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Volume XL
Number 1
Tenth Month, 1942
Entered at the Post-Office at Swarthmore, P a., a s second-class matter.
f J /*
Fall Term
Tenth Month 8-11.................Freshman Placement Days
Tenth Month 10............... .. Registration and Enrolment in Classes
Tenth Month 11.....................First Collection, 8:00 p. m.
Tenth Month 12.................... Classes begin at 8:00 a. m .
Tenth Month 13.................... Meeting of the Board of Managers
Eleventh Month 3 .................. Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Managers
Twelfth Month 1.................. Meeting of the Board of Managers
Twelfth Month 17.................. Christmas Recess begins at 6.00 p. m .
First Month 4 .......... ................Christmas Recess ends at 8:00 A. m .
First Month 5 .......................... Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Managers
First Month 23.................... . .Courses and seminars end
First Month 25, 26.................. Senior Comprehensive examinations
First Month 26........................ Honors written examinations begin
First Month 27........................ Course examinations begin
Second Month 2 .................... Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Managers
Second Month 3 .................... Honors written examinations and course
examinations end
Second Month 5, 6 ................ Honors oral examinations
Second Month 7 .................... Commencement exercises at 3:00 P. m.
Winter Term
Second Month 8 . . . ' . ............ Classes begin at 8:00 A. M.
Third Month 2 ...................... Meeting of the Board of Managers
Third Month 30...................... Spring recess begins at 6:00 P. M.
Fourth Month 6 ...................... Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Managers
Fourth Month 7 ...................... Spring recess ends at 8.00 a. m .
Fourth Month 13.................. Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Managers
Fifth Month 4 .......................... Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Managers
Fifth Month 15........................ Courses and seminars end
Fifth Month 17, 18................ Senior Comprehensive examinations
Fifth Month 18........................ Honors written examinations begin
Fifth Month 19........................ Course examinations begin
Fifth Month 26........................ Honors written examinations and course
examinations end
Fifth Month 28.......................Meeting of the Board of Managers
Month 28/29..................Honors oral examinations
Month 29........................Alumni DayMonth 30........................Baccalaureate Day
Month 31........................Commencement Day
Summer Term
Sixth Month 18-22................ Placement Days
Sixth Month 22...................... Registration and enrolment in classes
First Collection, 8:00 P. M.
Sixth Month 23...................... Classes begin at 8:00 A. M.
Seventh Month 6 .................. Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Managers
Eighth Month 3 ...................... Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Managers
Ninth Month 7 ...................... Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Managers
Ninth Month 18...................... Classes and seminars end at noon
Ninth Month 20, 21................ Senior Comprehensive examinations
Ninth Month 21...................... Honors written examinations begin
Ninth Month 22...................... Course examinations begin
Ninth Month 29...................... Honors written examinations and course
examinations end
Tenth Month 1 ...................... Meeting of the Board of Managers
Tenth Month 1, 2 .................... Honors oral examinations
Tenth Month 3 ........................ Commencement exercises at 3:00 p . m.
Fall Term
Tenth Month 11-14................ Freshman Placement Days
Tenth Month 14...................... Registration and enrolment in classes
First Collection, 8:00 P. M.
Tenth Month 15...................... Classes begin at 8:00 a. M.
Eleventh Month 2 ................ Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Managers
Twelfth Month 7 .................. Meeting of the Board of Managers
Twelfth Month 16.................. Christmas recess begins at 6:00 P. M.
First Month 5 ........... ........................ Christmas recess ends at 8 : 00
Second Month 2 .................... Classes and seminars end
a. m
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Airplane V iew op S warthmore C ollege .............................................. Frontispiece
C lothier Memorial............................................................................................... Facing 1
College Calendar ...................................................................................................... 2, 3
Lunar C alendar .............................................................................................................
Table op C ontents .......................................................................................................
The C orporation .............................................................................................................
T he Board op Managers................................................................................................
The Faculty ...................................................................................................................
G eneral I nformation .................................................................................................. 23
Educational P rogram .................................................................................................. 24
Housing .............................................................................................................................. 28
S tudent W elfare ........................................................................................................... 29
S tudent O rganizations .............................................................................................. 30
Requirements for Admission ................................................................................... 31
W orth Hall .........................................................................................................Facing 32
P arrish Hall ...................................................................................................... Facing 33
Requirements for G raduation ................................................................................. 33
Degrees .........................................................................
F aculty R egulations .................................................................................................... 40
Expenses ............................................................................................................................ 43
C ourses of I nstruction ................................................................................................ 44
Botany ........................................................................................................................ 44
Chemistry ................................................................................................................. 47
Classics ...................................................................................................................... SO
Economics .................................................................................................................. 53
Engineering .............................................
Engineering, Civil ............................................................................................ 58
Engineering, Electrical ................................................................................... 61
Engineering, M echanical ............................................................................... 63
English ...................................................................................................................... 65
Fine Arts ................................................................................................................. 69
German Language and L ite ra tu re .................................................................. 70
History .......................... >.......................................................................................... 72
Mathematics and Astronomy .......................................................................... 76
Music .......................................................................................................................... 81
Philosophy and Religion ................................................................................... 82
Physical Education for Men ............................................................................
Physical Education for Women ...................................................................... 85
Physics ...................................................................................................................... 87
Political Science ...............................
Psychology and E d u ca tio n ........................................................
Romance Languages .......................................................................................... 93
Zoology ...................................................................................................................... 96
G eographical Distribution of S tudents ............................................................. 99
S tudents, 1942-1943 ....................................................................................................... 100
F ellowships , S cholarships and S tudent Aid .................................................. 120
Bibliography of S warthmore C ollege .....................................................
I ndex .........................................................................................................! . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 135
Map of C ollege G rounds .............................................................................................. 141
C harles F. J e n k in s , President,
232 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia.
Howard C ooper J ohnson , Vice-President,
801 Market Street, Philadelphia.
A da G raham C l e m e n t , Secretary,
Meeting House Road, Jenkintown, Pa.
E dward B. T e m p l e , Treasurer,
Swarthmore, Pa.
C aroline H. W orth, Coatesville, Pa.
P h ilip M. S harples , 220 Orange Grove Avenue, South Pasadena, Cal.
R obert H. W a lker , 914 Fidelity Building, Baltimore, Md.
He t t y Lippincott M ill er , Riverton, N. J.
Elsie Palmer Brown, 1622 Twenty-ninth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.
Term expires Twelfth Month, 1943
Isaac H. C lothier, J r., 801 Market Street, Philadelphia.
Barclay W hite , 22 N. 36th Street, Philadelphia.
Ralph J. Baker, 389 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Mass.
E leanor S tabler C larke, Crumwald Farm, Wallingford, Pa.
C laude C. S mith , 1617 Land Title Building, Philadelphia.
Thomas B. M cCabe, 607 North Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa.
A nna E ngle Taylor, 8240 Fairview Road, Elkins Park, Pa.
Boyd T. Barnard, 914 Lincoln-Liberty Building, Philadelphia.
Term expires Twelfth Month, 1944
C harles F. J enkins , 232 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia.
T. S tockton Matthews , South and Redwood Streets, Baltimore, Md,
Mary Lippincott G riscom, 314 East Central Avenue, Moorestown, N. J.
Ada G raham C lement , Meeting House Road, Jenkintown, Pa.
Lydia F oulke Taylor, 23 Summit Avenue, Larchmont, N. Y.
Edith W ilson Jackson, 317 North Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa.
J. Archer Turner, 420 Lexington Avenue, New York.
Edward P. Palmer , 50 Church Street, New York.
Term expires Twelfth Month, 1945
Howard C ooper J ohnson, 801 Market Street, Philadelphia
Henry C. Turner, 420 Lexington Avenue, New York.
Robert E. Lamb , 843 North Nineteenth Street, Philadelphia
P hebe Underhill S eaman, Jericho, N. Y.
R uth P otter Ashton , 409 Elm Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa.
E lisabeth Hallowell Bartlett, 1922 Mt. Royal Terrace, Baltimore, Md.
Nicholas Kelley , 70 Broadway, New York.
Hilda Lang Denworth , 301 Elm Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa.
Term expires Twelfth Month, 1946
R obert Pyle , West Grove, Pa.
E dward B. Tem ple , Swarthmore, Pa.
C lement M. Biddle, P. O. Box 743, Church Street Station, New York.
Hadassah Moore Leeds, 1025 Westview Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia.
I sabel J enkins Booth, 400 Delaware Street, New Castle, Del.
Helen W ilson G awthrop, R. D. 2, Wilmington, Del.
Theodore W iding, 1820 Lincoln-Liberty Building, Philadelphia.
A nna O ppenlander Eberle , 105 East Durham Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia.
The President is ex-Oihcio a M em ber ol Every Committee
Howard C ooper J ohnson
Henry C. Turner
M ary Lippincott G riscom
I saac H. C lothier, J r.
R obert E. Lamb
J. Archer Turner
R obert P yle
Ada G raham C lement
Barclay W hite
Lydia F oulke Taylor
T homas B. McC abe
Edward B. Tem ple
C lement M. Biddle
Ralph J. Baker
C laude C. S mith
Theodore W iding
E leanor S tabler C larke
Edith W ilson Jackson
C laude C. S mith
E dward B. Temple
R uth Potter Ashton
Finance and Audit
Nicholas Kelley
Edward P. Palmer
Instruction and Libraries
R uth P otter Ashton
Edith W ilson J ackson
R obert P yle
Hadassah Moore Leeds
Henry C. Turner
Lydia F oulke Taylor
P hebe Underhill S eaman C laude C. S mith
Helen W ilson G awthrop
Theodore W iding
Hilda Lang Denworth
Building an d Property
C lement M. Biddle
Robert E. Lamb
Barclay W hite
R obert P yle
Mary Lippincott G riscom Thomas B. McC abe
Edward P. P almer
Boyd T. Barnard
C harles F. J enkins
I saac H. C lothier, J r .
Howard C ooper J ohnson T. S tockton Matthew
Boyd T. Barnard
J. Archer Turner
Edward B. Temple
H ousehold
Mary Lippincott G riscom
E lisabeth Hallowell Bartlett
Ada G raham C lement
I sabel J enkins Booth
E leanor S tabler C larke
Anna E ngle Taylor
Anna O ppenlander Eberle
Howard C ooper Johnson
Lydia F oulke Taylor
J. Archer Turner
Hadassah Moore Leeds
R uth P otter Ashton
Robert E. Lamb
J ohn W. Nason , President.............................................................324 Cedar Lane
B.A., Carleton College; B.A., University of Oxford; M.A., Harvard Univer
sity; LL.D., University of Pennsylvania.
F rances B. B lanshard , Dean...................................................513 Ogden Avenue
B.A., Smith College; M.A., and Ph.D., Columbia University*
E v erett L. Hunt , Dean an d Professor of English.................... 604 Elm Avenue
B.A., Huron College; M.A., University of Chicago; D.litt., Huron College.
G e l le rt A llem an , Professor Emeritus of C hem istry........................................
Providence Road, Wallingford
B.S,, Pennsylvania College; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University; Sc.D.,
Gettysburg College.
I sabelle B ron x , Professor Emeritus of French L an gu age an d Literature
Strath-Haven Inn
Ph.B., Illinois Wesleyan University; Ph.D,, University of Chicago.
A lfred M ansfield B rooks , Professor Emeritus of Fine Arts....................
Gloucester, Mass.
B.A., and M.A., Harvard University; M.A., Indiana University.
J ohn R u ssel l Hayes , Librarian Emeritus of Friends Historical L ibrary........
B.A., Swarthmore College; B.A., Harvard University; LL.B., University
of Pennsylvania
H enrietta J o seph in e M e e te er , Professor Emeritus of G reek an d Latin..........
309 Warwick Road, Haddonfield, N. J.
B.A., Indiana University; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
J ohn A nthony M iller , Director of Sproul O bservatory an d Professor of
Astronomy, Emeritus................ Kershaw and Turner Roads, Wallingford
B.A., Indiana University; M.A., Leland Stanford Junior University;
Ph.D., University of Chicago; LLD., Indiana University
C lara P rice New port , Professor Emeritus of G erm an L an gu age an d Liter
atu re...................................................................,..'...3 1 7 North Chester Road
B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
320 West Third Street, Media
B.A., and M A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard Univer
S am uel C opeland P alm er , Professor Emeritus o f B otan y..........
B rand B lanshard , Professor o f P hilosophy................ ; . . . . 513 Ogden Avenue
B.A., University of Michigan; M.A., Columbia University; B.Sc., Univer
sity of Oxford; Ph.D., Harvard University.
E t h e l Hampson B rew ster , Professor of G reek an d Latin............ West House
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Edward H. Cox, Professor o f C hem istry ....................................... 8 Whittier Place
B.S., Earlham C ollege; M.A., Harvard University; Sc.D., University oi
Henry J ermain Maode C reighton, Edmund Allen Professor o f Chemistry ..
(H r « ■; y
515 Elm Avenue
B.A., and M.A., Dalhousie University; M.Sc., University of Birmingham;
D.Sc., Das eidgenössische Polytechnikum, Zürich.
Arnold Dresden, E dw ard H. M agill Professor o f M athem atics an d Astron
omy . . . . .................................................................... ......... ..
606 Elm Avenue
M.S. and Ph.D., University of Chicago.
Herbert F. F raser, Professor o f E conom ics ...............................Wallingford Hills
M.A., University oi A berdeen; F.R.Econ.S.
Harold C larke G oddard, A lexander Griswold Cummins Professor o f Eng*
............................. ........... ...............«..............................
3 Whittier Place
B.A., Amherst College; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University.
P hilip Marshall Hicks , Professor o f English ............................ 525 Elm Avenue
B.A. and M.A., Swarthmore C ollege; Ph.D., University 'of Pennsylvania.
Laurence I rving, Professor o f B iology...... ................ ............... .R.R. 3, M edia
B.A., Bowdoin C ollege; M.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., Leland Stan
ford Junior University.
Wolfgang Köhler, Professor of P sychology ...............................603 Elm Avenue
Dr. phiL, University of Berlin.
S cott B. Lilly , Professor o f Civil Engineering .......................... 600 Elm Avenue
B.S., M ichigan State C ollege; C.E., Cornell University.
F rederick J. Manning, Is a a c H. Clothier Professor of History........................ ...
4 Pennstone Road, Bryn Mawr
B.A. and Ph.D., Y ale University.
Ross W. Marriott, Professor o f M athem atics an d A stronom y...........................
213 Lafayette Avenue
B.A., Indiana University; M.A., Swarthmore C ollege; Ph.D., University
of Pennsylvania.
G eorge E. Moore, Visiting Professor o f Philosophy (second sem ester)...........
513 Ogden Avenué
Litt.D., Cam bridge University; LL.D., St. Andrews.
‘ Edith P hilips , Susan W. Lippincott Professor of F ren ch ___ 1 Whittier Place
B.A., Goucher College; Docteur de l'Université de Paris.
C harles B. S haw, L ib ra ria n .. . . . . .
B.A. and M.A., Clark University.
.................. .. .5 Whittier Place
L. R. S hero, Professor of G r e e k . ..................................... 651 North Chester Road
B.A., Haverford College; B.A., University of Oxford; M.A. and Ph.D.,
University of Wisconsin.
Walter S ilz, Professor of G erm an .............................
B.A., M-A., and Ph.D., Harvard University.
* Absent on leave, winter term.
. . . . Wallingford Hills
‘ Robert Ernest S piller , Professor of English .............................6 Whittier Place
B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., University ot Pennsylvania.
van de Kamp, Professor of Astronomy an d Director ot Sproul O b
servatory ..............................
.......... Yale and Swarthmore Avenues
B.S. and M.S., University of Utrecht; Ph.D., University of California;
Dr.phil., University of Groningen.'
P eter
“ C lair W ilcox, Professor ot E conom ics.............................. 510 Ogden Avenue
B.S., University of Pennsylvania; M.A., Ohio State University; Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania
W inthrop R. W right, Morris L. Clothier Professor ot P hysics........................
4 Whittier Place
B.A. and Ph.D., University of Michigan.
A ssociate Professors
Mart A lbertson, A ssociate Professor ot History.................... 405 Walnut Lane
B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College.
Heinrich Brinkmann , A ssociate Professor ot M athematics an d A ssociate Ad
viser ot M en............ .............................................................403 Walnut Lane
B.A., Leland Stanford Junior University; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard Uni
S am uel T. C arpenter , A ssociate Professor of Civil E ngineering....................
8B Whittier Place
B.C.E., C.E. and M.S., Ohio State University.
C arl K. Dellmuth , Director ot Athletics tor M e n . . . . . . . . . . . i . .-West House
B.A., Swarthmore College.
'■ vali?
R obert K. E nders, A ssociate Professor o tZ o ó lo g y .................. 311 Elm Avenue
B.A. and Ph.D., University òf Michigan.
Duncan G raham F oster, Associate Professor of C hem istry... .15 Crest Lane
B.A. and M.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University.
Milan W. G arrett, A ssociate Professor o f Physics.........................................
336 North Princeton P venue
B.A. and M.A., Leland Stanford Junior University; B.A. a n d ' D Phil.,
University ot Oxford.
‘ “ Howard Malcolm J e n k in s , A ssociate Professor of Electrical Engineering
506 North Chester Road
B.A. and E.E., Swarthmore College.
‘ “ R obert B. MacLeod, Associate Professor of Psychology an d Education. .
6312 Ridgewood Avenue, Chevy Chase, Maryland
B.A. and M.A., McGill University; Ph.D., Columbia University.
“ “ Harold M. March, A ssociate Professor of F ren ch.................. West House
B.A., Princeton University; Ph.D., Yale University.
J. R oland P ennock, A ssociate Professor o f Political S cien ce. .521 Elm Avenue
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. arid Ph.D., Harvard University.
on leave, winter term.
on leave, part-time.
on leave.
on leave, fall term.
. .
J ohn Him es P itman, A ssociate Professor o f M athematics an d A stron om y...
328 Vassor Avenue
B.A. and M.A., Swarthmore College.
Townsend S cudder, 3 rd, A ssociate Professor of English. . . . 205 Elm Avenue
B.A. and Ph.D., Yale University.
Alfred J. S wan, A ssociate Professor an d Director of M u sic..............................
3 College Lane, Haverford
B.A. and M.A., University of Oxford.
'C harles G arrett Thatcher, A ssociate Professor of M echanical Engineer-
ing ........................................ ..............................................613 Ogden Avenue
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.E., Cornell University.
Leon W encelius, A ssociate Professor of F ren ch.................... 310 Elm Avenue
D. es L., University of Paris; LTh., University of Strasbourg; Th.D.,
Union Theological Seminary.
Assistant Professors
Lydia Baer, Assistant Professor of G erm an. . . . Brookside Road, Wallingford
B.A., Oberlin College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Daniel I, Boorstin, Assistant Professor of History................ 519 Walnut Lane
B.A., Harvard; B.A. and B.C.L., Oxford University; J.S.D., Yale University.
R ichard B. Brandt, Assistant Professor of Philosophy .302 North Chester Road
B.A., Denison University; B.A., University of Cambridge; Ph.D., Yale
S. C rutchfield, Assistant Professor of P sychology........................
College Campus
B.S., California Institute of Technology; Ph.D., University of California.
Robert H. Dunn, Assistant Professor of Physical Education for M en..............
811 West dale Avenue
B.S., Temple University.
G. Homer Durham, Acting Assistant Professor of Political S cien ce..............
65 Blackthorn Road, Wallingford
B.A., University of Utah; Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles.
" W . C. E lmore, Assistant Professor of Physics. .312 North Princeton Avenue
B.S., Lehigh University; Ph.D., Yale University.
'F rancis G. Healey , Assistant Professor of P h ilo so p h y .. .302 Ogden Avenue
B.A., Birmingham University; M.A., University of Cambridge.
W alter B. Keighton, J r., Assistant Professor o f Chemistry. .311 Cedar Lane
B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Princeton University.
F rank Ralph Kille , Assistant Professor of Z oology.............. 2 Whittier Place
B.S., College of Wooster; M.S. and Ph.D., University of Chicago.
’Absent on leave.
’’ Absent on leave, part-time.
Luzern G. Livingston, Assistant Professor of B otany..........................................
422 Highland Avenue, Morion
B.S., Lawrence College; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
'P atrick Murphy Maun , Assistant Professor o f Econom ics..............................
6409 Oakridge Avenue, Chevy Chase, Maryland
B.S., University of Pennsylvania.
Maurice Mandelbaum, Assistant Professor of P hilosophy.. 540 Ogden Avenue
B.A. and M.A., Dartmouth College; Ph.D., Yale University.
J ohn D. McC rumm , Assistant Professor o f Electrical Engineering....................
390 Riverview Road
B.S. and M.S., University of Colorado.
Edwin B. Newman , Assistant Professor o f P sychology........ College Campus
B.A. and M.A., University of Kansas; Ph.D., Harvard University.
'V ernon A. O'R ourke, Assistant Professor o f Political S cien ce........................
250 Haverford Avenue
B.A. and Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University.
F rank C. P ierson, Assistant Professor o f Econom ics........ 740 Ogden Avenue
B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Columbia University.
Virginia Rath, Assistant Professor of Physical Education for W om en............
735 Yale Avenue
B.A., Hollins College; M.A., Columbia University.
Karl R euning, Assistant Professor of German...................47 Amherst Avenue
Dr. phil.. University of Giessen.
W alter J. S cott, Assistant Professor of Z oology........ 315 Chestnut Avenue
Ph.B., Lafayette College; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
'A ndrew S impson , Assistant Professor of M echanical Engineering................
College Campus
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.S., Cornell University.
James D. S orber, Assistant Professor of S p an ish................ 401 Walnut Lane
B.A., Lehigh University; M.A., University of Nebraska.
W olfgang F. S tolper, Assistant Professor o f E c o n o m ic s ...............................
318 North Chester Road
M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University.
B. Thom , Assistant Professor of M echanical Engineering................
Blackthorn Road, Wallingford
M.E., M.S. and M.A., Lehigh University.
Robert M. W alker , Assistant Professor of Fine Arts............ 513 Elm Avenue
B.A. and M.F.A., Princeton University; Ph.D., Harvard University.
'B ryce W ood, Assistant Professor of Political Science........................................
2212 I Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.
B.A., Reed College; Ph.D., Columbia University.
'Absent on leave.
'Absent on leave, part-time.
E lizabeth Cox W right, Assistant Professor of English ........................ Moylan
B.A., Wellesley College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
G eorge PL. B ourdelais , Instructor in Engineering.................. Wallingford Hills
A lice Kin sm an B rodhead , Instructor in English (part-time)..............................
606 Hillbom Avenue
B.S. and M.A., University of Pennsylvania,
A v ert F. B la k e , Instructor in Physical Education for M en............
49 Amherst Avenue
Ke it h W\ C h a lm ers , Instructor in English...................... 409 College Avenue
B.A., Swarthmore College,
'L e w is H. E lverson , Instructor in Physical Education lor M en ......................
Lt. (j. g.) U.S.N.R.
Naval Reserve Aviation Base, Bldg. 133, Navy Yard, Philadelphia.
B.S., University of Pennsylvania.
J. F aulkner , Instructor in Physical Education lor M en.........
235 Dickinson Avenue
C larence F inlayson , Instructor in S p an ish .......................................
Chilean Consulate, 1626 Spruce Street, Philadelphia
M.A., Catholic University of Chile; Ph.D., Notre Dame.
J ustus G arrahan, Instructor in Electrical Engineering...............................
B.S. and M.S., University of Pennsylvania.
302 North Chester Road
A lice A. G a tes , Instructor in Physical Education lor W om en......................
B.A., Wellesley College; M.A., Columbia University.
735 Yale Avenue
C harles Heim sc h , Instructor in B otan y............................ 405 H averford P la ce
B.A., Miami University; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University.
R uth M cC lung J ones , Instructor in Botany an d Z oology..................................
Bobbin Mill Road, Media
B.A., Swarthmore College.
F redric C. K l e e s , Instructor in English...................................... 525 Elm Avenue
B.A., Bowdoin College.
'B eatrice B each M acLeod, Instructor in E n g lis h ................................................
6312 Ridgewood Avenue, Chevy Chase, Maryland
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.F.A., Yale University.
M arion M onaco, Instructor in F ren ch.........................................1 Whittier Place
B.A., New Jersey College for Women; M.A. and Ph.D., Bryn Mawr
O mar P ancoast, J r ., Instructor (part-time) in Accounting............ ....................
Government House, Haverford College, Haverford
B.S., Johns Hopkins University; Ph.D., Columbia University.
'Absent on leave.
Mat E. P arry , Instructor in Physical Education tor W om en............................
306 South Chester Road
B.A., Swarthmore College; B.S., Temple University.
W. Theodore P aullin, Instructor (part-time) in History................ ..................
Box 510, R.F.D. 3, Media
B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
Howard P otter, Instructor in Chemistry.................... 307 North Chester Road
B.S., Alma College; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University.
P hilip J. Potter, Instructor in M echanical Engineering....................................
5 Chamoun Road, St. Davids
B.S. in M.E., University of Illinois; M.S. in M.E., University of Pennsyl
W illiam C. P rentice, Instructor in P sy ch o lo g y ..................... 409 Elm Avenue
B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Harvard University.
C harles B. R osenberg, Instructor in M echanical Engineering............ ............
Bancroft Road, Moylan
B.S. in M.E., University of Michigan.
J ohn S eybold, Instructor in E conom ics............................ .Swarthmore College
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., University of Pennsylvania
P riscilla Kramer S ilz, Instructor in G erm an .......................... Wallingford Hills
B.A., M.A. and Ph.D., Radcliffe College.
Herbert G. S onthoff, Instructor in Political S cien ce.......... 6 Whittier Place
M.A., University of Georgia; M.A., Harvard University.
Ethel S tilz, Instructor (part-time) in Fine A rts............................ Parrish Hall
Ph.B., University of Chicago; M.A., Columbia University.
F rederick B. Tolles, Librarian of th e Friends Historical Library an d In
structor in History (part-time).............................. 416 North Chester Road
B.A. and M.A., Harvard University,
*C. Brooke W orth, Instructor in Z oology................................ 602 Elm Avenue
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.D., University of Pennsylvania
Beatrice A. W right, Instructor in P sychology a n d E ducation......................
307 North Chester Road
B.A., Brooklyn College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Iow a
Lecturers an d Assistants
W. H. Auden, Lecturer in English.......................... Sunnybank, Vassar Avenue
B.A., Oxford University
Joseph S. Butterweck , Lecturer in E ducation........................ Gwynedd Valley
B.S. and M.A., University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., Columbia University.
W illiam N. Loucks, Lecturer in Econom ics.......... 501 Anthwyn Road, Merion
M.A., Ohio State University; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
'Absent on leave.
A lbert M. Barron, Assistant. in Physical Education /or M en ..................
4244 Old York Road, Philadelphia
B.S., Pennsylvania Slate College; M.S., Temple University.
Virginia Meyer Bradley, Assistant in English.......... 219 Swarthmore Avenue
B.A.,,Ursinus College.
Helen W hetstone C ottee, Assistant in Physical Education lor W omen.
Plymouth Hall, Media
Roy W. Delaplaine, Assistant in A stronom y...................... 106 Cornell Avenue
B.A., Swarthmore College.
Henry C. F ord, Assistant in Physical Education tor M en........................
806 Glen Terrace, Chester
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., Temple University.
Hans F ried, Assistant in A stronom y.......... 361 Lancaster Avenue, Haverford'
Dr. phil.. University of Vienna.
G retchen W atson Hughes, Assistant in Physical Education tor W omen.
B.A., Swarthmore College.
735 Yale Avenue
S usan Irving, Assistant in Z oology................................................ r.r. 3 M edia
B.A., Radcliffe College.
Harriet S tone J aquette, Assistant in Physical Education tor W om en............
110 Park Avenue
Lindsay Lafford, Assistant in M usic.............. Thornbrooke Manor, Bryn Mawr
F.R.C.O., London.
S arah Lee Lippincott, Assistant in A stronom y..................................
226 West Tulpehocken Street, Germantown
B.A., University of Pennsylvania.
James J. McAdoo, Assistant in Physical Education tor M en........................
513 East Bringhurst Street, Germantown
W illis J. S tetson, Assistant in Physical Education tor M en..................
144 North Highland Road, Springfield
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., University of Pennsylvania.
R esearch A ssociates
G eorge Edwards, R esearch A ssociate in B iology.................. ..
R.R. 3, Media
B.S. and M.S., Tufts College.
P. F. S cholander, R esearch A ssociate in Z oology.......... 411 College Avenue
Ph.D., University of Oslo.
*K. Aa. S trand, R esearch A ssociate in Astronom y.............. .152 Park Avenue
Cand.Mag., Mag. Scient, and Phil.Dr., University of Copenhagen.
Hans W allach, R esearch A ssociate in P sychology___23 Princeton Avenue
Dr. phil.. University of Berlin.
*Absent on leave.
Division of the Humanities
Classics . P rofessor Hen ry Lamar C rosby , University of Pennsylvania.
English ! P rofessor Howard L. Lowry , Princeton University; P rofessor
G eorge F. W hich er , Amherst College; M r . G eorge V an S antvoord, The
Hotchkiss School.
Fine Arts: P rofessor J o seph C urtiss S loane, J r ., Bryn Mawr College.
French: P rofessor Henri P ey r e , Yale University.
History: P rofessor W illiam A ydelotte , Trinity College; M r . G eorge
B raden, Yale Law School; D r . P aul L ewinson , National Archives, Wash
ington, D. C.; P rofessor J ean W ilson , Smith College.
Linguistics: P rofessor B oland G . Ken t , University of Pennsylvania.
Philosophy: P rofessor David F. B owers , Princeton University; P rofessor
G lenn R. M orrow , University of Pennsylvania; P rofessor D ouglas V.
S teer e , Haverford College.
Psychology: P rofessor D onald K. A dams, Duke University; P rofessor
S olomon E. A sc h , Brooklyn College.
Division of the S ocial Sciences
Economics: P rofessor W illiam Loucks , University of Pennsylvania; P ro
J a m es S m it h , Princeton University; P rofessor R a lph A. Y oung, Uni
versity of Pennsylvania.
History: P rofessor W illiam A ydelotte , Trinity College; M r . G eorge
B raden , Yale Law School; D r . P aul L ewinson , National Archives, Wash
ington, D. C.; P rofessor J ean W ilson , Smith College.
Philosophy: P rofessor David F. B ow ers , Princeton University; P rofessor
G lenn R. M orrow , University of Pennsylvania; P rofessor D ouglas V.
S teere , Haverford College.
Political S cien ce: P rofessor G rayson Kir k , Columbia University; P rofessor
J ohn D. Le w is , Oberlin College.
Psychology: P rofessor D onald K. A dams , Duke University; P rofessor
S olomon E. A sc h , Brooklyn College.
Division of M athematics an d the Natural S cien ces
Botany: D r . A nna Y oung W hiting , University of Pennsylvania.
Chemistry: P rofessor A. Harold B latt , Queens College; P rofessor
G eorge E. K im ba ll , Columbia University; D r . G eorge H. W alden , J r ., Stand
ard Oil Company of Louisiana.
M athematics an d Astronomy: P rofessor J. B a r k l ey R osser , Cornell Uni
versity; P rofessor D. V. W idder, Harvard University; P rofessor S. S.
W il k s , Princeton University; P rofessor J an S ch ilt , Columbia University.
Physics: P rofessor H. K. S chilling , Pennsylvania State College.
Psychology: P rofessor D onald K. Adams , Duke University; P rofessor
S olomon E. A sc h , Brooklyn College.
Zoology: P rofessor A . E lizabeth A dams , Mount Holyoke College; P ro
R alph W. G erard, University of Chicago.
fesso r
Division of Engineering
Electrical Engineering: P rofessor C. N. W eygandt, University of Pennsyl
Civil and Mechanical Engineering: P rofessor M. C. S tuart, Lehigh Uni
Division of the Humanities—E dith P h il ip s , Chairman.
Classics, E t h e l H. B r ew ster , Chairman.
English, Harold C. G oddard, Chairman.
Fine Arts, R obert M. W a lk er , Chairman.
German, W a lter S ilz , Chairman.
History, M ary A lbertson , Chairman.
M usic, A lfred J. S wan , Chairman.
Philosophy and Religion, B rand B lanshard , Chairman.
Psychology and Education, E dwin B. New m a n , Acting Chairman.
Romance Languages, E d ith P h ilip s , Chairman.
Division of the Social Sciences—J. R oland P enn ock , Chairman.
Econom ics, Herbert . F. F raser , Chairman.
History, M ary A lbertso n , Chairman.
Philosophy and Religion, B rand B lanshard , Chairman.
P o litica l S c ie n c e , R oland P ennock , Chairman.
Psychology and Education, E dwin B. New m a n , Acting Chairman.
III. Division of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences—
W inthrop R. W right , Chairman.
B otan y , L uzern G. Livingston , Chairman.
Chemistry, H. J ermain C reighton , Chairman.
Mathematics and Astronomy, A rnold D resden , Chairman.
Physics, W inthrop R. W right , Chairman.
Psychology, E dwin B. New m a n , Acting Chairman.
Zoology, L aurence I rving, C h airm an .
IV. Division of Engineering— S cott B. Lil l y , Chairman.
Civil Engineering, S cott B. L il l y , Chairman.
E le ctrica l E ng in eerin g , J ohn D. M cC r u m m , Acting Chairman.
Mechanical Engineering, G eorge B. T h o m , Acting Chairman.
Chemistry, H. J ermain C reighton , Chairman.
Mathematics, A rnold D resden , Chairman.
Physics, W inthrop R. W right , Chairman.
President's Office
President, J ohn W . Nason , B.A., Corleton College; B.A., University of Ox
ford; M.A., Harvard University; LL.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Assistant, F rederick B. T olles , B.A. and M.A., Harvard University.
S ecretaries: E m m a A b b e t t .
E lsa P alm er J e n k in s , B.A., Swarthmore College.
Dean's Office
D eans:
F rances B lanshard , B.A., Smith College; M.A. and Ph D., Columbia
E v erett L. Hunt , B.A., Huron Colleger M.A., University of Chicago;
D.Litt., Huron College.
Heinrich B rin km an n , A ssociate A dviser of Men, B.A., Leland Stanford
Junior University; M.A,, and Ph.D., Harvard University.
dolph M eier , B.A., University of Pennsylvania; M.A., Bryn Mawr Col
J ean W alton , B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., Brown University.
Recording S ecretary: J ulia Y oung M urray, B.A., Swarthmore College.
Secretaries: M y rtle R. Keen y , B.A., Dickinson College.
F rances W il l s S laugh , B.A., Swarthmore College.
H ead Residents in Dormitories:
S ara M. Lit t l e , Worth Dormitory; B.A., Smith College.
C ornelia C . P ittenger , Palmer and Pittenger Halls; B.A., Swarthmore
Helen B. S teven s , Roberts Hall.
J ean W alton , Parrish Hall; B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., Brown
Library Staff
C ollege Library:
Librarian, C harles B. S haw , B.A. and M.A., Clark University.
Reference Department:
Chief, C atharine J. P ierce , B.A., Women's College of the University
of North Carolina; M.S., Columbia University.
Assistant, D orothea D. R eev es , B.A., Radcliffe College; B.S. in L.S.,
Drexel Institute.
* Absent on leave.
Catalogue Department:
* Chief, M ildred E Herrick , B.A., Michigan State Normal College;
6.A. in L.S., University ol Michigan.
Acting Chief, Laura C. C olvyn , B.A., College of William and Mary;
B.A, in L.S., University of Michigan; M.A. in L.S., University of
Assistants: G ladys M. B row nell , B.A., Mt. Holyoke College; B.S.,
Columbia University; J udith E. S achs , B.S. in L.S., Columbia Uni
versity; Ph.D., Freyburg, Switzerland.
Circulation Department:
*Chief, Katharine P atterson G ay , B.A., Swarthmore College; B.S.
in L.S., Drexel Institute.
Acting Chief, A deline R e d h e ffe r , B.S. in Educ., West Chester State
Teachers College; B.S. in L.S., Drexel Institute.
Assistants: A nn J. C oulter , B.A., Hood College; B.S. in L.S., Drexel
Institute; P riscilla M aooun, B.A., Wellesley College; A dele S m it h ,
B.A., University of Delaware.
Periodical and Binding Department:
M ary G ocher T ait, B.A., Wells College; B.S. in L.S., Drexel Institute.
Secretary, M arie T. Hen ry , B.A., College of Chestnut Hill; B.S. in L.S.,
Drexel Institute.
Friends Historical Library
Librarian, F rederick B. T olles , B.A. and M.A., Harvard University.
Assistants: E. V irginia W a lker , B.A ., Swarthmore College; B.S. in L.S.,
Drexel Institute; D orothy G . Harris , B.A., Wellesley College; B .S.
in L.S., Drexel Institute; E llen S tarr B rinton , Curator o f the Jan e
A ddam s P ea ce Collection.
Comptroller's Office
Comptroller, Nicholas O. P ittenger , B.A., Indiana University.
Assistant, S am uel G. E ckerd , B.A., Swarthmore College.
B ookkeeper, E lizabeth R. Hirst .
Assistants: G race R e d h e ffe r B abbitt , E dna B. C orson , A nne V oder C rane.
Secretary, Luella T rinterud , B.A., U niversity of W ashington.
M anager o f Bookstore, J ean M. S orber .
Stenographic Stall:
H ead of the S tenographic Bureau, M arion L. T urner , B.A., New Jersey
College for Women.
Stenographic Assistants: J ean A lston , B.A., Bucknell U niversity; Kath
B a sset t ; M ary M. W illoughby .
'Absent on leave.
Superintendent's Office
*Superintendent. Andrew S impson , B.A., Swarthmore College; M.S., Cornell
Acting Superintendent an d H ead G ardener, Harry W ood.
Secretaries: V eronica S ullivan; Caroline S hero, B.A., Swarthmore College.
Director ot Arthur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foundation, J ohn C. W ister ,
B.A., Harvard University; D.Sc., Swarthmore College.
Assistant, Helen S mith , B.E., St. Cloud Teachers College; Ambler School
of Horticulture ior Women.
House Director's Office
House Director, E thel S tilz, Ph.B., University of Chicago; M.A., Columbia
Assistant, S ara M. Lit t l e , B.A., Smith College.
R uth E. C arr, B.S., Simmons College.
Alumni Office
Alumni Secretary, C arl K. Dellmuth , B.A., Swarthmore College.
Assistant, Barbara P earson Lange.
Alumni Recorder, A nne C omfort J ones, B.A., Swarthmore College.
Health Service
Dorothy L Ashton , B.A., Bryn Mawr College; M.D., University of Penn
sylvania, F. A. C. S.
M orris A. B ow ie , B.A., University of Colorado; M.D., Harvard University.
Blanche Devereux, R.N., Anne A ustin , R.N., Ellen R. C resst , R.N.
Honorary Curators of the Biddle Memorial Library
C harles F. J enkins , C hairm an. . . . . .232 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia
C lement M. Biddle................. P. O. Box 743, Church Street Station, New York
L a V erne F o r bu sh .............................................. 5102 York Road, Baltimore, Md.
J esse Merritt ....................................................................................... Farmingdale, L. I.
Louis N. R obinson . .............................................411 College Avenue, Swarthmore
Jane P. R ushmore .................................................................................Riverton, N. J.
F rank Aydelotte.......................... Olden Manor, Olden Lane, Princeton, N. J.
* Absent on leave, part-time.
Pierson, Chairman.
Dr. Ashton, Dr. Bowie, Brinkmann, Garraghan, Goddard.
admissions and sch olabsh ips ( m e n ) : Hunt, Chairman.
Brinkmann, Dellmuth, Lilly, Pittenger, Scott, Scudder.
ADMISSIONS AND SCHOLARSHIPS ( w o m en ) : F. Blanshard, Chairman.
Brewster, Hunt, Philips, Walton, Mrs. Charles Rickards and Mrs. Wil
liam Rogers.
arts and cra fts : Spiller, Chairman.
Bradley, Hunt, Rath, Sorber, Walker.
a t h le tic s : Dellmuth, Chairman.
B. Blanshard, Carpenter, Dunn, Pittenger, Scott, H. Wood, with Charles
C. Miller.
awards and priz es : Heighton. Chairman.
F. Blanshard, Hunt, McCrumm, E. Wright.
collection : Enders, Chairman.
Brandt, Fraser, Hicks, Shaw, Sorber.
college libra ry : B. Blanshard, Chairman.
Brewster, Fraser, Shaw, Silz, van de Kamp, Walker, E. Wright.
cooper foundation : Shaw, Chairman.
Irving, Mandelbaum, Pennock, Silz, Sorber, Stolper, Walker.
fe l l o w sh ip s : Garrett, Chairman.
Albertson, Brandt, Dresden, Keighton, Pierson, Silz.
frien d s historical library : Pennock, Chairman.
B. Blanshard, Brewster, Manning, Shaw, Spiller, Tolies.
honors w o r e and EXAMINERS: Shero, Chairman.
Lilly, Pennock, Philips, W. Wright.
instruction : Nason, Chairman.
F. Blanshard, Hunt, Kille, Lilly, Pennock, Philips, W. Wright.
prescribed and extra w o r e : Creighton, Chairman.
Albertson, F. Blanshard, Enders, Hunt, Lilly, Mandelbaum, Silz.
schedule of c l a sse s : Brinkmann, Chairman.
Baer, Livingston, Mandelbaum, McCrumm.
student a ffa irs : Hunt, Chairman.
F. Blanshard, Carpenter, Jones, Pittenger, Seybold.
student records : F. Blanshard, Chairman.
Brinkmann, Hunt, Lilly, Livingston, Nason, Pittenger, Seybold, Walton.
travel allowance : Brewster, Chairman.
Cox, Newman, Reuning, W. Wright.
a bsen c e :
Swarthmore College was founded in 1864 by members of
the religious Society of Friends. In accordance with Friendly
traditions, the purpose of the college has been to develop bet
ter individuals by the training of disciplined intelligence, the
discovery of individual capacities, and the establishment of a
sense of social responsibility. The college demands rigorous
standards of scholarship and a responsible attitude toward the
college and society as necessary means to a liberal culture.
This year a college catalogue should make clear how the
program it describes is related to the national emergency.
Swarthmore, as a Friends college, continues to emphasize the
importance of individual development and social responsibil
ity. The faculty plans to offer the usual variety of work in the
natural sciences and engineering, in the social sciences and
the humanities. New courses also are in prospect, some de
signed to clarify issues of the war and problems of post-war
reconstruction; some, to give training for service open to con
scientious objectors, some to provide the basis for service in
the armed forces. Swarthmore students are now enrolled under
the several plans approved by the Army and Navy.
In order to give students a chance to complete as much as
possible of their college education before they may be called
into service, the college has adopted an accelerated program
by introducing a third term of fourteen weeks, the equivalent
of each of the traditional two semesters. Eight terms still con
stitute the normal requirement for the B.A. or B.S. degree, but
a student who enrolls for three terms a year will complete his
work within 32 months. If he is called into service after his
seventh term, he may be granted a special war degree. Fresh
men are accepted at the beginning of each term, in October,
February and June.
The college is situated in the Borough of Swarthmore, eleven
miles southwest of Philadelphia on the West Chester branch
of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and close to the highway. Route
1, which leads to Baltimore. The Borough is primarily a resi
dential suburb with a small business section.*
The enrolment of the college is limited to approximately
seven hundred resident students. The endowment is eight mil
lion dollars.
•For a map showing buildings and grounds see pages 140, 141.
The educational program of Swarthmore College offers op
portunities for well-rounded growth. On the. academic side,
college requirements point to the value of a variety of courses
during the first two years, followed by some degree of special
ization during the junior and senior years. To give students
the advantage of close association with their instructors,
classes are kept small, so far as possible; seminars of from five
to seven students are the rule for much advanced work. To
supplement the intellectual activity of the classroom, the col
lege provides an extensive program of sports, arts and crafts,
and other 'interest groups.'
All students are required to give some time each week to
physical exercise, and are encouraged to take part in team
games and also in individual sports which they can continue
to enjoy after college. The facilities for physical education in
clude a Field House, two gymnasiums, two swimming pools,
three large athletic fields, tennis courts, a riding ring, the use
of a nearby golf course, and an Outing Club cabin in the
Work in the arts and crafts is implemented by shops, studios,
and three stages, one in an outdoor auditorium, one for in
formal production and one fully equipped for public perform
ances requiring the construction of scenery and special light
ing. In music emphasis is laid on the participation of a large
number of students in informal group singing and playing.
There are three undergraduate publications; a newspaper, the
Phoenix; a literary magazine, the Dodo; and a yearbook, the
Halcyon. News writing for outside papers is in the hands of
the News Bureau:
Student interest in social problems and public affairs finds
outlets in many discussion groups, departmental clubs and in
committees which undertake useful projects under the direc
tion of nearby welfare agencies, such as the American Friends
Service Committee and the Delaware County Welfare Council.
Since 1933 Swarthmore College and three nearby institutions
—Haverford College, Bryn Mawr College, and the University
of Pennsylvania—have had a cooperative plan involving the
occasional exchange of instructors and students. This has
made it possible for students at Swarthmore by special ar
rangement to enroll for courses in the other institutions. Cooper
ation between the three Quaker colleges is being carried fur
ther at the present time, with plans for a more systematic
exchange of instructors and collaboration among the students
in those extra-curricular activities which will profit by a wider
range of talent. Consideration will be given to the material
and instruction already available in building up library facili
ties and new departments with the aim of taking maximum
advantage of the resources of the institutions concerned.
The Swarthmore College Library, in part the gift of Andrew
Carnegie, contains reading rooms, offices, and a collection of
130,000 volumes. Some 5,000 volumes are added annually.
About 600 periodicals are received regularly. The general col
lection, including all but the scientific and technical books and
journals, is housed in the library building, situated on the
front campus. An addition providing storeroom for 150,000 vol
umes was erected in 1935. Important special units of the main
library are the Appleton collection of classics and English lit
erature and the Potter collection of legal material. The library
is definitely a collection of books and journals for undergrad
uate use. The demands of honors work, however, make neces
sary the provision of large quantities of source material not
usually found in collections maintained for undergraduates.
It is a point of library policy to try to supply, either by purchase
or through inter-library loan, the books needed by students or
members of the faculty for their individual research.
The F riends Historical Library , founded in 1870 by Anson
Lapham, is one of the outstanding collections in the United
States of manuscripts, books, pamphlets, and pictures relating
to the history of the Society of Friends. The library is the cen
tral depository for the records of Friends' meetings belonging
to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Hicksite), and contains ap
proximately 900 record books, many of which have been repro
duced on microfilm. A microfilm reading machine is avail
able. Among the other manuscript holdings are the Charles F.
Jenkins Autograph Collection, including signatures of authors,
reformers, and members of the Continental Congress; the
Charles F. Jenkins Whittier Collection, consisting of first editions
and manuscripts of John Greenleaf Whittier; and journals, let
ters, and miscellaneous papers of many Friends. The library's
collection of printed materials by and about Friends includes a
large number of seventeenth-century imprints as well as many
books, pamphlets, and periodicals of later date. There is also
an extensive collection of photographs of meeting houses and
pictures of representative Friends including the original of Sir
Peter Lely's portrait of George Fox. Also housed in the Friends
Historical Library is the Jane Addams Peace Collection built
around a nucleus of books and personal papers given in 1930
by Jane Addams; it contains a large amount of material deal
ing with international peace and has become a repository for
the files of many peace, organizations. All the collections are
housed in the Biddle Memorial Library, a fireproof structure of
stone and steel, given by Clement M. Biddle in memory of his
father. It is hoped that Friends and others will consider the ad
vantages of depositing in this library for preservation and for
the use of scholars, books and family papers which may throw
light on the history of the Society of Friends.
The W illiam J. C oopeh F oundation provides a varied pro
gram of lectures and concerts which enriches the academic
work of the college. The Foundation was established by William J. Cooper, a devoted friend of the college, whose wife.
Emma Mcllvam Cooper, served as a member of the Board of
Managers from 1882 to 1923. Mr. Cooper bequeathed to the
college the sum of $100,000 and provided that the income
should be used "in bringing to the college from time to time
eminent citizens of this and other countries who are leaders in
statesmanship, education, the arts, sciences, learned profes
sions and business, in order that the faculty, students and the
college community may be broadened by a closer acquaint
ance with matters of world interest." Admission to all pro
grams is without charge.
The Cooper Foundation Committee works with the depart
ments and with student organizations in arranging single lec
tures and concerts, and also in bringing to the college speakers
of note who remain in residence for a long enough period to
enter into the life of the community. Some of these speakers
have been invited with the understanding that their lectures
should be published under the auspices of the Foundation. This
arrangement has so far produced 7 volumes:
Lindsay, Alexander Dunlop. The Essentials of Democracy.
Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1929.
Lowes, John Livingston. G eoffrey Chaucer and the D evelop
ment of His Genius. New York, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1934.
Weyl, Hermann, Mind and Nature. Philadelphia, University
of Pennsylvania Press, 1934.
America's R ecovery Program, by A. A. Berle, Jr., John Dick
inson, A. Heath Onthank . . . and others . . . London, New York,
etc. Oxford University Press, 1934.
Madariaga, Salvador. Theory an d Practice in International
Relations. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1937.
Streit, Clarence Kirshman. Union Now; a proposal for a
Federal union of the dem ocracies of the north Atlantic. New
York, Harper, 1939.
Krogh, August. The Com parative Physiology of Respiratory
Mechanisms. University of Pennsylvania Press.
The B e n ja m in W e s t S ociety , an organization of alumni,
members of the faculty, and friends of the college, has built
up a collection of 286 paintings, drawings, and etchings, which
are exhibited as space permits in various college buildings.
The Society owes its name to the American artist of the
eighteenth century who was born in a house which still stands
on the Swarthmore Campus, and who became President of the
Royal Academy.
The G eorge G r e y B arnard collection, the gift of the artist,
contains 200 casts of his works, many of great size. It is not
open to visitors, since the building in which it is temporarily
stored for safe keeping is not suitable for exhibitions.
The B ronson M. C utting M emorial C ollection of R ecorded
M usic was established at Swarthmore College in 1936 by a gift
of approximately four thousand phonograph records, a radiophonograph, books and musical scores, from the family of
Bronson Murray Cutting, late Senator from New Mexico. Its
object is to make the best recorded music available to the
undergraduates, faculty, and friends of Swarthmore College, in
cooperation with the work of the college Department of Music.
The religious life of the college is founded on the Quaker
principle that the seat of spiritual authority lies in the Inner
Light of each individual. It is committed to the belief that re
ligion is best expressed in the quality of every-day living.
There are accordingly no compulsory religious services. Stu
dents are encouraged to attend the churches of their choice:
Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist, and Christian Science, in
the borough of Swarthmore; Catholic, in the nearby towns of
Morton, Media, and Chester.
The Swarthmore Meeting House is located on the campus.
Students are cordially invited to attend its active religious
service on Sunday. A fifteen-minute meeting for quiet medita
tion after the manner of Friends is held every Monday, Tues
day, Wednesday, and Friday at noon. Students and faculty
attend on a voluntary basis. Extra-curricular groups under fac
ulty direction exist for the study of the Bible and the explora
tion of common concerns in religion.
There is an assembly of the college, called Collection, from
11.00 until 11.30 a.m., every Thursday in Clothier Memorial;
attendance of students is required. The program is opened by
a period of silence according to the Friendly tradition, followed
by an address or music.
Swarthmore is primarily a residential college, conducted on
the assumption that an important element in education comes
from close association of students and instructors. Most stu
dents live in dormitories. Many members of the faculty live in
houses on the campus.
There are five dormitories for men: Wharton Hall, named in
honor of its donor, Joseph Wharton, at one time President of
the Board of Managers; Thomas House on Harvard Avenue;
Woolman House and Bassett Dormitory on Walnut Lane.
The women's dormitories include the upper floors in the
wings of Parrish Hall; Worth Hall, the gift of William P. Worth,
1876, and J. Sharpless Worth, ex-1873, as memorial to their
parents; Palmer, Pittenger and Roberts Halls on South Chester
Dining Rooms
All students, both men and women, have their meals in two
adjoining College Dining Rooms in Parrish Hall.
There are two part-time college physicians, one for men and
one for women, each of whom holds daily office hours at the
college. Students may consult them during office hours with
out charge. A student must report any illness to the college
physicians, but is free to go for treatment to another doctor if
he prefers to do so.
The college physicians give physical examinations to all
students at the beginning of their freshman year, and arrange
to see every student at least once in each subsequent year.
The college health program includes tuberculin tests, which
are compulsory for all students.
There are two infirmaries, one for men and one for women.
The infirmary for men is in Section F of Wharton Hall. The
women's infirmary is at the east end of Parrish Hall. A reg
istered nurse is in charge of each, under the direction of the
college physicians.
The infirmaries are open to resident students without charge
unless the services of a special nurse are required. Students
suffering from a communicable disease or from illness which
makes it necessary for them to remain in bed must stay in the
infirmaries for the period of their illness.
The psychiatrists of the Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital
are consulted when need arises.
Student Advisers
The Deans and their assistants serve as student advisers.
They rely also on the help of upper class men and women in
work with freshmen. Members of the Senior Honorary Society
of Book and Key and of the Executive Committee of the Wom
en's Student Government Association carry special respon
sibility for the Freshman Placement Program.
Vocational Advice
The Alumni Secretary and his assistant provide information
on vocations and arrange conferences to assist students in
their choice of a career; they also attempt to help undergrad
uates and graduates find employment.
Student Council
The whole undergraduate community of men and women
is represented by the Student Council which attempts to co
ordinate all student activities, and confers with the Adminis
trative Council of the faculty on college problems.
Men's Executive Committee
The men students of the college are represented by the
Men's Executive Committee, a group elected to take responsi
bility for specified problems which have to do primarily with
dormitory life.
Women's Student Government Association
All women students are members of the Women's Student
Government Association, headed by an Executive Committee
elected to promote a great variety of women's interests. This
committee includes the chairmen of certain important commit
tees: Conduct, which maintains social regulations; Personnel,
which has a special concern for helping freshmen; Social (see
below); Vocational, which assists the women's Vocational Di
rector; Student-Alumnae Relationships, which arranges the pro
gram for Somerville Day, on which alumnae are invited to re
turn to the College; Somerville Lectures, which brings to the
college popular speakers on subjects related to the arts.
Social Committee
An extensive program of social activities is managed by the
Social Committee, under the direction of two elected co-chair
men, a man and a woman. The program is designed to appeal
to a wide variety of interests, and is open to all students.
Somerville Forum
All women undergraduates and graduates are members of
the Som erville Forum, an outgrowth of the Somerville Literary
Society, which was established in 1871. The undergraduates
hold open meetings devoted to music, art and literature; the
alumnae maintain two fellowships for women for graduate
work, the Lucretia Mott Fellowship and the Martha E. Tyson
Fellowship. The final meeting in April, known as Somerville
Day, is a gathering of alumnae and undergraduates.
Applications for admission should be addressed to the Deans
of the college; from men applicants, to Dean Everett L*Hunt;
from women, to Dean Frances Blanshard.
An applicant for admission will be judged on the basis of
the following evidence:
1. Record in secondary school.
2. Recommendation of the school principal or headmaster.
3. Rating in the Scholastic Aptitude Test, and in his choice
of three of the Scholastic Achievement Tests given by the
College Entrance Examination Board.
4. Personal interview with one of the Deans or an appointed
representative (interviews are normally arranged only
for applicants of promise).
For several years the number of qualified applicants has
exceeded the limits of the freshman class, putting admission on
a competitive basis. In the selection of students, strong intellec
tual interests and excellence in some particular direction will
receive more consideration than a record which shows a higher
average without promise of unusual ability in any one field.
Children of Friends and Alumni of the college who rank high in
their graduating class will be assured of admission; those who
do not rank high will be considered under the terms of the se
lective process described above.
In general candidates are admitted on the basis of (1) high
rank in school and in the Scholastic Aptitude and Achievement
tests; (2) evidence of sturdiness of character.
In preparation for college an applicant is expected to com
plete a four-year secondary school course which includes work
in English, foreign language, mathematics, history, and usually
a laboratory science. The table below shows the possible dis
tribution of work among these subjects. A "unit" represents a
course involving four or five periods a week throughout one
school year except in the case of English where three units are
assigned for four such courses.*
•These entrance requirements may be modified in individual cases to meet the
conditions of the present national emergency.
Required Subjects, Ten and One-Hall Units
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra............................. IV2
Plane Geometry ..................................................................... 1
English (4 years) .............................. .................................. 3
’ Foreign Language ............................................................... 4
History ....................................................................................... 1
Elective Subjects, Four an d One-Halt Units
Advanced Algebra
.......... Vi
’ ’ Solid Geometry
.......... Vi
** Plane Trigonometry .......... Vt
Latin .............................. 2, 3 or 4
G r e e k ............................ 2, 3 or 4
French ........................ 2, 3 or 4
German .......... .......... 2. 3 or 4
Spanish ........................ 2, 3 or 4
Ancient History ........
Medieval and Modern History 1
Modern History ........................ 1
English History ........................ 1
American History .................... 1
Civics ......................................... Vz
Problems of D em ocracy.......... 1
Physics ......................................... 1
.............................. 1
B o ta n y .......................... . Vi or 1
Biology ............ ................ % or 1
Physical Geography . . . Vi or 1
Freehand D raw ing........ V% or 1
Mechanical Drawing .. Vi or 1
Music .......................................... 1
(with History and Theory)
Art History and Appreciation 1
’ Five units, three of one language and two of another, are recommended when
ever possible. Engineering students need offer only two units. Applicants who expect
to concentrate in science are strongly advised to include German, and if possible
also French, in their school program. This will permit a more flexible program in
* ‘ Required of engineering students.
A formal application should be submitted during the junior
year whenever possible.
The last date for filing applications for admission in the sum
mer or fall term is March 1. Students who wish to enter in
either of these terms should take the Scholastic Aptitude and
Achievement Tests in April of their senior year.
Applicants for admission in February may place their names
on file up to December 15. They may take their tests either in
September or in January.
Applications for scholarships must be filed early in the sec
ond semester of a candidate's senior year in high school. No
other examinations are required beyond those taken by all ap
plicants for admission, the Scholastic Aptitude and three
Achievement Tests.
The College Entrance Examination Board will hold examina
tions in January, April, June and September, 1943, at approxi
mately 150 places in the United States. Applications to take
tests must be sent to the College Board, Post Office Box 592,
Princeton, New Jersey, well in advance of the following dates:
January series, December 19; April series, March 20; June se
ries, May 15; September series, August 18. The fee charged by
the College Board for the Aptitude Test and three Achievement
Tests is eight dollars.
For further information about these tests, candidates should
write to the College Board at the address given above.
For favorable consideration, applicants for advanced stand
ing must have had a high scholastic record in the institution
from which they wish to transfer, and must present full creden
tials for both college and preparatory work and a letter of hon
orable dismissal. As a general rule, students are not admitted
to advanced standing later than the beginning of the sopho
more year. The minimum requirement of residence is two
years, one of which must be the senior year.
G eneral Statement
Swarthmore College offers the degree of Bachelor of Arts
and the degree of Bachelor of Science. The latter is given only
in the Division of Engineering; the former, in the Divisions of
the Humanities, the Social Sciences, and Mathematics and the
Natural Sciences.* Four years of resident study are normally
required for the completion of the work leading to a Bachelor's
The work of the first two years is marked off from that of the
last two. During the first two years, all students are expected to
complete general college requirements, to choose their major
and minor subjects, and to prepare for advanced work in these
subjects by taking certain prerequisites. A student's normal
schedule comprises four full courses a year, each of which rep
resents from ten to twelve hours of work a week, including
*For groupings of departments see page 18.
class meetings and laboratory periods. The program for the last
two years affords a choice between two methods of study:
Honors Work, which may lead to a degree with Honors, and
General Courses. An honors student concentrates upon three
related subjects which he studies by the seminar method; the
system will be explained more fully below. A student in Gen
eral Courses may concentrate somewhat less, and continues to
have a schedule of four full courses a year.
In addition to scholastic requirements for graduation, all
students must meet certain standards of participation in Phys
ical education as set forth in the statement of that department
(see pp. 84, 85) and must attend the Collection exercises of
the college (see p. 28.)
Course Advisers
The course advisers of freshmen and sophomores
Deans, in cooperation with the departments in which
dents are enrolled as majors. For juniors and seniors
visers are the chairmen of their major departments
are the
the stu
the ad
or their
The general requirements for the first two years include:
(a) Two full courses selected from two of the three Divisions:
Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics and the Natural
(b) Prerequisites for the work of the last two years in major
and minor subjects.
(c) Completion of the minimum foreign language require
ment. An exceptionally well prepared freshman may demon
strate that he has completed this requirement before entering
college by his achievement in a placement test which he takes
at the beginning of his college course. The results of the test
indicate, however, that most students need to devote from one
to four semesters to further study of language.
The language requirement is explained as follows:
Each student will pursue one foreign lan gu age to a point
equivalent to the completion of Course 2. Achievem ent in this
course or its equivalent will be, m easured b y a test given in
Septem ber as an aid to placem ent, an d in January and June
at the régu lai examination periods. All students will b e r e
quired to pass this test in the lan gu age which they a re offering
toward com pleting the requirement. The standard for adm is
sion to Course 2 is such a s might reason ably b e expected from
a student who has h ad two years' preparation in the lan guage;
the standard lor completion or equ ivalen ce of Course 2 is such
a s might b e expected from a student who has h a d four years'
preparation in the language.
The work of the last two years in Courses must include a
major and one minor, both in the same Division, and electives.
At the end of the sophomore year, a student's choice of his
major and minor subjects must be approved by the depart
ments concerned.
Each student in Courses offers for graduation at least four
full courses or their equivalent in his major subject and at
least three full courses or their equivalent in his minor subject.
The completion of sixteen full courses, with a minimum aver
age of C (see p. 40), normally constitutes the course require
ment for a degree. A student may carry extra work after the
freshman year with the approval of his course adviser and of
the Committee on Prescribed and Extra Work, provided that his
record in the previous year has been satisfactory. In addition
to completing his courses, the student at the end of his senior
year must pass a comprehensive examination in his major sub
ject, set by the faculty of the major department.
D e s c r ip t io n
of th e
S ystem
Honors work is a system of instruction designed to free from
the limitations of class-room routine those students whose ma
turity and capacity enable them to do independent work. Stu
dents who are chosen toward the end of their sophomore year
to read for honors are exempt from the usual course require
ments. Instead, during their junior and senior years they study
a few subjects intensively and independently. They meet their
instructors weekly in small seminars lasting about three hours.
In these meetings it is customary for students to present fre
quent papers, although the methods of stimulating discussion
vary greatly. In scientific subjects additional time is spent in
the laboratory. The work is so planned that a student takes
two seminars each semester, making a total of eight seminars
during his last two years. Departments sometimes permit their
major students to prepare a thesis instead of one seminar.
Honors work involves a concentration of the student's efforts
upon a limited and integrated field of studies. He chooses semi
nars in three (or sometimes four) allied subjects, and, custom
arily devotes at least one-half of his time to a single depart
ment in the line of his major interest, in which he is expected
to demonstrate real achievement. Combinations of seminars are
not governed by rigid rules but must be approved by the de
partments and divisions in which work is taken. Combinations
involving seminars from two Divisions must be approved by the
Committee on Extra and Prescribed Work. No examinations or
grades are given from semester to semester.* At the end of the
senior year honors students take written and oral examina
tions given by examiners from other institutions, f
The student should attain a degree of proficiency which will
enable him to meet a rigorous and searching examination.
This examination is designed to test his competence in a field
of knowledge rather than his mastery of those facts which an
instructor has seen fit to present in seminar. This is one of the
chief ends for which the system of visiting examiners has been
instituted. The examiners first set a three-hour written exami
nation on the subject of each seminar, and after reading the
written examination have an opportunity to question each
student orally, in order to clarify and enlarge the basis of their
judgment of the student's command of his material.
Upon recommendation of the examiners, successful candi
dates are awarded the bachelor's degree with honors, with
high honors, or with highest honors. Highest honors are award
ed only to those who show unusual distinction. When the work
of a candidate does not, in the opinion of the examiners, merit
honors of any grade, his papers are returned to his instructors,
who decide, under rules of the faculty, whether he shall be
given a degree in course.
*It is customary for honors students to take practice examinations at the end of
the Junior year over the work covered thus far. These papers are read by the
instructor concerned and are used as a basis for advice and guidance for the work
of the Senior year.
i*For list of examiners in May, 1942, see page 17.
Students admitted to honors work who prove unable to meet
the requirements or who for other reasons return to regular
classes may receive proportional course credit for the work
they have done while reading for honors.
Regulations governing possible combinations of major and
minor subjects in the four divisions appear below. Lists of
seminars offered in preparation for examinations follow de
partmental statements.
R e g u l a t io n s
Combinations of Majors and Minors
Major subjects include English, French, German, Greek,
History, Latin, Philosophy and Psychology; related minor sub
jects include those already listed. Music and Fine Arts. At least
half of the student's time will probably be devoted to his major
subject, the remainder being divided between two related sub
jects within the division.
Major and minor subjects include Economics, History, Phi
losophy, Psychology, and Political Science. Students in this
division normally devote half their time to their major subject,
dividing the remainder among related minor subjects accord
ing to plans approved by the division.
Major subjects include Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics,
Physics, Psychology, Zoology; related minor subjects include
the subjects listed, and Astronomy and Philosophy. At least
half of the student's time will probably be devoted to his major
subject, with the remainder divided between two other related
subjects within the division.
Major subjects for honors work in this division include Civil
Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineer
ing; a minor may be taken in either or both of the engineering
departments in which the student does not have his major, or
in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics or Economics. At least onehalf of the student's time will be devoted to his major in engi
neering. The degree granted is the B.S. in Engineering.
The final examination will include papers on the fundamen
tals of the three professional departments of engineering, four
papers on the seminars of the senior year, and one or two addi
tional papers based upon the course which the student has
taken, the number of the papers and their subjects to be deter
mined by the faculty of the division. (See pp. 60, 62, 64.)
Procedure for Admission
A candidate for admission to an honors division must file his
application in the spring of his sophomore year with the chair
man of his division, and must indicate the particular combina
tion of related subjects on which he wishes to be examined for
his degree. His acceptance by the division depends in part
upon the quality of his previous work as indicated by the
grades he has received but mainly upon his apparent capacity
for assuming the responsibility of honors work. The names of
successful candidates are announced later in the spring. The
major department will then arrange, in consultation with the
student, a definite program of subjects to constitute the field
of knowledge on which he will be examined at the end of his
senior year. That department is responsible for drawing up the
original plan of his work, for supervising his choice of seminars
in all departments and for keeping in touch with his progress
from semester to semester. The division is responsible for ap
proval of the student's original program and for any subse
quent changes in that program. Proposals for combinations of
subjects or departments not provided for in the divisional ar
rangements must be submitted by the division to the Com
mittee on Extra and Prescribed Work for final approval.
The degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science are
conferred upon students who have met the requirements for
graduation as stated on pages 33, 35 and following. Students
who are drafted after the completion of the seventh semester
and who are in good standing when drafted shall be awarded
the Bachelor's degree honoris causa.
The degrees of Master of Arts and Master of Science may
be conferred upon graduates of Swarthmore College or of
other institutions of satisfactory standing who spend at least a
year in residence at this college, pursuing a course of study
approved by the faculty. Each candidate for the Master's de
gree must prepare a satisfactory thesis on a subject assigned
by the professor in charge of the major subject, and must pass
a final oral examination before a committee of the faculty. In
recent years the policy of the faculty has been opposed to ac
cepting candidates for the Master's degree.
The advanced degrees of Mechanical Engineer (M.E.),
Electrical Engineer (E.E.), and Civil Engineer (C.E.), may be
obtained by graduates who have received their Bachelor's de
gree in Engineering upon the fulfilling of the requirements
given below:
1. The candidate must have been engaged in engineering
work for five years since receiving his first degree.
2. He must have had charge of engineering work and must
be in a position of responsibility and trust at the time of ap
3. He must make application and submit an outline of the
thesis he expects to present, one full year before the advanced
degree is to be conferred.
4. The thesis must be submitted for approval one calendar
month before the time of granting the degree.
5. Every candidate shall pay a registration fee of $5 and an
additional fee of $20 when the degree is conferred.
Attendance at Classes and Collection
Members of the Faculty will hold students responsible for
regular attendance at classes.
W hen illness necessitates a b sen c e from classes the student
should report at on ce to the nurses or to the colleg e physicians.
The last meeting before vacation and the first meeting after
vacation in ea ch course must be attended. The exact definition
of probation in individual cases is left to the Deans with the
understanding that it shall include attendance at all classes
without cuts.
Absences from Collection are acted upon by the Deans as
instructed by the Collection Committee of the Faculty. All stu
dents are allowed two absences from Collection each semester.
G rades
Instructors report to the Dean's office at intervals during the
year upon the work of students in courses. Informal reports
during the semester take the form of comments on unsatisfac
tory work. At the end of each semester formal grades are given
in each course under the letter system, by which A means ex
cellent work; B means good work; C means fair work; D means
poor work, and E shows failure. W signifies withdrawn and
Cond. signifies conditioned in the course.
Reports are sent to parents and to students at the end of
each semester.
For graduation in General Courses, a C average is required;
for graduation in Honors work, the recommendation of the
visiting examiners. (See p. 17.)
The mark "conditioned" indicates either .(1) that a student
has done unsatisfactory work in the first half of a course, but
by creditable work during the second half may earn a passing
grade for the full course, and thereby remove his condition;
(2) that a student's work is incomplete in. respect to specific
assignments or examinations; when he completes it, he will
remove his condition.
Conditions of both types must normally be made up in the
semester immediately following that in which they were in
curred; for the removal of conditions of type (2), a date is set
at the end of the first six weeks of each semester when make
up examinations must be scheduled and late papers submitted.
Under special circumstances involving a use of laboratories or
attendance at courses not immediately available, a student
may secure permission to extend the time for making up a con
dition until the second semester following. Any condition not
made up within a year from the time it is imposed shall there
after be recorded as E, i. e., com plete failure, which cannot be
made up.
Any student who is absent from an examination, announce
ment of which was made in advance, shall be given an exami
nation at another hour only by special arrangement with the
instructor in charge of the course.
No examination in absen tia shall be permitted. This rule
shall be interpreted to mean that instructors shall give exami
nations only at the college and under direct departmental
Summer School Work
Students desiring to transfer credit from a summer school are
required to obtain the endorsement of the chairman of the de
partment concerned before entering upon the work, and after
completing the work are required to pass an examination set
by the Swarthmore department.
R esidence
All men students except freshmen choose their rooms in order
determined by lot. All freshmen, both men and women, are
assigned to rooms by the Deans. Upper class women have a
preferential system carried out by a committee of students and
members of the administrative staff.
In September, students are not admitted to the dormitories
before the day preceding registration except by special per
mission in advance from the Deans.
The college dining-room is closed during the Christmas and
spring recesses. The college dormitories are closed during the
Christmas recess. Students leaving property in any college
building during the summer recess do so at their own risk.
All freshmen must lea v e the colleg e im m ediately alter their
last examination in the spring in order that their rooms m ay b e
used b y Com mencement visitors.
Prohibition of Automobiles at Swarthmore
By action of the Faculty, approved by the Board of Managers,
undergraduates are forbidden to maintain automobiles at the
college or in the Borough of Swarthmore. The regulation is as
Resident students are not allowed to keep automobiles on
the campus or in the Borough of Swarthmore. The rule pro
hibits equally the keeping of automobiles owned by students
and those owned by other persons but placed in the custody or
control of students. Day students may use cars in commuting to
Under exceptional circumstances, a student may obtain per
mission from one of the Deans to keep an automobile in the
Borough for a limited time.
Parents an d students must realize that this regulation will b e
strictly enforced; students who do not observe it will b e a sk ed
to withdraw from college.
Exclusion from C ollege
The college reserves the right to exclude at any time stu
dents whose conduct or academic standing it regards as unde
sirable, and without assigning any further reason therefor; in
such cases the fees due or which may have been paid in ad
vance to the college will not be refunded or remitted, in whole
or in part, and neither the college nor any of its officers shall
be under any liability whatsoever for such exclusion.
The charge for tuition is $200 a term, payable in advance.
The charge for residence is $250 a term, payable at the begin-ning of each term. There is a uniform laboratory and activities
fee of $25 per term, which covers both academic and extra-cur
ricular College activities and supersedes all separate fees for
merly charged. A deposit of $25 is required of each student,
payable in advance, to cover incidental bills. Any unused balance is returned.
Charges per term:
R esidence................ _..................... ........... .................250
Deposit for incidental bills........................................ 25
Fees ......................................
Total ch arg es................................................................ $500
Recognizing that the accelerated program creates a financial
difficulty for many students and parents, the College reduced
the charges for the summer term in 1942. Tuition was set at
$150 and residence at $200. It is hoped, but not yet certain, that
a similar reduction can be made in the summer of 1943.
The payment of each term's charges is due not later than
Registration Day at the beginning of the term. Bills are mailed
before the opening of the current term. Payments should be
made by check or draft to the order of S w a r t h m o r e C o l l e g e .
In case a student's bill is not paid by the end of the first month,
he may be excluded from all College exercises.
No reduction or refunding of the tuition charge can be made
on account of absence, illness or dismissal during the year. If
a student shall withdraw or be absent from College for any
reason, there will be no reduction or refund because of failure
to occupy the room assigned for that term. In case of illness or
absence for other reasons from the College for six weeks or
more, there will be a proportionate reduction for board, pro
vided that notice be given to the Comptroller at the time of
withdrawal. Fees cannot be refunded for any reason whatever.
Students may charge incidental bills, including purchases at
the College bookstore, laundry, telephone and room breakage,
against the $25 deposit. When this deposit has been exhausted
a new deposit will be required immediately.
Special students who enroll for less than the prescribed
number of courses will be charged $50 per half course.
A ssistan t P rofessor : L uzern G. Livingston , Chairman.
I nstructors : C harles He im sc h .
R uth M cC lung J ones .
1. Biology. Botany and Zoology staff.
Full course.
This introductory course is designed to present the fundamental aspects of biology.
Principles will be illustrated by both plants and animals with particular reference
to their interdependence and interrelationships. The topics for consideration during
the first semester include: protoplasm, the cell, fundamentals of metabolism, struc
ture and function of the higher plant, nuclear and cell division, plant reproduction,
genetics, and a brief survey of the plant kingdom. The second semester will survey
the characteristics of invertebrate and vertebrate animals, geographical distribution,
evolution, embryology and physiology. This course is a prerequisite for advanced
courses in botany and zoology.
Three lectures or conferences and one laboratory period per week.
2. Genetics. Mr. Livingston.
Half course.
A study of the fundamental principles of genetics, including Mendelian inheritance,
the chromosome mechanism and the gene theory, and the application of the prin
ciples of genetics to plant and animal breeding.
Two lectures and one conference per week.
2a. Advanced Genetics. Mr. Livingston and Mrs. Jones.
Planned especially for majors in botany and zoology. Lectures will largely be re
placed by conferences. In the laboratory, experiments will be concerned with Mendel
ian inheritance in plants and animals, cytogenetics and the production of mutations
by various means.
3. Taxonomy. Mr. Heimsch.
Hall course.
A course including (1) the methods involved in identification of native and horti
cultural species of the campus and woods, and (2) considerations of evidence from
various fields of study, i.e., anatomy, morphology, cytology, etc., which bear di
rectly on the problems of interrelationships of angiosperms.
Two lectures and two laboratory periods per week.
4. Plant Anatomy. Mr. Heimsch.
Half course.
A course designed to introduce the technique of plant tissue preparation and
the fundamentals of plant anatomy, including cellular organization of vegetative
and reproductive parts as well as critical consideration of meristematic activity and
Two lectures and two laboratory periods per week.
5. Survey of the Plant Kingdom. Mr. Heimsch.
Hall course.
A comparative study of the structure and life habits of the thallophytes, bryophytes, and tracheophytes (exclusive of the angiosperms). Particular attention will
be given to current concepts of evolutionary relationships from the standpoints of
both comparative morphology and paleobotanical evidence.
*Under the accelerated program, not all courses will be offered every term.
6. Plant Physiology. Mr. Livingston.
Hall course.
An integrated study of the physiological processes of the higher plant, including
general cellular physiology, water relations, mineral nutrition, photosynthesis,
enzyme action and organic synthesis, cellular respiration, translocation, the phys
iology of growth and development, and related topics.
Two lectures, one conference, and one laboratory period per week.
7. Economic Botany. Mr. Heimsch.
Half course.
A study of the principles and factors which condition the utilization of plant mate
rials such as wood and wood products, fibers, food products (fruits, cereals, leaf
and root crops), drugs, etc.
Three lectures per week, plus reports and/or laboratory.
8. The Biology of Bacteria. Mr. Livingston.
Hall course.
An approach to the study of bacteriology with principal emphasis on the considera
tion of bacteria as organisms rather than causative agents for disease, etc.
Two lectures and two laboratory periods per week.
9. Cytology. Mrs. Jones.
Half course.
An advanced course including a study of both cytoplasmic and nuclear structures.
Prerequisite either Botany 4 or Zoology (Histology).
10. Special Topics. Mr. Heimsch, Mrs. Jones, and Mr. Livingston.
Half course.
Numerous libraries, museums and parks in and around Phila
delphia offer unusual opportunities for students to carry on
investigations in the botanical sciences.
Prerequisites. The following courses, or their equivalents, are
required for admission to Honors work in botany: biology (see
Course 1 above) and general inorganic chemistry. Students
are also urged to present additional preparation in physics,
mathematics, and chemistry whenever this is possible. Candi
dates for Honors should arrange a discussion of their course
program in relation to future Honors work as early as possible
in their freshman year.
Seminars. The following seminars prepare for examinations
for a degree with Honors:
1. Plant Physiology.
An integrated study of the physical, chemical and biological aspects underlying
plant function.
2. Plant Taxonomy and Distribution.
A close study of the classification and distribution of our most important plant
families. Laboratory and field work in plant identification, and a consideration of
the effects of environment factors on the distribution of plants.
3. Genetics.
A study oI the structure and development of the cell-theories of inheritance,
Mendelism, plant and animal breeding methods and problems, etc.
4. Cytology.
A detailed study of plant and animal cells from the point of view of morphology
and function. Especial attention is given to cytogenetics.
5. Problems of Growth and Development.
A morphological and physiological study of growth phenomena in plants.
6. Bacteriology.
A study of the biology and biochemistry of bacteria.
P ro fesso rs : H. J ermain C reighton , Chairman.
E dward H. C ox.
A ssociate P rofessor : D uncan G. F oster .
A ssistan t P rofessor : W alter B. Keighton , J r.
I nstructor : Howard P otter .
1. Inorganic Chemistry. Mr. Creighton.
Full course.
Lectures, demonstrations, written exercises, individual laboratory practice and
weekly conferences on the general principles of inorganic chemistry. This course is
primarily for students majoring in chemistry and the other sciences and is a prere
quisite /or Chemistry 2. It consists of three hours of lectures and one four-hour
laboratory period weekly. Text-books: Hildebrand, Principles of Chemistry and
Latimer and Hildebrand, Reference Book of Inorganic Chemistry; Bray and Latimer,
A Course in G eneral Chemistry.
2. Analytical Chemistry. Mr. Foster.
Full course.
First semester: Qualitative analysis. The theory and practice of the detection of
the commoner chemical elements. Text-book, Hammett, Solutions of Electrolytes.
Second Semester: Quantitative analysis: The principles and practice of volumetric
analysis. Text-book: Talbot, Quantitative Chemical Analysis.
One lecture, one recitation or conference and two laboratory periods per week.
Prerequisite, Chemistry 1, with a minimum grade of C.
4. Analytical Chemistry. Mr. Foster.
Full course, on e sem ester.
A laboratory course in the principles of gravimetric analysis, organic and gas
analysis. Text-book, Quantitative Inorganic A nalysis, Kolthoff and Sandell; referencebooks, Treadwell-Hall, Analytical Chemistry and Fales, Inorganic Quantitative Analy
sis. Eighteen hours' laboratory work with conferences when necessary, to be
arranged at the beginning of the course.
5. Physical Chemistry. Mr. Keighton.
Full course.
Three hours of conference and lectures and one four-hour laboratory period weekly.
The fundamental principles of theoretical chemistry are studied and a number of
numerical exercises are worked. In the laboratory work the student uses a wide
variety of physical-chemical apparatus. Books recommended: Millard, Physical
Chemistry for C olleges; Daniels, Mathews, and Williams, Experimental Physical
Prerequisites, Chemistry 1 with a minimum grade of C, and a course in General
Physics. This course is offered to juniors and seniors.
6. Organic Chemistry. Mr. Coz and Mr. Potter.
Hall course.
Lectures, demonstrations, written exercises, and laboratory work. Three lectures,
and one four-hour laboratory period a week. In the laboratory, the students carry
out reactions and syntheses of various organic compounds, as given in Adams and
Johnson, Laboratory Experiments in Organic Chemistry. The lectures follow such
texts as Conant, O rganic Chemistry (revised edition) and cover both the aliphatic
and aromatic series. The course is designed for students majoring in zoology and
pre-medical work. Prerequisite—Chemistry 1, with a minimum grade of C.
•Under the accelerated program, not all courses will be offered every term.
6a. O rg a n ic Chem istry. Mr. C o z a n d Mr. Potter.
H ali cou rse.
Three lectures and one four-hour laboratory period a week.
This course is a continuation of course 6. In the laboratory, the students carry out
some of the more difficult preparations as given in Adams and Johnson, Gilman,
O rganic Syntheses, and the other laboratory manuals. In the lectures the aliphatic
and aromatic series are reviewed from an advanced point of view, and follow such
texts as Conant, Chemistry of Organic Compounds, Fuson and Snyder, Organic
Chemistry, and current review articles. This course is designed for students major
ing in chemistry and for pre-medical students who desire more organic chemistry.
Prerequisite—Chemistry 6, with a minimum grade of C.
The following seminars prepare for examinations for a de
gree with Honors:
1. Analytical Chemistry. Mr. Foster.
A laboratory seminar designed to give the student as thorough a groundwork in
the principles and practice of quantitative analytical chemistry as the time will
allow. Approximately twenty-four hours a week are spent in the laboratory under the
guidance, but not the supervision of the instructor, carrying out examples of gravi
metric, advanced volumetric and gas analytical methods. Conferences are held when
2. Physical Chemistry. Mr. Keighton.
Weekly seminar and laboratory. The work of the seminar includes the study of the
states of aggregation of matter, elementary principles of thermodynamics, the rela
tion between physical properties and molecular structure, equilibrium, the theory of
solutions, electro-chemistry and colloid chemistry. One day per week is spent in the
A seminar is given in the first semester for minors and another in the second
semester for majors.
3. Advanced Physical Chemistry. Mr. Keighton.
Weekly seminar and laboratory. The work of the seminar includes the study of
thermodynamics, the activity concept and activity coefficients, the Debye-Hiickel
theory of strong electrolytes, and chemical kinetics including photochemistry and
acid-base catalysis. One day per week is spent in the laboratory.
4. Organic Chemistry. Mr. Coz and Mr. Potter.
For students majoring in Chemistry and others wishing to take Honors 6, Advanced
Organic Chemistry. A four-hour conference and eight-hour laboratory period once a
week. Conant's The Chemistry of Organic Compounds is preferred in covering the
groundwork, although any good standard text may be substituted. The groundwork
is covered in three months. The remaining part of the semester is given over to
reviews of the text material and discussion on reaction mechanisms and advanced
topics. Adams and Johnson's Laboratory Experiments in O rganic Chemistry is used
as the basis of laboratory work.
5. Organic Chemistry. Mr. Coz and Mr. Potter.
For students taking Chemistry as their minor subject. A three-hour conference and
six-hour laboratory period once a week. The groundwork for the conferences is
taken from any one of the elementary organic texts (preferably Conant's The Chem
istry of O rganic Compounds). In the laboratory students prepare various organic
compounds as given in Adams and Johnson's Laboratory Experiments in Organic
6. A d v an ced O rg a n ic Chem istry. Mr. C o x a n d Mr. Potter.
A continuation of Honors 4. Students write thirteen weekly comprehensive papers
on advanced subjects. These papers are gathered from Reviews, Monographs, and
original journal articles. A four-hour conference and eight-hour laboratory period
once a week. In the laboratory the students prepare more difficult compounds and
pursue approximately five weeks of qualitative organic analysis. Prerequisite—
Honors 4.
Students with a major in chemistry follow a course of study
leading to the degree of A.B. This degree may be taken either
in course or with Honors. In either case there must be com
pleted, during the first two years, the following: Two courses
in chemistry, two courses in mathematics, one course in
physics, and two courses in German (or their equivalent).
In the junior and senior years, students in course are re
quired to complete courses 4, 5, 6 and 6a in the department of
chemistry and to complete the requirements in their minor
subject. For students who have been accepted for Honors work
there are offered the seminars listed above. At the end of their
senior year. Honors students majoring in chemistry take (1)
not less than four nor more than five examination papers in
chemistry; (2) one paper in physics; (3) and the remaining
papers in topics selected from the following: mathematics,
physics, philosophy, physiology.
For admission to minor Honors work in chemistry, one iull
course in chemistry is a prerequisite.
Students intending to prepare for the medical profession will
find it to their advantage to take as many as possible of the
following courses in chemistry: Nos. 1, 2, 5, 6.
P ro fesso rs : E. H. B r ew ster , Chairm an.
L. R. S hero .
1. Elementary Greek. Mr. Shero.
Full course.
Study of the essentials of Greek grammar and reading of easy selections from
Greek literature, with collateral study of various aspects of Greek civilization.
2. Intermediate Greek. Mr. Shero.
Full course.
Selections from Homer and from Herodotus, Plato's Apology, and a tragedy are
Students planning to read for Honors will be permitted to do some of the reading
for this course in Latin, if it is impossible for them to take Latin 4.
3. Greek Survey. Mr. Shero.
Full course.
A survey of Greek literature with reading of some of the masterpieces of prose and
of poetry of the classical period.
4. Advanced Greek Reading. Mr. Shero. Full course. (Offered as required.)
The reading done in this course is determined by the interests and needs of the
members of the class.
5. The Mediterranean World: Greece and the East (History 4). Mr. Shero.
Half course.
A study of Greek civilization in its most significant aspects to the time oi_{he
Hellenistic Kingdoms, preceded by a brief survey of the Oriental civilizations by
which the Greeks were influenced. Special attention is given to the 6th and 5th
centuries b. c.
6. Greek Literature in English (English 12). Mr. Shero.
Half course.
Study in English translation of some of the masterpieces of Greek literature, in
cluding the Homeric epics, several of the dramas, Plato's Republic.
7. Greek Life and Thought. Mr. Shero.
Half course.
A general survey of those aspects of Greek civilization which have had special
significance for the modern world, with detailed study of some of the masterpieces
of Greek art and of Greek literature (in translation).
8. Classical Art and Archaeology. Miss Brewster, Mr. Shero.
Half course.
A study of the methods of archaeological investigation, with a survey of the devel
opment of Greek and Roman architecture, sculpture, painting, ceramics, numismatics,
and town-planning. Special attention is given to the early Greek period.
1. Sub-Freshman Latin.
Full course. (O ffered a s required.)
For students who begin Latin in college or for those who are not prepared to
enter Latin 2. (Equivalent normally to two years' preparation in secondary school.)
‘ Under the accelerated program not all courses will be offered every term.
2. Intermediate Latin. Miss Brewster, Mr. Shero.
Full course or two h a ll courses.
Prose and verse (including Aulus Gellius, Roman Law; Virgil) selected according
to the interests and needs of the members of the class. For students who have had
two or more years of preparatory Latin and are not prepared to enter Latin 3.
3. Latin Survey. Miss Brewster.
Full course or two h a ll courses.
A survey of Latin literature with emphasis upon Comedy, Livy; Lucretius, Horace.
The course aims to give students some conception of the Roman spirit as manifested
in Latin literature and in the personality of Latin writers. Open to those whose
Placement Tests indicate adequate preparation.
4. Advanced Latin Reading. Miss Brewster, Mr. Shero.
Full course or two h alf courses.
Selected Letters of Cicero and Pliny, selections from Tacitus; Catullus, Virgil's
Eclogues and Georgies, Elegiac Poets.
5. Roman Satire and Epigram. Miss Brewster.
Half course.
6. Latin Philosophical Writings. Miss Brewster.
Half course.
7. Latin Language. Miss Brewster.
Half course.
A study of the development of the Latin language. Practice in reading Latin, in
writing Latin prose, and in translating Latin (including medieval Latin) at sight.
8. Comprehensive Survey. Miss Brewster.
Half course.
Review readings and supplementary reading in Latin authors and in modem
authorities on Roman history, public and private life, art, literature, and religion.
Designed to enable students through independent study and occasional conferences,
to prepare themselves for final comprehensive examinations. Open to seniors with
a major in Latin.
9. The Mediterranean World: Rome (History 5). Miss Brewster.
Half course.
Survey of the history of Rome from the earliest times to the accession of Marcus
Aurelius, with emphasis upon republican institutions and the Augustan principale.
The course stresses the Roman genius for organization and administration.
10. European Backgrounds. Miss Brewster.
Hall course.
A study of the provinces of the Roman Empire as a background for modern Europe
and the Mediterranean world.
11. Pagan-Christian Centuries. Miss Brewster.
Hall course.
A study of the development of Christian forms and ideas in the Roman Empire
before the Edict of Constantine. Lectures and reports supplemented by readings in
translation from pagan and Christian sources.
12. Latin Literature in English (English 12). Miss Brewster.
Halt course.
Study in English translation of some of the masterpieces of Latin literature with
emphasis upon the lyric, drama, satire, and philosophic writings, and their influence
upon western thought and literature.
I. G eneral prerequisites: For a major in Greek or Latin:
Elementary Greek (1), Intermediate Greek (2), Latin Survey
For a minor in Greek: Elementary Greek (1), Intermediate
Greek (2).
For a minor in Latin: Latin Survey (3).
II. Supplementary preparation advised: History of Euorpe
(1), Introduction to Philosophy (2), French or German liter
III. Seminars: The following seminars prepare for examina
tions for a degree with Honors:
1. History of Ancient Greek and Roman Civilization, a survey concentrating
upon political institutions, art, and religion. Mr. Shero.
2. Intensive Study of a Special Period of Greek or Roman History: Solon to
the End of the Peloponnesian War. Mr. Shero.
The Gracchi to Nero. Miss Brewster.
3. Plato. (See p. 83 under Department of Philosophy.)
4. Greek or Latin Language: an introduction to classical philology, epi
graphy, palceography; practice in reading and writing in Greek or in
Latin. Mr. Shero, Miss Brewster.
5. Prose Authors: Greek—Thucydides, Plato, the Attic Orators. Mr. Shero.
Latin, with emphasis upon Cicero and the Historians. Miss Brewster.
6. Poets: Greek, with emphasis upon Epic and Tragedy. Mr. Shero.
Latin, with emphasis upon Epic (including Lucretius) and Satire. Miss
7. Greek and Roman Archaeology: intensive study of the results of excava
tions in a few important cities and sanctuaries (e. g., Corinth, Olympia;
Pompeii, Ostia).
8. Greek and Roman Political Thought: the principles presented in the writ
ings of Plato, Aristotle, Polybius, and Cicero, and in the careers of repre
sentative Roman statesmen.
Required for a major in Greek or Latin: Nos. 5, 6, either 3 or
4, and one elective from the group above.
Required for a minor in Greek or Latin: Nos. 5 and 6 above
and an additional paper testing translation at sight.
Required for a major in ancient history: Two seminars in
the ancient field (Nos. 1, 2. 7, or 8 above) and two seminars in
medieval or modern history. See the statement under History.
IV. A thesis may be substituted for No. 1 or No. 2 above if
students have adequate preparation in history, ancient art,
and modern languages.
P ro fesso rs : Herbert F. F raser , Chairman.
" C lair W ilcox.
A ssistan t P rofessors : " ' P atrick M u rph y M alin .
F rank C. P ierson .
W olfgang F. S tolper .
I nstructor : J ohn S eybold .
L ectu rer : W illiam N. Loucks .
Prerequisites and Requirements: Economics 1 is prerequisite
to all advanced courses and seminars in the department.
Economics 2 is strongly recommended to all students who plan
to major in the department. Economics 3 is open to all upper
classmen. All other advanced courses and seminars are open
only to juniors and seniors. Money and Banking is required of
all majors and should be taken, in course or in seminar, during
the junior year. Economic Theory is required of all students
taking four seminars in the department and should be taken
during the junior year.
Course Offerings: Courses 1, 2 and 4 and all seminars are
offered annually. All other advanced courses are offered in
alternate years. A single semester of Courses 2, 3, 8, 9 and 11
may be taken for half-course credit.
1. Introduction to Economics. Messrs. Fraser, Pierson, Stolper, and Seybold.
Full course.
A description of the structure of the economy. A study of economic processes.
An elementary analysis of the determination of prices and the distribution of income.
A discussion of contemporary economic problems.
2. Accounting and Statistics.
The student should familiarize himself with the tools which are employed in
quantitative studies in economics. To this end he should take introductory courses
in accounting and statistics. This requirement may be satisfied by the completion
of Engineering 10 and either Engineering 11 or Psychology 12. These half-courses are
described in the statements of those departments.
3. Resources, Population, and Technology. Mr. Pierson.
Full course.
First semester: Economic environment and social attitudes; natural resources;
changes in population, migration, and industrial location. Second semester: an
examination of sources of economic instability with special reference to production
trends, price changes, technological innovations, and urban problems.
4. Money and Banking. Mr. Seybold.
M ali course.
Development and significance of the institutions of money, credit, and banking.
Theory and practice of commercial banking. Central banking, liquidity, prices and
monetary standards. Credit control. Objectives in monetary policy.
5. Business Cycles. Mr. Stolper.
Half course.
A discussion of the time series used to measure the business cycle; a brief survey
of the statistical methods used; a discussion of business cycle theories with par
ticular emphasis on the determinants of the level of income and employment; an
analysis of the 1930's.
6. International Economics. Mr. Stolper or Mr. Fraser.
Half course.
International monetary problems: the balance of payments, the gold standard, free
•Under the accelerated program not all courses will be offered every semester.
••Absent on leave, part-time.
***Absent on leave.
exchanges, exchange equalization accounts, exchange control. The theory ol inter
national trade. Commercial policy: tariffs, quotas, clearing agreements, reciprocal
trade agreements.
7. Public Finance. Mr. Fraser.
Hall course.
8. Economics of Business. Mr. Fraser.
Full course.
A study of government expenditures, indebtedness, and revenues, with particular
emphasis upon the problem of deficit financing and the economics of taxation.
The economic problems which confront the business executive. First semester:
corporate organization and finance; investment banking and the securities exchanges.
Second semester: marketing problems and price policies; risk, speculation, and
9. Public Control of Business. Mr. Pierson.
Full course.
First semester: government regulation of prices and production in transportation,
public utilities, agriculture, and the extractive industries. Second semester: types of
non-competitive activity in construction, manufacturing, marketing and the service
trades; public enforcement and regulation of competition.
10. Labor Problems. Mr. Pierson.
Hali course.
The position of the industrial worker; the American labor movement; the structure
and functions of unions. Employer approaches to labor relations; personnel programs.
The economics of wage policies. Governmental control of labor relations.
11. Social Economics. Mr. Seybold.
Full course.
An examination of the extent, consequences, and causes of economic inequality.
An appraisal of economic reforms with particular reference to social security, med
ical care, housing, minimum wage laws, the social use of the taxing power, con
sumers' cooperation, socialism, and economic planning.
The following seminars prepare for examinations for a de
gree with Honors:
1. Money and Banking. Mr. Pierson.
The subject matter includes the material covered in Courses 4 and 5 above. The
method consists of systematic seminar discussions on the basis of assigned readings,
oral reports, and written papers.
2. Economic Theory. Mr. Stolper.
An advanced analysis of the processes by which the prices of goods .and services
and the incomes of the factors of production are determined under various market
conditions. A study of theories of the business cycle. Directed reading and discus
sion, supplemented by reports on the theoretical problems raised by factual studies.
3. International Economics. Mr. Fraser.
A more detailed examination of the topics listed under Course 6 is followed by
a study of the economics of war and post-war readjustment. Directed reading and
written reports
4. Public and Private Finance. Mr. Fraser.
The subject matter parallels that of Courses 7 and 8. Directed reading and written
5. Public Control of Business. Mr. Wilcox.
The subject matter parallels that of Course 9. Research reports will not be required
as formerly. Instead students will engage in independent reading under guidance
in an extensive bibliography. Weekly outline reports but no semester reports.
6. Social Economics. Mr. Wilcox or Mr. Seybold.
The subject matter parallels that of Courses 10 and 11. Independent reading under
guidance in an extensive bibliography. Weekly outline reports but no semester
Class-room instruction is supplemented by individual tu
torials for majors in courses during the Senior year.
A thesis may be substituted for a course or for the examina
tion on the subject matter covered in a seminar, under exceptorials for majors in courses during the senior year.
P rofessor : S cott B. Lil l y , C hairm an.
A sso c u te P ro fesso rs : S am uel T. C arpenter .
‘ ‘ Howard M. J e n k in s .
* “ C harles G . T hatcher .
A ssistan t P ro fesso rs : J ohn D. M cC r u m m .
“ A ndrew S im pson .
‘ “ G eorce B. T h o m .
I nstructors : G eorce A. B ourdelais .
C. J ustus G arrahan.
P h ilip J. P otter .
C . B. R osenberg .
I nstructor , P art T im e : O mar P ancoast, J r.
There are three departments of Engineering: Civil, Electrical
and Mechanical. These departments cooperate in a program
of (1) introductory courses, taken normally by freshman and
sophomore engineers; (2) general courses, open to all students
in the college. Each department offers also its own separate
program of advanced work.
An engineering student devotes about half his time to en
gineering courses; the other half he divides between basic
sciences, such as physics and mathematics, and the non-technical fields useful for a liberal education.
During their first three years, all engineering students follow
the schedule of courses outlined below. During the sophomore
year students may elect Course 8, Principles of Electrical En
gineering. Those who propose to maj'or in electrical engineer
ing should take this course. Those students whose ability in the
field of mathematics and the natural sciences is marked, and
those who intend to go on into graduate work, should take an
additional course in mathematics in the junior year; those
students whose greatest interest lies in administration, opera
tion, or management of engineering enterprises should choose
their fourth course in the field of economics or industrial man
All students devote their last two years: (1) to developing
their special interests; (2) to fulfilling the major requirements
of one of the departments of Engineering; (3) to certain basic
courses required of all engineers. (For details see below.)
Engineering students qualify for the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Engineering.
*Under the accelerated program, not all courses will be offered every term.
**Absent on leave.
*** Absent on part-time leave.
Freshman Year—Four Courses
Humanities or Social Science elective
Mathematics 1, 2
Chemistry 1
Engineering 1, 2, 3
Summer Session Engineering 4, 5 (not offered under accelerated pro
Sophomore Year—Four Courses
Humanities or Social Science elective
English for Engineers
Mathematics 11, 12
Physics 1
Engineering 6, 7
In addition students who plan to major in electrical engineering
should take
Principles of Electrical Engineering 8 (Second semester only)
Junior Year—Four Courses
Humanities, Social Science or Natural Science elective
Mechanics of Fluids, consisting of
22—Elementary Fluid Mechanics
Mechanics of Solids, consisting of
20— Analytic Mechanics
Strength of Materials
Electrical Engineering 30 or
Electrical Machinery 31a and 31b
The courses taken in the senior year are described under the headings
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
In the Division of Engineering, since so much of the pre
scribed work is of a fundamental nature. Honors work is limited
to the senior year. For a general statement, see page 37 et seq.,
and for details see statements of the Departments of Civil, Elec
trical and Mechanical Engineering, pages 60, 62, 64.
Introductory Courses
1. Surveying. Mr. Carpenter.
O ne-quarter course.
Surveying instruments and their adjustment; practice in taping, leveling, running
traverses, taking topography, stadia work, preparation of profiles and maps from
field notes.
Required course for freshman engineers. Open to all students who have had trigo
nometry in high school or college
2. Freshman Drawing and Shop Practice. Mr. Bourdelais, Mr. Rosenberg.
Halt course.
Woodworking, pattern making, principles o! foundry practice, forging and welding
and m,achine shop. Industrial trips. Orthographic projection and modern drafting
practice. Sketching with emphasis on accurate visualization.
Required course for freshman engineers; open to all students.
3. Descriptive Geometry. Mr. Rosenberg.
O ne-quarter course.
A continuation of the principles of orthographic drawing as applied to
location and description of bodies in space. It is concerned with the
problems that arise in connection with the determination of distances,
intersections. Emphasis is placed upon the application to practical
Two three-hour laboratory periods.
Required course for freshman engineers; open to all students.
problems of
solutions of
angles, and
*4. Long Survey. Mr. Carpenter.
O ne w eek during the sum mer follow ing the freshm an y ea r.
Supplementary to Engineering 1. One week of continuous work in surveying and
mapping, including running of levels and of a topographical survey by the stadia
Required course for freshman engineers; open to all students who have taken
Engineering 1.
*5. Advanced Drawing and Shop Practice. Mr. Bourdelais.
Two w eek s during the summer.
Machine Shop practice. Industrial trips. Sketching of original ideas. Limited
number of carefully made drawings.
Required course for sophomore engineers; open to all students who have taken
Engineering 2.
Given in June after closing of college; 2 weeks of work, 8 hours a day.
6. Kinematics. Mr. Rosenberg.
. Hall course.
A comprehensive study of the relative motions of links in a mechanism; the deter
mination of the velocities and accelerations of these members; the development of
cams, of gears and transmission machinery from the standpoint of motion. Drawing
room solutions of problems of a practical nature.
Required course for sophomore engineers; open to all students.
7. Materials of Engineering. Mr. Rosenberg.
Half course.
Study of the chemistry and metallurgy, physical properties, practical and economic
uses of the common metals and alloys, wood, cement, and concrete. Laboratory
exercises and written reports. Trips to nearby plants.
Required course for sophomore engineers; open to all students who have had
chemistry in high school or college.
8. Principles of Electrical Engineering. Mr. McCruxnm, Mr. Garrahan.
One-quarter course.
This course is open to all who are taking General Physics and Calculus. This is
an introductory course to further work in Electrical Engineering in the junior year.
It includes the study of fundamental electrical quantities and the solution of typical
problems of electrodynamics and simple electrical apparatus.
Required course for sophomore engineers who plan to major in Electrical Engi
neering; open to students who have taken Physics 1.
G eneral Courses
**10. Accounting. Mr. Pancoast.
Hall course.
Theory of corporate accountancy; the terminology, the functions and the interpre
tation of financial statements, including credit analysis and financial and operating
Open to all students.
*These courses will not be given under the accelerated program.
**Courses No. 10 and No. 11, combined, are known as "Methods of Economic
Analysis" (Economics No. 2).
11. Business Statistics. Mr. Stolper.
Halt course.
Study and applications of fundamental statistical methods which can be used in
an analysis of business conditions and changes, and which aid in a clearer under
standing of economic data.
Open to all students.
12. Industrial Management. Mr. Thom.
Full course.
A survey study of the organization and management of industrial activities, includ
ing historical background, organization, physical plant, standardization, job stand
ardization, wages, personnel and control.
Open to all students.
14 Art Metal and Wood Working, Mr. Bourdelais.
One afternoon a w eek , all year. No credit.
Designed to give the student a chance to express himself with his hands. The
medium is usually wood or metal, the project varying with the desire of the student.
Emphasis is placed on both the artistic and the practical side, and on developing
powers of observation of detail.
Open to all students.
15. Contemporary Engineering Topics. Mr. Lilly.
One hour per week, all year. No credit.
This course includes the preparation of at least three carefully written papers on
contemporary engineering topics, and the oral presentation of the subject matter
involved from notes. The program is varied by extemporaneous speeches by students,
or talks by outside speakers.
Required of all seniors majoring in engineering.
16. Analysis of Physical Problems. Mr. McCrumm.
Full course.
The origin, meaning, and method of solution of differential equations especially
those arising from the behavior of physical systems; emphasis on linear differential
equations with constant coefficients. The origin and solution of physical problems
involving hyperbolic functions, elliptic integrals, Gamma and Bessel functions. Also
Fourier series, GTaeffe's general theory, infinite series, dimensional analysis, and
other special topics.
Open to students who have had Mathematics 12 and Physics 1.
S cott B. Lil l y , Chairman.
20. Analytic Mechanics. Mr. Lilly.
Hall course.
Composition and resolution of forces; center of gravity; moments; acceleration;
velocity; collision of bodies; the integration of simple equations of motion. This course
is a study of the behavior of particles and solid bodies, when acted upon by forces,
assuming that the solid bodies do not change form under such action.
Open to students who have taken Mathematics 12 and Physics 1.
21. Strength of Materials. Mr. Lilly, Mr. Carpenter.
Half course.
This course treats of the internal stresses and changes of form which always occur
when forces act upon solid bodies. The mechanics involved in the design of simple
engineering structures is presented, so that the student may realize the problems
which must be solved in order to secure the required strength and stiffness in such
Open to students who have taken Engineering 20.
22. Fluid Mechanics. Mr. Lilly.
H all course.
Properties of fluids; statics of fluids; flotation; accelerated liquids in relative
equilibrium; dynamics of fluids; impulse and momentum in fluids; dynamic lift and
propulsion; the flow of viscous fluids, flow of fluids in pipes; flow with a free sur
face; flow through orifices and tubes; the resistance of immersed and floating bodies;
dynamics of compressible fluids; thermodynamics of compressible viscous fluids;
dynamic similarity.
23. Structural Theory and Design. Mr. Carpenter.
Full cou rse.
Analysis of determinate and indeterminate structures; design of structural members
and connections; design of reinforced concrete. The work of the first semester is
arranged to meet the requirements of mechanical and electrical engineers.
Open to students who have taken Engineering 20 and 21.
Rqeuired of seniors majoring in civil engineering: Credit given for first semester
to seniors majoring in electrical or mechanical engineering.
24. Engineering Economy. Mr. Lilly.
Half course.
A study of the methods which the engineer uses when he investigates a proposed
course of action in order that he may decide whether it will prove to be economical
in the long run.
Open to all students.
25. Civil Engineering Option. Mr. Lilly, Mr. Carpenter.
Full course.
This course is designed to give the student an opportunity to apply the fundamen
tal principles of the mechanics of solid bodies or of the mechanics of fluids to some
particular field. This further training will include more fundamental theory. Especial
emphasis will be placed on the methods of attacking problems in engineering rather
than a minute application of the theory to practical problems. The subjects to be
studied will be decided upon by the student and the instructor. In 1940-41 the
students spent approximately one-third of their time on each of the following sub
jects: soil mechanics and foundations; water supply; sewerage systems and sewage
disposal. These subjects will be studied in series.
29. Thesis. Mr. Lilly, Mr. Carpenter.
Half course.
The curriculum for the first three years for a student who
plans to major in civil engineering is given on page 65.
The courses which must be taken in the senior year are:
Structural Theory and Design
Civil Engineering Option
Heat Power Engineering
Engineering Economy
Since Heat Power Engineering and Engineering Economy
are half courses, one-quarter of the student's time in the senior
year is open, and he may elect any course in the Division of
Engineering, Division of the Social Sciences, or Division of
Mathematics and the Natural Sciences to complete his program.
This elective must receive the approval of his course adviser
and must be related to his course as a whole.
The fundamental theory of the Four Course Plan, under
which the college is operating, is that the student shall confine
his efforts to not more than four subjects at the same time.
Therefore the two courses. Structural Theory and Design,
No. 23, and Civil Engineering Option, No. 25, are broad in
scope. Course 23 includes a review of fundamental mechanics
and continues with the computation of stresses, and the design
of structures in steel, wood and concrete. Course 25 may in
clude highway engineering, soil mechanics and foundations,
hydrology, water supply, sewage disposal and sewerage sys
tems. The subject matter is varied in content and emphasis to
meet the needs and interests of different groups. The subjects
mentioned are taken up in series, making it possible to avoid
repetition and increase the efficiency of the teaching.
Senior students, having completed their junior year as out
lined above, may apply to read for Honors. The topics of final
examinations in civil engineering are :
Analytic Mechanics and Strength of Materials
Structural Theory
Municipal Engineering
Reinforced Concrete
Soil Mechanics and Foundations
The fundamental ideal of the work in honors is to encourage
each student to go as far as he is capable in some one phase
of civil engineering. He is urged to make himself familiar with
all the latest developments in that field so that he may realize
that engineering science is a living, growing profession, and
that he may well spend his best energies to further that growth.
A major in civil engineering will take eight honors examina
tions, at least three of which shall be from the above list; at
least one in electrical engineering; at least one in mechanical
engineering, and the remainder in engineering, mathematics,
physics, chemistry or the social sciences.
J ohn D. McC rumm , A cting C hairm an.
30. Electrical Engineering. Mr. Garrahan.
Full course.
Laws and principles of direct and alternating currents, and basic concepts of
electrical engineering. Theory and operation of small and large-power electrical
apparatus. One laboratory period a week devoted to study of electric circuits or
operation of electrical machinery and written laboratory report.
This course is required for all non-electrical majors in engineering.
31a. Direct Current Machinery. Mr. McCrumm.
H alf cou rse, Brst sem ester.
This is the first half of the work in the junior year in electrical engineering. Fur
ther study of magnetic and electro-static circuit elements froin an engineering view
point. Complete class and laboratory study of direct current motors, generators and
control equipment.
31b. Alternating Current Circuit Theory. Mr. McCrumm.
Half cou rse, secon d sem ester.
This is the second half of Course 31 and consists largely of the basic principles
of alternating current circuit analysis, studied in both the classroom and laboratory.
It should be noted that Courses 31a and b form a rational whole, and should be
considered a s such. No sharp distinctions are drawn at the boundary of the two.
This Course 31 is required of all electrical engineering majors. Prerequisite, En
gineering 8.
32. Electronics. Mr. Garrahan.
H alt cou rse.
A study of the fundamentals of electronic control devices. Vacuum tubes; thyratrons; amplifiers; oscillators; modulators; detectors; photo-electric control devices.
One laboratory period per week in which fundamental principles are investigated.
33. Alternating Current Machinery. Mr. McCrumm.
Full cou rse.
Study of all important types of alternating current power machinery such as trans
formers, synchronous machines, induction motors and others. One laboratory period
a week. Required of all electrical engineering majors.
34. Transient Circuit Analysis. Mr. Garrahan.
H alt cou rse.
The transient response of electric circuits is studied both theoretically and experi
mentally. The theoretical treatment includes an introduction to the operational
method of solution. One laboratory period per week, in which theoretical deductions
are verified experimentally.
35. Circuit Analysis. Mr. McCrumm.
H alt course.
Analysis of n-mesh networks, network theorems, electro-mechanical equivalent
circuits, traveling waves on transmission lines, etc.
36. Communication Engineering. Mr. Garrahan.
H alt course.
An introductory study of complete communication systems. Transmission lines;
electric wave filters; equalizing networks; bridge networks; bilateral amplifiers;
radiation; antennas. One laboratory period per week in which fundamental principles
are investigated.
39. Thesis. Electrical Engineering Department Stafi.
H alt course credit.
The general plan is that from the subjects listed above, and
by courses offered elsewhere in the college, the student will
work out a logically integrated, cognate, intensive study of one
or more phases of the theory of electrical engineering.
It is expected that a student whose major is electrical engi
neering will have taken Engineering 8 in the second semester
of his sophomore year. Other courses which must be taken to
fulfill the requirements for the Bachelor of Science with major
in electrical engineering include:
(1) General science subjects as listed under the general
statement of the Division of Engineering, pages 55 ff. These
subjects are pursued in the first three years in classes with
the students in other branches of engineering, and are consid
ered the essential foundation for all persons studying applied
(2) Subjects in the Divisions of the Humanities or Social
Sciences. At least three subjects not offered in the scientific
division must be taken over the period of the four college years.
The choice is optional, the only requirement being that the
three courses should form a rational whole.
(3) Additional subjects in allied scientific departments.
Advanced calculus and differential equations or Engineering
16 are required for electrical engineering majors; in addition
all or part of the following courses will be recommended for
certain students:
41. Heat Power Engineering
24. Engineering Economy
Electricity and Magnetism
Atomic Physics
(4) Major studies in electrical engineering. According to the
time available and the needs of the individual, Alternating
Current Machinery 33, and at least two of the following will
be taken in the senior year:
Circuit Analysis
Communication Engineering
The following seminars prepare for examinations for a de
gree with Honors:
1. Electric Circuit Analysis
2. Electronics and Communication
3. Alternating Current Machines
Honors students whose major is electrical engineering take:
(1) Not less than three nor more than four honors examina
tions in electrical engineering.
(2) At least one examination each in civil and mechanical
(3) Examinations in other departments in which honors work
has been taken in the junior or senior years, to make a total
of at least eight papers.
G eorge B. T h o m , A cting C hairm an.
40. Thermodynamics. Mr. Thom, Mr. Potter.
H alf course.
Fundamental thermodynamics. Properties of gases and vapors. G as and vapor
cycles. Applications to modern power plants. Class, problem and laboratory work.
Open to students who have had Mathematics 12 and Physics 1.
41. Heat Power. Mr. Potter.
H all cou rse.
Theoretical and practical considerations of steam plants and internal combustion
engines. Class and laboratory work, written reports. Calibration of instruments,
testing of fuels and lubricants, engines, boilers, pumps and hydraulic equipment.
Open to students who have had Engineering 40.
42. Internal Combustion Engines. Mr. Rosenberg.
H all course.
Application of the fundamental principles of thermodynamics and mechanics to the
design of internal combustion engines; combustion of actual mixtures; analysis of
cycles; carburetion and fuel injection; mixture distribution; balancing. Principles of
machine design and practical design methods are introduced where applicable. Class
and drawing room work supplemented by laboratory exercises.
Open to students who have had Engineering 20, 21 and 40.
43. Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning. Mr. Potter.
H alf course.
A comprehensive study of refrigerants, cycles and performance of refrigerating
equipment; principles of air-vapor mixtures; humidification, dehumidification; and
distribution of air; analysis of heating and cooling systems and apparatus. Prin
ciples of machine design and practical procedure are introduced where applicable.
Class and drawing room work are supplemented by laboratory exercises.
Open to students who have had Engineering 20, 21 and 40.
44. Metallography. Mr. Rosenberg.
H all cou rse.
The use of the microscope in study of structures and properties of metals and
alloys, with emphasis on the ferrous metals. Class and laboratory work.
Open to students who have had Engineering 7 or Introduction to Physical Chem
istry 3.
45. Administrative Engineering. Mr. Thom.
Half cou rse.
The purpose ol this course is to provide further training of a broad and practical
nature for those whose interests and capabilities point toward executive participa
tion in the operation of an industrial enterprise. Representative problems of equip
ment selection, plant layout, job analysis, production control and personnel relation
ship are evaluated: however, no attempt is made to provide specialized training in
these fields. Although classroom work is supplemented by inspection trips to nearby
plants, students planning to take this course are strongly urged to secure summer
industrial employment for experience and background.
Open to students who have had Engineering 12.
49. Thesis. Mr. Potter, Mr. Rosenberg.
H all cou rse.
Students in this group, having completed the first three years
as outlined on page 56 under the Division of Engineering, are
required to take in their Senior year:
Heat Power
Engineering Economy
Internal Combustion Engines
Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning
The above courses, all being half courses, leave half of the
senior student's time for electives. He may choose these from
any division of the College.
The topics of examinations for a degree with Honors in
mechanical engineering are:
Heat Power
Internal Combustion Engines
Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning
Industrial Management
A major in mechanical engineering will take eight honors
examinations, at least three of which shall be from the above
list; at least one in civil engineering; at least one in electrical
engineering; and the remainder in either engineering, mathe
matics, physics, chemistry or the social sciences.
P rofessors: Harold C. G oddard, Chairman
P hilip Marshall Hicks
Everett L. Hunt
* ‘ Robert E. S piller
Associate P rofessor: Townsend S cudder, 3rd
A ssistant P rofessor: Elizabeth C ox W right
Lecturer: W. H. Auden
I nstructors: Virginia Meyer Bradley.
‘ “ Keith W. C halmers.
F redric S. Klees
‘ “ Beatrice Beach MacLeod
Part-Tim e I nstructor: A lice K. Brodhead.
Introduction to English Studies.
Full C ou rse, m ad e up of tw o of the following:
Elizabethan Literature. Mr. Klees.
The Eighteenth Century. Mr. Scudder.
The Romantic Movement. Mrs. Wright.
Victorian Literature. Mr. Klees.
American Literature. Mr. Spiller.
Contemporary Literature. Mr. Hicks.
Great Books. Mr. Hunt.
H alt
H alt
H all
H alf
H alt
H alt
H alt
The study of significant literature of selected periods, with critical writing and
2. Chaucer. Mr. Klees.
H alf course.
3. Shakespeare. Mr. Goddard and Mrs. Wright
Full course.
4. Milton and the Seventeenth Century. Mr. Hunt
H alt course.
Poetry of the Old Testament, John Donne, Milton.
5. English Poetry. Mr. Scudder.
Full course.
A study of a selected period or aspect of English poetry. In 1942-43, Nineteenth
Century Poetry.
6a. The Chronicle Novel. Mr. Hicks,
H alt course.
6b. The Dramatic Novel. Mr. Hicks.
H alt course.
7a. Comedy Mr. Klees.
H alt course.
7b. Tragedy. Mr. Klees.
H alf course.
8. Social Criticism. Mr. Klees.
H alf course.
9. Modern Literature. Mr. Goddard.
A study of modern comparative literature.
Full course.
t ‘ J nd®r th® accelerated program, not all courses will be offered every term
•Absent on leave, winter term.
***Absent on leave.
10. World Literature. Mr. Goddard.
H ali course.
11a. American Literature to 1870. Mr. S piller.
H all course.
lib . American Literature since 1870. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Spiller
H alf course.
12. Criticism. Mr. Hunt.
Half course.
Classical background of English criticism in Plato, Aristotle, Longinus and Horace;
representative essays of the major English critics from Philip Sidney to Walter Pater;
brief survey of problems and writers in contemporary criticism.
Greek Literature in English. (Greek 6.) Mr. Shero.
Half course.
Study in English tanslation of some of the masterpieces of Greek literature, in
cluding the Homeric epics, several of the dramas, Plato's Republic. No knowledge
of Greek is required.
Latin Literature in English. (Latin 12.) Miss Brewster.
H ali course.
Study in English translation of some of the masterpieces of Latin literature with
emphasis upon the lyric, drama, satire, and philosophic writings, and their influ
ence upon western thought and literature.
Writing an d Speaking. Students in need of special training
in Composition or Speech will be required to take work in one
or both of these subjects, which must be completed before ad
mittance to the junior class. Those required to take both Com
position and Speech may combine them in one half course.
13. Fundamentals of Writing and Speech. Mrs. Brodhead and Mrs. Bradley.
H alt course.
14. English Composition. Mrs. Brodhead.
H alt course.
This course will meet the demands of the V programs.
15. English for Engineers. Mrs. Brodhead.
H alt course.
16. English Composition for Pre-Medical Students. Mrs. Brodhead.
H alt course.
Student organizations and informal groups for practice in
creative writing, acting drama, extempore speaking, and de
bating meet with members of the English faculty.
Prerequisites. For admission to Honors work with a major in
English, the requirements are at least one-half course in the
Introduction to English Studies; and either Chaucer, Shakes
peare, or Milton and the Seventeenth Century. Students are
advised to take also The History of Europe or The History of
For admission with a minor in English, the requirement is
one year in English, including at least one-half course in the
Introduction to English Studies.
The following seminars prepare for examinations for a de
gree with Honors:
Chaucer. Mr. Scudder and Mr. Klees.
A study of Chaucer's poetry and age.
Shakespeare. Mr. Goddard and Mr. Hicks.
A study of Shakespeare's principal plays, with a rapid reading of the rest of his
Milton and the Seventeenth Century. Mr. Hunt.
Donne, Milton, and the poetry of the Bible.
A. Mr. Scudder.
The nature and function of poetry; Wordsworth, Keats or Shelley, and Arnold.
B. Mrs. Wright.
Tennyson, Browning, and Christina Rossetti, with studies in Hopkins, Housman,
and one or two contemporary writers.
Drama. Mr. Hicks.
Representative plays from different periods; the comic and tragic spirits.
Novel. Mrs. Wright.
The novel as a literary form; Fielding, Meredith, Hardy, and Conrad.
Literary Criticism. Mr. Hunt.
English literary criticism from Sidney to Pater, with some study of classical back
grounds and contemporary developments.
Modem Literature. Mr. Goddard.
Masterpieces of English and European writers of the past 75 years, with emphasis
on the Russians.
American Literature. Mr. Spiller.
The American mind as expressed in the writings of Emerson, Melville, Whitman,
Mark Twain, and Henry Adams.
Social Criticism. Mr. Spiller.
Social theory in English and American literature.
Problems of Literary Study. Mr. Spiller.
The methods of literary research and criticism as applied to the study of a single
problem, usually the work of a major author, resulting in a thesis.
Romanticism. Mr. Auden.
A study of Romanticism in Europe and America from Blake, Rousseau, and Goethe
to Joyce, Proust, and Kafka, with emphasis on the relation of its aesthetic prin
ciples to the philosophical, political, and scientific thought of the same period.
Linguistic Science. Mr. Reuning.
Admitted as a seminar in English for majors who concentrate on English or Ameri
can language problems; may also be considered as a minor for students maiorina
in English.
Students who wish to write theses not properly within the scope of the seminar on
Problems of Literary Study may apply to the Chairman of the Department for per
mission to substitute such projects for the fourth seminar of major work.
Candidates for honors with a major in English must take at
least one seminar from the first group and at least one from
the second. Shakespeare shall be chosen from the first group if
not previously elected in course. Four seminars are required
for a major in English.
Candidates for honors with a minor in English may enroll in
any two or three of the above seminars upon the recommenda
tion of their major department.
Major: The work of the major in General Courses normally
consists of at least four full courses, including Introduction to
English Studies in the first year, either Chaucer, Shakespeare,
or Milton in the second year, and during the last two years a
second one of these three courses (which shall be Shakespeare,
if not previously elected), and a course in one of the types.
The comprehensive examination at the close of the senior year
is based on this work, but also includes questions on the other
courses offered by the department for those prepared in these
Minor: The work of the minor in General Courses normally
consists of three full courses elected upon the recommendation
of the major department, including at least one-half course in
Introduction to English Studies.
The foreign language requirement may be fulfilled by a
reading knowledge of one or more of the following: French,
German, Latin or Greek. Students planning to continue Englicli
studies in graduate school are advised to acquire a reading
knowledge of Latin, French, and German.
Assistant P rofessor: Robert M. W alker , C hairm an.
I nstructor: E thel S tilz.
I? Introduction to Art History. Mr. Walker.
Full cou rse.
A consideration of certain basic principles of design and expression in the visual
arts. An introduction to the fundamental problems of art history and criticism through
the analysis of selected examples of architecture, sculpture, and painting during sig
nificant periods in Ancient, European, and American civilizations.
Two lectures and one discussion meeting. Open to all students.
2. Interior Design. Miss StUz.
p ujj course.
Principles of design as applied to planning and furnishing of houses. Lectures on
the historical development of European and American domestic architecture.
3. Art of the Middle Ages. Mr. Walker.
Full cou rse.
Study of xt civilization through its expression in architecture, sculpture, painting
and the minor arts.
4. Art of the Renaissance.
A study of the points of view of the XV and XVI centuries in Northern and
Southern Europe as expressed in architecture, sculpture, painting and graphic art.
5. Classical Art and Archaeology. Miss Brewster, Mr. Shero. (Department
of Classics.)
Half cou rse.
A study of the methods of archaeological investigation, with a survey of the de
velopment of Greek and Roman architecture, sculpture, painting, ceramics, numis
matics, and town-planning. Special attention is given to the early Greek period.
Prerequisites. General Course I, Introduction to Art History,
is required but outstanding exceptions will be given special
Seminars. The following seminars prepare for examinations
for a degree with Honors:
1. Italian Painting: Fourteenth through Seventeenth Century. Mr. Walker.
Analysis of the work of a selected group of outstanding masters as a means of
studying more intensively certain fundamental problems of art history and criticism.
2. Graphic Art. Mr. Walker.
Consideration of technique and history with emphasis on the critical problems of
stylistic analysis and discrimination of original material. Trips to museums and
private collections are part of the course work.
3. Modem French Painting.
Critical analysis of the work of a selected number of painters from David to
For extra-curricular work in Arts and Crafts, see p. 24.
Under the accelerated program, not all courses will be offered every term
P rofessor: W alter S ilz, C hairm an.
A ssistant P rofessors: Lydia Baer.
Karl R euning.
I nstructor: P riscilla K. S ilz.
1. Elementary German. Mr. Silz, Miss Baer, Mr. Reuning, and Mrs. Silz.
Full course.
Training in grammar, composition, and reading, with some practice in speaking.
Schinnerer, Beginning German.
2. German Prose and Poetry, Grammar and Composition. Miss Baer and
Mr. Reuning.
Full course.
Reading oi short stories and novels, plays and poems. Review of grammar, prac
tice in written and oral German.
Prerequisite, Course 1 or equivalent
2s. Second Year German ior Science Students. Miss Baer, Mr. Reuning, and
Mrs. Silz.
Full cou rse.
Reading of a limited number of novels, plays and lyrics throughout the year. First
semester: Reading of edited science selections. Second semester: Special readings
selected according to the scientific interests of the students. Review of grammar with
emphasis on development of reading ability.
Prerequisite, Course 1 or equivalent
3. Introductory Studies in German Literature. Mr. Silz.
Full course.
A study of representative German authors from the classical period to the present;
reading and discussion of dramas, stories, and lyric poems. Writing of critical
Prerequisite, Course 2 or equivalent
4. Great Periods in German literature.
Full cou rse.
5. The Romantic Movement in Germany.
H all cou rse.
6. German Literature in the Second Hall oi the Nineteenth Century.
H all course.
7. Goethe's Life and Works. Mr. Silz.
. Full course.
8. Schiller and His Age. Mr. Silz.
Half cou rse.
9. Eighteenth Century German Literature and Thought.
H all course.
10. German Literature in the Twentieth Century. Miss Baer.
H all course.
11. German Authors in English Translations.
Full cou rse.
This course may be taken by students who do not know German. Students who
have a reading knowledge of German may read the texts in the original.
12. Writing and Speaking German.
H alt course.
Intensive practice in writing and speaking German. The subject matter is taken
from German literature and Kulturgeschichte.
Prerequisite, Course 2 or equivalent.
By special arrangement, qualified students who begin Ger
man in college are enabled to choose German as a major or
minor in course in their junior and senior years.
‘ Under the accelerated program, not all courses will be offered every term.
German may be offered as a major or minor subject in the
Division of the Humanities. For admission to Honors work in
German, Course 3 or its equivalent is required. By doing spe
cial reading, competent students who begin German in College
may take Course 3 in their sophomore year. No other prepara
tion is required, but allied work in other departments of the
Humanities is arranged, according to the needs and interests
of the student.
The following seminars are offered to prepare for examina
tions for a degree with Honors: (those actually given in any
year vary according to the choices of the students and the
convenience of the department).
1. Middle High German Literature and Philology. Mr. Reuning.
Introduction into Indo-European and Germanic philology and phonetics. Outline ol
development of the German language. Middle High German grammar. Brief survey
of Old and Middle High German literature. Reading of MHG texts in the original
especially Nihelunganlied, Wolfram's Patzlval, and Walther von der Vogelweide. '
2. The Age of Luther. Mr. Reuning.
Study of literary, historical, sociological and religious problems of the sixteenth
century. Reading of outstanding authors of the period, such as Luther, Hans Sachs,
Brant, Hutten, Fischart. A course or a seminar in History of the Reformation is recoramended as preparation for this seminar.
3. Baroque Literature. Miss Baer.
A study of German literature in the seventeenth century: The reforms of Opitz, the
poetry of Weckherlin, Fleming, and the Volkslied, the mysticism of Angelus Silesius
and Jakob Bohme, the influence of the English Players on the German theatre and
the plays of Gryphlus and the second Silesian School.
4. Classical Literature. Mr. Silz.
The humanism of Lessing, Goethe and Schiller.
5. The Romantic Movement. Mr. Silz.
Romanticism as the dominant movement in German literature of the first half of
the nineteenth century
6. Poetic Realism. Mr. Silz.
Study of the works of Grillparxer, Hebbel, Ludwig, Keller, Meyer, and Storm, and
other writers of the drama, novel, and "Novelle” in the second half of the nineteenth
7. German Literature Since 1900. Miss Baer.
Gerhart Hauptmann, Thomas Mann, Rainer Maria Rilke, Hugo von Hofmannsthal.
8. Linguistic Science (in cooperation with other departments in the Division
of the Humanities). Mr. Reuning.
The most important problems of Linguistics, e.g. sound-change, changes in acci
dence and syntax, semantic changes, geographical distribution and relation of lan
guages. Indo-European, English and American language problems. Relationship be
tween linguistics and psychology. Some knowledge of German, French, Latin or
Greek is desirable, reading knowledge of at least one foreign language required.
Students who know non-Indo-European languages are especially welcome. The sem
inar is conducted in English. (See also schedules of Honors Seminars in English and
Students who wish to write a thesis may apply to the Department for per
mission to substitute such a project for the fourth seminar of major work.
P rofessor : F rederick J. M anning.
A ssociate P rofessor : M ary A lbertson , C hairm an.
A ssistan t P rofessor : D aniel J. B oorstin .
P art -T im e I nstructors : T heodore P aullin .
F rederick B. T olles .
1. The History of Europe. All members of the department.
Full course.
A general survey of the origins and development of European civilization from the
decline of the Roman Empire to the present day. Especially designed for freshmen
but open tp all classes. Prerequisite to other courses or Honors semiinars in history.
A student in the Division of Engineering or the Natural Sciences may at the request
of his major department be excused from the prerequisite requirement, but only for
a course in the history of the United States.
2. The History of England. Miss Albertson.
Half course.
A survey of the history of the British people with the main emphasis on the period
since 1485. Advised for students planning to take Honors seminars in English history
To be taken after History 1.
3a. The History of the United States to 1865. Mr. Manning.
H alt cou rse.
The political, economic, and social history of the American people from the seven
teenth century through the Civil War. Not open to freshmen. This course, or course
3b, is required of students taking Honors seminars in American history.
3b. The History of the United States since 1865. Mr. Tolles.
H all course.
A continuation of course 3a.
4. The Mediterranean World: Greece and the East (Greek 5). Mr. Shero (De
partment of Classics).
H all course.
A study of Greek civilization in its most significant aspects to the time of the
Hellenistic kingdoms, preceded by a brief survey of the Oriental civilizations by
which the Greeks were influenced. Special attention given to the sixth and fifth
centuries B . c.
5. The Mediterranean World: Rome (Latin 9). Miss Brewster (Department
of Classics).
H all cou rse.
Survey of the history of Rome from the earliest times to the accession of Marcus
Aurelius, with emphasis upon the Republic and the Augustan principate. The course
stresses the Roman genius for organization and administration.
6. The Italian Renaissance. Miss Albertson.
H all course.
Lectures, readings and reports on the history of the Italian Renaissance. To be
taken after History 1.
7. The History of France. Miss Albertson.
Half course.
The history of France from Roman times to the present day. To be taken after
History 1 unless with special permission of the instructor.
8. The History of Modern Europe. Mr. Boorstin.
Half course.
The history of Europe from 1815 to the present day. To be taken after History 1.
9. The History of Quakerism. Mr. Tolles.
H alf course.
The history of the Society of Friends to the present day. Attention is given to the
mystical and sectarian backgrounds and to movements like quietism, evangelicanism,
and rationalism which have influenced the Society of Friends. The characteristic
religious and social ideas of the Quakers are considered in their historical setting.
A large part of the reading is done in the original sources.
*Under the accelerated program, not all courses will be offered every term.
10. The History of American Foreign Policy. (Political Science 10.) Mr.
Sonthoff (Department of Political Science).
11. The History of the Labor Movement. Mr. Manning.
H alf cou rse.
The social backgrounds and the economic, political, and legal problems of English
and American labor, with emphasis on the importance of English precedent for the
American story. For juniors and seniors.
12. Military History. Mr. Manning.
H alf cou rse.
The principles of strategy as revealed in a few major campaigns, ancient and
modern. Special emphasis is placed upon the army as a societal institution, upon
factors which have given temporary superiority to the offense or the defense, and to
governmental policies based on those factors.
13. Special Topics. All members of the department.
H alf cou rse.
For seniors with the major in history.
The survey course in European history, the only course open
to freshmen (except by special permission from the depart
ment), is prerequisite to any other courses or seminars in
European or English history. Students who expect to major in
history, either in honors seminars or in regular courses, should
elect European history in the freshman year, American and
English history in the sophomore year. Students who expect
to include history as a minor subject in Honors work should
elect European history in freshman year, and either American
or English history in sophomore year if possible. Course 2, the
History of England, is advised in preparation for Honors semi
nars in English History, and Course 3 or 4, in the History of the
United States, is required for admission to Honors seminars in
American history, unless special permission is obtained in
Unless otherwise noted, the following seminars are offered
by the department each year to prepare for examinations for
a degree with Honors. Although an endeavor will be made to
offer in any term any seminar desired by a sufficient number
of students, this will occasionally prove impossible and the
department cannot guarantee in advance the terms in which
some seminars will be given.
1. Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Europe. Miss Albertson.
Topics in European history in these centuries with special attention to social and
economic as well as political factors
2. The Rise of Liberalism. Mr. Boorstin.
The period from the seventeenth century to the mid-nineteenth.
3. Modern Europe. Mr. Boorstin.
The period from 1848 to the present day.
5. Mediaeval England. Miss Albertson.
The period from 1066 to 1485.
6. Tudor and Stuart England. Miss Albertson.
The period from 1485 to 1688.
7. Modern England. Miss Albertson and Mr. Manning.
The period from 1688 to the present time, with the main stress on the 19th century.
8. Problems in American History. Mr. Manning.
Considerable attention is given to bibliography and the critical use of source ma
terials important for any work in the social sciences or literary criticism in the
American field.
9. American Foreign Policy.
A seminar in American foreign policy, conducted by the Department of Political
Science, is open to students in history.
10. The Supreme Court. Mr. Manning.
For seniors in the second semester. Based on the printed Reports, with emphasis
on recent ‘developments and on the Common Law background for constitutional cases.
The work in this seminar is not designed to anticipate or overlap the courses in
constitutional law offered in the law schools.
Honors seminars in Greek and Roman history, conducted by
the department of classics, are open to students who major in
history. Requirements for a major in ancient history are two
seminars in the ancient field and two seminars in medieval or
modern history. See the statement of the department of classics.
For students with the major subject in history. The topic
should be selected and approved by the end of the junior year.
Whenever possible, the thesis should be based upon original
source materials.
Requirements for students who elect major or minor work in
history do not turn on any particular total of courses, but
rather upon the completion of such courses in history, together
with related courses in the social sciences or the humanities as,
in the opinion of the department, will facilitate a well-rounded
preparation for their comprehensive examinations. A reading
knowledge of French or German and some acquaintance with
the principles of economics and political theory are essential
for an intelligent appreciation of history. Most graduate schools
require a reading knowledge of French, German, and Latin
for any advanced degree in history.
The comprehensive examinations for major students at the
end of the senior year are not necessarily based on particular
courses taken at Swarthmore. They include questions on (1)
European history; (2) English history; (3) American history;
(4) Ancient history. Major students are expected to answer
general questions in each of these fields, the standard being
based on the work of any survey course offered in the college
or independent reading in books recommended by the depart
ment. In at least two of the fields students should be able to
answer more specific questions, based either on special courses
taken in the college or on special reading undertaken with
the department's approval. Course 14, Special Topics, is de
signed to help major students in their final preparation for
these examinations.
P rofessors: Arnold Dresden, C hairm an.
Ross W. Marriott.
P eter van de Kamp
D irector of Sproul O bservatory.
Associate P rofessors: Heinrich Brinkmann .
J ohn H. Pitman .
R esearch Associate: **K. Aa. S trand.
A ssistants : R oy W. Delaplaine (part time).
Hans F ried.
S arah L. Lippincott.
I, 2. first Year Mathematics. Mr. Brinkmann, Mr. Dresden, Mr. Marriott and
Mr. Pitman.
Full course.
These courses, given in consecutive semesters, and together constituting a full
course, are designed to deal with the material previously covered by the separate
courses in College Algebra, Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry (Courses 1, 3
and 4 of the 1933 catalogue), and to introduce some of the concepts of the Differential
Calculus. Topics belonging to each of these subjects are introduced in natural se
quence so as to form a more closely knit whole.
Classes normally meet four times a week.
Fine, College Algebra; Knebelman and Thomas, Principles of College Algebra;
Dresden, Plane Trigonometry; Palmer and Leigh, Plane Trigonometry; Osgood and
Graustein, Plane and Solid Analytic Geometry.
3. Invitation to Mathematics. Mr. Dresden.
H all cou rse. Omitted, in 1942-1943.
This course is intended for students who have a non-technical interest in mathe
matics. It does not take the place of the usual college courses, but aims to be an
introduction to some of the important concepts of modern mathematics, to emphasize
the fundamental ideas of the science rather thrm its technical processes, to provide
a background for the study of its philosophical aspects, and to furnish a basis for
an appreciation of its wider significance. Dresden, Invitation to Mathematics.
The class normally meets three times a week; occasionally a fourth hour will be
Prerequisite, a good high school course in mathematics.
5. Mathematics of Investment and Insurance. Mr. Dresden.
H alf cou rse. O m itted in 1942-1943.
The theory of compound interest; annuities; sinking funds; interest rates; theory of
probability; mortality tables. Completion of this course. Courses Nos. 12 and 14, and
an introduction to the Theory of Finite Differences should enable the student to pro
ceed with the examinations for admission to the Actuarial Society of America.
Prerequisite, a good high school course in algebra.
6a, 6b. General Course. Mr. Brinkmann, Mr. Dresden.
Full cou rse.
These courses, given in consecutive semesters, are intended for students who do
not go on with work in science or mathematics. The subjects covered are: Algebra,
Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, and brief introductions to calculus, solid geometry
and spherical trigonometry. The two courses together meet the requirement of a
year of mathematics, set by the Navy for V -l, and suggested as desirable by the
Army for the Enlisted Reserve Corps. The courses are best taken consecutively, but
they may be taken in separated semesters.
II, 12. Differential and Integral Calculus. Mr. Brinkmann, Mr. Dresden and
Mr. Marriott.
Full cou rse.
These courses carry forward the work begun in courses 1, 2 and are intended to
give the student a sufficient introduction to mathematics to serve as a basis for more
*Under the accelerated program, not all courses will be offered every term.
••Absent on leave.
advanced work in analysis and its applications. Classes normally meet lour times
a week; Dresden, Introduction to the Calculus.
Prerequisite, Courses 1, 2.
14. Theory of Equations. Mr. Brinkmann.
H alf course.
Operations on complex numbers. Solutions of cubic and quartic equations. General
properties of polynomials. Separation and calculation of roots of numerical equations.
Weisner, Theory of Equations.
Together with Course 15 (below), this course supplies a year's work for students
who pursue mathematics as a major or minor subject in course, usually to be taken
in the junior year. Classes normally meet three times a week.
Prerequisite, Courses 1, 2, 11, 12.
15. Solid Analytical Geometry. Mr. Brinkmann.
H alf course.
Metric theory of planes, lines and quadric surfaces in Euclidean three-dimensional
space, emphasis on the use of determinants and matrices. Dresden, Solid Analytical
Geometry and Determinants.
Together with Course 14 (above), this course supplies a year's work for students
who pursue mathematics as a major or minor subject in course, usually to be taken
in the junior year. Classes normally meet three times a week.
Prerequisite, Courses 1, 2, 11,12, 14.
16. Advanced Calculus. Mr. Dresden.
H alt course.
Total and partial derivatives; theory of infinitesimals; definte integrals; approxima
tions. The aim of the course is three-fold: to ground the student in the elementary
work which has preceded it; to give an introduction to more advanced topics; and
to develop skill in the application of the principles of the Calculus to Geometry and
Together with Course 17 (below) this course makes possible a year's work for
students who pursue mathematics as a major or minor subject in course, to be taken
in the junior or senior year. Classes normally meet three times a week.
Prerequisites, Courses 1, 2, 11, 12.
17. Differential Equations. Mr. Dresden.
H all cou rse.
A study of ordinary and partial differential equations, with their applications to
geometrical, physical, and mechanical problems.
Together with Course 16 (above) this course makes possible a year's work for stu
dents who pursue mathematics as a major or minor subject in course, to be taken
in the junior or senior year. Classes normally meet three times a week.
Prerequisite, Courses 1, 2, 11, 12, 16.
31. Undergraduate Reading Course in Mathematics.
H all cou rse or lu ll cou rse.
This course is to provide an opportunity for students to do special work in fields
not covered by the undergraduate courses, listed above. The work consists in the
preparation of papers requiring extensive and detailed examination of the literature
of a problem.
Courses of graduate character are offered from time to time, in accordance with
the needs of graduate and advanced undergraduate students. Normally advanced
undergraduate students will do such work in Honors seminars (see below). The sub
jects of these courses are Projective Geometry, Theory of numbers. Theory of func
tions of a real variable. Theory of functions of a complex variable.
1, 2. Descriptive Astronomy. Mr. van de Kamp.
Full cou rse.
3. Practical Astronomy. Mr. Pitman.
H alf cou rse.
These courses, normally given during the first and second semester, respectively,
provide an introduction to the methods and results of Astronomy. The college en
trance requirements are the only prerequisites; additional preparation in solid geom
etry and physics is useful. Fundamental notions of physics and mathematics are
studied, as they are needed to provide an adequate scientific basis for the course.
These courses are prerequisite for all further work in astronomy. Baker, Astronomy.
Three class periods each week, practical work to be arranged.
Theory and use of the transit instruments; determination of time; the latitude of
Swarthmore; determination of longitude. Intended for students of Astronomy and
Engineering and those desiring to take the civil service examinations lor positions
in the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Classes normally meet three times each week.
Prerequisites, Mathematics 1, 2 and Astronomy 1, 2.
4. Laboratory Astronomy. Mr. Pitman.
Half course.
Theory and practice of micrometrie measures of double stars, comets and asteroids.
Visual and photographic photometry. Photography of selected objects. Since much of
this work is dependent upon the weather, the class will adjust its program to con
ditions. Normally two class sessions and one laboratory period per week.
Prerequisites, Mathematics 1, 2 and Astronomy 1, 2.
6. Celestial Navigation. Mr. Pitman.
H alf course.
The purpose of this course is to enable the navigator to "fix " his position from
observations of celestial bodies. The methods are fundamental and equally appli
cable on land, on sea or in the air. Many practical problems are studied; the mak
ing and the reduction of observations is a part of the work in this course.
Three class periods, one laboratory period each week.
Prerequisites, Mathematics 1, 2.
31. Undergraduate Reading Course in Astronomy.
H alt course or fu ll cou rse.
Undergraduate students may, under direction, prepare papers upon subjects re
quiring a rather extensive examination of the literature of a problem. Courses 32 and
51 to 55 are half courses, offered from time to time to meet the needs of graduate
students and of advanced undergraduates.
Spherical Astronomy. Mr. Pitman.
Orbit Computation. Mr. Pitman.
Statistical Astronomy. Mr. van de Kamp.
Celestial Mechanics. Mr. Strand.
The following seminars prepare for examinations leading
to a degree with Honors:
1. Advanced Calculus.
The differential calculus for functions of several variables and its geometric
applications, double and triple integrals, improper integrals, line and surface inte
grals, the elements of vector analysis.
2. Differential Equations.
Ordinary differential equations of the first order, linear differential equations,
with particular attention to special cases of the equation of second order; some
aspects of the theory of partial differential equations, of Fourier series, of the
calculus of variations and of functions of a complex variable.
For senior Honors students two or more of the following seminars are offered each
year, according to the needs and interests of the students.
3. Theory of Equations.
The topics covered are the following: Properties of polynom ials, solution of cubic
and quartic equations, numerical solution of equations, Sturm's theorem and related
theorems, symmetric functions, resultants, application to geometrical problems.
4. Solid Analytic Geometry.
The analytic geometry of 3-dimensional space is studied, along with the algebraic
tools that are necessary for that purpose. The subjects taken up are: Determinants,
matrices, systems of linear equations, lines and planes, transformation of coordinates,
quadric surfaces, classification of the general equation of the second degree,
special properties of quadric surfaces, such as rulings and circular sections, system
of quadric surfaces.
5. Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable.
A fairly detailed study of the linear fractional transformation in the complex
plane. Derivatives and integrals of analytic functions. Expansion in series. Contour
6. Foundations of Mathematics.
Postulational treatment of mathematics. The problem of consistency. Relation oi
logic and mathematics. Some of the systematic treatments of the foundation of logic.
Modern developments.
7. Advanced Geometry.
An introduction to differential geometry, projective geometry, and more-dimen
sional geometry. Use of elementary matrix calculus; group theoretical concepts.
8. Statistics and Probability.
A study is to be made of elementary mathematical theories which are finding
application in statistics. Applications are to be made to various fields in the social
and in the natural sciences.
9. Theory of Numbers.
Among the subjects treated in this seminar are: Elementary properties of integers,
the congruence relation, continued fractions, quadratic residues, simple examples
of fields of algebraic numbers.
10. Analytic Mechanics.
The main subject matter of this seminar is the study of the motion of particles
and rigid bodies when acted upon by forces. The equilibrium of such forces will be
studied briefly. Many examples will be worked to illustrate the fundamental
11. Advanced Calculus and Differential Equations.
This seminar combines in one term parts of the work described under seminars
1 and 2. It is designed to meet the needs of Honors students, majoring in other
departments, whose program does not leave time for the more extended and more
satisfactory preparation provided by seminars 1 and 2.
Seminars on the following topics will be arranged for those
desiring to take one or more papers in Astronomy.
1. Spherical Astronomy: A mathematical discussion of the reduction of
visual and photographic observations of position; solution of visual and
spectroscopic binary orbits.
Prerequisites, Astronomy 1, 2; Mathematics 11, 12.
2. Statistical Astronomy: Fundamental data. Stellar motions and paral
laxes. Distribution of objects in space. The galactic system.
Prerequisites, Mathematics 11, 12.
3. Theory of Orbits and Computation of Orbit of an Asteroid or Comet.
Prerequisites, Astronomy 1, 2; Mathematics 11, 12.
4. Celestial Mechanics.
Prerequisites, Astronomy 1, 2; Mathematics 11, 12.
5. Photographic Astrometry.
Prerequisites, Astronomy 1, 2; Mathematics 11, 12.
For students who intend to major in mathematics in course
the normal sequence of courses is the following: freshman
year, courses 1, 2; sophomore year, courses 11, 12; junior year,
courses 14, 15; senior year, courses 16, 17. Those who intend to
pursue astronomy as a major subject in course should have in
addition courses 1, 2 in that subject during the freshman or
sophomore year; advanced courses selected from the list given
above combined with work in mathematics constitute the fur
ther requirement.
For students who select mathematics or astronomy as their
minor, the minimum of three courses should be selected from
the following: Mathematics 1, 2; 11, 12; 14, 15; 16, 17; Astron
omy 1, 2, 3. Completion of course 12 is the minimum require
Prerequisites for admission to Honors seminars in mathema
tics either as a major or as a minor are the completion of
courses 1, 2; 11, 12; the completion of the course in General
Physics; a thorough reading knowledge of French or German.
For Honors work in Astronomy, completion of courses 1, 2 in
that subject is necessary in addition to the requirements indi
cated above.
L ib r a r ie s
O bser v a to r y
The astronomical part of the departmental library is located
on the first floor of the Observatory; the mathematical section
on the fifth floor of Parrish Hall. The Library contains complete
sets of nearly all the American mathematical and astronomical
periodicals, and sets (some of which are complete, some of
which are not) of the leading English, Gutman and French
periodicals. This library receives the publications of many of
the leading observatories in exchange for the publication of
the Sproul Observatory.
The principal instrument of the Sproul Observatory is the
twenty-four-inch visual refractor of thirty-six-foot focal length,
used almost exclusively for photography. The instrument has
been in continuous operation since 1912 and provides a valu
able and steadily expanding collection of photographs. A num
ber of measuring and calculating machines are available for
the measurement and reduction of the photographs. The prin
cipal program of the Observatory is an accurate study of the
distances, motions and masses of the nearer stellar systems.
Results of departmental studies are published in the Sproul Ob
servatory publications and in various scientific journals.
Advanced study in conjunction with the research program
of the Observatory may be arranged in consultation with the
directory of the Sproul Observatory.
The Students' Astronomical Observatory contains a six-inch
visual refractor, a nine-inch photographic telescope, and a
transit instrument.
The Sproul Observatory is open to visitors on the second and
fourth Tuesday nights of each month, except those Tuesday
nights that fall in a vacation period. Visitors thus have an op
portunity of seeing, in the course of a year, many celestial ob
jects of various types.
Associate P rofessor: A lfred J. S wan, Chairman.
la. Introduction to Music History and Appreciation. Mr. Swan. Half course.
Intended tor those students who have a general interest in music without as yet
possessing the necessary criteria in approaching it, listening to it intelligently and
appraising it. Devoted to the study of the basic forms of musical art, an analysis
of the modem orchestra, and the acquisition of a historical perspective. No prerequisites.
lb. Musical Craftsmanship. Mr. Swan.
H alf course.
A beginners’ course for those who want to be initiated into musical composition.
After disposing of the rudiments of music (notation, clefs, intervals, etc.), the stu
dent is taught the principles of melodic construction, and of writing in two parts
melodically. Practice in the simpler contrapuntal, harmonic and rhythmic devices.
Scoring lor various instruments. No prerequisites.
2. The Main Periods of Music History from the Renaissance to the 19th
Century. Mr. Swan.
FuH course.
Three class hours and one laboratory period.
A study of the succession of styles in music (e.g., the Palestrina style, the Baroque,
the Classical style of the Viennese masters, etc.). Analysis of motets, madrigals,
concerti, sonatas, and symphonies. .
Prerequisite, Music l a or some previous acquaintance with music.
3. Music Since Beethoven. Mr. Swan.
Full course.
Three class hours and one laboratory period.
Given alternately with preceding course and devoted to a complete study of the
nineteenth century, the Romantic symphony, chamber music, piano music, the opera
from Rossini to Verdi, Wagner and the Russians, the art song from Schubert to Wolf.
Prerequisite, Music l a or some previous acquaintance with music.
Music 2 and Music 3 are offered preferably in the form of a
seminar on one afternoon weekly, the additional laboratory
period being a part of the weekly assignment. With the estab
lishment of Music as a minor subject it is expected that these
courses will become the basis of regular Honors Seminars in
P rofessor: Brand Blanshard, C hairm an.
Assistant P rofessors: Richard B. Brandt.
** F rancis G. Healey.
Maurice H. Mandelbaum.
1. Logic. Mr. Blanshard.
H alf cou rse.
A study of the forms of reasoning, inductive and deductive. Special attention is
given to the application of logical rules in the analysis of arguments and the
detection of fallacies.
2. Introduction to Philosophy. All instructors.
H alf cou rse.
A survey of the principal problems of philosophy and the alternative answers to
them. Stress is laid on the writing of philosophical essays.
4. Ethics. All instructors.
H alf cou rse.
An introduction to ethical theory, with a brief consideration of the various types of
ethics and of the application of ethical principles in practice.
5. The Philosophy of Science. Mr. Brandt.
H alf course.
A critical study of the nature of modern science and of some of its leading prob
lems, of the philosophical significance of some recent theories in the physical and
mathematical sciences (such as the relativity and quantum theories), of metaphy
sical problems involved in fundamental concepts like space, material substance,
causation, and emergent evolution.
6a. Greek Philosophy. Mrs. Blanshard.
Half course.
The pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, Stoics and Epicureans, Neoplatonists and Scep
tics, early Christianity. Readings in the sources.
6b. History of Modern Philosophy. Messrs. Mandelbaum and Brandt.
H alt course.
A review of the principal systems of thought from Descartes on. The greater
philosophers are studied through selections from their works; these readings are
„ coordinated through a standard history of philosophy.
7. Aesthetics. Mr. Mandelbaum.
H alf cou rse.
A historical and critical study of the theory of beauty and of standards of literary
and artistic criticism. Recommended fox students majoring in literature or the fine
8. Social Philosophy. Mr. Brandt.
H alf course.
An analysis of the structure of society; theories of social change, such as the
Hegelian and the Marxian, and other central problems such as race and social
progress; the theory of rights, justice, and democracy; the ideals of communist,
socialist, and fascist society.
12a. The History of Religions. Mr. Healey.
H alf cou rse.
A historical and comparative study of the great religions: Buddhism, Hinduism,
Mohammedanism, Judaism, Christianity. Not offered in 1942-1943.
12b. The Philosophy of Religion. Mr. Healey.
H alf cou rse.
A study of religious experience, and the conceptions and problems that grow out of
it: the idea of God, the problem of evil, freedom, immortality, the implications of
religion for conduct. Not offered in 1942-1943.
12c. The Religious Tradition of Europe. Mr. Brandt.
H alf cou rse.
The development of religious ideas from primitive times; the confluence of Greek
and Hebrew thought; a critical analysis of the central ideas of the tradition (such
as the idea of God and the problem of evil) and the chief tendencies in modern
religious thought.
Prerequisites; For admission to Honors study in philosophy,
the requirement is at least two semester courses. It is strongly
recommended that one of these be the Introduction to Philoso•Under the accelerated program, not all courses will be offered every term.
••Absent on leave.
phy (course 2). Students who do not take this course should
consult their instructors to make sure that their combinations
will be acceptable as prerequisites for Honors work.
Seminars; The following seminars prepare for examinations
for a degree with Honors:
1. Moral Philosophy. Mr. Brandt, Mr. Blanshard.
A seminar in ethics, systematic and historical. Rashdall's Theory ol Good and Evil
(2 vols.) is covered in detail. A printed syllabus (75 pp.), containing lists oi readings
in the sources, references in recent literature, topics for papers, and questions for
self-examination, has been prepared for this seminar.
2. Plato. Mr. Nason.
An examination of all the major and some of the minor dialogues of Plato in an
effort to understand his contributions to ethics, politics, and metaphysics and to
appreciate his importance for Western thought. Attention will be paid both to his
historical setting and to his significance for contemporary problems. Recommended
for students of classics and literature.
3. History of Modern Philosophy. Mr. Nason, Mr. Mandelbaum, Mr. Brandt.
The development of modern thought from Bacon and Descartes to Kant. If the
group so desires, it may, with the approval of the instructor, exchange a study of
certain of the pre-Kantian philosophers for a study of more recent philosophical
movements. This seminar may appropriately be combined with work in any of the
three divisions.
4. Classic Problems in Philosophy. Mr. Blanshard.
The first half of the study is devoted to the theory of knowledge; Montague's Ways
of Knowing is used as a common basis and is supplemented by readings in contem
porary philosophy. In the second half of the semester, selected problems in meta
physics are taken for discussion, including usually the mind-body problem, the issue
between the mechanist and the vitalist, the nature of thè self, the problem of free
dom and the relation between philosophy and religion. Limited to seniors except
for juniors with special permission.
5. Aesthetics. Mr. Mandelbaum.
A study, partly historical, partly systematic;, of the philosophies of beauty and of
art, including theories of tragedy and comedy, of the sublime, and of standards of
criticism. Readings in the sources, ancient and modern; occasional visits to the art
collections of Philadelphia. Recommended for students of literature and the fine arts.
6. Philosophy of Science. Mr. Brandt.
A consideration of the nature and scope of science and scientific method; and of
the logical foundations of science, including the theories of induction and meaning,
and the relation of epistemology to the interpretation of science. Examination of the
concepts of space, time, casualty, mechanism, vitalism, explanation, and other scien
tific concepts of importance for the student of philosophy.
7. Social Philosophy. Mr. Blanshard.
A study of the ethical basis of the state, and of rights and duties within it; of the
current conflict between Fascist, Marxist, and democratic views of the state; of the
ideas of equality, liberty, law, property, and justice. Recommended for students in
the social sciences.
8. Concepts of Social Science. Mr. Mandelbaum.
A critical analysis of the organic and atomistic views of society, the idea of a
group mind, of law and custom, of theories of progress, of the Hegelian and Marxian
views of social change, and other cardinal notions of social theory. Recommended
for students of the social sciences.
9. The Philosophy of Religion. Mr. Healey.
The psychology and interpretation of religious experience; the adjustment of
scientific and religious outlooks; the problem of religious knowledge; naturalism,
theism, and pantheism; the validity and the difficulties of the Christian theology and
ethic. Not offered in 1942-1943.
10. Thesis.
A thesis may be substituted by majors in the department for one of the Honors
subjects, upon application by the student and at the discretion of the department.
C arl K. D e l l m u t h , Director of
P hysical E ducation an d A thletics.
Assistant P rofessor: R obert H. Dunn, A ssistant D irector.
I nstructors: Avert F. Blake .
E. J. F aulkner.
Assistants : Albert M. Barron.
Townsend S cudder, III
S amuel E ckerd.
Howard S ipler .
, Henry F ord.
W illis J. S tetson.
James J. McAdoo.
R icard P. W est .
C ollege P hysician for Men : Dr . Morris Bowie.
The minimum faculty requirement is one hour of sports par
ticipation on each of two days per week.
It is the aim of the department to offer every student an
opportunity to participate in a variety of activities regularly;
to broaden his social contacts with other students and receive
the valuable benefits of sports, such as training in leadership,
self-discipline, morale, unselfishness, and health habits; and to
develop carry-over sports that he will continue to enjoy after
he leaves college. In addition there is a program of vigorous
intercollegiate athletics with varsity and sub-varsity teams in
twelve different sports. During the past year a new course in
Physical Fitness has been added which pays particular atten
tion to foundation work in body-building technique.
A student who has not satisfied his requirement in Physical
Education will be refused admission to the next class, and if
deficient in his senior year, he will not be graduated until the
requirement is satisfied.
Opening of College to Thanksgiving Recess
‘ Cross-Country 'Football
* Soccer
Touch Football
Speed Ball
Physical Fitness Class
Thanksgiving Recess to Spring Recess
Life Saving
Paddle Tennis
Volley Ball
Physical Fitness Class
"Intercollegiate varsity and freshman schedules are played in these sports.
Spring Recess to May 15
* Baseball
Physical Fitness Class
Physical Fitness Class
Assistant P rofessor: Virginia R ath, Chairman.
I nstructors: Alice G ates.
Mat E. P arrt.
Harriet J aquette.
Assistants : Helen C ottee.
G retchen W atson Hughes.
C ollege P hysician for W omen : Dr . Dorothy Ashton .
r e q u ir e m e n t s
A wide experience in recreational, rhythmic and develop
mental activities is an important factor in human well-being
and happiness. Therefore this department aims to provide
opportunities for instruction and participation in sports and
dancing; to encourage appreciation of rhythm and design, of
sportsmanship, of good coordination and poise, and of outdoor
activity; and finally to lay the foundations of a program that
can be continued after graduation.
Classes are kept small to insure individual attention, cmd
students are grouped according to ability. Ample opportunities
are given for intramural and intercollegiate competition, as
well as for public performances and demonstrations.
Freshmen, sophomores and juniors take three periods of
activity each week. These may be elected from the list below,
with the exception that freshmen are required to take one
period of swimming in the fall and body mechanics in the win
ter. Seniors may take two hours of any activity each week with
out signing up for instruction classes. All seniors are required
to pass a safety test in swimming before graduation.
Regulation costumes should be ordered before college
opens. Blanks for this purpose will be sent out from the Office
of the Dean to all incoming students.
'Intercollegiate varsity and freshman schedules are played in these sports.
Hockey. Miss Parry, Miss Rath, Mrs. Cottee.
F all term .
Class and Varsity.
2. Archery. Miss Rath.
F all an d Spring.
Class and Varsity.
3. Tennis. Miss Parry, Miss Rath, Miss Gates, Mrs. Cottee, Mr. Faulkner.
F all, W inter an d Spring.
Class and Varsity. Spring.
4. Golf. Mrs. Hughes.
F all an d Spring.
Class and Varsity.
5. Swimming. Miss Rath, Miss Gates, Miss Parry, Mrs. Cottee.
F all, W inter an d Spring.
Required of all freshmen in the fall term. Seniors are required to pass a standard
swimming test before graduation. Sophomores and juniors may pass this test in
Beginner, intermediate and advanced classes in strokes, safety, diving and Red
Cross Life Saving, senior and Instructors' tests.
Class and Varsity.
6. Horseback Riding. Mrs. Jaquette.
F all, W inter an d Spring.-
Class and Club.
7. Basketball. Miss Parry, Miss Rath.
W inter.
Class and Varsity.
8. Fencing. Mrs. Vokral.
F all, W inter an d Spring.
Class and Varsity.
9. Badminton. Miss Rath, Miss Parry, Miss Gates.
W inter an d Spring.
Class and Varsity.
Miss Gates.
10. Dancing.
F all, W inter an d Spring.
Class and Club.
11. Tap Dancing.
W inter.
12. Folk Dancing.
F all, W inter an d Spring.
14. Tumbling. Miss Rath.
15. Individual Gymnastics. Miss Rath.
W inter.
For those students who need special exercises because of incorrect posture or
minor orthopedic defects.
Body Mechanics. Miss Rath.
W inter.
Required of all first-year students.
P rofessor : W inthrop R. W right .
A ssociate P rofessor : M ilan W . G arrett .
A ssistan t P rofessor : ' ’ W illiam C. E lm ore .
1 General Physics. Messrs. Wright and Garrett.
Full course.
Three lectures and one laboratory period weekly together with such coherences
a s prove deshable. Thts course is a prerequisite for all other work m physics
whether in course or in Honors. It is also required ior students majoring in engi
neering and ior students expecting to study medicine,
2. Advanced General Physics. Mr. Elmore.
Fuli course'
Three conferences and one laboratory period[weekly. The “ ^ r^ ' 0 r * 1 3 “ rU”0!
is drawn from the fields of mechanics, hydrodynamics, the kinetic theory, thermo
dynamics, 3
modern physics. It is recommended for physics majors and .hould
also meet the needs of students in course who are majoring in the engineering and
the science divisions.
The following seminars prepare for examinations for a de
gree with Honors:
1. Physical Optics. Mr. Wright.
Based on Robertson's Introduction to Physical Optics. The laboratory work includes
the measurement of the thin and thick lenses, the intercomparison of wave leng & s l y
prism, grating, and interference spectrographs both visually and
the computation of series constants, and the measurement of various interference and
diffraction patterns.
2. Electricity and Magnetism. Mr. Garrett.
Based principally
statics, magnetism,
It is accompanied
electronic currents,
matics seminars in
on Page and Adams' Principles of Electricity. It covers electro
electro-magnetic phenomena, electronics and some applications.
by laboratory measurements involving direct, alternating,^_a _
static charges and permanent magnets. Prerequisite—Mathe
advanced calculus and differential equations.
3. Atomic Physics. Messrs. Wright, Garrett, and Elmore.
Readings in the fields of gaseous conduction, photoelectricity, thermionic emission.
X-rays radioactivity and atomic structure with accompanying quantitative experi
ments.'This seminar must be preceded by the one in electricity and magnetism.
4 Theoretical Physics. Mr. Elmore.
Selected readings and problems from the texts on theoretical physics by Page and
by Slater and Frank. This seminar is not usually given.
Prerequisites: The following courses or their equivalent are
prerequisite to Honors work in physics, whether major or
General Physics 1
Freshman Mathematics 1, 2
Calculus 11, 12
German 1, 2
Students majoring in physics are expected to take Advanced
Physics 2 and General Chemistry 1. Major students in general
read for Honors, but in special circumstances they may work
toward a degree in course.
‘ Under the accelerated program, not all courses will be offered every term.
**On part-time leave
A ssociate P rofessor : J. R oland P ennock , C hairm an.
A ssista n t P rofessors : “ V ernon A. O 'R ourke .
“ B ryce W ood.
A cting A ssistan t P rofessor : G. Hom er D urham .
I nstructor : Herbert G. S onthoff .
Political Science 1 is open to all students and is prerequisite
to all other courses offered by the Department. Other courses
are open to all students who have had Political Science 1 un
less otherwise indicated.
1. Introduction to Politiccd Science. Messrs. Pennock, Durham, and Sonthoff.
Full cou rse.
The foundations of politics—sociological, psychological, and economic; nature and
development of political institutions; types of government. An examination of gov
ernment and politics in the principal countries of Europe, followed by a more de
tailed study of the national government of the United States.
2. American Politiccd Parties. Mr. O'Rourke.
H alf course. O m itted in 1942-1943.
Structure, motivations, and techniques of politiccd parties at the national, state,
and local levels. Problems of political sectionalism, party leadership, party respon
sibility, and the impact of pressure groups on the formation of public policy.
3. American State and Local Government. Mr. Durham.
H alf course.
State and local government agencies, practices, and problems. Constitutions and
charters, governors and city executives, legislatures and councils, problems of state
and local administrative organization, and political parties. Intergovernmental rela
tions and administration.
4. American Constitutional Law. Mr. Durham.
H alf course.
The Constitution as developed by the Court; and the Court as seen through the
cases. Stressing (a) the extent of national power, (b) constitutional limitations upon
state legislation, (c) the nature of the judicial process in the American system of
5. Public Administration. Mr. Durham.
H alf course.
An analysis of the principles of administration in modern governments with illus
trative material drawn chiefly from the national government of the United States
and with particular references to the implication of recent changes. Problems of
administrative organization, conduct of regulatory and managerial activities, finan
cial administration, personnel, public relations, administrative legislation and ad
Open to juniors and seniors, only.
6. History of Politiccd Theory. Mr. Sonthoff.
H alf course.
The development of thought on the nature of the state and of individual rights
and duties, based largely on readings of the chief political philosophers. Topics
studied include: Greek political thought; medieval universalism and the divine
right of kings; the Reformation and the development of natural law; sovereignty and
the rise of the national state; romanticism and the growth of liberalism; the roots
of totalitarian ideologies.
‘ Under the accelerated program, not all courses will be offered every term.
“ Absent on leave.
7. Political Problems oí Today. Mr. Pennock.
Half course.
Reconsideration of the bases of representative government in the light of changed
economic and social conditions in the modern State; examination of such alternative
principles as those offered by Communism and Fascism; investigation of the problem
of planning in a democracy; and an appraisal of present tendencies in political
8. International Relations, Law, and Organization. Mr. Sonthoff. Half course.
An introduction to the principles and problems of international relations and for
eign policy, including: historical concepts of international society; development and
basis of the national state system; nationalism and imperialism; diplomacy; growth
and nature of international law and organs; the League of Nations; the impact of
war on modern society; elements of future international organization and present
plans for reconstruction.
9. Latin American Relations.
Half course. O m itted in 1942-1943.
Political, historical, cultural, commercial relationships between the United States
and Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean area, and South America. Discussions
of Pan-Americanism, the Monroe Doctrine, boundary disputes, trade agreements, the
Good Neighbor Policy. American diplomatic history as seen by Latin America.
10. American Foreign Policy. Mr. Sonthoff.
Half course.
An historical and analytical study of the political, constitutional, geographic, and
economic factors controlling American foreign policy, with particular reference to:
American diplomacy; the Monroe Doctrine; Pan-Americanism; trade agreements and
the Good Neighbor Policy; war-time policies and implications for the post-war international order.
Prerequisite: Political Science 1. The following seminars pre
pare for examination for a degree with Honors:
1. Political Theory. Mr. Pennock.
The nature of the state, the basis of political obligation, sovereignty and the
nature of law, problems of freedom and authority, theoretical analysis of forms of
government, theories of revolution—all in the light of the theories set forth by writers
on these subjects from Plato to the present.
2. Federal, State, and Local Politics. Mr. Durham.
Federal-state and state-local relations under modern conditions. State, municipal,
and rural government. The various forces and factors which impinge upon the legis
lative process: inter- and intra-party politics, rural-urban cleavages, pressure
groups, public opinion, the chief executive, and administrative agencies. Com
parisons between state and federal politics.
3. Problems in Government and Administration. Mr. Pennock.
A detailed study of major problems of government, particularly on the administra
tive side, and especially as they manifest themselves in the national government of
the United States. Topics studied include: public budgeting and financial control,
administrative legislation and adjudication, governmental reorganization, administra
tive areas, governmental corporations, and problems of public service personnel
4. International Relations and Organization. Mr. Sonthoff.
Basic factors of interstate relations—geography, resources, races, trade—consid
ered in relation to nationalism, imperialism, and war. Also a study of efforts to
restrain international rivalries and to avoid war.
5. American Foreign Policy. Mr. Wood and Mr. Sonthoff.
A study of the economic, political, and strategic factors in American foreign policy
since 1890, with special attention to Pan-American affairs.
6. Thesis.
All members of the department.
Approval of the instructor immediately concerned must be secured early in the
student's junior year.
P rofessor : W olfgang K ö h ler .
A ssociate P rofessor : ‘ ‘ R obert B. M cL eod.
A ssistant P rofessor : E dwin B. New m a n , A cting C hairm an.
I nstructors : ‘ “ R ichard S. C rutchfield .
W illiam C. P rentice .
B eatrice A. W right .
R esearch A ssociate : Hans W allach .
1. Introduction to Psychology. Mr. Köhler, Mr. Newman.
Full course.
A study of the structure and organization of the mental life of the normal, human
adult. Recommended for sophomore year.
2. Experimental Psychology. Mr. Köhler, Mr. Newman.
H alt course.
A laboratory course on problems in human psychology.
Prerequisite, Course 1.
3. Human Motivation. Mr. Wallach.
H alt cou rse.
A study of the directive and the regulative aspects of human behavior.
Prerequisite, Course 1.
4. Social Psychology. Mr. Prentice.
H alt cou rse.
Psychological analysis of the behavior of the individual as a member of social
Prerequisite, Course 1.
5. Child Psychology. Mrs. Wright.
H alt cou rse.
Intellectual, social and emotional development from birth through adolescence.
Prerequisite, Course 1.
6. Animal Behavior. Mr. Newman.
H alt cou rse.
A presentation of those facts in animal psychology which contribute to our present
knowledge of general psychology.
Prerequisite, Course 1.
7. Systematic Psychology. Mr. Köhler.
H alt cou rse.
Observations and problems in different fields of modern psychology treated as
parts of a developing system, with a consideration of the basic principles inherent
in this development.
Prerequisite, Course 1.
8. Educational Psychology. Mrs. Wright.
H alt cou rse, altern ate years.
Psychology of individual differences, learning, motivation, and personality adjust
ment; special problems related to teaching.
Prerequisite, Course 1.
9. Psychological Tests and Measurements. Mrs. Wright.
H alt cou rse.
Construction, administration and interpretation of tests, with special emphasis on
clinical techniques.
Prerequisite, Course 1.
10. Advanced Experimental Psychology. The staff.
H alt cou rse.
Special investigation of selected problems under the direction of a member of the
department. Open only to seniors.
Prerequisite, Courses 1 and 2.
‘ Under the accelerated program, not all courses will be offered every term.
■ ‘ ‘ Absent on leave.
“ ‘ Absent on leave, part-time.
11. Psychological Tutorial. The staff.
Half course.
Supervised reading in fields that have not been adequately covered in courses.
Required of seniors majoring in psychology.
12. Elementary Statistics.
Study of the elements of statistical method, comprising treatment of certain prrncipies in the organization and analysis of statistical data; application of these prmciples to data of the social sciences.
21. Introduction to Education. Mrs. Wright.
Half course.
A survey of the aims, organization and procedures of education; the opportunities
and requirements in education as a profession.
22. History of Education. Mrs. Wright.
Half course, alternate years.
An historical survey of educational procedures from the period of the Greeks to
the present, including a comparison of present-day systems in Europe and America.
23. Philosophy of Education. Mrs. Wright.
Half course, alternate years.
A study of the fundamental principles of education viewed in dynamic relation
with our culture; special emphasis on the r81e of education in a democratic socie y.
Students intending to elect psychology as major subject are
advised to take a course in philosophy and a course in biolog
ical or physical science, preferably during the freshman year.
Students looking forward to graduate work should choose Ger
man as their foreign language. Major students in course take
Courses 1, 2 and 11, and the equivalent of four further half
courses in psychology. Minor students are expected to take
Course 1 and the equivalent of two further full courses in psy
chology. Courses in education, 21, 22 and 23, will not be cred
ited toward a major or minor in psychology.
Education alone may not be elected as a major or minor
subject, and not more than two full courses in education will
be accepted for credit toward the bachelor's degree. The Penn
sylvania requirements for the certification of secondary school
teachers include 21 hours of psychology and education. With
the exception of 6 hours of practice teaching, which must be
taken elsewhere, Swarthmore students may fulfill these require
ments by taking Courses 1, 8, 21, 22 and 23.
Prerequisites: Introduction to Psychology (1) is the normal
prerequisite for all Honors work. This may be waived, however,
in cases of candidates who have done advanced work in
zoology and physiology, and who propose to concentrate in
the field of physiological psychology. All major students are ad
vised to take introductory work in zoology or physics and in
philosophy, and to acquire a reading knowledge of German.
Seminars: The following seminars prepare for examinations
for a degree with Honors:
1. Systematic Psychology. Mr. Köhler.
A short historical survey of empirical psychology, followed by a discussion of (1)
basic questions of methodology and (2) such psychological observations as tend to
unite themselves into systematically related groups of facts. Particular attention is
paid to the relations between psychology and other fields of knowledge. Major
students are expected to take this seminar during the first semester of the junior
2. Perception. Mr. Köhler.
A lternate years.
Deals systematically and experimentally with problems in the field of perception,
no attempt being made to cover the whole field in any one semester; open to all
qualified Honors students, but especially recommended for students of the natural
sciences and of philosophy.
3. Learning. Mr. Köhler, Mr. Newman.
A lternate years.
The experimental study of memory and learning, with a view to finding optimal
conditions of motivation, the nature and arrangement of material, temporal relations
and the like, as well as formulating hypotheses about the nature of the learning
process; open to all qualified Honors students.
4. Human Development. Mr. Newman.
The growth and development of psychological processes; the nature of learning
and of intelligence; the world of the child contrasted with that of the adult. Open
to all qualified Honors students, but may not be combined with Learning.
5. Motivation. Mr. Prentice.
A systematic and experimental approach to the dynamics of behavior, based on
material drawn both from the laboratory and from the clinic; open to all qualified
Honors students, but of particular interest to students of ethics and of the social
6. The Individual in Society. Mr. Prentice, Mr. Crutchfield.
The relationship between man and his society, approached from the points of view
of social psychology, sociology and cultural anthropology; open to all qualified
Honors students, but especially designed for students of the social sciences.
7. Language and Thinking. Mr. MacLeod.
The psychological bases of communication, with special reference to the origin
and development of language, the nature of linguistic symbolism, the disorders of
linguistic behavior, creative imagination, and rational and irrational thinking; open
to all qualified Honors students, but especially designed for students of literature,
and recommended in conjunction with the seminar on Linguistics.
8. Animal Behavior. Mr. Newman.
A comparative study of animal behavior, with laboratory work. Recommended for
students with a background in biology.
9. Psychophysiology. Mr. Newman.
An introductory study, roughly parallel to Psychology 1, designed for selected
students in the natural sciences who have been unable to take the regular course.
With permission, this seminar may be offered as a fourth seminar in zoology.
10. Thesis.
May be presented as a substitute for one seminar, provided the student is doing
major work in psychology with four seminars, and provided some member of the
department is willing to undertake the direction of the thesis.
P rofessor : “ E dith P h il ip s , Chairman.
A ssociate P rofesso rs : * * ’ Harold M arch .
L eon W encelius .
A ssistant P rofessor : J a m es D. S ohber.
I nstructors : C larence F inlayson .
M arion M onaco.
I. Elementary French.
Full course.
For students who begin French in college. Equivalent oi two years' secondary
school preparation.
2a. Reading, Grammar and Composition. Members of the department.
Half course.
Prerequisite, French 1 or two years' secondary school preparation and a placement
2b. Reading, Grammar and Composition. Continued. Members of the de
Half course.
Prerequisite, French 2a or three years’ secondary school preparation and a placement test.
3a. Introduction to French Literature. Members of the department.
Half course.
Prerequisite, French 2b or lour years' secondary school preparation and a place
ment test
Representative texts of modern French prose writers. Conducted in French with
frequent written work in French.
3b. Introduction to French Literature. Members of the department.
Half course.
Prerequisite, French 3a.
j ■
, _
Representative texts from French literature from the classical period through the
nineteenth century.
Le roman avant 1800. Mr. March.
II. Le roman du dix-neuvième siècle. Mr. March.
Half course.
Half course.
12. Prosateurs et moralistes de la Renaissance et de la Réforme. Mr.
Half Course.
13. La prose classique. Mr. Wencelius.
Half course.
14. Les origines philosophiques de la révolution. Miss Philips.
Half course.
15. Mouvement des idées au dix-neuvième siècle. Mr. Wencelius.
Half course.
‘ Under the accelerated program, not all courses will be offered every term.
“ Absent on leave, winter term.
‘ “ Absent on leave, fall term.
16. La poésie lyrique jusqu'à l'époque classique. Mr. March. Hall course.
17. La poésie lyrique moderne. Miss Philips.
Hall course.
18. Origines et développement du théâtre classique. Miss Monaco.
Hall course.
19. Le théâtre moderne. Miss Monaco.
Hall course.
20. Histoire de la littérature française. Mr. Wencelius.
Füll course.
21. Advanced Composition. Miss Philips.
Hall course.
1. Elementary Spanish. Mr. Sorber, Mr. Finlayson.
Full course.
For students who begin Spanish in college. Equivalent of two years' secondary
school preparation.
2. Reading, Grammar and Composition. Mr. Sorber, Mr. Finlayson.
Full course.
Prerequisite, Spanish 1 or two years' secondary school preparation and a place*
ment test.
3. Introduction to Spanish Literature. Mr. Sorber.
Full course.
Prerequisite, Spanish 2, or four years' preparation in secondary school and a
placement test.
Representative texts of modern Spanish writers. Conducted in Spanish with fre
quent written work in Spanish.
10. La novela espanola del siglo XIX. Mr. Finlayson.
Half course.
For Honors work in Spanish, see p. 107.
11. La novela hispano-americana. Mr. Finlayson.
Hall course.
1. Elementary Italian.
Full course.
A course aiined to give the student ability to read ordinary Italian with ease, and
to write and speak simple Italian.
2. Second year Italian.
Full course.
Grammar review and composition. Readings from Dante's Inferno.
3; Introduction to Modern Italian Literature.
Full course.
Representative texts of modern Italian writers.
All students offering French or Spanish for entrance take a
placement test. The results of this test, taken into consideration
with the number of years of preparation, determine the stu
dent's assignment to Course 2 or Course 3.
The department does not offer a major in Spanish or Italian.
French may be offered as a major or minor subject in the
Division of the Humanities.
Prerequisites for majors: French 3, Latin 1, or its equivalent,
History of Europe or History of France, History of Philosophy or
Introduction to Philosophy.
Majors are expected to speak French with sufficient fluency
to conduct a discussion in French with the examiner in the oral
examination. Some indulgence is shown by the examiners to
minors in respect to their spoken French, although all seminars
are conducted in French.
The following seminars prepare for examinations for a de
gree with Honors:
1. Le renaissance en France. Mr. Wencelius.
Rabelais, Calvin, Montaigne, Ronsard.
2. Le théâtre classique. Miss Monaco.
Corneille, Racine, Molière.
4. La pensée française au dix-huitième siècle. Miss Philips.
Montesquieu, Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau.
5. La poésie lyrique au dix-neuvième siècle. Miss Philips.
The Romantic, Parnassian and Symbolist movements. Modern tendencies.
6. Quatre romanciers modernes. Mr. March and Miss Philips.
Balzac, Stendhal, Flaubert, Proust.
7. Le mouvement des idées depuis Taine. Mr. March.
8. Littérature médiévale. Mr. March.
Chansons de geste et romans.
9. Le développement des idées politiques au dix-neuvième siècle. Mr.
The seminars in French are planned with reference to the
choices of the students and the convenience of the department,
and the semester in which they are given varies from year to
year. Majors are urged to elect four seminars which cover the
four modern centuries.
Beginning with the academic year 1941-42, a minor in Span
ish will be offered in Honors work. Prerequisite, Spanish 3. The
following seminars will be given:
1. La novela hispano-americana. Mr. Sorber.
2. La novela picarisca. Mr. Sorber.
P rofessor : Laurence I rving, Chairman.
A ssociate P rofessor : R obert K. E nders .
A ssistan t P rofesso rs : F rank R. K il l e .
W alter J. S cott .
I nstructors : R uth M cC lung J ones .
***C . B rooke W orth .
R esearch A ssociates : * * G eorge A. E dwards.
P er F. S cholander .
A ssist a n t : S usan I rving.
1. Biology. Staffs of the departments of botany and zoology.
Full course.
This introductory course is designed to present the fundamentcd aspects of
biology. Principles will be illustrated by both plants and animals with particular
reference to their interdependence and interrelationships. The topics for considera
tion during the first semester include: protoplasm, the cell, fundamentals of meta
bolism, structure and function in the higher plants, nuclear dnd cell division, genetics;
and a brief survey of the plant kingdom. The second semester will survey the char
acteristics of invertebrates and vertebrates, geographical distribution, evolution,
embryology and physiology.
Three lectures or conferences and one laboratory period per week.
2. Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy. Mr. Enders.
A course of lectures, laboratory conferences and dissection presented from the
comparative viewpoint. Dissection of several vertebrate types is undertaken.
Two lectures or conferences and two laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite, 1.
3. Elementary Physiology. Mr. Scott.
Halt course.
A consideration of the physiology of muscle, nerve, circulation, respiration, central
nervous system, special senses, and digestion; the treatment is designed to give a
broad understanding of the mechanism of the vertebrate body. In the laboratory
standard experiments on living tissue are performed.
Two lectures, one conference, and one laboratory period per week. Prerequisite, 1.
4. Embryology. Mr. Kille.
Hall course.
A study of the developmental processes in vertebrates. Laboratory periods are
devoted to the developmental anatomy of amphioxus, frog, chick, and pig. Experi
mental analysis of development is introduced in the lectures and conferences.
5. Invertebrate Zoology. Mr. Kille.
Hall course, in altern ate years.
A comparative study of the invertebrates exclusive of protozoa and insects. Special
attention is given to the topics of regeneration, analysis of development, and inver
tebrate hormones. The living material used in the laboratory is collected by the class
during field studies of marine, fresh water and land habitats.
One laboratory period and one three-hour discussion period per week with addi
tional field trips. Prerequisite, 1.
6a. Microscopic Anatomy. Mrs. Jones.
Halt course.
This course is concerned with the microscopic structure of vertebrates and inver
tebrate animals. Whenever possible the tissues are examined in the living condition.
The student makes enough preparations to familiarize himself with the principal
methods of modern microtechnique.
Two lectures and two laboratory periqds per week. Prerequisite, 1,
•Under the accelerated program, not all courses will be offered every term.
**On a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.
•••Absent on leave.
6b. Advanced Microscopic Anatomy. Mrs. Jones.
Hall course.
A continuation of 6a. Methods of research are stressed, including bibliographic
practice. Conferences generally replace lectures.
Prerequisite, 6a.
7. Mammalian Physiology. Mr. Scott.
Half course.
A laboratory course of experiments illustrating the more important features of the
circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems.
One lecture, one conference, and one laboratory period per week. Prerequisites,
1, 2, 3.
8. Special Topics. The staff.
For advanced students. Open to those who on account of fitness have arranged
a program of special work in the department.
9. Biology of the Vertebrates. Mr. Enders.
Halt course.
A course designed to integrate the students' knowledge in abstract sciences with
living animals, both captive and wild. Field work is especially stressed during the
warmer months.
Open to zoology senior majors only.
10. Neurology. Mr. Scott.
Hall course, altern ate years.
After a brief review of the evolution of the nervous system phylogenetically an
intensive study is made of the anatomy of the central nervous system in man with
occasional reference to corresponding systems in lower mammals and in other
Prerequisites, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Students in general course must complete during their four
years the following: Two courses in chemistry, one course in
mathematics, one course in physics, two courses in German (or
their equivalent), four courses in zoology. Genetics (Botany
Department) or botany may be offered as one advanced
zoology course. With permission of the department a second
course in physics, a second course in mathematics or a third
course in chemistry may be substituted for the fourth course in
zoology providing such a course is not being offered as part of
the minor requirement.
The departmental requirements of two courses in chemistry
and one in physics constitute a minor for zoology majors.
Prerequisites: for a major: one and one-half courses in
zoology (1, 2), one and one-half courses in chemistry (1). one
course in mathematics (1, 2), one course in physics (1), two
courses in German (1, 2) or their equivalent.
For a minor. Zoology 1. In addition seminars in physiology
require one course in physics and two courses in chemistry.
Additional preparation in chemistry is desirable (2, 6). Fur
ther work in mathematics is recommended for those who have
ability in the subject (11, 12). The additional courses in chem
istry and mathematics are necessary for taking seminars in
those departments.
Honors students usually select four seminars in zoology and
four seminars divided between two other subjects within the
Division. Genetics or psychology for pre-medical students may
be offered in place of one seminar in zoology.
Seminars: The following seminars prepare for examinations
for a degree with Honors:
Embryology. Mr. Kille.
The nature of the germ cells, experimental analysis of development and reproduc
tion, and the developmental anatomy of vertebrates with laboratory emphasis on the
chick and the pig
Microscopic Anatomy. Mrs. Jones.
A study of the minute structure of animals by the examination of living cells and
tissues, and by the analysis of prepared slides; most of these slides are prepared
by the student who thus acquires a working knowledge of microscopical technique.
Neurology. Mr. Scott.
A preliminary consideration of the evolution of the nervous system is followed by
a detailed study of the anatomy of the human brain with special emphasis upon the
internal structure and its physiological implications. Frequent reference is made to
corresponding features of the brains of lower vertebrates.
Physiology 1. Mr. Irving.
General and comparative physiology, considering the action of muscles and nerves,
the penetration and distribution of dissolved substances through the animal and the
composition of animals.
Physiology II. Mr. Irving.
Respiration, considering the utilization of oxygen and the production of carbon
dioxide, their transport and exchange with the atmosphere.
Physiology of Reproduction. Mr. Enders.
Sex and internal secretions in vertebrate animals.
Work at summer biological stations may be substituted for
certain seminars and courses, permitting more choice in the
student's college program.
The attention of the student preparing for the medical pro
fession is directed to the admission requirements of the medical
school which he plans to attend.
With the accelerated emergency programs now operating,
it has been possible for students to enter medical school after
6 semesters of college work. Students intending to enter medi
cine should arrange their plans early. The department will
advise those who plan for professional careers in biology, or
medicine, and will recommend courses to meet the rapidly
changing circumstances of professional education during war.
Pennsylvania ............................................................................................................. 242
New York ................
New Je r s e y ............................................................................................................... 78
Maryland .............................................................
Massachusetts .................................
Ohio .............. , . ........................................'........................ .................................... 27
District of Columbia ............................................................................................. 26
Connecticut ............................................................................................................. 25
Indiana .............................................................................................................
California ................................................................................................................. 14
Michigan ................................................................................................................... 13
Delaware ................................................................................................................. 10
Virginia ....................................
Missouri ........................................................................................
Iowa .......................................................................; ................................................
North Carolina ........................
New Hampshire .................................................................................
Florida .......................................................................................................................
Minnesota .......................... : . ..................................................................................
Wisconsin .....................................................*...........................................................
Kansas ..................
N eb rask a............................
Oklahoma ...............................................................................................................
Oregon ..................................................................................
Rhode Island ...........................................................................................................
Texas ......................................................
West Virginia ................................................ . . . . . . ................................................
Argentina ........................
Colombia .................................................................................................................
Georgia .....................................................................................................................
In d ia ....................................
Kentucky ...................................................................................................................
L ouisiana................................................
Martinique ...............................................................................................................
Mexico .......................................................................................................................
South Carolina ..............................................
Tennessee ............
Vermont ......................................
Territory Hawaii ............................................................................. '............ ..
Uruguay ....................................................................................
Total.........................................................1 ................... .................................... 783
STUDENTS, 1942-43
Abe, Bernice Kikuyo, '45, 57 Mcono Si., Hilo, Hawaii, T. H.
Ackerman, Robert Allen, '43, 404 Yale Ave., Morton, P a........... Engineering
Adamson, lohn Fuller, '45, 810 W. 21st St., Wilmington, Del.
Adler, Courtney, '46, 245 E. Highland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa............English
Akutowicz, Frank, '45, 580 Poquonock Ave., Windsor, Conn... Engineering
Alexander, Robert William, '46, 244 N. 6th St., Reading, Pa............. Zoology
Alford, Frances Lydia, '44, 314 S. Homewood Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.. .English
Allen, John Alexander, '43, 5914 Cedar Parkway, Chevy Chase, Md. .English
Anderson, Eric Hart, '46,
548 Alvarado Row, Stanford Univ., Calif..........................Political Science
Anderson, James Moser, '46, Polk, Pa............................................. .Engineering
Armstrong, Charles Osmun, *46,
253 Mountwell Ave., Haddonfield, N. J...................................... Engineering
Atkinson, Edward Haviland, '43,
210 S. Washington Ave., Moorestown, N. J................ .......... Economics
Axelbank, Lucy, '45, 80 VanCortlandt Park, S., New York, N. Y.. .Economics
Ayer, Frank Root, '44, 7112 Curtis St., Chevy Chase, Md............Engineering
Ayers, Helen Spackman, '46, 6375 Waterman St., St. Louis, Mo.
Bainton, Olive Mae, '43, Amity Rd., Woodbridge, Conn..............Psychology
Bair, Barbara Rose, '44, 18 Gramatan Gardens, Bronxville, N. Y ..Economics
Bair, Robert Taylor, Jr., '45, 211 Cornell Ave., Swarthmore, Pa..Engineering
Baldwin, DeWitt Clair, Jr., '43, 207 E. 58th St., New York, N. Y.. .Economics
Balfour, Nina Jeannette, '46,
c/o Rockefeller Foundation, New York, N. Y....................Political S cien ce
Ballard, Jane Powell, '46, 37 E. Mowry St., Chester, Pa......................History
Barbour, Ian Graeme, '44, 3521 Cornell Place, Cincinnati, Ohio---- Physics
Barnard, Norris Clements, Jr., '45,
146 Berryman Drive, Snyder, N. Y.............................................. Engineering
Barnes, Richard F., '44,
1309 Yellowstone Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.................... Engineering
Barney, John Maynard, '45, Sparks, Baltimore, Md..........................Economics
Bams, C. Patricia, '46, Westmoreland, N. Y.
Baron, Stanley, '43, 1735 71st St., Brooklyn, N. Y................................ English
Bartleson, Janet Marie, '43,
105 North Rd., Lindamere, Wilmington, Del...................................... English
Bartleson, Thomas Lees, Jr., '45,
105 North Rd., Lindamere, Wilmington, Del.................................. Chemistry
Barton, Rosetta Claire, '43, R. D. 2, Phoenixville, Pa......................Chemistry
Barus, Jane Ellen, '45, 75 Llewellyn Rd., Montclair, N. J............Psychology
Basch, Peter Hugo, '46, 203 E. Main St., Moorestown N. J........Engineering
Bassett, Edward Morris, Jr., '43,
315 N. Chester Rd., Swarthmore, P a............................................Engineering
Bassett, Marjorie Ann, '43, 3000 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111........Economics
Batchelder, Constance, '46, 105 W. Willow Grove Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Beardslee, David Cromwell, '46,
25 Seminary Place, New Brunswick, N. J............................... Engineering
Beatty, Millard Shupert, Jr., '46,
701 Saxer Ave., Springfield, Pa.................................................... Engineering
Beatty, Royce Edwards, ’43
701 Saxer Ave., Springfield, P a ................................................. Engineering
Bebie, Margaret Lillian, '43, 4267 Magnolia Ave., St. Louis, Mo.. .English
Beck, Robert Juel, '45, 65 Lake Drive, Mountain Lakes, N. J........Engineering
Becker, Helen Elizabeth, '45, 323 Center St., Bethlehem, P a........... French
Belcher, Margaret Louise, '43, 405 St. Marks Ave., Westfield, N. J ..English
Beldecos, Nicholas Andrew, '44, 311 Pennell St., Chester, Pa.. .Engineering
Bell, Harriet Hunter, '46, 30 Porter Place, Montclair, N. J................English
Bender, Harriet Joan, '45, 6607 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, P a ........ .Physics
Bendi«, Harold Willard, '46, 247 S. 63rd St., Philadelphia, P a . .Engineering
Benet, Stephanie Jane, '46, 213 E. 68th St., New York, N. Y.
Benjamin, Alan Dean, '46, 1070 Eggert Rd., Eggertsville, N. Y.
Bergner, Robert Brewster, '46, 30 Princeton Rd., Brookline, P a .. Engineering
Bertsche, Edith Claire, '46, 101-23 110th St., Richmond Hill, N. Y.
Bestor, Charles Lemon, '46,
435 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y................................Political Scien ce
Beye, Helen, '44, 422 Brown St., Iowa City, Iow a................................ English
Beyer, Morten Stemoff, '43, Spring Hill Farm, McLean Va........Economics
Bicking, Jane Hutchison, '46,
223 E. Lancaster Ave., Downingtown, Pa..........................................French
Blackburn, Edith Elizabeth, '44,
242 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, P a .......................................................French
Blackburn, Frances Mayhew, '46, 405 Hollen Rd., Baltimore, Md.. .. English
Blanchard, Jean Prichard, '45,
17 N. Chatsworth Ave., Larchmont, N. Y.............................M athematics
Blankenhorn, Mary M., '43, 6 Rural Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio.............. English
Blanshard, Rufus Anderson, '43, Swarthmore, Pa.............. ........ — English
Blough, Richard Roy, '46,
3243 N. Abingdon St., Arlington, Va.............................................. Chemistry
Book, Winifred Peters, '45, 513 Onondaga St., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Boardman, Harry C., '45, 102 High St., Reading, Pa....................Engineering
Bodine, Charles Bradfield, '46, 131 Cornwall Ave., Trenton, N. J.
Boissard, Suzanne, '46, 816 E. Gorham St., Madison, Wis.
Bondy, Heinz Eric, '45, Windsor Mountain School, Manchester, Vt.. History
Borah, Leo Arthur, Jr., 46,
4819 Quebec St., N. W., Washington, D. C.......................................... English
Bowen, Barbara, '46, 445 N. Forest Rd., Williamsville, N. Y................Zoology
Bowen, Carroll G., '46, LaGrange, Ind.................................................. Chemistry
Bowles, Edmund Addison, '46, 77 Glen Rd., Wellesley, Mass..............History
Bowman, Dorothy Gertrude, '46,
6432 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111.................................................. Psychology
Bowman, Howard Chester, '44,
U. S. Consulate, Cali, Colombia........................ ................Political Science
Boyajian, Aram Herbert, '44
55 Stratford Ave., Pittsfield, Mass.................................................. Chemistry
Braaten, Theodore Eddy, '44, 17 Youngs Rd., Dedham, Mass........Economics
Braider, Donald Townley, '44, Cooperstown, N. Y........................Economics
Brandstetter, Hugo Eugene, '44,
638 Vi Arlington Place, Chicago, 111
Braude, Judith Sara, '46, 2277 Andrews Ave., New York, N. Y........Physics
Bredin, Stephen Price, '44, New Hope, Pa................................Political S cien ce
Brenner, George Victor, '46, 1920 Osborne Place, New York, N. Y.
Bressler, Elizabeth Jane, '46, 1467 Jefferson Ave., Akron, Ohio.
Brewster, Athena Beatrice, '43,
223 Dickinson Ave., Swarthmore, Pa.......................................... Psychology
Brewster, Joan, '46, 27 Concord St., Nashua, N. H................................English
Brewster, Mary Cornelia, '44
511 Congress Ave., Havre de Grace, Md............................Political Science
Brinton, Lydia «Shipley, '44, Pendle Hill, Wallingford, Pa....................English
Britt, Sarah, '44, Wellington Farm, Nonquitt, Mass..........................Economics
Brokaw, Richard Spohn, '44,
161 Sagamore Rd., Millburn, N. J........................ ........................ Chemistry
Brooks, Beverly, '45, 18 E. Hickory St., Hinsdale, 111.
Brooks, Edith Herrick, '45, 1793 Canton Ave., Milton, Mass............Zoology
Brooks, Wendell, '46, 116 S. Day Ave., Rockford, 111.
Broomell, Arthur Williams, Jr., '43,
1338 Park Ridge PI., Cincinnati, O h io .. .................. . .Political S cien ce
Broomell, Hannah Thompson, '44,
429 W. Stafford St., Germantown, Pa................................................ Zoology
Brott, Julienne, '45, 331 E. Ohio St., Marquette, Mich..........................English
Brown, John Daniel, '43,
129 Hale Terrace, Bridgeport, Conn.................................. .Political S cien ce
Brown, Mary Elizabeth, '46, Holland, N. Y.
Brown, Richard Edward, '45,
526 Walnut Lane, Swarthmore, P a ............................................ Engineering
Brownell; Ruth Michael, '43, 227 Park Ave., Swarthmore, P a........... English
Bryan, George Sloan, Jr., '46,
4550 Connecticut Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. . . ............ Engineering
Bryant, Clifford Milton, '46,
218 Dickinson Ave., Swarthmore, P a ...........................................Engineering
Budd, Hiram E., '46, 1407 Baird Ave., Camden, N. J........................Engineering
Buesching, Joan Elizabeth, '46, 1802 Florida Drive, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Burdett, Agnes Elizabeth, '44,
Granada Apartments, Miami, Florida........................................... Chemistry
Burrowes, Richard Crawford, '46,
52 Hudson Ave., Englewood, N. J................................................ Engineering
Burt, Barbara Anne, '44, 808 Ohio St., Urbana, 111........................... History
Burt, Richard Campbell, '46, 402 E. 20th St.,Chester, P a....................Zoology
Busing, William Richard, '44, 144 Handsome Ave., Sayville, N. Y .. Chemistry
Butler, John Ben., Ill, '45
305 W. 246th St., Fieldston, N. Y. C..................................................Chemistry
Butler, Scot, '44, 4713 Harrison St., Chevy Chase, Md......................History
Bye, Doris L., '46, Moylan, Pa.
Caddick, Eleanor, '46, Ard Coille, Chatham, N. J................Political S cien ce
Cammack, Winifred Jean, '43,
310 N. Summit Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y...................................... Psychology
Campbell, Malcolm, '45, 1624 Hartranft Drive, Norristown, Pa.. .Economics
Canedy, Walton Franks, '44,
7110 Oxford Rd., Stoneleigh, Baltimore, Md................................ Economics
C arp en ter, N an cy Ja n e , '45,
Norfolk, V a ......................................................... English
Carr, Doris, '46, 304 Taplow Rd., Baltimore, Md.
Carrell, Jeptha Jefferson, '45, 1908 Shrink St., Philadelphia, Pa.. .Economics
Carroll, Margaret Elizabeth, '46,
132 S. 20th St., Terre Haute, Ind......................................................... French
Carson, William Gilmour, '45,
104 S. Carol Blvd., Upper Darby, Pa............................................ Chemistry
Carter, William John, '44,
323 Melbourne Rd., Great Neck, N. Y............................................ Economics
Cartwright, Eleanor Louise, '46, 478 Arnett Blvd., Rochester, N. Y.
Carver, Anne, '45, 115 Penfield Rd., Rochester, N. Y.
Chadwell, Margaret Anne, '46,
The Pall Mall, 1112 16th St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Chambers, Richard Netherton, '46,
182 Oakridge Ave., Summit, N. J..............................................Engineering
Chapman, John William, Jr., *43,
12 Glen Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass.................................................. Economics
Chase, Barbara Stanley, '46, 945 Union St., Manchester, N. H.
Chase, Gretchen, '45, 1706 Crescent Drive, St. Joseph, Mo.
Chubb, Rosemary Ann, '46, 108 S. Rock Hill, Webster Groves, Mo.
Cibelius, Charles Anthony, Jr., '44,
831 Overlook Rd., Rockford, 111.................................................. Engineering
Clarke, Cornelia Stabler, '46, Wallingford, P a .................................... English
Clark, Ruth Fontaine, '43,
Box 916, Glen Head, Long Island, N. Y........................................Economics
rilor.donin, William W„ '46, 2735 Silver St., El Paso, Texas............ Physics
Coates, John C., '44,
Ramon Fernandez 255, Montevideo, Uruguay...................... M athematics
Cobb, Virginia Thomson, '46, 3902 Old York Rd., Baltimore, Md---- English
Colegrove, Marian Louise, '45, 721 Foster St., Evanston, I1L
Colegrove, Reed L., '43, 22 Homesdale Rd., Bronxville, N. Y........Economics
Coleman, Robert E., '43, 416 S. Cook Ave., Trenton, N. J....................Botany
Coles, Barbara Haydock, '46, 125 E. Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J.
Collet, Joan Mary, '43, P. O. Box U, Newtown, Conn..............................French
Collins, William Otis, Jr., '46, 7939 Winston Rd., Chestnut Hill, Pa.
Colton, Anne Gale, '46, 3122 Woodbury Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio.
Colwell, Marjorie Cecilia, '46,
3930 Connecticut Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Condit, Anna Ryckman, '45,
139 Fitz Randolph Rd., Princeton, N. J..............................Political S cien ce
Connors, Helen Marie, '43,
129 Meadowbrook Rd., Garden City, N. Y......................Political S cien ce
Cook, Myrtle Helen, '46, 1040 Monroe Ave., River Forest, 111.
Cooley, Edward Hanes, '44,
110 Columbia Ave., Swarthmore, Pa..........................................Engineering
Cooley, Marie Louise, '46, 7019 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, P a
Coombs, Anna Hires, '46, Salem, N. J.
Cope, Dallas T., '45, R. R. 2, Winchester, Ind..............................Engineering
Comog, Phoebe Harvey, '45,
2612 Prescott Rd., Upper Darby, Pa.................................................... History
Comog, William Lindsay, Jr., '46,
307 Barker Si., Ridley Park, Pa.
Corse, John Montgomery, '44,
411 Yale Ave., Swarthmore, Pa.......................................... Political Science
Cotten, Patricia, '44, 34 Monroe Place, Brooklyn, N. Y........................History
Councill, Edward Winslow, '45, Franklin, Va......................................Chemistry
Counts, Martha Louise, '45, 501 W. 120th St., New York City, N. Y.
Courant, Gertrude Elizabeth, '44,
142 Calton Rd., New Rochelle, N. Y............................................ .Psychology
Cox, Jane Marie, '44, R. R. 16, Box 458 F., Indianapolis, Ind............English
Coyle, Donal Kennedy, '43, Toms River, N. J........................................ Zoology
Crane, Sarah Verry, '46, 206 Tunbridge Rd., Baltimore, Md.
Cray, Douglas White, '44,
30 Martling Ave., Pleasantville, N. Y ................................Political S cien ce
Crowell, Elisabeth, '46, 403 E. Ludington, Iron Mountain, Mich.
Crum, Marion Janet, '46, 771 Valley Rd., Upper Montclair, N. J---- Zoology
Cryer, Charles Pickett, '43,
273 Highland Ave., Lansdowne, Pa............................................ Engineering
Cupitt, Jean Marie, '46, 205 Sylvania Place, Westfield, N. J.
Curry, Norma Virginia, '43, 219 Holroyd Place, Woodbury, N. J....F re n ch
Curtin, David Yarrow, '43, Webster Springs, W. V a . ...................... Chemistry
Curtin, Philip DeArmand, '45, Webster Springs, W. Va......................History
Curtis, Ida Louise, '46, 2830 Valley Drive, Sioux City, Iowa.
Custer, Alfred Walter, '46,
163 Gregory Ave., West Orange, N. J ,................................ Political S cien ce
Daniels, Robert Bruce, '46, 25 Jeppson Ave., Worcester, Mass............History
Dannenberg, Arthur Milton, Jr., '45,
135 S. 17th St., Philadelphia, P a........................................................Zoology
Darbishire, Elizabeth St. John, '43,
Beech Point, Stanford, Route 2, Ky................................................... .French
Darlington, Robert Palmer, ‘45,
422 Chambers Ave., Camden, N. J...................................................... English
Darlington, Thomas Brinton, '46,
24 Pennock Terrace, Lansdowne, P a ............................. ............Engineering
Darnell, Achsah Lippincott, '46, 40 N. Main St., Medford, N. J.
Davies, Johanna, '46, 411 Orchard St., Southmont, Johnstown, Pa.
Davis, Edwin, '43, 312 N. 54th St., Omaha, Neb...................................... Zoology
Davison, Atala Scudder, '44, c/o Duke Hospital, Durham, N. C........G reek
Davison, Sue Pemberton, '44,
730 Harvard Ave., Swarthmore, P a..............................................P sychology
Dean, Helen Mae, '46, St. George St., P. O. Box 173, Duxbury, Mass.
Deane, James Garner, '44,
1615 Kenyon St., N. W., Washington, D. C........................Political S cien ce
DeBurlo, Comegys Russell, Jr., '46,
715 Lawson Ave., Penfield, Del. Co., P a................................... Engineering
DeLaney, George Frederick, '43, 601 W. Lockhart St., Sayre, P a ... .English
Demond, Sallie Harrison, '46, 223 Delafield Ave., Aspinwall, Pa.
Demond, William Bradford, '43, 58 Riddell St., Greenfield, M ass... .Zoology
Dempf, Elizabeth Wornall, '46, 2595 San Pasqual St., Pasadena, Calif.
DeNiord, Elizabeth, '44, 212 Linwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y....................English
Denton, Mary Louise, '44, 520 W. Third St., Elmira, N. Y....................English
Detreux, Kathryn Louise, '44, 211 Summit Ave., Jenkintown, Pa...French
Dicker, Paul Edward, '46, 6415 Argyle St., Philadelphia, P a ... .Engineering
Dickinson, Walter, Jr., '46, Brooklake Rd., Florham Park, N. J............English
Dippy, Robert Newton, Jr., '45,
Edge Hill Rd. and Tyson Ave., Roslyn, P a................................... Chemistry
Dixon, Adam Ooit, '45, Sunset Hill Farm, Portsmouth, N. H..................Latin
Doane, Catherine Florence, '44,
212 North Rd., Lmdamere, Wilmington, Del....................................English
Dodge, Diana, '43, 355 Riverside Drive, New York City, N. Y........English
Dodge, Nancy Pitt, '46, 20 Woodlink Rd., Asheville, N. C...................English
Dodson, Margery Finigan, '45, 7429 Parkdale, Clayton, Mo..........Fine Arts
Dohi, Ruth, '44, 160 Valley Rd., Arroyo Grande, Calif......................English
Donnelly, Orville Wright, '44, 219 Tunbridge Rd., Baltimore, Md.. Chemistry
Douglas, Gordon Whipple, '45,
600 N. Chester Rd., Swarthmore, Pa............................................ Engineering
Douglas, Miriam Malcolm, '46, La Vale, Cumberland, Md............Economics
Douglass, John William, '46,
144 Hempstead St., New London, Conn......................................Engineering
Dragstedt, Carol, '46, 5200 Greenwood, Chicago, 111.
Dreller, Selma Raike, '46, 1224 Belfield Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa.
Dudley, George, Jr., '45, Old Wyomissing Rd., Wyomissing, P a
Duffy, Christel Hull, '46,
44 Gramercy Park North, New York City, N. Y............Political S cien ce
Dugan, John Leslie, Jr., '43,
8355 Cadwalader St., Elkins Park, Pa........................................Engineering
DuMond, Priscilla Hilton, '44, Ulster Park, N. Y....................................English
Duncan, Roderick Martin, '43,
2871 Audubon Terrace, N. W., Washington, D. C......................Economics
Dunn, Emily G., '46, 702 Broadway, Normali, 111....................Political Scien ce
Dunn, Robert Stafford, '43, 702 Broadway, Normali, 111........Political S cien ce
Durkee, Eleanor Elizabeth, '43, 236 E. Commerce St., Bridgeton, N. J..Botany
Dutton, Mary Lou, '46, 2242 Pioneer Rd., Evanston, 111.
Eavenson, Alban Simmons, '46,
626 Strath Haven Ave., Swarthmore, P a................................... Engineering
Ebersole, Byron Stauffer, '44,
328 W. Magnetic St., Marquette, Mich.......................................... Economics
Edwards, Nancy Jane, '46, 106 Longwood Rd., Baltimore, Md.
Ehrenfeld, David Allen, '46, 214 S. Main, Bel Air, Md..........................Zoology
Ehrmann, Robert Lincoln, '44, 14 Irving St., Brookline, Mass............Zoology
Eliot, Johan Wijnbladh, '43, 768 Foxdale Ave., Winnetka, 111..........Zoology
Ely, Patricia Rose, '44, 5 Thayer Rd., Manhasset, N. Y........................English
Enion, Ruth Charles, '44,
500 N. Chester Rd., Swarthmore, Pa.................................................. English
Erdman, William James, '43,
417 W. Chelten Ave., Germantown, Pa........................................Economics
Estrin, Anne Eugenie, '43,
65 Central Park West, New York City, N. Y................................Psychology
Evans, William Taylor, '45,
170 N. Mountain Ave., Mountain Lakes, N. J.................................. Physics
Farnum, Helen Louise, '45,
618 N. Summerlin St., Orlando, Fla.
F elix, Ja n e , '44,
50 W. P lu m stead A ve., L ansdow ne, P a . . . .............. .English
Felton, John Biddle, '43,
109 E. Tabor Rd., Philadelphia, Pa............................. .Political S cien ce
Ferger, John Henry, '45, 404 Keystone Ave., Fullerton, Pa............Chemistry
Fergus, John Corwin, '43,
3901 Connecticut Ave., Washington, D. C.................................... Economics
Field, David Freeman, *46, 84 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y................English
Finley, William Graham, '43,
805 E. Willow Grove Ave., Chestnut Hill, Pa............................Economics
Fishback, Julia Loraine, '45, 712 Evergreen Drive, Akron, Ohio. .Psychology
Forster, Jean Haire, '44, 815 Ridge Terrace, Evanston, 111.. .Political Science
Forwood, Suzanne, '45, 24 Kiwassa Rd., Lake Saranac, N. Y.
Frank, Hans Richard, '43, 48 John St., Ilion, N. Y.. . ........................ Chemistry
Fraser, Herbert Ward, '43, Wallingford, Pa.............................................. History
Frear, Robert Birdsell, '46;
Blue Hill Rd., Riverdale, Westwood, N. J..................................Engineering
Freed, Dean Winslow, '44, 204-20 42nd Ave., Bayside, N. Y.. .Engineering
Freeman, Lois Walton, '44, Kennett Square, P a ............ ...................... English
Freifeld, George Robert, *44, 249 E. Sixth Ave., Roselle, N. J.
Frey, Marianne, '46, 3553 Bayard Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Frick, Nancy Katharine, '46, 564 Hansel Rd., Wynnewood, Pa.
Friend, Sidney von Basil, Jr., '43,
681 W. 231st St., New York City, N. Y........................................Economics
Frohman, Mary Patience, '46, 11748 S. W. Riverwood Rd., Portland, Ore.
Frorer, Harriet Lou, '46, Weldin Rd., Wilmington, Del.
Frorer, Janet Ann, '43, Weldin Rd., Wilmington, Del............................English
Fuchs, Martha, '45, 4510 Sheridan St., Riverdale, Md......................Chemistry
Fudakowski, George Casimir, '43,
Indian Chase Drive, Greenwich, Conn......................................Engineering
Gaines, Eleanor-Yellott, '44, 130 N. Third St., Easton, Pa....................Zoology
Gale, David, '44, 77 Park Ave., New York City, N. Y..........................Physics
Galloway, Alice Louise, '44,
4915 16th St., N. W., Washington, D. C........................................ Psychology
Galt, Elizabeth Allen, '46, 14 Barton Rd., Mountain Lakes, N. J.
Gamble, Dorothy, '46,
221 N. Princeton Ave., Swarthmore, P a........................................... English
Gamble, Isabel Emory, '46, 222 Lancaster St., Albany, N. Y.
Ganister, Daniel, '43, 64 Forest Rd., Springfield, Pa......................Economics
Garrett, Buckley Raser, '46, 52 N. Maple Ave., Lansdowne, P a.. Engineering
Garver, Nancy Jane, '46, 701 Spang St., Roaring Spring, Pa.
Gary, Joseph S., '45, 300 Yale Ave., Swarthmore, Pa....................Engineering
Gary, Rex Inglis, '46, 300 Yale Ave., Swarthmore, Pa................Engineering
Gauger, Marcia, '45, Baum Blvd., State College, P a ..................... Economics
Gawthrop, Barbara Miller, '46,
231 Lafayette St., Kennett Square, Pa................................................Zoology
Geddes, Ann Townsend, '45, Manor Shores, Chestertown, Md.
Gehres, Mary Ann, '46, 422 Newbold Rd., Jenkintown, Pa..................English
Gemmill, Robert Fleming, '46, 406 Thayer Rd., Swarthmore, Pa.. .Chemistry
Gerig, Janet Carolyn, '46, 104 Conn. Ave., Kensington, Md.
Gibson, Elizabeth Davies, '44, 1262 E. 32nd St., Brooklyn, N. Y .. Psychology
Gibson, Jean Brookes, '46, 49 Payson Terrace, Belmont, Mass.
Gibson, Muscoe, '45, 1427 Powell St., Norristown, Pa....................Engineering
Gifford, James Hopkins, '46, 1954 Sycamore St., Bethlehem, P a .. Engineering
Gilchrist, David Ives, '45, 6 Hedgerow Lane, Stratford, P a.. Political Scien ce
Gilkey, Robert McCall, '45, 3 Shady Ave., Greenville, Pa........... .Psychology
Gillam, Clifford Riggs, Jr., '45, Buck Hill Falls, Pa...........................Economics
Glenn, Elizabeth Bowman, '43, 1107 N. Front St., Harrisburg, Pa..English
Glenzing, Helen Carolyn, '46, 549 Milton Rd., Rye, N. Y............M athematics
Goldforb, Miriam Caroline, '46, 330 E. 79th St., New York City, N. Y.
Goldwater, Daniel Leon, '43
2701 Grand Concourse, New York City, N. Y............................Engineering
Goodman, Theodore Wynkoop, '43,
124 W. 6th Ave., Roselle, N. J................................................ Political S cien ce
Goodrich, Janet Carter, '43
448 Riverside Drive, New York City, N. Y.....................................Economics
Graef, Edith Ann, '44, 650 E. 164th St., New York City, N. Y.........Chemistry
Graham, Howard Turner, '46, 34 Crescent Rd., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Granat, Evalyn, '46, 9 Oakley Place, New Dorp, S. I., N. Y .. .Engineering
Grant, Isabella Horton, '44, 5521 Amestoy Ave., Encino, Calif.-----History
Graves, John Henry, '46, Hartsville, Bucks Co., Pa................................Zoology
Gray, Mary Jane, '45, .754 Bellevue Blvd., St. Louis, Mo......................Zoology
Green, Alice G., '46, 230 Riverside Drive, New York City, N. Y........English
Green, Amy, '45, Tuxedo Park, N. Y........................................................ History
Green, Lois Angell, '43, 62 Kensington Ave., Northampton, Mass— History
Greene, Dorothy Elizabeth, '46, 55 Mead St., Hempstead, N. Y.. Economics
Greenfield, Edna Ruth, '43, 6501 N. 8th St., Philadelphia, Pa.. .Psychology
Greenhilî, Ira Judd, '43, Park Central Hotel, New York City, N. Y. .Economics
Greenstein, Richard Marvin, '45, 1550 Elmwood Ave., Folcroft, Pa.. .Zoology
Grepnwald, Frank Stafford, '46, 462 McKinley St., Gary, Ind.. .Engineering
Greist, Elinor Preston, '43, 821-A Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y...............English
Griffin, Marjorie Anne, '45, 2102 Timlin Rd., Portsmouth, O h io ... .English
Groff, Phyllis Ann, '46, 985 Kenyon Ave., Plainfield, N. J........M athematics
Gross, James Allen, '46, 29 High St., Summit, N. J.
Guild, Walter Rufus, '45, 17 Elmwood Rd., Baltimore, Md............... Zoology
Haberern, Wendell Albert, '44, 709 Main St., Riverton, N. J........Economics
Haertter, Maryann Miller, '46,
31 Clinton Terrace, Irvington, N. J............................................ M athematics
Haight, Margaret Worrall, '43, 8 Evans St., Franklin, N. J...............Economics
Haines, Elizabeth Cowing, '43, 94 Juniper Rd., Belmont, Mass........History
Hall, Alan Norman, '45, George School, George School, Pa.............. History
Halliday, William Ross, Jr., '46,
3123 Adams Mill Rd., N. W., Washington, D. C................................ Zoology
Hand, Jane Spencer, '43, 1 Holmcrest Rd., Jenkintown, Pa................English
Hare, Alexander Paul, Jr., '44,
4332 Garfield St., N. W„ Washington, D. C......................................English
Harkness, Bruce Elmore, '44, Crozer Seminary, Chester, P a............. English
Harman, Alice Spier, '43,
Political Science
440 W. 24th St., New York City, N. Y.
H arris, H ow ard Fran k , '45,
315 W . 106th S t., N ew York C ity, N. Y.
Harrison, Graham Olin, '44,
204 Lorraine Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J.................................. Economics
Hartwell, Mary Angelica, '46, 467 Fairview Ave., Orange, N. J . . . .Zoology
Hayden, Robert Gough, '46, 1237 Pratt St., Philadelphia, P a......... Economics
Hays, Samuel Pfrimmer, '44, Rural Route No. 2, Corydon, Ind---- Philosophy
Heberle, Jürgen Wilhelm, *45,
1637 Cloverdcde Ave., Baton Rouge, L a..................................... Engineering
Heber-Smith, Elisabeth, '46, 16 Dudley Place, Yonkers, N. Y.
Hecht, Robert C., '43, 240 W. Hansberry St., Philadelphia, Pa.. .Economics
Heffernan, Neal Emmitt, '46,
40 Monroe St., New York City, N. Y..........................................Engineering
Heise, George Armstrong, '45,
18550 Rivercliff Drive, Rocky River, Ohio................................ . • Chemistry
Heitkamp, Frederick Benjamin, '46, 61 W. 9th St., New York City, N. Y.
Herrick, Marcia Kent, '46, Buchanan Rd., Niles, Mich.
Hewins, Charles Edward, '46,
2408 Chesapeake Ave., Hampton, Va..........................................Engineering
Hewitt, David Lewis, '44, 191 E. Walton St., Chicago, 111................Economics
Hicks, Eleanor Jean, '45
79 Washington Ave., Pearl River, N. Y........................................Psychology
Higley, Constance Joan, '46, 24 Second St., Johnson City, N. Y.
Hill, Katharine Helen, '46, 13 Mt. Vernon St., Newport, R. I................English
Hill, Martha Lyle, '46, 1816 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md.
Hinrichs, Karl, '46, 15 Litchfield Rd., Port Washington, N. Y........Chemistry
Hirst, Shirley Marie, '44, 2357 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, Pa..Zoology
Hoag, Verdenal, '46, Mine Mount Rd., Bernardsville, N. J.
Hodges, Donald Clark, '46,
Superi 1552, Buenos Aires, Argentina.......................................... Philosophy
Hodges, Thomas Victor, Jr., '46,
42 Taylor Blvd., Harrisburg, Pa.................................................. Engineering
Hoisington, Elizabeth Cate, '45,
3812 Kanawha St., N. W., Washington, D. C................................Economics
Hollinger, William Carpenter, '44,
13 Park Ave., Swarthmore, P a ........................................................Economics
Hollingsworth, Helen Odette, '46, 86 First St., Clifton, N. J.
Holmes, Mary Priscilla, '45, 60 School St., Concord, N. H.. Political S cien ce
Hosbach, Lois Jane, '43, 1700 Asbury Ave., Ocean City, N. J..........Zoology
Hoskins, Barbara, '45, 86 Varick Rd., Waban, Mass.
Hough, Paul VanCampen, '46, Ellwood City, Pa............................Engineering
Hovey, Justus Allan, '45,
1436 Monroe Ave., Rochester, N. Y.................................. ■ Political Scien ce
Howard, William Herbert, '44, 150 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.. .Economics
Hudson, Richard Carroll, '43, 4412 Sansom St., Philadelphia, P a...E n glish
Humphrey, Gertrude Louise, '46,
31 N. Whitney St., Hartford, Conn...................................................... History
Huntington, Anna Slocum, '43, 38 Killdeer Rd., Hamden, Conn........French
Hurd, Richard Merrit, '45, 624 Jaques Ave., Rahway, N. J............Engineering
Huston, William Pope, '45, 123 E. 37th St., New York, N. Y ... .Engineering
Hyde, Prudence Phillips, '46, 21 Henshaw Ave., Northampton, Mass.
Inouye, G e o rg e Toshio, '46,
2414 C St., N ew ell, C alii.
E n g in eerin g
Jabine, Jane Caroline, '44
1200 16th St., N. W., Washington, D. C..............................Political Science
Jackson, Anne Gertrude, '46, 7 Langdon Lane, Narberth, Pa.
James, Robert Llewellyn, '46, 732 13th Ave., Prospect Park, Pa.. .Chemistry
Jay, John Elliott, '43, 315 W. 106th. St., New York, N. Y................Economies
Johnson, Barbara Anne, '46, 710 Guilford Court, Silver Spring, Md.
Johnson, Frank W., '45, 4115 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind.. .Engineering
Johnston, Richard A., '45, N. Eckhardt Rd., Eden, N. Y......................Zoology
Jones, Edward McClung, ‘45, Bobbin Mill Rd., Media, P a......... Engineering
Jones, Elinor Loraine, '46,
c / o United Sugar Co., Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico.......... M athematics
Jones, Elizabeth West, '46, 931 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, Va.
Jones, Olwen, '44, 41 N. Broadway, Irvington, N. Y...........................French
Jones, Patricia, '46, 3103 Sunset Ave., Richmond, Va..........................English
Jones, Robert Paul, '43, Blythewood, Greenwich, Conn..................Economies
José, Victor Rudolph, '44, 410 N. Audubon Rd., Indianapolis, Ind..Economies
Kain, Sara Ruth, '46, 57 E. Market St., York, Pa.
Kaiser, Calvin Lewis, ‘46, 2514 S. 20th St., Philadelphia, Pa.. .Engineering
Kaplan, Arthur Lincoln, '46, 1428 N. 7th St., Philadelphia, Fa..M athem atics
Keay, Mary Louise, '46, 404 E. Baltimore Ave., Clifton Heights, Pa.
Keeler, Margaret Ellis, '44, Chappaqua, N. Y.................................. Psychology
Keen, Dorothy Jean, '44, 424 Main St., Parkesburg, P a..................... Zoology
Keenan, Esther Marie, '46,
48 Old Middlesex Rd., Belmont, Mass...................................... M athematics
Kehoe, Kathleen, '43, 345 Resor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio...................... English
Keller, Robert Bobrink, '44, Bielby Drive, Lawrenceburg, Ind.. .Economics
Kelley, Anita, '44, 8212 Cedar Rd., Elkins Park, Pa............................Zoology
Kelley, Donald Edward, '46, 8212 Cedar Rd., Elkins Park, Pa.. .Engineering
Kemp, Audrey Lord, '45
1609 31st St., N. W., Washington, D. C........................................Economics
Kent, Nancy Florence, '45,
6120 Fieldston Rd., New York, N. Y.................................................... Botany
Kimmel, Joseph DeHaven, '44, 25 St. Clair Drive, Pittsburgh, P a.. Economics
King, Marion, '45, 50 Longview Rd., Port Washington, N. Y........Economics
King, Robert Waldo, Jr., '45, Hemlock Rd., Short Hills, N. J................Physics
Kirby-Smith, Seiden, '44, 4930 Morven Rd., Jacksonville, F la ........... English
Kirn, David Frederick, ‘45, 520 E. Main St., Lancaster, Ohio........Economics
Kistler, William Henry, '43, 333 Woodlawn Ave., Glenside, Pa..Engineering
Kite, Elisabeth Anne, '46, 240 Ogden Ave., Swarthmore, Pa.
Klau, Felice Jean, '44, 993 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y........Political Science
Kleiner, Jack, '45, 2337 S. 4th SL, Philadelphia, P a......................... Chemistry
Kline, Evelyn Jones, '44, 554 Madison Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Knapp, Patricia Dumford, '46, 18 Field Point Rd., Greenwich, Conn.
Knaur, Elise Jellinghaus, '45, 35 E. 30th St., New York, N. Y..............G erm an
Knickerbocker, Barbara, '46, 5 Crcrigie Circle, Cambridge, Mass.
Knier, Hilda Rachel, '43, Wilbrae Farm, Downingtown, P a........... Chemistry
Knox, Norman Davis, '44, 2508 Riverview Ave., McKeesport, P a ... English
Koons, Tracy Mae, '45, 108 E. 86th St., New York, N. Y.
Kopsch, Paul, '45, 31 Lorenz Ave., Baldwin, N. Y..........
Koury, Thomas Lee, '46, 601 W. Third St., Chester, Pa.
Kret, Sara Jane, '46, 1333 Bullen's Lane, Woodlyn, P a
Krick, James Huyette, '46, 340 N. 5th St., Reading, P a .............. Engineering
Kuh, Frederica Coerr, '43, 42 E. 2nd St., Media, P a ................... ... .Economics
Kuh, Peter Greenbaum, '43, 42 E. 2nd St., Media, Pa......................Economics
LaBarre, Ruth Madeleine, '44, 42 Ben Lomond, Uniontown, Pa.. .Economics
Lamson, Barbara Alice, '43, 445 High St., Bethlehem, P a................... English
Landis, Kendall, '46, 2 School Lane, Scarsdale, N. Y.
Landis, Richard Mumma, '46, 1025 Wheatland Ave., Lancaster, P a . Zoology
Elizabeth Blanche, '46, 307 N. Princeton Ave., Swarthmore, Pa.
Laporte, Marguerite Augusta, '43,
430 E. 86th St., New York, N. Y.................................................... Psychology
LaRocco, Patricia Anne, '46, 2826 Chadboume Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio.
Larrabee, Donna Louise, '45, Linwood Drive, Riverside, Conn..........English
Lawhome, Edward Scott, '46, 44 Oak Lane, Primos, Pa.
Lehman, Frederick A., '46, 5128 N. 15th St., Philadelphia, P a . .Engineering
Leichter, Henry Otto, '46, 61 W. 82nd St., New York, N. Y.
Leimbach, Herbert John, Jr., '43,
Fenbrook Farm, Cockeysville, Md................................................ Engineering
Leonard, Ruth Nye, '46, East Freetown P. O., Lakeville, Mass........History
Leser Walter Hess, '46, 7201 Cobolt Rd., Wood Acres, Md............Chemistry
Levander, Rena Lois, '43, 433 W. 34th St., New York, N. Y................History
Levinthal, Cyrus C., '44, Garden Court Apts., Philadelphia, Pa........Physics
Lewars, Kenneth Brumbaugh, '44,
42 W. Albemarle Ave., Lansdowne, P a . ........................................... English
Lieberman, William Slattery, '43, 161 W. 75th St., New York, N. Y..English
Lightwood, Alice Fafiena, '44, 4207 Walnut St., Philadelphia, P a...E n glish
Lindley, Lawrence Eldon, Jr., *44, 719 N. Olive St., Media, Pa.. .Engineering
Linton, David Hector, '46, R. D. 3, Media, Pa.......................................English
Locke, Janet, '46, 39 Robin Rd., W. Hartford, Conn.
Loescher, Samuel Megan, '44, 5848 Pine St., Philadelphia, P a . .Economics
Lohr, Freeman W., '43, 64 Ely Place, East Orange, N. J........... Engineering
Lohr, Mary Phyllis, '44, 64 Ely Place, East Orange, N. J................Economics
Look, Arnold Evert, '44, Newtown Square, Pa...........................
Love, Warner Edwards, '44, 142 E. Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J.. .Zoology
Low, Marilyn, '46, 1 Mulberry Rd., New Rochelle, N. Y.
Lucking, Dorothy Marie, '46, 825 Brodhead St., Easton, P a
Ludemann, Jane Louise, '46, 236 Abingdon Rd., Kew Gardens, N. Y.
Lum, Patricia Bentley, '44, 3428 34th St., N. W., Washington, D. C.. .French
Luther, Ernest Wolfgang, '46, 330 Buckingham Rd., Cedarhurst, N. Y.
Lyman, Frank Lewis, '43, 113 Penarth Rd., Bala-Cynwyd, Pa..........Zoology
Lyman, Richard Wall, '44, 20 Wilkins St., Hamden, Conn....................History
McCain, Margaret Mary, '43, 513 Birch St., Boonton, N. J.................... English
McClain, Marylou, '46, 326 23rd St., N. W., Canton, Ohio..............Zoology
McCloskey, Janet Ann, '44,
418 W. 20th St., New York, N. Y............................................Political S cien ce
McClure, Frances Dayrell, '46, 1275 Denmark Rd., Plainfield, N. J.. .French
McCombs, Janet Ross, '45, 11 Greendale Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y ...History
McCormick, Gene Elton, '46,
4041 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind..........................................English
McCormick, H. Barker, Ir., '43,
236 W. Garfield Ave., Norwood, Pa............................................ Engineering
McCulloch, Margaret F., '46, 14 Mulford Place, Hempstead, N. Y .. Chemistry
Mclntire, Pope Barrow, '45, 122 E. 31st St., Savannah, G a ..Political S cien ce
McLain, Mary Lois, '46, 865 S. Grand Ave., Pasadena, Calif.
McLaughlin, William Francis, '44,
4000 Cathedral Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C..........................Economics
McLean, Pierson Scott, *46,
50 Hanscom Place, Rockville Centre, N. Y....................................Chemistry
MacDonald, Catharine Louise, '45,
5025 Wisconsin Ave., Washington, D. C.......................................... Zoology
MacDonald, Mary, '43, 116 Bridge St., Morton, Pa..............................History
MacLellan, Sally Lee, '46, 550 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, 111................English
Mahler, Henry Ralph, '43, 109-01 72nd Rd., Forest Hills, N. Y .. .Chemistry
Maier, Robert V., '43, 104 W. 70th St., New York, N. Y................Engineering
Malige, Marie, '45,
American Consulate, Fort de France, Martinique.......................... History
Mangelsdorf, Paul Christoph, Ir., '46,
28 Grove Hill Park, Newtonville, Mass............................................ Chemistry
Maréchal, Michele Denise, '43,
Ethel Walker School, Simsbury, Conn.................................................. French
Marsh, Ursula, '45, 129 E. 10th St., New York, N. Y..............Political Scien ce
Marshall, Jonathan, '46, 30 W. 54th St., New York, N. Y.. .Political S cien ce
Marshall, Margaret Eleanor, '45,
1430 Dean St., Schenectady, N. Y.................................................. Chemistry
Marshall, William Jackson, '44,
7337 Miller Ave., Upper Darby, P a..............................................Engineering
Martenet, Phebe Elizabeth, '46, 411 Hawthorne Rd., Baltimore, Md.
Martin, Jane Moyer, '46, 1116 Crest Lane, Lancaster, Pa....................English
Martinez, Betita Sutherland, '46, 6411 Beechwood Drive, Chevy Chase, Md.
Matchett, William Henry, '45,
9936 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago, 111................................................ English
Mateer, Betty Anne, '46, R. D. 4, Coatesville, P a........................... Astronomy
Maxwell, Joanna Hazel, '44, Slingerlands, N. Y___________Political S cien ce
Maxwell, Patricia, '46, 18 Bridge St., Slingerlands, N. Y.
Mayfield, Glover Benton, '46,
104 Sycamore St., Chevy Chase, Md..........................................Engineering
Mayfield, Richard Heverin, '43,
104 Sycamore St., Chevy Chase, Md.................................. Political Scien ce
Mebane, Anna Virginia, '45, 138 W. 92nd St., New York, N. Y........History
Meeker, Margaret S., '46, 9 E. 10th St., New York, N. Y.
. Meenan, David Bowker, '43,
612 Ogden Ave., Swarthmore, Pa.............................................. Engineering
Megonigal, William S., Jr., '43, 903 E. 20th St., Chester, P a .... .Economics
Meisenhelder, Samuel Faust, '45, 1253 W. Market St., York, Pa...Zoology
Mellett, Harriett Sue, '44, 336 Ripple Rd., Indianapolis, Ind................English
Menzel, Dorothy, '46, 30 Esplanade, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
Merritt, Jessica Ann, '45, Farmingdale, N. Y...................................... Psychology
Metz, Jane Gammon, '45, 30 Windemere Ave., Lansdowne, Pa..
Mifflin, Edward Biddle, '45, Wallingford, Pa.......T *. ••••••■• •- Economi
Milam, Mary Louise, '46, 17 Westwood Drive, Chapel Hill, N. C.
Miller, Anne Walton, '44, 6 Bartol Ave., Ridley Park, Pa..................... History
Miller, Frank Arnold, '46, 6 Bartol Ave., Ridley Park, Pa.................... History
Miller, Peter Lukens, '45, 411 Thayer Rd., Swarthmore, Pa........Engineering
Miller, Ruth Patricia, '45, 410 Summit Ave., South Orange, N. ¡..Chemistry
Milliken, James Dale, Jr., '45,
1140 N. Nye Ave., Fremont, Neb.......................... ............ Political Science
Millis, Vera Ann, '45, Carmel, Calif........................................Political Science
M ill« , John Ross, '44, 20 Maritta Rd., Glen Cove, N. Y.
Mills, Marjorie, '44, 314 Bryn Mawr Ave., Cynwyd, Pa
. ...
M ill» William Harold, '43, 492 Engle St., Englewood, N. J . . . .M athematics
Mochel, Jack Bond, '44, 606 Thayer St., Ridley Park, Pa............Engineering
Montonna, Margaret Ann, '46, 1494 Branston St., St. Paul Mmn.
Montenyohl, Patricia, '46, 12 Murray Place, Princeton, N. J . . . . . . .Chemistry
Moody, Wilberta Cortland, '43, Lakeview Drive, Concord, N. H.._. .Zoology
Moore, Esther Hobson, '46, 118 E. Biddle St., West Chester,Pa.. .Psychology
Moore, John Beverly, III, '46, 520 N. Main St., Benton, 111.
Morgan, Nancy Olwen, '44,
2605 E. Overlook Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.......................... Economics
Morgan, Ruth Thompson, '44,
, .
31 Warren Way, Watertown, Conn.............................................. Psychology
Morrell, Doris Jane, '44,
6906 Connecticut Ave., Chevy Chase, Md.................................. Psychology
Morrell, Lois Rose, '46, 6906 Connecticut Ave., Chevy Chase, Md.
Morris, Peter Andrew, '43, 179 Meigs St., Rochester, N. Y........M athematics
Morss, Jane, '44, 654 Logan St., Elmira, N. Y................................ M athematics
Murphy, Anne Joy, '46, 90 Second Ave., Newark, N. J.
Mustin, Alice Emily, '46, Herford Place, Lansdowne, Pa.
Mustin, Frank Henry, '45, Herford Place, Lansdowne, Pa..........Engineering
Myers, Philip, III, '43, Towson, Md.................................................... Engineering
Myerscough, Mary Ann, '43
Westbrook Hotel, Fort Worth, Texas................................ Political S cien ce
Nash, James Herbert, '46, 1005 Cornell Rd., Pasadena, Calif..........Zoology
Neale, Jacqueline, '46, 3021 Mt. Allister Rd.. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Nathan, Alan Mathew, '45, 215 W. 90th St., New York, N. Y........Chemistry
Need, Harry William, Jr., '45
3792 Woodland Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa........................................ Engineering
Nelson, Frederika, '46, 110 White St., East Boston, Mass.
Nelson, Phyllis Ann., '44, 704 W. 9th St., S., Newton, Iow a........ .. .History
Neprud, Anne Caroline, '46, 906 Greenwood Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Neumann, Faith, '44, 32 E. 26th Place, Tulsa, Okla......................Psychology
Neuburg, Edward Peter, '46, 20 Lincoln St., Larchmont, N. Y.. .M athematics
Newell, Margaret Frances, '45,
590 E. 3rd St., Mt. Vemon, N. Y............................................................ English
Newitt, Charles Edward, '45, 215 Fulton St., Sandusky, Ohio. . .Engineering
Newton, Anne Mary, '46, 1415 Ravinia Rd., W. Lafayette, Ind.
Nichols, Robert Lyman, '46, 39A Wildwood St.. Winchester, Mass.
Nicholson, FrancisT., '46, 1307 Noyes Drive, Silver Spring, Md..Engineering
Noehren, Virginia Graves, '44,
Munro Hall, 45 Prince St., Rochester, N. Y........................................English
Nolte, Robert Knabe, '45,
38 Willets Court, Manhasset, N. Y.............................................. Engineering
Norman, Robert Z., '45, Bannockburn, Deerfield, III
Northup, Elizabeth Vaughan, '43,
2114 Abbotsford Ave., Duluth, Minn............................................ Psychology
Ogden, Helen, '46, 41 Lincoln Ave., Lansdowne, Pa.
Ogden, John Mahlon, Jr., '44, Glen Mills, Pa............................................ .Latin
Ohlinger, Mary Alice, '46,
■ “
2121 Richmond Rd., Toledo, Ohior...................................... Political Science
Olesen, Donald Giddings, '43,
U. S. Quarantine Station, Rosebank, N. Y.................................. Economics
Oliver, Elizabeth Jane, '46, 3448 81st St., Jackson Heights, N. Y.
Olson, Robert Craig, '46, 335 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs, Iow a---- Zoology
Olum, Vivian Goldstein, '43, 136 Alexander St., Princeton, N. J..Psychology
Orton, Robert Edwin, Jr., '44, 5312 Pine St., Philadelphia, P a ... .Economics
Osterman, Joan, '46, 10 W. 96th St., New York, N. Y................................English
Ostrander, Gilman Marston, '45,
4154 Lark St., San Diego, Calif.............................................................. English
Ousley, Paul Stockdale, '44,
34 N. Whistler Ave., Freeport, 111........................................Political Science
Page, Laurama, '43, 2424 Lincoln St., Evanston, 111......................Psychology
Paine, Caroline Elizabeth, '44,
149 Bellevue Ave., Springfield, Mass................................................ English
Papazian, Paul, '43, 1420 Dean St., Schenectady, N. Y................Economics
Park, John Bothwell, '46, Moylan-Rose Valley, P a......................... Engineering
Parker, Doris Ellen, '44,. 524 Laurel Rd., Yeadon, Pa............................English
Parker, Jean Talbot, '45,
5711 40th St., Hyattsville, Md..............................................Political Science
Parrish, John Glenn, Jr., '45, 255 Leamy Ave., Springfield, Pa........Zoology
Partridge, Dirk, '46, 5 Audubon Place, Fair Lawn, N. J.
Peabody, Elizabeth, '44, 362 Clyde St., Chestnut Hill, Mass.. .M athematics
Pearce, Daniel Martin, '43, Sparks, Md.............................................. Engineering
Peelle, Edmund, '44, 77 Blenheim Drive, Manhasset, N. Y........Engineering
Peelle, Inez Marlyn, '46, 77 Blenheim Drive, Manhasset, N. Y............Zoology
Penman, Polly Lou, '45, 200 E. High St., Lebanon, Pa................M athematics
Pennell, Dorothy Davis, '46, 140 Hilldale Rd., Lansdowne, Pa.
Pennoyer, Virginia, '44, 3329 70th St., Jackson Heights, N. Y............History
Perry, Horace Mitchell, '45, 50 Wyckoff Place, Woodmere, N. Y........Zoology
Peterson, Miriam Ellen, '46, 4 Ridge Rd., Cos Cob, Conn.
Pike, Ann Elizabeth, '44, 105 S. Parkview Ave., Columbus, Ohio. .Economics
Pike, Jane Smedley, '43, Woodward Ave., Moylan, P a ..................... English
Pinto, Keith Wentworth, '46, 920 26th Place, S., Arlington, Va.
Piper, John, '46, 213 Yale Ave., Swarthmore, Pa................................Chemistry
Pixton, John Erwin, '44, 1128 Drexel Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa........Engineering
Platt, Robert S., '46, 10820 Drew St., Chicago, I1L
Poland, Georgiana Winifred, '46, 6910 Yellowstone Blvd., Forest Hills, N. Y.
Popkins, Paul Burton, '43, 424 Church Lane, Philadelphia, P a.. .. History
Porter, Helen Conard, '46, 320 Park Drive, Moorestown, N. J.
Fortis, Margaret Ruth, '46, 5750 Kenwood Ave., Chicago, 111 .
Potter, David Hays, '44, 40 Bush Ave., Greenwich, Conn..............English
Powell, Oscar Morgan, Jr., '46, R. F. D. 2, Herndon, Va.......................Zoology
Pratt, lohn Marshall, '46, R. D. 2, Tamaqua, P a
Presbrey, Jean, '46, 230 Savin Hill Ave., Dorchester, Mass.
Preston, Catherine Eleanor, '44,
531 E. Tulpehocken St., Philadelphia, P a ...................................... Zoology
Price, Henry Locher, Jr., '44, 86 E. Stewart Ave., Lansdowne, P a . .Zoology
Price, William Tudor, Jr., '43, 112 N. Mole St., Philadelphia, P a . .. .Zoology
Priestley, Marian, '46, 441 N. Paterson St., Madison, W is...............Chemistry
Putnam, Shirley Pauline, '46, 2223 S. Overlook Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
Pye, William Matthew, Jr., '45,
1113 Stratford Ave., Melrose Park, P a....................................... Engineering
Pyle, Henrietta, '46, 504 S. Clayton St., Wilmington, Del................Economics
Pyle, Robert L., '44, 504 S. Clayton St., Wilmington, Del.
Radcliffe, Evelyn Vernon, '46,
4545 Boston Post Rd., Pelham Manor, N. Y............ .................... English
Radford, Joseph, Jr., '43, 144 Cuyler Ave., Trenton, N. J....................Germ an
Raff, Morton Spencer, '43, 245 Cedar Ave., Highland Park, 111..........Physics
Randall, Nancy Lois, '46, 22 Front St., Binghamton, N. Y................Chemistry
Raymond, Barbara, '46, 5652 Kenwood Ave., Chicago, I1L
Redfield, Lisa Berthe, '45, Route 1, Glenview, 111.
Reed, Muriel Hughette, '45,
2 Edgewood Gardens, Springfield, Mass.......................................... Germ an
Reid, James William, '43, 2502 Olyphant Ave., Scranton, P a ... .Economics
Reeside, Corinna, '43, 5104 41st Ave., Hyattsville, Md..........................French
Reller, George Roswell, '46, 620 Nat Rd., W., Richmond, Ind........Economics
Renborg, Bertil, '46, 3806 Livingston St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Rich, Clayton, Jr., '46, R. F. D. 3, Stamford, Conn.................................. Zoology
Richards, Annette Hope, '46, R. D. 3, West Chester, Pa.
Richards, Frederick Howard, '45, R. D. 3, West Chester, P a .............. Zoology
Richards, William Henry, '43,
20 W. Windemere Terrace, Lansdowne, P a............................... Engineering
Richardson, Elliott, '45, 311 Lafayette Ave., Swarthmore, P a . .Engineering
Ridpath, Esther Wilson, '44, 724 Harper Ave., Drexel Hill, P a ........ English
Riemer, Joseph W. Trickett, '43,
155 Sycamore Rd., Upper Darby, Pa.................................................. Botany
Rieser, William Herman, '46, 1525 Dean Ave., Ravinia, 111.
Riker, Barbara Harrison, '43, Mt. Tabor Rd., Morris Plains, N. J........English
Ringo, Bette, '43, 1717 E. Kane Place, Milwaukee, Wis....................Economics
Ritchie, Alice Anne, '45, 379 St. Clair Ave., Grosse Pointe, Mich.
Rittman, Eleanor Anne, '43, 6112 Alder St., Pittsburgh, Pa................English
Robinson, Gilpin Rile, '45,
1501 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, Del............................ ........ Engineering
Robinson, Jean, '43, 435 Stellar Ave., Pelham Manor, N. Y..........Psychology
Robinson, Nancy Lee, '45,
21 Stuart Place, Manhasset, N. Y........ .......................... Political S cien ce
Rodman, Diana, '44, 150-68 Sixth Ave., Whitestone, N. Y....................English
Rogers, Janet, '46, 19 Mulberry Lane, New Rochelle, N. Y................English
Rogers, Mary Louise, '45, 5619 Dorchester St., Chicago, 111.
Roman, Nancy Grace, '46, 722 Hunting Place, Baltimore, Md.
Rosenau, Fred Simon, '45, 8 E. 10th St., New York, N. Y....................English
Rosenthal, Kola, '44, 701 Park Ave., Goldsboro, N. C................... Psychology
Rossant, Murray Justus, '44, 394 Summit Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y .. . . English
Rossbach, Alan Leigh, '44, 1112 Park Ave., New York, N. Y................History
Rowe, Marvin Hunter, '46,
412 Highland Drive, Kenwood, Chevy Chase, Md..........................Physics
Rowe, Philip Clyde, '43, 419 Steward Ave., Jackson, M ich..Political Science
Ruhe, Edward Lehman, '45, 101 N. 6th St., Allentown, Pa....................Botany
Rupp, Patricia Anne, '46, 603 Pine St., Steelton, Pa.
St. John, Catharine Gregg, '46, 1125 Ash St., Scranton, P a ............... English
St. John, Dorothy Paine, '45, 1125 Ash St., Scranton, Pa.
Samman, Georgia Louise, '43,
2736 Derbyshire Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio........................ Chemistry
Satterthwaite, Ann, '43, 825 Standish Ave., Westfield, N. J................English
Schauöler, Peter Page, '44, 2407 Pine St., Philadelphia, P a ... .Engineering
Scheiber, Walter A., '44,
Tompkins Comers, Putnam Co., N. Y..................................Political Scien ce
Schinnerer, Barbara, '45, 251 W. 71st St., New York, N. Y..........Economics
Schmidt, Walter Marshall, '46,
419 Riverview Rd., Swarthmore, P a................................... Political Scien ce
Schoepperle, Richard Klein, '46, Bay View Rd., Hamburg, N. Y.
Schroder, Margaret Ann, '45, 131 W. Oakdale Ave., Glenside, Pa..English
Scott, Ervin Newton, '46, 463 Green Lane, Philadelphia, Pa.. .Engineering
Scott, Thomas Russell, '45, 411 Nassau Blvd., Prospect Park, Pa..Chem istry
Sears, Frances Grigsby, '43, 1927 Potomac Drive, Toledo, Ohio.M athematics
Segal, Robert Lloyd, '46, 101 Hickory Grove Drive, Larchmont, N. Y.. Botany
Seidel, Joan Ruth, '46, 5403 Woodbine Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Seiler, Charles Edwin, Jr., '46, 3022 Que St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Seiler, Norma Jean, ‘44,
3342 Stephenson Place, Washington, D. C........................................ English
Selby, Fred Crothers, Jr., '45, 132 Owen Ave., Lansdowne, P a ... .English
Shaul, Barbara Elizabeth, '46, 1112 Gibson St., Scranton, Pa............English
Shaw, Edward Burns, Jr., '45, 5818 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa---- Zoology
Sheedy, H. James, '46, 2543 Fenwick Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
Shepard, Ruth Hoyt, '44, 151 Oxford Rd., New Rochelle, N. Y..........English
Shields, Kathryn Ann, '44, 11 Cherry Ave., Larchmont, N. Y.. .Engineering
Shoemaker, Charles Gawthrop, '46, R. D. 2, Kennett Square, P a ... Zoology
Shor, Dorothy Hathaway, '43, 451 W. 21st St., New York, N. Y.. .Chemistry
Sieck, William Charles, '45, 4010 Round Top Rd., Baltimore, Md..Economics
Siegle, John George, '45, 317 Orchard Rd., Springfield, P a..Political S cien ce
Simpson, Robert Edward, '45, 717 Jefirey St., Chester, P a .............. Economics
Skodzus, Alice, '44, 1243 Vine St., Philadelphia, Pa......................Economics
Slay, William Edward, '46, San Diego, Calif........................................ English
Slick, Stineman Cameron, '45, 171 Griffith St., Salem, N. J.
Slocum, Margaret, '46, 75 Martine Ave., Fanwood, N. J........Political S cien ce
Slocum, William W., Jr., '43, Farmington, Mich.................................. Economics
Smith, Dorothy Fry, '43, 122 W. Franklin St., Ephrata, Pa....................History
Smith, Emilie Kellogg, '44, Montebello Rd., Suffern, N. Y..................History
Smith, Ernest Ketchom, Jr„ '44, 810 Jones St., San Francisco, Calif.. .Physics
Smith, Harold Lesley, Jr., '44
41 Central Park West, New York, N. Y..............................Political S cien ce
Smith, June Corey, '43, 1505 Bywood Ave., Upper Darby, P a,.......... English
Smith, Mary Mead, '43,
3635 Ingomar Place, N. W., Washington, D. C ............................Economics
Smith, Ruth Isabel, '46, 57 Stockton Ave., Ocean Grove, N. J.
Snyder, Kenneth Moore, '45,
50 Oakwood Terrace, New Paltz, N. Y............................................ Chemistry
Sobol, Bruce, '45, 4680 Fieldston Rd., New York, N. Y..........................Zoology
Solis-Cohen, Ann, '45, 709 Rambler Rd., Elkins Park, P a
Spackman, John Worth, '45, Hill Farm, Coatesville, Pa..............Engineering
Spafford, John Kennedy, '44, 447 W. 5th St., Erie, P a ................. .Economics
Spangier, Ruth Lydia, '43, 71 Brewster Rd., Scarsdale, N. Y . . . .Psychology
Sparks, Ruth Matthews, '43, Bolton, Mass.........................................Psychology
Spence, David Barclay, '44, Pacific Grove, Calif.............................. Economics
Spink, Lilian Constance, '43, 553 Gates St., Philadelphia, P a ............English
Staman, Virginia Eleanor, '46, 225 Brookline Blvd., Brookline, Pa.
Stanley, Mary Janet, '45, 531 Hawthorn Rd., New Castle, Ind.....E n g lis h
Stauffer, Robert Nichols, '45
390 Larchlea Drive, Birmingham, Mich...................................... Engineering
Stearns, Whitney Kneeland, '45
254 Arlington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.............................................. Engineering
Stecher, William Nelson, '45, 1510 Darby Rd., Upper Darby, P a . .. .Zoology
Stein, Howard, '44, 152 E. 23rd St., Chester, P a .......................... M athematics
Steliotes, Zoe, '46, 2 Cornell Place, Pittsburgh, P a
Stensirom, Margaret L., '45, 1517 East River Rd., Minneapolis, Minn.
Stem, Betty Eising, '43, 114 E. 84th St., New York, N. Y................ Economics
Stern, Jane Helen, '44, Westover Rd., Stamford, Conn..................Economics
Steuber, Marion MacColl, '45, 405 Morton Ave., Ridley Park, P a .. Chemistry
Stevens, Anne Louise, '44, 475 Fifth Ave., New Kensington, P a..P sychology
Stewart, Ann, '45, 54 Tisdale Rd., Scarsdale, N. Y.................................. English
Stewart, Bruce Cameron, '45, 154 Woodland Ave., Lansdowne, Pa..English
Stewart, Dora Faye, '44, 51 A. Rajpur Rd., Dekra Dun, U. P. India.Zoology
Stewart, Mary, '45, 350 Grand St., Newburgh, N. Y......................... Chemistry
Stewart, Mary, '43, 178 Pleasant Ave., Hamburg, N. Y........................English
Stickle, Laura Virginia, ’46, 4505 17th St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Stoalab arger, Beatrice, '45, 702 W. Randolph St., Enid, Okla.. .Economics
Stone, Barbara H., '46, West Mountain Rd., Ridgefield, Conn..........English
Storm, Mary Elizabeth, '46, 207 Rockwell Terrace, Frederick, Md.
Stow, Paul Markley, '46,
403 King's Highway, Moorestown, N. J...................................... Engineering
Stratton, Roland Pancoast, Jr., '45, 284 S. Church St., Moorestown, N. J.
Strauss, George Joseph, '44,
220 Prospect Ave., Staten Island, N. Y........................................Economics
Streit, Jeannette DeFrance, '46, Ontario Apts., Washington, D. C.
Streit, Pierre DeFrance, '44,
Ontario Apts., Washington, D. C........................................ Political S cien ce
Strong, Mary Katharine, '46,
140 Park Place, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
Sutherland, John Hale, '45, 1106 Highland Ave., Bethlehem, P a ... .English
Suvamsit, Renoo, '44,
The Royal Thai Legation, 2300 Kalorama Rd„ N. W„ Washington, D. C.
Swanson, Lennard, '46, Skyland Estate, Sloatsburg, N. Y................Zoology
Swartz, Clara Alice, '46, Veterans Facility, Northport, N. Y.
Swigert, Anne Webb, '43,
280 Jefferson Ave., Haddonfield, N. J................................Political Scien ce
Taft, Lucia Chase, '46, 3754 Charloe Court, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Talcott, Elmer A., '45, 4020 Rosemont Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa............Economics
Tappan, David S., Jr., '44,
1385 N. Michigan Ave., Pasadena, Calif........................................Economics
Tarbox, Frank Kolbe, '44,
7216 Wayne Ave., Philadelphia, P a ................................. Political Science
Taylor, Ann, '46, West Woodstock, Conn.
Taylor, Barbara, '45, 51 Laconia Rd., Worcester, Mass........................English
Taylor, Catharine Rebecca, '44,
457 Lancaster Ave., Haverford, P a........................................................English
Taylor, Thomas Osgood, '43
3905 Jocelyn St., N. W„ Washington, D. C..................................Economics
Temple, William Arthur, '44
88 Northumberland Rd., Pittsfield, Mass............................................ History
Terrell, Dailey Burnham, '44,
20 W. Stewart Ave., Lansdowne, P a........................................... Philosophy
Teutsch, Erika Elisabeth, ‘44,
1515 Windsor Rd., West Englewood, N. J..................................Psychology
Tewksbury, Joan, '46, 324 Pembroke Rd., Cynwyd, Pa............................FTench
Thatcher, David A., '44, Lookout Mountain, Tenn..................Political Science
Thomas, John Meilson, '44,
5229 Pawnee Lane, Kansas City, Kansas................................ Engineering
Thomas, Randal H., '43, 6201 Wayne Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.. .M athematics
Thompson, Ellen, '44, Woodbridge, V a......................................................History
Thompson, Jean Winifred, '46, Oak Shade Ave., Darien, Conn.
Thomson, John Seabury, '43, 38 Alexander St., Princeton, N. J........History
Thom, Elisabeth Ann, '43,
7822 Spring Ave., Elkins Park, Pa........................................................ History
Thorp, Arthur George, II, '43, Westtown School, Westtown, Pa..Engineering
Thurston, Donald Rice, '45, 3425 Edgevale Rd., Toledo, Ohio........ .Zoology
Townes, Aurelia Keith, '45, 500 Sumner St., Greenville, S. C........English
Trainer, Richard Morse, '44, 213 Maple Rd., Chester, P a .. . . . . .Engineering
Treuenfels, Wolfgang, '45,
140 Bay Ridge Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y...................................... Chemistry
Trudel, Allan Robert, '43,
1019 Greenmount Rd., Haddonfield, N. J.................................. Engineering
Turner, Ransom Hudson, Jr., '44,
46-19 260th St., Great Neck, N. Y ........................................Political Science
Tutelman, Harriet, '46, 4230 Parkside Ave., Philadelphia, P a
Twaddell, Elizabeth Spilman, '44,
707 S. Duke St., Durham, N. C.............................................................. History
Ullman, David Ulrich, '43, 213 Harvard Ave., Swarthmore, P a.. Engineering
VanPelt, Arnold Francis, Jr., '46,
122 Gregory Ave., West Orange N. J.................................................. Zoology
Van Sickle, Caroline Elizabeth, '43,
1291 Plum Tree Rd., Springfield, Mass.............................................. English
Van Sickle, James Schuyler, '46, 1291 Plum Tree Rd., Springfield, Mass.
VanTrump, Margery, '45, Silverside, Wilmington, Del..........................English
VanValen, Nelson Sandford, '45,
Robert Treat Hotel, Newark, N. J.................................................... Economics
Vernon, Virginia Anne, '44, 815 27th St., Cairo, 111................................English
Votaw, Theresa Marie, '43, Carbondale Rd. Waverly, Pa..................English
Wagner, Nicholas Harry, '45,
3rd and Providence Rd., Media, P a........................................... Engineering
Walker, Gordon, ‘44,
838 S. Main St., Independence, Ore.................................................. Botany
Walker, Margaret Louise, '45, Westtown School, Westtown, P a ... .Zoology
Wallin, Frances Sarles, ‘44, 3 Pine Grove, Bristol, Pa....................Psychology
Walton, Marianna Louise, '44, Moylan, P a ....................... ....................G erm an
Walton, Virginia Stockton, '45, 819 Allegheny St., Hollidaysburg, Pa.
Wampler, Betty Jean, '43, 320 Sedgwick Drive, Syracuse, N. Y........History
Ward, Sylvia Conant, '46, 1555 Oak Grove Ave., Pasadena, Calif.
'Warren, Penelope, '45, 401 E. 56th St., New York, N. Y....................English
W ay, David Spencer, '43, 164 S. Main St., Woodstown, N. J.. .Engineering
W ay, Marjorie Williams, '45, 164 S. Main St., Woodstown, N. J........English
Webb, Mildred G., '46, 673 Longacre Blvd., Yeadon, P a
Wedemcm, Miles George, '43, 738 Mason Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa..Economics
Wells, Jane Fairfax, '46,
135 Spring Glen Terrace, Hamden, Conn........................................ English
Wells, Lois Elizabeth, '45, Dolgelly Apts., Bryn Mawr, P a . ........ Economics
Wemyss, Courtney Titus, '44,
27 Washington Ave., Arlington, N. J.................................................... Zoology
Wenar, Charles, '43, Bay St. Louis, Miss.......................................... Psychology
Wender, Ira, '46, 106 E. 85th St., New York, N. Y.............................. Zoology
Wentz, John Calely, '46, 12 W. Knight Ave., Collingswood, N. J ... .English
West, Barbara Ann, '46, 102 Rugby Rd., Syracuse, N. Y...............Chemistry
Wheaton, Robert Garth, '43,
1042 S. linden Ave., Alliance, Ohio.............................................Engineering
Wheeler, Joan, '45, 35 Channing Ave., Providence, R. I............M athematics
Whipple, Barberie T., '43, 320 Westminster Rd., Rochester, N. Y ... .English
Whipple, David Collins, '43,
25 Cushman Rd., Scarsdale, N. Y.................................................. Engineering
White, Allen Kirby, '45
137 N. Harrisburg Ave., Atlantic City, N. J................................ Engineering
White, Barclay, Jr., '44, 120 Hilldale Rd., Lansdowne, Pa............Engineering
White, Elizabeth Suzanne, '43,
274 St. Johns Place, Brooklyn, N. Y...................................... Political S cien ce
White, Lucinda Hills, '44,
137 N. Harrisburg Ave., Atlantic City, N. J.................................... Economics
White, Margaret Joan, '44, 416 Sharp Ave., Glenolden, Pa.. .. .M athem atics
Wickes, Margaret Virginia, '46,
7314 Piney Branch Rd., Takoma Park, Md.................................. Economics
Wiegelmesser, Rolf, *46, 601 E. 9th St., New York, N. Y ..
Wiles, June, '46, Baxter Springs, Kansas:
Willenbucher, Dorothy Elizabeth, '46,
5606 Nebraska Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Williams, Ellen Webb, '46, Lehigh Campus, Bethlehem, Pa.
Williams, Jean S., '43, 880 N. Evans St., Pottstown, Pa..........................English
Williams, Ora Louise, '44, Lehigh Campus, Bethlehem, Pa................English
Williams, Margot Bruce, '46, 410 Park Ave., New York, N. Y.
Williams, Robert James, III, '44,
127 Grays Ave., Glenolden, Pa.................................................. Engineering
Willis, Jackson de Camp, '45,
414 Maple Ave., Willow Grove, Pa....................................Political Scien ce
Wilson, Robert Hallowell, '46,
245 Barrington St., Rochester, N. Y............................................ Engineering
Winne, David Hollister, '45, Nott Rd., Rexford, N. Y......................Engineering
Wirth, Anne Pfarr, '43, 195 Overbrook Rd., Elyria, Ohio.................... English
Wolfe, Katharine Elizabeth, '46, Glen Mary Lane, Radnor, P a..M athem atics
Woltman, Richard Doerr, '46,
400 Wheatsheaf Lane, Abington, P a..............................................Chemistry
Wolverton, Benjamin Franklin, *45,
2159 Blake Blvd., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.............................................English
Wood, Margaret Ellis, '45,
610 E. Monroe St., little Falls, N. Y............................................ Psychology
Woodruff, Evelyn DuBois, '46, Colebrook, Conn...................................... English
Woodruff, Margaret, '43, 814 Main St., Manchester, Conn..............English
Woodward, J. Donald, '43, 100 W. Broadway, Salem, N. J....................History
Woodward, William Mackey, '43,
42 E. Madison Ave., Collingswood, N. J............................................Zoology
Woolford, Gladys, '45, 109 Longwood Rd., Baltimore, Md.
Woollcott, Polly B., '45, Eden Terrace, Catonsville, Md.
Wright, Gertrude Huntington, '44,
74 Hillside Ave., Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y...................................... History
Wright, John Peter, '46, Carman Rd., Harrington Park, N. Y ... .Engineering
Wright, Rachel Ann, '45, 8 Shirley Rd., Narberth, P a ........................ English
Wynne, Mildred Elizabeth, '43, 11 Princeton Rd., Cynwyd, P a .... .English
Yntema, Douwe Busey, '46, 430 Selma St., Webster Groves, Mo.
Yockey, Merle Albert, Jr., '44,
38 Oxford Blvd., Pleasant Ridge, Mich........................................Economics
Yost, Laura Miller, '44, Johnstown, Pa.................................................... Zoology
Young, Robert Livingston, '43, 14 W. 49th St., New York, N. Y .. M athematics
Zerbe, Jack Edward, '45, 306 Kingston Rd., Upper Darby, Pa.. .Engineering
Zimmerman, Louise Marsh, '44, 207 State St., Harrisburg, P a ......... English
Zinninger, Jane Moore, '45, 2532 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. .English
There are six fellowships offered to graduates of Swarthmore
Three fellowships are awarded annually by the faculty, on
recommendation of the Committee on Fellowships, to graduates
of the college for the pursuit of advanced work under the
direction of the faculty or with their approval. Applications for
these fellowships for 1943-44 must be received by the committee
before March 1, 1943.
These fellowships are:
The H a n n a h A. L e e d o m F e l l o w s h i p of $500, founded by the
bequest of Hannah A. Leedom.
1116 J o s h u a L ip p in c o t t F e l l o w s h i p of $600, founded by How
ard W. Lippincott, of the Class of 1875, in memory of his father.
The J o h n L o c k w o o d M e m o r ia l F e l l o w s h i p of $600, founded
by the bequest of Lydia A. Lockwood, New York, in memory of
her brother, John Lockwood. It was the wish of the donor that
the fellowship be awarded to a member of the Society of
The L u c r e t ia M o t t F e l l o w s h i p , founded by the Somerville
Literary Society and sustained by the contributions of its life
members, has yielded an annual income since its foundation
of $525. It is awarded each year by a committee of the faculty
(selected by the society), with the concurrence of the life mem
bers of the society, to a young woman graduate of that year
who is to pursue advanced study at some other institution
approved by this committee.
The M a r t h a E. T y s o n F e l l o w s h i p , founded by the Somerville
Literary Society in 1913, is sustained by the contributions of life
members of the society and yields an income of $500 or more.
It is awarded biennially by a joint committee of the faculty and
the society (elected by the society) with the concurrence of the
life members of the society to a woman graduate of Swarth
more College, who has taught successfully for two years after
her graduation and expects to continue teaching. The recipient
of the award is to pursue a course of study fitting her for more
efficient work in an institution approved by the Committee of
Award. This fellowship will be awarded for 1942-43. Applica120
tions must be received by the Committee of Award not later
than February 15, 1942.
S ig m a XI R e s e a r c h F e l l o w s h i p . The Swarthmore Chapter of
Sigma XI appoints, from time to time, as funds are available.
Fellows with research grants with a maximum value of $1,000.
The holders of this fellowship are usually associates of the
chapter who have shown conspicuous ability in graduate stud
ies. The purpose of the chapter in awarding these fellowships
is to relieve worthy students from teaching and other distract
ing duties so that they may concentrate as much as possible
upon their research. Applications for these fellowships should
be made to the secretary of the chapter not later than the mid
dle of March. Appointments will be announced about the mid
dle of April.
The A l u m n a S c h o l a r s h ip , established by the Philadelphia
and New York Alumna Clubs, is awarded on the same basis as
the Open Scholarships. It is awarded for one year and is
valued at $500.
A l u m n i S c h o l a r s h ip s . Occasional scholarships are pro
vided for men by Alumni clubs in cooperation with the college,
on a regional basis. Applications should be addressed to the
Dean of Men.
The C h i O m e g a S c h o l a r s h ip was established by members
and friends of the Chi Omega Fraternity. The income provides
an award of approximately $225 annually to a member of the
freshman class who is in definite need of financial aid. Prefer
ence is given to daughters or sons of members of the fraternity,
but if in any year such a candidate does not apply, the com
mittee will select a freshman woman to receive the award.
Applications should be sent to the Office of the Deans before
January 1st of the year in which the award is to be made. A
member designated by the Fraternity serves on the Committee
of Award.
C l a s s S c h o l a r s h ip s . T w o scholarships are offered to the high
est ranking student in the freshman and in the sophomore
classes: the Anson Lapham and the Sam uel J. Underhill Schol
arships. Each has the value of $200, if won by a resident stu
dent; of $100, if won by a day student,
The S a r a h K a ig h n C o o p e r S c h o l a r s h ip , founded by Sallie K.
Johnson in memory of her grandparents, Sarah Kaighn and
Sarah Cooper, is awarded to a man in the Junior Class who is
judged by the faculty to have had, since entering College, the
best record for scholarship, character, and influence. The value
of this scholarship is approximately $225 annually.
The J o s e p h E. G il l in g h a m F u n d , with an annual income of
approximately $2,250, was bequeathed to the College in 1907
with the stipulation, "I request but I do not direct that part of
the income of this legacy may be used for free scholarships for
meritorious students."
The A a ro n B. I v in s S c h o l a r s h ip is awarded annually to a
young man of the graduating class of Friends Central School,
Overbrook, Philadelphia. It is awarded under the following con
ditions: The recipient must have been a student at Friends
Central for at least two years, he must have good health, high
grades, and must be the best all-around student in his class
desirous of entering Swarthmore College. This scholarship,
awarded by the faculty of Friends Central School, and subject
to the approval of Swarthmore College, has the value of ap
proximately $450 for a resident student and a maximum of $400
for a non-resident student.
The G e o r g e K. and S a l l ie K. J o h n s o n F u n d provides $450 a
year, to be used, at the discretion of the President of the Col
lege, in granting financial aid to young women during their
senior year, it being the donor's desire that the President must
be satisfied that the applicant is fitted to become a desirable
The income of the K a p p a A l p h a T h e t a S c h o l a r s h ip F u n d ,
given by members and friends of the Kappa Alpha Theta Fra
ternity at Swarthmore, is awarded annually to a woman stu
dent. The award amounts to approximately $125 annually. One
or more members of the fraternity who are on the Board of
Managers serve on the Committee of Award.
The J a m e s E . M i l l e r S c h o l a r s h ip provides an annual income
of approximately $340 which may be applied toward the pay
ment of board and tuition of students of Delaware County (pref
erence to be given to residents of Nether Providence Town
ship). The Chester-Cambridge Trust Company acts as Trustee
of this fund and selects the holder of the scholarship, in con
sultation with the Superintendent of Schools of Delaware
County and of the City of Chester, and subject to the approval
of Swarthmore College.
O p e n S c h o l a r s h ip s f o r M e n . Swarthmore College awards
annually five four-year scholarships of $500 a year to men en
tering the freshman class. These scholarships, based on the
general plan of the Rhodes Scholarships, are given to candi
dates who, in the opinion of the Committee of Award, rank
highest in scholarship, character and personality. All candi
dates are required to take the Scholastic Aptitude and Achieve
ment Tests given by the College Board. Blanks with further in
formation may be obtained from the admissions office of the
O p e n S c h o l a r s h ip s f o r W o m e n . Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S.
White, of the Class of 1875, on the occasion of the Fiftieth Re
union of that class, established three open competitive scholar
ships for women, in the names of Howard White, Jr., Serena B.
White, and Walter W. Green. These scholarships are given to
candidates who, in the opinion of the Committee of Award,
rank highest in scholarship, character and personality. Each
award normally carries an annual stipend of $500 and is ten
able for four years. All candidates are required to take the
Scholastic Aptitude and Achievement Tests given by the Col
lege Board in April. Blanks with further information may be
obtained from the admissions office of the college.
The H a r r ie t W. P a is t e F u n d is limited by the following words
from the donor's will: "the interest to be applied annually to
the education of female members of our Society of Friends
(holding their Yearly Meeting at Fifteenth and Race Streets,
Philadelphia) whose limited means would exclude them from
enjoying the advantages of an education at the college." The
value of this scholarship is approximately $360 annually.
The T. H. D u d l e y P e r k i n s M e m o r ia l S c h o l a r s h ip is awarded
annually to a young man selected by a committee of the faculty
appointed by the President of the college for the purpose. The
award will be made on the basis of qualities of manhood, force
of character and leadership; literary and scholastic ability;
physical vigor as shown by participation in out-of-doors sports
or in other ways.
The W il l ia m P l u m e r P o t t e r F u n d f o r t h e E n c o u r a g e m e n t o f
P u b l ic S p e a k in g provides an income of approximately $225 to
be used for scholarships to upperclass students demonstrating
proficiency in the discussion of public affairs. Juniors and sen
iors interested in the scholarship should register with Dean
Hunt. Competitors submit theses on public questions to a Fac
ulty Committee and also present their main conclusions orally,
after which they are cross-examined. Theses are due after
spring vacation.
The M a r y C o a t e s P r e s t o n S c h o l a r s h ip F u n d . A sum of
money has been left by will of Elizabeth Coates, the annual in
terest of which will be about $350. This amount is given as a
scholarship to a young woman student in Swarthmore College,
preferably to a relative of the donor.
The W il l ia m G. a n d M a r y N . S e r r il l H o n o r s S c h o l a r s h ip is
a competitive Honors Scholarship for Men, awarded to a can
didate for admission to the college, based upon the general
plan of the Rhodes Scholarships. It is tenable for four years,
subject to the maintenance of a high standing in college. The
annual stipend is $375. Preference will be given to men who
are residents of Abington Township, including Jenkintown and
Glenside, Montgomery County, Pa., but if there is no outstand
ing candidate from this locality, the scholarship will be open
to competition generally.
The A n n ie S h o e m a k e r S c h o l a r s h ip is granted annually to
a young woman of the graduating class of Friends Central
School, Overbrook, Philadelphia. The recipient must have been
a student at Friends Central for at least two years, she must
have good health, high grades, and must be the best allaround student in her class desirous of entering Swarthmore
College. This scholarship, awarded by the faculty of Friends
Central School, and subject to the approval of Swarthmore
College, has the value of $500 for a resident student and $400
for a day student.
The H e l e n E. W. S q u ie r S c h o l a r s h ip , originally one of the
Anson Lapham Scholarships, is awarded annually by Mrs.
Chester Roberts, of Swarthmore, to a student in need of finan
cial aid.
The J o n a t h a n K . T a y l o r S c h o l a r s h ip , in accordance with
the donor's will, is awarded by the Board of Trustees of the
Baltimore Monthly Meeting of Friends. This scholarship is first
open to descendants of the late Jonathan K. Taylor. Then, while
preference is to be given to members of the Baltimore Yearly
Meeting of Friends, it is not to be confined to them when suit
able persons in membership cannot be found. The value of this
scholarship is approximately $472.50 annually.
The P h e b e A n n a T h o r n e F u n d provides an income of approx
imately $2,250 for scholarships for students needing pecuniary
assistance whose previous work has demonstrated their ern„ to e s * end tM r ability. Title gilt tactade. a f ™ « ° ‘
ence to those students who are members of the New York
Monthly Meeting of Friends. These scholarships axe aw ard ed
by the college under the regulations fixed by the board.
The W e s t b u r y Q u a r t e r l y M e e t in g , N. Y., S c h o l a r s h ip ,
amounting to $350, is awarded annually by a committee of that
Quarterly Meeting.
The S a m u e l W i l l e t s F u n d yields an income of approxi
mately $4,500 annually, "to be applied to educate m part or
in whole such poor and deserving children as the Committee
on Trusts, Endowments and Scholarships of said coliege may
from time to time judge and determine to be entitled thereto.
In addition to the above fund, Samuel Willets gave scholar
ships in the name of his children, F r e d e r ic k W i l l e t s , E d w a rd
W i l l e t s , W a l t e r W i l l e t s , and C a r o l in e M. F r a m e . These schol
arships have the value of $225 each. They are awarded by the
respective parties, their heirs or assigns, or in the event that
thePheirs do not exercise their right, by the college authorities.
The I. V. W il l ia m s o n S c h o l a r s h ip s . Ten scholarships of the
value of $150 each for resident students and $75 for day stu
dents are offered to graduates of designated Friends schools,
under the following conditions.
Candidates must apply to the Office of the Deans at the
college before March first.
Candidates must take the scholarship examinations given
by the College Entrance Examination Board. The results ot
these examinations, together with other evidence of achieve
ment and promise, will determine the award.
The scholarships are distributed as follows: two each to
graduates of Friends Central and George School, one m^ the
boys' and one in the girls' department; and one each to New
York Friends Seminary, Baltimore Friends School, Wilmington
Friends School, Moorestown Friends School. Friends Academy
1 0 «;
at Locust Valley, Sidwells Friends School and Brooklyn Friends
Any income not utilized in accordance with these conditions
is used for free scholarships in accordance with the will of
the donor.
The E d w a rd C l a r k s o n W il s o n S c h o l a r s h ip . A scholarship
with an annual value of $125 has been established at Swarthmore by friends of Edward Clarkson Wilson, '91, formerly
Principal of the Baltimore Friends School. It will be awarded
each year to a former student of the Baltimore Friends School,
who has been approved by the faculty of the school, on the
basis of hitjh character and high standing in scholarship. In
any year when there is no outstanding candidate from the stu
dents of the Baltimore Friends School, the scholarship may be
awarded to another young man or woman who shall meet the
required standards dnd who is approved by the school faculty
and the college.
The M a r y W ood F u n d is limited by the following words from
the donor's will: "the income thereof to be, by the proper offi
cers thereof, applied to the maintenance and education at said
college of one female student therein, one preparing for the
avocation of a teacher to be preferred as the beneficiary, but in
all other respects the application of the income of said fund to
be in the absolute discretion of the college." The value of this
scholarship is approximately $62.50 annually.
Each of the following funds yields annually about $225 and
is awarded at the discretion of the college to students needing
pecuniary aid:
T h e B a r c l a y G . A t k in s o n S c h o l a r s h ip F u n d .
T h e R e b e c c a M . A t k in s o n S c h o l a r s h ip F u n d .
The W
il l ia m
D o r s e y S c h o l a r s h ip F u n d .
T h e T h o m a s L. L e e d o m S c h o l a r s h ip F u n d .
T h e S a r a h E . L ip p in c o t t S c h o l a r s h ip F u n d .
T h e M a r k E . R e e v e s S c h o l a r s h ip F u n d .
Jo seph
T. S u l l iv a n
T h e D ebo ra h F . W
The Thom as W
S c h o l a r s h ip F u n d .
h arton
oo dn u tt
S c h o l a r s h ip F u n d .
S c h o l a r s h ip F u n d .
From G en eral Funds
In addition to the scholarships listed above, two kinds of
assistance are provided from general college funds: honorary
scholarships and college jobs.
H o n o r a r y S c h o l a r s h i p s are granted in recognition of good
scholastic standing and financial need.
C o l l e g e J o b s a ffo r d o p p o r t u n it ie s to e a r n m o n e y b y r e g u l a r
w o r k a t c u r r e n t w a g e r a t e s in o n e o f t h e c o l l e g e o ffic e s , s h o p s ,
l a b o r a t o r i e s o r l i b r a r i e s . A s t u d e n t m a y h o ld a " c o l l e g e jo b
in a d d it io n to a s c h o l a r s h i p , a n d c o m m o n ly r e c e i v e s n o t i c e o f
b o t h t y p e s o f a s s i g n m e n t a t t h e s a m e tim e .
( O u t s id e E m p l o y m e n t . Students themselves operate various
agencies and services and employ new students each year.
Residents of the borough of Swarthmore often send requests
for services to the college which cooperates in making these
opportunities known to students. Many students secure profit
able employment entirely on their own initiative.)
From S p ecial Loan Funds
Several loan funds are administered by a committee to which
application should be made through the comptroller of the
T h e C l a s s o f 1913 L oan F u n d was established by the Class of
1913 at their twenty-fifth reunion. Both principal and income
are to be used to provide a loan fund for students in the three
upper classes. Individual students may borrow up to $200 in
any one year, the loans to be repayable within five years with
interest at four percent.
T h e C l a s s o f 1916 L oan F u n d was established by the Class
of 1916 at their twenty-fifth reunion. The fund is designed to
provide loans to senior students, preferably descendants of
members of the Class of 1916, or to other students at the dis
cretion of the administering committee. The loans are repay
able not later than five years after graduation, with interest at
the rate of four percent.
T h e C l a s s o f 1917 S t u d e n t L oan R e v o l v in g F u n d was estab
lished by the Class of 1917 at their twenty-fifth reunion. The
fund is designed to provide loans for needy students who are
accelerating their college work due to the war emergency,
and the Class of 1917 has provided that at the conclusion of the
present war, this fund shall be utilized in connection with such
general purposes as the committee shall deem advisable.
T h e J o h n A . M il l e r L oan F und was established by the Class
of 1912 at their twenty-fifth reunion. Both principal and income
are to be used to provide a loan fund for students in the three
upper classes. Individual students may borrow up to $200 in
any one year, such loans to be repayable within five years
with interest at four percent.
The P aul M . P ea rso n L oan F und was established by a num
ber of Dr. Pearson's friends as a memorial for perpetuating his
life and spirit. Both principal and income may be used for loans
to students, repayable not later than five years after gradua
tion, with interest at the rate of four percent.
The S w a r t h m o r e C o lleg e S tu d en t L oan F und was estab
lished by Mr. Clarence J. Gamble, who, feeling such a fund to
be of unusual benefit to worthy students, gave a sum to the
college on condition that the board should set aside an equal
amount to be added to the fund. Both principal and income may
be used for loans to students, repayable not later than five
years after graduation, with interest at the rate of four percent.
The E l l is D. W il l ia m s F und . By the will of Ellis D. Williams,
a legacy of $25,000 was left to the college, the income from
which is to be used for loans to students, repayable not later
than five years after graduation, with interest at the rate of
four percent.
The I v y M edal F und was created by a gift from Owen Moon,
94. The income of the fund is used to purchase a medal which
is placed in the hands of the faculty for award on Commence
ment Day to a male member of the graduating class. The regu
lations governing the award are as follows:
(1) The qualifications for the Ivy Medal are similar to those for the Rhodes
Scholarships and include (a) qualities of manhood, force of character, and
leadership; (b) literary and scholastic ability and attainments. These have
been phrased by the donor in the words "leadership based upon character
and scholarship."
(2) It is the wish of the donor that the medal should not be awarded on a
mere basis of averages. Instead, it is desired that the winner should be a
man who gives promise of distinction either in character or in intellectual
attainments, as opposed to a man who has merely made the most of
mediocre abilities.
On the other hand, it is the wish of the donor that the medal should
not go to a man who, while showing excellence in some one respect, has
fallen seriously below the standard in others.
The O a k L e a f M edal was established by David Dwight Row
lands of the Class of 1909. It was later permanently endowed
in memory of him by Hazel C. Rowlands, '07, and Caroline A.
Lukens, '98. The medal is placed in the hands of the faculty to
be awarded each year to the woman member of the Senior
Class who is outstanding for loyalty, scholarship and service.
The M c C a b e E n g in eerin g A w ard , founded by Thomas B. Mc
Cabe, 1915, is to be presented each year to the outstanding
engineering student in the Senior Class. The recipient is chosen
by a committee of the faculty of the Division of Engineering.
The C r a n e P r iz e , a memorial to Charles E. Crane, Ir., of the
Class of 1936, is an award of about $20, given for the purchase
of philosophical books, and presented annually to the junior
who, in the opinion of the department, has done the best work
in Philosophy.
The A. E dward N e w t o n L ib r a r y P r ize , endowed by A. Edward
Newton, to make permanent the Library Prize first established
by W. W. Thayer, is awarded annually to that undergraduate
who, in the opinion of the Committee of Award, shows the best
and most intelligently chosen collection of books upon any sub
ject. Particular emphasis is laid in the award, not merely upon
the size of the collection but also upon the skill with which the
books are selected and upon the owner's knowledge of their
The K a t h e r in e B. S icard P r iz e , endowed by the Delta Gamma
Fraternity in memory of Katharine B. Sicard, ex '34, is awarded
annually to the freshman woman who, in the opinion of the
department, shows greatest proficiency in English.
P u b l ic S p e a k in g C o n t e s t s . Prizes for annual contests in pub
lic speaking are provided by two funds as follows: The E lla
F r a n c e s B u n tin g E x t e m p o r a r y S p e a k in g F und awards $45 in six
prizes, three for men and three for women, for the best extem
poraneous short speeches. The O w e n M oore F und provides the
Delta Upsilon Speaking Contest prizes totalling $25 for the best
prepared speeches on topics of current interest.
The G e o r g e F ox A w a r d of $100 is presented annually by an
anonymous friend 'of the College to the undergraduate who
writes the best essay on some phase of the history or testi
monies of the Society of Friends.
The E l iz a b e t h F r y A w a r d of $50, together with an auto
graphed copy of Janet Payne Whitney's biography of Elizabeth
Fry, is presented annually by an anonymous friend oi the Col
lege to the undergraduate who writes the best essay on some
aspect of the social attitudes and activities of some Quaker
individual or group, preferably of recent times.
The J o h n R u s s e l l H a y e s P o e t r y P r iz e s are of a value of
approximately $25 for a first prize, and $15 for a second prize,
offered for the best original poem or for a translation from any
language. Manuscripts should be ready by April 1 of each
An Adventure in Education. Swarthmore College under Frank Aydelotte.
236 pp. By the Swarthmore College Faculty. N. Y., Macmillan, 1941.
Honors W ork
Aydelotte, F rank
Breaking the academic lockstep. S chool an d society , v. 26, p. 407-10.
Oct. 1, 1927.
The educational program of Swarthmore college. Friends in telligen cer,
v. 90, pp. 650-51; 665-67; 683-84; 701-02. Sept. 9-30, 1933. Reprinted from
the Swarthmore phoenix. Sept. 9, 16, 23, 30, 1933.
The educational significance of Quaker ideals. F rien ds in tellig en cer,
v. 81, pp. 10-12 (supplement). Aug. 9, 1924.
Honors courses at Swarthmore. (In F iv e c o lleg e p lan s. N. Y.„ Colum
b ia university p ress. 1931, pp. 59-70.)
Honors courses in American colleges; breaking the academic lock-step.
E ducation, v. 46, pp. 416-19. Mar. 1926.
Honors work and graduate study. (In Association of American univer
sities. Journal of p roceed in g s an d ad d resses, 1935, pp. 102-14.)
Honors work at Swarthmore. (In Kelly, Robert L. T en den cies in co lleg e
adm inistration. N. Y. Science press, 1925. pp. 234-39).
Inaugural address of President Aydelotte. Swarthmore college. Bulle
tin. v. 19, pp. 19-25. Oct. 22, 1921.
M ission of fhe en d ow ed universities. Addresses at the Harvard club
of New York. June 9, 1936. pp. 14-19.
Blanshard, Brand
M oral p hilosop h y ; a program of study for hon ors students. 2d ed.
Philadelphia, Westbrook pub. co. [19371. Printed for department of
philosophy, Swarthmore college.
Blanshard, F rances B.
The exceptional student in the college of liberal arts. W ilson alu m n ae
qu arterly, v. 13, pp. 29-33. May 1937.
Brewster , E thel H.
Reading for honors. Journal o f h ig h er edu cation , v. I, pp
Dec. 1930.
Brooks, Robert C.
Honors courses at Swarthmore college. (In Kelly, Robert L , ed. The
effective co lleg e. N. Y., Association of American colleges. 1928. pp
R eadin g for hon ors at Sw arthm ore. N. Y., Oxford university press.
1927 196 pp.
C reighton , H. J ermain
Honors work in chemistry at-Swarthmore college. Journal of chem ical
education, v. 12, pp. 260-64. June 1935.
Dresden, A rnold
The teacher reads for honors. S ch ool an d society . v. 31, pp. 209-14.
Feb. 15, 1930. Address before the honors students and instructors of
Swarthmore college.
F isher , Dorothy C anfield
Melting the faculty ice. W orld's w ork. y . 58, pp. 52-56. May 1929.
F ussell , Lewis
Reading for honors. Journal of engineering education, v. 19, pp.
637-39. March 1929.
Hicks , P hilip M.
Honors courses in English. English jou rn al (college ed.) v. 18, pp.
230-37. Mar. 1929.
Hunt, Eyerett L
Reading for honors and common sense. S chool an d society , y . 42,
pp. 726-32. Noy . 30, 1935. Address delivered at the opening of honor*
work, Swarthmore college. Sept. 26, 1935.
Learned, W illiam S.
The quality of the educational process in the United States and Eu
rope. Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching. Bulletin, no.
20, 1926. Swarthmore college, honors courses, pp. 116-17, 120, 122-23.
Nason, J ohn W.
Honors favor men. K ey reporter, v. 3, pp. 2, 6. Autumn 1938.
P arry, E llwood C.
Swarthmore college and the new honors courses. The mirror. (Cen
tral high school of Philadelphia.) June 1926.
R yan, W. C arson, J r.
Honors courses in American colleges. P rogressive education, v. 4, pp.
260-65. Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 1927.
S piller , R obert E.
Major in English. English jou rn al, (college ed.) v. 20, pp. 37-42.
Jan. 1931.
Pre-honors courses. English jou rn al, (college ed.) v. 15, pp. 499-506.
Sept. 1926.
Ten years of outside examiners. English jou rn al (college ed.). v. 22,
pp. 310-19. April 1933.
T hatcher, C harles G.
The en gin eerin g course at Sw arthm ore. Swarthmore college, Swarth
more, Pa. [19341.
W alters, Raymond
A college majors in scholars. A m erican sch olar. v. I, pp. 473-77.
Oct. 1932
Honors work, the tutorial method, and general examinations. Swarthmore college. National society for the study of education. Thirty-first
y earb ook, pt. 2,1932. pp. 165-68.
Teaching honors students at Swarthmore. Bulletin of th e association of
A m erican colleg es. 7. 14, pp. 419-24. Not. 1928.
Miscellaneous Topics
Aydelotte, F ranz
f b e lie v e in athletics. From the Proceedings of the thirty-second an
nual convention of the National collegiate athletic association, held in
New Orleans, La., Dec. 28-30, 1937. 8 pp.
Barney, W illiam Pope
Faculty houses, Swarthmore college. A rchitectural record. ▼. 70, pp.
37-41. July 1931.
Brooks, R uth S.
Perfect small house; Swarthmore's adventure in housing her profes
sors. S chool an d society , v. 28, pp. 46-49. July 14, 1928.
E mbree , E dwin R.
In order of their eminence: an appraisal of American universities.
A tlantic m onthly. June 1935. Swarthmore, p. 662.
Hicks , P hilip M.
Two years of open forum debating at Swarthmore. Q uarterly jou rn al
ot sp eech edu cation , v. 10, pp. 340-45. Nov. 1924.
Hunt, Everett L.
Human qualities in college— and after. Friends in telligen cer, v. 94,
pp. 436-37. June 26, 1937. Address given to the 1937 class at the Last
Johnson, E mily Cooper
D ean Bond of Sw arthm ore: a Q uaker. Philadelphia, Iippincott [19271.
239 pp.
Karcher, W alter T.
Field house of Swarthmore college, by W. T. Karcher and Livingston
Smith. (In American sch ool an d university, 1937. N. Y., American school
pub. corp., 1937, pp. 237-39.
Lilly , S cott B.
What should the technical school teach? C ivil en gin eerin g, v. 7, pp
733-34. Nov. 1937.
M cC a w ley , E. S.
Prize awards for student libraries: the joint board will work to extend
the plan so successfully started at Swarthmore. P ublishers' w eekly , v.
126, pp. 1255-57. Oct. 6,1934.
Macintosh , Mark
Are sports worth their salt? From the P roceedin gs of the College phys
ical education association for 1938.
The Swarthmore plan of sports education. S chool an d society, v. 45,
pp. 335-36. Mar. 6, 1937.
Newton, A. E dward
Books of one's own. A tlantic, v. 148, pp. 443-51. Oct. 1931.
On forming a library. (In his End p ap ers. Boston, Little, Brown, 1933.
pp. 13-35.)
Pennock, J. R oland
Peace questions at Swarthmore. Bulletin of fhe association of A m erican
co lleg es, v. 22, pp. 341-45. May 1936.
S eeley , E velyn
Student-trends at Swarthmore and Princeton. L iterary digest, v. 119,
pp. 22-23. April 20,1935.
S piller , R obert E.
Arts and crafts at Swarthmore. M anuscript, v. 5, pp. 3-6. Mar. 1934.
Tests and measurements at Swarthmore college. (In Institute for ad
ministrative officers of higher institutions. P roceedin gs, 1936, pp. 61-84.)
S trachey , J. S t . Loe
Swarthmore college. (In his American soundings. N. Y., Appleton,
1926. pp. 104-11.)
W ister , J ohn G
The Arthur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foundation; a ten-year history,
1930 to 1939. Bulletin, v. 37, no. 5, pp. 1-89. June, 1940.
Hardy chrysanthemums at Swarthmore. Pennsylvania horticultural so
ciety. Y earbook, 1937, pp. 33-43.
Absences from Examination, 41
Accelerated Program, 23
Administrative Officers, 19
Admission, R equirements for, 31
Scholastic Aptitude and
Achievement Tests, 31, 33
Subject Requirements, 32
Admission to Honors Work, 38
Advanced Standing, 33
Advisers, 29
Alumncs Scholarship, 121
Alumni Held, 142
Alumni Scholarships, 121
Army Reserves, 23
Arthur Hoyt Scott Auditorium, 140
Arts and Crafts, 24
Astronomical Observatories, 80
Astronomy and Mathematics,
Courses in, 76
Athletic Fields, 24
Atkinson Scholarship, Barclay
G., 126
Atkinson Scholarship, Rebecca
M., 126
Attendance at Classes and Collec
tion, 40
Automobiles, Regulation Against, 42
Awards, 128
Bachelor of Arts Degree, 39
Bachelor of Science Degree, 39
Barnard, George Grey, Collec
tion, 27
Beardsley Hall, 142
Benjamin West House, 140
Benjamin West Society, 27
Bibliography of Swarthmore
College, 131
Managers, 7
Committees, 8
Bond Memorial, 140
Botany, Courses in, 44
Buildings, 140
Activities and Class Lodges
Astronomical Observatories
Bartol Foundation Building
Bassett Dormitory
Beardsley Hall
Benjamin West House
Bond Memorial
Chemistry, Hall of
Field House
Hall Gymnasium (for Men)
Hicks Hall
Isaac H. Clothier Memorial
Library Building
Martin, Edward, Biological
Meeting House
Palmer Hall
Pittenger Hall
Parrish Hall
Roberts Hall
Scott, Arthur Hoyt, Audi
Somerville Hall (Gymnasium for
Sproul Observatory
Students' Observatory
Swimming Pools
Thomas House
Trotter Hall
Wharton Hall
Woolman House
Worth Hall
Bunting, Ella Frances, Extempora
neous Speaking Contest, 129
C alendar, C ollege, 2
Lunar, 4
Chemistry, Courses in, 47
Chi Omega Scholarship, 121
Chorus, Mixed, 24
Churches, 28
Class Lodges, Women's, 140
Class o£ 1913 Loan Fund, 127
Class of 1916 Loan Fund, 127
Class of 1917 Loan Fund, 127
Class Scholarships, 121
Classics, Courses in, 50
Clothier Memorial, 140
Collection, 28
Collection Attendance, 40
College Entrance Examination
Board, 33
College Jobs, 127
College Publications, 24
Committees of the Board of
Managers, 8
Committees of the Faculty, 22
Comprehensive Examinations, 35
Conditions, 40
Contents, Table of, 5
Cooper, Sarah Kaighn, Scholar
ship, 122
Cooper, William J., Foundation, 26
Cooperation with Nearby Institu
tions, 24
Corporation, 7
Course Advisers, 29
C ourses
of I nstruction :
Botany, 44
Chemistry, 47
Classics, 50
Economics, 53
Engineering, 55
Civil, 58
Electrical, 61
Mechanical, 63
English, 65
Fine Arts, 69
German, 70
History, 72
Mathematics and Astronomy, 76
Music, 81
Philosophy and Religion, 82
Physical Education for Men, 84
Physical Education for Women,
Physics, 87
Political Science, 88
Psychology and Education, 90
Romance Languages, 93
Zoology, 96
Crane Prize, 129
Curators of Biddle Memorial
Library, 21
Cutting, Bronson M., Collec
tion, 27
Degrees, 39
Advanced Engineering, 39
Bachelor of Arts, 39
Bachelor of Science, 39
Master of Arts, 39
Master of Science, 39
Delta Upsilon Prize, 129
Departmental Clubs, 24
Dining Room, 28, 42
Divisions and Departments, 18
Dodo, 24
Dormitories, 28
Bassett Dormitory, 28
Palmer Hall, 28
Parrish Hall, 28
Pittenger Hall, 28
Roberts Hall, 28
Thomas House, 28
Wharton Hall, 28
Woolman House, 28
Worth Hall, 28
Dorsey Scholarship, William, 126
Dramatics, 24
Economics, Courses in, 53
Education, Physical, 84, 85
Educational Program, 24
Employment, 127
Engineering, Courses in/ 55
Engineering, Degrees in, 39
Engineering, Division of, 18
English, Courses in, 65
Entrance Requirements, 31
Examination Regulations; 41
Examinations, College Board, 31, 33
Exclusion from College, 42
Expenses, 43
Faculty, 9
Faculty Regulations, 40
Fees, Tuition, Laboratory, etc., 43
F ellowships , List
Field House, 24, 140
Fine Arts, Courses in, 69
Foreign Language Requirements, 34
Fox, George, Award, 130
Fraternity Lodges, Men's, 140
French, Courses in, 93
Friends Historical Library, 25
Friends Meeting, 28
Fry, Elizabeth, Award, 130
Geographical Distribution of
Students, 99
German Language and Literature,
Courses in, 70
Gillingham, Joseph E., Fund, 122
Grades, 40
Graduation, Requirements for, 33
Graphic Arts, 24
Greek Language and Literature,
Courses in, 50
Gymnasiums, 24
Halcyon, The, 24
Hayes, John Russell, Poetry Prizes,
Health Program, 29
Hicks Hall, 140
History, Courses in, 72
Honors W ork, 35
Admission to, 38
Combinations of Majors and
Minors, 37
Examiners, 1942, 17
General Statement, 35
Offered by the Departments of:
Botany, 45
Chemistry, 48
Classics,, 52
Economics, 54
Civil, 60
Electrical, 62
Mechanical, 64
English, 66
Fine Arts, 69
French, 95
German, 71
History, 73
Mathematics and Astronomy,
Philosophy, 82
Physics, 87
Political Science, 89
Psychology, 91
Spanish, 95
Zoology, 97
Housing, 28
Humanities, Division of, 18, 37
Infirmaries, 29
Italian, Courses in, 94
Ivins, Aaron B., Scholarship, 122
Ivy Medal, 128
Johnson Fund, George K. and Sallie
K., 122
Kappa Alpha Theta Scholarship
Fund, 122
Lapham Scholarship, Anson, 121
Latin Language and Literature,
Courses in, 50
Leedom Fellowship, Hannah A., 120
Leedom Scholarship, Thomas L., 126
Libraries , 25
Friends Historical, 25
library Building, 25
Lippincott Fellowship, Joshua, 120
Lippincott Scholarship, Sarah E., 126
Loans, 127
Location and Foundation of the
College, 23
Lockwood Memorial Fellowship,
John, 120
Maintenance of Automobiles, 42
Major Subjects, 35, 37
Managers, Board
Committees, 8
Map of College Grounds, 141
Martin, Edward, Biological Labora
tory, 140
Publications, College, 24
Public Speaking Prizes, 129
Master of Arts Degree, 39
Master of Science Degree, 39
Mathematics and Astronomy,
Courses, 76
Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Division of, 18, 37
McCabe Engineering Award, 129
Meeting House, 28
Men's Executive Committee, 30
Miller, James E., Scholarship, 122
Miller, John A., Loan Fund, 128
Mott Fellowship, Lucretia, 30, 120
Music, 24, 81
Navy Reserves, 23
National Emergency, 23
Newton, A. Edward, Library Prize,
News Bureau, 24
Newspaper, College, 24
Oak Leaf Medal, 129
Observatories, Astronomical, 80
Open Scholarships for Men, 123
Open Scholarships for Women, 123
Outing Club, 24
Paiste Fund, Harriet, 123
Parrish Hall, 28, 140
Pearson, Paul M., Loan Fund, 128
Perkins, T. H. Dudley, Memorial
Scholarship, 123
Philosophy and Religion, Courses
in, 82
Phoenix, The, 24
Physical Education for Men, 84
Physical Education for Women, 85
Physical Education Requirements,
84, 85
Physics, Courses in, 87
Political Science, Courses in, 88
Potter Scholarship, William Plumer,
Pre-Medical Work, 98
Preston Scholarship Fund, Mary
Coates, 124
Prizes, 128
Psychology and Education, Courses
in, 90
Reeves Scholarship, Mark E., 126
R egulations
Faculty, 40
Residence, 41
Religion and Philosophy, Courses
in, 82
Religious Exercises, 28
Requirements for Admission, 31
Requirements for Graduation, 33
Work of First Two Years, 34
Work of Last Two Years, 35
Romance Languages, Courses in,
Scholarship Examinations, 32, 33
Scholarships, List of, 121
Scholastic Aptitude Test, 31, 33
Serrill Scholarship, Wm. G. and
Mary N„ 124
Shoemaker Scholarship, Annie, 124
Sicard, Katharine B., Prize, 129
Sigma Xi Fellowship, 121
Singing, Informal, 24
Social Committee, 30
Social Sciences, Division of, 18, 37
Societies and Clubs, 24
Somerville Forum, 30
Spanish, Courses in, 94
Special Awards, 128
Sproul Observatory, 80
Squier Scholarship, Helen E. W., 124
States, Summary of Students by, 99
Student Aid, 127
Student Council, 30
Student Welfare, 29
Students, 1942-43, 100
Sullivan Scholarship, Joseph T., 126
Summer School Work, 41
Swarthmore Held, 140
Swimming Pools, 24
Taylor Scholarship, Jonathan K., 124
Thorne "Fund, Phebe Anna, 125
Trotter Hall, 140
Tuition and Other Fees, 43
Tyson Fellowship, Martha E., 30,
U ndergraduate S tudents, 1942-43,
Summary by States, 99
Underhill Scholarship, Samuel I.,
Vocational Advice, 29
W ar degrees, 39
Westbury Quarterly Meeting Schol
arship, 125
Wharton Hall, 28,140
Wharton Scholarship, Deborah F.,
Willets Fund, Samuel, 125
Williams, Ellis D., Fund, 128
Williamson, I. V., Scholarships, 125
Wilson, Edward Clarkson, Scholar
ship, 126
Women's Student Government Asso
ciation, 30
Wood Fund, Mary, 126
Woodnut Scholarship, Thomas, 126
Woolman House, 28, 140
Worth Hall, 28, 140
Zoology, Courses in, 96
Wharton Hall
Sproul Observatory
Hall Gymnasium.
Parrish Hall
Hockey Field
Tennis Courts
Beardsley Hall
Science Hall
Somerville Gymnasium
College Library and
Friends Historical
11 The Hall of Chemistry
12 Students' Observatory
13 The Benjamin West
14 The Meeting House
15 Faculty Houses
16 The President's House
17 Swarthmore Field
18 Alumni Field
19 Power Plant
20 Employees' Dormitory
21 Thè Swimming Pools
22 Whittier House
23 Book and Key House
24 Hicks Hall
25 The Railroad Station
26 Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity
27 Delta Upsilon Fraternity
28 Phi Sigma Kappa
Fraternity Lodge
29 Kappa Sigma Fraternity
30 Worth Dormitory
31 Woolman House
Phi Delta Theta
Fraternity Lodge
Bond Memorial and
Women's Class and
Activities Lodges
Bartol Foundation
Clothier Memorial
Employees' Houses
Field House
Palmer, Pittenger and
Roberts Halls
Edward Martin
Biological Laboratory
Bassett House
Arthur Hoyt Scott
Iaft c f th e € jro u n d s
The Bulletin, of which this publication is Volume XL, No. 1, is pub
lished quarterly by Swarthmore College, from the College Office, Swarthmore. Pa.
Entered as mail matter of the second class, in accordance with provi
sion of the Act of Congress of July 16, 1894.
Swarthmore College Catalogue, 1942-1943
A digital archive of the Swarthmore College Annual Catalog.
1942 - 1943
150 pages
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