Keele. For a number of years Swarthmore College and
the University of Keele, Staffordshire, England, have had a student ex
change each year. A student from Swarthmore is selected for study at
Keele by a committee which interviews the applicants. The year at Keele
may take the place of the junior year at Swarthmore, though it is often
taken as an extra year.
4. Peaslee Scholarships. These scholarships, the gifts of Amos Peaslee
(Class of ’07) were instituted in 1953 and are normally awarded each
year, preferably to sophomores and juniors, for language study abroad.
The scholarships are for a minimum of one semester plus a summer; course
credit is given for the work done upon approval of the department con
5. International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical
Experience. This program, administered by the Engineers’ Joint Council,
provides opportunities for engineering and science students to work for
engineering firms and laboratories in Europe during summer vacations.
Students are paid living expenses by the employing firm in the currency
of the country in which they work; they pay their own travel costs. Appli
cations must be made by January 1 for work the following summer, and
students are notified of the Association’s decision by March 31. For
further information, students should consult the chairman of the Depart
ment of Engineering.
University of Warwick, England. A fall semester exchange program
for members of the Swarthmore junior class majoring in History and
second year students in the School of History at Warwick was inaugurated
in 1966.
Members of the faculty will hold students responsible for regular at
tendance at classes and will report to the Deans the name of any student
whose repeated absence is in their opinion impairing the student’s work.
The number of cuts allowed in a given course is not specified, a fact which
places a heavy responsibility on all students to make sure that their work
is not suffering as a result of absences. Since freshmen must exercise
particular care in this respect and since the faculty recognizes its greater
responsibility toward freshmen in the matter of class attendance, it is
expected that freshmen, especially, will attend all their classes.
When illness necessitates absence from classes the student should report
at once to the nurses or to the college physician.
The last meeting before vacation and the first meeting after vacation
in each course must be attended. The minimum penalty for violation of
this rule is probation.
Absences from Collection are acted upon by the Deans as instructed by
the faculty. All students are allowed two absences from Collection
each term.
G rades
Instructors report to the Deans’ office at intervals during the year upon
the work of students in courses. Informal reports during the semester take
the form of comments on unsatisfactory work. At the end of each se
mester formal grades are given in each course under the letter system,
by which A means excellent work, B good work, C satisfactory work,
D passing but below the average required for graduation, and E failure.
W signifies that the student has been permitted to withdraw from the
course by the Committee on Academic Requirements. X designates a
condition; this means that a student has done unsatisfactory work in the
first half of a year course, but by creditable work during the second
half may earn a passing grade for the full course and thereby remove
his condition. R is used to designate an auditor or in cases when the
work of a foreign student cannot be evaluated because of deficiencies in
Inc. means that a student’s work is incomplete with respect to specific
assignments or examinations. The Faculty has voted that the grade given
in a course should incorporate a zero for any part of the course not com
plete by the date of the final examination. The grade Incomplete should
be given only after consultation with the Registrar and only in cases in
which it can be shown that illness, military service, or the like made it
impossible for the student to complete his work before the deadline, or
in cases in which the instructor wishes to insist on the completion of
the work before giving a grade with penalties. If an Inc. is received, it
must normally be made up in the term immediately following that in
which it was incurred. A date is set at the end of the first six weeks of
each term when make-up examinations must be taken and late papers
submitted. Under special circumstances involving the use of laboratories
or attendance at courses not immediately available, a student must secure
permission to extend the time for making up an incomplete until the
second term following. This permission must be given in writing and
filed in the Office of the Registrar. Any not made up within a year from
the time it was imposed shall be recorded as E, a failure which cannot
be made up.
Reports are sent to parents and to students at the end of each semester.
For graduation in general courses, a C average is required; for gradua
tion in honors work, the recommendation of the visiting examiners.
R egistration
All students are required to register at the time specified in official
announcements and to file programs of courses or seminars approved
by their course advisers. Fines are imposed for late or incomplete regis
A regular student is expected to take the prescribed number of courses
in each semester. If more or fewer courses seem desirable, he should
consult his course adviser and file a petition with the Committee on
Academic Requirements. A student who wishes to take fewer than the
normal number of courses should register for the regular program and
file a petition to drop one or more courses.
Applications involving the late entrance into a course must be received
within the first two weeks of the semester. Applications involving with
drawal from a course must be received not later than the middle of the
Any student who is absent from an examination, announcement of
which was made in advance, shall be given an examination at another hour
only by special arrangement with the instructor in charge of the course.
No examination in absentia shall be permitted. This rule shall be in
terpreted to mean that instructors shall give examinations only at the col
lege and under direct departmental supervision.
Summer School W ork
Students desiring to transfer credit from a summer school are required
to obtain the endorsement of the chairman of the department concerned
before entering upon the work, and after completing the work are re
quired to pass an examination set by the Swarthmore department.
Physical Education
Physical education is required of all women and non-veteran men in
the freshman and sophomore years, unless an excuse is granted by the
college physician. A minimum of three periods per week shall be required.
If any semester’s work of the first two years is failed, it shall be repeated
in the junior year. No student shall be permitted to enter his senior year
with a deficiency in physical education.
The college reserves the right to exclude at any time students whose
conduct or academic standing it regards as undesirable, and without
assigning any further reason therefor; in such cases fees will not be
refunded or remitted, in whole or in part, and neither the college nor
any of its officers shall be under any liability whatsoever for such exclusion.
Requirements for Graduation
A rts
The degree of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science are conferred
upon students who have met the following requirements for graduation:
• The candidate must have completed eighteen to twenty half courses in
the first two years and sixteen half courses or eight seminars in the last
two years.
2. He must have an average grade of C on the courses counted for I
3. He must have complied with the course requirements for the first
two years.
4. He must have met the requirements in the major and supporting
fields during the last two years.
5. He must have passed satisfactorily the comprehensive examinations
in his major field or met the standards set by visiting examiners for a
degree with honors.
6. He must have completed four terms of study at Swarthmore College,
two of which have been those of the senior year.
7. He must have completed the physical education requirement set
forth on page 72 and in statements of the Physical Education Departments.
8. He must have paid all outstanding bills and returned all equipment
and library books.
Advanced Degrees
M aster
A rts
M aster
The degree of Master of Arts or Master of Science may be conferred
subject to the following requirements:
Only students who have completed the work for the Bachelor’s degree
with some distinction, either at Swarthmore or at another institution of
satisfactory standing, shall be admitted as candidates for the Master’s
degree at Swarthmore.
The candidate’s record and a detailed program setting forth the aim
of the work to be pursued shall be submitted, with a recommendation
from the department or departments concerned, to the Committee on
the Master’s Degree. If accepted by the Committee, the candidate’s name
shall be reported to the faculty at or before the first faculty meeting of the
year in which the candidate is to begin his work.
The requirements for the Master’s degree shall include the equivalent
of a full year’s work of graduate character. This work may be done in
courses, seminars, reading courses, regular conferences with members of
the faculty, or research. The work may be done in one department or
in two related departments. The catalogue statements of departments
which offer graduate work indicate the courses or seminars which may
be taken for this purpose.
A candidate for the Master’s degree shall be required to pass an exami
nation conducted by the department or departments in which his work
was done. He shall be examined by outside examiners, provided that
where this procedure is not practicable, exceptions may be made by the
Committee on the Master’s Degree. The department or departments con
cerned, on the basis of the reports of the outside examiners, together with
the reports of the student’s resident instructors, shall make recommenda
tions to the faculty for the award of the degree.
At the option of the department or departments concerned, a thesis
may be required as part of the work for the degree.
A candidate for the Master’s degree will be expected to show before
admission to candidacy a competence in those languages deemed by
his department or departments most essential for his field of research.
Detailed language requirements will be indicated in the announcements
of departments which admit candidates for the degree.
The tuition fee for graduate students who are candidates for the
Master’s degree is $1,600 per year, and the general fee for these students
is $25 per semester.
Advanced Engineering D egrees
The advanced degrees of Mechanical Engineer (M .E.), Electrical
Engineer (E.E.), and Civil Engineer (C.E.), may be obtained by graduates
who have received their Bachelor’s degree in Engineering upon fulfilling
the requirements given below:
1. The candidate must have been engaged in engineering work for five
years since receiving his first degree.
2. He must have had charge of engineering work and must be in a
position of responsibility and trust at the time of application.
3. He must make application and submit an outline of the thesis he
expects to present, one full year before the advanced degree is to be
4. The thesis must be submitted for approval one calendar month before
the time of granting the degree.
5. Every candidate shall pay a registration fee of $5 and an additional
fee of $20 when the degree is conferred.
The I vy Award Fund was created by a gift from Owen Moon, ’94.
The income of the fund is placed in the hands of the faculty for award
on Commencement Day to a male member of the graduating class. The
qualifications for the Ivy Award are similar to those for the Rhodes
Scholarships and include (a) qualities of manhood, force of character,
and leadership; (b~) literary and scholastic ability and attainments. These
have been phrased by the donor in the words "leadership based upon
character and scholarship.”
T he O ak L eaf Award was established by David Dwight Rowlands of
the Class of 1909. It was later permanently endowed in memory of him
by Hazel C. Rowlands, ’07, and Caroline A. Lukens, ’98. The award
is made by the faculty each year to the woman member of the Senior
Class who is outstanding for loyalty, scholarship and service.
The M cCabe Engineering Award, founded by Thomas B. McCabe,
1915, is to be presented each year to the outstanding engineering student
in the Senior Class. The recipient is chosen by a committee of the faculty
of the division of Engineering.
The Phi Beta K appa Prize is awarded by the Swarthmore Chapter to
the member of the junior class who had the best academic record for
the first two years. The value of the prize is $40.
The Brand Blanshard Prize, honoring Brand Blandshard, professor
of philosophy at Swarthmore from 1925 to 1945, has been established by
David H. Scull, of the Class of 1936. The award of $50 is presented
annually to the student who, in the opinion of the department, submits
the best essay on any philosophical topic.
The A. Edward N ewton Library Prize of $50, endowed by A.
Edward Newton, to make permanent the Library Prize first established
by W. W. Thayer, is awarded annually to that undergraduate who, in
the opinion of the Committee of Award, shows the best and most in
telligently chosen collection of books upon any subject. Particular emphasis
is laid in the award not merely upon the size of the collection but also
upon the skill with which the books are selected and upon the owner’s
knowledge of their subject-matter.
The K atherine B. Sicard Prize of $5, endowed by the Delta Gamma
Fraternity in memory of Katherine B. Sicard, ’34, is awarded annually
to the freshman woman who, in the opinion of the department, shows
greatest proficiency in English.
Public Speaking Contests. Prizes for contests in public speaking are
provided as follows: The Ella Frances Bunting Extemporary Speak
ing F und awards prizes for the best extemporaneous short speeches. The
Owen M oon Fund provides the Delta Upsilon Speaking Contests awards
for the best prepared speeches on topics of current interest. The W illiam
Plumer P otter P ublic Speaking Fund , established in 1927, sponsors
a contest in the reading of poetry as well as providing funds for other
contests described below and for the collection of recorded literature
described on page 50.
Three prizes for the best student-written one-act plays are provided by
the W illiam P lumer Potter F und . The winning plays are usually
produced during the fall semester by the Little Theater Club.
Prizes for the best student short stories are also awarded from the
William P lumer Potter Fund .
The Lois M orrell P oetry Award, given by her parents in memory
of Lois Morrell of the Class of 1946, goes to that student who, in the
opinion of the faculty, submits the best original poem in the annual com
petition for the award. The award, consisting of $100, is made in the
spring of the year. All entries should be submitted by April 1.
The J ohn Russell H ayes Poetry Prizes, of approximately $25 for
a first prize and $15 for a second prize, are offered for the best original
poem or for a translation from any language. Manuscripts should be ready
by April 1 of each year.
The May E. Parry M emorial Award, given by the Class of 1925 of
which she was a member, is presented each year to the senior woman who
by her loyalty, sportsmanship, and skill in athletics has made a valuable
contribution to Swarthmore College. The recipient is chosen by the faculty
of the Department of Physical Education for Women.
Three fellowships are awarded annually by the faculty, on recommenda
tion of the Committee on Fellowships, to seniors or graduates of the college
for the pursuit of advanced work. The proposed program of study must
have the approval of the faculty. Applications for fellowships must be
in the hands of the committee by April 15. Applicants for any one of
these fellowships will be considered for the others as well.
These three fellowships are:
The H annah A. Leedom F ellowship of $900, founded by the bequest
of Hannah A. Leedom.
The J oshua Lippincott F ellowship of $1,100, founded by Howard
W. Lippincott, of the Class of 1875, in memory of his father.
The J ohn Lockwood M emorial Fellowship of $1,100, founded by
the bequest of Lydia A. Lockwood, New York, in memory of her brother,
John Lockwood. It was the wish of the donor that the fellowship be
awarded to a member of the Society of Friends.
Four other fellowships are open to graduates of Swarthmore College
under the conditions described below:
The Lucretia M ott Fellowship, founded by the Somerville Literary
Society and sustained by the contribution of its life members, has yielded
an annual income since its foundation of $525 or more. It is awarded
each year by a committee of the faculty to a woman graduate of that year
who is to pursue advanced study at some other institution approved by this
The M artha E. T yson F ellowship, founded by the Somerville
Literary Society in 1913, is sustained by the contributions of life members
of the society and yields an income of $500 or more. It is awarded bien
nially by a committee of the faculty to a woman graduate of that year who
plans to enter elementary or secondary school work. The recipient of the
award is to pursue a course of study in an institution approved by the
Committee of Award.
Sigma X i R esearch F ellowship. The Swarthmore Chapter of Sigma
Xi appoints, from time to time, as funds are available, Fellows with
research grants with a maximum value of $1,000. The holders of this
fellowship are usually associates of the chapter who have shown con
spicuous ability in graduate studies. The purpose of the chapter in award
ing these fellowships is to relieve worthy students from teaching and
other distracting duties so that they may concentrate as much as possible
upon their research. Applications for these fellowships should be made
to the secretary of the chapter not later than the middle of March. Appoint
ments will be announced about the middle of April.
The P hi Beta K appa F ellowship of $250, founded by the Swarthmore Chapter of the national honor fraternity, is awarded each year at
the discretion of the Committee on Fellowships on the basis of intellectual
distinction to a member of the senior class who has been elected to Phi
Beta Kappa and who proposes to pursue graduate study and scholarly work.
A n Honors Seminar in Engineering
Numbering o f Courses and Seminars
A system of uniform numbering is used in all departments. Courses are
numbered as follows:
to 9— introductory courses
to 49— other courses open to students of all classes
to 69— advanced courses limited to Juniors and Seniors.
to 199— seminars for honors students and graduate students
Full courses the numbers of which are joined by a hyphen (e.g., 1-2)
must be continued for the entire year; credit is not given for the first
semester’s work only.
Professor: P eter
K amp, Chairman and Director of
Sproul Observatory
van de
R esearch A ssociates and Lecturers: W ulff D. H eintz
Sarah Lee Lippincott
Research A ssistants: Barry H. F eierman
Pierre M orel
J. Francisco Villamediana
Astronomy deals with the nature of the universe about us and the methods em
ployed to discover the laws underlying the observed phenomena. The elementary
courses present the problems in broad outlines and trace the growth of our knowl
edge of the facts and development of theories. The advanced courses consider some
of these problems in detail. The seminars deal primarily with the techniques,
methods and problems of the Sproul Observatory research program.
The principal instrument of the Sproul Observatory is the twenty-four-inch visual
refractor of thirty-six-foot focal length, used almost exclusively for photography.
The instrument, recently renovated, has been in operation since 1912 and provides
a valuable and steadily expanding collection of photographs. Measuring and cal
culating machines are available for the measurement and reduction of the photo
graphs. The principal program of the Observatory is an accurate study of the
distances, motions and masses of the nearer stellar systems.
The Sproul Observatory is open to visitors on the second Tuesday night of each
month during the college year—October through May. With clear weather, visitors
have the opportunity of seeing many celestial objects of various types in the course
of a year. The visiting hours are from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the fall and winter,
but are set later during the spring.
R equirements
M ajors
Prerequisites for an Astronomy major, in course, are Astronomy 1-2, or 1-15,
advanced courses and seminars (taken as double courses) in Astronomy, combined
with work in mathematics and physics.
Prerequisites for admission to the honors program in Astronomy, either as a
major or a minor, are Mathematics 11-12, Astronomy 1-2, or 1-15, Physics 1-2, and
a reading knowledge of French, German or Russian.
1-2. D escriptive A stronomy . Mr. van de Kamp.
Full course
These courses provide an introduction to the methods and results of astronomy.
Fundamental notions of physics are studied as they are needed to provide an
adequate scientific basis for the course. Three class periods each week,
practical work to be arranged.
13. I ntroduction to M athematical A stronomy . Mr. van de Kamp.
Spherical astronomy; celestial navigation; the two body problem; energy
14. P roblems of G alactic Structure . Miss Lippincott.
Stellar motions, magnitudes and spectra. Unstable stars. Stellar populations.
Star clusters and associations.
15. I ntermediate A stronomy . Mr. Heintz, Miss Lippincott and Mr. van de
Survey of observational data. Variable and double stars. Stellar spectra and
stellar structure. Spectrum-luminosity diagram. Evolution of stars and
clusters; galactic structure.
Prerequisites: Mathematics 3-4 or equivalent; Physics 1-2, or equivalent, may
be taken concurrently with consent of instructors.
H onors Seminars
101. A strometry. Mr. van de Kamp.
Spherical trigonometry, celestial sphere. Stellar positions and their changes.
Precession, proper motion, parallax and aberration. Solar motion, galactic
rotation. Relation between sphere and plane. Long-focus photographic
astrometry, technique and methods. Analysis of stellar paths for proper mo
tion and parallax; secular acceleration. Visual binaries; analysis for massratio; perturbations. Star fields; clusters and multiple stars. Theory of
errors, method of least squares.
103. Cosmic M atter , Radiation , and Fields.
Phenomena in the upper atmosphere. Solar-terrestrial relationships.
rays. Radiation belts. Radio astronomy. Meteors and meteorites.
with rockets, artificial satellites and space probes.
Not offered in 1967-68.
no . Research Project . Staff.
G raduate W ork
In conformity with the general regulations for work leading to the Master’s
degree (see page 73), this department offers the possibility for graduate work.
Candidates for the Master’s degree will normally take four honors seminars,
selected from those listed in astronomy, mathematics or physics, in consultation with
the faculty member under whose direction the work is to be done. A thesis may
be substituted for one of the seminars.
Candidates for the Master’s degree must have a good reading knowledge of two
modern languages.
P rofessors: Robert K. Enders
Launce J. Flemister
Luzerne G. Livingston
N orman A. M einkoth , Chairman
N eal A. W eber
A ssociate Professor: K ennn eth S. Rawson *
A ssistant Professor: Robert E. Savage
V isiting Lecturers: Eileen S. G ersh
G eorge T. Rudkin
A ssistants: Edith T wombly
J ean D. T omezsko
Through its elementary course the Department of Biology introduces the student
to a comprehensive view of those principles, problems and phenomena common to
all organisms, with plants and animals interpreted on a comparative basis. Advanced
courses are listed under three categories: those dealing specifically with plant
biology (Botany), or animal biology (Zoology), and those whose subject matter
deals with phenomena common to all living organisms (Biology).
Following the broad review of the plant and animal kingdoms as given in the
course in general biology, advanced work is taken up in two different ways: first,
specific aspects of the broad subjects are treated in a comparative manner as in
anatomy and physiology; second, broader aspects of a specific subject are treated as
in entomology, parasitology, embryology, genetics and developmental plant anatomy.
The structural and functional consideration is extended to include problems of inter
dependence of organisms in the structure and function of plant and animal societies
and the influence of physical, chemical and biological factors in the survival of
those societies.
M ajors
A student may elect to major in biology, botany or zoology. Students in course
should include the following supporting subjects in addition to the eight half courses
in their major subject: chemistry, including at least one semester in organic
chemistry, one course in physics and one in mathematics. These courses are re
quired for majors in botany or zoology, and should be completed by the end of the
junior year. The program for biology majors may be modified in respect to outside
requirements when the department considers cause for such modification to be
H onors W ork
Requirem ents for adm ission to H onors w ith m ajor w ork in the departm ent in
clude: Biology 1-2, another half course in the departm ent, chemistry through
organic chemistry, physics, and first year m athematics. It should be noted that
certain sem inars likely to be chosen as m inors in other departm ents require a
second year of mathematics.
Honors students may major in biology, botany, or zoology, normally with two
minors in relevant fields. Some freedom is accorded in that a second minor may be
omitted to allow for prerequisite course work which the student was unable to
complete during the first two years (i.e., physics, organic chemistry or second year
mathematics). If a student proposes a major in botany and a minor in zoology,
or vice versa, he may include seminars listed under Biology in his major, but not
* A b s e n t o n le a v e , f a l l s e m e ste r, 1 9 6 7 -6 8 .
his minor. A major program in biology will by definition include four seminars
selected from the total departmental offerings, and may not include an additional
minor in botany or zoology. Any Honors program in the biological sciences must
include at least two seminars outside the department.
Students planning a minor in biology, botany or zoology should note the pre
requisites listed for each seminar, and consult with the department chairman.
1-2. G eneral Biology . Staff.
Full course
An introduction to the study of living things. A consideration of the proper
ties of protoplasm and the structure of the cell; a brief survey of living forms,
both plant and animal. The methods by which organisms maintain themselves,
grow and reproduce, and a discussion of the mechanism of heredity. Some
time will be devoted to the interrelationships of plants and animals in com
munities, and the place of man in the whole structure.
Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
20. G enetics .
Fall semester
A study of the fundamental principles of inheritance as they apply to living
organisms generally. The course includes a detailed consideration of the prin
ciples of Mendelian inheritance, an analysis of the underlying chromosomal
mechanisms, the gene theory, and the relationship of the principles of genetics
to evolution, to plant and animal improvement, and to man.
Three lectures per week, with assigned problems and laboratory and/or library
projects in lieu of formally organized laboratory work.
Prerequisite: Biology 1-2.
21. Cell Biology. Mr. Savage.
Spring semester
A study of the ultrastructure and function of cytoplasmic components of the
cell, including membranes and membrane surrounded organelles (endo
plasmic reticulum, Golgi, lysosomes, microbodies, mitochondria, chloroplasts
and other plastids), ribosomes, centrioles, and related structures. Laboratory
experiments illustrate techniques commonly used in cell biology.
Three hours of lecture or discussion and one period of laboratory per week.
Prerequisites: Biology 1-2 and concurrent registration in organic chemistry.
59. Cytology. Mr. Savage.
Fall semester
A study of the structure and function of cells as units of biological organ
ization, and relationships within tissues and organs. In the laboratory the
student learns some of the techniques by which information about cells is
arrived at and observes the characteristics of cells as units and as parts of
organized tissues.
Three lectures and one laboratory period per week.
Prerequisites: Biology 1-2 and organic chemistry.
Not offered in 1967-68.
68. Biology
Bacteria . Mr. Livingston.
Spring semester
An approach to the study of bacteriology with principal emphasis on the con
sideration of bacteria as organisms rather than as causative agents of disease,
etc. The morphology, physiology and biochemistry, ecology, genetics, and
classification of bacteria.
Three lectures and one laboratory period per week.
Prerequisites: Biology 1-2 and organic chemistry.
Not offered in 1967-1968.
C ytology . Mr.
A study of thestructure and function of the cell. Living material will be
examined and modern microscopical techniques employed in the laboratory.
G en et ics .
An extension of the area covered in course 20, with particular emphasis on
current research in the field of inheritance in all its aspects. The seminar
discussion is accompanied by a full day of laboratory work each week.
115. M icrobiology .
An extension of the area covered in course 68. Particular emphasis is
placed on physiological and biochemical aspects of the subject. Some work
on fungi and viruses is included.
Not offered in 1967-1968.
B o tan y
Spring semester
15. T axonomy of Seed P lants .
An introduction to the classification of the major groups of flowering plants
and gymnosperms, stressing those of biological, cultural, or economic interest.
The emphasis is upon a world wide flora and upon cultivated as well as wild
plants. Modem concepts of phytogeny, biosystematics, and biogeography are
included. Suggested as an early course for biology majors and as a cultural
course for non-majors.
Three lectures and one field trip and/or laboratory period per week.
Prerequisite: Biology 1-2.
16. D evelopmental P lant A natomy . Mr. Livingston.
Alternate years, jail semester
The fundamentals of anatomy of seed plants approached from a developmental
standpoint. The structure and behavior of meristems, problems and processes
of differentiation, and a detailed analysis of cellular, tissue and organ structure
in higher plants.
Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory period per week.
Prerequisite: Biology 1-2.
Not offered in 1967-68.
18. Biology
Lower P lants . Mr. Livingston.
Alternate years, fall semester
An introduction to the algae, fungi, mosses, and ferns, including aspects- of
their classification, phylogeny, structure, physiology, and ecology. The labora
tories are in part exploratory and experimental. Their content depends in part
upon the current interests of staff and students.
Three lectures and one field trip and/or laboratory period per week.
Prerequisite: Biology 1-2.
67. P la n t P hysiology . Mr. Livingston.
Alternate years, spring semester
An integrated study of the physiological processes of higher plants, including
general cellular physiology, water relations, mineral nutrition, enzyme action,
photosynthesis, metabolic processes, translocation, the physiology of growth
and development, and related topics.
Two lectures, one discussion period, and one laboratory period per week.
Prerequisites: Biology 1-2 and organic chemistry.
70. Pla n t E cology.
Alternate years, jail semester
A study of the structure, distribution, and dynamics of plant communities.
Background material in physical geography is included. The impact of plant
communities upon man through agriculture and land use practices is mentioned
but not stressed. Laboratory work emphasizes the accumulation and analysis
of field data.
Three lectures and one field trip or laboratory period per week.
Prerequisites: Biology 1-2 and permission of the instructor.
Not offered in 1967-68.
71-72. Special T opics. Staff.
With the permission of the department, qualified students may elect to pursue
a research or reading program not included in the regular course program.
H o n o r s W o rk
111. P lant P hysiology. Mr. Livingston.
Alternate years, spring semester
An extension of the area covered in course 67, with particular emphasis on
a critical study of original sources, both classical and current. The seminar
discussion is accompanied by a full day of laboratory work each week.
Prerequisites: Biology 1-2 and organic chemistry.
112. P roblems
P lant G rowth and D evelopment . Mr. Livingston.
Alternate years, fall semester
A correlated anatomical and physiological approach to developmental plant
anatomy and. morphogenesis. The seminar discussion is accompanied by a
full day of laboratory work each week.
Prerequisites: Biology 1-2 and permission of the instructor.
Not offered in 1967-68.
118. P lant Ecology. Mr. Livingston.
Alternate years, fall semester
A study of the interrelationships between plants and their environment. Dis
cussion periods are devoted to the development of basic principles. Field and
laboratory work applies these concepts to specific organisms and habitants.
Laboratory work is used to isolate problems encountered in the field. Both
higher plants and microorganisms are used as experimental materials. Com
parisons are made between aquatic and terrestrial habitants.
Prerequisites: Biology 1-2 and permission of the instructor.
Not offered in 1967-68.
120. Special T opics. Staff.
With the permission of the department, qualified students may elect to pursue
a research problem or reading program not included in the regular offerings
in honors.
12. V ertebrate P hysiology. Mr. Flemister.
Spring semester
A general consideration of the functional process in animals with emphasis
placed on mammals and other vertebrates. The aspects of adaptation of the
animal to environmental stress are treated in such a way as to serve the in
dividual student’s area of concentration. In preparation the introductory course
in Biology is desirable. Two lectures, one conference and one laboratory
period per week.
Not offered in 1967-68.
14. V ertebrate M orphology . Mr. Meinkoth.
Fall semester
A consideration of the vertebrate body plan at the microscopic, developmental
and adult gross mophological levels. Areas stressed in some detail will in
clude the structure and microscopic appearance of vertebrate tissues and
organs, embryonic development of an amphibian through organogenesis and
adult mammalian gross morphology.
Three hours of lecture or discussion and one laboratory period per week.
Prerequisite: Biology 1-2.
25. Field Z oology. Mr. Weber.
Spring semester
Emphasis is on the living animals as they occur in nature, their systematics,
relationships to the environment, habits and distribution. Regional and world
faunas will be discussed. Much of the work will be done in the field.
Prerequisite: Biology 1-2, Zoology 14 desirable.
52. Embryology. Mr. Enders.
Pall semester
A study of development of vertebrate anatomy. The lectures are concerned
with an investigation of the events which precede development, an analysis
of the development processes, and a brief survey of the contributions of the
field of experimental embryology. Laboratory periods are devoted to the
embryology of the frog, chick and pig. Three lectures and one laboratory
period per week.
Prerequisites: Biology 1-2, Zoology 14.
53. Biology of A rthropods. Mr. Weber.
Fall semester
The study of insects and their relatives, their morphological and physiological
adaptations and their effect on man. Laboratory work will include the study
of living material and current research will be considered. Each student will
prepare a study collection from field trips.
54. Biology of P arasitism. Mr. Meinkoth.
Alternate years, spring semester
A consideration of parasitology with reference to evolution and adaptation to
the parasitic habit. Surveys are made of parasites in native animals. Classifica
tion, life cycles and epidemiology are reviewed.
Not offered in 1967-68.
56. I nvertebrate Z oology. Mr. Meinkoth.
Spring, 1968; Fall, 1968-69
A course designed to acquaint the student with the fundamental morphology,
classification, phylogeny and special problems of the invertebrate phyla.
Three lectures and one laboratory period per week. Occasional field trips.
57. Comparative P hysiology. Mr. Flemister.
Fall semester
A course of lectures and laboratory experiments treating functional processes
from the standpoint of adaptation of the animal to its environment. These
processes in representative animals are compared in order to follow their
elaboration from the more general to the more specialized.
Two lectures and one laboratory period per week.
Prerequisites: Zoology 14, organic chemistry and physics.
58. P hysiological E cology. Mr. Flemister.
Spring semester
A course of lectures, discussions and experiments concerning the physiological
adaptations of representative animals to environmental stress. Requirements
and availability of optimum conditions of temperature, oxygen, food-stuffs and
the maintenance of ionic independence are appraised.
Two lectures and two laboratory periods per week.
Prerequisite: Zoology 57.
60. Biology of A nim al Com m unities . Mr. Rawson.
Fall semester
The study of animals at the emergent level of populations. Problems of
animal behavior as related to the growth and maintenance of populations will
be considered with particular reference to communication and social interaction
within animal groups. Both field and laboratory study techniques will be used.
Two lectures per week and the equivalent of one laboratory meeting per week.
Prerequisite: Biology 20 or Zoology 14.
Not offered in 1967-68.
63, 64. Special T opics . Staff.
Full or half course
For advanced students. Open to those who, on account of fitness, have
arranged a program of special work in the department.
H o n o rs W ork
Spring semester
An analysis of reproduction and development, The laboratory work includes
individual projects by the students, a study of developmental anatomy of the
chick, pig and frog, and the observation of living material under normal
and experimental conditions.
Prerequisite: Zoology 14.
103. Embryology. Mr. Enders.
104, Comparative P hysiology. Mr. Flemister.
Fall semester
An intensive consideration of the physical and chemical phenomena underly
ing the function of animals. A comparative approach is maintained in order
to consider the progression from more general to the most specialized adjust
ments, acclimatizations and adaptations of animals to physical, chemical and
biological stresses in the environment. The terminal portion of the laboratory
program is devoted to the pursuit of original, independent work by the
Prerequisites: Zoology 14, organic chemistry and physics.
106. Biology of A rthropods .
Following a survey of insects in general, a detailed study of one aspect of
the field will be undertaken. This will involve use of a scientific library,
independent work on one topic, and discussions of current research.
107. I nvertebrate Z oology. Mr. Meinkoth.
Alternate years, fall semester
A study of the morphology, taxonomy, natural history, distribution and adapta
tion of invertebrate phyla with a special emphasis on evolutionary trends,
ecological relations, and problems peculiar to each group.
Not offered in 1967-68.
108. Sensory P hysiology. Mr. Rawson.
Alternate years, spring semester
The functional specializations of sense organs for the transfer of information
in biological systems are considered in relation to the adaptations of verterbrate
and invertebrate animals to their environments. Electrophysiological and
behavioral approaches are used in laboratory studies.
109. Biology of A nimal Communities . Mr. Rawson.
Fall semester
The subject of Course 60 in seminar format. The analysis of the interrelations
of species considered in an ecological context including a study of animal be
havior relating to the growth and maintenance of animal populations.
Not offered in 1967-68.
110. Special T opics. Staff.
Open to students who, having satisfied all requirements, desire further work
in the department. Frequently this will include acting as junior assistants in
the research of staff members.
Professors: Edward A. F ehnel
W alter B. K eighton , Jr ., Chairman
A ssociate Professor: P eter T. T hompson
A ssistant Professors: James H. H ammons
Robert E. L eyon J
• Ronald A. M itchell
I nstructor : James R. H utchison
The aim of the Department of Chemistry is to provide a sound training in the
fundamental principles and basic techniques of the science rather than to deal with
specialized branches of the subject.
The various courses and seminar offerings are designed to meet the needs of
three classes of students:
1. Students with a primary interest in the humanities or social, sciences, who turn
to chemistry as a scientific study of general educational value. -Chemistry 1, 2
offers training in the scientific approach to problems, experience with the
laboratory method of investigation, and a presentation of some of the major
intellectual achievements of chemistry.
2. Students who seek training in chemistry as a supplement to their study of
astronomy, botany, engineering, mathematics, medicine, physics, or zoology.
These students should consult with their major department and with the Chem
istry department concerning the chemistry courses most suitable to their needs.
3. Students who consider chemistry their major interest. These students should
take Chemistry 1, 2, or 3, 4 and Mathematics in their freshman year; Chem
istry 28, 29, Mathematics and Physics in their sophomore year;, Chemistry
26, 27 and Chemistry 61, 62 in their junior year. Some students interested
in chemistry as a scientific study of general educational value, but with no
intention of pursuing chemistry as a profession, will find these basic courses
sufficient for their needs.
Students who wish to meet the minimum standards of the American Chemical
Society for professional training in chemistry should also take Chemistry 66, an
additional semester of advanced chemistry, and have a reading knowledge of
German.* Additional mathematics and physics are strongly recommended.
1, 2. I n tro d u ctio n
C h em istry . Mr. Keighton and Staff.
A study of the central concepts and basic principles of chemistry; the in
terpretation of chemical properties and reactions through equilibrium con
stants, oxidation potentials, free energies, thermochemistry; the relation of
chemical properties to atomic and molecular structure and to the Periodic
Table; rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions.
Students who enter college with advanced training in chemistry are en
couraged to take a placement examination during freshman orientation week
to determine which college chemistry course they should start with.
Chemistry 1, 2 or 3, 4 is a prerequisite for all other courses in chemistry.
Three lectures and one laboratory period weekly.
3, 4. G en era l C h em ist r y . Mr. Thompson and Staff.
The subject matter of this course parallels that of Chemistry 1, 2 but at
a more advanced and mathematically oriented level. The course is intended
* T h i s m a y b e d e m o n s tr a te d b y c o m p le tin g G e r m a n 4 o r 8 o r b y a n e x a m in a tio n g iv e n by
t h e D e p a r tm e n t o f C h e m is tr y , p r e f e r a b ly b e f o r e t h e b e g in n in g o f t h e s e n io r y e a r.
$ A b s e n t o n le a v e , 1 9 6 7 -6 8 .
for students with a strong interest in chemistry, whose high school prepara
tion has been extensive, and who are prepared to work independently.
Admission to this course is based on consultation with the staff and a place
ment examination.
Chemistry 1, 2 or 3, 4 is a prerequisite for all other courses in chemistry.
Three lectures and one laboratory period weekly.
26, 27. Q u antitative C h em istry . Mr. Mitchell.
Reactions and equilibria in acid-base, complexation, oxidation-reduction, and
two-phase systems are studied, with emphasis on their applications in chemical
analysis. The principles and methods of laboratory measurements, volumetric
and gravimetric analysis, spectrophotometry, electroanalytical techniques, sep
arations and chromatography, and organic analysis are introduced and de
veloped. Laboratory work is designed to illustrate the lecture material, to
give the student practical experience with theories, techniques, and instruments
of modern analytical chemistry, and to encourage an independent approach to
experimental work. Course 26 satisfies most medical school requirements.
Chemistry 61, 62 taken concurrently is highly desirable.
Three lectures and one laboratory period weekly.
28, 29. O rganic Chemistry . Mr. Fehnel and Mr. Hammons.
An introduction to the chemistry of the more important classes of organic
compounds, with emphasis on nomenclature, structure, reactions, and methods
of synthesis. Current theoretical concepts of structure and mechanism are
applied throughout the course to the interpretation of the properties and re
actions of a wide variety of organic compounds. The laboratory work
illustrates some of the principles and reactions discussed in the classroom and
provides practical experience in the techniques involved in synthesizing,
isolating, purifying, and characterizing organic compounds.
Three lectures and one laboratory period weekly.
60. P hysical C h em istry
Spying semester
The principles of physical chemistry are studied with emphasis on application
to material systems including the gaseous, liquid, solid and solution states.
Topics included are chemical thermodynamics, rate processes and the applica
tion of quantum mechanical principles in such areas as spectroscopy, structure
determination, and molecular bonding.
Three lectures and one laboratory period weekly.
This course is intended primarily for students majoring in engineering.
Prerequisites: Mathematics 12 or 16, Physics 2, and Engineering 52.
To be offered in 1968-69.
61, 62. T h eo retica l C h em istry . Mr. Hutchison and Mr. Thompson.
The principles of physical chemistry are studied and a number of numerical
exercises are worked; the gaseous, liquid and solid states, solutions, colloids,
elementary thermodynamics, chemical equilibria, electrochemistry, the kinetics
of chemical reactions.
Prerequisites: Second year mathematics and general physics.
Three lectures and one laboratory period weekly.
63. Q u a n tu m C h em istry . Mr. Thompson.
Fall semester
An extension of course 61, 62 in breadth and depth. Quantum mechanics is
introduced and applied to a variety of problems in valence theory and molecular
structure determination. Such topics as atomic structure, chemical bonding
theory, molecular spectroscopy, dielectric and magnetic phenomena, molecular
symmetry, and statistical mechanics are considered.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 62.
Three hours of discussion weekly.
65. A dvanced I n org a nic C h em istry . Mr. Hutchison.
Spring semester
The periodic classification of elements is studied from the point of view of
correlation of structure and properties. Consideration is given to such topics
as atomic and molecular structure, coordination complexes, metal carbonyls,
intermetallic and interstitial compounds, modern concepts of acids and bases,
chemistry of the transition metals and rare earths, solvent systems, inorganic
reaction mechanisms, and other phases of inorganic chemistry.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 61.
Three lectures or conferences and one laboratory period weekly.
66. Q ualitative O rganic A nalysis . Mr. Hammons.
, Pall semester
Classroom and laboratory study of the characterization and systematic iden
tification of organic compounds. Emphasis is placed on the correlation of
structure and properties of organic molecules and on the theoretical principles
underlying various chemical and physical methods of isolation and identifi
cation. A reading knowledge of German is desirable.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 28, 29Two lectures and two laboratory periods weekly.
67. A dvanced O rganic C h em istry . Mr. Fehnel.
Spring semester
Selected topics in organic chemistry, including resonance and molecular orbital
concepts, reaction mechanisms, molecular rearrangements, stereochemistry, free
radicals, and other topics of current interest. A familiarity with physical
chemistry is desirable.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 28, 29.
Three hours of discussion weekly.
69. Special T o pics . Staff.
Pall and spring semester
An elective half-course, which provides an opportunity for qualified advanced
students to undertake original investigations or to make detailed literature
studies of selected topics in the fields of inorganic, organic, analytical, and
physical chemistry. The course is designed to give the student practical ex
perience in the solution of a research problem, to develop facility in the use of
the chemical literature and in the interpretation and communication of experi
mental results, and to stimulate interest in current developments in chemical
research. Students who propose to take this course should consult with the
appropriate instructor during the semester preceding that in which the work is
to be done.
One conference and approximately ten hours of laboratory and/or library work
H o n o rs W o rk
Before admission to honors work the chemistry major will have completed Chem
istry i , 2 or 3, 4, 28, 29, Mathematics 3, 4, 11, 12, and Physics 1, 2. The honors
program includes Chemistry 101, 105 in the junior year and Chemistry 106 and 108
in the senior year, with four other seminars usually in biology, mathematics, or
101. T h eo retica l C h em istry . Mr. Thompson.
Pall semester
The gaseous, liquid, and solid states, solutions, colloids, elementary thermo
dynamics, chemical equilibria, electrochemistry, the kinetics of chemical re
Prerequisites: Second year mathematics and general physics.
One seminar and seven hours of laboratory weekly.
105. C h em ica l A nalysis . Mr. Mitchell.
Spring semester
The material covered is essentially the same as in courses 26 and 27: the
principles and practice of volumetric and gravimetric analysis, optical and
electrical methods of analysis, separation techniques, and the analysis of
organic compounds. The analytical chemistry of the common elements is
studied to illustrate the application of analytical methods.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 2 or 4, and 101.
One seminar and eight hours of laboratory weekly.
106. A dvanced O rganic C h em istry . Mr. Hammons.
Fall semester
An intensive study of essentially the same subject matter as is covered in
courses 66 and 67. A reading knowledge of German and a familiarity with
physical chemistry are desirable.
Prerequisites: Chemistry 28, 29 and senior standing.
One seminar and seven hours of laboratory weekly.
108. V a len c e
M olecu la r Stru c tu r e .
Mr. Hutchison and Mr. Thompson.
Spring semester
Topics such as the periodic table and atomic structure, types and properties
of bonds, the chemistry of transition metals, coordination compounds, acidbase and oxidation-reduction mechanisms, etc., are studied. Quantum theory
is developed and applied throughout to these topics and the use of dielectric
and magnetic phenomena, spectroscopy, and molecular symmetry in determining
structure is discussed. Laboratory: study of reaction kinetics and equilibria
in inorganic systems.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 62 or 101.
One seminar and six hours of laboratory weekly.
Professors: Susan P. Cobbs
H elen F. N orth , Chairman {
M artin O stwald, Acting Chairman
Instructors: M atthew W. D ickie
G ilbert P. Rose
Lecturer : G abriele S. H oenigswald
The Department of Classics offers instruction in the various fields which constitute
the study of Greek and Roman culture. Courses numbered from 1 to 20 are devoted
to the Greek and Latin languages and literatures. Courses numbered from 31 on
wards presuppose no knowledge of the Greek or Latin languages and are open
without prerequisite to all students; they deal with the history, mythology, religion,
archaeology, and other aspects of the ancient world and include the study of classical
literature in translation.
Swarthmore College contributes to the American Academy in Rome and the
American School of Classical Studies in Athens, and its students have the privileges
accorded to undergraduates from contributing institutions (use of the library at
both schools and consultation with the staff). Swarthmore is also one of the
institutions sponsoring the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome,
which provides facilities for the study of Classics, Archaeology, and Ancient History.
Classics majors, recommended by the Department, are eligible to study at the Center,
usually during their junior year, for either one semester or for two.
R ecommendations
M ajors
Greek or Latin may be offered as the major subject either in course or in honors
work. Major students in course are normally required to complete during the first
two years either Intermediate Greek (course 11-12) or Introduction to Latin Litera
ture (course 11-12). Both of these courses are prerequisite for honors seminars
for a major student and one of them for honors seminars for a minor student.
Students reading for Honors in Greek may offer Latin as one of their minors,
and vice versa. Students majoring in Greek may substitute a Latin seminar for one
of their seminars in Greek, and vice versa. In addition, majors in both Honors and
course are strongly advised to take for at least one semester a course in prose com
position (Greek 9, 10 or Latin 9, 10).
1-2. E le m en ta ry G r e e k . Mr. Ostwald.
Fall course
The essentials of Greek grammar are covered and selections from masterpieces
of Greek literature are read.
9,10. G r ee k P rose C o m p o sit io n . Staff.
Each semester
A non-credit course, meeting one hour a week. This course is recommended
in conjunction with courses at the intermediate level or above, to provide
the student with grammatical and stylistic exercise.
11,12. I ntermediate G reek . Mr. Rose.
Plato’s Apology, a play of Euripides, and selections from Homer are read.
$ Absent on leave, 1967-68.
13,14. G reek P rose A uthors . Staff.
The works read are determined by the interests and needs of the members of
the class. These readings are supplemented by a survey of the history of
Greek Literature. Credit is given for each semester.
15, 16. G reek P o ets . Mr. Dickie.
The works read are determined by the interests and needs of the members
of the class. Credit is given for each semester. The course is offered only
when required.
20. Special T opics. Staff.
Readings selected to fit the needs of individual seniors in preparation for
their comprehensive examinations.
1-2. E lem en ta ry La t in . Mrs. Hoenigswald.
Full course
The course is designed for students who begin Latin in college or who are
not prepared to enter Intermediate Latin, and it normally covers the equivalent
of two years’ work in secondary school.
4. I nterm ed ia te La t in . Mrs. Hoenigswald.
Fall semester
The study of Virgil’s Aeneid and a review of the principles of Latin Grammar,
9,10. La t in P rose C o m po sit io n . Staff.
Each semester
A non-credit course, meeting one hour a week. This course is recommended
in conjunction with courses at the intermediate level or above, to provide the
student with grammatical and stylistic exercise.
11,12. I ntroduction to Latin Literature . Miss Cobbs.
The course aims to give some conception of the scope and characteristic
qualities of Latin literature. The reading includes a comedy and the Cetia
Trimalcbionis from Petronius’ Satyricon in the first semester and the Odes of
Horace in the second. Credit is given for each semester. It is open to students
who have had four years of preparatory Latin or who have completed Inter
mediate Latin.
13. Ca tu llu s and E legy . Mr. Rose.
A study of the poems of Catullus and the elegiac poets.
Fall semester
14. Literature of the E mpire . Mrs. Hoenigswald.
Spring semester
Readings in the prose and poetry of the Silver Age of Latin literature.
20. Special T opics. Staff.
Readings selected to fit the needs of individual seniors in preparation for
their comprehensive examinations.
Ancient History and Civilization
31. H istory o f G reece . Mr. Dickie.
Fall semester
The course is devoted to the study of the political and social history of the
Greek states to the time of the Hellenistic kingdoms. This is preceded by a
brief survey of the Oriental civilizations by which the Greeks were influenced.
Special attention is given to the 6th and 5th centuries B. C. Considerable
reading is done in the primary sources in translation.
32. H istory of Rom e . M r. D ickie.
Spring semester
The course is devoted to the study of the political and social history of Rome
to the time of Constantine. Special attention is given to the last century
of the Republic and the first century of the Empire. Considerable reading is
done in the primary sources in translation.
33. G reek Literature in T ranslation . Mr. Rose.
Vail semester
The works read in this course include the Iliad, Hesiod’s Theogony and
Works and Days, much of Greek tragedy and comedy, selections from the
historians, the lyric and elegiac poets, and the pre-Socratic philosophers, and
several dialogues of Plato.
34. Latin Literature in T ranslation— C lassical and M ediaeval.
Miss North.
Spring semester
The works studied in this course range in time from the age of the Roman
Republic to the twelfth century after Christ. They include, from the classical
period, such major authors as Cicero, Lucretius, Virgil, Livy, Ovid, and Seneca;
from the Latin Fathers, St. Jerome and St. Augustine; and from the Middle
Ages, Boethius, Prudentius, Bede, the chief figures of the Carolingian Renais
sance, and the writers of Mediaeval Latin hymns and secular poetry. The
course is normally given in alternate years.
36. C lassical M ythology
Literature and Art . Miss North.
Spring semester
The course is designed to give familiarity with those myths and legends that
have served as material for writers and artists from ancient times to the
present. The principal works studied are Homer’s Odyssey, Hesiod’s Theogony,
selected Greek tragedies, Virgil’s Aeneid, the Metamorphoses of Ovid, and
Dante’s Commedia. A study is made of the way in which mythological
themes have been handled in painting and sculpture at various periods, and
topics for papers provide an opportunity for the study of the treatment of
mythology by writers from the Renaissance to modern times. The course is
normally given in alternate years.
Spring semester
An intensive study, chiefly on the basis of primary sources, of Athens and the
Greek world from the reforms of Cleisthenes to the end of the Peloponnesian
War. Special emphasis is placed on the political, social, and economic
institutions of the Athenian democracy and on the problems of the Delian
League, both internal and in its relation to the Greek and non-Greek world.
The course is normally given in alternate years.
Prerequisite: Classics 31 or its equivalent.
42. G reece in the F ifth C entury B.C. Mr. Ostwald.
44. Rome in the A ge of A ugustus. Mr. Dickie.
Spring semester
This course treats in detail the political, economic, social, and cultural develop
ment of Rome and the Roman world from the death of Julius Caesar to the
accession of Tiberius. Special emphasis is placed on Octavian’s rise to power,
the nature of the principate, the relationship of the ruling city to her provinces,
Rome’s changing social structure, and the problems of political stability and
the transference of power. Some attention is paid to literary, artistic, and
religious movements. Readings are chiefly in primary sources in translation.
The course is normally given in alternate years.
Prerequisite: Classics 32 or its equivalent.
H onors Seminars
102. Roman H istorians. Mr. Dickie.
This seminar combines a survey of Latin historical writing to the end of
the Silver Age with intensive study of selected books of Livy and Tacitus,
both as examples of Roman historiography and as sources for Roman history.
The seminar is given in the spring semester.
L a t i n E p i c . Mr. Dickie.
This seminar traces the development of Roman epic poetry, with particular
emphasis on the De Rerum Natura of Lucretius and the Aeneid of Virgil.
Some attention is also given to early Roman epic, as represented by the
Annales of Ennius, and to the later epic, typified by Lucan’s Pharsalia. The
seminar is given in the fall semester.
t in C o m e d y a n d Sa t ir e .
Mr. Dickie.
Representative comedies of Plautus and Terence are read, and a study of the
Satires and Epistles of Horace and the Satires of Juvenal is supplemented
by a general survey of the development of Roman satire. The seminar is
given in the fall semester.
A n c i e n t R h e t o r i c a n d L i t e r a r y C r i t i c i s m . Miss North.
This seminar combines the study of Greek and Roman rhetorical theory and
literary criticism with the reading of representative speeches of Cicero. It
also considers the influence of rhetorical education on Latin literature, par
ticularly that of the Empire. The seminar is given in the fall semester.
M e d i a e v a l L a t i n . Miss North.
The works studied in this seminar are chosen from the principal types of
mediaeval Latin literature (including religious and secular poetry, history
and chronicles, saints’ lives, satire, philosophy, and romances). Some attention
is paid to their origins in late antiquity and their influence on the early
G r e e k P h i l o s o p h e r s . Mr. Ostwald.
This seminar is devoted mainly to the study of Plato, which is supple
mented by study of the pre-Socratic philosophers and of Aristotle and the
Hellenistic schools. The orientation of the seminar is primarily philosophical,
although the literary merits of the Greek philosophers receive consideration.
The seminar is given in the fall semester.
112. G reek Epic . Miss North.
The study of Homer’s Odyssey constitutes the chief work of this seminar.
Some attention is also paid to Hesiod’s Theogony and to the Argonautica of
Apollonius of Rhodes. The seminar is given in the spring semester.
G r e e k H i s t o r i a n s . Mr. Ostwald.
The greater part of the work of this seminar is devoted to Herodotus and
Thucydides, but portions of Xenophon’s Hellenica and of Polybius are also
studied, both as examples of Greek historiography and as sources of Greek
history. The seminar is given in the fall semester.
114. G reek D rama . Mr. Rose.
The whole body of extant Greek tragedies and comedies is studied, with a
careful reading in the original language of one play by each of the major
dramatists. The seminar is given in the spring semester.
P ro fesso rs : E dward K. C ratsley
F r a n k C. P ie r s o n , Chairman
C lair W ilcox
A ssociate P r o fesso r s : F rederic L. P ryor
B ernard Sa f fr a n
A ssistant P rofessors L ew is R. G aty
I n stru cto rs J o h n D . P atrick
Lecturers: H e l e n M . H u n t e r *
A n it a A. Su m m e r s
The courses in economics are designed: first, to acquaint the student with the
institutions and processes through which the business of producing, exchanging,
and distributing goods and services is organized and carried on; second, to train
him in the methods by which these institutions and processes may be analyzed; and
third, to enable him to arrive at informed judgments concerning relevant issues of
public policy.
Course 1-2 is prerequisite to all other work in the department except courses 3
and 4. Students intending to major in economics are advised to take Political Science
1-2, statistics, and/or accounting. While* not essential, college-level mathematics
would also be helpful. Students intending to do graduate work in economics should
take Mathematics 3-4 and 11-12 or (if they are especially interested or gifted in
mathematics) 5-6 and 15-16. Majors in course are required to take courses 50 and
51 in the junior: year: Majors in honors are advised to take seminars 103 and
either 101 or 102,:
1 -2 .
t r o d u c t io n
o n o m ic s
Messrs. Gaty, Patrick, Pierson, Pryor, Saffran,
and Mrs. Summers.
This course is designed both to afford the general student a comprehensive
survey and to provide students doing further work with a foundation on
which to build. It describes the organization of the economic system and
analyzes the allocation of resources, the distribution of income, the mainte
nance of economic stability, and international economic relations.
c c o u n t in g
Mr. Cratsley.
Fall semester
The purpose of this course is to equip the student with the rudiments of
accounting that he will need to employ in his advanced work in business
finance, banking, taxation, and public regulation.
St a
t is t ic s
Mrs. Hunter.
Spring semester
The course is designed to make the student a critical user of statistics. Topics
covered include frequency distributions, sampling, correlation, economic time
series, and an introduction to econometric analysis. Students acquire some
familiarity with the IBM 1620 computer.
c o n o m ic
e v e lo pm e n t
Mr. Wilcox.
Fall semester
Requisites for the economic development of underdeveloped countries. Ob
stacles to development. Strategy and tactics of development. Aid for de
* A b s e n t o n le a v e , f a l l s e m e s te r, 1 9 6 7 -6 8 .
E c o n o m i c T h e o r y . Mr. Saffran.
Fall semester
Determination of prices in theory and in practice. Distribution of income.
Determination of the level of income and employment.
M o n e y a n d B a n k i n g . Mrs. Hunter.
Spring semester
Organization and operation of commercial banking in the United States.
Central banking; the Federal Reserve system. Monetary policy.
u b l ic F in a n c e .
Mr. Gaty.
Fall semester
Social goals and fiscal institutions, Federal* state, and local, including analysis
of public expenditures, taxation, the national debt, fiscal federalism, and
current fiscal policy.
Not offered in 1967-68.
B u s i n e s s F i n a n c e . Mr. Gaty.
Spring semester
Analysis of private financial instruments, markets, and institutions, and public
regulation of financial practices.
L a b o r P r o b l e m s . Mr. Pierson.
Fall semester
The structure and functions of labor unions. Employer approaches to labor
relations. Analysis of wage policies. Governmental control of labor relations.
Not offered in 1967-68.
S o c i a l E c o n o m i c s . Mr. Pryor.
Spring semester
The extent, consequences, and causes of poverty and economic insecurity; an
appraisal of reforms in social insurance, medical care, public housing, and
rural development; the economics of discrimination.
Mr. Gaty.
Spring semester
Analysis of business decision-making; economic theory and management
control; market structure, pricing, and output; the budgetary process and
business planning; business behavior and social welfare.
Not offered in 1967-68.
u b l ic C o n t r o l o f B u s in e s s .
Mr. Gaty.
Fall semester
Maintenance of competition in American industry; moderation of competition
in agriculture, extractive industries, and distributive trades. Regulation of
pqblic utilities, transport, and communications. Public ownership and oper
ation of industry.
Not offered in 1967-68.
B u s i n e s s C y c l e s . Mr. Pierson.
Fall semester
National income theory. Analysis of business fluctuations and long-term eco
nomic change. Public policies for stabilization and growth.
I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s . Mr. Patrick.
Spring semester
Theory and practice of international trade. Balance of payments, foreign ex
change, national commercial policies, international investment, and foreign
Mr. Pryor.
Fall semester
Analysis of methods by which economic systems can be compared; case
studies of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and several West European nations.
a n a g e r ia l
c o n o m ic s
o m p a r a t iv e
c o n o m ic
stem s
H o n o rs W o rk
101. Fin a n c e . Mr. Gaty.
Fall semester
Social goals and fiscal institutions, Federal, State, and local, including analysis
of public expenditures, taxation, the national debt, fiscal federalism, and
current fiscal policy. Analysis of private financial instruments, markets, and
institutions, and public regulation of financial practices.
E c o n o m i c S t a b i l i t y a n d G r o w t h . Mr. Pierson.
Spring semester
The theory of cyclical fluctuations and secular growth. Money and banking.
Monetary and fiscal policy. Wage-price pressures and the control of inflation.
c o n o m ic T h e o r y .
Mr. Saffran.
Each semester
Contemporary theory: price determination, the functional distribution of
income, the level of employment. Evaluation of theory in the light of simpli
fying assumptions and empirical evidence. The relevance of theory to socio
economic problems.
P u b l i c C o n t r o l o f B u s i n e s s . Mr. Wilcox.
Fall semester
The maintenance of competition in American industry. The moderation of
competition in agriculture, the extractive industries, and the distributive trades.
The regulation of public utilities, transport, and communications. Public
ownership and operation of industry.
I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s . Messrs. Patrick and Wilcox.
Each semester
Theory and practice in international economic relations. The pure theory of
international trade. The balance of payments and the mechanism of inter
national exchange. Restrictionism and discrimination. Regionalism. Relations
with controlled economies. International investment and foreign aid.
C o m p a r a t i v e E c o n o m i c S y s t e m s . Mr. Pryor.
Spring semester
Analysis of methods by which economic systems can be compared; study of
resource allocation and growth in socialist, capitalist, and mixed economies;
case studies of the U.S.S.R., Yugoslavia, China, France, and other nations;
examination of special problems in economic planning.
L a b o r a n d S o c i a l E c o n o m i c s . Messrs. Pierson and Wilcox. Fall semester
The organization of labor. Analysis of wage policies. Government control
of labor relations. Poverty, inequality, and insecurity. Social insurance,
medical care, public housing, and rural development.
Mr. Saffran.
Spring semester
Econometrics, difference and differential equations, and other applications of
mathematics to economics.
Prerequisites: Mathematics 12 and Economics 103.
Not offered in 1967-68.
a t h e m a t ic a l
c o n o m ic s
P ro fessors : Sa m u e l T. C a r p e n t e r ,
J o h n D . M cCr u m m
B ernard M orrill
A ssociate P r o fessors : C arl B arus
D avid L. B o w ler
R a y m o n d D oby
C lark P. M ang elsdorf
M. J o s e p h W illis
A ssistant P ro fesso rs : G. St u a r t P a t t e r so n , J r .
V ictor K. Sc h ü t z
The Department of Engineering offers engineering programs * directed toward
four principal educational aims: to introduce the student to a body of knowledge
fundamental to all of modern engineering; to provide him with a comprehensive
base of mathematics, chemistry and physics; to allow him maximum flexibility in
electing plans of study to suit individual objectives; to provide him the opportunity
to study in the humanities and social sciences.
The professional practice of engineering requires skill and resourcefulness in
applying scientific knowledge and methods to the solution of engineering problems
of ever growing technical complexity. In addition, the role of engineering in
our society demands that the engineer recognize and take into account the economic
and social factors that bear on his technical problems. The successful engineer will
therefore possess an understanding of socio-economic forces, an appreciation of the
cultural and humanistic aspects of the society in which he lives, and a sound
working knowledge of human relations. Our total program furthers these objectives
by providing the student with a broad technical knowledge, together with the
foundation of a liberal education.
Courses in the Department 6f Engineering are open to all students who have the
interest and the prerequisite background. Special inquiries may be made through
the Chairman of the Department.
Educational plans available to engineering students at Swarthmore are as follows:
(1) Four year course programs with the major in Engineering, with elected
concentrations of study in the professional branches of engineering such as
Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering, and in related engineering areas.
(See suggested Elective Sequences.)
(2) Four year course programs with the major in Engineering, with elected
combinations of study in Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics, Politi
cal Science, etc.
(3) Reading for Honors in Engineering.
(4) Special sequences to meet unusual needs or interests:
(a) A four year program relating Engineering with other College areas of
study, or
(b) A five year program leading to both a B.S. degree with a major in
Engineering, and a B.A. degree.
* T h e n e w p r o g r a m s a n d c o u rs e s p r e s e n te d in t h i s c a ta lo g u e a r e e ffe c tiv e w i t h t h e f r e s h m a n
class e n te r in g c o lle g e in S e p te m b e r 1 9 6 6 .
P r e v io u s ly e n r o l le d s tu d e n ts f o ll o w p r o g r a m s a n d
courses as o u tl in e d o n p a g e 10 6 a n d in t h e 1 9 6 4 -6 5 C o lle g e C a ta lo g u e , a c o p y o f w h ic h is
a v a ila b le u p o n re q u e s t.
A candidate for a degree in Engineering must meet the general requirements
of the College as specified for the Division of Engineering (pp. 63-65). Cur
ricular plans for the first two years must take two objectives into consideration:
(1) the basic engineering science courses should meet the prerequisite require
ments for advanced work in Engineering at the upper-class level, and (2) the
general College requirements should normally be fulfilled prior to junior standing.
The first two years of "Engineering Curriculum” (see following pages) will gen
erally provide the background for the Engineering student to engage in any of
the various plans of study and furnish the prerequisites for the advanced work of
the junior and senior years. Modifications of the basic four year program are
possible in individual cases but such changes must be approved by the student’s
course adviser and the Department of Engineering. During the second semester
of the sophomore year the Engineering student, following College procedure, will
apply for a Course program with a major in Engineering, or he may apply to read
for Honors in Engineering.
Course Programs
All four year programs lead to the degree of Bachelor of Science with the major
in Engineering. The thirty-six semester courses are distributed as follows: Four
semesters of mathematics, three semesters of Chemistry, three semesters of Physics,
eight semesters of required Engineering common-core subjects, four semesters of
approved Engineering electives and four semesters of free electives chosen from
College-wide areas of instruction including Engineering. Except for the courses
required to meet the College general requirements (pp. 63-65), the remaining courses
are unrestricted, but it is recommended that they be selected from the humanities
and social sciences.
The required courses, with the normal sequence of study, are shown in the
following outline of the Engineering curriculum.
Engineering Curriculum
First Year
Fall Semester
Introduction to Engineering
Physics 1
Spring Semester
Mechanics I
Physics 2
Second Year
Electrical Science
Mechanics II
Chemistry 1
Physical Systems Analysis
Chemistry 2
Third Year
Fields and Continua
Physical Chemistry
Fourth Year
Modern Physics
Elective •
Materials Science
Course Advising and Approval of Programs
Students are advised to make their educational goals known to their Engineering
advisers at the earliest possible time. In this way the student can best benefit from
the flexibility provided for course election and provide for a curricular program
specifically oriented to his future educational goals. The basic plan of upper-class
study in Engineering should be formulated during the second semester of the
sophomore year when the student applies for a major in Engineering.
Reading for Honors in Engineering
Students applying to become candidates for a degree with Honors should present
their proposed program to the Division of Engineering for approval, after con
sulting with the Chairman of the Department of Engineering.
Each student must present an educationally sound program along with a state
ment of his reasons for believing that his program is appropriate to his goals.
Reading for Honors in Engineering will normally require the scheduling of eight
related seminars and should include seminars in Engineering, Physics or Chemistry,
and Mathematics. The passing of the Honors examinations, with one paper for
each seminar, leads to the Bachelor of Science degree with Honors, High Honors,
or Highest Honors, in the Division of Engineering. Honors work in Engineering
is customarily carried on in seminars of three or more students; a minimum of
three students is thought to be desirable for the students to develop the full educa
tional benefits of the seminar method of study.
Elective Sequences in the Course Program
The required courses in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, and the required
eight semester courses of the Engineering core provide the supporting subjects
upon which to base a total program meeting particular needs and educational
interests. The following suggested sequences of study beyond the required courses
are listed to indicate the flexibility of choice open to the student. Other sequences
may also be arranged beyond the suggested plans. At lease four elected and approved
courses in Engineering beyond the required courses must be included in the
elected sequence. The four free electives are also available for inclusion in these
sequences. Electives in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Life Sciences can also
contribute, in many cases, to the central aims of a sequence. A course in Special
Topics is available for meeting special interests or needs.
Suggested Elective Sequences
B io -E n
g in e e r in g
A minimum of four Engi
neering courses with additional
elections in Engineering, Biol
ogy, and Chemistry.
The application of engineering principles to
biological and medical problems. Students with
this interest will normally elect two semesters
of biology and two semesters of organic chem
istry, and an appropriate sequence of engineer
ing courses. Suggested sequences of study in
this interdisciplinary field are available upon
request or can be developed with the assistance
of your Engineering adviser.
iv il
n g in e e r in g
a n d
The minimum course sequence is Mechanics
of Solids, Structural Mechanics I, Earth Science,
Civil Engineering Design, with a fourth course
chosen from Fluid Mechanics, Structural Me
chanics II, or Soil Engineering. The minimum
sequence provides the prerequisites for an ad
ditional elective sequence in Structures, Water
Resources and Planning, Transportation Sys
tems, Pre-Architecture, or General Civil En
gineering. Plans may , be made for work in
Bio-Engineering with an emphasis on Environ
mental Control and Water Resources.
The early planning of electives in Biology,
Economics, Political Science, Sociology, or Fine
Arts, is essential for programs related to Urban
and Regional Planning or Water Resources.
General Civil Engineering
Transportation Systems
Urban and Regional Plan
Water Resources
l e c t r ic a l
g in e e r in g
a n d
n ergy
Energy conversion is one of the outstanding
problems of the present and future. Conven
tional sources and means of conversion will
continue to be important. New and as yet un
developed systems will become increasingly
significant. A concentration of electrical and
mechanical courses built on fundamental
courses in thermodynamics can be developed for
students with a special interest in energy con
g in e e r in g
S c ie n
A number of feasible pro
grams may be elected from
Engineering, M ath em atics,
Chemistry, Physics, with the
engineering courses dealing
primarily with the theoretical
bodies of knowledge.
o n v e r s io n
Direct Energy Conversion
Electromechanical Energy
Thermodynamics and Heat
Students who plan to do work in electrical
engineering will normally include the follow
ing courses in their programs as a minimum
background in the field beyond the required
engineering core: Circuit Theory, Electromag
netic Theory, Electronics I, Electromechanical
Energy Conversion I.
In addition, a student may pursue his elec
trical interests, with emphasis in one of the
areas shown at the left, by the appropriate
choice of further electives.
General Electrical Engineer
Electric Power and Energy
Electronics and Information
Systems and Control
Engineering Physics
n g in e e r in g
o m b in e d
Political Science
it h
A program in Engineering Sciences provides
for diversity and depth in engineering, com
bined with mathematics, chemistry, or physics.
It is suitable for those planning to enter college
teaching or engineering research after graduate
St u
d y
t h e r
olleg e
An engineering student is required to include
at least four approved engineering courses be
yond the required engineering core. Fourteen
electives, including the six to satisfy the Col
lege distribution requirements, are available for
planning a sequence of study leading to con
centrations or diversity in other College areas.
The areas listed on the left are not exclusive
but they do represent areas in which engineer
ing students may find a strong interest and a
relationship to future engineering work.
e c h a n ic a l
n g in e e r in g
an d
General Mechanical Engineering
Applied Mechanics
Thermodynamics and Energy
Fluid Mechanics and Heat
Engineering Design
Sequences in general mechanical engineering
will normally include, in addition to the re
quired engineering core, courses iri advanced
dynamics, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics and
heat transfer, and automatic controls. Courses
in thermodynamics, applied mechanics, fluids,
heat transfer, and engineering design can be
used to develop such specialized sequences as
those shown at the left. Plans may be made for
work in bio-engineering with an emphasis on
the structure and function of biological systems.
C ourses
Fall semester
I n t r o d u c t io n t o E n g in e e r in g
An introduction to engineering analysis evolving solution to engineering
problems through the use of simple mathematical models. The body of
mathematics necessary for structuring these models is fully developed within
the course. Only a background of high school mathematics is necessary. Pro
gramming concepts for the IBM-1620 digital computer are introduced so
that the computer can be used for solution of some of the problems rep
resented by the models. The laboratory work consists of some graphical
concepts, shop practice, and design projects.
Three class periods and one three-hour laboratory each week.
2. M echanics I.
Spring semester
Concept and definition of forces, vector methods of analysis. Equilibrium
principles. Analysis of forces in machines and structures. Virtual work. Shear
and bending in beams, elementary concepts of deformable bodies. Centroids
and inertia of plane areas.
Three class periods and one three-hour laboratory each week.
3. M echanics II.
Fall semester
Vector treatment of dynamics; kinematics of particles in fixed and moving
reference systems; Newton’s laws applied to particle motion; central force
motion; rigid body kinematics, relative motion, and kinetics; energy methods;
impulse and momentum methods; kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies in
three dimensions.
Three class periods and one three-hour laboratory each week.
Prerequisite: Mechanics I.
Fall semester
The experimental and theoretical basis of electricity and magnetism; elementary
electrostatics and magnetostatics; principles of energy conversion, foundations
of circuit theory; mathematical basis for transient and steady state analysis
of linear networks.
Three class periods and one laboratory every other week.
Prerequisites: Physics 1 and 2, and to be preceded or accompanied by Integral
6. P hysical Systems A nalysis.
Spring semester
The study of physical phenomena and systems which may be represented to a
good degree of approximation by a linear model or a lumped-parameter
5. Electrical Science .
pictorial model. The formulation of the mathematical model from basic phys
ical laws and the treatment of the ordinary differential equations resulting
therefrom. Emphasis will be placed upon the unity resulting from the math
ematical representation for many types of physical systems: mechanical,
electrical, electromechanical, thermal, etc. Techniques of analysis will include
classical solution of differential equations including power series solutions,
and also solution by Laplace transform methods. Transient and steady state
response, frequency response, pole-zero concepts, notions of stability, and
energy considerations. The analog computer will be introduced.
Three class periods and one laboratory every other week.
7 -8 .
r in c ip l e s a n d P r o b l e m s o f M o d e r n T e c h n o l o g y . r
Full course
This course is designed to meet the needs of non-science majors and fulfills
the group I distribution requirement. (See pp. 59-61.) In the first semester,
the logic and programming of the digital computer will be introduced,
elementary decision theory will be developed, and the engineering concepts
of optimization, feedback, and information discussed. Newton’s laws of
motion and the laws of thermodynamics will be introduced to illustrate the
use of science in technology. The interactions among science, technology,
and society will be considered in terms of the past, present, and future. In
the second semester, a series of three to five special topics illustrative of
modern technological problems and activity will be developed. Topics will
be chosen for their timeliness, interest and importance to both society and
Three class periods and one three-hour laboratory period every other week.
t r o d u c t io n t o F ie l d s a n d C o n t i n u a .
Fall semester
A study of a class of physical systems that can be represented by simple
distributed-parameter models. Phenomena common to fluid, elastic, electro
magnetic, thermal, and other such systems are treated with emphasis on
their physical analogy and their consequent mathematical unity. The partial
differential equations governing such phenomena are developed from basic
principles, introducing vector calculus. Application is made to realistic engi
neering situations.
Three class periods and one laboratory every other week.
Prerequisite: Engr. 6—Physical Systems Analysis, or equivalent.
Sy ste m
h e r m o d y n a m ic s .
Fall semester
Macroscopic concepts of thermodynamics: temperature, the First Law, thermo
dynamic properties, reversibility. Statistical inference of thermodynamics:
probability, entropy and equilibrium, the partition function. Ideal gases. The
Second Law of Thermodynamics. Cycles. Maxwell’s Relations.
n a l y s is
A study of advanced mathematical procedures useful in analyzing the be
havior of physical systems. Included will be such topics as Laplace and
Fourier methods, analysis by matrix state variable methods, phase-plane
analysis, the Z-transform, signal flow graphs, concepts of optimization, control,
etc. The systems to which the above procedures apply may be linear or non
linear, and subjected to precisely defined or to random types of disturbances.
Three class periods and one computation period each week.
Prerequisites: Engr. 6 and Engr. 51.
p e r a t io n s
esea rch
The principles of operations research as applicable to defining optimum solu
tions of engineering and financial problems as an aid to managerial decision
making. Probability and probability distributions, reliability, random number
stimulation, queuing theory, linear programming, dynamic programming, alloca
tion and transportation theory. The working principles of engineering economy
are introduced and combined with operations research topics.
Three class periods each week.
e c h a n ic s
o f
S o l id s .
This course deals with the internal stresses and changes of form when forces
act on solid bodies. State of stress and strain, strength theories, stability,
deflections, and photoelasticity. Elastic and Plastic theories.
Three class periods and one three-hour laboratory each week.
Prerequisites: Mechanics I and II.
M a t e r ia l s S c ie n c e .
Spring semester
This course brings together much of the background material acquired in
other courses and focuses on the problem of understanding at a technological
as well as theoretical level the engineering properties of materials in terms
of atomic and sub-atomic phenomena. Among the topics considered will be
crystal structure, electrical, thermal and magnetic properties of solids, im
perfections and their effect on mechanical and electrical properties, corrosionand environmental effects.
Three class periods and one laboratory each week.
Prerequisites: Physical Chemistry, Modern Physics.
c t u r a l M e c h a n i c s I.
Principles of statically determinate structural systems and advanced mechanics
of deformable bodies pertaining to deflection, state of stress, state of strain,
failure theories, strain energy, and stability. Structural Mechanics of space
and plane framed structures including stress analysis, influence lines, and
matrix solutions.
Three class periods and one three-hour laboratory each week.
Prerequisite: Engr. 59.
c t u r a l M e c h a n i c s II.
A study of statically indeterminate structural systems and advanced structural
theory. Response of structures to complex dynamic inputs such as earth
quakes and moving loads. Digital computer applications.
Three class periods and one three-hour laboratory each week.
Prerequisite: Structural Mechanics I.
St r u
St r u
r th
ie n c e
Using the basic concepts of physical geology as a unifying framework, the
principles of soil mechanics and hydrology are studied. Subjects introduced
include clay mineralogy, theory of consolidation of soils, stresses in earth
masses, flow through porous media, precipitation-runoff relationships, open
channel flow, ground water hydraulics, and sedimentation.
Three class periods and one laboratory each week.
C iv il E
n g in e e r in g
e s ig n
An introduction to the design of engineering structures with emphasis on
structural components and structural materials; design projects involving
planning, field surveys, analysis and synthesis, structural models, and optimi
zation criteria.
Three class periods and one three-hour laboratory each week.
St r u
ctu ra l
e s ig n
An advanced course in the design of structures dealing with stability, flat
plates, shells, pre-stressed concrete, high strength steels, ultimate design,
dynamic force systems, comprehensive design problems, advanced structural
model studies.
Three class periods and one three-hour laboratory each week.
Prerequisites: Engr. 59, 62, 63, 65.
a ter
u rces
An introduction to the fundamentals of water-resources engineering, includ
ing pertinent areas of hydrology and hydraulics, precipitation-runoff relation
ships, groundwater flow, sedimentation, and hydraulics of steady and gradu
ally varied flow through channels and reservoirs are studied. Fundamentals
are related to engineering aspects of planning for water-resources projects,
followed by some case studies of existing projects which draw on the back
ground of the student in engineering science, design, the humanities, and
the social sciences.
Three class periods and one laboratory each week.
r a n s p o r t a t io n
stem s
The essentials of transportation planning, design and operation are introduced
with the major emphasis on urban systems. Specific topics include traffic
forecasting, geometric design of highways, theory of traffic flow and control,
intersection design and operation of mass transportation facilities and terminals.
Three class periods and one laboratory each week.
Prerequisite: Engr. 55, but may be taken concurrently.
n g in e e r in g
Advanced principles of soil mechanics with application to problems in design.
Theoretical aspects of seepage, settlement and foundation stability analysis.
The design of retaining walls, foundations, and earth structures are among
the specific topics.
Three class periods and one laboratory each week.
Prerequisite: Engr. 64.
ir c u it
h eo r y
Transient and steady-state analysis of electric circuits and networks with
emphasis on Laplace and Fourier methods and s-plane interpretation. Net
work topology, equilibrium equations, theorems, network functions and their
properties. Energy in electric networks. Introduction to synthesis.
Three class periods and one laboratory each week.
Prerequisites: Engr. 6, or Physics 12.
l e c t r o m a g n e t ic
h e o r y
Maxwell’s equations and their application. Macroscopic field treatment of
magnetic, dielectric and conducting bodies. Forces, motion, and energy
storage. Calculation of circuit parameters. Skin effect. Electromagnetic
waves; their propagation, guidance, and radiation.
Three class periods and one laboratory each week.
Prerequisite: Engr. 51, or equivalent.
l e c t r o n ic s
Electronic Circuit analysis. Emphasis is placed on the use of small-signal
and piecewise linear models to represent transistors and vacuum tubes. Steadystate and transient responses of circuits are analyzed.
Three class periods and one laboratory each week.
Prerequisite: Engr. 6, or equivalent.
l e c t r o n ic s
Further study of electronic circuit analysis, with emphasis on the use of
transistors at high frequencies and in the switching mode. Topics in com
munication theory may be included.
Three class periods and one laboratory each week.
Prerequisite: Engr. 73.
75. Electromechanical Energy Conversion I.
Principles and physical aspects of electromechanical energy conversion; basic
concepts of rotating machine performance and the analysis of ideal rotating
electrical machinery and the dynamics of coupled systems.
Three class periods and one laboratory each week.
Prerequisite: Engr. 6.
76. E lectromechanical Energy Conversion II.
Transformers, D-C machines, analysis of performance and applications, syn
chronous machines, performance, effects of saturation and saliency; polyphase
induction machines; fractional horsepower motors; rotating control devices;
and self-synchronous machines.
Three class periods and one laboratory each week.
Prerequisites: Engr. 6 and Engr. 75.
77. T opics in I nformation T ransmission .
Selected topics relating to the transmission and processing of information
and information-bearing signals. Application to communication and informa
tion-processing systems.
Three class periods and one laboratory each week.
Prerequisites: Engr. 72 and Engr. 74.
78. A utomatic Control .
An introduction to automatic control systems using the Laplace transform
and signal flow graphs. System design is studied by means of the Nyquist
diagram, frequency response methods, and the root locus method. Other
topics include compensation networks, multiple input systems and system
optimization. Advanced topics are introduced: nonlinear and sample data
systems, adaptive control, etc.
Three class periods and one laboratory each week.
Prerequisites: Engr. 6 and Engr. 51.
79. P hysical E lectronics.
A study of the physical principles underlying the operation of electronic
devices. Attention is focused on the relationship between material properties
and the characterization of devices as circuit elements. Semiconductor devices
are extensively treated.
Three class periods and one laboratory each week.
Prerequisite: Physics 51.
81. I ntroduction to F luid M echanics and Convective H eat T ransfer .
The fundamentals of the transfer of momentum, heat, and mass; the mechanics
of the fluid state of matter. The continuum; stress, deformation rate, con
tinuity, the Navier-Stokes equations. Application to inviscid, incompressible
flow and viscous flow and convective heat transfer.
Three class periods and one laboratory each week.
Prerequisite: Engr. 51.
82. Advanced F luid M echanics .
A study of the more specialized areas of fluid mechanics; boundary layer
theory, turbulence, and compressible flow.
Three class periods and one three-hour laboratory each week.
Prerequisite: Engr. 81.
83. Continuum M echanics .
A study of the formulation and solution of the governing equations for
the mechanics of a continuous medium. Stress, deformation, rheological
models, constitutive equations, conservation laws, and applications.
Four class periods each week.
Prerequisite: Engr. 81 or Engr. 5984. Advanced T hermodynamics.
An extension of the basic core thermodynamics, Engr. 53. The fundamental
laws of thermodynamics are applied to conventional systems of energy con
version. Principles of irreversible thermodynamics are developed and applied
to systems of direct energy conversion.
Three class periods and one three-hour laboratory each week.
Prerequisite: Engr. 53.
85. Advanced D ynamics .
Review of kinematics and particle dynamics using vectors. Vibrations and
stability of lumped parameter system. Rigid body dynamics, including
gyroscopes, in vector form. Lagrange's equations and Hamilton’s Principle.
Vibration of distributed systems.
Four class periods each week.
Prerequisite: Engr. 51.
88. Conduction and Radiation H eat T ransfer .
A course dealing with the basic introduction to physical phenomena involved
in the conduction and radiation heat transfer processes. Work is done in
both steady state and transient conditions. Analytical, empirical and numerical
approaches are covered.
Three class periods and one three-hour laboratory each week. .
Prerequisites: Engr. 51, 53.
89. M achine D esign .
The study of the analysis and synthesis of the elements of machines.
Three class periods and one three-hour laboratory each week.
Prerequisites: Engr. 85, 59.
90. Engineering D esign.
A generalized approach to the design of engineering systems and components
is developed stressing inventiveness, engineering analysis and decision making.
The design process is studied through case histories and student projects
which utilize a number of areas of engineering science. Optimization theory,
the use of probability and statistics in design, decision theory, and reliability
theory are discussed.
Three class periods and one three-hour laboratory each week.
Prerequisite: Senior Engineering standing.
91. Special T opics.
Subject matter dependent on a group need or individual interest. Normally
restricted to senior students and offered only when staff interests and avail
ability make it practicable to do so.
92. T hesis .
W ith approval, a student may undertake a thesis project as a part of his
program in the senior year. The student is expected to submit a prospectus
of his thesis problem before the start of the semester in which the thesis
project is carried out.
S e m in a r s
101. M echanics of Solids.
Mechanics and analysis of deformable bodies treating elastic and plastic stresses
and strains due to general and specific force systems. General equations of
equilibrium and compatibility. Failure theories, stability. Experimental
analysis based on strains, photoelasticity, and membrane analogy. Elementary
vibrations. Lagrange and Hamilton equations.
Prerequisites: Mechanics I and II; Mathematics 11, 12, or equivalent.
102. Engineering Systems.
This seminar concerns itself with the representation of engineering systems as
mathematical models. These models fall into the two fundamental classes of
lumped parameters and distributed systems. Emphasis will be placed on the
physical meaning of the applied mathematics.
103. T hermodynamics.
Fundamental concepts, properties of substances, equations of state, first and
second laws of thermodynamics and their applications, entropy, gas and vapor
cycles, Maxwell equations, availability, Onsager's theorem, applications to
direct energy conversion.
104. F luid M echanics .
Fluid statics and dynamics, continuity, dimensional analysis, incompressible
flow, generalized equations of motion, Navier-Stokes equation, boundary layer
theory, convective heat transfer, mass transfer, compressibility phenomena.
105. Linear Systems.
Analysis and synthesis of electrical and electromechanical linear systems such
as electric networks and servomechanisms. The following analytical methods
are emphasized: differential equations, the Laplace transformation, Fourier
methods, poles and zeroes, superposition integral, complex loci, analog simula
tion, transforms.
106. Structural M echanics .
Theory, analysis, and design of structural systems. Basic theory of determinate
and indeterminate structures, fundamentals of theoretical applied mechanics,
including beams on elastic foundation, stability, plates and shells, with
applicable vector and tensor approaches, and series solution. Ground motion
and structural dynamics. Model analysis. Matrix methods.
Prerequisite: Engr. 101—Mechanics of Solids.
107. M echanical D esign .
Analysis and synthesis of the elements of a machine. Vibrational study of
both lumped and distributed mass systems. Dynamic systems are studied
from a Newtonian and Lagrangian point of view.
108. Earth Science .
Principles of soil mechanics, hydrology, hydraulics, sedimentation, ground
water flow and clay mineralogy, using the basic Concepts of physical geology
as a unifying framework. Theory of consolidation of soils, stresses in earth
masses, Laplace equation of seepage, precipitation runoff relationships, are
introduced for the analysis of engineering problems.
109. T hesis. Elective, upon approval of the Engineering Division of an acceptable
field of original investigation.
110. Continuum M echanics .
Study of the mechanics of a continuous material. Stress, deformation, strain,
rheological models, constitutive equations, conservation laws, and applications,
with particular attention to elastic materials and Newtonian fluid mechanics.
H i.
ir c u it
h e o r y
Theory of linear time invariant electric circuits with brief extensions to non
linear networks and methods of synthesis. Network topology and equilibrium
equations. Pole-zero concepts, transient and steady state response, impedance,
resonance and the complex s-plane. Superposition techniques, signal flow
graphs, one- and two-port networks, filter theory and power networks. Analytic
properties of network functions. Treatment of electromechanical energy
transfer of devices having linear network equivalents.
l e c t r o m a g n e t ic
h e o r y
Development and application of Maxwell’s equations. Fields in bounded space
and in dielectric, magnetic and conducting materials. Wave propagation and
reflection. Radiation. Electromagnetic energy storage and electromechanical
energy conversion.
l e c t r o n ic s
A study of electronic devices and circuits. Subject matter includes physical
theory of electron tubes, semiconductor devices, and other electronic circuit
elements; design of electronic circuits applicable to communications, instru
mentation, information processing systems, etc.; transient and steady-state
analysis of electronic circuits and systems; introductory topics in the theory
of communication and information. The seminar is accompanied by a fullday laboratory.
Prerequisite: Engr. I l l , or equivalent.
Engineering Curricula
F o r St u d e n t s W h o H ave E n t e r e d
Se p t e m b e r 1965
B efo re
Three educational plans are offered:
(1) The Course program with a major in Civil, Electrical, or Mechanical
(2) The Honors program in Engineering Sciences.
(3) A special sequence to meet unusual needs or interests of certain students:
(a) a five-year program leading to both a B.S. and a B.A. degree, or
(b) a four-year program integrating engineering with other areas of study.
A candidate for a degree in Engineering must meet the general requirements of
the College as specified for the Division of Engineering (pp. 63-65), and the
requirements of the particular discipline or program in which he is a major. Thus
curricular plans for the first two years must take two objectives into consideration:
(1) the basic engineering science courses must provide a foundation and meet
the prerequisite requirements for advanced work at the upper-class level, and (2)
the general College requirements should be essentially fulfilled prior to junior
standing. Experience has shown that the suggested "Basic Engineering Curriculum
of the First Two Years” (page 112) will meet the needs of the usual engineering
student in any one of the three plans and will clear the way for the advanced
work of the junior and senior years. Modifications of the basic program, as well
as those of the major disciplines, are possible in individual cases but such changes
must be justified and approved by the student’s course adviser. At the end of the
sophomore year, the student will enter the Course program in a major field of
Civil, Electrical, or Mechanical Engineering, or he may apply for Honors.
(1) The Course Program
This program leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil, Electrical, or
Mechanical Engineering; these curricula are accredited by the Engineers’ Council
for Professional Development. Over the four years, the student will take about
one-quarter of his work in the Divisions of the Humanities and Social Sciences,
one-quarter in the Departments of Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics, and the
remainder in the Department of Engineering. All students devote their last two
years: (1) to certain basic courses required of all engineers; (2) to fulfilling
the major requirements of one of the disciplines of Engineering; (3) to developing
their special interests. After completing the bask program of the first two years,
the student follows the curriculum outlined on the following pages under the
particular area in which he is a major.
For descriptions of courses in Engineering, see the 1964-65 College Catalogue
(pp. 91-100).
(2) The Honors program in Engineering Sciences
The Division on Engineering offers an Honors program accredited in Engineering
Sciences in addition to the above programs in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical
Engineering. A general statement describing Honors work at Swarthmore may be
found on page 61. The program is open, by application, to qualified students upon
completion of the sophomore year. Successful participants will receive the degree
of Bachelor of Science with Honors, High Honors, or Highest Honors in Engineer
ing Sciences.
The program has been established to meet the new and challenging demands
placed upon the engineering profession by the rapid advances in science. The
eight seminars in which the student participates cover a wide range of fundamental
knowledge in the fields of mathematics, modern physics, and engineering sciences.
The program is characterized by its orientation to basic scientific and mathematical
principles in lieu of specialized subject matter. The program is unique and suited
for those planning a future career in professional engineering, research and develop
ment, or college teaching.
Two seminars are normally taken each semester of the junior and senior year,
for a total of eight. The final evaluation of the students in the program occurs
at the end of the senior year by means of eight examinations, one for each seminar,
given by outside examiners.
Students applying for the Honors program are required to submit their proposed
seminar programs to the Division of Engineering, accompanied by a letter setting
forth their defense of the program. The proposed program must include seminars
in Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Sciences. The Mathematics and Physics
seminars are described in the departmental listings and the Engineering Science
seminars are described in the 1964-65 College Catalogue (p. 92). It is advisable
for students interested in this program to consult with the Chairman of the
Department of Engineering.
(3) Special Programs
There is growing recognition of the value of an engineering training fortified
by a strong background of work in the humanities and social sciences or in the
natural sciences. It is possible, with early planning of a five-year program, for
a student to obtain both an engineering degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree in
another field of interest. It is also possible to effect a four-year engineering plan
with a minor in another field.
These special curricula are tailored to individual cases; in any event, planning
early in the freshman year is essential. Requests for additional information should
be directed to the Chairman of the Engineering Department.
I ll
B a s ic E n g i n e e r i n g C u r r i c u l u m
of the
Fall Semester
F ir s t T w
Freshman Year
Mathematics 3 (or 5)
Chemistry *
Introduction to Engineering
Mathematics 4 (or 6)
Mechanics I
Fall Semester
Sophomore Year
Mathematics 11 (or 15)
Mechanics II
Materials Science
Mathematics 12 (or 16)
Engineering Measurements
Civil Engineering
Standard P rogram
C ou rse St u d e n t s
Spring Semester
Fall Semester
Mechanics III
Electronic Circuits
General Thermodynamics
Engineering Analysis
CE53 Structural Mechanics
CE55 Civil Engineering Design I
CE57 Water Resources
Junior Year
Structural Theory
Soil Mechanics and Foundations
Fluid Mechanics
Writing and Speaking
Senior Year
CE58 Special Topics
CE56 Civil Engineering Design II
GE57 Operations Research and Engineer
ing Economy
Electrical Engineering
Standard P rogram
fo r
C ou rse St u d e n t s
Spring Semester
Fall Semester
EE 59
ME 51
Circuit Theory I
Engineering Analysis
General Thermodynamics
Junior Year
Circuit Theory II
Field Theory
Writing and Speaking
Senior Year
EE58 Electrical Machinery II
EE57 Electrical Machinery I
Electrical Engineering Elective
EE61 Waves and Transmission Lines
Technical Elective
Ph51 Modern Physics
Non-technical Elective
* C h e m is tr y m a y b e d e f e r r e d u n t i l t h e s o p h o m o r e y e a r.
Mechanical Engineering
Standard P rogram
C ourse St u d e n t s
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
CE51 Mechanics III
ME51 General Thermodynamics
EEJ5 Engineering Analysis
Non-technical Elective
Junior Year
ME52 Advanced Thermodynamics
ME54 Fluid Mechanics
ME62 Advanced Strength of Materials
Non-technical Elective
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
Senior Year
Heat and Mass Transfer
ME64 Engineering Design II
Advanced Fluid Mechanics
ME66 Mechanical Engineering Problems
Engineering Design I
EE64 Automatic Control
Electronic Circuits
Non-technical Elective
P r o fessors : G eorge J. B ec k er ,! Chairman
Sa m u e l H y n es
A ssociate P ro fesso rs : D avid C o w d en
A l a n F ried m a n **
H arold E. P agliaro
A ssistant P r o fessors : T h o m a s H . B la c k b u r n
J o h n J. M c L a u g h l in
Su sa n B. Sn y d er J
E m ily M . W allace
I n st r u c t o r s : T ho m a s A r t in
J o h n S. Sh a ck fo rd
This department offers courses and seminars in English literature, American liter
ature, and some foreign literatures in translation. The departmental curriculum is
planned to provide experience of several critical approaches: the intensive study
of the works of major writers, study of the literature of limited periods, and
thorough study of the development of literary types. The department also provides
instruction in the techniques of expository writing.
R e q u ir e m e n t s
R ec o m m e n d a t io n s
fo r
M a jo r s
M inors
Prerequisites. English 1 or its equivalent by Advanced Placement is the pre
requisite for all other courses in literature. (This prerequisite does not apply to
seniors.) The minimum requirement for admission as a major in English is English
1 plus one other semester-course in the department. However, students considering
a major in English are strongly urged to take one or two additional courses during
the sophomore year. The study of history, particularly of the history of England,
is also recommended. Advanced study in a classical or modern foreign language
is also desirable, and is virtually a requirement for admission to graduate school.
Major in Course: The work of a major in course consists of from 8 to 12
semester-courses in the department, including Shakespeare, Chaucer or Milton, and
Problems of Literary Study.
Major in Honors: Majors in honors must take four seminars in the department,
one of which must be Chaucer, Shakespeare, or Milton. Majors are advised to take
two seminars in Group I.
Minor in Honors: Minors in honors are ordinarily required to take two seminars
in the department.
C ourses
h e E n g l is h P o e t ic T r a d it io n .
Each semester
Close study of selected works of Chaucer, Shakespeare, Donne, Pope, and
5, 6.
n g l is h f o r F o r e ig n St u d e n t s .
Each semester
Individual and group work on an advanced level for students with non-English
t A b s e n t o n le a v e , s p r in g s e m e ste r, 1 9 6 7 -6 8 .
A b s e n t o n le a v e , 1 9 6 7 -6 8 .
* * A p p o in tm e n t b e g in s F e b r u a r y 1 , 1 9 6 8 .
d v a n c e d C o m p o s it io n .
Spring semester
Analysis, organization, and effective presentation of complex subject matter.
The course will be conducted for the most part on a tutorial basis.
21. T h e Art of P oetry. Mr. Artin.
Fall semester
Consideration of the essential aspects of the poetry of the English language.
Readings will be from all periods, but the approach will be generic rather than
t ir e .
Mr. Pagliaro.
Examination of satire as a literary genre.
Spring semester
Mr. Becker.
Fall semester
The major movements of romanticism, realism-naturalism, and symbolism in
European literature.
Not offered in 1967-68.
23. M ain Currents of N ineteenth -Century Literature .
24. M ain Currents of T w entieth -Century Literature . Mr. Friedman.
Spring semester
Emphasis on the European novel. The creation of new forms of literary
experience by such figures as Proust, Gide, Camus, Kafka, Mann, Joyce, and
S h a k e s p e a r e (for non-majors).
Each semester
Study of representative plays. Not open to majors in the department.
28: M odern British Literature . Mr. Hynes.
Forms and ideas in British writing in the twentieth century.
Not offered in 1968-69.
Spring semester
31. Chaucer . Mr. Artin.
Fall semester
Reading in Middle English of most of Chaucer’s poems, with special emphasis
on The Canterbury Tales. The course attempts to place the poetry in the
context of medieval culture.
32. M edieval Literature . Mr. Artin.
Spring semester
Study of the literature of England from Beowulf to Malory. From time to
time the course will focus on more specialized topics, such as the Germanic
epic or the emergence of romance from Celtic narrative and mythology.
33. Renaissance P oetry. Miss Snyder.
Fall semester
The development of forms and ideas in English non-dramatic poetry from
the beginning of the sixteenth century to the death of Milton.
Not offered in 1967-68.
34. Renaissance Comparative Literature . Miss Snyder.
Spring semester
Selected major writers of the Continental Renaissance will be studied in
Not offered in 1967-68.
35. T udor-Stuart D rama . Mr. McLaughlin.
Fall semester
Development of the English drama in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
i l t o n . Mr. Blackburn.
Spring semester
Study of the main body of Milton’s poetry with particular emphasis on
Paradise Lost.
37. E ighteenth -Century Literature . Mr. Pagliaro.
Fall semester
Study of representative works with emphasis on the genres and on the critical
values of the age.
Not offered in 1968-69.
R o m a n t i c P o e t r y . Mr. Pagliaro.
Spring semester
The major English romantic poets, with attention given to the ideas as
well as to form and structure.
Not offered in 1968-69.
h e E n g l i s h N o v e l . Mr. Cowden.
Fall semester
Study of the beginnings of the novel concentrating on eighteenth-century,
romantic, and Victorian novels.
l a s s ic A m e r ic a n L it e r a t u r e .
Mr. Shackford.
Fall semester
Study of the original ideals and forms of American literature as seen in
the major writers between the Revolution and the Civil War.
ic t o r ia n L it e r a t u r e .
Mr. Cowden.
Study of representative figures of the period.
Not offered in 1967-68.
Fall semester
44. A merican Literature since th e Civil W ar. Mr. Shackford.
Spring semester
Developments in the forms and character of American literature as seen
in representative novels and poets from Mark Twain to Faulkner.
M o d e r n P o e t r y ( B r i t i s h ) . Mr. Hynes.
Fall semester
Major British poets of the last hundred years. Readings include critical and
autobiographical writings as well as poetry.
Not offered in 1968-69.
46. M odern P oetry (A merican ). Mrs. Wallace.
Fall semester
Examination of the poetry of Pound, Williams, and Stevens.
48. M odern D rama . Mr. McLaughlin.
Spring semester
Examination of the range of dramatic literature since Ibsen.
Spring semester
T h e M o d e r n N o v e l . Mr. Cowden.
Study of the development of the modern novel beginning with Meredith,
Hardy, and James and continuing to the present.
51-52. C o l l o q u i u m . Staff.
In thè spring of 1968 Mr. Friedman will offer a colloquium on the works of
James Joyce.
53. Special T opics. Staff.
From time to time intensive courses will be offered in fields not covered by
the regular program.
61-62. S h a k e s p e a r e . Staff.
Fall semester
Study of the complete works of Shakespeare, tracing the development of his
craftsmanship and ideas. Required of majors in the department, who meet
weekly in small groups during the first semester of the senior year. Students
should read through the plays before beginning the course.
63-64. P roblems of Literary Study . Staff.
Spring semster
Group meetings of departmental majors in the second semester of the senior
year. About half the semester is devoted to writing a research paper of
65-66. T h e s i s .
Spring semester
Majors may on occasion elect to substitute a thesis for Problems of Literary
Study. Application must be made by May 15 of the junior year. |e
S e m in a r s
Group I
S h a k e s p e a r e . Staff.
Each semester
Study of Shakespeare as dramatist and poet. The emphasis is on the major
plays, with a more rapid reading of the remainder of the canon. Students are
advised to read through all the plays before entering the seminar.
C h a u c e r . Mr. Artin.
Fall semester
Reading of Chaucer’s poems in the original Middle English, with particular
attention to Troilus and Criseyde and The Canterbury Tales.
T u d o r -S t u a r t D r a m a . Mr. McLaughlin.
Fall semester
The development of English drama from the medieval morality plays to
Restoration tragedy and comedy.
R e n a i s s a n c e P o e t r y . Miss Snyder.
Spring semester
Modes and preoccupations of English poetry from Wyatt and Surrey through
Not offered in 1967-68.
i l t o n .' Mr. Blackburn.
Spring semester
Study of Milton's works with special emphasis on Paradise Lost.
ig h t e e n t h -C e n t u r y L it e r a t u r e .
Mr. Pagliaro.
Fall semester
An examination of the literary forms and critical values of the age, with
special attention given to the works of Dryden, Swift, Pope, and Johnson, and
to a few representative playwrights.
h e R o m a n t i c P o e t s . Mr. Pagliaro.
Fall semester
An examination of the poetry of Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron,
Shelley, and Keats.
Group II
h e N o v e l . Mr. Cowden.
Studies in four novelists: James, Conrad, Joyce, and Woolf.
Each semester
o d e r n C o m p a r a t iv e L it e r a t u r e .
Mr. Becker.
Fall semester
Using the realistic movement as a starting point, this seminar considers some
of the major themes and philosophic attitudes embodied in recent literature.
The chief figures studied are Flaubert and Zola, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky,
Kafka and Mann, Joyce and Faulkner.
o d e r n D r a m a . Mr. McLaughlin.
Spring semester
Study of realism, expressionism, and the absurd in the works of Ibsen,
Strindberg, Shaw, O’Neill, and Beckett.
m e r i c a n L i t e r a t u r e . Mr. Shackford.
Fall semester
Study of the themes, forms, and character of American literature as seen
in four or five representative writers from the nineteenth and twentieth
118. M odern P oetry. Mr. Hynes and Mrs. Wallace.
Spring semester
Study of the modern tradition in English and American poetry from Yeats
to the present. The seminar will concentrate on the work of a few major poets.
S p e c i a l T o p i c s i n L i t e r a t u r e . Staff.
Occasional seminars will be given in special fields not part of the regular
120. T hesis.
A major in Honors may elect to write a thesis as a substitute for one seminar.
He must select his topic and submit his plan of work for departmental ap
proval by the end of the junior year. Then during one semester of the
senior year he writes his thesis under the direction of a member of the
P r o fessors : R obert M . W a l k e r , Chairman
H edley H . R hys %
A ssociate P r o fesso r : J o h n W . W illiam s
A ssistant P r o fesso r : T im o t h y K . K itao
V isitin g L e c t u r e r : D avid Sylvester **
The aim of the Department is to study the historical-cultural significance and
aesthetic value of architecture, sculpture, painting and graphic art (prints and
drawings). Methods and problems of criticism are considered: observation, analysis,
interpretation and evaluation. Instruction is given by means of original works of
art as well as by the usual visual aids. Field trips are made to public and private
collections in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington and to significant
examples of architecture in those areas.
Since it is the objective of the Department to foster an intelligent comprehension
of the visual arts rather than to develop technical skills, no courses in drawing,
painting and sculpture are offered for credit. Instruction in such work, however, is
available under the Studio Arts Program.
R e q u ir e m e n t s
R ec o m m en d a tio n s
Prerequisites: Majors in course and majors and minors in honors must take
two half-courses, one of which must be Fine Arts 1. This requirement must be
fulfilled before the Junior year. For other students the prerequisite for all other
courses is Fine Arts 1, Introduction to Art History, with the exception of Fine
Arts 38, Modern Architecture, which is open to Engineers without any prerequisite.
Majors in Course: The program consists of at least eight half courses (including
Fine Arts 1) in the Department. The student must have at least one course in
each of the major periods of art history. The courses suporting this program depend
on the needs of the individual and may be found in both the Division of the
Humanities and the Division of the Social Sciences.
Majors and Minors in Honors: Majors in honors take four seminars in the
Department. In special cases the seminar in Aesthetics may be substituted for one
in Fine Arts. A minor in honors usually consists of two seminars. The seminars
offered in any one semester vary according to the requirements of the students and
the convenience of the Department.
Language Requirements for Graduate Schools: Students are advised that graduate
work in Fine Arts requires a knowledge of French and German.
C ourses
Mr. Kitao, Mr. Walker, Mr. Williams.
Each semester
A critical study of the nature and development of architecture, sculpture and
painting in the historical context of the major cultural periods of western
civilization from the Fifth Century B.C. to the Twentieth Century A.D.
Three hours of lectures and eight conference meetings shared by all members
of the staff.
t r o d u c t io n
is t o r y
A b se n t o n le a v e , 1 9 6 7 -6 8 .
* * F a ll s e m e ste r, 1 9 6 7 -6 8 .
11. D esign in D rawing and P ainting . M r. R hys.
Fall semester
The basic elements of design and their function in drawing and painting.
Types of harmony, sequence and balance such as linear, tonal and special. The
methods of design and representation that characterize the various historical
styles. Practical exercises required demand no special technical aptitude, since
the purpose of the course is to develop a critical understanding of drawing
and painting and not technical skill.
Not offered in 1967-68.
A n c i e n t A r t . Mr. Walker.
Fall semester
A study of architectural forms as they express the cultural patterns of the
civilizations of the Ancient Near East, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Sculpture
and painting will be discussed in relation to buildings which constitute the
core of this course.
E a r l y M e d i e v a l A r t . Mr. Williams.
Fall semester
The formation and development of art and architecture in Europe and the
Mediterranean from about 300 to 1000 A.D.
R o m a n e s q u e a n d G o t h i c A r t . Mr. Williams.
Spring semester
The art and architecture of Western Europe from about 1000 to about 1350
I t a l i a n R e n a i s s a n c e A r t . Mr. Kitao.
Fall semester
A study of selected problems in Italian art and architecture from 1400 to
1600 as represented by such masters as Masaccio, Leonardo, Raphael, Michel
angelo, Titian and Palladio.
o r t h e r n R e n a i s s a n c e A r t . Mr. Walker.
Spring semester
Developments in painting and the graphic arts of drawing and print making
during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in England, France, the Nether
lands, Germany, and Spain through the study of individual artists such as
Jan van Eyck, Roger van der Weyden, Jean Fouquet, Albrecht Differ,
Griinewald, Holbein, Jerome Bosch and Pieter Bruegel.
B a r o q u e A r t . Mr. Kitao.
Spring semester
A study of selected problems in European art and architecture of the 17th
century as represented by such masters as Caravaggio, the Carracci, Rubens,
Bernini, Borromini, Rembrandt and Velasquez. Special attention will be
given to the genesis of the Baroque style in Rome.
A m e r ic a n A r t . M r. R h y s.
Spring semester
Architecture, sculpture and painting in North America from the Colonial
Period to the present day, their connection with European art and their
significance as a reflection of American culture.
Not offered in 1967-68.
M o d e r n A r c h i t e c t u r e . Mr. Walker.
Spring semester
An introduction to the nature of architecture and the function of the architect
through a study of developments in European and American building during
the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The specific influence of economic,
technological and social changes upon design and structure. Emphasis placed
on the study of original examples in the Philadelphia area and on the work
of such men as Sullivan, Wright, Mies van der Rohe, Gropius and Le Corbusier.
The prerequisite of Fine Arts 1 or 2 is waived for students in Engineering.
o d e r n P a i n t i n g . Mr. Rhys.
Fall semester
Important stylistic developments in European painting from the French Revolu
tion through Matisse and Picasso: the meanings of the various movements
and their relationship to changing social and political attitudes.
Not offered in 1967-68.
Spring semester
52. Far Eastern A rt . M r. R hys.
An introduction to the history of pictorial art in Asia, especially China and
Japan, from the earliest phases and origins of pictorial art in China to new
movements in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Iconography, stylistic
definition, and the treatment of form, color, and space as they differ from
such concerns in Western art will receive special attention.
Open only to Juniors and Seniors who have had Fine Arts 1.
Not offered in 1967-68.
Mr. Sylvester
Fall semester
Developments in modern French painting from Cezanne to Picasso.
o l l o q u iu m
n io r
e a d in g
roblem s
od ern
r en c h
a in t in g
Spring semester
S e n io r T h e s is . S ta ff.
Full course
With the approval of the Department, a thesis may be written during the
senior year with credit for one half-course each semester.
6 1 -6 2 .
H o n o rs S em in ars
A n c i e n t A r t . Mr. Walker.
Fall semester
A study of architectural forms as they express the cultural patterns of the
civilizations of the Ancient Near East, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Sculpture
and painting will be discussed in relation to buildings which constitute the
core of this seminar.
M e d i e v a l A r t , Mr. Williams.
Fall semester
The development of the forms of Christian art during the Middle Ages from
the fourth to the thirteenth century.
Mr. Kitao,
Fall semester
A study of selected problems in Italian art and architecture from 1400 to 1600
with special emphasis on the development of the High Renaissance by Raphael,
Michelangelo and Bramante in Rome of Julius II.
Mr. Kitao.
Spring semester
A study of selected problems in European art and architecture of the 17th
and 18th centuries with special emphasis on the genesis and development
of the Baroque style in Rome.
It a
l ia n
e n a is s a n c e
r t
o r t h e r n R e n a is s a n c e P a in t in g .
Mr. Williams.
Spring semester
Developments in painting and the graphic arts of drawing and print making
during the fifteen and sixteenth centuries in England, France, the Netherlands,
Germany, and Spain through an intensive study of individual masters such
as the Van Eycks, Roger van der Weyden, Jerome Bosch, Pieter Bruegel, Jean
Fouquet, Martin Schongauer, Albrecht Dürer, Hans Holbein, and El Greco.
ro q u e
r t
107. Problems in M odern F rench P ainting . Mr. Sylvester.
Fall semester
Developments in modern French painting from Cezanne to Picasso.
M a s t e r P r i n t M a k e r s . Mr. Walker.
Spring semester
A consideration of certain problems in the history of the graphic arts. A
study of the significance of the work of such men as Schongauer, Dürer,
Rembrandt, Goya, Daumier, Munch and Rouault for the development of
expression in the media of the woodcut, engraving, etching, aquatint and
lithography. Students work almost exclusively with original material in the
Print Room of the Philadelphia Museum and the Lessing J. Rosenwald Col
lection in Jenkintown.
P ro fesso rs : P a u l H . B e ik
J a m es A. F ie l d , J r ., Chairman
L a u r e n c e D . L a fo r e }
F rederick B. T o lles
A ssociate P rofessor : H arrison M. W right
A ssistant P ro fesso rs : R obert C. B a n n ist e r
G eorge E. M c C u l l y
B ern a rd S. Sm it h
J o h n G. W illia m so n
L e c t u r e r s : P eggy K . K o r n
T sing Y u a n
The offerings of the History Department are designed to give the student a
sense of the past and an acquaintance with the course of cultural and institutional
development which has brought forth the world of today, and at the same time
to provide some training in historical method and the use of evidence. Concerned
as it is with these ends, the study of history in college emphasizes less the accumula
tion of data than the comprehension of those ideas and institutions—-political,
religious, social, economic—by which man has attempted to order his world.
The structure of the Department’s program derives from the belief that some
knowledge of European history since classical times is both an important part of
a general education and a necessary prelude to further historical work. History
1-2 is planned as an introduction to this subject, to the methods and problems of
the historian, and to the study and use of historical materials; it is a prerequisite
for all other departmental offerings except Courses 5, 6, 24, 35 and 36. Students con
templating further work in the Department should, if possible, take History 1-2
in the freshman year; those who take the course in later years may, if they have
successfully completed History 1, elect an additional history course in the second
semester. Students who enter college with Advanced Placement in European history
may, with the permission of the department, substitute either History 11 or History
12 for History 1-2.
The courses open to sophomores, numbered 5 to 36, deal with our heritage
from England, offer a choice of approaches to the history of the United States,
and provide basic coverage of other important broad areas. Courses 51-65, normally
restricted to juniors and seniors, are designed for more intensive and specialized
study of a variety of subjects.
The minimum requirement for acceptance as a major in history is the successful
completion of History 1-2 and a satisfactory standard of work in other depart
ments. The work of the major in Course consists of not less than eight nor more
than twelve courses in the Department, including History 1-2, a course in American
history, a course in English history, and Special Topics; while considerable latitude
is permitted in the planning of individual programs, it should be noted that the
Comprehensive Examination assumes some knowledge of these basic fields. Fox
those contemplating work in Honors, history can serve as a major or minor
field in either the Humanities or the Social Sciences or as a bridge in cross-divisional
A b s e n t o n le a v e , 1 9 6 7 -6 8 .
Students who are considering a major or minor in History Honors should give
timely consideration to the prerequisites of their other fields. Those who intend
to continue their studies after graduation should bear in mind that a reading
knowledge of one or two foreign languages is now generally required for admission
to graduate school.
C ourses
1-2. E u r o p e . Members of the department.
Full course
One of the basic courses in the curriculum. The subjects considered proceed
in generally chronological order from the fall of the Roman Empire to the
mid-twentieth century.
T h e U n ited States to 1 8 7 7 . Mr. Bannister or Mr. Field.
Fall semester
The colonial experience; independence, a new society, and a new govern
ment; transcontinental expansion and the struggle between North and South.
6. T h e U n ited States since 1877. Mr. Bannister or Mr. Field. Spring semester
Industrialism and its consequences; the United States as a great power; the
problems of a shrinking world.
m e r ic a n I n t e l l e c t u a l H is t o r y t o 1 8 6 5 .
M r. T o lie s .
Fall semester
The history of ideas in the United States from the colonial period through the
mid-nineteenth century. A general knowledge of the political and social
history of the period is assumed.
8. A m erica n I n tel lec t u a l H istory
1865. Mr. Bannister.
Spring semester
The history of ideas in the United States from the mid-nineteenth century
to the present time. A general knowledge of the political and social history
of the period is assumed.
h e F o r m a t io n o f M e d ie v a l C iv il iz a t io n .
M r . S m ith .
Fall semester
The history of the early Middle Ages, from the Christian Roman Empire to
the eleventh century crisis of Church and State.
R ussia . Mr. Beik.
h e M a t u r in g o f M e d ie v a l C iv il iz a t io n .
M r . S m ith .
Spring semester
The period from about 1100 to the fifteenth century, with emphasis on Western
Europe in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
Fall semester
The history of modern Russia. The course begins with the reign of Peter
and gives half its time to the period since the Revolution.
16. JModern E n gla n d . Air. ^OFilliamson.
Spring semester
The development of constitutional government and the. transition from an
agricultural and aristocratic nation to an urban and socialist one.
22. A m erica n R eligious T h o u g h t . Mr. Tolies.
Spring semester
The course of religious thought in the colonies and the United States, with
appropriate reference to general intellectual history and American church
24. Q uak erism . Mr. Tolies.
The history of the Society of Friends to the present day. The characteristic
religious and social ideas of the Quakers are considered in their historical
Not offered in 1967-68.
Spring semester
26. L atin A merica . Mrs. Korn.
The development of the Latin American countries from colonial times to the
32. T h e Expansion
E urope . Mr. Wright.
Spring semester
A survey of European overseas expansion since 1415, and of its impact on
non-European societies. The emphasis is on South and Southeast Asia.
35. T he Far East in th e N ineteenth Century . Mr. Yuan.
Fall semester
The impact of the West; internal disruption and adjustment; the beginnings
of nationalism and of the process of modernization.
36. T h e Far East in
th e
T w entieth Century . Mr. Yuan.
Spring semester
The search for a new identity; the rise of militarism and imperialism in Japan
and of communism in China.
51-2. Colloquium . Mr. W right.
Fall semester
A double credit course of restricted enrollment which seeks, through intensive
investigation of a limited topic, to illuminate an important historical field.
In 1967-68 the subject will be South Africa.
55. Secularization and the Seventeenth Century . Mr. McCully.
Spring semester
The 15th and 16th century secularization of thought and society and its
influence upon the 17th century.
56. T h e French Revolution and N apoleon . Mr. Beik.
The significance of the period from 1789 to 1815 in the development of
modern European social theories and political institutions.
o d ern
u r o pe
Members of the department.
Fall semester
Recent European problems and institutions examined primarily through the
experiences of one nation in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In 1967-68
this nation will be Germany. Mr. Williamson.
61. A merican D iplomatic H istory. Mr. Field.
Fall semester
Official United States foreign policy considered as a part of the larger
problem of American participation in world affairs.
Not offered in 1967-68.
63. Britain
A merica, 1880-1920. Mr. Bannister.
Spring semester
An investigation, by means of a comparative approach to significant develop
ments, of the nature and importance of the Anglo-American connection. Stress
will be laid on such topics as the rise of Liberalism and the causes and
consequences of the First World War.
Not offered in 1967-68.
Fall semester
65. A frica. Mr. W right.
Aspects of African history and civilization with the emphasis on tropical
Africa in modern times.
66. D irected Reading. Members of the department.
Individual or group study in fields of special interest to the student not dealt
with in the regular course offerings. The consent of the Chairman and of the
Instructor is required.
Spring semester
Special T opics.
Group meetings of senior majors in their final semester to review, integrate,
and supplement their programs. The readings and discussion center on the
development of historical writing from the Middle Ages to the present, and
on the relationship of the historian to his time.
H o n o rs Sem in ars
The following seminars áre offered by the department to juniors and seniors
who are preparing for the examinations for a degree with Honors. They may be
taken in any combination without regard to chronological order. History 1-2 is a
prerequisite to all seminars. In addition, some preliminary reading is required for
seminars 101, 102, and 103 if no work in American history has been previously
Those who wish to specialize in international relations with a major in history
(see page 127, last paragraph) should include in their programs at least three
of the following seminars: 103, 126, 127, 131.
r l y A m e r ic a n H is t o r y .
Mr. Tolies.
Spring semester
Political, economic, social, and cultural aspects of the period from the explora
tions to the end of the American Revolution.
Mr. Bannister or Mr. Field.
Both semesters
Selected topics in the history of the United States.
blem s
m e r ic a n
is t o r y
Spring semester
A study of the evolution since 1776 of American relations with the outer
world, with emphasis on ideological, economic, and strategic developments.
103. P roblems in A merican H istory : F oreign . Mr. Field.
T u d o r a n d S t u a r t E n g l a n d . Mr. McCully.
Spring semester
The English Renaissance and Reformation, constitutional developments, the
Civil W ar and the Restoration.
Not offered in 1967-68.
E n g l a n d s i n c e 1785. Mr. Lafore.
Spring semester
The risè of the first modem industrial state. Its social, political, and economic
Not offered in 1967-68.
Mr. Smith.
Spring semester
A study of the civilization that flourished in Western Europe between the
eleventh and the fourteenth centuries.
S e v e n t e e n t h - C e n t u r y E u r o p e . Mr. McCully.
The consolidation of early modern European culture and society, from the
end of the Wars of Religion to the beginnings of the Enlightenment.
Not offered in 1967-68.
E u r o p e 1760 t o 1870. Mr. Beik.
The disintegration of the old regime and the rise of liberalism.
e d ie v a l
r o pe
h e R e n a is s a n c e a n d R e f o r m a t io n .
Mr. McCully.
Fall semester
The birth of Modern Europe as seen in such developments as the recovery
of classical culture, the crisis of religion and the Church, the establishment of
centralized states, and the origins of modern science.
Fall semester
u r o p e 1870 t o 1945.
Mr. Williamson.
Both semesters
Political and social changes in Europe through the Second World War.
E a s t e r n E u r o p e . Mr. Beik.
Spring semester
The origins and consequences of the Russian Revolution and the development
of the nations of East Central Europe.
o d e r n A f r ic a .
Mr. Wright.
Fall semester
Studies in African history with emphasis on the period since 1800, the region
south of the Sahara, and the European impact.
ip l o m a t ic H is t o r y o f E u r o p e .
Mr. Williamson or Mr. Lafore.
The management of international affairs since 1870.
Not offered in 1967-68.
Spring semester
Political, social, and intellectual movements in China and Japan since about
132. T h e M odern Far East. Mr. Yuan.
141. T hesis.
A thesis may be substituted for one of the Honors seminars by permission
of the department. The topic should be selected and approved before the
end of the junior year. The thesis must be completed during the first semester
of the senior year.
G raduate W o r k
The Department of History offers work leading to the Master’s degree for
graduate students who wish to use the research resources of the Friends Historical
Library for a thesis. In addition to the thesis the candidate normally takes three
Honors seminars. For the general regulations concerning the Master’s degree see
pages 73-74.
Students who plan to enter upon a career in the field of international relations
should include in their programs, during the first two years, the introductory courses
in economics, history, and political science and should complete the intermediate
course in one or more modern languages.
Advanced courses selected from the groups listed below may be incorporated in
the programs of students who do their major work in economics, history, political
science, or a modern language.
These students who wish to concentrate in international relations may take their
Senior Comprehensive Examination in this field. Students preparing for this
examination should take eight, nine, or ten half courses from among those listed
below, including all of those listed in Group I, one or more in Group II, and one
or more in Group III. The examination is administered by a committee appointed
by the chairmen of the Departments of Economics, History, and Political Science,
under the Chairmanship of the Department of Political Science.
Group 1
Political Science 2C. I n t e r n a t i o n a l P o l i t i c s
Political Science 13. I n t e r n a t i o n a l L a w a n d O r g a n i z a t i o n
Political Scineee 14. A m e r i c a n F o r e i g n P o l i c y
Economics 60. I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s
Group II
Economics 11. E c o n o m i c D e v e l o p m e n t
History 13. R u s s i a
History 32. T h e E x p a n s i o n o f E u r o p e
History 35, 36. T h e F a r E a s t
History 61. A m e r i c a n D i p l o m a t i c H i s t o r y
History 65. A f r i c a
Group III
Economics 61 . C o m p a r a t i v e E c o n o m i c S y s t e m s
Political Science 2B. C o m p a r a t i v e G o v e r n m e n t
Political Science 18. P o l i t i c s o f D e v e l o p i n g N a t i o n s
Political Science 19. S o v i e t P o l i t i c s
Political Science 21 . P o l i t i c s o f A f r i c a
Political Science 55. M o d e r n P o l i t i c a l T h e o r y
Students who plan to enter the Honors program will find it possible to select a
similar combination of courses and seminars in the field of international relations.
In planning such programs, they should consult with the chairman of their prospective
major department.
P rofessors : H einrich Brinkmann , Chairman
D avid Rosen J
A ssociate Professor: Stevens H eckscher
A ssistant P rofessors: Roland B. di Franco
Eugene A. K lotz
J. Edward Skeath
Instructors: T homas W . H awkins
James T. W ood
Pure mathematics is an abstract subject and may be looked upon as the model
of a deductive science. On the other hand, the subject matter of mathematics
has for the most part arisen out of concrete applications to the physical sciences,
among which geometry occupies a central position. The courses offered in the
Department of Mathematics attempt to combine these points of view and to give
a picture of the power and beauty of the subject when studied for its own sake,
as well as its many relations to other fields of thought. The study of mathematics
is essential as a tool for the understanding of the principles of the physical sciences
and engineering; a knowledge of its techniques is indispensable for a successful
pursuit of these subjects. The same is becoming increasingly true in the biological
sciences and the social sciences.
The sequence consisting of courses 3-4, 11, 12 forms the normal preparation for
further work in mathematics as well as for work in physics and other sciences, and
engineering. Courses 5-6, 15, 16 are Honors courses and can be taken in place of
courses, 3-4, 11, 12 by properly qualified students.
A student who wishes to major in mathematics in course must complete course
12 or course 16 in his sophomore year. In his junior and senior years he will take
courses 23, 24, 51, 52, 55; these are required of all majors in course, it is also
recommended that he take Physics 1, 2.
In order to be admitted to honors seminars in mathematics, either as a major or
as a minor, a student must have completed course 12 or course 16. A junior
honors student will normally take seminar 101 (Calculus on Manifolds) or seminar
103 (Advanced Analysis); these seminars are offered each year. The remaining
seminars are offered as they are required. An honors student whose major is
mathematics will usually take four seminars in mathematics; the following seminars
must form part of his program: 101 (Calculus on Manifolds) or 103 (Advanced
Analysis), 104 (Modern Algebra), 105 (Complex Analysis). Such a student should
also take Physics 1, 2 and it is furthermore' highly desirable that he have a reading
knowledge of French or German.
In t r o d u c t io n t o M a t h e m a t ic s .
Fall semester
The purpose of this course is to acquaint the student with some of the
principles and fundamental concepts of mathematics. The main topics for
study will be an introduction to logic and sets, linear algebra, the basic ideas
of the calculus, with probability theory and statistics as an application.
The course is designed as a terminal course in mathematics and cannot be
used as a prerequisite for any course offered by the Department of Mathematics.
Full course
This is an introductory course in calculus designed for students with normal
3-4. Calculus .
A b s e n t o n le a v e , 1 9 6 7 -6 8 .
5-6. Calculus (Honors Course).
F u ll course
This is an introductory course in calculus intended for students with
superior preparation and aptitude in mathematics. Permission to enroll
in this course must be obtained from the instructor.
L in e a r A l g e b r a .
Fall semester
This is the normal course for the first semester of the second year. The
subject matter of the Course is linear algebra and related topics.
Prerequisite: Completion of courses 3-4 or 5-6 with grade C or better.
Freshmen who obtain a score of 3 on the Advanced Placement Examination
may also take this course.
In t e r m e d ia t e C a l c u l u s .
Spring semester
Linear differential equations and multivariate calculus are studied in this
Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of one of courses 11, 15 or 17.
L i n e a r A l g e b r a (Honors Course).
Fall semester
This course is designed for students who have done superior work in
preceding courses.
Prerequisite: Superior work in Courses 3-4 or 5-6; permission to enroll
in this course must be obtained from the instructor.
I n t e r m e d i a t e C a l c u l u s (Honors Course).
Spring semester
Linear differential equations and multivariate calculus are studied in this
course. It is designed for students who havedone superior work in pre
ceding courses.
Prerequisite: Superior work in one of courses 11, 15 or 17; permission to
enroll in this course must be obtained from the instructor.
Sp e c ia l C o u r s e .
This course is specifically designedfor those freshmen who obtain a score
of 5 or 4 on the Advanced Placement Examination. The content of the
course is linear algebra and infinite series.
H ig h e r G e o m e t r y .
Various kinds of geometry (mostly in the plane) will be studied in this
course, using both analytic and synthetic methods. A portion of the work
will deal with projective geometry and its relation to metric and other
geometries. The conic sections will be studied in some detail. This course
is not open to freshmen except by special permission.
Prerequisite: Course 11 or 15 or 17.
H ig h e r A l g e b r a .
Spring semester
The subject matter of this course consists of various topics of modern algebra,
such as groups, rings, and fields. Note that linear algebra is studied in
Mathematics 11, 15 and 17.
Prerequisite: Course 11 or 15 or 17.
u m e r ic a l M e t h o d s .
This course will deal with the numerical solution of various mathematical
problems, pure and applied. A laboratory period will be included,
Prerequisite: Course 12 or Course 16.
d v a n c e d A n a l y s i s I.
Fall semester
Among the subjects studied in this course are multivariate calculus, uniform
convergence of infinite processes, Fourier series and related topics.
Prerequisite: Course 12 or Course 16.
Spring semester
52. Advanced A nalysis II.
The theory of functions of a complex variable is the main subject of this
Prerequisite: Course 51.
54. P robability and Statistics.
This course deals with the mathematical theory of statistics, based upon a
study of the theory of probability. An introduction to the theory of sampling
and statistical inference will be given.
Prerequisite: Course 12 or Course 16.
Spring semester
A weekly meeting held for the purpose of integrating and supplementing the
course program of majors in this department. It is required of all majors in
the course program.
55. Senior Conference .
60. Reading Course in M athematics .
This course is to provide an opportunity for students to do special work in
fields not covered by the undergraduate courses, listed above. The work
consists in the preparation of papers requiring extensive and detailed examina
tion of the literature of a problem.
H onors Seminars
Fall semester
The subject matter of this seminar includes the differential and integral
calculus of functions of several variables as well as topics from the theory of
infinite series.
101. Calculus on M anifolds .
This seminar is intended to bridge the gap between Advanced Calculus and
certain topics in abstract mathematics. The topics covered will vary from
year to year and may include such items as: Point set topology with some
applications to functional analysis, homology and homotopy theory.
102. T opology .
Fall semester
Among the subjects studied in this seminar are multivariate calculus, uniform
convergence of infinite processes, Fourier series and related topics.
103. Advanced A nalysis.
104. M odern A lgebra.
This seminar deals with the theoretical properties of such formal systems
as groups, rings, fields and vector spaces. While these concepts will be
illustrated by many concrete examples, the emphasis will be on the abstract
nature of the subject. The student will thus be introduced to an important
aspect of modem mathematics.
105. Complex A nalysis.
A brief study of the geometry of complex numbers is followed by a detailed
treatment of the Cauchy theory of analytical functions of a complex variable.
Various applications are given and some special classes of functions, such
as elliptic functions, are studied. Analytic continuation and the theory of
Weierstrass are briefly considered;
Prerequisite: Seminar 101 or 103.
106- T heory of N umbers.
Among the subjects studied in this seminar are: Elementary properties of
integers, the congruence relation, quadratic residues, quadratic forms, certain
classical Diophantine equations, simple examples of fields of algebraic numbers.
107. F unctional A nalysis.
This seminar is intended for students of some mathematical maturity, and
will be an introduction to some material that is important in present-day
mathematics. Topics covered will include axiomatic set theory, topological
and metric spaces, measure theory, topological groups, and elements of the
theory of Banach and Hilbert spaces.
108A. Symbolic Logic.
An examination of symbolic logic as (1) the theory of inference, (2) a tool
of analysis, and (3) a foundation for mathematics. Emphasis will be placed
on the fundamental concepts (e.g., the axiomatic method, consistency,
decidability), major theorems (completeness and incompleteness), and prob
lems of the foundations of logic.
n o t e :
This seminar is given by the Department of Philosophy. Students
who have taken 108B may not take this seminar.
108B. F oundations and P hilosophy of M athematics .
This seminar will begin with a brief survey of the major results in founda
tions of mathematics: axiomatic development of symbolic logic and set
theory, Godel incompleteness theorem, consistency and independence of the
axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis. This will be followed by
a comparison of the logicist, formalist and intuitionist view of foundations
of mathematics.
n o t e :
This seminar is offered jointly by the Departments of Philosophy
and Mathematics. Students who have taken 108A may not take this seminar.
Prerequisite: One course in philosophy and Mathematics 24 or equivalent
work with axiomatic mathematics.
109. P robability and Statistics.
The purpose of this seminar is to give the mathematical background necessary
for an understanding of the mathematical analysis of statistical data. In
addition the modern development of this subject provides a valuable applica
tion of the concepts and techniques acquired in the study of advanced calculus.
The topics treated include: the axiomatic approach, the use of Stieltjes integrals,
correlation and regression, some special distributions, sampling theory, and
a short introduction to the theory of statistical estimation.
110. A pplied M athematics .
This course is designed to acquaint the student with the methods of mathe
matical physics. The main emphasis will be the theory of functions of
a complex variable and its many ramifications. Topics will include applica
tions of the theory to potential theory and the Dirichlet problem as well as
certain Differential Equations such as Bessels and Legendre’s equation. Fourier
and Laplace transforms will be considered as time permits.
113. G roup Representations .
The purpose of this seminar is to introduce the student to important aspects
of modern algebra through the study of the specific problem of group repre
sentations. The emphasis will be on the classical case: finite groups, with
the characteristic not dividing the order of the group. Although considerable
care will be devoted to developing the appropriate algebraic background, a
good knowledge of several areas of modern algebra will be required.
Professors: H ilde D. Cohn (German) f
Franz H. M autner (German)
Francis P. T afoya, Chairman (French)
A ssociate Professors: G eorge C. Avery (German)
O lga Lang (Russian)
J ean A shmead P erkins (French)
A ssistant Professors: Elisa A sensio (Spanish)
T hompson Bradley (Russian)
Robert Roza (French)
I nstructors: O lga F ernandez Connor (Spanish)
Simone V oisin Smith (French)
M arie J ose Southworth (French)
Richard T erdiman (French)
V isiting Lecturers: Robert P. N ewton (German)
H elen P. Shatagin (Russian)
The purpose of the departmental major is to acquaint the student with the
important periods and major figures in the literatures of France, the German
speaking countries, Russia, Spain and Latin-America, and to provide training in
critical analysis while developing his appreciation of literary and cultural values.
Courses numbered 1 through 6 are primarily designed to help students acquire
the linguistic competence necessary to pursue literary studies in a foreign language
(and satisfy college and departmental requirements) through work with the language
and selected literary texts. Courses numbered 11 or above stress the study of
literature as a humanistic dicipline but also have as one of their aims the
achievement of competence in the spoken and written language.
Students who show unusual promise or a willingness to do intensive supple
mentary work can major or enter Honors seminars in a language started in
college, but in general, students planning to major in a foreign language and
its literature are advised to present enough credits upon admission to enable
them to register for courses numbered 11 and 12 in their freshman year or at
the very latest by the beginning of the sophomore year. Language courses num
bered 1 through 5 do not count toward the minimum of eight half courses re
quired for the major.
All students offering credit in a foreign language upon admission will be
placed at the course level where they will profit best according to the rating
in the College Entrance Examination or tests administered by the department.
Exceptions to course requirements are made for those who show competence in
the language of specialization. Students who speak French, German, Russian or
Spanish fluently should consult with the department before electing courses.
Prerequisites for majors are noted under the listing of each of the literatures
Majors are urged to elect supporting courses in other literatures (classical
or modern), History, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Fine Arts and
f A b s e n t o n le a v e , s p r in g s e m e s te r, 1 9 6 7 -6 8 .
Students planning to do graduate work are reminded that, in addition to the
language of specialization, a reading knowledge of other languages is generally
required for admission to advanced studies. Students who need advice concerning
the choice of languages should consult with the department.
M odern Language Course (conducted in English)
13. M edieval Comparative Literature .
The tension between ideals and their realization as reflected in the literature
of the Middle Ages, especially the epic (Roland, Cid, Nibelungen) and the
romance (Tristan, Yvain, The Grail).
M odern Language Seminar (conducted in English)
Spring semester— even years
1. The basic techniques of descriptive linguistics (phonology, morphology,
syntax) with emphasis on their application to languages known to the par
ticipants; II. The methods and results of historical-comparative language
study; other topics (such as language typology, translation problems, semantics,
language and culture, histories of linguistics) may be covered, depending on
time and students’ interests.
130. Linguistics.
French may be offered as a major in course or as a major or minor in honors.
Prerequisites for both course and honors students are as follows:
French 6, 11, and 12 or evidence of equivalent work.
Recommended supporting subjects: see the introductory departmental statement.
Majors in course and honors, as well as minors in honors, are expected to be
sufficiently proficient in spoken and written French to do all of their work in French,
i.e., discussions and papers in courses and seminars, and all oral and written ex
aminations, including comprehensive and honors examinations.
N ote : Not all advanced courses or seminars are offered every year. Students
wishing to major or minor in French should plan their program in consultation
with the department.
1-2. First-Y ear French .
For students who begin French in College and for those who have had only
one year in high school. Equivalent to two years of French in high school. The
initial approach is oral but a foundation is laid for a reading knowledge. No
credit is given for French 1 alone.
3,4. Second-Y ear French .
For students who have completed French 1-2 or, in general, two years of
French in high school, or the equivalent. Students who have had three
years of high school French usually enter French 4. Review of grammar and
intensive practice in developing an active command of French; includes
readings and discussions (in French) of unannotated literary and Cultural
texts. Completion of French 4 satisfies the language requirement. French
4 is normally followed by French 11, but exceptionally qualified students
may, with permission, take French 12. French 3 is offered in the fall
semester only; French 4 and the sequential courses are offered each
5. Composition and D iction .
Emphasis is placed on syntax, translation and composition. An effort is
made to encourage fluency and to correct faulty pronunciation. (Does not
count towards a French major.)
6. Studies in Stylistics.
For majors or those who wish an advanced course to develop self-expression
in the written and oral language. Original compositions are based on a stylistic
study of texts (by representative French authors) from the XVIIth Century
to the present.
11. Readings in French Literature .
The transition from language learning to literary study is facilitated through
intensive readings in modern French literature (principally, works by
Beckett, Butor, Camus, Genet, Gide and Sartre). Frequent oral exposés
and written compositions as well as extensive readings are assigned to
improve fluency and accuracy in French. Prerequisite: French 4 or equivalent.
Offered each semester.
12. I ntroduction to Literary Studies
A comparative study of representative works by classical and modern authors:
poetry (Ronsard, Hugo, Apollinaire), drama (Racine-Sartre, Molière-Girau
doux), novel (Prévost-Proust), essay (Pascal-Camus). Prerequisite: French
11 or equivalent. Offered each semester.
14. L’H umanisme D e La Renaissance .
The evolution of French thought from the optimism of Rabelais to the
skepticism of Montaigne as reflected primarily in the prose works of the
15. Le T héâtre Classique.
Corneille, Racine, Molière.
16. Le C lassicisme.
The major writers of the 17th century, excluding the dramatists: Descartes,
Pascal, La Fontaine, Boileau, La Rochefoucauld, La Bruyère, Mme. de La
17. L’espirit Critique du 18e Siècle .
Development of the critical approach in the works of Montesquieu, Voltaire,
Diderot and Rousseau.
19. Roman du 19e Siècle .
A study of innovations in technique and form as well as the examination
of moral problems arising from socio-political changes in 19th century
France. Based primarily on the novels of Balzac, Stendhal, Flaubert and
20. Roman du 20e Siècle .
Representative 20th century novelists.
21. T héâtre M oderne .
Major trends in 20th Century drama with special emphasis on the works of
Giraudoux, Anouilh, Sartre, Camus, and the Theatre of the Absurd.
22. P oésie du M oyen -Âge et de la R enaissance.
Poetic doctrines and achievements from the Middle Ages through the period
of the Renaissance (includes Neo-Platonism and the Pléiade) to the Baroque.
Emphasis on the works of Villon, Marot, Scève, DuBellay and Ronsard.
o é s ie
m b o l is t e
The evolution of symbolist aesthetics from Baudelaire through Apollinaire.
Includes Rimbaud, Mallarmé, Verlaine, LaForgue and Valéry.
L ’E x
is t e n t ia l is m e
Literary manifestations of French Existentialism.
of the novels, plays and essays of Sartre.
o é s ie
o n t e m p o r a in e
Principally an examination
Major poets after Apollinaire: includes the Surrealists (Breton, Reverdy,
Eluard, Aragon and Char) as well as Saint-John Perse, Supervielle and repre
sentative poets since World War II (Guillevic and Bonnefoy).
50-51. Colloquium .
Offered from time to time for double credit and devoted to the intensive
investigation of subjects or topics not covered by the regular program. En
rollment is limited and subject to departmental approval. The subject for the
fall semester of 1967-68 is Le Nouveau Roman.
52. Special T opics. (For senior majors.)
Study of individual authors, selected themes or critical problems.
H onors Seminars
L it t é r
a tu re
o y en
Old French readings in lyric poetry, theater and romance.
La Ren
a is s a n c e
102. Le T héâtre C lassique.
Corneille, Racine, Molière.
L ’A
ge des
m iè r e s
The "Philosophes,” the theater and the novel of the eighteenth century.
en d h a l
a n d
la u b er t
105. P roust.
o é s ie
o d ern e
Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Mallarmé, Claudel, Valéry.
108. Le Roman du 20° Siècle .
Some seminars, treat the same subject as the courses, but the reading required
in both the texts and critical material is more extensive. The work of a seminar
corresponds to two half courses.
In all courses (with the exception of German 7-8) German is, as far as possible,
the language of the classroom.
German may be offered as a major in course or as a major or minor in honors.
Prerequisites for both course and honors students are as follows:
German 11 or 12, or equivalent work.
Recommended supporting subjects: see the introductory departmental statement.
Majors are expected to speak German with sufficient fluency to take part in
discussion in courses and seminars in the language and to pass oral examinations in
N ote: Not all advanced courses or seminars are offered every year. Students
wishing to major or minor in German should plan their program in consultation
with the department.
C ourses
1-2. E lementary G erman .
For students who begin German in college. Equivalent to two years’ German
in secondary school. Fundamentals of grammar; easy literary prose, such as
Max Frisch, Brandstifter or Schnitzler, Der blinde Geronimo.
N o t e : German 2 is usually also offered in the fall semester for students
not ready for German 33. I ntermediate G erman .
Prerequisite: German 1-2 or its equivalent. Narrative and expository prose
of moderate difficulty such as Hesse: Knulp; Brecht: Kalendergeschichten;
Schweitzer: Leben und Denken. Review grammar.
4. I ntermediate G erman .
Fulfills the college requirement. Literary narrative, drama, poetry, expository
prose of greater difficulty, conversation. Some grammar review.
Prerequisite: German 3 or equivalent.
6 . W riting and Speaking G erman .
Oral discussions and writing practice based on general and literary topics
of contemporary interest.
Prerequisite: Course 3-4 or equivalent.
l e m e n t a r y G e r m a n (Special Reading Course.)
A special course designed for those who wish to acquire only a reading
knowledge of German. German 7-8 may be used to fulfill the requirements
of certain departments or of graduate schools, but not the college foreign
language requirement.
11,12. I ntroduction to G erman Literature .
A study of representative German dramas, Novellen, and lyric poems. Dis
cussion, papers. Not a survey course.
Prerequisite: German 4 or equivalent.
Course 11 deals mainly with 19th and 20th century authors, course 12 with
the classical period.
13. D ie G oethe -Zeit .
The most significant works of Goethe, Schiller, and their contemporaries.
14. G oethes
u st
u n d
Z weiter T eil .
An intensive study of Faust, I and II.
Faust, Fart One.
Also for students who only know
15. D ie D eutsche R omantik .
An introductory study of the Romantic movement in Germany, with readings
from representative authors such as Hölderlin, Novalis, Tieck, Arnim, Brentano,
16. D ie D eutsche N ovelle Seit G oethe .
A study of significant examples of this typically German genre. Authors:
Goethe, Eichendorff, Kleist, Stifter, Keller, Meyer, Storm, Thomas Mann,
Kafka, Brecht.
17. M oderne D eutsche Literatur .
A study of leading German writers of the twentieth century, including Haupt
mann, Thomas Mann, Rilke, Hofmannsthal, Kafka.
D ie D eutsche Lyrik .
A study of German poetry through the ages. The interrelation of form and
"contents.” Readings will include, among others, Goethe, Schiller, Hölderlin,
Eichendorff, Heine, Mörike, Meyer, George, Rilke, and contemporary poets.
20. D ie D eutsche K omödie .
Outstanding comedies from Goethe to the present time will be studied in
their own right, as examples of the genre, and as illustrations of German
intellectual history.
21. K afka und Brecht .
A study of the principal works of each author with stress on the interpretation
of major themes and the examination of literary craftsmanship. Includes
consideration of the cultural and social environment in which the works were
51. Special T opics.
Readings selected to fit the specific needs of students with an advanced
knowledge of the German language. Not Resigned to prepare for any specific
type of comprehensive examination.
H o n o rs Sem in ars
103. D eutsches Barock und A ufklaerung .
A study of German literature in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.
The lyric poetry of the period, the mysticism of Angelus Silesius and Jakob
Böhme, the plays of Gryphius, and the prose of Grimmelshausen; a study of
104. G oethe .
Goethe’s most significant works and his role in German intellectual history
will be studied.
105. D ie D eutsche Rom antik .
Romanticism as the dominant movement in German literature, thinking, and
the arts of the first third of the nineteenth century. Authors: Hölderlin,
Novalis, Tieck, Arnim, Brentano, Eichendorff.
106. "B iedermeier” und "R ealismus.”
Studies in the works of Grillparzer, Mörike, Stifter, Keller, Meyer, and Storm.
Emphasis on the novelle.
107. M oderne P rosa.
The emergence of modern trends as reflected primarily in the prose works of
Schnitzler, Hofmannsthal, Rilke, Mann, Kafka, Döblin and Grass.
108. D as D eutsche D rama .
Representative examples of the dramatic genre in German literature from the
end of the 18th century to the present.
109. D ie D eutsche K omödie .
Outstanding comedies from Goethe to the present time will be studied in
their own right, as examples of the genre, and as illustrations of German
intellectual history.
HO. D ie D eutsche N ovelle .
A study of significant examples of this typically German genre. Authors:
Goethe, Eichendorff, Kleist, Stifter, Keller, Meyer, Storm, Thomas Mann,
and contemporary writers.
eu tsch e
r ik
Studies in German poetry. Methods and problems of interpretation.
M o d e r n e s D r a m a u n d L y r i k d e s XX. J a h r h u n d e r t s .
The emergence of modern trends as reflected primarily in the poetic and
dramatic works of Hauptmann, George, Hofmannsthal, Rilke, Trakl, Sternheim,
Benn and Brecht.
Russian *
Russian may be offered as a major in course or as a major or minor in honors.
Prerequisites for both course and Honors students are as follows:
Required: Russian, 11,12 and 13, or evidence of equivalent work.
Recommended supporting subjects: see the introductory departmental statement.
NOTE: Not all advanced courses or seminars are offered every year. Students
wishing to major or minor in Russian should plan their program in consultation with
the Department.
1-2. First-Y ear R ussian .
Full course
Designed to familiarize the beginner with the essentials of the spoken and
written language. Fundamentals of grammar and reading of easy literary prose
and poetry.
3,4. Second-Y ear Russian .
Readings in Russian literature and history. Review of grammar. Conversation.
Reports. Composition. Translation. Conducted in Russian,
Prerequisite: Russian 1-2 or its equivalent.
6. A dvanced Russian .
For majors and those who are not primarily interested in literature. Advanced
conversation, composition, style and translation. Readings of newspapers and
Russian dramas. Conducted in Russian.
11,12. I ntroduction to Literature .
A critical analysis of Russian classical and modern short stories and poetry.
Intensive work in translation and composition. Reports. Conducted in
Prerequisite: Russian 5, <5 or the equivalent.
13. Russian N ovel.
Lectures and reading in English. The Russian majors will be required to
read a part of the material in Russian.
51. Special T opics.
Readings selected to fit the specific needs of students.
H o n o rs Sem in a rs
(Open to majors in course.)
101. T olstoy.
102. Chekhov and G orky.
103. P ushkin and Lermontov .
104. D ostoevsky.
105. Literature of th e Soviet P eriod.
Spanish may be offered as a major in course or as a major or minor in honors.
Prerequisites for both course and honors students are as follows:
Required: Spanish 11, 12.
Recommended supporting subjects: see the introductory departmental statement.
Majors are expected to speak Spanish with sufficient fluency to take part in dis
cussion in courses and seminars in the language and to pass an oral comprehensive
or oral honors examination in Spanish,.
N ote : Not nil advanced courses or seminars are offered every year. Students
wishing to major or minor in Spanish should plan their program in consultation with
the department.
C ourses
1-2. First -Y ear Sp a n is h .
For students who begin Spanish in college. Equivalent to two years of Spanish
in high school. The emphasis is both on the spoken language and on reading.
3,4. Second-Year Spanish .
For students who have had Spanish 1-2 or its equivalent (two years in high
school). Students who have had three years usually enter Spanish 4. Grammar
is reviewed. Reading is from Spanish and South American literature with
emphasis on increasing the student’s vocabulary and his ability to discuss his
reading in oral and written Spanish.
9. Advanced Composition and D iction .
For majors and others who wish an advanced course in which the emphasis
is not primarily literary. An effort is made to correct faulty pronunciation and
to improve self-expression in the language both oral and written.
l i , 12. I n tro d u ctio n
Spa n is h Litera tu re .
Representative texts of modern Spanish and Latin American writers. Conducted
in Spanish with frequent written work in Spanish.
13. El T eatro M oderno .
Plays of the major Spanish writers in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
14. La N ovela H ispanoamericana .
Representative novelists from Mármol in Argentina to Yáñez in Mexico.
15,16. Las O bras
C ervantes .
Novelas ejemplares. The Quixote. (A year course giving a thorough study
of Cervantes. The first semester may stand alone.)
17. La P oesía
en el
Siglo XX.
A study of the major poets of Spain and Latin America since modernismo.
18. La N ovela
e n el
Siglo X X .
A study of the major novelists since the Spanish Civil War.
19. P oesía, T eatro y N ovela D el Siglo de O ro .
Representative authors of the Siglo de Oro, excluding Cervantes.
52. Special T opics for Senior M ajors .
Readings selected to fit the needs of seniors and to supplement their selection
of courses. Not designed to prepare for any specific type of comprehensive
examination, but to give an opportunity in the senior year for the student
to see his courses in perspective and to see possible relationships to work in
other fields.
H onors Seminars
La N
La N
e n
Las O
bras de
is p a n o a m e r ic a n a
S ig l o
erv a n tes
104. E l T eatro M oderno .
105. P oesia, T eatro y N ovela D el Siglo de O ro .
106. La
o s e ia
e n
Sig l o
107. L a L i t e r a t u r a d e l a E d a d M e d i a .
N ote : While the titles of seminars in Spanish correspond to the titles of courses,
honors students read more extensively both in the texts and critical work. The work
of a seminar corresponds to that of two half courses.
A ssociate P rofessors: Claudio Spies
P eter G ram Swing , Chairman
I nstructor : J ames D. Freeman
Visiting A ssociates
P erformance : G ilbert K alish
Paul Z ukofsky
The study of music as a liberal art requires an integrated approach to theory,
history and performance, experience in all three fields being essential to the under
standing of music as an artistic and intellectual achievement. Theory courses and
seminars train the student to work with musical materials, to understand modes
of organization in compositions, and to evolve methods of musical analysis. History
courses and seminars introduce students to methods of studying the development of
musical styles and genres, and the relationship of music to other arts and areas of
thought. Performance is assumed as part of the training in understanding music
and is included in classroom work. While the Department does not give course
credit for instruction in instruments or voice, it encourages its students to develop
performing skills through private study and through participation in the orchestra
and chorus, both of which are conducted by members of the Department. The
Department administers scholarships to assist music majors who are talented in
strumentalists or singers finance the cost of private instruction. Members also
coach individual performers and chamber music groups organized by the students
for Bond concerts and other public performances.
Students wishing to combine instrumental or vocal studies outside the College
with a major in music at Swarthmore can, with special permission from the Depart
ment and the Dean, elect a five-year plan of study, thus reducing the normal number
of courses to be taken per semester.
R equirements
M ajors
One full course in Theory is prerequisite for acceptance as a major. Majors
will normally take three full courses (including Music 61-62) in Theory, four
half-courses (including Music 15,16) in History, and basic piano. Music 1 cannot be
counted in a major program.
Majors in Honors: A student intending to major in honors should plan to take
Music 11-12, 13-14 and 15,16 (or the equivalent) in the first two years. If he
takes all three courses he will stand for three honors examinations in music. A
student who is excused from one of the three introductory courses (by demonstrating
competence on an examination given by the Department) can elect to stand for four
honors examinations in music. He will take Music 61-62 in course, preferably in
the junior yeaar, in preparation for an honors examination on the material covered.
Minors in Honors: A minor in honors will normally stand for two examinations
in music. Music 15 or 16 and a full course in Theory, is prerequisite for History
seminars. Music 1 may, with permission of the department, be substituted for the
Theory course.
Language Requirements for Graduate Schools: Students are advised that graduate
work in music requires a reading knowledge of French and German. A reading
knowledge of Latin is also desirable for students planning to do graduate work
in musicology.
Proficiency on an instrument: All majors in music will be expected to play a
keyboard instrument well enough to perform at sight a two-part invention of
J. S. Bach and a first movement of an easy late 18th or early 19th century sonata.
By the end of the junior year they should be able to read chamber music scores,
also vocal music in four clefs, and realize figured basses. Students with exceptional
proficiency in an instrument other than the piano, or in' singing, will not be
expected to meet the performing standards of pianists.
The basic piano program: This program is designed to develop keyboard pro
ficiency to a point where a student can effectively use the piano as a tool for study,
also to help students meet the keyboard requirements outlined above. There are
two classes, one for beginning students, one for advanced students, each meeting
two hours a week. These classes are open to freshmen and sophomores planning
to major in music. No academic credit is given specifically for basic piano, the
classes being, in effect, laboratories for courses.
N ote : All seminars are open to qualified course students for double credit.
1. I ntroduction to M usic . Mr. Freeman.
Mr. Swing
Fall semester
Spring semester
A course combining study of the materials of music with training in listening.
Students will work with a selected repertory of compositions from different
eras. The course assumes no prior work in music.
Open fo all students.
T heory
11-12. H armony . Mr. Freeman.
Full course
A course in elementary Harmony. Emphasis will be placed on written exercises
along with ear-training, dictation and keyboard harmony. Frequent reference
will, be made to a variety of keyboard and chamber compositions which will
be carefully analysed.
13-14. Counterpoint . Mr. Spies.
Full course
A course primarily in strict counterpoint involving the first four species in
two, three and four-part writing. Students will be required to submit exercises
regularly. The course will include some analysis of pertinent vocal and
instrumental compositions.
61-62. I ntermediate T heory . Mr. Spies.
Full course
A continuation of Music 11-12 and 13-14 covering specialized areas of Har
mony, Counterpoint and analysis.
Prerequisites: Music 11-12, Music 13-14, or the equivalent.
H onors Seminars
163. Advanced T heory . Mr. Spies.
181. Composition . Mr. Spies.
Offered as a tutorial to qualified students. Prerequisite: Music 61-62.
is t o r y o f
u s ic
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e H i s t o r y o f M u s i c . Mr. Swing.
Fall semester
The history of music in Western civilization' from the MiddleAges to 1750.
Prerequisite: Music 1 (or the equivalent).
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e H i s t o r y o f M u s i c . Mr. Freeman.
Spring semester
A continuation of Music 15 covering the period from 1750 to the present.
Prerequisite: Music 1 (or the equivalent).
C o n t e m p o r a r y Music. Mr. Spies.
Spring semester
An examination of a selected group of compositions. Rather than attempt
a survey based on stylistic considerations, or on aesthetic evaluation, the
course will deal with the analysis of individual solutions to common com
positional problems.
Prerequisite: Music 11-12 or 13-14, preferably both.
27. J. S. B a c h . Mr. Swing.
A study of representative compositions (including the Mass in B minor and
' the Passion according to St. Matthew) coordinated with readings in primary
and secondary sources. A reading knowledge of German is desirable, but
not essential.
Music 22 and 27 are designed for students who have taken Music 1, or a
course in theory wishing to do further work in special areas or music history.
They can be counted for credit in a major-in-course program.
H onors Seminars
122. Studies in T w entieth C entury M usic . Mr. Spies.
Prerequisite: Music 11-12 and 13-14.
128. W. A. M o z a r t . Mr. Swing.
A study of representative works in the light of modern style criticism. A
reading knowledge of French or German is desirable.
is t o r y o f t h e S t r in g Q u a r t e t .
Mr. Swing.
Spring semester
This seminar traces the development of the string quartet from the middle
of the 18th century to the present through study of selected quartets by Haydn,
Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Bart6k, Schoenberg, Webern, and Carter.
151. M edieval and R enaissance M usic . Mr. Swing.
An introduction to the study of music from the 9th century to the middle
of the 16th century. Emphasis will be placed on analysis of selected com
positions, related problems in performance practice, the function of music in
the Catholic liturgy and the relationship of music to the thought and art of
the times.
u s ic
t h e
ro q u e
Mr. Freeman.
A continuation of Music 151. The emergence of opera, oratorio and cantata
in Italy and their dissemination over the Continent; the development of
idiomatic instrumental music.
u t o r ia l
.. ........
P rofessors: M onroe C. Beardsley |
J ohn M. M oore
A ssociate Professor: P. Linwood U rban, Acting Chairman
A ssistant Professors: Patrick H enry , III
H ans O berdiek
Charles Raff
I nstructors: Edward Becker
Richard Schuldenfrei
Lecturers: G ilmore Stott
U we H enke
Visiting Lecturers: J ohn J. Fisher
D. Paul Snyder
The study of philosophy consists in examining the beliefs to which one is com
mitted by accepting scientific knowledge and common-sense views of the world;
clarifying basic concepts; determining the circumstances under which statements
may properly be said to be true in all fields of human inquiry and,concern, including
ethical and aesthetic discourse; and drawing the outlines of an account of human
experiences coherent with the evidence of the sciences. Because of the role of
philosophy in the history of human thought, and because of the relation of
philosophical ideas to problems in other fields, philosophy may be studied as
instrumental to the understanding of wider areas of history or thought.
Religion is studied primarily as a system of ideas, both ethical and theological:
systematically, through a consideration of representative forms of contemporary
religious thought; and historically, through an examination of the great religions
and the development of religion, particularly of the Judaeo-Christian tradition.
R equirements and R ecommendations
for M ajors and M inors
The minimum prerequisite to admission as a major in either philosophy or
religion will normally be the completion of one year’s work in the department.
Students who major in philosophy must obtain permission in order to count for
credit in fulfillment of their major requirement more than one course in religion;
and students who major in religion must obtain permission in order to count for
credit in fulfillment of their major requirement more than one course in philosophy.
(Courses 25, 26 and 27 may be counted either as philosophy or as religion.)
Philosophy majors in course must elect course 52 in their senior year, and are
normally required to take courses 11, 12, 13, and 14. It is recommended that
course 12 be taken before the middle of the junior year, and that course 13 be
taken by the end of the junior year. Honors majors who do not take course 12 must
acquire familiarity with the material by summer study.
Philosophy Courses
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o P h i l o s o p h y . The staff.
Each semester
Several of the most important problems of philosophy, and alternative
< answers to them, are discussed. Typical examples are: the problem of free
will, the arguments for the existence of God, the nature of logic and mathe
matics, the sources and kinds of knowledge, the justification of ethical judg
t Absent on leave, 1967-68.
N o t e : Course 1 is a prerequisite for course 11 and courses 13 through 27.
Other courses may be taken in any order that is convenient. Members of the
department will offer advice on request concerning an order of courses to suit
individual needs. Students planning to do honors work should not take courses
dealing with material to be covered in honors seminars.
U .
E t h i c s . Mr. Stott.
P ^ h semester
A study of the principal theories about value and moral obligation, and of
their justification. The emphasis is systematic, but works of leading ethical
philosophers, both classical and contemporary, will be read as illustrations
of the major theories.
12. Logic. Mr. Oberdiek.
Spring semester
An introduction to the principles of deductive logic; the methods of both
traditional logic and modern symbolic logic will be used in the evaluation
of deductive arguments. Some attention will be given to the axiomatic develop
ment of logic, as well as to informal topics such as the fallacies of relevance
and ambiguity, and to definition.
Selec ted M
A n c i e n t P h i l o s o p h y . Mr. Henke.
| S semester
The main emphasis will be on Plato and Aristotle, with some treatment of the
pre-Socratics as background. Primary attention will be given to metaphysical
and epistemological issues.
o d e r n P h i l o s o p h e r s . Mr. Raff.
Spring semester
A history of modern philosophy is presented through the metaphysical and
epistemological problems common to Descartes, Leibniz, Spinoza, Locke,
Berkeley, Hume and Kant. One or more of these philosophers may be
selected for separate, detailed examination.
h i l o s o p h y o f S c i e n c e . Mr. Schuldenfrei.
Spring semester
A consideration of the nature of scientific inquiry through a study of its funda
mental concepts, among them theory, evidence, explanation, causation, induc
tion. Emphasis will also be given to the distinctions between empirical and
non-empirical science and between scientific and non-scientific inquiry.
o n t e m p o r a r y P h il o s o p h y .
Mr. Raff.
Pall semester
A study of current attempts to resolve fundamental philosophical issues.
Readings include articles and books by major Twentieth Century philosophers.
e s t h e t i c s . Mr. Beardsley.
Spring semester
A study of some problems that arise in describing, interpreting, and evalu
ating aesthetic objects, including literature, music and fine arts. Among these
problems are the clarification of such terms as "form,” "style,” and “meaning,
an examination of current attempts to subsume aesthetic objects under the
general theory of signs, and the. analysis of the reasoning by which value
judgments about aesthetic obj,ecfs are supported and defended.
Not offered in 1967-68.
h il o s o p h y o f t h e S o c ia l S c ie n c e s .
Pall semester
A survey of philosophical and methodological problems arising from the
study of the behavior and history of human individuals and societies. Such
problems as the nature of explanation and prediction in the social sciences and
history, the role of value judgment in the social sciences, the conceptual
apparatus necessary for the description of human behavior, and the possibility
of "scientific!’ history, are discussed.
Not offered in 1967-68.
R e c e n t P h il o s o p h ic a l M o v e m e n t s .
Fall semester
An examination of some of the basic trends in recent thought such as Prag
matism, Positivism, Analytical Philosophy, and Existentialism. Special emphasis
will be placed upon the degree of adequacy of these systems in dealing with
questions concerning the nature, scope, and limits of human knowledge.
Not oifered in 1967-68.
Mr. Becker.
Fall semester
An examination of philosophical and logical problems in the study of
"natural” languages: Topics may include: (1) the role of the investigation
of language in the solution of traditionally philosophical problems, (2)
investigations into the conceptual framework necessary to any adequate theory
of ordinary language, (3) the relationships between natural and formalized
or artificial languages, (4) recent attempts to found linguistics on a scientific
S o c i a l a n d P o l i t i c a l P h i l o s o p h y . Mr. Oberdiek.
Fall semester
An analysis of conceptual and moral problems that socio-political life poses
for many. Among the problems studied are the relation of ethics to political/
social philosophy; the justification of democracy; the nature and basis of
, political obligation, political freedom, equality, rights, justice, and social
P h i l o s o p h y i n A m e r i c a . Mr. Oberdiek.
Spring semester
A critical examination of thinkers representative of the major philosophic
traditions in America, with special emphasis on Peirce, James, and Dewey.
The primary aim is to understand and evaluate the philosophic worth of their
views; some attention is also given to their relation to American culture.
Not offered in 1967-68.
Spring semester
A survey of the development of physics and astronomy in the l6th and 17th
centuries, emphasizing the nature of the scientific revolution, the revolt
against Aristotle, the new role of mathematics within science, the role of
experiment, and the gradual development of concepts like mass, force, univer
sal gravitation, and the heliocentric universe. The philosophical and sociologi
cal origins of the scientific revolution will also be studied. Readings will be
drawn mainly from the writings of Copernicus, Kepler, Descartes and
Not offered in 1967-68.
h il o s o p h y
is t o r y
o f
o f
n g u a g e
ie n c e
Philosophy-Religion Courses
P h i l o s o p h y o f R e l i g i o n . Mr. Moore.
Spring semester
The nature of religion; the psychology and interpretation of religious
experience; the problem of religious knowledge; the validity and difficulties
of Christian theology and ethics.
M e d i e v a l P h i l o s o p h y . Mr. Urban.
Fall semester
Philosophical thought from Augustine to the fifteenth century. Attention
will be paid both to specific problems such as universals, analogy, and
epistemology and to outstanding thinkers such as Anselm, Aquinas, and
Ockham. Although the primary emphasis will be historical, attention will be
given to the contemporary relevance of-medieval thought.
Mr. Moore or Mr. Urban.
Spring semester
A study in the meaning and verification of religious statements, the concept
of analogy, the nature of theological explanation, and the analytical critique
h eo lo g y
a n d
n a l y t ic a l
h il o s o p h y
of the arguments for the existence of God. Readings in the articles and books
of contemporary thinkers, including Ayer, Flew, Hepburn, MacIntyre, Toulmin
and Zuurdeeg. The course will consider both the question of the validity of
the analytical critique of traditional theology and the possibility of a philosophy
of religion within analytical philosophy.
Not offered in 1967-68.
Religion Courses
Students may begin work in Religion with any of the following courses: Religion
31, 35, 36 and 37*. Completion of one of these courses is a prerequisite for Religion
33, 34, and 38.
31. P roblems of Christianity T oday. Mr. Urban.
Spring semester
The purpose of this course is to study various answers to the chief religious
problems of the twentieth century. Problems include: faith and reason, the
existence of God, religion and morality, science and religion, the Bible, and
the problem of evil. Answers include reference to various schools of thought:
fundamentalism, liberalism, humanism,^ and neo-orthodoxy; and to the works
of individual thinkers: Reinhold Niebuhr, Paul Tillich, Martin Buber, and
others. The student will be urged to find his own answers and to work out
his own religious beliefs.
33. Early Christian T hought . Mr. Henry.
Fall semester
The rise and development of Christian thinking to the 13th century, the
influence of Judaism and Greek philosophy, the formation of the creeds,
Scholasticism, Augustine and Aquinas.
Not offered in 1967-68.
34. Luther to Barth . Mr. Henry.
Spring semester
The development of Christian thought from the Reformation to the twentieth
century, with emphasis upon the relationship between Christian and secular
thinking; the main ideas of the Reformation, church and sect in the Reforma
tion, Roman Catholic development, Protestant orthodoxy, Protestant liberalism.
35. H istory of Religions Mr. Moore.
Fall semester
An historical and comparative study of the world’s religions: primitive re
ligions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese and Japanese religion, Islam. Stress
will be placed upon the ethical and philosophical teaching of these religions
and their role in the interaction of modern cultures. Comparisons and contrasts
will be made between these religions and Judaism and Christianity.
36. T he O ld T estament and the Rise of J udaism. Mr. Henry. Fall semester
An introduction to the literature and history of the people of Israel. Early
traditions, the law and the prophets, the emergence of Judaism.
37. T he N ew T estament . Mr. Henry.
Spring semester
An introduction to the literature and history of early Christianity. The forma
tion of the gospels, the life and teachings of Jesus, the Christian movement
in the apostolic age.
38. O ld T estament P rophecy . Mr. Henry.
Fall sejnester
The rise and development of prophecy in Israel, and the impact of the prophetic
movement on the character of the rest of the Old Testament.
51. Special T opics. Staff.
An intensive course may be offered from time to time in a field not covered
by the regular program. Open only to juniors and seniors.
Spying semester
52. Senior C onference . Staff.
For senior majors in philosophy. Individual programs are planned to prepare
for the comprehensive examination.
H istory 22. A merican Religious T hought . Mr. Tolies.
The course of religious thought in the colonies and the United States, with
appropriate reference to general intellectual history and American church
H istory 24.
Q uakerism . Mr. Tolies.
The history of the Society of Friends to the present day. The characteristic
religious and social ideas of the Quakers are considered in their historical
setting. (May be counted toward a major in religion.)
H o n o rs W o rk
For admission to honors in philosophy, the requirement is normally two semester
courses drawn from those numbered from 1 to 27. For admission to honors work
in religion, the requirement is normally two semester courses selected from among
courses numbered 25 to 45.
101. M oral P hilosophy . Mr. Oberdiek.
Fall semester
An examination of the principal theories about value and moral obligation,
and of their justification; of the concepts of justice and human rights; of
the implications for ethics of different theories about the freedom of the
will. Works of representative theorists, both classical and contemporary,
will be read.
102. A ncient P hilosophy . Mr. Henke.
Spring semester
The development of Greek thought in ethics, metaphysics, logic and science,
with special attention to Plato and Aristotle. Emphasis is given to tracing
the emergence of distinctively philosophical and scientific methods, and the
relation of these methods to contemporary techniques.
103. H istory of M odern P hilosophy . Mr. Raff.
Fall semester
Metaphysical and epistemological problems about the nature of minds and
bodies, the varieties of knowledge and freedom, are approached through the
philosophical systems of Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume,
Reid, Kant.
104. Contemporary P hilosophy . Messrs. Becker, Raff.
Each semester
Some current philosophical problems are investigated in light of the work of
Bradley, More, Wittgenstein, and the most recent contributions.
105. P hilosophy of Science . Mr. Schuldenfrei.
Spring semester
A consideration of the nature of scientific inquiry through a study of its
fundamental concepts, among them theory, evidence, explanation, causation,
induction. Emphasis will also be given to the distinctions between empirical
and non-empirical science and between scientific and non-scienitfic inquiry.
106. A esthetics. Mir. Fisher.
Spring semester
A systematic examination of the philosophy of art and the methodological
foundations of criticism. (See course 17.) Recommended for students of
literature, music and the fine arts.
107. P hilosophy of the Social Sciences. Mr. Snyder.
Fall semester
A survey of philosophical and methodological problems arising from the
study of the behavior and history of human individuals and societies. Such
problems as the nature of explanation and prediction in the social sciences
and history, the role of value judgments in the social sciences, the conceptual
apparatus necessary for the description of human behavior, and the possibility
of "scientific” history, are discussed.
S y m b o l ic L o g ic .
Mr. Schuldenfrei.
Fall semester
An examination of symbolic logic as (1) the theory of inference, (2) a tool of
analysis, and (3) a foundation for mathematics. Emphasis will be placed on
the fundamental concepts (e.g., the axiomatic method, consistency, decid
ability), major theorems (completeness and incompleteness), and problems of
the foundation of logic.
( N o t e : Students who have taken 108B may not take this semester.)
F o u n d a t io n s a n d P h il o s o p h y o f M a t h e m a t ic s .
Mr. Schuldenfrei and
Mr. di Franco.
This seminar will begin with a brief survey of the major results in founda
tions of mathematics: axiomatic development of symbolic logic and set
theory, Godel incompleteness theorem, consistency and independence of the
axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis. This will be followed by a
comparison of the logicist, formalist and intuitionist views of the foundations
of mathematics.
( N o t e : This seminar is offered jointly by the Departments of Philosophy and
Mathematics. Students who have taken 108A may not take this seminar.)
Prerequisite: One course in philosophy and Mathematics 14 or equivalent
work with axiomatic mathematics.
e d ie v a l
h il o s o p h y
Mr. Urban.
Fall semester
Philosophical thought from Augustine to the fifteenth century. Attention
will be paid both to specific problems such as universal, analogy, and episte
mology and to outstanding thinkers such as Anselm, Aquinas, Scotus and
Ockham. Although the primary emphasis will be historical, attention will
be paid to the contemporary relevance of medieval thought.
Not offered in 1967-68.
h e
o f
h o u g h t
Mr. Urban.
Spring semester
An examination will be made of writings which have contributed most to
Western concepts of God. The study will include Plato, Aristotle, the Bible,
Athanasius, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, Kant, Schleiermacher,
Rudolf Otto, John Baillie and others.
o n tem po r a r y
e l ig io u s
h il o s o p h e r s
Mr. Urban.
Fall semester
This seminar will concentrate on representative thinkers and schools of thought
in the present century. These will include Karl Barth, Martin Buber, Jacques
Maritain, Reinhold Niebuhr, William Temple, Paul Tillich, and Plenry N.
h e
esta m en t
Mr. Henry.
Spring semester
For the year 1967-68 this seminar will deal with the rise and development
of prophesy in Israel, and the impact of the prophetic movement on the
character of the rest of the Old Testament.
h e
e w
esta m en t
Mr. Henry.
Fall semester
The following topics will be studied: the Synoptic Gospels; Luke-Acts; the
Johannnine literature; the Letters of Paul; Text and Canon. Each student
will give special attention to one or two of these subjects. An attempt will
be made to assess the relationship of the New Testament to the life of the
early church, and to the wider Jewish Hellenistic environment.
Not offered in 1967-68.
a r l y C h r is t ia n it y .
Mr. Henry.
Fall semester
A study of the development of Christian thought and institutions from the
end of the first century to the Council of Chalcedon (A.D. 451). Major
topics will include church and empire, missionary expansion, episcopacy,
sacraments, councils, doctrinal development and dogmatic definition, heresy,
beginnings of monasticism.
116. Christian D ivisions East and W est. Mr. Henry.
Spring semester
A study of the doctrinal, cultural, political, and ecclesiastical factors that caused
divergence between Greek and Latin Christianity, and led to eventual schism.
A good deal of attention will be paid to Origen and Augustine as represent
ative of the Greek and Latin styles of Christian thought.
Not offered in 1967-68.
h e s is
A thesis may be submitted by majors in the department in place of one of
the seminars, upon application by the student and at the discretion of the
D irector of Athletics and P hysical Education for M en and
A ssociate Professor: W illis J. Stetson
Associate Professors: Lewis H. Elverson
Edwin J. Faulkner
Assistant Professors: G omer D avies
Richard F. M alacrea
Assistants : ' Charles A ssiff
J ames J. M cAdoo
Brooke P. Cottman
Robert M cCoach
D udley H eath
J ames W. N oyes
J. D. H offstein
Richard W right
J ames W. Lukens , J r .
College P hysician : D r . M orris A. Bowie
T eam Physician : D r . H arold C. Roxby
The course in Men’s Physical Education is designed to acquaint each participant
with both team and individual sports. The value of team play is developed while
emphasis is also placed on the so-called "carry over” sports which one can enjoy
after graduation. Each individual, while benefiting from the physical exercise,
also becomes better acquainted with the fundamentals, rules, etc., of the various
sports and so is better able to enjoy these activities as a spectator.
The intercollegiate athletic program is a comprehensive one with varsity schedules
in eleven different sports. In many of these activities there are contests arranged
for junior varsity teams, thus providing ample opportunity for large numbers of
men to engage in intercollegiate competition.
Faculty R equirements
Physical education is required of all non-veteran freshmen and sophomores
unless excused by the College physician. During this two-year period, men students
must attend a minimum of three classes per week.
All men not excused for medical or other reasons are expected to fulfill this
requirement. A semester’s work failed in the first two years must be repeated in the
Junior year. No man with a deficiency in physical education is permitted to enter
his Senior year.
Fall A ctivities
Adapted Physical Education
fFolk Dance
fModern Dance
*Cross Country
** Soccer
W inter I
Adapted Physical Education
** Basketball
II A ctivities
fFolk Dance
fModern Dance
f Volleyball
Weight Training
** Wrestling
Spring A ctivities
Adapted Physical Education *Lacrosse
fModern Dance
* Intercollegiate competition only.
** Intercollegiate competition and course instruction,
t Some co-ed sections.
* *fTennis
f Volleyball
A ssociate Professors: Eleanor K. H ess, Chairman
Irene M oll
A ssistant Professor: Ailyn T erada
College Physician : D r . M orris A. Bowie
The aim of the Department is to contribute to the education of all women
students through the medium of physical activity. We believe this contribution
can best be achieved through participation in a broad program of sports, dance
and developmental activities. The program provides: instruction and experience
in sports and dancing; swimming instruction on all levels; corrective and develop
mental exercises. It is our hope that the student will also acquire: appreciation of
the dance as an art form; good sportsmanship; added endurance; good posture;
leadership training; joy in outdoor exercise; and a program of interests and skills
that will carry over for her after college, so she may become a useful part of her
Classes are kept small to insure individual attention, and students are grouped
where possible according to ability. Ample opportunities are given for intramural
and intercollegiate competition, as well as for public performances and demonstrations.
Freshmen and sophomores take three periods of activity each week. These may be
elected from classes listed below with the stipulation that they take swimming until a
test is passed; take a dance activity; take a team sport; take an individual sport;
and take developmental gymnastics if the posture grade or motor skill test indicates
a need for it.
In addition to the departmental requirements, the faculty regulations state the
following: "If any semester’s work of the first two years is failed, it shall be
repeated in the junior year. No student shall be permitted to enter her senior year
with a deficiency in physical education.”
Regulation costumes should be ordered before college opens. Blanks for this
purpose will be sent out from the Office of the Dean to all incoming students.
A ctivities
rch ery
Vail and. Spring
Class and Varsity.
d m in t o n
Class and Varsity.
sk etba ll
Class and Varsity.
o w l in g
M ovem ent.
Required of allfirst-year students whose posture grade or motor ability test
indicates a need for it.
ev elo pm en ta l
Sq u a r e D a n c in g .
Vail and Winter
Class and Performance Group. Open to men students who have fulfilled the
requirements of the Men’s Physical Education Department.
o lk a n d
Fall and Spring
Golf .
Class and Course Golf.
Class and Varsity.
Class and Varsity.
£ b Winter and Spring
Class and Performance Group. Open to men students who have fulfilled the
requirements of the Men’s Physical Education Department.
Modern D ance .
Softball .
Class and Varsity.
Fall, Winter and Spring
Beginning, intermediate and advanced classes in strokes and diving. Class and
American Red Cross Life Saving and Water Safety. (Upon successful com
pletion of these courses, American Red Cross certificates will be awarded.)
Swimming .
Fall, Winter and Spring
T ennis .
Class and Varsity.
Fall and Winter
Class and Varsity.
Fall and Spring
W ater Ballet .
Class and Performance Group.
Professor: W illiam C. Elmore, Chairman
Visiting P rofessor: H ans H. Staub **
Associate Professors: O lexa-Myron Bilaniuk {
M ark A. H eald
Paul C. M angelsdorf, Jr .
A lburt M. Rosenberg
A ssistant Professors: J ohn R. Boccio
Cyrus D. Cantrell
Clair W. N ielson |
The physics department, through its introductory course in general physics,
endeavors to give an integrated account of basic physics. In this course, as well
as in the advanced work of the department, emphasis is placed on quantitative,
analytical reasoning, as distinct from the mere acquisition of facts and skills. The
introductory course makes no pretense of covering all material of interest to
physicists, but rather comprises a selection of topics which form a coherent group.
Advanced work in the department involves a more intensive study of topics
covered at the introductory level, and of many phases of modern physics which
require a considerable background in mathematics and electricity. In all courses
and seminars particular importance is attached to laboratory work, since physics
is primarily an experimental science. Honors candidates taking physics seminars
accompanied by laboratory work must submit their laboratory notebooks to the
visiting examiners for their inspection.
Requirements and R ecommendations
for M ajors and M inors
Students who intend to major in physics normally take Physics 1, 2 and Chemistry
1, 2 in the freshman year and Physics 11, 12 in the sophomore year. In addition
they should complete Mathematics 12 or 16 by'the end of their sophomore year.
In view of graduate school requirements and of the extensive literature of physics
in German and Russian, it is strongly recommended that the student fulfill his
language requirement in one of these languages. A grade of C or better in Physics
1, 2 is normally prerequisite for all further work in the department, and Chemistry
2 or 4 is a prerequisite for Physics 112 and 114.
Honors students majoring in physics normally take Physics 102, 106, 112, in
that order, and Mathematics 101 or 103, and 104. Physics 114 or a third mathematics
seminar is encouraged but not required. An honors student who has been unable
to schedule Physics 11, 12 should plan to take Physics 111. Other seminars in the
program are normally chosen from astronomy, biology, chemistry, engineering,
experimental psychology or philosophy. Such a program is a particularly satis
factory way of preparing for graduate or other professional work in physics or
mathematics. However, it constitutes in itself an effective educational program,
since the aim throughout is to achieve an understanding of fundamental ideas and
concepts, as distinct from the mastery of information, skills, and techniques in a
limited segment of science.
Course students majoring in physics normally complete the following courses in
their junior and senior years: Mathematics 51, 52; Chemistry 61, 62; and Physics
* * S p r in g s e m e s te r, 1 9 6 7 -6 8 .
o n le a v e , 1967*68.
X A b se n t
51, 52, 53, 54, 56. It is recommended that Physics 60 or additional work in en
gineering or chemistry be included in the program of course students who intend to
do graduate work in physics. This program provides a well-rounded study of
physics, and by requiring less intensive concentration than an honors program offers
the student the opportunity to extend his work outside the Division of the Natural
Sciences. It should also meet the needs of those who wish to teach science in
secondary school.
Secondary school sudents who are considering majoring in physics at Swarthmore
are strongly encouraged to complete four years of mathematics and a minimum of
two years of either German or Russian, or French if neither of these is available.
I, 2. G eneral P hysics. Mr. Boccio, Mr. Mangelsdorf, and Staff.
An introductory course in basic physics. During the first semester special
emphasis is placed on mechanics, conservation principles, harmonic motion,
wave motion and heat. During the second semester the topics include basic
concepts in electricity and magnetism, direct current circuits, alternating
current circuits, optics and modern physics. This course, or its equivalent,
must precede any advanced courses or seminars in physics. It is required of
most science majors. Three lectures, a conference, and a laboratory period
Prerequisite: First Year Mathematics taken concurrently, or adequate prepara
tion in mathematics.
7-8. Concepts
T heories in P hysical Science . Mr. Rosenberg.
Full course
The first semester consists in an analysis of motion leading to the Newtonian
synthesis, the conservation laws of physics, the development of an atomic
theory of matter, the periodic table of elements, and the kinetic theory of gases.
The second semester considers the evolution of modern physics: physical
properties of light, aspects of relativity, the wave versus the quantum theory
of light, certain electrical phenomena, atomicity of charge, Bohr’s model of
the atom, radioactivity, elementary particles, the nuclear atom and nuclear
energy, stellar energy.
This course is designed as a terminal course in physical science to meet
the needs of non-science majors and fulfills the group 1 distribution require
ment. It is not intended to fulfill the physics requirement of medical schools,
and cannot be used as a prerequisite for further work in the Division of the
Natural Sciences.
Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
10. T opics in Biophysics. Mr. Rosenberg.
Applications of physical tools and analysis to Jiving systems. Emphasis will
be at the subcellular level of integration. The course is intended for physical
science, mathematics, and engineering students. Previous biological training
is not required. Three lectures per week. In lieu of laboratory work, visits
will be made to nearby biophysical laboratories.
Not offered in 1967-68.
I I , 12. M echanics and W ave M otion . Mr. Cantrell and Mr. Elmore.
Particle and rigid body mechanics with an introduction to advanced dynamics.
Elastic waves and wave motion. Interference and diffraction phenomena.
Considerable emphasis is placed on laboratory work, both to illuminate and
extend the subject matter, and to foster the students’ ability to work in
dependently. This course is required of physics majors. In addition, this
course or its equivalent, Physics 111, is recommended for others who desire
further work in physics. Three lectures and a laboratory period weekly.
Prerequisite: Second Year Mathematics taken concurrently.
51, 52. M odern P hysics. Mr. Elmore and Mr. Heald.
A selection of topics including special relativity; quantum theory with
applications to atomic structure, and solid-state physics; nuclear and highenergy physics. Three lectures and one laboratory period weekly. Open to
seniors only.
Prerequisite: Second Year Mathematics and consent of the instructor.
53. Circuit T heory 1 .
Fall semester
Transient and steady state analysis of electric circuits based upon the differ
ential equations of the circuit arising from Kirchhoff’s Laws. Classical
treatment is followed by Laplace transform analysis giving system response
as a function of complex frequency. Pole-zero concepts are introduced.
Extensive study is made of linear network analysis by the superposition
integral, convolution, the Fourier integral, etc. Three phase systems and
symmetrical components. Three class periods and a laboratory weekly.
Prerequisite: Physics 12.
54. T hermal P hysics. Mr. Mangelsdorf.
Continuum properties of matter and of thermal energy. Thermodynamics and
statistical mechanics of'mechanical, chemical, electrical and magnetic systems.
Entropy, fluctuation theory, irreversible thermodynamics. Brownian motion,
diffusion theory, transport processes. Three lectures and one conference
section weekly.
Offered spring semester 1968-69, and in alternate years thereafter.
Prerequisite: Second Year Mathematics.
56. E lectromagnetic F ield T heory . Mr. Barus.
Spring semester
An analytical study of electromagnetism. Maxwell’s equations are developed
and applied, with greatest attention given to the static and quasi-static cases.
Considerable emphasis is given to the following topics: solutions of Lap
lace’s equation, fields in dielectric and magnetic materials, energy and forces,
and the relationship of field theory to circuit theory. Three class periods and
a laboratory weekly.
Prerequisites: Physicis 12 and 53.
58. Q uantum M echanics . Mr. Boccio.
Spring semester
Review of classical mechanics. The postulates of quantum mechanics; the
Schrôdinger equation; the uncertainty principle. Applications to the harmonic
oscillator, square well potential problems and the hydrogen atom. Perturba
tion theory; transition probabilities; electron spin and the Pauli exclusion
principle; selected applications. This course develops further the concepts
and methods of quantum mechanics, treated at an introductory level in
Physics 51.
Prerequisite: Physics 51.
60. Special T opics. Staff.
Fall semester
A semester course that may be elected by senior physics majors. Readings
and problems will be assigned in areas of physics not covered in other courses.
The associated laboratory work will be directed toward the acquisition of
knowledge and skills that will be useful to future research, and normally
will involve the development of apparatus and the performance of an experi
ment of contemporary significance in physics. A carefully written report of
the experiment, together with solutions of assigned problems, is required in
lieu of a final examination.
H o n o rs Sem in ars
102. E lectricity and M agnetism . Mr. Heald.
Fall semester
Classical electrodynamics, covering static and dynamic electricity, magnetism
and electromagnetism, with some electronics. Laboratory measurements in
direct and alternating currents and in magnetism, together with fundamental
experiments in electronics.
Prerequisites: Second Year Mathematics, and Physics 11, 12 (or 111).
106. A tomic and N uclear P hysics. Mr. Staub.
Spring semester
Special theory of relativity. Wave-particle duality. Introduction to wave
mechanics, the hydrogen atom, structure and spectra of many-electron atoms.
Elements of solid state physics. Properties and systematics of nuclei, nuclear
reactions, nuclear forces and models. Introduction to fundamental particles,
their symmetries and inter-actions. The accompanying laboratory includes
basic experiments in atomic and nuclear physics.
Prerequisite: Physics 102, or equivalent preparation in the Honors program
in Engineering Sciences.
Spring semester
This seminar covers substantially the same material as Physics 11,12. It is
offered for students unable to schedule the course, and who desire further work
in physics as part of an Honors program. One full-day laboratory each week.
Prerequisite: Second Year Mathematics.
111. Classical M echanics and W aves. Mr. Boecio.
112. Radiation and Statistical P hysics. Mr. Mangelsdorf
Fall semester
Free and guided electromagnetic waves, with particular emphasis on waves in
the microwave, optical, and X-ray regions. The velocity of electromagnetic
waves and the four-vector formulation of the special theory of relativity.
Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Thermal radiation, and quantum
statistics with applications. Accompanied by a full-day laboratory each week.
Prerequisites: Chemistry 2 or 4, and Physics 106.
114. Q uantum M echanics . Mr. Cantrell.
Spring semester
Advanced classical dynamics. Classical vs. quantum physics, correspondence
principle. Heisenberg’s and Schrodinger’s versions of quantum mechanics.
Observables and quantum mechanical operators. Eigenfunctions and eigen
values. Approximation methods. Identical particles and spin. Scattering
and the Born approximation. Quantum mechanics of the nucleon-nucleon
interaction and nuclear structure. Accompanied by experimental and computa
tional projects.
Prerequisite: Physics 112.
Professors: J. Roland P ennock ,* Chairman
Charles E. G ilbert
D avid G. Smith
A ssistant Professor: Robert 0 . K eohane
I nstructors: Raymond F. H opkins
Richard W. M ansbach
Lecturers: Frederick A. H argadon
N annerl O. H enry
Courses and seminars offered by the Political Science Department deal with the
place of politics in society and contribute to an understanding of the purposes,
organization, and operation of political institutions, domestic and international.
For the beginning student, the Department offers a general introduction to the
nature of politics, to its major institutions and moving forces, and to the key
concepts of the discipline, followed by a more detailed examination of these ele
ments in a particular institutional setting. For those who become majors and for
others who take additional work in political science, courses are provided that will
permit giving special attention to political theory, comparative political systems,
politics and government in the United States, and international relations.
R equirements
R ecommendations
M ajors
Political Science 1-2 (A, B, or C) is prerequisite to all other work in the De
partment, execpt that students wishing a one semester terminal course providing
some knowledge of an insight into a particular field may take Political Science 2
(A, B. or C) without prerequisite. Students who intend to major in political
science should take the introductory course during the freshman year if possible
Majors are also advised to take Economics 1-2. Courses in Statistics (Economics 4)
and history are recommended. Political Theory, either in seminar or in course
(Political Science 54), is required of all majors. Course majors must take Course
60 - 6 1 .
International R elations
Students who plan to enter upon a career in the field of international relations
should include in their programs, during the first two years, the introductory
courses in economics, history, and political science and should complete the inter
mediate course in one or more modern languages.
Advanced courses selected from the groups listed below may be incorporated in
the programs of students who do their major work in economics, history, political
science, or a modern language.
Those students who wish to concentrate in international relations may take their
Senior Comprehensive Examination in this field. Students preparing for this
examination should take eight, nine, or ten half courses from among those listeed
below, including all of those listed in Group I, one or more in Group II, and one
or more in Group III. The examination is administered by a committee appointed
by the chairmen of the Departments of Economics, History, and Political Science,
under the Chairmanship of the Department of Political Science.
* A b s e n t o n le a v e , f a l l s e m e s te r 1967*68.
Group I
Political Science 2C—International Politics
Political Science 13—International Law and Organization
Political Science 14—American Foreign Policy
Economics 60—International Economics
Group II
Economics 11-—Economic Development
History 13—Russia
History 32—The Expansion of Europe
History 35, 36—The Far East
History 61-—American Diplomatic History
History 65—Africa
Group III
Economics 61—Comparative Economic Systems
Political Science 2B—Comparative Government
Political Science 18—Politics of Developing Nations
Political Science 19—Soviet Politics
Political Science 21—Politics of Africa
Political Science 55—Modem Political Theory
Students who plan to enter the honors program will find it possible to select a
similar combination of courses and seminars in the field of international relations.
In planning such programs, they should consult with the chairman of their prospec
tive major department.
C ourses
1. I ntroduction to Political Science . All members of the department.
A study of the basic institutions, concepts, and moving forces of politics,
combined with some consideration of the analytical tools and methods of the
discipline. The works of major historical figures in the development of polit
ical ideas and of contemporary political scientists will be read. Except as
noted below, this course is prerequisite to all other courses offered by the
Department. Credit is given for this course only when combined with
Political Science 2 (A, B, or C.).
2A. Policy -M aking in A merica.
Consideration of basic elements of American national politics, and of ways of
defining and explaining the functions and results of American politics. Major
attention will be devoted to electoral organizations, voting behavior and
opinion formation, legislation and presidential leadership.
2B. Comparative G overnment .
A critical study of selected political systems of Western Europe. The coun
tries studied include Great Britain, France, and Germany. Major emphasis
will be placed on comparative politics and comparative public policy as well
as the relation of domestic politics to problems of foreign policy and in
ternational cooperation.
2C. International Politics .
An introduction to the analysis of the contemporary international system,
and its evolution since 1945. The course will consider the foreign policies
of major powers and their interaction, contemporary forces influencing the
nature of international relations, and the role of ideologies. Various ap
proaches to world order, such as diplomacy, collective security, disarmament
and world government will be considered.
11. P roblems in Com m unity G overnment .
Spring semester
The social, economic, and legal setting of local government. Politics and
administration at state and local levels. Problems of federalism and metro
politan areas. The course emphasizes special research projects, such as field
work in nearby communities.
13. I nternational Law
O rganization . Mr. Keohane.
Alternate years, spring semester
An analysis of international law and organization in the context of the inter
national political system. Special attention will be given to the political
process of the United Nations and to its accomplishments, limitations, and
prospects. The course will also consider the relations between international
politics and international law, and the theory and practice of regionalism.
14. A merican Foreign Policy . Mr. Keohane or Mr. Mansbach.
Alternate years, fall semester
The problem of defining the objectives of American foreign policy and of
selecting the means for achieving them; past, present and suggested American
strategies in world politics; the influence of internal and external conditions
on the making of foreign policy; the effects of American policies in crucial
areas of the world.
18. Politics of D eveloping N ations . Mr. Hopkins.
Fall semester
An examination of theories of political modernization and their various
applications to developing societies, including examples from Asia, Africa,
and Latin America. Among the questions to be studied are the nature and
causes of social change, psychological, sociological, and economic factors
affecting political development and the relative role of leadership, ideology,
and social structure in shaping the political process.
19. Soviet Politics . Mr. Hargadon.
Spring semester
An analysis of Soviet political theory, the structure and development of the
Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Soviet political and administrative
leadership, and selected policy problems.
21. Politics of A frica. Mr. Hopkins.
Spring semester
The analysis of political processes in a variety of African states. In
cluded will be an examination of traditional systems, the colonial situation,
the rise of independence movements, and the problems of nation build
51. Public A dministration . Mr. Gilbert.
Alternate years, fall semester
An analysis of policy-making and administration in modern governments
with illustrative material drawn chiefly from the national government of the
United States and with particular reference to recent developments. Problems
of administrative organization, conduct of regulatory and managerial activities,
financial administration, personnel, public relations, administrative law, politics
and administration.
Open to juniors and seniors only, except by special arrangement.
52. A merican Constitution al Law . Mr. Smith:
Fall semester
The role of the Supreme Court in the American political system, viewed
both historically and through analysis of leading cases. Areas of Constitu
tional development emphasized are: the nature and exercise of judicial review;
federalism and the scope of national power; civil liberties.
Open to sophomores and upperclassmen. Sophomores carrying five courses will
be relieved of the term paper requirement.
53. A merican Party Politics . Mr. Gilbert.
Alternate years, fall semester
An historical and functional analysis of American political parties. The study
of interest groups, public opinion and voting behavior, electoral systems and
representation, the legislative process.
54. Political T heory : Plato to Rousseau. Mrs. Henry or Mr. Smith.
Fall semester
The development of thought on the nature of the state and of individual
rights and duties, based largely on readings of the chief political philosophers
from Plato to Rousseau. Topics studied include: Greek and Roman political
thought; medieval universalism and the divine right of kings; the Reforma
tion and the development of contractual theory; natural law and natural
Open to sophomores planning to take the "Modern and Analytical’’ version
of the Political Theory honors seminar; otherwise to juniors and seniors
only, except by special arrangement.
55. M odern Political T heory . Mrs. Henry or Mr. Smith.
Spring semester
Political theory from the Enlightenment to the present. Idealism and national
ism; Marxism and other socialist doctrines; Utilitarianism and liberalism;
elite theory, pluralism, corporatism, and sociological theories of politics,
especially in the twentieth century; authoritarian and totalitarian political
56. J urisprudence. Mr. Pennock.
A study of the sources and nature of law; historical, sociological and
philosophic approach to legal theory; the nature of the judicial process;
key problems of jurisprudence illustrated by case study in selected areas of
American constitutional law.
Open to sophomores by arrangement with the instructor.
59. M arxism. Mr. Smith.
A study of Marxist political theory and philosophy. Primary emphasis is
placed on the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin. In addition, some
attention is devoted to the background of Marxist thought as well as to
influential derivatives of Marxism other than Communism. Selected examples
of contemporary Marxist theory are also considered.
60-61. Special T opics in Political Science .
This course, conducted in seminar fashion,
means of papers and assigned readings it
not elsewhere intensively developed and
materials studied previously.
Mr. Smith.
Spring semester
is designed for senior majors. By
covers aspects of political science
helps the students to integrate
62. Political Sociology. Mr. Gilbert.
Spring semester
The relations of politics to basic social structures, processes, and traditions.
Study of problems, concepts, and theories about politics viewed as human
behavior. The specific topics will vary from year to year.
63. A dvanced I nternational Politics . Mr. Keohane.
Alternate years, jail semester
A theoretical approach to the abiding and changing patterns of relations
among states and the various factors that affect them, drawing both on
classical and contemporary writings. The contemporary international system
will be subjected to a detailed analysis.
Prerequisite: 2C or the equivalent.
64. T opics in I nternational Relations .
Alternate years, spring semester
An analysis of certain problems of international relations chosen by the
instructor. Possibilities include: comparative foreign policy, war, interna
tional relations of developing nations, regionalism.
Prerequisites: 2C or the equivalent and 63.
H o n o rs W ork
Prerequisite: Political Science 1-2. The following seminars prepare for examina
tion for a degree with Honors:
101. (a) and (b). P olitical T heory . Mr. Pennock or Mr. Smith.
Each semester
The nature of the state, the bases of political obligation, sovereignty and the
nature of law, liberty, equality, rights, democracy, totalitarianism—all in
the light of the theories set forth by writers on these subjects from Plato
to the present. This seminar is given in two versions, one (101a) beginning
with Plato and proceeding chronologically, and the other (101b, designated
"Modern and Analytical’’) starting with Machiavelli and organized in more
topical fashion. It is desirable but not required for students planning to take
101b to take Political Science 54 during their sophomore year.
102. P olitics
Legislation . Mr. Gilbert.
Spring semester
The study of political parties, interest groups, public opinion and voting
behavior, electoral systems and representation, the legislative process. Emphasis
is on American politics, with some comparative material; and, ultimately, on
politics from the standpoint of theories of political democracy.
103. Problems
G overnment
A dministration . Mr. Gilbert.
Fall semester
Problems of administrative organization, policy-making and responsibility,
with primary reference to the United States and to selected fields of policy.
104. I nternational P olitics. Mr. Keohane.
Fäll semester
An inquiry into the principles and problems of international politics,
seminar will consider theories of international stability and disorder,
relationship between foreign policies and the international system, and
proaches to international order such as diplomacy, international law, and
lective security. Basic to the analysis will be the question: what are
causes of war and the conditions of peace ?
Prerequisite: 2C or the equivalent.
105. A merican F oreign P olicy . Mr. Keohane.
Spring semester
A study of key problems faced by the United States in the modern world
together with a detailed, critical investigation of the making and implementing
of American foreign policy. The changing assumptions of our policy and the
political, economic, and social influences upon it will be carefully considered.
106. P ublic Law
J urisprudence . Mr. Pennock.
Spring semester
Sources and nature of law; historical, sociological, philosophic, and "realistic"
approaches to law; key problems of jurisprudence illustrated by study of the
fields of federalism and civil liberties in American constitutional law.
107. Soviet P olitics. Mr. Hargadon.
Fall semester
An analysis of Soviet political theory, the structure and development of the
Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Soviet political and administrative
leadership, and selected policy problems.
108. Comparative G overnment .
Advanced study of comparative government; governmental structures and
political processes largely as exemplified by selected governments of Western
and Eastern Europe; inquiries into common, problems, such as planning,
defense, nationalization, and transnational political movements.
Not offered in 1967-68.
109. P olitical D evelopment . Mr. Hopkins.
Spring semester
An examination of theories of political modernization and their application to
developing societies.
110. U rban Sociology
P olitics. Mr. Gilbert and Mr. Van Til.
Fall semester
The impact of urbanization on contemporary politics and social structure,
from the perspectives of political science and sociology. Emphasis will be
placed on empirical study of selected problems such as physical planning,
social welfare, and political organization.
129. T hesis. All members of the department.
Approval must be secured early in the student’s junior year.
Professors: J oseph B. Shane
H ans W allach J
A ssociate Professors: K enneth J. G ergen, Chairman
D ean P eabody
A ssistant Professors: G erald R. Levin f
J ohn Anthony N evin
N icholas S. T hompson
D irector
Student T eaching : A lice K. Brodhead
The work of the Department of Psychology deals with the scientific study of
human behavior and experience; the basic processes of perception, learning, thinking
and motivation, and consideration of their relation to development of the individual
personality; and the social relations of the individual' to other persons and to
groups. For those students planning for graduate and professional work in
psychology the courses and seminars of the department are designed to provide a
sound basis of understanding of psychological principles and a grasp of research
method. Other students learn the nature of psychological inquiry and the psychologi
cal approach to various problems encountered in the humanities, the social sciences
and the life sciences.
R equirements
R ecommendations
The course Introduction to Psychology is the only requirement for other work
in the department.
Majors should include advanced work in two areas of psychology: (a) basic
processes underlying human and animal behavior, such as perception, learning and
motivation; (b) human behavior in its social context, such as personality, child
psychology, social psychology. Majors in course should take at least two half courses
and majors in Honors, at least one seminar from each area.
Education: Courses in education— 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 will not be credited
toward a major in psychology. Education alone may not be elected as a major
subject, and not more than two full courses in education will be accepted for credit
toward the bachelor’s degree.
Swarthmore students may fulfill the Pennsylvania requirements in Education for
the college provisional certificate for secondary school teachers by taking the four
Psychology 3—Introduction to Psychology.
Education 11—Educational Psychology
Education 14—Introduction to Teaching.
Education 16—Student Teaching.
plus two out of three of the following:
Education 12—Principles and Methods of Secondary Education.
Education 15—History of Education.
Education 17—Problems in Urban Education.
t A b s e n t o n le a v e , s p r in g s e m e ste r, 1 9 6 7 -6 8 .
A b s e n t o n le a v e , 1 9 6 7 -6 8 .
Swarthmore students may receive credit toward a Pennsylvania elementary school
certificate by taking:
Psychology 3—Introduction to Psychology.
Psychology 55—Child Psychology.
Education 11—Educational Psychology.
Education 14—Introduction to Teaching.
Education 16—Student Teaching.
3. I ntroduction to P sychology. Staff.
An introduction to the study of the behavior and experience of the individual.
The broader significance of psychology will be emphasized. This one-semester
course replaces the previous two introductory courses, Psychology 1 and 2.
Three lectures, plus weekly conference hours to be arranged.
12. M otivation . Mr. Thompson.
The determination of behavior by maturation, early experience, deprivation,
stimulation, and reward. The concepts of instinct, homeostasis, drive, reinforce
ment, arpusal, and incentive are analyzed with reference to data drawn largely
from animal experimentation. Some reference is made to recent findings in
the physiology of drive and reinforcement. Term paper or an original experi
ment is required.
13. Statistics for P sychologists. Mr. Nevin.
The logic and the application of standard statistical tests in the analysis of
data. Emphasis is placed on the relations between experimental and statistical
procedures. No mathematics required.
14. L earning and Behavior T heory . Mr. Nevin.
The experimental analysis of the major phenomena of learning and condition
ing is studied mainly at the animal level. Specific empirical and theoretical
issues are considered in detail, and the major theories of learning are evaluated.
The laboratory is designed to acquaint students with the major processes
15. Child P sychology. Mr. Levin.
Cognitive development, the socialization process, and the influence of childrearing practices will be emphasized. Observing of preschool children will
be required.
41. Comparative Psychology. Mr. Thompson.
The course considers determinants of behavior in the individual animal. It
will explore in detail experimental and field studies of behavior in a few
selected animal species. In each species, the adult behavior of the individual
animal will be shown to be the result of the complex interaction of genetic,
maturational, developmental, and social effects. Weekly laboratory and field
work. Sophomores admitted by permission of the instructor.
42. P hysiological P sychology. Mr. Thompson.
The physiological foundations of human behavior and its disorders. The
course starts with a review of the anatomy and physiology of the human
nervous system. Each student then prepares and reads a theoretical paper in
which he collects, integrates, and interprets the most recent experimental and
clinical information on some facet of the operation of the nervous system.
Tutorial meetings in addition to regular class meetings. Sophomores admitted
by permission of the instructor.
50. P erception . Mr. Wallach.
Laboratory section one afternoon per week to be arranged. The major facts
and some problems of visual perception are outlined and used to acquaint the
student with experimental research.
52. H um an L earning and T hin kin g .
An examination of the phenomena of association, memory, problem solving,
thinking and language.
56. Social Psychology. Mr. Gergen, Mr. Peabody.
A systematic examination of theory and research relevant to the understanding
of social interaction from a psychological viewpoint. Special emphasis will
be placed on social perception and its distortion, attitude development and
change, conformity, the self and self-presentation, the relationship of person
ality to social interaction, and social motivation.
57. P sychology of A ttitudes . Mr. Peabody.
The course will concentrate on topics designed to supplement Psychology 56,
Social Psychology, with particular attention to social and political attitudes.
58. Personality . Mr. Gergen.
An examination of contrasting theories of the human personality. Theories
of Freud, Jung, Lewin, Rogers and others will be discussed, and special
attention will be given to current empirical work.
62-63. Colloquium in L earning . Mr. Nevin.
In consultation with the instructor, students select a problem in the analysis
of learned behavior for study in the laboratory. In weekly class meetings,
they discuss the rationale, methods, and results of their work as it progresses,
relating it to the research literature and to general theoretical issues. A paper
reviewing the pertinent literature and describing the experimental work is
required. Those desiring to enroll must see the instructor before registration;
enrollment will be limited to eight students. Double credit.
64-65. Colloquium in H istory and Systems of Psychology. Mr. Peabody.
Reading and discussion intended to provide integration of different fields
of psychology and to help majors prepare for comprehensives. Historical
treatment will concentrate on the major systematic points of view. Special
consideration will be given to problems overlapping several areas of psychology.
Double credit.
69. I ndependent Research. Staff.
Students conduct independent research projects. They typically study problems
with which they are already familiar from their course work. Students must
submit a written report of their work. Registration for Independent Research
requires the approval of the department and the sponsorship of a faculty
member who agrees to supervise the work.
The following course is not to be counted toward a major in psychology and is
not included in the comprehensive examination; it is designed primarily for students
whose major work is in other departments.
42. A pplied Social Psychology .
This course deals with communications within groups, leadership, attitudes and
propaganda, wage payment plans, consumer motivation and behavior, and the
structure of organizations. Attention will be given to the application of
concepts that have been drawn from the laboratory study of motivation, percep
tion, and learning.
Alternate years
The application of psychology to education. The psychology of learning and
psychometrics will be stressed. Projects will be required.
Prerequisite: Course 1.
11. Educational P sychology. Mr. Levin.
12. P rinciples and M ethods of Secondary Education . Mr. Shane.
Alternate years
A study of the principles of secondary education, with emphasis upon aims
and organization. Visits to nearby schools are made.
14. I ntroduction to T eaching . Mrs. Brodhead.
Each semester
Current educational theory and practice. Weekly seminar plus three hours
a week (term minimum of 36 hours) assisting in a classroom in the local
schools. This course meets the requirement for basic reading instruction.
15. H istory of Education . Mrs. Brodhead.
Educational thought in our western culture from the Greeks to the present day.
Weekly seminar in which members of the Classics, History, Philosophy and
Religion departments participate.
16. Student T eaching . Mrs. Brodhead.
Secondary level: In cooperation with Springfield School District and Swarthmore-Rutledge School District, 30 hours of guided observation in the spring
followed by six weeks (120 hours) of full-time teaching in the summer
school in both remedial and enrichment classes. Students should enroll for
this course at the January registration. They must be recommended by the
college department whose subject they plan to teach.
Elementary level: In cooperation with Springfield School District, a six weeks
program of full-time teaching (120 hours) under close supervision by master
teachers in the Springfield Elementary Summer School which embraces both
remedial and enrichment reading and arithmetic, as well as science, geography,
and creative writing.
Prerequisite: Education 14 and recommendation of the department of psy
chology and education.
17. P roblems in U rban Education . Mrs. Brodhead.
This course considers the problems of schools in big cities, related to topics
such as financial support, community relations, professional staff, curricular
changes, pupil personnel. A weekly seminar, individual study, and field
investigation in the City of Philadelphia.
Limited enrollment.
H o n o r s Sem in a rs
101. Perception , Mr. Wallach.
Reading and discussion combined with independent experimental projects.
The student is expected to know the basic facts about human perceptual
mechanics, particularly visual ones, by the time he has completed this
seminar. Specific topics covered are: color vision, grouping and form, depth
and distance, size, movement, influences of learning and needs and attitudes,
general theory of perception. When time permits, some attention is given
to parallel problems in other senses.
102. L earning and Behavior T heory . Mr. Nevin, Mr. Thompson.
The major phenomena of learning and conditioning—taken largely from the
animal level—are discussed. An attempt is made to systematize the experi
mental literature on each topic. The relationship of motivational concepts to
learning is discussed and the major theories of learning and some recent
mathematical theories are considered. The laboratory acquaints students with
problems and methods of experimentation in learning. An opportunity for
original research is provided.
104. I ndividual in Society . Mr. Gergen, Mr. Peabody.
The relationship between man and his society. Basic processes including the
understanding of other persons, theories of cognitive consistency, group in
fluence and conformity, the psychology of language. Applications to political
attitudes, group prejudice. The relation of attitudes and personality. The
relation of psychology to the social sciences.
105. P ersonality. Mr. Gergen, Mr. Levin.
A scrutiny of attempts to build an objective basis for "understanding the
person as a whole.” Contrasting theoretical orientations, techniques of obser
vation, and specific problems will be examined. Theoretical orientations:
psychoanalysis, factor analysis, learning theory, phenomenology. Observation
techniques: interviews, questionnaires, fantasy materials Problems: aggression,
need achievement, prediction, psychotherapy, and psychological maturity.
106. D evelopment . Mr. Levin.
The development of complex psychological processes in the individual will
be studied. Problems of intellectual, linguistic, and social development will
be stressed. While the focus will be on the child, relevant studies of other
species will also be examined. Observing of preschool children will be
108. M emory, T hin king , Language.
An inquiry into human cognitive processes, including human learning, memory
functions, thinking, and language phenomena. Topics to be considered will
be: principles of association; association and perceptual organization; recog
nition and recall; interference phenomena; trace theory; attention and mental
set; concept formation;, problem-solving and insight; symbolic operations;
semantic and syntatic processes.
109. Comparative and Physiological Psychology. Mr. Thompson.
The genetic, developmental, and physiological determinants of animal behavior.
The seminar will explore in detail experimental and field studies of behavior
in a few selected animal species. Generalizations derived from the study of
animal behavior will be brought to bear on problems in human behavior and
behavior pathology.
120. T hesis. All members of the department.
May be presented as a substitute for one seminar, provided the student is
doing major work in psychology with four seminars, and provided some
member of the department is available to undertake the direction of the thesis.
M a ster ’s D egree
A limited number of students may be accepted for graduate study toward the
Master’s degree in psychology. Students receiving the Bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore are not normally eligible for this work.
The program of work for the Master’s degree requires the completion of four
seminars, or their equivalent. One of the seminars must be a research seminar lead
ing to a Thesis. The work of the seminars is judged by external examiners. The re
quirements for the Master’s degree can normally be completed in one year.
A ssociate Professor: Leon Bramson, Chairman
A ssistant Professor: Steven Piker l
I nstructors: V ictor N ovick
Jon V an T il
Lecturer : A smarom Legesse
Visiting L ecturer : O lga Linares de Sapir
Although Sociology and Anthropology arose initially out of divergent historical
traditions, they are engaged in a common task. Studies in the Department are
directed toward the discovery of the general principles which help to explain the
order, meaning, and coherence of human social and culural life. To that end, work
in the Department will emphasize the comparative analysis of societies and social
institutions; the structure and functioning of human communities; the principles
of social organization and disorganization; and the conditions which tend to foster
continuity and change, consensus and conflict. Emphasis will also be laid on the
relevance of Sociology and Anthropology to social problems in the modern age,
particularly to the question of the nature, conditions and limits of human freedom.
R equirements
R ecommendations
Course 1-2 is prerequisite to all other work in the department. Beginning with
the class of 1969, course majors will customarily write a thesis in their senior year.
Course 99 (thesis) and five courses beyond the introductory course are required for
majors in the course program. Honors majors may also elect to write theses.
1-2. I ntroduction to Sociology and A nthropology . Staff.
F u ll course
An exploration of fundamental factors in human group life and the context
of human development in families, communities, castes, classes; folk, peasant
and urban societies. Among topics to be studied comparatively are childrearing, work and occupations, urbanism, social stratification, societal types,
and cultural change.
o n t e m p o r a r y S o c ia l P r o b l e m s .
Mr. Van Til.
An attempt to relate social problems to an analysis of the structure of
modern societies. Emphasis will be on values and institutions as determinants
of social problems, and on self-fulfilling prophecies regarding inequality,
poverty and delinquency. Topics include social disorganization, crime,
deviance, and evaluation of proposals for directed social change: education,
welfare, structural reform.
Not offered in 1967-68.
a n d
t h n ic
e l a t io n s
t h e
n it e d
St a
Mr. Van Til.
Spring semester
Ethnic and minority relations in America, their structure and paterns of change.
Particular emphasis will be placed on the American Negro: the development
of Negro subcultures, effects of racial discrimination on the individual, and
XA b sen t
o n le a v e , 1 9 6 7 -6 8 .
social movements arising out of the acculturation process. The experience of
other ethnic groups, the melting pot thesis, and the persistence of religious
subcultures will also be studied.
23. Societies and Cultures
Latin A merica . Mrs. Sapir.
Fall semester
Relationship of ecology to socio-cultural development in selected South
American contexts, including tropical Amazonia, the coastal Andean zones and
the Andean highlands. Emphasis will be on tribal (non-peasant) societies
and on theoretical issues arising out of the relation of economic surplus, settle
ment pattern, social organization, and religious ritual.
50. M odern Social T heory . Mr. Bramson.
The social and intellectual background of the rise of social science, with
consideration of selected social theorists and emphasis on the relation of
ideology to theory and research. Among the topics discussed are individualism,
progress, elitism, racism, collectivism and war.
Not offered in 1967-68.
51. Cities
Societies . Mr. Van Til.
Alternate years
The historical growth of cities, the social structure of urban areas, impact of
urbanization on social relations, and emergent ideologies of city life considered
from the main perspectives of urban sociology. Topics of special interest
include the structure and process of metropolitan life, the consequences of
urbanization for rural life and small towns, and the prospects for urban
Not offered in 1967-68.
56. Social P sychology. Mr. Gergen.
Fall semester
A systematic examination of theory and research relevant to the understanding
of social interaction from a psychological viewpoint. Special emphasis will
be placed on social perception and its distortion, attitude development and
change, conformity, the self and self-presentation, the relationship of per
sonality to social interaction, and social motivation.
61. Comparative Social O rganization . Mr. Novick.
Spring semester
Examples of sociétal types ranging from primitive hunting-and-gathering
to pre-industrial urban will be considered. Special emphasis will be given
to the important socio-cultural features of each type, ecological determinants
of societal types, and patterns of transition from one type to another.
62. P olitical Sociology. Mr. Gilbert.
Spring semester
The relation of politics to basic social structures, processes and traditions.
Study of problems, concepts and theories about politics viewed as human
behavior. The specific topics will vary from year to year.
63. P sychological A nthropology . Mr. Legesse.
Fall semester
A study of cultural differences from the standpoint of the socialization process.
A comparative analysis of the ways in which patterns of behavior are trans
mitted through the family and related institutions. An assessment of the
significance of this approach for fields of social and cultural anthropology.
65. Societies
Cultures of A frica. Mr. Legesse.
Spring semester
A survey of the major traditional institutions of Africa. Special attention
will be given to the contributions of African studies to theories of social
structure and personality. Representative societies will be discused in detail,
including the Tiv, Nuer, Galla, and Amhara.
99. T hesis. Staff.
Theses will be required of all course majors beginning with the class of 1969.
Students are urged to have thesis proposals approved as early as possible during
the junior year.
H o n o rs W ork
102. Social Structure . Mr. Legesse, Mr. Novick, Mrs. Sapir.
Each semester
The nature of human social organization. Case materials will be drawn from a
variety of culture types and areas. Special emphasis will be given to nonWestern social structure, and to recent theoretical developments in the analysis
of social organization.
103. Race and Culture . Mr. Van Til.
Alternate years
A comparative study of the patterns of ethnic and minority relations in
society, with consideration of the factors underlying persistence and change.
Race and culture will be related through an examination of conflicts of values,
social hierarchies, and the maintenance of subcultures. May be taken in ad
dition to Course 22, Race and Ethnic Relations in the United States, only by
special permission of the instructor.
Not offered in 1967-68.
104. P sychological A nthropology . Mr. Legesse.
Spring semester
The significance of psychological theories for the analysis of social and
cultural systems. Special emphasis will be given to personality and social
structure, religious belief systems, and comparative socialization within a
variety of cultural settings. May not be taken in addition to Course 63,
Psychological Anthropology.
105. M odern Social T heory . Mr. Bramson.
Spring semester
The social and intellectual background of the rise of social science, with
consideration of selected social theorists and emphasis on the relation ot
ideology to theory and research in sociology.
110. U rban Sociology and P olitics. Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Van Til.
Fall semester
The impact of urbanization on contemporary politics and social structure,
from the perspectives of political science and sociology. Emphasis will be
placed on empirical study of selected problems, such as physical planning,
social welfare, and political organization.
120. T hesis. Staff.
Honors students who choose to do so will customarily write theses in the
fall semester of the senior year. Students are urged to have thesis proposals
approved as early as possible during the junior year.
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Magill W alk
Visiting Examiners— 1967
ASTRONOMY: P rofessor Serge A. K orff , New York University; D r . K a j Aa
Strand, U. S. Naval Observatory; D r . A rne A. W yller , Bartol Research
BIOLOGY: P rofessor A. D uncan Chiq uoine , Hamilton College; D r . J ohn
M. F oster, National Science Foundation; P rofessor Frederick J. G ottlieb ,
University of Pittsburgh; P rofessor D onald R. G riffin , Rockefeller Uni
versity; Professor M ichel Rabinovitch , Rockefeller University; D r . J ohn
A. Romberger, Forest Service, U.S.D.A.; P rofessor W ayne W . U mbreit ,
Rutgers— The State University.
CHEMISTRY: P rofessor J ay A nderson , Bryn Mawr College; P rofessor H arold
W . H ein e , Bucknell University; P rofessor Charles N . Reilley , University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
CLASSICS: P rofessor Berthe M arti, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill; P rofessor W esley D . Sm ith , University of Pennsylvania.
ECONOMICS: P rofessor G eorge N . H alm , Fletcher School of Law and Diplom
acy; P rofessor Edmund S. P helps , University of Pennsylvania; P rofessor
Bernard Saffran , University of California at Berkeley; P rofessor M artin
Segal, Dartmouth College.
ENGINEERING: P rofessor L. P aul Bolgiano , J r ., University of Delaware;
P rofessor Richard L. P eskin , Rutgers— The State University; P rofessor
St e p h e n S. W olff , Johns Hopkins University.
ENGLISH LITERATURE: P rofessor C. L. Barber, Smith College; P rofessor
D aniel D odson, Columbia University; P rofessor Robert H ollander,
Princeton University; P rofessor Richard Ludwig, Princeton University;
P rofessor Edward W . T ayler, Columbia University.
FINE ARTS: P rofessor Charles G. D empsey , Bryn Mawr College; P rofessor
Lincoln F. J ohnson , J r ., Goucher College; P rofessor Charles M inot ,
University of Pennsylvania.
HISTORY: P rofessor J effrey Butler , Wesleyan University; P rofessor Robert
D. Cross, Columbia University; P rofessor Stanley M ellon , Yale Uni
versity; Professor A lexander V. Riasanovsky, University of Pennsylvania;
P rofessor E ugene Rice , Columbia University; P rofessor Caroline Robbins,
Bryn Mawr College; P rofessor Charles T. W ood, Dartmouth College.
MATHEMATICS: P rofessor Richard C. Clelland , University of Pennsylvania;
P rofessor M urray G erstenhaber , University of Pennsylvania; P rofessor
Em il G rosswald, University of Pennsylvania; P rofessor E. R. M ullins , J r.,
Grinnell College.
FRENCH: P rofessor M ichel E. G uggenheim , Bryn Mawr College; P rofessor
A rmand H oog, Princeton University.
LINGUISTICS: P rofessor H enry M. H oenigswald, University of Pennsylvania.
SPANISH: P rofessor J oaquin G onz Alez -M uela , Bryn Mawr College; P ro
fessor D onald A. Y ates, Michigan State University.
MUSIC: P rofessor A lvin H. J ohnson , University of Pennsylvania.
PHILOSOPHY AN D RELIGION: P rofessor A lan A nderson , University of
Pittsburgh; P rofessor J o h n R. Cassidy, Temple University; P rofessor Fred
erick F erre, Dickinson College; P rofessor W illiam E. K ennick , Amherst
College; P rofessor W ilfrid Sellars, University of Pittsburgh.
PHYSICS: P rofessor Sanborn C. Brow n , Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
P rofessor Stefan M achlup , Western Reserve University.
POLITICAL SCIENCE: P rofessor P eter Bachrach , Bryn Mater College; P ro
fessor H olland H unter , Haverford College; P rofessor D uane Lockard,
Princeton University; P rofessor J oseph S. N ye , Harvard University; P ro
fessor Francis E. Rourke , Johns Hopkins University; P rofessor D ankwart
A. Rustow , Columbia University; M r . J erome N . Slater, The Brookings
PSYCHOLOGY: Professor Richard Crutchfield , University of California at
Berkeley; P rofessor Sylvia Farnham -D iggory, Carnegie Institute of Tech
nology; D r . D avid Rosenhan , Educational Testing Service; D r . Ben ja m in
Sachs, Rutgers•—The State University; P rofessor D avid W illiams , University
of Pennsylvania; P rofessor Carl Z uckerman , Brooklyn College.
SOCIOLOGY AN D ANTHROPOLOGY: P rofessor Seymour Leventman , Uni
versity of Pennsylvania; P rofessor J ames P eacock, Princeton University.
June 12, 1967
A rts
In the D ivision o f the Hum anities
E lizabeth F. A bel (English Literature)
P enelope O wens Adelmann *
H an nah G. A izupitis
(English Literature)
A lissandratos (Russian)
A. J ulia
W ard Christopher A llen
(English Literature)
J errold Burton A lpern (History)
J ane Lauren A lpert (Greek)
Lawrence Edward A rnstein
(English Literature)
Sue S. A shburn (Music)
J anet A. Barrett (History)
J udy L ee Bartella (Fine Arts)
J oan C lara Bassin
(English Literature)
M arshall H oward Beil (History)
Ruth C laire Bernard
(English Literature)
Christina Chiknas Berryman
Carol T inque Blakely (Psychology)
J o h n Christopher Brown
(English Literature)
J en nie Boyd Bull (English Literature)
Susan A lison Butts (Latin)
Robert J ames Cham plin (Music)
Barbara A n n C leaveland (History)
P riscilla Rollin Coit (Fine Arts)
Robert D andridge C ooter
J ane A n n Coppock (Music)
J osephine B lair D ean (History)
St eph en M. D iamond (History)
J oan E lizabeth D ickey (Fine Arts)
Lissa W ells D ’O rlando
(English Literature)
J o h n W yatt D urham , III (Greek)
J anine E. Fay (Fine Arts)
T onia F elix (History)
Barbara F inch (English Literature)
Candida M errill Fraze (Fine Arts)
G regory A rthur G ibson
(English Literature)
Susan Clare G luck (History)
H arriet E llen G oldman
(English Literature)
P amela W illard G ore (German)
N icoletta G rimoldi (Latin)
J ean M ary H alloran
(English Literature)
D eborah Rachel H amermesh
Steph en Frederic H amilton
Robin H annay (Fine Arts)
J ill M. H ays (English Literature)
M argaret H eritage
(English Literature)
M argaret H eyman (History)
N ancy A llen H igh (History)
M arc E. H ofstadter (French)
M argaret A n n e H olmberg
K aete Brittin H onig (French)
Catherine A lison H yder (Fine Arts)
C ecelia M argaret J ohnson
Z achary Bruce K ass
(English Literature)
Christina P oole K resh * (French)
T homas R. Large (English Literature)
U lle Lepasaar (Fine Arts)
J o h n Charles Lewis
(English Literature)
J ane Louise Lichtenbe Rg
(English Literature)
Richard H arrison M artin (Fine Arts)
Steph en Ben nett M aurer
T homas P eter M etcalf (History)
J anet M osher M unnecke
(English Literature)
T rudi An n M argit N adas (History)
A lexander N ehamas (Philosophy)
Samuel Chamberlin N ewbury
(English Literature)
Caro la N orton (History)
D ulany Y oung O gden
(English Literature)
Sheridan P hillips (Psychology)
V ivian P otter (Fine Arts)
J ean Eda P owers (History)
W alter Coyte P rentice (History)
Robert Brant Rardin, II (Russian)
M ark A lan Roberts (French)
Frances E lizabeth Rockwell
(English Literature)
M iriam Rosen (Fine Arts)
* As of the Class of 1966.
Charles M ichael Rosenberg
M ary Barbara Stubbs
(Fine Arts)
(English Literature)
Susan J ean Schaal (Fine Arts)
David M. Schaps (Greek)
Sonia E llen Schlener
K en n eth T uran (History)
Randall V ictoria W arner (Greek)
M arian Rusk W hite (Russian)
D orothy E lizabeth W ilson
(English Literature)
J oel H enry Schultz (Greek)
J. D avid Scott (History)
Roger Shatzkin (English Literature)
Ann e Lane Sheldon
(Fine Arts)
N ancy W orrell (Spanish)
T homas M atthew W right (History)
V irginia E lizabeth W right
(English Literature)
(English Literature)
Abbott Small (English Literature)
Paul A lbert Sonberg (History)
George H. Stein (Mathematics)
Steph en Campbell Y eazell
(English Literature)
In the Division of the Social Sciences
H eidi I rmgard H artmann
Francis H opkirk A ckerman
D onald J. Adams
M ichael Ernest H erbert
Charles Ray Bailey (History)
J ohn W allace Bancroft (History)
David G regory Battis
Stephen Ballinger H itchner , J r .
(Political Science)
Sandra Lyn n H offerth
(Political Science)
Robert T elford H ovey (Psychology)
D ouglas Be n ja m in H uron
Elizabeth J ames Bixler (History)
Linda Beth Blattenberger
(Political Science)
Barbara P erry Ingersoll
J ohn Charles Booser (Economics)
Eric St eph en Brown (Economics)
H oward J effrey Brown
(Political Science)
Margaret A n n e Burks (Psychology)
Lucretia E llen Churchill (History)
T homas D udley Coffm an
(Political Science)
W ilmer D ayton Coles, J r .
Andrew D. Cook (History)
Victoria A n n D ailey (Economics)
Gillian H endrika D ean
(Political Science)
G ladys H ughes I rish
(Political Science)
W illiam Sherrill J acobs (Economics)
G eoffrey Stephan J oseph
P eter J oachim K atzenstein
(Political Science)
Russell G eorge K imura (Economics)
I ngrid F rances Catherine W iener
Kraus (History)
D avid D ennis Laitin
(Political Science)
(Political Science)
J ane Lang (History)
T homas W alter Laqueur
Sharon D eevey (History)
Edith E milie D u Bose (Psychology)
Mary E lizabeth E lliot (History)
Alan W inthrop Fairbank (Political
D onald Stuart M arritz (History)
Susan T ucker M cRory (History)
Evan Bow en M etcalf (History)
J oyce Lynne M ilton
Science-International Relations)
Edward T achuan F ei
(Political Science)
Jon L. F leischaker (History)
Susan E lizabeth F oster (History)
E. W ayne Frazer, J r . (Economics)
Gaye E llen G oodman (Psychology)
Mary Ellen G rafflin (Political Sci
ence-International Relations)
J udith Reed G raybeal
(Political Science)
Vernon T ownes G rizzard, III
(Political Science)
M arilyn J oy M oohr
(Political Science)
Robert G rant M urray (Economics)
Eric R eed N elson (Economics)
J o h n Edward N orman (Philosophy)
Richard D avies P arker (History)
A ntho ny J. P erri (Political Science)
J ames Roy P redmore (History)
Spencer Cole P utnam
(Political Science)
J onathan Rogers H arris (History)
E lenor G ibson Reid (History)
K atharine Rubio (Political Science)
Raymond W. Sass, J r . (Psychology)
K aren Rose Seashore (History)
K elvin Lee Seifert (Psychology)
M aitland Stewart Sharpe
(Political Science)
P h ilip J ames Shea (History)
M ark Lee Sherkow (Political Science-
International Relations)
Clifford J ay Sim on (Economics)
J ames A lbert Sm ith (Economics)
Linford Russell Sm ith (History)
Adria Steinberg (History)
Leslie Cythera Stewart (Psychology)
Shigeo T akenaka (Political Science-
D eborah H uckel T aylor (History)
P hyllis M ay T eitelbaum
Linda Louise T urner (History)
M en no van W yk (Political Science)
Robert Frederick W eber
(Political Science)
P hebe W heeler (Political Science)
Roger W iringa W hite * (Economics)
Linda A n n W iles (Psychology)
D aniel J. W ise (Political Science)
K urt G unther G eorg W olff , III
(Political Science)
J oh n Cadwallader W ood
Robert H enry W oodrow , III
(Political Science)
International Relations)
In the Division of the Natural Sciences
Susan E lise A ndersen (Physics)
Franklin J ay A pfel (Zoology)
J anet M iriam Baecker (Zoology)
T eresa Lee Barmatz (Chemistry)
Barbara J eanne Bell (Biology)
M arilyn Lynea Black (Botany)
M eredith A n n Brown (Chemistry)
Rod J. Chronister (Zoology)
Berni P atricia D avis (Chemistry)
P eter J ay D elmonte (Zoology)
E lizabeth A ntonie D evecis (Biology)
Robert A llen D oughty (Zoology)
A ndrew Leigh Faber (Physics)
Ronald A. F eigin (Zoology)
H enry A rthur F eldman
J ohannah E llen Fin e (Zoology)
Leslie Carol F oster (Zoology)
J effrey Carl Freedman (Chemistry)
Steven G. G oldblatt (Chemistry)
J udith A llen G raham (Biology)
Robert V ictor G raves (Chemistry)
H. Richard G urinsky (Physics)
Loren M ichael H anau (Chemistry)
St eph en A llen H eifetz (Zoology)
T homas K night H odous (Zoology)
K athy A n n H ubenet (Zoology)
M ark H uberman (Physics)
Charles M organ H unter (Chemistry)
Carol Elizabeth J ablon (Psychology)
N evin M argolis K atz (Chemistry)
Robert W . K neisley (Chemistry)
Paula J ean Lawrence (Biology)
W illiam T oliver Livingston , III
Richard J o h n M eyer (Zoology)
W illiam A. M itchell , III
Charlotte Susan M unch (Botany)
Richard A rthur N ewman
H einer Friedrich W ilhelm Paetzold
J o h n A rthur P ancoast (Botany)
M ary T em ple P orter (Botany)
M argery P ost (Chemistry)
Edward F. Rabe, J r . (Biology)
Rudolf von Bitter Rucker
N iels D aniel Schonbeck (Chemistry)
J onathan W. Stewart (Mathematics)
J o h n V an N este T almage , III
M argaret H elen T anner (Zoology)
Richard Bert V allee (Biology)
J an W illem V an der Sande (Physics)
Isabel N ancy V reeland (Biology)
E lsa Beth W aldbaum (Chemistry)
P hyllis M. W ang (Zoology)
Robert Seidel W einstein (Zoology)
M ark W eiss (Chemistry)
M ichael D avid W ertheimer
Lisa A n n W eymouth (Zoology)
S. G ail W ilson (Chemistry)
D avid H aynes W ise (Zoology)
J o h n T hornton W right (Psychology)
A rnold W . Y anof (Physics)
Richard J ames Y eager (Mathematics)
* A s o f th e C la s s o f 1 9 6 6 .
In the Division of Engineering
Franklin H. Briggs, IV
H oward Roy Layton
(Mechanical Engineering)
Frederick G ordon Sm ith , J r .
(Civil Engineering)
C lem ent T ingley (Civil Enginereing)
Frederick Attilla W ebster
(Electrical Engineering)
F. Craig (Civil Engineering)
W arren Stanton G ifford
(Electrical Engineering)
W illiam M oyer H auser
(Mechanical Engineering)
Chris Edwin H orten
(Civil Engineering)
(Mechanical Engineering)
E ugene M cK ee W eeks , II
Charles Richard Lansberry
(Civil Engineering)
M aster
(Mechanical Engineering)
A rts
N ahide G un G okkaya
H onorary D egrees
Evan H . T urner
K en n eth E. Boulding.
Rosamond Cross
W illiam W . Scranton
C laude C. Smith
June 12, 1967
H onors Awarded
by the
V isiting Examiners
Elizabeth F. Abel, Charles Ray Bailey, John Wallace Bancroft, Janet A. Barrett,
David Gregory Battis, Carol Tinque Blakely, Linda Beth Blattenberger, Eric
Stephen Brown, Lissa Wells D ’Orlando, Edward Tachuan Fei, Leslie Carol
Foster, Jeffrey Carl Freedman, Susan Clare Gluck, Harriet Ellen Goldman, Jean
Mary Halloran, Deborah Rachel Hamermesh, Stephen Frederic Hamilton, Heidi
Irmgard Hartmann, Gladys Hughes Irish, Carol Elizabeth Jablon, Thomas Walter
Laqueur, Richard John Meyer, Marilyn Joy Moohr, Janet Mosher Munnecke,
John Edward Norman, Anthony J. Perri, Jean Eda Powers, Mark Alan Roberts,
Abbott Small, Adria Steinberg, Richard Bert Vallee, Jan Willem Van der Sande,
Mark Weiss.
Francis Hopkirk Ackerman, Jane Lauren Alpert, Janet Miriam Baecker, Teresa
Lee Barmatz, Ruth Claire Bernard, Jennie Boyd Bull, Robert Dandridge Cooter,
Stephen M. Diamond, Andrew Leigh Faber, Henry Arthur Feldman, Warren
Stanton Gifford, Nicoletta Grimoldi, Jill M. Hays, Mark Huberman, Douglas
Benjamin Huron, David Dennis Laitin, Evan Bowen Metcalf, Alexander Nehamas, Eric Reed Nelson, Carola Norton, Richard Davies, Parker, Miriam
Rosen, Sonia Ellen Schlener, Maitland Stewart Sharpe, Philip James Shea,
George H. Stein, Phyllis May Teitelbaum, Arnold W. Yanof, Stephen Campbell
Geoffrey Stephan Joseph, Peter Joachim Katzenstein, Stephen Bennett Maurer,
David M. Schaps.
D istinction
Course Awarded
by the
Franklin H. Briggs, IV, Lucretia Ellen Churchill, Barbara Ann Cleaveland,
Josephine Blair Dean, Peter Jay Delmonte, Robert Allen Doughty, John Wyatt
Durham, III, Robin Hannay, William Moyer Hauser, Stephen Ballinger
Hitchner, Jr., Marc E. Hofstadter, William Sherrill Jacobs, Jane Lang, Charlotte
Susan Munch, Mary Temple Porter, Spencer Cole Putnam, Robert Brant Rardin,
II, Niels Daniel Schonbeck, Joel Henry Schultz, Mary Barbara Stubbs, S. Gail
Wilson, David Haynes Wise.
H onorary Societies
Elizabeth F. Abel, Francis Hopkirk Ackerman, Janet Miriam Baecker, Teresa
Lee Barmatz, Ruth Claire Bernard, Linda Beth Blattenberger, Barbara Ann
Cleaveland, Josephine Blair Dean, Stephen M. Diamond, John Wyatt Durham
III, Andrew Leigh Faber, Henry Arthur Feldman, Warren Stanton Gifford, Deb
orah Rachel Hamermesh, William Moyer Hauser, Stephen Ballinger Hitchner,
Jr., Mark Huberman, William Sherrill Jacobs, Geoffrey Stephan Joseph, Peter
Joachim Katzenstein, David Dennis Laitin, Jane Lang, Stephen Bennett Maurer,
Charlotte Susan Munch, Janet Mosher Munnecke, Eric Reed Nelson, Carola
Norton, Jean Eda Powers, Robert Brant Rardin II, Miriam Rosen, David M.
Schaps, Joel Henry Schultz, Philip James Shea, Phyllis May Teitelbaum, S.
Gail Wilson, David Haynes Wise, Arnold W. Yanof, Stephen Campbell
Janet Miriam Baecker, Teresa Lee Barmatz, Franklin H. Briggs, IV, Peter Jay
Delmonte, Robert Allen Doughty, Andrew Leigh Faber, Henry Arthur Feldman,
Leslie Carol Foster, Warren Stanton Gifford, Nahide Gun Gokkaya, Deborah
Rachel Hamermesh, William Moyer Hauser, Mark Huberman, Stephen Bennett
Maurer, Charlotte Susan Munch, Niels Daniel Schonbeck, Jan Willem Van der
Sande, Robert Seidel Weinstein, S. Gail Wilson, David Haynes Wise, Arnold
W. Yanof.
Franklin H. Briggs, IV, Warren Stanton Gifford, William Moyer Hauser.
The Hannah A. Leedom Fellowship to N icoletta G rimoldi.
The Joshua Lippincott Fellowship to H arriet Ellen G oldman .
The John Lockwood Memorial Fellowship to P hebe W heeler .
The Lucretia Mott Fellowship to Carola N orton .
Special Awards *
The Ivy Award to Franklin J ay A pfel .
The Oak Leaf Award to E lenor G ibson Reid.
The McCabe Engineering Award to W illiam M oyer H auser.
The Sarah Kaighn Cooper Scholarship to Ray P. M cClain .
The John Russell Hayes Poetry Prizes: for an original poem, J o h n Benditt ; for
a verse translation, J oel Schultz .
The Lois Morrell Poetry Awards: M iriam A. F riedlander.
The William Plumer Potter Public Speaking Fund Awards:
The Potter One-Act Play Contest: prizes awarded to Lawrence A rnstein ,
M elissa Ca n n o n , J effrey J ones , and J udith M cN ally .
The Potter Short Story Contest: first prize, T homas Large, second prize,
T eresa H ealy, third prize, Eric C lever.
The A. Edward Newton Library Prize to M arc H ofstadter.
The Phi Beta Kappa Prize to M ichael A lexander.
The Scott Award to Roger F. W ood.
The Katherine B. Sicard Prize to Barbara G oulder.
* A description of each of these awards can be found in another section of the catalogue.
Enrollment of Students by Classes— 1966-67
Total Undergraduates
Special Students....................
Graduate Student . . ........
T otals........................
1 'O
Geographical Distribution— 1966-67
New York . . . .............................
Pennsylvania ............................
New Jersey .................................
Connecticut .................................
Maryland .....................................
O h io .............................................
V irg in ia.......................................
Delaware ............................
Illinois .........................................
Michigan .....................................
District of Colum bia..................
North Carolina............ 7..............
F lo rid a .........................................
Wisconsin ...................................
Texas ..................................
W ashington..................
M a in e...........................................
Missouri ....................
New Hampshire...........................
G eorgia.........................................
Kentucky .....................................
South Carolina.............................
Iowa ...........................................
O regon.........................................
Rhode Isla n d ...............................
V erm ont.......................................
A rizona.........................................
H a w a ii..................
Nebraska .....................................
New Mexico ...............................
West V irg in ia..................
A labam a............................
Kansas .........................................
North Dakota,...............................
Idaho ..................................
Louisiana .....................................
Oklahoma........ ................
Canal Z o n e..............................
Puerto R ico...................................
Total United S tates................
Colombia .....................................
C an ad a......................................
Mexico . ' , ___ I,.,....-,. 1....
£ 3
Brazil ................
England ........ ^
7 2
Greece .........................................
Italy .............................................
Japan . .........................................
Peru ................................
A fghanistan.................. .........., , '
A lg eria.........................................
C h ile.............................................
Ecuador .......................................
G hana..............................
Liberia ..........................
M alaw i..............................
Netherlands .................................
Panam a.........................................
T aiw an .........................................
T hailand.......................................
Turkey .........................................
Total from abroad...................
Grand T o ta l.............................
Committees of the Faculty, 22-23
Comprehensive Examination, 63, 72
Computer Center, 50
Cooper (William J.) Foundation, 48-49
Cooperation with Neighboring Institu
tions, 68
Corporation, Officers of, 8
Course Advisers, 54, 65
Courses of Instruction, 79-171
Curriculum, 62ff
Cutting (Bronson M.) Collection, 50
Absence from Classes and Collection, 70
Absence from Examinations, 71
Academic Requirements, Commitee on,
22, 71
Addams, Jane, Peace Collection (See
Swarthmore College Peace Collection)
Administrative Officers, 24-28
Admissions P rocedure, 32-35
Application Dates, 33, 34
Scholastic Aptitude and Achieve
ment Tests, 33-34
School Subjects Recommended, 33
Advanced Degrees, 73-74
Advanced Placement, 35
Advanced Standing, 35
Advisers, 54-55
Alumni Association, Officers of, 11
Alumni Council, 11
Alumni Office, 27, 54
Arthur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foun
dation, 49-50
Arts Center, 50
Astronomical Observatory, 47, 80
Astronomy, Courses in, 80-81
Athletic Fields, see Map, 185
Attendance at Classes and Collection, 70
Automobiles, Regulations concerning, 55
Awards and Prizes, 74-76, 180-181
Degrees Offered, 72-74
Degrees Conferred, 176-179
Dining Hall, 52
Directions for Correspondence, 2
Directions for Reaching the College, 34
Distinction in course, 65
Divisions and Departments, 21
Dormitories, 52
Dramatics, 58
duPont (Pierre S.) Science Building, 47
Economics, Courses in, 96-98
Education, Courses in, 164, 167
Educational Program, 62ff
Emeritus Professors, 13
Engineering, Courses in, 99-113
Engineering, Degrees in, 63, 72-74, 99
English Literature, Courses in, 114-118
Entrance Requirements, 32-35
Examination Regulations, 71-72
Examinations, College Board, 33-34
Exclusion from College, 72
Expenses, 36
Extra-Curricular Activities, 57
Bachelor of Arts Degree, 72
Bachelor of Science Degree, 72
Barnard Music Fund, 51
Bartol Research Foundation, 47
Benjamin West House, 50, 185
Benjamin West Lecture, 50
Biology, Courses in, 82-87
Board of Managers, Committtees of, 9,
Board of Managers, Members, of, 8, 9
Botany, Courses in, 84-85
Buildings, see Map, 186
Calendar, College, 5-6
Chemistry, Courses in, 88-91
Churches, 53
Classics, Courses in, 92-95
Collection Attendance, Regulation con
cerning, 53, 70
College Entrance Examinations, 33-34
College Jobs, 46
Committees of the Board of Managers,
9, 10
Faculty, Members of, 13-20
Faculty Regulations, 56, 70-72
Fees (Tuition, Residence, etc.), 36, 74
Fellowships, 76-77
Financial Aid, 36
Fine Arts, Courses in, 119-121
Foreign Language Requirements, 63-64
Foreign Students, 182
Foreign Study, 68-70
Fraternities, 59
French, Courses in, 133-135
Friends Historical Library, 25, 47
Friends Meeting, 53
Geographical Distribution of Students,
Pre-Medical Program, 67
Prizes, 74-75, 181
P rogram of Study, 62-67
For Freshmen and Sophomores, 6364
For Juniors and Seniors, 64-67
Honors Work, 65-67
Pre-Medical Program, 67
Psychology, Courses in, 164-168
Public Speaking Prizes, 75, 181
German Language and Literature, Courses
in, 135-137
Grades, 70
Graduate Study, 73-74
Graduation, Requirements for, 72
Greek Language and Literature, Courses
in, 92
Health, Care of Student, 73-74
History, Courses in, 122-126
Honors, Reading for, 65-67
Honors Examiners, 174-175
Housing, 52
Religion, Courses in, 146-147
Religious Life, 52
Requirements for Admission, 32-34
Requirements for Graduation, 72
Residence, Regulations concerning, 52
Rhodes Scholarship Trust, 2
Russian, Courses in, 138
Insurance, 52
Insurance, Accident and Sickness, 37, 54
International Relations, Courses in, 127,
Language Laboratory, 50
Latin Language and Literature, Courses
in, 93-94
Libraries, 25, 47
Linguistics, 133
Loans to Students, 46
Scholarships, 37-45
Scholastic Aptitude Test, 33-34
Scott (Arthur Hoyt) Horticultural Foun
dation, 49
Sharpies Dining Hall, 52
Social Committee, 57
Sociology and Anthropology, 169-171
Spanish, Courses in, 138-140
Spock (Betty Dougherty) Memorial
Fund, 51
Sproul Observatory, 47, 80
States, Summary of Students by, 182
Student Activities Bulletin, 59
Student Council, 56
Student Employment, 46
Study Abroad, 68-70
Summer School Work, 72
Swarthmore College Peace Collection,
25, 48
Managers, Board of, 8, 9
Map of College Grounds, 186
Martin Biological Laboratory, 47
Mathematics, Courses in, 128-131
McCabe Library, 47
Meeting House, 53, 185
Men’s Student Government, 56
Music, Courses in, 141-143
National Scholarships, 38
News Office, 54
Objectives and Purposes, 30
Observatory, Astronomical, 47-80
Overstreet Fund, 51
Philosophy, Courses in, 144-150
Physical Education for Men, 151
Physical Education for Women, 152-153
Physical Education Requirements, 72,
Physics, Courses in, 154-157
Plan of College Grounds, 185
Political Science, Courses in, 158-163
Potter Collection of Recorded Literature,
Tarble (Newtown E.) Student Center,
Transfer, Application for, 35
Tuition and Other Fees, 36
Vocational Advising, 54
West, Benjamin, Lecture, 50
Women’s Student Government Associa
tion, 57
Worth Health Center, 53
Zoology, Courses in, 85-87
. . 'â j ç .
; V.
Cpian o f the (frounds o f &wartlwiore Qollege
Map of College and Key
Wharton Hall
Sproul Observatory
Hall Gymnasium
Parrish Hall
Parrish Hall Annex
Hockey Fields
Tennis Courts
Beardsley Hall
T rotter Hall
McCabe Library
College Library and Friends Histor
ical Library
Student Arts Center
Students Observatory
The Benjamin West House
The Meeting House
Professors’ Residences
The President’s House
WiLlets Dormitory
Pierre S. duPont Science Building
Heating Plant
Robinson House
The Sharpies Pool
Whittier House
Hicks Hall
The Penna. R. R. Swarthmore Sta
Phi Omicron Psi Fraternity Lodge
Delta Upsilon Fraternity Lodge
Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity Lodge
Kappa Sigma Pi Fraternity Lodge
Worth Dormitory
Woolman House
Tau Alpha Omicron Fraternity
Bond Memorial and Lodges
Bartol Foundation
Clothier Memorial
Scott Outdoor Auditorium
Employees’ Houses
Lamb-Miller Field House
Service Building
Edward Martin Building and Animal
Bassett House
Palmer Hall
Pittenger Hall
Roberts Hall
Prep Gymnasium
Mary Lyon
Clothier Fields
Scott Foundation Building
Hydraulic Laboratory
Ashton House
Sharpies Dining Hall
Worth Health Center
Hallowell Dormitory
Dana Dormitory
Cpia,n of the Grounds
o f
$warthmore Qollege
Swarthmore College Catalogue, 1967-1968
A digital archive of the Swarthmore College Annual Catalog.
1967 - 1968
192 pages
reformatted digital