We herewith furnish a statistical account of the condition
of our schools during one of the winter months when our
complement was full; viz:—
s ene
a HR
TEACHERS’ NAMES. gia] ale 4 = | #a
S/e|E/a(f18] 35 |
Royal J. Millard, . : . | 31} 19} 50} 43] 47] 40! 7 | 16
Raymond LeFevre, ; : 30; 9} 39) 24) 23) 13) 0 | 31
Ida Brinkerhoff, : : «ab 20) 221..47| 27) 36) 28] 0 | 29
Sarah E. Lloyd, . ; : 25] 26) 51) 51) 49! 41) 0 | 23
Josephine Baker, . . | 18} 35) 53! 26] 35) 12) 1 | 47
Sarah Hunsten, . : : 4 49} 19) 68) 35) 60) 55) 0 | 42
Harriet Jenkins, ; ; . | 36} 30) 66) 45) 42) 28) 0 | 55
Olive L. Grant, . ; : 24) 15) 39] 31| 24] 20) 0 | 27
Jennie Spear, ..: . . | 37| 19) 56) 52) 45) 26) 4 | 42
Totals for Virginia, 275)1941469/334'361/263) 12 |312
TEACHERS’ NAMES, Sie ldleief#lela lee
Cornelia Hancock, Mt. Pleasant, | 10} 8] 18} 18) 18} 18) 0| 18
Mary P. Jacobs, ee 25| 20) 45) 45} 45] 45]. 0} 42
Frances E. Gauze, . x 27| 27| 54| 46) 49) 25) 8) 54
Isabella Lenair, Rigkersville, 26| 27| 53} 12) 0] 0} 13) 38
Totals for South Carolina, | 88) 821701211112] 88) 21152
Add Virginia, ; ; . |275|194/469/334/361/263] 12/312
Grand Totals, |363/276'639|455/473/351| 33/464
We leave this matter with Friends, and trust that it may
meet a generous response. Influences either for good or evil
will always have place: already the result of our labor is appa-_
rent, and unmistakable proofs of its efficiency are constantly
furnished. It is for Friends to say whether this shall be con-