Wendy Cheek
Pam Dorries
Nancy Goldston
Wendy Hoben
Debbie Hollander
Wendy Merson
Donna Mullarkey
Eliza Newlin
Holly Scheider
Ruth Sergel
Amy Sinden
Susanna Stern
Juliet Sternberg
Lise Wagner
Kate Wilson.
The Alice Paul Women’s
Center is located on the
second floor of Sharples |. In
addition to this newsletter, we
maintain a library, have regular
staffing hours, and meet
regularly for political work and
Common Speaking is typeset
by our staff members on
Student Council equipment,
coordinated by Bill Cohen. It is
set in Chelmsford type sizes 9
and 11 and is printed by The
Bailey Printing Co. of Delaware
The views expressed in this
publication are solely those of
the individual authors and do
not necessarily represent the
views of either the staff or of
the members of the Alice Paul
Women’s Center.
10th AnniversaryWeekend
On April 15th- 17th the
Women’s Center celebrated 10
years of theAlice PaulWomen’s
Center at Swarthmore. Friday
afternoon a reception was held
for the Women’s Photography
Show in TheGriffin. Friday night
Dr. Johnella Butler, a professor
atSmith College, spoke in Bond
on ‘ Racism andSexism in the
Fabric of American Society :
What Feminists Can Do.” An
informal reception and question
period followed. On Saturday
afternoon Swarthmore students
and parents gathered in the
Women’s Center to talk with
alumnae who founded the
Center.After introductions, small
discussion groups were formed.
Each focused on different topics
such as Women in the Law,
Political Organization, and
Women’s Studies.. To conclude,
everyone reconvened to
summarize what was discussed
and share hopes and plans for
the future of theWomen’sCenter
and the women’s movement. A
lively and delicious potluck
dinner followed. Later that
night an anniversary party was
held in Sharples 2. Women
danced to music that ‘ ‘takes
women seriously.’’ Sunday
evening, Canadian folk artist
Ferron sang to an enthusiastic
audience in - Lang.