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Friends' Association of Philadelphia for the Aid and Elevation of the Freedmen, Annual Reports
Report of the Executive Board of Friends' Association for the Aid and Elevation of the Freedmen, Read at the Meeting of the Association
Yearly reports printed for annual meeting of the association. Largely consist of narrative accounts of the freedmen's progress, drawn from letters sent by teachers who operated colored schools under the care of the association. Most years, a list of the society's officers, the treasurer's report, accounts of donations received in cash and goods, and an overview of distributions made were also included.
1864 - 1871
192 p. ; 22 cm.
reformatted digital
SG 3
Friends Freedmen's Association Records--
The Women's Association of Philadelphia for the Relief of the Freedmen was founded in 1862 to provide charitable assistance to recently freed slaves. Many Quakers were involved in this organization, but it was not until the following year that a similar group that was officially affiliated with the Society of Friends emerged. The Friends Association of Philadelphia and its Vicinity for the Relief of Colored Freedmen, was founded by Orthodox Quaker men in 1863. Soon after, in 1864, an equivalent group was established by Hicksite Quakers of both sexes: the Friends' Association for the Aid and Elevation of the Freedmen (amended to the more precise "Friends' Association of Philadelphia for the Aid and Elevation of the Freedmen"), which incorporated the Women's Association in 1865. It is unclear when this association closed, but it was in existence at least as late as 1872. Its Orthodox counterpart, renamed Friends' Freedmen's Association circa 1873, continued to operate in various capacities--most recently as a scholarship fund--until it was dissolved in 1982.
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of Forwarding Committee from Fifth month, 1867, to
Fifth month, 1868.
No. 118. 1 box Books, &c......... eee a won Mary K. Brosius, Vienna, Va.
21D. 2 BOX BOOKS. vgiccnvecsunases> Sarah A. Steer, Waterford, Va.
120. 4 box Books, QC. ...c-cs0s naeears S. M. Ely; Lewensville, Va.
LZ Lid OR BOOKS co .evstnercsnkaed sopacs Frances E. Gauze, Herndon, Va.
B22. 2: DDL Clothin gos stsee ceseseney Frances E. Gauze, Hernden, Va,
123. 1 bbl. Clothing, Books, &c....C. Thomas, Leesburg, Va.
. 1 bbl. Clothing and Books....S. A. Steer, Waterford, Va.
. 1 bbl. Clothing and Books....S. M. Ely, Lewensville, Va.
126. 1 bbl. Clothing, Books, &c....P. Heald, Falls Church, Va.
127. 1 bbl Dry Goods........4. i epaas C. Hancock, Mt. Pleasant, S. C.
128.. 1. bbl. Books, &c......:,.4 evewess C. Hancock, Mt. Pleasant, S. C.
129.1 DG. BOOKS, BC...) sscaceavccses Mary K. Brosius, Manassas, Va.
130.0 DBs SuUuGriOs,...36.c0.cueo ee ..Kate E. Hall, Vienna, Va.
131. 1 package Seeds, &c .........00. Capt. Smith, Leesburg, Va.
. 1 bbl. Clothing and Books....Sallie E. Lloyd, Woodlawn.
133. 1 bbl. Books and Clothing....Isaiah Hankinson, Va.
134. 1 package Books and Slates...H. K. Painter, Painters, Va.
136.1 bbl. Clothing, &c..'...00....0. ©. Hancock, Mt. Pleasant, 8. C.
-136. 1 package Books and Papers.L. D. Crump, Falls Church, Va.
137. 1 bbl. Clothing...................0. Hancock, Mt. Pleasant, S. C.
a LOB. DOX BOOKS, Cor... sen cscuesnes ©. Hancock, Mt. Pleasant, S. C.
139. 1 bbl. Clothing......... cageasiwae P, Heald, Falls Church, Va.
140. 1 bbl. Clothing....,..+....- .--. P. Heald, Falls Church, Va.
141. l bbl. Seeds, &..........0008 .-+»P. Heald, Falls Church, Va.
142. 1 bbl. Clothing......... pelecavers D. K. Smith, Alexandria, Va. -
143. | bbl. Seeds, &c....... ieareiane . Kate E. Hall, Vienna, Va.
144. 1 bbl. Books, Seeds, &c........ Mary McBride, Fairfax 0. H., Va. .
145. 1 box Sundries...... Tabdehaaphine S. A. Cadwallader, Bladensburg, Md.
146. 1 bbl. Muslins, &c...............0. Hancock, Mt. Pleasant, 8. C.
147. 1 bbl. Sundries............e000e0e0. Hancock, Mt. Pleasant, S. C.
$450 2 Dok: Clothing is scdeieetca ote Josephine 8. Griffin, Washington, D.C.
149. 1 box Sundries......... b ehenaine -Capt. Schaeffer, Christiansburg, Va.
150. 1 package Sundries....... ...eeesCornelia Hancock, Mt. Pleasant, S. C.
Altogether 33 packages containing clothing, dry goods, books, seeds, &c.
Philadelphia, 5th mo, 1st, 1868.
Distributions (Page 32)
Friends Freedmen's Association Records --