Report or Henry M. Larne, TREASURER.
1865. DR.
Ist mo.'10."To Balanee Om BAR icles criadekcwskccheecoceek see ee eidey $2,047 09
Cash received from within limits of Philadelphia
Yearly Meeting.............. PEN Cc pac pec spehennessniey yekiiae 10,743 53
Cash received from other sources............sscccseeee ee 527 35
r ny for goods sold........... aiid dsudote's abesonce ‘ 57 21
ba f for Interest......... Wetseaecbuonpeucbenwdwhees x 60 00
$14,435 18
CR. d
By Cash paid Clothing Committee............... $5760 99
Education Ae edn aca oh Lani 1848 89
rr Sanitary oF ey nie a beepose DBO OO
“ “Forwarding ‘ peidndelles eaba 336 77
Fr “Room Mead LRM AEE 200 00
“Temporary Home Committee... 100 00
“Nashville Orphan Asylum........ 850 00
rt ‘« Baltimore Friends’ Association 250 00
“ “« Printing Circulars, &c......... sone) Lee Oe
“« Appropriated for Teachers.............. --- 2500 00 $12,554 57
1866. Teac
5th mo. To Balance on hand.................scseeee pao eave diveetet F nasesenps $188) 61
The above includes the account of the late M. Saunders, Treasurer from First
month to Twelfth month, 1865,
Henry M. Laine, Treasurer,
Philadelphia, 5th mo., 1866, No. 30 N. Third St.
We have examined the foregoing account and find it correct.
James Mort. i
Philadelphia, 5th mo. 1st, 1866. Aurrep H. Love, } Auditors.